Page 1:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Cnidaria (April 2021)

Consciousness is the basis for everything. Yet it is a difficult idea to grasp. There is nothing else like it, it is in a category all by itself. And how do we come to understand it? We must use our own consciousness….turn our own subjectivity into an object, which is a kind of contradiction. – Mind looking at itself is like an eye looking at itself.

Homeopathy, however, provides an important tool for this. We create a space where patient and homeopath together observe a mental state in all its particularity, fullness, and uniqueness. We give a state of consciousness a voice by lending it our attention

Short case:

I’m a little bitty woman who’s been herculean. Mommy muscles. Outworking men in construction entire life. Exceedingly hardy and healthy. Then I got an infection in toes, up to shin, erupted in skin response…went traveling up my leg, into groin. Given intense abx. Progressed to right leg, hip. Alarmed. Excess iron, off the charts. That dx gets broadcast. Going to attack heart, liver, I’m going to die! Kept myself well with positive, spirit-based lifestyle. Acquiesced to x-ray. Didn’t want to concretize it. My bones, my femur….if I don’t know what’s going on systemically…don’t want to put a new door in a rotten door jamb.

Hips jammedDon’t know if my femur will stay in my hip. I’m not in pain but my walking is more perilous. When I put my leg down, will my femur stay in my hip, will I be able to stand, or will my hip just collapse? My hips have disintegrated

I showed up insatiably curious. I’m really engaged in…God, we’re here in this planet. A certain degree of innocence about me. Where fundamentally things don’t make sense. I’ve looked to people who can see. Are you a see-er?

It throws me into my abject vulnerability. My scorpio nature. Every day aware I could die, so thoroughly living. Very existential. Mostly it triggers my creativity. I do get sad, b/c I keep trying to be faithful, optimistic.

I’m an old sailor. Done a lot of sailing. Trying to stay steady.

Page 2:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Abject vulnerability? OMG. Starting to cry. Involved in metaphysics my entire life. Notion of being just a speck of dust. One of a bazaillion people. The insignificance, uselessness. Part of the problem, rather than the solution.

Rallying cry of raising the sail again, trying to catch the wind. What is the real reality?

Haven’t walked on water yet, but I’ve seen transformations.

Trying to stay non-oppositional, always moving. Trying to integrate two worlds, the seen and the unseen.

It’s awesome walking hand in hand with God.

I just hope God doesn’t forget me. I still have my boots on. Haven’t quit.

So much violence, cruelty, darkness in world.

After Rosa acicularis (Rosehip):

“I’m off the cross. No more nails. I’m a marionette on God’s strings, obedient, back to the beginning.” So much of the extraneous debris has been cleared from me.

I got myself so battered, bruised, dirty. I remember once I changed this lovely ministerial student’s tire, got greasy. When I wanted to meet the preacher she said, “No, you’re too dirty,” and she left me on the side of the road.

Now I just feel exquisitely free. Neutrally pending in the river. It’s all ok. It’s just amazing. Not aggravated constantly by all the things showing up that could be better. I’d love to be able to help….with the blatant stupidity, idiocy…. I’ll just be the best me I can.

Ended up crying gently when I recognized I was no longer personal, nor impersonal. I recognized I’m nobody , nothing, going nowhere. Cried. So now what’s here? It’s ok. Like a death. But painless.

Rosa acicularis: Rose hip, Wild Rose. Triturated by Paul Theriault. In his book A New Era: Homeopathy and the Human Spirit, he titles the chapter on this remedy as The Way of Love. Yakir places the Rosales order at the intersection of her Column 5 and

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Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Row 1. In other words, the order of Rosales is about not yet beginning the journey of integrating the challenge of “Me and the Other”. It is “Before Birth”, with difficulties confronting the inner as well as the materialistic world.

A dream from his trituration (C1): “A cow and a pig fell in love. The cow was taken into a slaughterhouse to die, and the pig followed out of love. I woke up to the sound of the pig screaming in the slaughterhouse as it was killed.”


Contemplation of the Word

2 minutes: What feelings/emotions/images come up?

Sea Remedies:The following information is from the following sources:

Jo Evans: Sea Remedies: Evolution of the Senses. 2009. Emryss Publishers.

Page 4:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

This book (Evans) is one of the most beautiful books ever published in our fields. Can’t recommend more highly!

