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Great Ziggurat of Ur, Illustration Photographic Print at

The Ziggurat of Ur is a Neo-Sumerian ziggurat in what was the city of Ur near Nasiriyah, in present-day Dhi Qar Province, Iraq. The structure was built during the Early Bronze Age but had crumbled to ruins by the 6th century BCE of the

Neo-Babylonian period, when it was restored by King Nabonidus.


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ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, founded in 1990 as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, is a global

network of cities, towns and regions committed to building a sustainable future.

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1.1 This is a worldwide programme implemented locally, in the UK through your council.

Agenda 21 is a non-binding action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development. It is a product of the Earth Summit

held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992.


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Typically called a cross between Stonehenge and the Rosetta Stone, no one knows the exact purpose of these granite masterpieces.

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The Georgia Guide stones are a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts.

RECOMMENDED READING - What Is the Real Secret of the Georgia Guide stones?

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Agenda 21 - David Icke - The United Nations Depopulation Plan.

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The global cabal of U.N. Agenda 21 is behind global warming, regionalism, zoning, land and water use control, wealth redistribution, weakening and eventual

replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, global warming, cap and trade, Smart Grid.

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Smart Meters, carbon taxes, high gasoline prices, global citizens, IB World Schools, Common Core nationalized education standards, biofuels, Marxist

advancement across the globe, food control, water access control via the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST).

Gun control, health control, the Arab Spring/Winter, unchecked illegal immigration, and they are unstoppable.


What Is the Real Secret of the Georgia Guide stones?

Press here -

The global cabal of U.N. Agenda 21 is behind global warming, regionalism, zoning, land and water use control, wealth redistribution, weakening and eventual replacement of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, global warming, cap and trade, Smart Grid.

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Smart Meters, carbon taxes, high gasoline prices, global citizens, IB World Schools, Common Core nationalized education standards, biofuels, Marxist advancement across the globe, food control, water access control via the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST).

Gun control, health control, the Arab Spring/Winter, unchecked illegal immigration, and they are unstoppable.


The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. Presidential Documents Volume 29 No. 4 page 113 22 U.S.C. 285-288

For those interested here is the rest of the document:

How a global action plan can be implemented by the IMF, UN and Vatican.

The United Nations and The Pope are in agreement on The Climate Change Agenda and are now uniting to further the goals of Agenda 21 or Sustainable Development.


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Resolving the Bilderberg Group Mystery – Global Banking, Nazis & Alien Alliances

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Agenda 21: Everything you need to know about the secret U.N. plot ...


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Agenda 21 is being implemented by the UN around the world

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1.10 THE GREAT TRANSFORMATIONThe Saturn-Pluto synod occurs on January 10, 2020, initiating a new 34-

year cycle. This is a compounded synod with Ceres and Mars.

The Saturn-Pluto synod of January 10, 2020 expresses through one geocentric conjunction occurring on January 12, 2020.

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The 2020 Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto Synods

With Eris, Ceres, Mars, Pallas & Chariklo

~ A Societal Reset ~

Jupiter and Saturn are in the completion phase of their 20-year synodic cycle that began in 2000.

Jupiter and Saturn make their climatic arrival to conjoin with Pluto in late sidereal Sagittarius and under the Auspices of Aquila the Eagle in 2020.

Jupiter-Saturn cycles are one of the most powerful and influential in our solar system dynamics.

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Jupiter's magnetic field creates a huge, intense and complex magnetosphere that is larger than the diameter of the Sun and envelops the orbit of Saturn.


Saturn-Pluto-Ceres Synod - January 10, 2020 (34-year cycle)

Sidereal Sign: Sagittarius

Constellation: late Sagittarius

Influencing Constellations: Lyra, Aquila, Pavo, Octans

Primary Conjoining Stars: SS433 Neutron Star, Aquila; Delta Aquila; Sulaphat & M57 Ring Nebula Lyra; and Peacock (Alpha) Pavo

The 2020 Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto synods are converging together and will affect a Great Societal Reset along with the accelerated introduction of both disruptive and integrative technologies, and the emergence of an entirely new sociopolitical-economic and cultural paradigm…

A Saturn-Pluto synodic cycle, in general, will signal changes in the societal structures of consciousness and how we learn about the responsible use of power… We will be examining and reorganizing how our administrative systems and governments utilize such power.

