Page 1:  · Web viewThe perfect branch leader doesn’t exist - no one can have all the skills to go it alone – it’s a team effort and you are the leader. The role of the Branch Committee

Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

TheBranch Pack

Guidance, information and ideas

to keep your branch brilliant


Page 2:  · Web viewThe perfect branch leader doesn’t exist - no one can have all the skills to go it alone – it’s a team effort and you are the leader. The role of the Branch Committee

Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

January 2019Contents


Running a Branch 3

Branch Leader 3

Branch Secretary 4

Branch Treasurer 5

Branch Meetings 6

Panic Attacks! 7

Closing a Branch 8

Membership Types 9

Prayer 9

Communication and Information Sources 10

Publications 10

Structure of Mothers’ Union 11

Charitable Appeals (Regulation 12) Ref 1 11

Data Protection 12

Risk Assessment Ref 2 12

Safeguarding & Child Protection 13

Additional Resources 13


Page 3:  · Web viewThe perfect branch leader doesn’t exist - no one can have all the skills to go it alone – it’s a team effort and you are the leader. The role of the Branch Committee

Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

The Constitution & Regulations for the Mothers’ Union, Diocese of Leeds can be obtained from the Diocesan Secretary, Joanna Sarkar, or from our website a Branch

General Information

A Mothers’ Union branch runs smoothly if everyone understands what is required of them and what responsibilities others have.

The perfect branch leader doesn’t exist - no one can have all the skills to go it alone – it’s a team effort and you are the leader.

The role of the Branch Committee is to support the Branch Leader. Its role is to organise branch activities and ensure a warm welcome for all members and visitors. In the absence of a designated Branch Leader the branch may be run by the Committee but there must always be a contact person for the branch.

Branch Leader - Appointed by incumbent for 3 years (+3 years if required)


1. Is responsible for overseeing all the work of the branch and ensuring the branch programme reflects the aims and objectives of Mothers’ Union as well as providing fun/interesting activities and meetings include worship.

2. Will lead meetings or delegate this to an appropriate committee member, encouraging others at all times to take on responsibilities.

3. Arranges committee meetings at least two or three times a year

4. Attends Diocesan Council and Episcopal Area Meetings or sends a representative from the branch. Others may also attend these meetings.

5. Keeps members abreast of Mothers’ Union work in the UK and the wider world.

6. Keeps the incumbent informed of branch activities and ensures current information about Mothers’ Union is available in church (display, slides or noticeboard).

7. Manages arrangements for the Wave of Prayer for the branch.

8. Prepares new members to be admitted.


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Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

9. Contacts the new branch if a member moves away (ask the Diocesan President for help if necessary).

10. Makes sure the Annual Report Form is completed on time, keeping a copy for branch records.

11. Ensures accounts are examined by an independent person.

12. Encourages members to take Families First magazine.

13. Ensures links are maintained with those who are unable to attend meetings - indoor or ill members.

14. Cares for the branch banner.

15. Branch problems? Discuss with incumbent and Episcopal Area President.

What you should do

Enjoy your role.

Be yourself. Don’t try to be like the last leader.

Delegate: Use your committee wherever possible. Avoid doing too much yourself. Delegating does not mean you can’t cope, it means you are involving others. It might be quicker to do it yourself but who is trained up if you are ill and who will take over from you? Leading meetings, giving a vote of thanks, writing for parish magazine etc. can be done by others - Even if you are very good at it, let others grow their talents.

Don’t ignore your parish priest, even if they don’t seem interested in Mothers’ Union. Keep them informed of what’s happening in the branch and the wider world.

Do not use your own bank account.

Do not encourage your branch to give to non Mothers’ Union charities. It’s illegal (Ref 1).

Prepare prior to a meeting:

Prayers, a hymn or a service - invite other members to take responsibility.

Check notices with secretary and treasurer.4

Page 5:  · Web viewThe perfect branch leader doesn’t exist - no one can have all the skills to go it alone – it’s a team effort and you are the leader. The role of the Branch Committee

Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

Make sure you know the speaker’s name and the title of their talk. Arrange for someone to thank the speaker and make sure expenses

are paid.

Branch Secretary - Appointed by Branch Committee


1. Agendas - distribute for committee meetings.

2. Programme - help arrange the programme for the year and book speakers for meetings. Contact speakers a week prior to the meeting and check they know where to find you (give details of transport, parking, a map).

