Page 1: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

Look for more communications about Annual Update in the coming weeks.

We are excited to share that starting this summer, families will complete back-to-school paperwork online. This new process is called Annual Update.

Annual Update will be:• Convenient (can do at home) • Online• Secure • Time saving• Cost reducing (less paper,

printing and postage)• In the Parent Portal

More to come this summer!

Goodbye back-to-school paper packets.

Hello online Annual Update!

Going Digital!

We are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



KIMBERLY Kimberly Area School District

Rev. 5/7/18

Get Ready . . . Opens mid-June

Page 2: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

If you ordered cookies during our spring

fundraiser they need to be picked up on

Thursday, May 17th


Thank you!

Any questions or concerns please email the PTO

at [email protected]

Page 3: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

Kimberly K  PopSocket!

Kimberly popsockets are available for order. Please send your order form and payment to Janssen PTO

420 Wallace St, Combined Locks 54113

Each popsocket is only $10! Name:_________________________________

Email:______________________________ Phone #:____________________________

Quantity:_______ Total Due:_______

If you want it sent home with your child:

Child’s Name:_______________ Teacher:________________ School:_________________

Otherwise pickup at school: (please circle) Janssen KHS Sunrise Westside Woodland

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Page 4: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

Janssen Journal

Janssen Elementary School Family Newsletter

Dates to Remember:


25 Noon Dismissal-

Elementary Only

28 No School

29 End of the Year Assem-

bly @ 11:00-11:35—big


31 Last Day of School

31 PTO Carnival

Dear Janssen School Community,

Our school year is coming to a close! I am still amazed to how quickly a

school year comes and goes. At least we will exit with valued memories

from this year. Through the memories we create, we are able to sus-

pend time, just enough, to reflect and enjoy what our students have ac-

complished this year.

For this newsletter, I wanted to do something different for our readers.



Hercules Nikolaou, Ph.D.

Janssen Elementary School Principal

April Issue, 2018

Dear Janssen Community,

The departing fourth grade students wanted to share with you some of the lessons they have learned here at Janssen. They were asked to reflect on what life lesson they have learned at Janssen that they will keep with them and use for the rest of their life. Enjoy these words of wisdom from these fabulous kids!!

Alan A: Something I learned at Janssen that will help me in life is Kindness. I learned that kindness means helping people, like when I throw away trash if I see it on the floor.

Bailey M: The Janssen way has taught me (Kindness, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility). In my 6 years that I've been at Janssen, I've learned that it is important to show kindness to all peers in the room and everyone around me. For example, when peers ask you a simple request, you should show Kindness by making their request happen.

Becky C: The Janssen way has taught me a lot since I was younger. I learned about all of the Janssen values (kindness, honesty, respect, responsibility) and how to use them. It's important to work hard and get good grades in school but you always have to be kind and show respect and responsibility, and be honest. You should al-ways be good sport at everything.

Brenna W: During my time at Janssen, I learned it’s important to be honest. Being honest helps you at school. One example is if I forgot my recorder and was honest about it, the teacher would let me borrow one for music class. If I wasn’t honest, she probably wouldn’t trust me as much and I might get in trouble.

Page 5: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

Brennan O: I learned in Janssen that I need to have (kindness, honesty, respect and responsi-bility). I learned from Mr.Wilczek that if you go into something with a good attitude you will get more out of it.

Brody M: In my time at Janssen, I've learned that it's important to be Kind, Honest, Respectful, and Responsible. One example of how I am kind at school is when I help someone understand some-thing if they're confused.

Bryce M: In my time at Janssen I have learned the four main values: (Kindness/Honesty/ Re-spect/Responsibility). For example, for respect you want to respect everyone even though over the past they haven't been the nicest to you.

Claire B: The Janssen way has impacted my life because it taught me Kindness/Honesty/ Re-spect/Responsibility. For example when you are walking into school you can hold the door for the next person. You don't have to but it's the kind thing to do. Another example is respect, meaning really listen when someone’s talking, and participate with the class.

Corinne S: Janssen has made a HUGE impact in my life by giving me really nice friends and SU-PER fun teachers. And it that impacts me by growing up around really nice, good and respect-ful people. And that is how Janssen has made a HUGE impact in my life.

Damien O: The Jansen way has done many good things with me and other people too. It made me a better person and all the teachers here are really nice. I made a lot of good friends here that are just amazing. THANK YOU!

Dominick L: One life lesson I learned in Janssen is to be responsible. For example in fourth grade you do re-corders and you have three chances to bring your recorder.

