
©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

We have created 9 steps to ensure a smooth transition from your

current hosting provider to AT&T Website Solutions

©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

Contents Step 1: Planning .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Step 2: Back up your website! ............................................................................................................................ 3

Using FileZilla .................................................................................................................................................. 3

Step 3: Sign up for your AT&T Website Solutions hosting account ................................................................... 5

Step 4: Uploading your website content ........................................................................................................... 6

Publishing your website with Microsoft FrontPage™ .................................................................................... 8

Step 5: Testing and previewing your website .................................................................................................... 9

Step 6: Create your Email accounts ................................................................................................................... 9

Step 7: Change your Nameservers ..................................................................................................................... 9

Step 8: Test your live website .......................................................................................................................... 10

Step 9: Configure your Email client .................................................................................................................. 11

©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

Step 1: Planning Create a “website move” timeline to ensure that a successful move of your website files over to AT&T

Website Solutions. You may want to let your customers know that you are making some changes in the

event they are trying to contact you during your move process.

Here is an example timeline:

Day 1:

– Back-up your current site to your computer. You will find how-to’s beginning in step 2 of this document

– Signup for your new Website Solutions plan.

– Review the setup instructions that we will email you upon signing up for your Website Solutions Plan.

Day 2:

– Upload your website content to Website Solutions.

– Setup your email accounts.

– Preview and test uploaded content.

– Change DNS to Website Solutions nameservers.

Day 3:

– Once DNS propagation is complete, test live site.

– Configure email client settings. (Outlook, Mac Mail, Thunderbird)

– Once everything is complete you can cancel your old service.

Step 2: Back up your website! Create a folder on your Desktop called “Website Backup”. Simply right-click anywhere on your desktop and

choose New -> Folder. Once you have created your Website backup folder, now you can use an FTP

Program such as the free FileZilla to download your current site from your previous hosting provider to

your “Website Backup” file on your computer’s hard drive.

Using FileZilla To connect to an FTP server, enter the address of your previous hosting provider’s server into the host field

of the Quickconnect bar (e.g. - see image below).

©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

Once you have successfully connected, a list of your website files and directories/folders appear on the

right side of the main window. The name of the current remote directory is listed in the Remote Site field

on the top. The left side shows all the files/folders on your computer.

Transferring files To download your site to your “Website Backup” file on your computer, simply select all the files and

folders on the right side inside your public or public_html directory and drag them to the left side to your

Website Backup folder on your Desktop as displayed in the image below.

©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

Step 3: Sign up for your AT&T Website Solutions hosting account If you have not already done so, purchase your new hosting account with Website Solutions. DO NOT

cancel your hosting account at your current host until you have tested and made sure that everything is

moved to your AT&T Website Solutions account.

If you have your new hosting account with Website Solutions, DO NOT cancel your hosting account at your

current host until you have tested and made sure that everything is moved to your AT&T Website Solutions


In both cases, you will have two hosting accounts working concurrently for a short time and this ensures

the least amount of downtime.

Once you have created your new hosting account, make sure to get all of the relevant information you need

to setup your website. Upon signing up, you will receive detailed setup instructions via email with all the

pertinent information.

©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

The following are the most important pieces of information you need:

– Logins for FTP and control panel. You receive this information in your Welcome Email that we send to

you after your order is complete. It says “Welcome” in the Subject line. If you do not have this

information or receive your email, then contact our customer support team at 1.888.932.4678 or by

emailing [email protected] and we can have the information resent.

– Instructions on how to create/setup email accounts. Please click here for help in setting up your email

or refer to the Managing Email guide.

– The name of your homepage. Additional information is below on how to name your homepage.

– Nameserver/DNS information. Keep this information on-hand. AT&T Website Solutions nameservers

are as follows:

– 1st nameserver:

– 2nd nameserver:

Step 4: Uploading your website content Once your new hosting account is created and you have the necessary uploading instructions, you can now

upload your website content to your AT&T Website Solutions account and make sure that all relevant files

are uploaded into the Public directory and that home page is named “index”.

We suggest using FTP to upload your files. To configure your FTP client, please use the following


Host Name / Address:

User Name:

Password: your password

Using as the Host Name will ensure that you can upload your website before your domain

name’s DNS propagates to our name servers. This allows you to preview your website’s content before

changing your nameservers.

***Please note that once DNS propagation is completed, your domain name will have to be used as the Host Name. You can upload your website by using the File Manager Pro application found in your control panel.

With File Manager Pro you can select each file to upload them. Simply click on Upload then Browse. You’ll

then be able to select the files from your computer to upload.

©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

You can also repeat step 2 of transferring your files in reverse order with an FTP client such as FileZilla, once

you have connected to AT&T Website Solutions servers, simply select all your website files in the left

window and drag them to the public directory in the right window.

