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COST Action TU1003

MEGAPROJECTS The Effective Design and Delivery of Megaproject in the European Union

Minutes of the Third Management Committee MeetingTuesday 2 May 2012

Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia


Apologies: George Chen, Marcus Enoch, Roland Gareis, Rene Henschel, Agnieszka Lukasiewicz, Ruth Mourik, Kjell Harald Olsen, Lilyana Pavlova, Athena Roumboutsos, Hakan Westerlund, Rolf Wuestenhagen, Gabriele Grimm.


Abreu E Silva Joao (MC member)


Adlbrecht Gerald (MC member)

Dr Alfalla-Luque Rafaela (MC member)Prof.

Baltov Milen (MC member)


Brookes Naomi (MC chair)

Mr Hanocq Philippe (MC member)Prof.

Ivanicka Koloman (MC member)


Kazimierz Banasik (MC member)

Dr Korytarova Jana (MC member)Prof.

Lo Storto Corrado (MC member)

Dr Mancini Mauro (MC member)Prof.

Martinsuo Miia (MC member)

Dr Medina-Lopez Carmen (MC member)Dr Mourik Ruth (MC member)Prof.

Njaa Ove (MC member)


Pau Louis-Francois (MC member)


Radjukovic Mladen (MC member)


Spang Konrad (MC member)

Dr Spirkova Daniela (MC member)Dr Triantafyllopoulos Nikolaos (MC member)Prof.

Trpevski Strahinja (MC member)

Substitute MembersMr Wansdronk ReneMs Hampl NinaObserversDr Giorgio LocatelliMrs King SarahDr Vit Hromadka

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1.0 Review of Minutes Of Last Meeting

1.1) NB welcomed everyone to the meeting and the meeting agenda was adopted unanimously

1.2) The last sentence on Item 4.0 should read Thierry Goger also gave feedback on the recent domain conference.

1.3) There were no other comments on minutes of the MC meeting on 8 September 2012 at Leeds University (UK) Agreed The minutes were a true record

2.0 Matters Arising

2.1) Candidates for the role of Dissemination Co-ordinator are required. NB outlined the job description. No nominations were received by attendees. Action: NB to follow up.

2.2) NB described the arrangements following the authorisation given to her by the MC following from her email dated for delegated financial decisions. These entail the delegation of approval of individual activities to the ‘core’ team comprising the Action Chair and the three working group leaders. Using this mechanism, the decisions outlined in Annex A of this report had been taken. Agreed: The MC ratified the decisions contained in Annex A.Agreed: The MC approved the continuation of this authorisation procedure for Year 2 of the Action operation.

3.0 COST Office report

3.1) The COST Office sent no specific items to raise at this meeting3.2) The deadline for compiling and submitting the Monitoring Report to the COST office is 25

May. Action: Working group leaders to submit progress reports by 12-05-12

3.3) NB called for ideas for improving COST Actions from MC members to put forward at the COST Domain Committee Review Meeting on 4-5 July in Reyjkavik. Action: All MC members to send as they feel appropriate

4.0 Working Group Reports

4.1) Cross-Sectoral Working Group: George Chen has resigned as leader due to ill health. Milen Baltov had been nominated as the new leader by the working group was officially appointed following approval of the appointment by the MC.Agreed: Milen Baltov is now the Working Group Leader of the Cross-Sectoral Working Group

MB reported that the group had been challenged by dealing with the diversity of its members and their work. Some interesting viewpoints and analyses had emerged and although not all the cases had been finalised they were all strong enough to progress.

The next CS WG meeting will be in Edinburgh or Liege

4.2) Energy:MM reported to need to speed up on thoughts from the team during the remainder of the

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The next Energy WG meeting will be in Milan in early July.

4.3) Transport:JA reported good progress and with further work the group would have material suitable to publish.

The next Transport WG meeting will be in Croatia.

4.4) NB thanked GC, MM and JO for their work as WG leaders so far, and MB for taking up the Cross Sectoral WG leadership role.

5.0 Review of Draft Annual Monitoring Report

5.1) A draft of this Annual Monitoring Report was presented to the meeting ad is contained in Annex B of these minutes. The report needs to be submitted to COST by 25 May. WG progress reports are required to complete this overall report and should be sent to NB by 12 May. The report should comprise a document outlining group members, meetings to-date the case studies and the cross-case themes developed for further analysis. Action: NB to send a report template to WG Leaders and WG Leaders to complete

5.2) NB outlined the content of the draft report and thanked those who had sent related publications and research grant applications. To complete the report information from Cost Interaction forms is needed. NB requested submission of completed forms as a matter of urgency. Action: All MC members to complete and send to NB

5.4) Agreed The MC ratified the submission of the Annual Monitoring Report by NB to the COST Office subject to addition of working group progress reports and any extra material provided by MC members on publications, research applications etc.