Paul Theriault: The Table of Animals: The Porifera, Ctenophora, and Cnidaria. 2017

Ghanshyam Kalathia: Invertebrates in Homeopathy. 2019. Umiya Offset Printers.


Schisms between Self and Other

Conflicts btw Male and Female aspects of self

Invertebrates:Nervous system not so well developed. Open nerves – sensitive to all input. E/t is felt in an extreme way.Tics and twitches.Instinctual. More primitive.Basic need for food, sex.Doing.Lower moral sense.

Fear sudden death. Can be extremely hypochondriacal.Need to feel safe.Short life span.

Difficult being in any kind of relationship.A little bit like monocots: It’s all about me, myself, and I. They are the center of the world, and others are objects for them.More mechanical, robotical.

Page 5:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Not social in a heart-to-heart way.

Symptoms often vague.Hyper in response to outer worldPanic attacksReaction often extreme, no middle wayExtreme mood changes.

Sea invertebrates don’t have the differentiation of senses that land vertebrates have. Their experience of sensation is more fluid, blended, perhaps synesthetic.

Cnidaria are the earliest invertebrates still surviving today to have multicellular light-detecting organs, usually referred to as ocelli.. These can include eyespots, pigment cups, pigment cups with lenses, and try eyes with cornea, lens and retina. Light comes in, and the photoreceptor is attached to axons, synapsing with neurons, sending nerve impulses directly to the body, since these animals have no brain.

Jellyfish in particular have shown us that eyes existed before brains.

Having no brain and having radial symmetry, as opposed to bilateral, cnidaria don’t have the ability to balance logic and feeling, or to specialist according to

Page 6:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

brain hemispheres. Despite the fire and sensitive nature for the homeopathic cnidarian remedies, jellyfish in nature are generally elusive and hidden; they appear like amorphous ghosts coolly pulsing through time and light. But disturbed, they are likely to inflict violent stings.

Cnidaria have a sensation of being out of control mentally and emotionally, leading to overwhelming and powerful emotions. They also feels as if under the influence of mind-altering drugs, or as ifs intoxicated.Cnidaria: (Hydrozoas, Anemones, Corals, Jellies). Needy, demanding, complaining, attention-seeking. Thin

borders; fear of touch. Defensive. EXTREME sensitivity, exaggerated senses. Rude, abrupt.

Evolutionarily, a bit more evolved then the Porifera (sponges) and Ctenophora, but less differentiated than the

Platyhelminthes (flatworms), brachiopod, mollusks, arthropods, and echinoderms)

Cnidarian Themes:

Support system. Their level of development is similar to an infant or small child. Needy, demanding, complaining;

want a lot of attention.

Little structure – Jelly-like. “They are not only conscious about their physical apperance but also about their

achievements because they have come from nothing (Nothing is Porifera), so whatever they achieve is extremely

important for them and this excites them. They show their achievements to everyone, similar to a 1 yr old child

when it first learns to stand or walk or is able to speak a few words.

Thin borders – A/t can enter inside you. They have a border but it is newly formed, very thin, not tough enough to

defend. Extreme sensitivity. Fear from even thinking of touch; reacts suddenly, impulsively, and


Page 7:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Unstable, jiggling like jelly

Panicky/Frightful but defensive. Need immediate attention and assurance for safety.

Extreme sensitivity. Decentralized nerve net. First animals which react appropriately to a stimulus; so ability to

react is their unique defense mechanism. Nerves which are extremely sensitive to pain, suffering or injury.

Insulted, lamenting, mortified, quarrelsome, shrieking

“Cnidarians are the first animals able to sense reality of their surroundings. Like a person who has been blind all

this life and is suddenly able to see….They love et with their heart and wish to explore everthing which is

new….They like all physical rhythmic activity. Their artistic aptitude is because of their sensuality rather than


Exaggerated senses, or Active Sixth Sense

Irritable, angry, rude, abrupt

Common Sensations of Cnidarian Remedies

Burning, stinging. Pins and needles, electric currents, tingling, throbbing, pulsing.

- Feels like jelly, weakness, collapse of structure, numbness, empty.

- Itching, crawling.

- Dislocation, dismemberment, disorientation, disabled.

- Beaten.

- Swelling, enlargement, elongation.

- Squeezed, pinched, compressed, constriction, pulled, drawn backwards, pressed downwards.