3. Minutes - Write Annual Meeting and Committee Meeting minutes.

4. Keep a list of members with addresses and telephone numbers and record attendance at meetings if customary for the branch.

5. Remind the leader of any notices prior to the meeting.

6. Encourage the membership and send cards for sickness, bereavement, anniversaries (can delegate to other branch members).

7. Make sure there is an Email prayer contact within the branch.

Branch Treasurer - Appointed by Branch Committee

Must be organised and thorough. The responsibility for cash and accounts can seem heavily regulated but guidelines and advice from the Diocesan Mothers’ Union Treasurer (just phone if you need advice) can make it more straight forward. You should be a member of the branch committee.


1. Keeping the branch bank account. Account should be in name of the parish Mothers’ Union. Recommend 3 registered signatures - with 2 of 3 to sign each cheque (if one person is ill or dies, no one can get to money for the branch and problems occur).

2. All cheques for the Diocesan Mothers’ Union should be made out to Mothers’ Union, Diocese of Leeds with a note if it is for overseas, AFIA, special appeals etc.

3. The Mothers’ Union is a charity so you may not pay money to other charities in our name. (See Ref 2)

4. Make sure you have enough money in cash to pay speakers’ expenses.5

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Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

5. Collect annual subscriptions and donations, recording them and forwarding to the Diocese. Use a receipt book to confirm members’ subs have been paid.

6. Remind the branch leader and members when money is due.

7. Prepare the branch accounts for your annual meeting. Ask someone to help when the accounts are due if you are unsure and ask someone who is independent to check the annual accounts e.g. church treasurer or church member with financial expertise.

8. Keep records up to date and accurate – this saves time and worry. It also helps the branch budget effectively and ensures savings do not mount up but are passed on to do good works through the year.

9. Fill in and return the accounts form required annually by the Diocesan Treasurer on time.

10. Balance carried forward should only cover branch expenses for a year and excess sent to Mothers’ Union projects.

11. MUe goods - if paying for MUe goods ordered on line, remember to complete the name of the Diocese so that the order qualifies for the 10% Turnover Related Grant.

12. Collecting and paying all monies:- subscriptions, sales tables, speaker expenses, rent, money for outings or meals.

13. Pay branch expenses – tea, coffee etc, leader/secretary/treasurer/ others expenses.

14. Help leader and secretary with annual report form.

15. Avoid keeping money at home whenever possible.

Branch Meetings

Should fall into line with the current MU theme and in tune with the Aim, Purpose and Objects of the MU. Social events can be used for fundraising.

Worship The Mothers’ Union is a Christian organisation and therefore prayer and worship must be an integral part of each branch meeting. This can be done by using material from the service book, adapting from MU worship books, use of resources such as Families First. Imaginative use of other resources such as Families World Wide and the Diocesan News Letter is encouraged.



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Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

Should be short and relevant. They could be announced briefly and details put on a notice board or a sheet for members. Keep the branch informed about Episcopal Area and Diocesan Mothers’ Union events.

Content The Trustees recommend at least two speakers per year should be

Mothers’ Union speakers.

Speakers should be welcomed, shown facilities and told how meeting runs.

A vote of thanks may be given at the end by one of the members.

An offer to pay expenses is important.Note that when booking a speaker, it is good practice to discuss and agree any travel expenses at that time.

It is good to vary the format of meetings as they are not just to entertain members but opportunities to grow in faith and be effective members of society.

The ending could be a prayer or chorus.

Panic Attacks! At some stage a speaker may not be able to turn up.

Last minute ideas Choose a Bible passage (eg John Chapter 6 Feeding the Five

Thousand). Give each person a role and act it out; or read through and ask each person to describe how they felt in their role.

Current newspaper article – discuss what MU objects have to say about it.

Ask members to bring Families First - read and discuss an article. What would a non-member make of it?

With a little more notice – ask members to bring wedding albums and discuss different wedding customs.

Discuss one of the Social Policy documents available from Mary Sumner House website.

The Meeting Room

First impressions are important. If people are venturing out of their warm homes on a cold day ensure the venue is clean, tidy and warm.

1. Committee members arrive in time to make room warm and welcoming.2. Table cloths, flower arrangement, MU notice board help to make it attractive.3. Chairs arranged in curves avoids a school room appearance.4. At the end ensure the room is left clean and tidy.5. Give all, especially newcomers, a warm welcome.