6.0 Action Budget Review

6.1) The budget status as at 2 May 2012 given below was presented to the meeting:

Budget Actual

Meetings 67840 75449.66*

STSM 15000 3000*

Web & Comms 2000 6384.5

Other 160 0

Total 85000 84834.16 * Includes a forecast figure

6.2) NB explained that the overspend on meetings was due to the increase in number of MC members during the year. There had also been an over spend on the website but NB explained this was due to needing to outsource specialist web services for building of the site which had not been envisaged at budget planning stage.

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7.0 Draft Work plan and Action Budget July 2012 – June 2013 & Location of Meetings

7.1) NB presented to the meeting a Draft Work Plan and Action Budget for approval by the MC prior to submission to the COST office. ( The Draft Work Plan and Action Budget are contained in Annex C of the document.)NB put this in context by presenting a phased plan for the remainder of the action up to May 2015 and a schematic plan for the activities for the next year of the Action’s operation.(See below)

7.2) LFP queried if training schools can be operated with less than fifteen people.Action NB to investigate

7.3) MM and LFP queried how the cross-case themes would be ratified given the importance that they have for the rest of the Action. NB highlighted the role of the virtual exercise of all MC members in October 2012, the ESR ‘Think Tank in November 2012, the CORE team meeting in December 2012 and the final ratification of themes at the next MC meeting in January 2012.

7.5) NB presented a breakdown of budget figures for the next financial year which totalled 117,350 euro. She requested 15% of the budget be allocated to admin support as the previous year.

7.6) Agreed. The Work Plan and Action Budget (including the administrative allowance) was agreed by the MC subject to clarification of numbers of participants in training schools.

7.7) The MC accepted the very kind offer of Joao Abreu to host the next MC meeting and whole Action workshop in Lisbon, Portugal in January 2013. Action: NB to doodle dates and to disseminate the final choice.

7.8)) The following MC meeting at the start of 2014 will be a Whole Action Conference with invitations extended to external stakeholders. It was agreed that the meeting should be planned to synchronise with other conferences to achieve the best outcome. NB called for thoughts on dates and local hosting. ALL

8.0 STSM Status

8.1) NB reported that little had been spent on STSMs to date so the number of STSMs will need to increase during the remainder of the Action with earlier planning. There is scope for short notice STSMs to be funded (the actual amount of funds available will be known once all the

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expenses for this meeting have been processed). Action: All to consider.

8.2) The current approved STSMs are by Tomas Urbanovsky who will study nuclear newbuild in the UK and Jonas Wennstrom who will study HSR investments in Germany. Both STSMs have a budget of 1500 euro each.Agreed: The MC ratified these awards.

9.0 Publications, Dissemination And Outreach Activities

9.1) A special issue the Organisation, Technology and Management in Construction Journal on Megaproject Management is being coordinated by Action members and a number of embers had also contributed papers. NB called for suggestions for further publication opportunities.Action All MC members to consider

9.2) MR advised that the 2013 IPMA World Congress will be held in Croatia in October 2013. He suggested that the Action should participate fully in this event.Action NB to coordinate MEGAPROJECT’s participation in this event.

9.3) MiM reported on dissemination opportunities at the EUROMA 2013 conference which is open for track proposal and symposium suggestions contributions until 19 June 2012. MiM also highlighted the IRNOP conference in Norway in June 2013.Action MC members to consider how they may contribute to these events and NB to coordinate.

9.4) NB thanked those who had submitted information on their publications, research proposals and other outreach activities for their work to date.

10.0 Requests for New Members

10.1) NB advised that new participants of working groups should act as informal members of the group until the end of the first phase of the Action (December 2012) after which the working groups can be restructured and new members formally appointed.

10.2) There are currently no new membership requests under consideration.

11.0 Promotion of Gender Balance and of Early Stage Researchers (ESR)

11.1) The current gender representation within the MEGAPROJECT Action is 33% female and 67% male MC members. Whilst the Action is within its first year of operation it is difficult to promote MC membership balance as membership is open to all who apply.

11.2) 24% of the participants in the Action are ESRs.

12.0 Non-COST Country Participations

12.1) NB is currently investigating interest from Brazil.Action: NB to investigate

13.0 Web News

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13.1) Feedback on the website to be would be greatly appreciatedAction: All MC members to send responses through to SK

Sarah King May 2012

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Annex A: Decisions given delegated financial approval by the CORE team since the last Management Committee Meeting.


One-day Energy Working Group Meeting held in Milano (LHS: Mauro Mancini)

Two-day Cross-Sectoral Working Group Meeting held in Burgas (LHS: Milen Baltov)

Two-day Transport Working Group Meeting held in Athens (LHS: Athena Romboutsis)

Increase in Budget to pay for Web-site Work

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Annex B: Annual Monitoring Report

COSTDomain Committee "Transport and Urban Development"

COST Action TU1003Start Date (start date of the Action)

MEGAPROJECT: The Effective Design and Delivery of Megaprojects in the EU


Reporting Period: from 16/05/2011

to 25/05/2012

This Report is presented to the relevant Domain Committee.