These can naturally include real pains and also delusions as to the nature of the body.

Page 8:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Characteristic Sensations of Cnidarians

- Heat and Burning; external burning and internal coldness  

- Electrical shocks, pulsating pains, pins and needles, numbness

- Stitching/stabbing

- Dislocation (Corallium rubrum)

- Lack of substance, dissolving, collapsing, weakness with trembling, like jelly

- Floating or flying sensations or dreams

A Sense of dislocation

In the homeopathic remedies made from jellyfish, coral and sea anemones, there is a sensation of dislocation. The body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue syndrome and ME; with the endocrine system (pineal, pituitary and adrenal glands), after long or short-term stress, with illnesses and symptoms that relate to feeling ‘burnt out’.

The initial phase is hypersensitive, hyperactive, speedy, living on adrenaline, and a tendency, like the mythical Medusa, to ‘lose their head’. In the next stage, the patient may describe feeling ungrounded, floating, not quite in their body, disorientated. In the later stages they are heavy, exhausted and numb, and emotionally cut off. There is a sense of unreality and inability to make contact with the environment.

Yet, there is also a sense of inner vision and the ability to see beyond reality. These are remedies of extremes: fast and slow, heavy and light, joyous or apathetic, ultra-sensitive or numb with burning symptoms. Cnidarian remedies burn brightly, then burn themselves out.

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Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

- Emotionally impulsive: they “lose their head”. Ultra sensitive, overwhelmed by emotions, uncontrollable reactions.

- Burnt out, with nervous exhaustion and neuromuscular complaints.

- Strong desires and aversions. Highs and lows. Intense, burning sexual desire. Violent passion.

- High sensitivity to pain, intolerant generally.

- Stinging others: critical, contemptuous. Dictatorial, abusive, angry. Lack of empathy.

- Violence: beaten, broken, forced-apart sensations. Aggressive. Desire to fight or hit.

- Delusion of being outside the body, ungrounded, double.

- Weakening of boundaries and inhibitions; as if drunk.

Page 10:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

- Altered perception of time and distance.

- Inner vision and clairvoyance; prophetic dreams.

- Feeling detached, as if watching oneself from outside, or above; dreams of espionage.

- Light: Fluorescent colours, green. Photosensitive. Sensation of incorporeal light.

- Darkness: dark mood, black cloud, shadow.  

- Right-brain: impulsive, timeless, creative, lateral thinking, visual, intuitive, sees the whole picture before the details, able to encompass many things at once.

- Left-brain action is less capable: difficulty with calculating, writing, logic; confusion.

- Over-reacting, oversensitive, quick.

or Numb, distant, detached, slow.

- Desire for music, dancing, laughter, joyful

or Unable to enjoy. Aversion to the sight of others’ enjoyment. Laughter is irritating.

Sensitive to rudeness or can be rude, abusive, intolerant.

Case Gertrude: “Nothing to Hold On To”

Gertrude, 60 y.o., received 25 remedies from me before anything deep shifted. With no significant change in her loneliness, isolation, and feelings of victimization after many years of working together, she took a break in treatment, only to return in September 2019 with a very clear expression of her state:

“I had a good birthday. I learned about my behavior with my family. It was the first time I had a birthday together with my brother since high school. It was really fun.

Page 11:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

I discovered I was the peacemaker in my family. So nothing goes awry. My brother is challenging, belligerent. I’ve learned to walk this narrow space; not aggravate anybody.It’s like someone pulled the rug out from under me. There was nothing to hold onto. I depend on people around me to be stable.

Nothing to hold on to? “As if a balloon floating along, and somebody cuts the string. Oh my God, where am I going now? I need stability. I have enough instability on my own.Bernie (husband) is stable. He’s more reasonable. I immediately apologize, backtrack.

My dreams are usually disgusting, upsetting.

I didn’t want to leave Hawaii. I was enjoying myself. I felt calm coming home, relaxed.Hawaii is an escape. I love the humidity. My skin feels good. My nails feel strong. My body feels better with that humidity. It likes being wrapped up in a cocoon. Generally speaking I’m very dry. I enjoy being moist.

I’m tired of taking care of our property. Bernie wants to stay there. I’m tired of working so hard.I’m a little lonely. My brother isn’t supportive of me.