Dru D: The Janssen way changed me in special ways and has made me who I am to-day. It taught me a life learned lesson every week. I'm proud of what I am today. I’ve learned to be kind to everybody, tell the honest truth, respect everyone's words, and be r es-ponsible for what you did or what you needed to do.

Emily O: The Janssen Way has impacted my life because it's taught me (Kindness/Honesty/ Re-spect/Responsibility). For example, if someone falls in front of you should help them up and don't laugh at them. Also If you see someone getting bullied you should either tell a teacher or go tell the bully so they stop.

Gaby D: One thing I have learned in my six years of Janssen is that you can do anything you set your mind to if it’s a test, a goal or a dream. I have learned so much. There's too much to say but the most valuable thing I learned is to be nice to others and to be honest, kind, and to be responsible.

Haley S: At Janssen they focus on kindness, honesty, respect and responsibility so when i grow up I know I will have it.

Isaiah F: The Janssen way has impacted my life because it’s taught me to be kind to other peo-ple and also to be respectful.

Jae T: In my time at Janssen I've learned that it is OK to be yourself. For example, my friends and I love to be silly and bring out the best of each other!!

Jake S: After my six years of going to Janssen, I have gotten much smarter and I've learned a lot of things. And this being my last year, fourth grade, I'm gonna remember this place. from 4k to fourth grade--six years. I'm ready to move on but this place is gonna be in my memory for-

ever; my first school. Also this was the place I got my first instrument, my purple recorder. Kindness/Honesty/ Respect/Responsibility, those were the life lessons I learned at Janssen. Also I made my first friends.

James B: I learned to be responsible at Janssen school when I paid attention to my teacher in class.

Lex K: The Janssen Way has impacted my life because it's taught me how to be kind to others, be honest to teachers and parents, be respect-ful to my friends, teachers, parents, and every-thing else in the world too, and lastly to be re-sponsible with my folders and other school sup-plies.

Macy C: The Janssen Way has taught us a ton of life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is the importance of friendship. My friends mean the world to me. They help me through life if I’m stressed from tests or just life, ther are loyal, amazing, and I would do any-thing for them. If someone is really going to take time to know the real you, they are true friend. I wasn't the best at opening up and showing who I really was as a 1st or 2nd grader, but now that I have they are the people who care for me the most, they respected me for who I was. Respect is the lesson I'm most proud of. Thank you Janssen for teaching us friend-ship and other values. We will really use this in our life.

Page 6: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

I learned that even if you don’t like school, this is an awesome place to be. So have fun while you can. --Michael R.

My time at Janssen has helped me be nice to others by, if I think that I got them out when playing a game, instead of yelling at them, you can stand to the side and talk without blaming them. —Brennen R.

Janssen help me be a better writer by learning not to give up when I don’t have a lot of ideas. --Valerie K.

A life lesson that I have learned is that you have to use teamwork, because it helps people get along and work together, not fight. --Emma R.

A life lesson I learned here was be respectful to everyone because they'll be respectful back to you. --Will W.

I learned ways to help me when I get anxious and upset. —Bella A.

A life lesson I have learned is that not always being 1st is okay. For example: not always being first in line matters—we’re all going to the same place. —Gaby B.

I have learned that you have to be kind to oth-ers if you want them to be kind to you. Also, let them play with others, even if you don't want them to play with that person. –Nykole V.

A life lesson that I learned at Janssen is to not be so competitive when you’re playing gym games, because then you probably will not be able to play that game anymore. –Maddox M.

Janssen helps kids figure out problems with friends and make you a better friend. –Peter V.

The Janssen Way helped me to not bully others so they don't bully, and if someone is bullying someone else you can help them! --Skylar Z.

The Janssen Way has helped me by getting new friends, which was-

n't that easy to get friends at my old school. Also, it helped me learn new things. --Connor R.

The Janssen Way helped me by making a lot more friends than last year. Also, it helped me pay more attention so I can learn. --Ellie R.

Scarlett S: The Janssen way has impacted my life because it taught me how to be Kind, Re-spectful, Honest, Responsible, and Caring. If I never went to school I wouldn't know all of the respectful, nice teachers. For example, when I was in 2nd grade I met my best friend Hannah. She is everything the Janssen way is:. she al-ways cared about me and so do my other best friends I met this year. My friends all do the Janssen way and you can too! I’ve improved so much since I first got here. Thanks to all the wonderful people that helped me get through

Elementary school. They taught me a good life les-son and made it easier for me. In my six years at Janssen i have improved a lot and now I'm moving on. It went from easy to hard but I still got through it and it was all because of Janssen Elementary and everything they did.