It contains three parts:

I. Management Report prepared by the COST Office/Grant Holder

II. Scientific Report prepared by the Chair of the Management Committee of the Action

III. Previous versions of the Scientific Report; i.e., part II of past reporting periods

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The report is a “cumulative” report, i.e. it is updated annually and covers the entire period of the Action.

Confidentiality: the documents will be made available to the public via the COST Action web page except for chapter II.D. Self evaluation.

Based on the monitoring results, the COST Office will decide on the following year’s budget allocation.

Executive summary (max.250 words):

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I. Management Report prepared by the COST Office/Grant Holder

I.A. COST Action Fact Sheet

Please See the Annex A at the End of the Report for Details not provided here

COST Action number - title Domain name

Action details:CSO Approval: (day/month/year) End date: (day/month/year)

Entry into force: (day/month/year) Extension: (day/month/year)

Objectives (from DB as in About COST)

Parties: list of countries and date of acceptance

Austria (date) Greece (date) Poland (date)

Belgium (date) Hungary (date) Portugal (date)

Bulgaria (date) Iceland (date) Romania (date)

Croatia (date) Ireland (date) Serbia (date)

Cyprus (date) Israel (date) Slovakia (date)

Czech Rep. (date) Italy (date) Slovenia (date)

Denmark (date) Latvia (date) Spain (date)

Estonia (date) Lithuania (date) Sweden (date)

Finland (date) Luxembourg (date) Switzerland (date)

FYR of Macedonia (date) Malta (date) Turkey (date)

France (date) Netherlands (date) United Kingdom (date)

Germany (date) Norway (date)

Intentions to accept: list of countries and date

Other participants: (Institution Name, Country, Town)

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Chair: (name, institution, address, phone, e-mail)

DC Rapporteur: (name, institution, address, phone, e-mail)

Science Officer: (name, e-mail) Administrative Officer: (name, e-mail)

Action Web site: http://www. Grant Holder Representative(name, e-mail)

Working Groups (list of WGs and names and affiliations of participants)


Joao Abreu e Silva

Agnieszka Lukasiewicz

Mladen Radujkovic

Rafaela Alfalla-Luque

Carmen Medina-Lopez

Athena Roumboutsos

Konrad Spang

Hakan Westerlund

(ECR: Prince Boateng)


Nina Hempl

Ruth Mourik

Mauro Mancini

Naomi Brookes

Kolomon Ivanicka

Daniela Spirikova

Gerald Adlbrecht

(ECR: Giorgio Locatelli

Tomas Urbanovsky)


Milen Baltov

George Chen

Claudia Wenninger

Rene Wansdronk

Phillipe Hanocq

Ove Njaa

Corrado Lo Storto



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I.B. Management Committee member list

Name Country E-mail

I.C. Overview activities and expenditure

(year) Budget

Total Action Budget:

Remaining Action Commitment:


Meeting Type Date Place Cost Total

Transport Working Group

 6/2/12-7/2/12  Athens 



 5639.57 13246.7




27/2/12 Milan 3032.16

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9/2/12 – 10/2/12 Burgas 4574.97


Beneficiary Date Place Cost Total

 Tomas Urbanovsky



 1500 3000



TBD Germany 1500


Title Date Place


Cost Total

 1st whole action & MC

7/9/11 – 9/9/11      Leeds  24702.96 61342.96

2nd whole action & MC

2/5/12 – 3/5/12 Bratislava 36640

General Support Grants

Beneficiary Date   Cost Total



Title Date Place Cost Total




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Title Date Place Cost Total

 Web-site & initial portfolio






Action Total : 83974.16

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II. Scientific Report prepared by the Chair of the Management Committee of the Action, describing results achieved during the Action operation in this period, in no more than 3 pages (the report is “cumulative”). All items listed in Sections A, B, and C, below, must be addressed.

Additional documentation such as extended scientific reports, proceedings of workshops, seminars or conferences may be provided separately as an annex to this report, and should be referenced in the report.

II.A. Innovative networking

Innovative knowledge resulting from COST networking through the Action. (Specific examples of Results vs. Objectives)

Significant scientific breakthroughs as part of the COST Action. (Specific examples) Tangible medium term socio-economic impacts achieved or expected. (Specific examples) Spin off of new EC RTD Framework Programme proposals/projects. (List) Spin off of new National Programme proposals/projects. (List)

II.B. Inter-disciplinary networking

Additional knowledge obtained from working with other disciplines within the COST framework. (Specific examples)

Evaluation of whether the level of inter-disciplinarity is sufficient to potentially provide scientific impacts. (Specific examples)

Evaluation of whether the level of inter-disciplinarity is sufficient to potentially provide socio-economic impacts. (Specific examples)

II.C. New networking

Additional new members joining the Action during its life. Total number of individual participants involved in the Action work. (Number of

participants. Give % of female and of Early Stage Researcher participants) Involvement of Early Stage Researchers in the Action, in particular with respect to STSMs,

networking activities, and Training Schools. In addition, justification should be provided if less than 4 STSMs were carried out during the year.