When David (old boyfriend) broke up with, I would wake up at night knowing something was not right. It was like having no compass, not knowing what direction to go in.

I want to feel like I’m part of a team. I want to collaborate. I tell Bernie, “I’m not an idiot.”

No direction? I’m so hurt, lost, at odds with everything. There’s some level of panic, being stuck with this maniac (brother) who’s being unreasonable. I’m affected by everything that goes on around me, very strongly. I’m super sensitive. Not that I have reserve. Everything is open and raw.

What does it mean, a direction to go in? Knowing who you are, what you want. Being very solid in that knowledge. I’ve never known where I was going, with anything in my life. I free-float. I don’t have any goals; particular ambitions. I have trouble committing myself to things.It’s as if you’re in a boat, and didn’t know how to navigate, use the stars. Oh, let’s see where we’ll end up now. I rely on other people to have some stability, direction. My brother is obviously not someone I’ll get that from. He just makes me feel crappy about myself.

Page 12:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Why do you become a peacemaker? Because otherwise I would get pummeled. I’m not good at that stuff. I don’t want to fail. I’m wimpy. I feel lonely, uninspired, not motivated to do anything. I have mental fogginess. My energy is very low in morning. At 6pm I have a lot of energy. In the morning I can’t stay on point, on task.

I’m missing my kitty a lot. The feral kitty doesn’t engage much. He has an alley cat mentality. I feel very alone. My dog only wants to play. I’m trying to resist the temptation to get another cat.Bernie is incredibly busy at work. At Christmas I’m going by myself to Hawaii. Bernie is working. We’re going to spend our Christmas’ with our respective mothers 3,000 miles apart. It’s on me to be with my mother. I promised my Mom I’d be there.

My life is horrible. Dull. I have no friends. I’m not doing any activities. I’m not inspired.My life is closing in like this. There’s a lot of narrowing going on.

Narrowing? There’s less interaction with other things. It’s all self-imposed. I’m not motivated to go out. I’m just not looking forward to anything. I’m in a rut.

What fears do you have? When my Mom passes, I’ll take it hard. Of not being interested in living. Of not being motivated, excited. Bernie has made me fearful of driving my sports car, of riding my bike. I’m too cautious.

I feel earthbound. It’s like wearing weights on my shoes. There’s this heaviness I’d like to dispel.

What was the happiest time in life? Everything looks better in retrograde. When I first got to Portland my resolution was to make friends. I was much more engaged. Now I don’t feel part of the community.

Bernie and I are both very undecided about things. We get along fine. It’s just neutral, very neutral.

Course of Treatment

Gertrude was given a dropper bottle with Heteractis malu (Hawaiian Anemone) 200C, with instructions to take a weekly dose.

Three months later, in January 2020, she returned to the office, and said:

Page 13:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Christmas in Hawaii was great. I went through a ton of old snapshots with my Mom. We had a good time. I think I’m doing great. I like my remedy. I know it’s timid; that’s something I need to work on. It’s scary to go on a glass elevator all by yourself! But in my 20s I got a private pilot’s license! I flew! It’s not as scary to do it with someone.

I’m going to pick things I’m timid about, and work on them. I got a cold, and was pleased at my rebound ability.

Do you still feel like you’re in a rut? Oh, no. I have this trip to look forward to. I really like being in Hawaii. Even if Bernie doesn’t want to go; I’m so much happier going by myself.

Is every day dull? No. Some days are, but not all the time. I’m getting my gut in order. I don’t have anything dramatic to look forward to. But that’s alright. As long as I can avoid dread I’m ok. I don’t like dreading my days. I have stuff to look forward to.

How is the marriage? Pretty good. He missed me a lot. That was impressive! Sex has gone by the wayside, but that’s ok. I’m a little more assertive. I noticed a startle on Bernie’s face. How dare I order him around? I’m feeling more like I can manage things.

My friends here are a bit superficial. I just don’t have much in common with them. But one of my dance friends and I will make sock monsters. I’m very excited about that!

Dreams? About that old kitty who was a real companion, an amazing cat. He was independent but right there for you.

In Hawaii people really appreciate me. The best thing to do is to keep moving. Bernie is much more conciliatory since I came back. He missed me!

This anemone and I can work together…..”