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Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

6. Risk assessments should be carried out. (Ref 3.)

Branch Annual Meeting

Every branch should have one. (Invite Incumbent to chair). They are not always popular but necessary for the democratic running of the branch. Can recall events and look forward. Opportunity to take stock of finances.(Could try a wine and cheese evening or similar to encourage attendance.)

Procedure guidance

1. Service in church or time of prayer.2. Minutes of last AGM should be read.3. Secretary’s report.4. Treasurer’s report.5. Any reports from diocesan team reps/trustees.6. Election of officers (if needed).7. Branch Leader’s report with emphasis on encouragement for the future.

Branch Closure


1. Make your Episcopal Area President aware of any difficulty so they and the incumbent can help branch look at the options. They will keep trustees informed.

2. Closure may seem inevitable because of resignation of branch leader. It is sometimes possible to share leadership between two members or run the branch by committee. Sadly closure is sometimes the right course of action.

3. In the event of a branch wishing to close, six months’ notice to the Diocesan Secretary, in accordance with the Constitution of the Mothers’ Union, is required.

4. The PCC should also be informed.

5. Marking Closure with a Service is usual. It can be incorporated in Sunday Worship. The Diocesan President or Episcopal Area President should be invited.

6. Diocesan Membership


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Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

All remaining members of a closing branch must be cared for and encouraged to continue their membership by transferring to other branches or becoming Diocesan or Indoor members.

7. Branch Property

Any remaining funds must be accounted for and a closing balance sheet sent with any funds to the Diocesan Treasurer.

The banner remains the property of the Mothers’ Union. It should be kept in the church with permission of the incumbent or appropriate arrangements can be made for its storage - in either case the Diocesan Secretary needs to be notified.

Similar arrangements may need to be made for archiving other property and records - see regulations or ask for advice.

Belonging – Types of Membership

Branch Membership

The standard way of being a member of Mothers’ Union where members work together to further the Aim, Purpose and Objects as a group. Members are admitted via a church service, attend meetings and share fellowship by supporting branch, episcopal area and diocesan events and activities.

Diocesan Membership

Those who support the work of Mothers’ Union but are unable or prefer not to attend branch meetings because of commitments, no convenient branch or personal reasons. They must declare their support for the aims and objectives, are welcome to join in activities. A Diocesan Members’ Representative sends out Diocesan Newsletter and information about events.

Indoor Members Prayer Circle (IMPC)


Page 10:  · Web viewThe perfect branch leader doesn’t exist - no one can have all the skills to go it alone – it’s a team effort and you are the leader. The role of the Branch Committee

Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

Prevented from participating in branch activities due to age or infirmity but support work of Mothers’ Union through their prayers. They pay subscription to their local branch who distribute news, Families Worldwide and maintain a link. The Episcopal Area may have an IMPC rep. who liaises with diocesan IMPC leader. They distribute Cards for special occasions and a Prayer Diary four times a year.

Central Membership

For those who support Mothers’ Union and wish to be kept up to date but don’t want to be involved locally. They pay a higher membership fee which includes four issues of Families First and two copies of Families Worldwide per year plus current campaign updates.


Branches pray at meetings, sometimes have their own prayer chain or organise church prayer trees for requests for prayer.

Cathedral PrayersSometimes, branches take part in regular prayer at specified times in their local Cathedral or Minster.

Wave of Prayer Enables all members to be part of a worldwide prayer chain.The year is divided into three day periods during which prayers are said for members in dioceses across the world. Each Diocese has links with others across the world to pray for specifically during these three days.

Midday PrayersPrayers said at midday across the world by members. The links specified for each three day period with prayers for each day is set out in Families Worldwide. Every member receives a copy which can be used for personal devotions and is distributed twice a year.

Communication and Information Sources

Communication is vital to Mothers Union work. People are amazed by what we do.

Email is the easiest and cheapest way. Make sure news is passed on to members.

Useful information sources for branches The Mothers’ Union website:


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Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

MU Enterprises: MU website :

union Mothers’ Union, Diocese of Leeds or Episcopal Area Directory - with

officers names and details Speakers’ List Branch mailings from Mary Sumner House and Diocese MU worship/prayer books - United in Prayer and Worship (blue) and

The Prayers We Breathe (red) MU Enterprise catalogue – from MUe rep Mothers’ Union theme material for year Families First Mothers’ Union resource packs eg Relationships Matter Branch list of names and telephone numbers


Diocesan NewsletterMothers’ Union News is our Diocesan Email Newsletter and is distributed by the Episcopal Area President. Final date for copy is in the last issue.