Involvement of researchers from outside of COST Countries. (Number of participants from non-COST Countries approved by the CSO. Give % of such participants from countries with reciprocal agreements. Specify their contribution)

Advancement and promotion of scientific knowledge through publications and other outreach activities. (Number of publications and other outreach activities that resulted from

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COST networking through the Action. Complete list should be given in an annex) Activities and projects with COST network colleagues. The capacity of the Action members to raise research funds.

II.D. Self evaluation

Indicate in no more than 1 page what, in the opinion of the MC, were the main successes, drawbacks (if any) and the key difficulties encountered (if any).

III. Previous scientific report(s)

Part II of past periods’ reports are to be found here.

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MEGAPROJECT COST Action Scientific Report

IIA: Innovative Networking

The innovative networking undertaken by the MEGAPROJECT Cost Action has resulted in the achievements of all of the objectives that it has set itself in its first year of operation. Table 1 shows the objectives for the first year of operation and the achievement of those objectives.


I - An accessible library of meta-data on European cross-sectoral megaproject cases.

Objective Achieved

The MEGAPROJECT portfolio of cases is now available at Annex B of this document outlines all of the MEGAPROJECT cases

II - Initial reports by each working group on emergent themes for megaproject performance.

Objective Achieved

Following on from the second Whole Action Workshop in Bratislava each working group has produced an interim report on their cases and emergent themes. These are attached in Annex B of this report.

III - -A special journal issue encapsulating the emergent themes for initial case examination and the methodological challenges in creating these.emergent themes.

Objective Achieved

A special issue of the Organization, Technology and Management in Construction Journal ( entitled “Megaproject Management” is being produced for

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November 2012. The issue is edited by Action members and an Action ESR and a wide variety of submissions have been received by Action members.

IV - Web-site established and key stakeholders identified and in receipt of their first communication.

Objective Achieved

The Action website can be found at A database of Action stakeholders has been created and an initial communication has been sent to all of those identified.

The generation of this portfolio of MEGAPROJECT cases is very significant. Very few large scale empirical studies of infrastructural megaprojects have been undertaken. The dataset is also unusual in the level of detail of its composition. A unique ‘data template’ approach has been formulated to insure that similar data is captured across cases and to ease the identification of cross sectoral themes. A sample of a case generated by the template is given in Annex D of this document. It is very early in project to make a significant impact on stakeholders as the generation of new knowledge is just coming to fruition. However, the Action, as outlined above, has already identified its stakeholder audience and has made an initial communication with them. In addition, new networking is leading to a number of interesting scientific outcomes and research opportunities and these are enumerated in Section IIC.

IIB: Interdisciplinary in networking

The interdisciplinary nature of this Action is fundamental to the new knowledge that it is creating. MEGAPROJECT’s working groups contain mixes of civil engineers, industrial engineers, logisticians, transport and energy professionals, business and management specialists and policy advisors. This highly multi-disciplinary approach has insured the breadth of data collected about each case (for example the emphasis given to stakeholders in projects) and has been instrumental in identifying novel cross-sectoral themes of megaproject performance. Furthermore, the social network of stakeholders that is given by accreting the links of such a diverse Action provides an excellent mechanism for the Action to make substantive societal impacts. At this stage in the Action, the interdisciplinary nature of MEGAPROJECT is proving to be a very effective enabling mechanism.

IIC: New Networking

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Action Profile

6 new countries have joined the Action and additional 12 new members have joined representing a 43% increase and a 46% increase respectively. Of the 46 individuals who have been involved in the Action, 24% are ESRs and 33% are women including the Action Chair. ESRs have been involved in all aspects of the Action (working group meetings, workshops, STSMs). Unfortunately due to the increase in numbers, it was not possible to fund as many STSMs as had been intended as extra funding needed to be spent MC members attendance. No current non-COST countries have been involved but the possibility for undertaking this in the next year of operation will be actively investigated.

Action Activities

A complete list of action activities is given in Annex C of this report. Despite being at the start of its life-cycle, MEGAPROJECT members have produced nine internal ACtion reports, submitted seven publications that relate to their MEGAPROJECT activities, are editing a special Journal issue and have received a commission for a book chapter on megaproject research methodologies. Action members have three research submissions in progress that relate to MEGAPROJECT activities or involve other members from the Action.

The MEGAPROJECT Action has disseminated its results through two invited conference presentations in February in Burgas, Bulgaria and in April in Düsseldorf, Germany. It has further events planned for this year in June in London and in August in Lille.

IID Self Evaluation.

In the opinion of MEGAPROJECTS’ management Committee, the following are the main successes of the Action so far:

Successful Achievement of Objectives: The Action has succeeded in fulfilling the objectives that it set for itself in its Work Plan for this year which augers well for it to deliver all of the outputs that were indicated in the Memorandum of Understanding.

