Page 1: €¦ · Web viewBonaparte, or of Louis Bonapart e. From this moment Napoleon was, by the most unquestionable of titles, emperor of the French. No other act was necessary to sanction

Unit Essential Question: What is the most effective means to bringing political, economic, and social change?

Aim: Did Napoleon help or hurt the goals of the French Revolution?

Directions: Read the following excerpt of Napoleon's Account of the Internal Situation of France in 1804. While you read, highlight text evidence to explain why Napoleon had to come to power.


l. According to Napoleon, what was the situation in France prior to his coup d'etat (overthrow of the government)?

2. What was Napoleon's title? How do you know he had the consent of the

The internal situation of France is today as calm as it has ever been in the most peaceful periods. There is no agitation to disturb the public tranquility, no suggestion of those crimes which recall the Revolution. Everywhere useful enterprises are in progress, and the general improvements, both public and private, attest the universal confidence and sense of security. . ..

A plot conceived by an implacable government was about to replunge France into the abyss of civil war and anarchy. The discovery of this horrible crime stirred all France profoundly, and anxieties that had scarcely been calmed again awoke. Under such circumstances, and with such a pressure of public opinion, there was no alternative left to the First Consul {Napoleon}. He resolved, therefore, to accept for himself, and two of his brothers after him, the burden imposed by the exigencies of the situation.

After prolonged consideration, repeated conferences with the members of the Senate, discussion in the councils, and the suggestions of the most prudent advisers, a series of provisions was drawn up which regulate the succession to the imperial throne. The French people, by a free and independent expression, then manifested its desire that the imperial dignity should pass down in a direct line through the legitimate or adopted descendants of Napoleon Bonaparte, or through the legitimate descendants of Joseph Bonaparte, or of Louis Bonaparte.

From this moment Napoleon was, by the most unquestionable of titles, emperor of the French. No other act was necessary to sanction his right and consecrate his authority. But he wished to restore in France the ancient forms and recall those institutions which divinity itself seems to have inspired. He wished to impress the seal of religion itself upon the opening of his reign. The head of the Church, in order to give the French a striking proof of his paternal affection, consented to officiate at this august ceremony. What deep and enduring impressions did this leave on the mind of Napoleon and in the memory of the nation! What thoughts for future races! What a subject of wonder for all Europe!

Page 2: €¦ · Web viewBonaparte, or of Louis Bonapart e. From this moment Napoleon was, by the most unquestionable of titles, emperor of the French. No other act was necessary to sanction

Unit Essential Question: What is the most effective means to bringing political, economic, and social change?

Aim: Did Napoleon help or hurt the goals of the French Revolution?Church?

3. Looking at the last paragraph, what did Napoleon promise to France?

In 1804, the Napoleonic Code was introduced. It established a clear set of laws that were applicable to all members of French society.

Questions:1. What were some of the laws that were passed under the Napoleonic Code?

2. Do these laws show that Napoleon was a man of the Enlightenment? Why or why not? Provide text evidence to support your answer.

The civil code has fulfilled the expectations of the public; all citizens are acquainted with it; it serves as their guide in their various transactions, and is everywhere lauded as a benefaction.

Article 7. The exercise of civil rights is independent of the quality of citizen, which is only acquired and preserved conformably to the constitutional law.

Article 8. Every Frenchman shall enjoy civil rightsArticle 544. Property is the right of enjoying and disposing of things

in the most absolute manner, provided they are not used in a way prohibited by the laws or statutes.

Article 545. No one can be compelled to give up his property except for the public good, and for a just and previous indemnity.

Of the respective Rights and Duties of Married Persons.

• The husband owes protection to his wife, the wife obedience to her husband.

Page 3: €¦ · Web viewBonaparte, or of Louis Bonapart e. From this moment Napoleon was, by the most unquestionable of titles, emperor of the French. No other act was necessary to sanction

Unit Essential Question: What is the most effective means to bringing political, economic, and social change?

Aim: Did Napoleon help or hurt the goals of the French Revolution?

3. Based on the code, how did the rights of women change?


Reforms in Education: Napoleon built many new schools for boys age 10 to 16. He recognized the

importance of education in producing citizens capable of filling positions in his bureaucracy and military.

"Of all our institutions public education is the most important. It is essential that the morals and political ideas of the generation which is now growing up should no longer be dependent upon the news of the day or the circumstances of the moment. Above all we must secure unity: we must be able to cast a whole generation in the same mold . New schools are being opened, and inspectors have been appointed to see that the instruction does not degenerate into vain and sterile examinations. The lycees and the secondary schools are filling with youth eager for instruction. The polytechnic school is peopling our arsenals, ports, and factories with useful citizens. Prizes have been established in various branches of science, letters, and arts, and in the period often years fixed by his Majesty for the award of these prizes there can be no doubt that French genius will produce works of distinction."


1. How did Napoleon reform education? How did he feel about education?

Religious Reforms : Napoleon entered into an agreement with the Catholic Church called the Concordat of 1801.

"The people must have religion, and religion must be in the hands of the government. Religion has resumed its sway, but exhibits itself only in acts of humanity. Adhering to a wise policy of toleration, the ministers of different sects who worship the same God do themselves honor by their mutual respect; and their rivalry confines itself to emulation in virtue. Such is our situation at home."


Page 4: €¦ · Web viewBonaparte, or of Louis Bonapart e. From this moment Napoleon was, by the most unquestionable of titles, emperor of the French. No other act was necessary to sanction

Unit Essential Question: What is the most effective means to bringing political, economic, and social change?