Three months later, in April, I received this email:

Hello Doug! I hope you are doing well in these very different times. We are holding up over here - Bernie is working from home and very busy. I am catching up on all manner of things and doing a lot of cooking - YUM! All those recipes I’ve been wanting to try are finally getting a chance to be made! I have yet to get to my bagpipe and fiddle practicing, but there is ample time these days so I’m sure it will happen. I suspect bagpiping outside will keep the chipmunks from eating all the bird suet...I’m wondering if

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Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

I can get more of my Hawaiian Sea Anemone remedy, Heteractus malu. I still have some, but would feel better to be able to replenish it. It’s working wonderfully for me - thank you! It’s like having a remedy friend to share things with, a nice feeling.Two months later:

June 18, 2020 – Office visit

I love this remedy. I feel a lot of joy. It’s interesting that I feel a lot of inner joy in this difficult time.

Can you describe it more? It’s like getting up and looking out the window, feeling really good inside. We’re lucky we live in such a beautiful area. I get to see the hummingbirds every day. I’m really benefiting from not being in town, not running around, just being in nature. I feel a lot of gratitude. I’m in a great place, have a good partner, and a good environment to live in. It just kind of wells up. I sing a lot. I sing to the birds. I call the hummingbirds my fellow travelers. I have a grape vine I’ve adopted, sing to her. Everything feels good.

The Remedy Heteractis malu

Heteractis malu, better known as the Hawaiian Sea Anemone, belongs to the class of Cnidarians, which includes Hydrozoas, anemones, corals, and jellies. Patients resonating with these remedies desperately need a support system; their level of development is similar to an infant or small child. They are needy, demanding, and complaining, and want a lot of attention.

They have little internal structure; indeed, their inner structure is ‘jelly-like’. They may get excited about very small achievements. Evolutionarily, cnidaria are most significant in their evolution of the senses (4). “Cnidarians are the first animals able to sense the

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Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

reality of their surroundings. Like a person who has been blind all this life and is suddenly able to see….They love everything with their heart and wish to explore everything which is new….They like all physical rhythmic activity. Their artistic aptitude is because of their sensuality rather than creativity…” (5)

Cnidarian remedies are distinguished from other invertebrates in part by their extreme sensitivity. They have thin borders, and feel that anything can penetrate. Thus they are “peacemakers”; they are not tough enough to defend themselves. Their heightened sensitivity leads to irritability, rudeness, and abruptness.

We are indebted to Marty Begin (6) for our understanding of Heteractus malu. It is very timid, shy, and wishes to stay hidden. It has a fear of sudden death, of being exposed. There is fear of injury to the belly, and a self-protective withdrawal. The inability to assert oneself is pronounced. In the above case, the healing of this symptom was one of the most satisfying aspects of the cure.

Water element in case:

Insecure attachment to motherHigh anxietyNothing stable to hang onto…no earth element

Invertebrate characteristics:

PassivityParasitism (extreme dependency)

Cnidarian Remedies:

Physalia physalis (Portuguese Man of War). Unsure, confused, weak, vulnerable. Put a great deal of effort into

maintaining the boundary and staying aware of self. Passive, indifferent to everything. No life within. Drift with flow.

Separated from world. Pressure building inside body. Dull, enveloped in a dark cloud.

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Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Paul Theriault: An intellectual understanding is required to make sense of the world and allow for a feeling of

safety. When this understanding is lacking the being feels immersed in great pain and loses the integrity of their

sense of self. This is described as stupidity or confusion.

Case JH 9 y.o boy:

Rocks, atoms, chemistry, crystals, fossils

Things like atoms, smaller than atoms

Quantum physics.

The laws change. For physics, you can’t stick your hand through wall. In QP, you possibly could. Stick your hand through wall. Atoms have

tight bonds.

If I was quantum small, then I could stick my hand through the gap btw atoms.

An atom is just a nucleus with stuff surrounding nucleus.

I don’t like heights. Not scared. Just afraid of what would happen if I fell down.

Don’t like it when people mean to me. They end up getting hurt. Called me a bad word. He ended up with a split lip.

Angry, rude. Then deny it.

I like video games with strategy. Most people like BOOM BOOM, I have a more powerful weapon.

I like games of luck, and strategy.

Fighting, different abilities, super abilities. Assassins have ability to do tons of damage. Warriors. Super attacks.

Hide in the jungle, jump out and scare people. Ability to go through walls.