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Growth of the Action: The Action has succeeded in growing by over 40% in terms of country and member participation since the launch of the project. It now has a satisfactory ‘critical mass’ of participants to complete all of its activities.

Creating a Network: This Action was not born from an existing network and, furthermore, it combined a vast range of multi-disciplinary expertise. The Management Committee considers that the Action has been successful in forging from these elements a vibrant community that will go on to have a substantive impact on bothe the research and practice of designing and delivering megaprojects in Europe.

The MEGAPROJECT Management Committee has encountered some difficulties in its operations but feeld that it has been successful in overcoming these:

Developing a new research methodology; Undertaking a rigourous and systematic analysis of megaproject cases across sectors is not an activity where there is a large body of existing knowledge. Therefore MEGAPROJECT not only had to create new knowledge but also a new research methodology to create this.

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ANNEX A - Action TU1003 Fact Sheet


MEGAPROJECT: The Effective Design and Delivery of Megaprojects in the European Union


MC Chair Science Officer: Administrative Officer:

Prof. Naomi BROOKES Tel. +44(0)7966182327 [email protected]

Dr Thierry GOGER COST Office [email protected] +32 2 533 38 32

Ms Carmencita MALIMBAN COST Office [email protected] +32 2 533 38 42


Draft Mou:oc-2010-1-6231 Mou:

Start of Action:16/05/2011 Entry into force:17/01/2011

End of Action:15/05/2015 CSO approval date:02/12/2010


Megaprojects are extremely large-scale investment projects that typically cost more than EUR 0.5 billion. Megaprojects are united by their extreme complexity (both in technical and human terms) and by a long record of poor delivery. Their inability to be designed appropriately and delivered on time and to budget has profound implications not only for the construction organisations delivering them but also for the client organisations commissioning them (which are often governments spending public money.) This Action seeks to bring together multi-disciplinary researchers from across COST Countries to tackle the issues of megaproject design and delivery. The Action will produce immediate guidelines to influence practice and a framework to guide future decisions on resourcing EU research in megaproject design and delivery.

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Country Date Country Date Country Date Country Date

Austria 21/01/2011 Belgium 27/06/2011 Bulgaria 17/01/2011 Croatia 14/03/2011

Denmark 08/06/2011 Finland 07/02/2011 Germany 20/01/2011 Greece 17/01/2011

Italy 17/01/2011 Netherlands 25/02/2011 Norway 17/03/2011 Poland 17/01/2011

Portugal 20/04/2011 Slovakia 28/07/2011 Spain 21/01/2011 Sweden 10/05/2011

Switzerland 23/02/2011 The Former Yugoslav

Republic of Macedonia

06/10/2011 United Kingdom


Total: 19

Intentions to accept the MoU

Country Date Country Date Country Date Country Date

Czech Republic


Total: 1

Working Groups



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Management Committee

Chair Vice Chair

Prof. Naomi BROOKES Leeds University Woodhouse Lane LE11 3TU Leeds United Kingdom [email protected]

Dr Mauro MANCINI Politecnico di Milano via lambruschini 4 20156 Milan Italy [email protected]

Domain Committee Rapporteur

Ms Gabriele GRIMM DC Rapporteur of TU1003 TUD Bundesministerium fur Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung Robert-Schuman Platz 1, 53175 Bonn, Germany 53175 Bonn Germany [email protected]


Prof. Roland GAREIS MC Member PROJEKTMANAGEMENT GROUP, WU Wien Franz-Klein-Gasse 1 1190 Vienna Austria [email protected]


Mr Philippe HANOCQ MC Member Transport Logistique urbanismeFaculte des Sciences appliqueesUniversite de Liege Universite de Liege - FSA - Bat B52, 1 chemin des chevreuils 4000 Liege Belgium [email protected]


Prof. Milen BALTOV MC Member Burgas Free University 62, San Stefano Blvd. 8001 Burgas Bulgaria [email protected]

Dr Lilyana PAVLOVA MC Member [email protected]

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Prof. Mladen RADUJKOVI MC Member University of Zagreb Faculty of Civil Engineering Kaciceva 26 10000 Zagreb Croatia [email protected]

Czech Republic

Dr Jana KORYTAROVA MC Member Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering Veve 331/95 616 00 Brno Czech Republic [email protected]


Prof. Louis-Francois PAU MC Member Copenhagen Business School CBS Solbjerg Plads 3 2000 Copenhagen Denmark [email protected]

Prof. Louis-Francois PAU MC Member Copenhagen Business School CBS Solbjerg Plads 3 2000 Copenhagen Denmark [email protected]

Prof. Rene Franz HENSCHEL MC Member (not yet registered) [email protected] PENDING


Prof. Miia MARTINSUO MC Member Tampere University of Technology P.O.Box 541 33101 Tampere Finland [email protected]


