
Ms. Gersten – Junior English

Name: _________________________________

Period: ___


The Great Gatsby VocabularyDirections:

Complete on the right side of your Interactive Notebook at the end of each chapter

For full points, you need:1. New word (+ part of speech)2. Definition for the part of speech given (ex: advocate can be a verb OR a

noun)3. Synonym/Example4. An original sentence

Be prepared for vocabulary quizzes at any moment! On the left side of your Interactive Notebook, illustrate 3-4 vocabulary words

in one picture (ex: if your new vocab words are sleepy, baby, and balloon, you can draw a sleepy baby in a hot air balloon). Include captions and color and fill the whole page.

Chapter 11. Feign (V.)2. Supercilious

(Adj.)3. Conscientious

(Adj.)4. Incredulous (Adj.)5. Reciprocal (Adj.)6. Wan (Adj.)7. Complacent (Adj.)8. Intimation (V.)9. Infinite (Adj.)

10. Anon (Adv.)Chapter 2

1. Contiguous (Adj.)2. Facet (N.)3. Cower (V.)4. Interpose (V.)5. Apathetic (Adj.)6. Languid (Adj.)7. Imply (V.)8. Strident (Adj.)9. Deft (Adj.)

10. Clad (Adj.)Chapter 3

1. Permeate (V.)2. Innuendo (N.)3. Erroneous (Adj.)

4. Vehement (Adj.)5. Cordial (Adj.)6. Impetuous (Adj.)7. Vacuous (Adj.)8. Corpulent (Adj.)9. Provincial (Adj.)

10. Din (N.)Chapter 4

1. Knickerbocker (N.)

2. Fluctuate (V.)3. Sporadic (Adj.)4. Divine retribution

(N.)5. Rajah (N.)6. Elicit (V.)7. Valor (N.)8. Somnambulatory

(Adj.)9. Denizen (N.)

10. Jaunty (Adj.)Chapter 5

1. Rout (N.)2. Suppress (V.)3. Innumerable (Adj.)4. Ecstatic (Adj.)5. Reproach (V.)6. Serf (N.)

7. Obstinate (Adj.)8. Exult (V.)9. Hulking (Adj.)

10. Nebulous (Adj.)Chapter 6

1. Laudable (Adj.)2. Insidious (Adj.)3. Repose (N.)4. Debauch (N.)5. Antecedent (N.)6. Ingratiate (V.)7. Perturb (N.)8. Dilatory (Adj.)9. Desolate (Adj.)

10. Elusive (Adj.)Chapter 7

1. Lapse (N.)2. Insistent (Adj.)3. Tentative (Adj.)4. Abrupt (Adj.)5. Tumult (N.)6. Portentous (Adj.)7. Irreverent (Adj.)8. Vicarious (Adj.)9. Rancor (N.)

10. Formidable (Adj.)Chapter 8

1. Humidor (N.)


2. Indiscernible (Adj.)

3. Settee (N.)4. In cahoots

(Phrase)5. Divot (N.)6. Garrulous (Adj.)7. Incoherent (Adj.)

8. Conceivable (Adj.)

9. Forlorn (Adj.)10. Laden (Adj.)

Chapter 91. Pasquinade (N.)2. Derange (V.)3. Surmise (V.)4. Superfluous (Adj.)

5. Elocution (N.)6. Unutterable

(Adj.)7. Subtle (Adj.)8. Indecipherable

(Adj.)9. Borne (V.)

10. Ceaselessly (Adv.)

Notes on Symbolism (Right Side of Interactive Notebook)Take notes on the symbolism in Cornell format. Use the following terms and phrases to fill out the right side of your Interactive Notebook: West Egg, Valley of Ashes, Eyes of Dr. T.J. Eckleburg, East Egg, Daisy’s Voice, Gatsby, Nick, Green Light, Colors (i.e. White, Silver, Blue, Red, Pink, Brown, Green, Gold, Yellow), Automobiles, Themes

Symbolism Search (Left Side of Symbolism Notes)Choose one of the colors listed in the Cornell notes. Decorate the left side of page in a unique and creative way that indicates which color chosen. Then use graphs/tables, labels, maps, or diagrams to document and analyze where seen it in the novel. As you read, cite in your notes where you saw it, and analyze the importance of the color, and its purpose in the text. (You need to revisit this page throughout the novel.)

Chapter NotesDirections: Take notes on the right side of your notebook, Cornell style (questions on the left and answers on the right). For full points, be sure to use complete sentences!