Once connected, you will see the following directories:


logs private


Any files (other than CGI scripts) that are to be viewed by the public should be placed in the "public"

directory (or a subdirectory of "public"). CGI scripts must be placed in the "cgi-bin" directory. The first page,

(your homepage), should be named either "index.htm", "index.html", "index.shtml",

"index.phtml", "index.php", "index.wml", or "index.php3". The server will return the first index file it finds,

regardless of any other files you have. Therefore, it is best to keep only one index file in your public

directory to avoid confusion. Subsequent pages may be named whatever you wish, but the homepage must

be named this way.

©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

If you want your home page to be titled differently from the above names, we recommend that you use the

DirectoryIndex command in an .htaccess file. Alternatively, you can use a redirection script.

htaccess Redirect:

DirectoryIndex filename.html

JavaScript Redirection script:

<head> <script language="javascript"> //redirect to default.htm function goNow() { location.href="default.htm"




<body bgcolor=#FFFFFF text=#000000 onload="goNow()"> Meta tag Redirection script:


<meta http-equiv="refresh"




Publishing your website with Microsoft FrontPage™ If you are using Microsoft FrontPage™ for your website, make sure that you have activated the FrontPage

extensions before publishing your site. This can be done by logging into the control panel and accessing the

“FrontPage Manager” application.

In FrontPage, from the "File" menu choose the "Publish Web" option. You will be prompted to provide a

URL to publish your website files to. After specifying the address to publish to (in the form of

""), you have the choice of publishing the entire website, or just the pages that have been

changed. If you are publishing for the first time, choose "Publish all pages."

Important notes:

©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

– Publish your site using FrontPage's "Publish Web" function. Your publishing address is your domain

name (in the form of "").

FrontPage extensions disable regular FTP access along with the following applications: Ad Manager,

Business Card, Plug-in Scripts, File Manager, Database Manager and Website Security.

– Once your website is published, use a browser and check to make sure all your changes occurred. If

they haven't, try refreshing your browser and clearing the Temporary Internet Files (cache) before

making further changes to your site. In Internet Explorer, this is done by going to "Tools," "Internet

Options." On the General tab under "Temporary Internet Files" click "Delete Files."

Step 5: Testing and previewing your website After moving your files, your website is ready to test and preview using the preview URL to make sure that

everything works seamlessly. This way you can identify and troubleshoot any configuration differences

between hosts. To preview your site before changing nameservers simply go to the following URL:

Step 6: Create your Email accounts Log into your Website Solutions control panel and create all the same email accounts that you currently

use. Once you have logged into the control panel, click “EasyMail Setup” and click on “Create a new

account” and follow the steps to configure your email accounts. We recommend keeping the passwords

the same to minimize any email client settings changes if your company uses programs such as Outlook to

send and receive email. From the EasyMail Setup application you can also setup Auto responders, Spam Filtering, Aliases and Forwarding options.

Step 7: Change your Nameservers Once you have tested your website and are pleased with the results, contact your domain registrar or log

into their domain management system to change the nameservers from your old host to AT&T Website

Solutions. In their domain management system, look for the “DNS” or “Nameservers” option and replace

the current nameservers with the following:

1st nameserver:

2nd nameserver:

©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

Most registrars will then ask you to confirm the changes via an email sent to the administrative contact for

the domain. It is very important that this email address is always kept up-to-date to avoid any potential

disruptions in service.

Any modifications to domain names generally take between 24 – 72 hours to process. This process is called

DNS propagation, which is the amount of time it takes nameservers around the world to update their DNS

tables to see your new domain’s settings.

To view the status of your domain name, simply do a simple “whois” lookup. This can be done by going to

the following URL: Your DNS propagation is completed when the ns1 and ns2

services read as they do in circled area within the image below:

Step 8: Test your live website Once you have confirmed that DNS propagation is complete through a whois lookup, we recommend that

you test your website again to ensure that your website is up and running appropriately. If you have any

concerns do not hesitate to contact our technical support team. They are available to you 24 hours a day, 7

days a week. You can contact them toll free at 1.888.932.4678 or by emailing [email protected]

©2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T, the Globe logo, Mobilizing Your World and other marks are trademarks and service marks of AT&T

Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. The information contained herein is not an offer, commitment, representation

or warranty by AT&T and is subject to change.

Step 9: Configure your Email client The last step in changing hosts is to change your email client settings to reflect your new email settings

(please refer to Managing Email guide). Below is an example for Microsoft Outlook. Use these settings to

configure Microsoft Outlook to check your email. Remember to replace "username" with your actual

username, and replace "" with your actual domain name.

Mail Account (can be any label): [email protected]

Email Address: [email protected]

Reply Address: [email protected]

Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server:

Incoming Mail (POP/IMAP) Server: Logon

using Account Name:

These 9 steps will assist you in moving from your current hosting provider to AT&T Website Solutions. Once

all 9 steps have been successfully completed and your website and email are working properly, then and

only then would you cancel your old hosting service.

Remember, it is critical that you keep both your old and new hosting accounts running concurrently during

your website account move to AT&T Website Solutions as you will need to check your email from both

hosts. Some ISP’s and hosting providers will direct email to your old host, while others will begin sending

email to your new host earlier as a result of propagation times. Canceling before the steps are followed can

result in unwanted downtime for both your website and emails.