Prof. Konrad SPANG MC Member University of Kassel Chair of Project Management, Heinrich-Plett-Strasse 40 34109 Kassel Germany [email protected]

Prof. Gerald ADLBRECHT MC Member Universitt Siegen Paul-Bonatzstrasse 9-11 D-57068 Siegen Germany [email protected]

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Dr Athena ROUMBOUTSOS MC Member University of the Aegean 2A Korai str 82100 Chios Greece [email protected]

Dr Nikolaos TRIANTAFYLLOPOULOS MC Member UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY, DPRD Pedion Areos 38334 Volos Greece [email protected]


Dr Mauro MANCINI MC Member Politecnico di Milano via lambruschini 4 20156 Milan Italy [email protected]

Prof. Corrado LO STORTO MC Member DIEG - University of Naples Federico II Piazzale V. Tecchio n. 80 80125 Naples Italy [email protected]


Dr Ruth MOURIK MC Member DuneWorks Eschweilerhof 57 5625NN Eindhoven Netherlands [email protected]

Mr Rene WANSDRONK MC Substitute Member Wandronk Architecture W.G. Plein 286 1054 SE Amsterdam Netherlands [email protected]


Prof. Ove NJA MC Member University of Stavanger Ullandhaug N-4036 Stavanger Norway [email protected]

Prof. Kjell Harald OLSEN MC Member (not yet registered) [email protected] PENDING

Dr Anders LANGELAND MC Substitute Member University of Stavanger Ullandhaug 4036 Stavanger Norway [email protected]


Ms Agnieszka LUKASIEWICZ MC Member Road and Bridge Research Institute Jagiellonska 80 03-301 Warsaw Poland [email protected]

Prof. Kazimierz BANASIK MC Member Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW ul. Nowoursynowska 166 PL-02-787 Warsaw Poland [email protected]

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Prof. Joao ABREU E SILVA MC Member [email protected]


Prof. Koloman IVANICKA MC Member Slovak University of Technology Vazovova 5 812 43 Bratislava Slovakia [email protected]

Dr Daniela SPIRKOVA MC Member Slovak University of Technology Vazovova 5 81243 Bratislava Slovakia [email protected]


Dr Carmen MEDINA-LOPEZ MC Member University of Seville Fac. CC. Econmicas y Empresariales. Dpto. Econ. Fra. y Direccin de Operaciones. Avda. Ramn y Cajal, 1 41.018 Sevilla Spain [email protected]

Dr Rafaela ALFALLA-LUQUE MC Member University of Seville Fac.CC.Econmicas y Empresariales, Dpto. Econ. Fra. y Direccin de Operaciones, Avda. Ramn y Cajal, 1 41018 Sevilla Spain [email protected]


Mr Hakan WESTERLUND MC Member Royal Institute of Technology CDU S-10044 Stockholm Sweden [email protected]


Prof. Rolf WUESTENHAGEN MC Member [email protected]

Ms Nina HAMPL MC Substitute Member Institute for Economy and the Environment (IW-HSG), University of St. Gallen Tigerbergstrasse 2 9000 St. Gallen Switzerland [email protected]

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The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

Strahinja TRPEVSKI MC Member (not yet registered) [email protected]. PENDING

Prof. Ana TROMBEVA-GAVRILOSKA MC Substitute Member Faculty of Architecture Partizanski odredi 24 1000 Skopje The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia [email protected]

United Kingdom

Dr Zhen CHEN MC Member Heriot-Watt University School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University, Riccarton EH14 4AS Edinburgh United Kingdom [email protected]

Dr Marcus ENOCH MC Member [email protected]

Grant Holder

Executive Finance Officer Legal Representative

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Energy Working Group

Status Megaproject Case

Andasol Solar Power plant

Completed or nearly completed

Flamanville EPR

Adriatic LNG Re-gassification Plant

Greater Gabbard Offshore Wind Farm

Hinkley Point EPR

Data Collected

Mochove Nuclear Powerplant

Datteln Conventional Powerplant

Power Matching City Smart Grid

Not started ENEL’s Smart Grid

Another coal-fired powerplant

Another Wind megaproject

Anholt Off-Shore Windfarm

LNG Teminal, Port of Swinoujscie, Poland

Transport Working Group

Status Megaproject Case

Completed or nearly completed

HSR line Seville – Madrid

HSR line Madrid – Barcelona-Figueres

HSR line - Portugal

Athens Ring Road

HSR line Nuremberg – Ingolstadt

Norra länken (the Northern Link)

Data Collected

Edinburgh Tram

Large City Circle Road Brno

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Cross-Sectoral Working Group

Status Megaproject Case

Completed or nearly completed

MOSE Venice Flood Protection Project

Tram System in Liege

World Expo 2017 in Liege

Industrial Zone Development Scheme

Industrial Zone Development Scheme

Storm Surge Barrier

Integrated City Development

Liverpool ONE City Development

High Tech Park, Sofia



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Annex C: Publications and Outreach Activities for the MEGAPROJECT COST Action