Chapter 1: Right side of Interactive Notebook

1. Explain what Fitzgerald achieves by using Nick’s point of view to tell Gatsby’s story.2. What do we learn about Nick Carraway in the introductory section of the novel?3. What are East Egg and West Egg? 4. Compare the homes of Nick, Gatsby, and the Buchanan’s. How does each home reflect

the personality of its owner?5. Fitzgerald’s description of Tom, Daisy, and Jordan creates not only an impression of

physical appearance, but also contains added information. What do you learn about their history and interests, and from their gestures and mannerisms? Explain for Tom, Daisy, and Jordan.

6. When Nick leaves the Buchanan’s house, he is “confused and a little disgusted”. Why? What does this suggest about his values?

7. Though we do not meet Gatsby until Chapter 3, we hear references to him in the conversations of others. Note several references. What impressions do you get?

Chapter 1: Left side of Interactive Notebook

1. Give the chapter a name2. Write a five sentence summary of the events of the chapter.


3. What can you tell from Chapter 1 about each of the following characters? Describe his/her best/worst qualities, and describe what you think each characters role in the novel will be: Tom Buchanan, Daisy, Miss Jordan Baker, Nick Carraway, and Mr. Gatsby.

Chapter 2: Right Side of Interactive Notebook

1. In what way is the description in the opening paragraphs of Chapter 2 appropriate to the total atmosphere of this chapter? What is symbolic about the “valley of the ashes” and “the eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg”?

2. Evaluate Myrtle’s talk of her unhappy marriage. What does she seem to be trying to justify?

3. How does Myrtle’s speech reveal her character?4. How did Tom and Myrtle meet? 5. What happened to Myrtle at the end of the chapter

and why? What does this reveal about Tom? About Myrtle?Chapter 2: Left Side of Interactive NotebookWrite a Haiku that summarizes the chapter. Remember: A Haiku has 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second, and 5 syllables in the last line. Be sure to summarize the whole chapter, not just the most exciting part.

**Don’t forget to add to your references to the color you chose at the beginning of the book.

Chapter 3: Right Side of Interactive Notebook

1. Chapter 3 describes Gatsby’s “little party”. Specify details about the party itself, about the guests and about their conversation and behavior.

2. Describe the meeting between Nick and Gatsby. How has Fitzgerald set the scene and prepared the reader for Gatsby’s entrance into the story?

3. In what way are Nick and Gatsby similar at this point? Why are they paradoxical (contradictory)?

4. At the end of Chapter 3, Nick meets Jordan again. Fitzgerald includes several episodes that emphasize her carelessness and basic dishonesty. Discuss these instances. What do they reveal about Jordan? About Nick?

5. Notice the last paragraph in Chapter 3. Is Nick being overly proud here? Why?

Chapter 3: Left Side of Interactive NotebookComplete the following journal entry in a one paragraph response on the left side of your IAN.Who is Gatsby? What do you know about him? What do you believe about him (are any of the speculations by his “guests” accurate)? How would you feel if you were Nick and Gatsby was your neighbor?

Chapter 4: Right Side of Interactive Notebook

1. The introduction section of Chapter 4 gives a long roster of guests who attended Gatsby’s parties. How do they behave toward their host? Why, then do they accept his hospitality?

2. Describe Gatsby’s car.3. What details does Gatsby share with Nick about his past?4. Does Nick believe Gatsby’s story? Why or why not?5. Who is Meyer Wolfsheim? What seems to be his connection with Gatsby?6. Jordan Baker tells Nick about Daisy, Gatsby, and Tom. Summarize the story.7. Do we know why Gatsby has so many parties? Why did he buy the house?


8. When Gatsby spoke to Jordan in his library in Chapter 3, he had devised a plan involving Nick. What was it? Why did he not ask Nick directly?

Chapter 4: Left Side of Interactive NotebookChoose one of the following options for left side assignment: Option 1: Write a 1 paragraph (8-12 sentences long) prediction about what you think is

going to happen, if anything at all, between Gatsby and Daisy.Option 2: Imagine you are the author to the letter that Daisy is holding in her hand.

Using your knowledge of text, write the letter. Consider who it is from and why it made Daisy emotionally distraught. The letter should fill ¾ of the page (in the letter, cite evidence from the text).

**Don’t forget to add to your references to the color you chose at the beginning of the book.

Chapters 5 & 6: Right Side of Interactive Notebook

1. Discuss Gatsby’s action once Daisy arrives. How do we know he is nervous? How does he try to impress her?

2. Describe Daisy’s reactions during the course of her meeting with Gatsby.3. Has Nick been affected by the meeting between Gatsby and Daisy? In what way? 4. What was Gatsby’s real name? When and why did he change it?5. In what way was Dan Cody involved in Gatsby’s destiny?6. Why does Tom attend Gatsby’s party? How does this scene reveal the contrast between

Gatsby and Tom?7. What is deeply ironic in Tom’s statement, “…I may be old-fashioned in my ideas, but

women run around too much these days to suit me”?8. What suspicions does Tom have about Gatsby? What foreshadowing is shown at this

time in the story?9. What do Nick and Gatsby talk about after the party?10.What is Gatsby expecting of Daisy that prompts Nick to warn him, “I wouldn’t ask too

much of her…You can’t repeat the past”?