Aim: Did Napoleon help or hurt the goals of the French Revolution?1. How did Napoleon reform religion within France?

2. How does this quote represent his feelings about religion?

Other Reforms: "The emperor's decrees have reestablished commerce on the left bank of the Rhine. Our manufacturers are improving, although the mercenaries subsidized by the British government vaunt, in their empty declamations, her foreign trade and her precarious resources scattered about the seas and in the Indies, while they describe our shops as deserted and our artisans as dying of hunger. In spite of this, our industries are striking root in our own soil and are driving English commerce far from our shores." -Napoleon

1. What were some other reforms of Napoleon?

Napoleon in Europe:

From 1804 to 1814, Napoleon took on many great European powers. He annexed, or added on, some areas to France. He annexed the Netherlands, Belgium, and parts of Italy and Germany. He cut Prussia in half, and forced alliances on Russia and Spain. He put family members on the thrones of different countries in Europe. For example, he unseated the King of Spain, and placed his own brother Joseph Bonaparte on the throne. Napoleon divorced his first wife, and married a Hapsburg princess, so he could claim kinship with the ruling families in Europe.Napoleon's successes increased nationalistic feelings in France, and great victories

were celebrated withgrand parades. While fighting these battles, French troops spread revolutionary ideas throughout Europe. Many other groups of people began to feel pride for their own countries. These nationalistic feelings (the desire for self-rule and restoration of customs and traditions) led these people to lash out against French troops, who they saw as the enemy and oppressors.

1. How did Napoleon change the face of Europe?

2. How did his conquests in Europe affect France?

France takes on Britain and Spain:

In 1805, Napoleon prepared to invade Britain. In the Battle of Trafalgar off

Page 5: €¦ · Web viewBonaparte, or of Louis Bonapart e. From this moment Napoleon was, by the most unquestionable of titles, emperor of the French. No other act was necessary to sanction

Unit Essential Question: What is the most effective means to bringing political, economic, and social change?

Aim: Did Napoleon help or hurt the goals of the French Revolution?the coast of Spain, Napoleon's troops were crushed by British troops. Napoleon then tried to strike Britain's commerce. He established the Continental System , which closed European ports to Britain. Britain responded with a blockade of European ports. Both France and Britain seized ships suspected of trading with the other side. Napoleon's Continental System failed to severely hurt Britain's commerce, and many merchants ignored the system for the sake of their businesses.

• British exports fell to 20% of the 1810 level.• There were three bad harvests in a row- 1809-1811• Inflation of the pound• Unemployment rose• Corn prices rose

1. What was the Continental System? Was Napoleon's Continental System successful?

Napoleon's conquests led to discontent in foreign countries. French troops in Spain met guerrilla-warfare, or hit and run raids. These hit and run raids defeated many French troops, and eventually with the help of Britain, France was defeated in Spain.

2. How did Napoleon’s battles with Britain and Spain affect France's power?

Page 6: €¦ · Web viewBonaparte, or of Louis Bonapart e. From this moment Napoleon was, by the most unquestionable of titles, emperor of the French. No other act was necessary to sanction

Unit Essential Question: What is the most effective means to bringing political, economic, and social change?

Aim: Did Napoleon help or hurt the goals of the French Revolution?Napoleon Eyes Russia: Napoleon continued to seek new conquests in Europe. After Alexander I of Russia resigned from the Continental System, Napoleon responded by sending 600,000 troops to invade Russia. Russia retreated eastward, and along the way, burned crops and villages, also known as the "scorched earth" policy. Napoleon realized that he was no longer going to be able to feed his troops, and decided to retreat back to France. Along this 1,000-mile journey, he lost about 500,000 troops.

1. How did Napoleon's efforts in Russia back fire?

"As for me I cover the retreat. Behind files the army with broken ranks. It is a mob without purpose, famished, feverish ...General Famine and General Winter, rather than the Russian bullets, have conquered the Grand Army...In Napoleon’s wake (was) a mob of tatteredghosts ... draped in odd pieces of carpet, or greatcoats burned full of their holes, their feet wrapped in all sorts of rags ...We stared in horror as those skeletons of soldiers went by, their gaunt, gray faces covered with disfiguring beards, without weapons ...with lowered heads, eyes on the ground in absolute silence."

-French General under Napoleon

a. What do you think he means by this?

b. What ultimately defeated France in Russia?

Napoleon's Downfall Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Britain created a new alliance against France. In 1813 they defeatedNapoleon in the Battle of the Nations in Leipzig. As his enemies closed in, Napoleon decided to abdicate the throne in 1814. The alliance exiled him to the island of Elba in the Mediterranean. Louis VIII was recognized as the King of France.Many of the emigres that had fled France returned after Napoleon's defeat. The country entered another economic depression. The public and the troops of France helped Napoleon escape and return to power. Although he was now in power again, this only lasted for a period of 100 days. The

Page 7: €¦ · Web viewBonaparte, or of Louis Bonapart e. From this moment Napoleon was, by the most unquestionable of titles, emperor of the French. No other act was necessary to sanction

Unit Essential Question: What is the most effective means to bringing political, economic, and social change?

Aim: Did Napoleon help or hurt the goals of the French Revolution?alliance sent troops to Waterloo in Belgium to defeat French troops. After this loss, Napoleon was sent to St. Helena, an island in the Atlantic, for good.

1. Explain how Napoleon was finally defeated.

2. Do you think the era of Napoleon was successful? Why/Why not?