Internal Reports

Title Date

Whole Action Workshop Record No. 1 September 2012

Minutes of the Transport Working Group Meeting No. 1 February 2012

Minutes of the Cross-Sectoral Working Group Meeting No. 1 February 2012

Minutes of the Energy Working Group Meeting No. 1 March 2012

MEGAPROJECT Cross- Case Themes: An Initial Examination April 2012

Whole Action Workshop Record No. 2 May 2012

Transport Working Group Meeting Progress report May 2012

Cross-Sectoral Working Group Meeting Progress report May 2012

Energy Working Group Meeting Progress report May 2012

External Publications


Mancini M. Locatelli G. (2012) Looking back to see the future: Building Nuclear Power Plants in Europe, Construction Management and Economics


Nina Hampl Management of Investor Acceptance in European Wind Energy Megaprojects – Comparison of Experiences, Organization, Technology and Management in Construction

João de Abreu e Silva, Athena Roumboutsos, Rafaela, Alfalla-Luque, Carmen Medina-López Konrad Spang Håkan Westerlund Rail and Road Megaprojects: A Systematic Comparison of Stakeholder and cultural issues Impacts Organization, Technology and Management in Construction

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Jana Korytárová, Vít Hromádka The Large City Circle Road, Brno Organization, Technology and Management in Construction

Prince Boateng, Zhen Chen Heriot-Watt UniversityA system dynamic approach to risks description in megaprojects development Organization, Technology and Management in Construction

Špirková, D. Ivanička, Urbanovský, T. The completion of EMO blocks 2 and 3 in the nuclear power plant in Mochovce – a case study Organization, Technology and Management in Construction

Milen Baltov,Lilyana Pavlova Structuring The Direct And Side Investments Under The Eu Funds Integrated Plans For Urban Development As Megaprojects, Organization, Technology and Management in Construction


TBD from Action members, Case-based research methodologies to generate cross-sectoral project learning i'Methods, designs and practices for research into Project Management'Beverly Pasian and Kobus Smit (co-editors) Gower Publishing (release in 2013)

Grant Applications

In progress

Ruth Mourik, “Social Winds” in response to the 2012 IEE Altener RES-e call due 8th May

Rolf Wustenhagen, Management of Investor Acceptance in European Wind Energy Megaprojects –A Cross-Country Comparison of Experiences in response to State Secretariat for Education and Research (SER) Switzerland call for financing Swiss participation in COST.

Naomi Brookes, Competitiveness through successful relationships in oil and gas projects in response to a Prosperity Fund call by the UK’s FCO.

Conference and Other Presentations


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Plenary session in ‘Contemporary Management Practices VII – Projects and Regions’ held in BFU, Burgas, Bulgaria, February 10-11, 2012 (with dissemination from a local media partner)

Invited presentation in ‘European Construction Institute 23rd Annual Conference The European Construction Industry - Facing the Global Challenges’ in Dusseldorf, Germany April 26-27, 2012


‘The Unchanging Face of Major Project Management’, Seminar for the Major Projects Association London, UK 19 June 2012

‘Managing Megaprojects in Europe’, ICCPM (International Centre for Complex Project Management) Research Conference SKEMA, Lille, 21-23 August 2012

Other Activities

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Annex C: Draft Work Plan and Action Budget

COST Grant workplan


Domain: Transport and Urban Development

Action no. and title: MEGAPROJECT TU1003

Chair: Professor Naomi Brookes

START date: 1 July 2012

END date: 30 June 2013

Number of signatories: 20

Number of non-COST members: none

Number of COST country entities (institutes, etc.) currently participating: 20

Number of non-COST entities (institutes, etc.) currently participating: 0

Number of MC Members: 34

Current Working Groups with numbers, titles and approximate number of members:

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Transport Megaprojects – 8

Energy Megaprojects – 7

Cross-Sectoral Megaprojects – 7



Management Committee Meetings

To be held in conjunction with a whole action workshop February 2013

Location: TBD

Date: February 2013

Number of participants to be reimbursed: None – covered by attendance at workshop

Travel costs:

Organisational support:

(Repeat as many times as needed)

Working Group Meetings

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WG no. and title: 1) Transport Megaprojects

Meeting One

Location: TBD

Date: July/August 2012

Duration: two day meeting

Number of participants to be reimbursed: 8

Travel costs: €8320

Organisational support: €240

WG no. and title: 2) Energy Megaprojects

Meeting One

Location: TBD

Date: July/August 2012

Duration: two day meeting

Number of participants to be reimbursed: 8

Travel costs: €8320

Organisational support:€ 240

WG no. and title: 3) Cross-Sectoral Megaprojects

Meeting One

Location: TBD

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Date: July/August 2012

Duration: two day meeting

Number of participants to be reimbursed: 8

Travel costs: €8320

Organisational support: €240

WG no. and title: Theme based Working Group #1

Meeting One

Location: TBD

Date: April 2013

Duration: two day meeting

Number of participants to be reimbursed: 6

Travel costs: €6240

Organisational support: €180

(Repeat as many times as needed)

Other meetings

No other meetings to be held.