These cycles tend to initiate a dismantling of long-standing established administrative constructs and systems of belief so that we can evolve collectively.

In the process, this can articulate as power struggles, wars and the like… but Saturn and Pluto will ultimately demand that we take responsibility for the discord and destruction we have produced and encourage us to create more harmoniously.

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1.12 THE GRAND STELIUMThe latest Ceres/Pluto personal and collective cycle began on Feb 15, 2015, in a last quarter square aspect to Uranus and the north node in Aries. Note also that Ceres has travelled in out-of-bounds declination for the entirety of 2015.

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The year has seen ISIS, the refugee crisis of Syria, and the fall-out from global warming grow exponentially.

For the current 2015 to 2020 cycle, Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, is in a balsamic phase with Pluto. A balsamic phase furthers the process of endings, completion, and culmination, while at the same time it is seeding for the future.

No doubt the next few staging years will prove to be a particularly significant, perhaps critical, destiny-in-the-making time, this at the individual, social, economic, political, global, and collective levels. Ceres and Pluto are in hard angle on the following dates: May 31, 2016, (Ceres at 17 Aries square Pluto), Aug 21, 2017, (Ceres at 17 Cancer opposition Pluto) and Oct 18, 2018, (Ceres at 18 Libra square Pluto).

The next four-year Ceres/Pluto synod cycle on Jan 12, 2020 coincides with the start of a thirty-three Saturn/Pluto synod, all in the sign of Capricorn. When Saturn and Pluto conjoin, they write a noteworthy page of history.

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"A superb collection, highlighting global moments, such as the Russian-Japanese War of 1905 and the Wilsonian war after World War I, and showing in detail how they have had local along with universal consequences.

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The chapter authors are experts in their topics, which range from Africa to China, and combine theoretical awareness with empirical mastery. The introduction by Conrad and Sachsenmaier sets just the right tone, reminding us of the interplay of modernity and globalization and the global and the local, while binding the chapters together. A truly original contribution to global studies and the historical context in which they take place." - Bruce Mazlish, Professor of History Emeritus, MIT


Capricorn is the archetype of the social world order, of structures, governments, authority’s rule, consensus, laws, limits, boundaries, borders, priorities, history, and time.

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Forming a Grand Stellium, the transits of the south node, Jupiter, Sun, Mercury Mars, and Venus will also make their contributions to the Capricorn priority agenda.

Additionally, they’ll all bunch-up on the planetary south nodes of Saturn and Pluto. Whew! That’s a heavy dose of reality for sure! Look to this timeframe for the ending of an era and for the emerging reality to be cemented in some momentous and undeniable way.

It may be short, it may be running out – even so, we are gifted with time. Let us use it wisely.


Jupiter-Pluto-Pallas Synod - July 31, 2020 (12.5-year cycle)

Sidereal Sign: Sagittarius

Constellation: late Sagittarius

Influencing Constellations: Lyra, Aquila, Pavo, Octans

Primary Conjoining Stars: Sulaphat Lyra; Delta Aquila; Peacock (Alpha) Pavo; and Theta Sagittarius

Jupiter-Saturn Synod - November 2, 2020 (20-year cycle)

Sidereal Sign: Capricorn

Constellation: early Capricorn

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Influencing Constellations: Cygnus, Vulpecula, Sagitta, Aquila, Microscopium, Indus, Octans, Hydrus

Primary Conjoining Stars: Altair, Alshain, Tarazed & Eta Aquila; Alberio Cygnus; Anser (Alpha) Vulpecula; Sham (Alpha) Sagitta; Alpha Indus; Nu & Iota Microscopium; Theta Octans, and Beta Hydrus

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