Send notice to the Newsletter Editor of future events and news of anything interesting or different happening in your branch, eg any projects members have been involved in in the community. Please send photographs which "capture someone doing something”. These tell much more of a story and engage people more than just a group of people in a row.

Families Worldwide The magazine produced by Mary Sumner House and distributed to all members twice a year. It contains the wave of prayer and daily prayers linked to dioceses.

Families First Magazine available by subscription four times a year through Mary Sumner House. It comes via post. Contact the Diocesan Secretary if you would like a subscription form.

Audio Tapes of Families First are available through Mary Sumner House(24 Tufton Street, London, SW1P 3RB tel 0207 222 5533)

Structure of Mothers’ Union in the Diocese of Leeds


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Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

Central TrusteesMary Sumner House headquarters for worldwide organisation

| Provinces

We are part of the Province of York |

Dioceses We are in Leeds Diocese

I Diocesan Board of Trustees

Body elected to take decisions on behalf of members in the diocese.(membership set out in the constitution)

|Teams reporting to Trustees:

Diocesan Services, Prayer, Outreach, Communications, MUe |

Episcopal AreasInformative, debating forum attended by Branch Leaders to assist

Trustees and pass information to all members

| |

Branch Branch Committee

Led by Branch Leader with Secretary, Treasurer and Committee (1 member for each 10 branch members)

Diocesan Information

Ref 1 Charitable Appeals Regulation 12

Subject to the Aim, Purpose and Objects of the Society, a Mothers’ Union Branch may support the needs of its own parish but MAY NOT be used as a channel for charitable appeals on behalf of other organisations, nor shall money be allocated to them from Branch Funds, without the sanction of the Incumbent/Priest in Charge concerned and the Diocesan President, who shall take advice from the Chief Executive of the Society on the legality of the proposed allocation. For the avoidance of doubt, no part of the charitable funds of the Society or of any Mothers` Union Branch or Diocesan Organisation, shall be donated for a purpose that is not charitable in law.


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Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

Policies and the Law

It is vital that we comply with the three policies listed below: Data Protection Risk Assessment Safeguarding and Child Protection

Data Protection

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in May 2018: it falls into two categories:

How we collect and manage data How we communicate with individuals

Don‘t be anxious but do be careful about where you store personal data collected and who you may pass it on to. Keep the computer information on a memory stick, in a safe place and any hard copies keep in a secure and discreet place. For more specific information please ask the Diocesan Secretary who will put you in touch with the appropriate person who will advise.

Please note you can only collect, store and use personal data where there is a lawful basis for doing so. If in doubt always ask the appropriate person whether you may share the information with another named person.

Old and unused data must always be destroyed, remember shred and/or burn.

Ref 2 Risk Assessment

When organising events prepare financial budget and carry out risk assessments

Check Health & Safety Policy of parish or venue. Ensure adequate insurance cover available. Check Child Protection Policy of parish or group Comply with Food Hygiene Regulations. Check fire regulation, exits and assembly points. Keep up to date accounts and have independently checked

annually. Bank accounts/cheques –mimimum of 2 signatures. Ensure computer back up discs kept separate and away from computer. Avoid making statements to press/media without prior reference

to the Diocesan President/Mary Sumner House. Keep written records.


Page 14:  · Web viewThe perfect branch leader doesn’t exist - no one can have all the skills to go it alone – it’s a team effort and you are the leader. The role of the Branch Committee

Branch Information Pack Diocese of Leeds Mothers’ Union January 2019

Please adhere to parish policy if appropriate


Child ProtectionMothers’ Union has adopted the Safeguarding Policy of the Diocese of Leeds.Diocesan guidelines on safe working practice will be observed.

Outline:To safeguard children from physical, sexual and emotional harm.Procedure for working with young children -DBS clearanceSatisfaction of church or MU Diocesan Protection Officer.

Working with young children:Will involve at least 2 adults in a supervisory capacity.Any adult supervising a child should ensure that they are not left alone with a child where there is no opportunity for the activity being observed.No adult will meet with a child in secret.

Additional Resources Resources available from Mothers’ Union Diocesan Secretary:-

Branch Pack Diocesan and Area Directories Speakers’ List Mothers’ Union Diocesan Constitution & Regulations Safeguarding Policy, Diocese of Leeds