Chapter 7: Right Side of Interactive Notebook

1. Gatsby has made some changes in his lifestyle that concerned Nick and he went to check on him. What changes do you note? Why did he make them?

2. With whom does Tom talk on the telephone early in the chapter? About what?3. What startling discovery does Tom make shortly after lunch?4. What arrangements are made regarding the passengers of each car on the trip to the

city? Why?5. Eyes play a significant role in this chapter. Explain.6. What does Gatsby do that makes Nick want “to get up and slap him on the back”? Why

does Nick feel this way?7. Does Daisy know what love is? Whom does she really love?8. In what way is each of the major characters involved in the tragedy that occurs at the

end of this chapter?9. Is there any significance in the fact that the day is Nick’s birthday?

10.At the end of Chapter 7, Nick observes Gatsby, Tom, and Daisy after the accident. What conclusions does he reach?


**Don’t forget to add to your references to the color you chose at the beginning of the book.

Chapter 7: Left Side of Interactive NotebookChoose one of the following options for left side assignment: Option 1: Imagine you were a guest in the hotel room with Gatsby and Tom as the scandal is

exposed and the confrontation erupts. Write about what you see in detail. Describe to the reader the mood in the room, and describe it using sensory details. Need ¾ of a page.

Option 2: Analyze the last paragraph of the chapter. Explain in detail what you believe Fitzgerald was trying to say.

Chapters 8 & 9: Right Side of Interactive Notebook

1. What had prompted Gatsby to talk freely to Nick now, when he was unwilling to do so in the past?

2. What other information do we learn about Gatsby in Chapter 8? 3. As Nick leaves Gatsby the morning after the accident, he remarks, “They’re a rotten

crowd”. Explain the people “they” refers to. Why are they “rotten”?4. What is the compliment that Nick pays to Gatsby? Why does Nick feel compelled to

commend Gatsby?5. How does Wilson view the “eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckelburg”? What is the symbolic level

of Wilson’s statement for the novel as a whole?6. What makes Nick assume responsibility for the final arrangements? Specify the things

he did.7. How had Gatsby’s father learned about what had happened? To what extent does the

father know his son?8. Discuss the significance of including the scene with Jordan Baker.9. What moral judgment does Nick make about Tom and Daisy? Explain.

Chapters 8 & 9: Left Side of Interactive NotebookComplete the following journal entry on the left side of your Interactive Notebook Explain the significance of the last page of the novel in relation to Gatsby’s dream and to the American dream. Write at least a half page analysis comparing and contrasting Gatsby’s dream to the American dream.

Connection to Modern Media

Right Side of Interactive Notebook: Print out a copy of the lyrics to “Young and Beautiful” by Lana Del Rey, the theme song used in the recent movie The Great Gatsby. Close read the lyrics pointing to any allusions, irony, or connections to the literature. Adhere the lyrics and close read to the first available right page in your Interactive Notebook.

Left Side of Interactive Notebook: Find a song of your choosing that you feel connects to the story “The Great Gatsby.” It can be any school appropriate song. Print the lyrics, close read them, and adhere them to the left side of your Interactive Notebook. Then, below the lyrics, explain your choice and analyze how it relates to the literature.

Symbolism Drawing (20 points)


Choose symbol from The Great Gatsby and draw what it representso Symbolically or literally

Must include: o Symbol + Meaning (use your notes) o Use coloro No lined paper!!!

Example from Lord of the Flies:o Symbolism: The Beast = primal instinct of savagery that exists within all human beings; boys on

island become more savage Literal Drawing: Dead parachutist Symbolism Drawing: Black heart of boy, heart ablaze, flames behind the boy

Nick’s Scrapbook (DUE 05/13)With a partner, create a scrapbook over Nick’s summer in West Egg. The scrapbook needs to have 7 pages and a cover page. Be creative and use color. Picture requirements: real, magazines, Internet, drawings. Make the pages interesting-use designs, style, and color.

The pages should include: Cover Page Nick’s page: his personality, house, car, work Gatsby’s page: personality, house, car, work Daisy & Tom’s page: hobbies, child, house Jordan’s page: personality, profession,

interests East & West Egg- what they look like (map) The parties: people, place, atmosphere The style: dresses, flappers, gangsters