Sophia K: The Janssen Way has impacted my life because it has taught me that it is very im-portant to be kind, honest, respectful and re-sponsible to my friends and other people. For example, if someone is sad, you can sit by them and make sure they’re OK. That is a choice you don't HAVE to do, but it is a kind thing to do.

Sophia O: In my six years at Janssen I learned that people respect you and trust you, and they care about you and then you try to do the same. Another thing I learned in Janssen is that eve-ryone respects what you have to say and if they do disagree they respectfully disagree. The Janssen way has taught me not to judge people by how they look and to be there for them if they need help. The Janssen Way has also taught me Kindness, Honesty, Respect, and Re-sponsibility in ways that we can have fun and learn.

I learned it is important to work hard because you get to do a lot of stuff and it's fun. —Gavin S.

I have learned to be fair and kind to avoid dra-ma. --Gracie C.

My time at Janssen has taught me to be a bet-ter friend, a better team mate, and a good role model. --Owen D.

I learned that helping others is the best thing and to not get frustrated when thing are rough. All my teachers have helped me learn that thing don't always go the way that you want them to and sometimes you will need to persevere. -–Max P.

Page 7: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

The Janssen Way helped me feel more confi-dent in math and reading. By sitting up tall and listening to who’s talking, I learn better. If I’m slouching down I can’t really hear.–Zander K.

The Janssen Way helped me to be kind to others, to be respon-sible with my school work, and to respect teachers and other students. –Molly B.

The Janssen way has helped me learn from my mistakes that I have made in the past.—Valentina B

The Janssen Way helped me to make good friends. Sometimes you think you made friends but they don't care, but using the Janssen Way you can get good friends that care. --Cindy D

The Janssen Way has helped me by helping me to be quite when learning. –Linnea H.

The Janssen way helped me by staying calm and not get in any fights, and if I do, I use ways to get out of it and to get the argument over with. –Kegan P.

The Janssen Way has helped me be kind when I had a problem with my friend, respect when the teacher was talking, to be honest when I have a problem, and to be responsible for my stuff. –Samantha V.

The Janssen Way has helped me by teaching me to be a better person. –Hannah M.

One life lesson that I learned from being at Janssen for six years was to use the community

value to be respectful in and out of school. By being re-spectful I listening to my teachers so I became more efficient. I learned that if you do the community values that it would make your life easier and it makes your life more fun.—Abby S.

Here is a life lesson I learned at Janssen that help me become a bet-ter person. Be kind to others and they will be kind to you.—Andi P.

I learned that life lessons make your life easier in so many ways. One life lesson I learned is to always show the Janssen Way. The way I will use the most is to be honest not only in school but also out of school. When I used the Janssen Way, people trusted me to do more things.—Elora W.

Janssen changed me to be a bet-ter person. Instead of playing video games all the time, I started to love reading books and doing math. I even have a favorite Goosebumps books are, “Attack of the Jack-o-Lanterns”, and “My Best Friend is Invisible”. I learned a lot new words that I can use when I write.—Ian E.

At Janssen, I have learned to be honest and re-sponsible. Before, I would try to cover up my mistakes and get away with it. Work would be short of quality because I had a big ego. But now, since I have been honest and I try my best when working, I have gained more responsibili-ties and privileges because people trust I am do-ing the right thing. People don’t worry about me making bad decisions.—Ian H.

Life lesson from attending Janssen is getting better at the stuff I get wrong. I have also learn to try and fix my problem. Always I

learned to be positive. An ex-ample is when I am testing if I am positive I usually score better on my test. This lets me think so I can fix the prob-lem so I don't get it wrong again.—Logan C.

Jansen school changed my life. Now I know how to count to ten thousand. Learned area and pe-rimeter so when I grow up I can build things. I also learned some great life lessons like being kind, honest, respectful and responsible. With these lessons I can make the world a better place to be.—Michael G.

I used to like video games now I like math. With my knowledge of math I will be able to build things. I will also be able to figure out how much stuff I will need.—Peyton S.

I am a fourth grader at Janssen Elementary. Throughout the years I have learned one very important lesson. That lesson is, no one is per-fect. The reason why this is important is that you don’t try and over think things. Also if some-one makes a mistake I will not laugh at them.—Sarah D.

A life lesson that I learned from being at Janssen is that you should use teamwork. If you use teamwork you will make friends and you will achieve more! - Sophia H.

Page 8: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

I learned all of the community values, but I choose, honesty. Being honest will give me more freedom and people will trust me to do things. The more things I will get to do on my own.—Abby P.

The Janssen way taught me how to be respect-ful. When I was younger I thought that I did-n't have to do anything, and everyone would just love me. But now that the Janssen Way came into place all of that changed. Now I look back at myself and I say “WOW!” I was Stupid. “Well there's a 3 year old for ya.” Now that I learned to be respectful, I have a lot more friends and they can trust me.—Addie R.