Title: CORE Team Meeting

Location: UK

Date: December 2012

Number of participants to be reimbursed: 4

Travel costs: €3520

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Organisational support: €120

(Repeat as many times as needed)

Workshops and Conferences

Title: MEGAPROJECT Cross-Case Theme Ratification Workshop

Location: TBD

Date: February 2013

Duration: 3 days

Number of participants to be reimbursed: 40

Travel costs: €48000

Organisational support: €1200

(Repeat as many times as needed)


Number: 6

Cost: €15000


No training schools to be held


Date:November 2012

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Duration: 3 days

Number of Trainees to be reimbursed: 8

Trainees Grants: €10800

Number of Trainers to be reimbursed: 2

Travel costs:€2160

Organisational support:€300

(Repeat as many times as needed)


Title: On-line document development of MEGAPROJECT portfolio

Cost: €4000

Title: Action introductory document for external stakeholder dissemination

Cost: €500

(Repeat as many times as needed)

(5) OTHERS (e.g. bank charges)


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Please describe the objectives to be achieved during the grant period and their relationship to the goals of the Action as laid down in the MoU or as modified by the Management Committee.

The main objective of this Action is to understand how megaprojects can be designed and delivered more effectively to ensure their effective commissioning within the European Union.

The objective for this grant period are in support of Phase One and the start of Phase Two as delineated in the MoU. The objectives for this grant period are:

i) to complete the collation of an accessible collection of European cross-sectoral Megaproject cases and to identify emergent cross-sectoral themes that pertain to the performance of Megaproject Design and delivery.

ii) to develop these themes with a provenance of case-based evidence and to start to identify immediate guidelines and future research needs.


Please describe the contents of the activities listed in the budget, their relationship to each other (if any) and to the objectives stated above.

Working Group Meetings

Working Group meetings (one per working group) will be held to complete that activity of cross-sectoral theme identification and the formal documentation of this in report form

Short Term Scientific Missions

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Where appropriate, ECR will be engaged in STSM to support the working groups in their thematic analysis by allowing face-to-face discussions over a more extended period.

Teaching School

A ‘think-tank’ teaching school for ESR who have been involved in the Action will be held following on from the receipt of the individual working groups’ cross-thematic reports. The purpose of this ‘think tank’ will be to:

i) use an action-learning paradigm (through tuition with research methodology ‘experts’ from within the Action) to create a robust ‘grounded theory’ approach to whole action thematic identification

ii) trial the methodology immediately to establish the cross-Action thematic propositions

The ‘think-tank’ will allow ESRs to substantively increase their research skills whilst at the same time allowing them to make a real contribution to the Action and to form a useful network for their on-going development.

Core Team Meeting

A core team meeting will be held to discuss the outputs from the ‘think tank’ and to express these in terms of a restructured working group organization within the Action

Whole Action Workshop & Membership Committee meeting

This workshop will ratify the emergent themes, the restructured working group organization to support the investigation of these themes and the actual membership of each working group. The revised structure working groups will then meet together to plan their achievement of the deliverables for the end of Phase 2. (This will include the detailed provenancing of themes, the identification of themes that can be converted into immediate guidelines and the stakeholder target for those guidelines and those themes that require further research investigation.) The whole Action will also plan its participation in key dissemination conferences.

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New Working Group Structure Meeting

The first of the regrouped working group meetings will be held in line with their new objectives.


An on-line MEGAPROJECT portfolio will be generated that is easily accessible by the Action and its stakeholders and initial communication documents suitable to brief Action stakeholders on its initial progress will be formulated and distributed in line with the stakeholders identified in the MoU.


(Including final reports, technical documents, publications and other forms of output.)

The on-line MEGAPROJECT case portfolio

Cross-sectoral themes generated from the cases that relate to the effective design and delivery of MEGAPROJECTS in Europe.

The detailed cross-case evidencing of these themes

The formulation of initial guidelines and the identification of the stakeholders who need access to these guidelines

The formulation of initial research questions for the investigation of themes that require greater provenance.

An effective stakeholder communication strategy implemented with all stakeholders in receipt of at least one communication and important one-to-one relationships established.

Formal progress reports and a suite of research papers (to include a special journal issue and a book contribution) encapsulating the emergent themes for initial case examination and the methodological challenges in creating these.

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COST Grant budget plan

Action no. and title: MEGAPROJECT TU1003

Grant period:

Allocated budget: €97750


(1) MEETINGS €84940




(5) OTHERS €

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B. TOTAL SCIENCE EXPENDITURE (sum of (1) to (5)) €117350

C. Financial & Scientific Administration and Coordination

(max. of 15% of B.) €17602


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