Favorite part of game? At end, s/o attacking your crystal, they’re about to kill it. You JUMP OUT and scare them. Kill them.

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My teacher was a very mean teacher. She told me to go to Principals’ office because supposedly I was being loud, rude, running, hit s/o.

Supposedly I jumped over s/o. I got in trouble for stepping oThat’s one of the main rules. And then I GOT in trouble. They were the ones not

following the rules.

I had to sit on a spikey floor. Where e/o could see you. Horrible.

Another teacher took my lunch box away. Supposedly I was rude. I was just being playful. I said “You can’t take my lunchbox…its not your


Said I couldn’t play wall ball I was taking ball back from s/o who wasn’t taking her out. I punched the ball out of her hands.

A lot of people think I’m doing s/t wrong when I’m not.

4 yo brother. He punches me a lot. But then I punch him back. he gets angry at me for nothing.

Anthopleura xanthogrammica (Giant Green Sea Anemone)

More aware of self than Physalis. Like to be passive but have capacity to be active if needed. Personality is strong

and tough compared to other anemones. In some cases they look strong b/c of their carnivorous attitude with the

single-minded goal to win the battle with primitive thinking, impulsiveness, brutality.

Paul Theriault: Main issue is connection with others. Anything that disrupts or offends others and makes them

withdraw from the being will disrupt the integrity of their selves, which are still dependent on the feeling of being

united. Issues of social functioning, taboos, social ostracism which could detract from that connection.

Forgetfulness, poor organization and planning. Mistakes in writing, speaking. Lack of concern with timing.

Carelessness, slow thinking, poor mental functioning. Lightheadedness. Spacy feelings, feeling os unreality.

Numbness, no emotion, not able to access feelings. Feeling disconnected from others. Blocked intuition. Irritation

with others. Aggression in response to others’ transgressing boundaries.

My case RK:

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Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

I’ve been grouchy, moody, chewing people out….trying to get stuff organized to move out of storage unit. Taking it out on caregiver. Tell her “I’m sorry I’m so grouchy”.

Unbalanced. Not sleeping well. Leg spasms

New apartment? I’m loving it. It’s bigger. Hershey’s happier! Loves sitting in window.

Energy? Wearing down. Want to go to bed at 6pm. I’m moody.

People spying? Not having that problem

Feel completely safe from stalkers.

Few little nightmares, not too bad.

Lonely, abandoned. Would like contact with family. They blame me for what they did to me. For accusing them of assault and battery. She’s a liar. E/b believes her. She can’t

help it. She’s been like that her own life. My GM told me.

Dr recommended bariatric surgery. I told her she should gain weight, was too skinny! She’ll never say that again.

Don’t want to be skinny. Too many men chasing you. Don’t want to be in the spotlight.

Anthopleura xanthogrammica (Giant Green Sea Anemone)

Heteractis malu (Hawaii anemone)

Very timid, shy, stay hidden. Fears of sudden death, being exposed and breaking open. Unable to assert self.

Fear of injury to belly. Withdrawal.

Stichodactyla gigantea/Stoichactis kenti (Giant Carpet Anemone, Haddon’s Sea Anemone)

Fear of one’s own age. Organized, competitive, ambitious, angry. Desires to drive fast. Desires large doses of

medicines, an intolerance to even the slightest pain. Quivering, trembling, electric shocks, internal sensitiveness,

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Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Sensitive to whether others are being truthful. Delusion a heavy curtain hangs btw herself and others; antagonism

with those around them…

PT: Feels a lack of internal structure, which requires support from outside itself to be maintained, particularly from

the being’s family, friends and partner. Boundaries are lacking, and so everyone in the support network must

share the being’s views and ideas, particularly in the moral sphere. This is often phrased as integrity. If members

of the support network disagree with the being on something, or wish to go against the being’s ideas of what

should be, or their integrity, their sense of self is disrupted. “I feel a kind of determination to stop having

relationships with people who have different opinions. Even if these people are important, I can step back if I have

a different opinion. I fight my own truth without hate or compromise, even if I have to break the friendship. I feel

more concentrated inside…”

Antagonism with those around them. Feels choices are constrained by family/partner, lack of confidence, mistakes

in writing/speaking.

Accidents, injuries, URI. Cutting, lancinating pains. Desires grapes, salt.

the anemone has limited ability to move, but quickly retracts into itself when threatened.  It also employs stinging poison in its tentacles for predation and defense.  Proving symptoms include confusion as to personal boundaries, sensation of no defense or protection, about to be injured, sensation as if on drugs.

Page 20:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Interesting anemone rubrics and sensations:

Heightened senses; sensitive to sensual impressions, pain, rudeness

Quivering, trembling, electric shocks, internal sensitiveness

Pains: shooting, burning, stinging, itching, biting, rawness

Sadness from disappointed love

Page 21:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Forsaken, homesick, sentimental, self-pity

Corallium rubrum (Red Coral)

Very weak and fragile; intensely sensitive to e/t. Hard to find a balanced and stable atmosphere for them hence

they prefer to withdraw into a small, safe, stable environment. Very choosy. Once find s/t suitable they cling to

it..Intensely dependent and clingy but lots of complaints and dissatisfaction. But no capacity to fight as have

intense fear of pain and injury. Although they have arguments or verbal quarrels with their near and dear ones

they won’t leave because feel safe in a communal environment.

Bright red colorations or discharges. Nervous coughs. Empty feeling.

Irritability, intoxication, as if drunk, fear of suffering. Abusive and insulting. “Delusion, feels as if newly born in the

world and overwhelmed with wonder at the novelty of his surroundings”

PT trit: Very weak self buffeted by sensory impressions it can’t tolerate. Light too intense; sound too powerful.

Jittery, quivery, fizzling, dissolving, falling into bits. Withdraw into a small cave-like enclosure where feel safe,

secure, can finally relax.

The red coral is a close cousin to the sponge. Corallium rubrum may be thought of as a sponge that’s sharpened itself with calcium, but

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Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

nevertheless experiences an inner fragility and lack of strength relative to its environment. While corallium can be verbally abusive, they can’t back that up with physical intimidation. Like coral on the reef, a diver can be cut if they happen to brush against it, but so too the coral’s often broken in the process.  Like spongia, corallium is an excellent croup and spasmodic cough remedy, with the added feature of outward pressure: redness of the face, and sometimes even nose-bleeds during the cough. The coral reefs also represent the value of community in survival, and may be chosen if a person with chronic cough also seeks safety through creation of community wherever they move Fear of suffering, pain

Delusion has been poisoned

Morose, sulky, cross, fretful, ill-humor,

Page 23:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Quarrelsome, scolding with pains

Abusive, insulting with pains

Restlessness, nervousness, tossing about in sleep

Corallium nigrum (Black coral)

Like red coral very weak and fragile. But prefer to stay hidden. Feel they have limited resources to care for self.

Panicky, fragile, sensitive to many things. Building a fort around herself, inside the fort is safe and secure but no

one taught her how to deal with the world outside her fort. Outside is dangerous with a feeling of shock with

numbness. Fearful of conflict, problems trusting.

PT: Strongly overwhelmed by social conflict, by others drawing upon their resources and imposing upon them

socially, destroying their sense of self.

Fatigue, Lyme dz, CFS.

Diploria clivosa (Brain coral)

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Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Not as sensitive as red coral or as weak, fragile, and timid as black coral. They are much stronger and tough and

able to withstand the adversities and hardships of life. Adjust to others rather than have conflicts. Firm and strong.

Determined, resistant. Dreams worms, open brains.

Proving by Anne Schadde: Feel a great symbiosis with those around them, stabilizing themselves. This

relationship is disrupted by chaos. This chaos results fro willfulness, from going against higher will with one’s own


Poor mental functioning, confusion, difficult thinking, poor memory. Weak willed or strong willfulness..

Dry coughs

Medusa/Aurelia aurita (Moon jelly)

Toddler-like. Desire and easy and steady life. Averse company, withdraw. Want to flow with the rhythm of life.

Aversion to change. Cut off, grudge. Motion. Hate people who are enjoying life. Industrious.

Lack of or excessive milk production. Urticaria, vesicles. Leucorrhea.

Jellyfish (medusa) also gracefully move with the currents, not actively pursuing prey, but rather creating a gentle pulsating current to draw plankton into their “mouths”.  Although not engaged in active confrontation, both anemone and jellyfish employ electrochemical means for survival and

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Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

defense.  Medusa and anemone are essentially unstructured, and share symptoms of hypersensitivity alternating with numbness, as well as many characteristics of the better-known sepia. There’s a desire for movement, along with sensitivity to their environment and a desire to “escape” from family and friends. But where sepia is usually shut down, medusa is “alive”, even if “alive” means restless and irritable! Medusa is also known for distress at times of major transition. Mangialavori notes that clients’ gestures may also be graceful, similar to the innate graceful movement of a jellyfish in the sea.

Page 26:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Interesting medusa rubrics and sensations:

Restlessness, nervousness; internal, tremulous

Irritability from trifles

Lashing out verbally or physically and cutting off people emotionally

Industrious, mania for work

Indifference, apathy to agreeable things

Page 27:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Desire for rest

Eating ameliorates mental symptoms

Aversion to change

Chironex fleckerii (Box jellyfish)

Capable of doing something independently so they do not need to be mono-focused like medusa. Enduring and

persistent about whatever they are dong. Can look dictatorial. but focus is simple and basic. Want order and

perfection. Don’t want mess or chaos. Desire solitude, silence. And this solitary nature shows their independence.

They are carnivorous and an active hunter so the personality is also predatory and likes to overpower others to

fight seriously.

Proven by Alastair Grey

My case of VM:

Uncontrollable anxiety…spiral to a panic attack. Pace the floorAnxiety…a different typeIntrusive thoughts….suddenly worried that John was going to cheat on me.

Page 28:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Pain in injured area of neckProblems with low back. Hurst so bad. That only hurt after I gave birth.Bladder hurting. Left hip aching. Felt there was a vice on itPhotosensitivitySees discs when close eyes..dark red. You see dark red when you close your eyes. Like an after-image.I get after-images easily when you’re photosensitive. SO much more photosensitive.Don’t know if I should get medical careWeird shadowy circlesFear and anger. SO mad about s/t John has done. I can’t take it any more. You have to stop doing that! Wake up 3am mad about it. Really mad! Want to get a hotel room, leave the house mad. Then try to calm down. Out of character anger.Not respected, supported, seen as important. John preferring others to me. You likeyour Dad more than us? What is this?Dreams intense, exhausting, but not fearful.

By the ocean? Normally a lot better. When I think about it now I don’t feel that way. Normally nice and peaceful. But

Tinnitus – getting better. Taking antifungal sprays.

Chironex fleckeri 30C EK every few hours while awake.

Fossil Dimorphastrea

PT: Proved by Martine Mercy. Extremely vulnerable to outside environment, with few barriers to prevent it from

absorbin all kinds of toxicity. This toxicity give it a feeling of intoxication, causing withdrawal into a space of

isolation and seclusion. Extremely lonely, desiring company, consolation, communication and exchange of an

active life.

Takes on invasive stress from people they are close to. Feel their space is easily invaded or overcrowded by the

emotions and issues of others. Averse to others around them. Delusions of being beautiful, things are beautiful.

Loves communication, but in a silent environment without interaction. Feels she doesn’t belong, feels neglected. >

consolation. Easily impressionable. Confusion of identity.

Page 29:  · Web viewThe body may feel dismembered, dislocated, spineless. The group has an affinity with neurological disease and conditions involving weakness, such as post viral fatigue

Doug Brown CCH FNP on the Hub: Homeopathy, Physics and Consciousness

Environmental toxicity, chemical, heavy metal. Easily affected by external toxicity. Painful intercourse. Insomnia.

Dysfunction in right cervical spine, occiput, right ear. Eczema, poor digestion. Heaviness/numbness in left arm.

Poor circulation in legs. Cramps in calves. Shoulder pain.

Fossil Fungia Coral

Proved by Martine Mercy. Key issue is one’s ancestral inheritance. The being has no barriers btw itself and its

ancestral inheritances and cannot move beyond them into its own life. The being floats above its day-to-day life,

not fully connected to any part of its life due to its immersion in the issue of its ancestry. As such it cannot

completely fulfill its own roles in life, notably motherhood…indeed, it barely feels its own life.

Indifference. Will not get involved in arguments. Never in deep or profound turmoil over anything. Dominated by

ancestral and cultural patterns. Limited by the past.

Strong effect on mucus membranes. drainage of the external ear. Headaches from toxicity. Yellow-green profuse

mucus. Sensitivity of throat to atmosphere. Nostril ulceration. Larngitis