In Janssen I learned to respect peoples differ-ences. When I was little, I would make a little bit of a nervous face when I saw kids that were disabled. When I started learning at Janssen, all the teachers taught me that they are the same as me, but just look different, and we should respect them.—Alaina G.

The Janssen way impacted my life by filling my heart with honesty. Being honest is really good because you get more freedom and a lot more people trust you. And if more people trust you the more friends you have.—Brooklyn D.

The Janssen Way has impacted my life because it has taught me a lot of life lessons. One of these lessons is to be kind. Being kind to others helps because you make a lot of friends.—Bryson P.

The Janssen way has taught me to be nice to others. When I was little, I for some reason thought that I was the number one person on Earth. But the Janssen way taught me that other people are just as im-portant as I am.—Logan K.

The Janssen Way impacted my life to be a better person by teaching me to treat others the way I want to be treated. If I bully someone not only will they feel bad, but I will feel bad too.—Egnacio I

The Janssen way taught me to be kind to other people. I learned when you are older being kind can change your life. For example if someone is in a wheelchair and they need help opening the door you should open the door for them. If you slam the door on them not only will they think you are a rude selfish person but once you think about what you did, you will not like the person you are.—Jade S.

I have learned to become responsible. I don’t forget homework or assessments so if I can do it now, in the future I will continue to be re-sponsible when it comes to work.—Greta S.

The life lesson I learned at Janssen is to be kind. Being kind is important because if your kind people will be kind back to you. For exam-ple being kind helped me make friends.—Kelan

The Janssen Way helps me think about being kind and respectful. For example: I will hold the door for someone if they need me to help. This will allow me to make more friends. Also the Janssen Way will help me not rage, so I can keep those friends.—Owen A.

The Janssen way changed my life. When I first came to Janssen I was first really nervous. When I first started to talk to people I became even more nervous that people would not talk to me. After I met a lot of amazing people and found that school was so amazing I became a better person. Janssen changed me.—Madison S.

I go to Janssen Elementary School in the fourth grade. I have experienced the Janssen Way. When I do the Janssen Way I can get things done. When I get my work done, I get a chance to do something that’s fun.—Sydney B.

The Janssen way changed my life because I thought I could never be a good person. I would never listen to my Mom but now I am more re-spectful to her. An example is now I help with dishes. This is how the Janssen Way impacted my life.—Noah S.

I realized that the Janssen way was the key of reaching good grades. By following the Janssen Way I became a good student. I was able to try my best and listen to my teacher.—Conner V.

Page 9: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

The life lesson I will take with me from Janssen to Mapleview and on is I will not ask for everything. The reason why that is mine is because you do not always get what you want. You have to be polite and practice to get the things you want.-Shaefer P.

One life lesson I learned at Janssen is to work my hardest. If you don't work your hardest you may get a consequence. An-other life lesson I learned at Janssen was to not disobey the Janssen Way. If you would, your life could be full of disrespect-fulness. If you work your hard-est and obey the Janssen Way you will be on your way to suc-cess. –Aleena C.

I learned to be a good friend and to be respect others and to help them. This is important be-cause finding good friends are hard to find. I learned to be respectful because of my teach-ers here at Janssen-Riley D.

I learned that you should be responsible and do something the first time you are asked. This is important because then you don’t get behind in your work and it shows the teacher you are re-sponsible and respectful.-Ben H.

My life Lesson that I learned from attending Janssen is to be responsible. This will go a long way because I know I need to finish my home-work, follow the rules, and doing what the teacher asks the first time. If I don’t do these things then a consequence will probably follow.-Corryn S.

Life Lessons from attending Janssen was responsibly. I learned that because of me not turning in my homework when it was giving to me. I have learned that if you don't turn in your homework on time you will get your name written on the board. To me that is not good. When

I don't turn in my homework on time my teach-er will ask me where it is. When I don't know, I will have to stay in for recess. And I like to get my homework in on time so I don't get in trou-ble or have to stay in for recess, because I want to play outside, and do my homework when it is nice outside. So I learned to always turn in my homework on time.-Jessica L.

Life Lessons from attending Janssen: are to al-ways be kind, honest, respect, and responsible. The four Janssen values will help guide me through life and help me make good decisions throughout life. Another life lesson that I learned here at Janssen is to always be kind and nice to everyone.-Hunter H.

Life Lessons from attending Janssen: One big life lesson I learned in Janssen is that you should never turn you back on your friend and even though someone is not perfect or smart you are still apart of this school always do the Janssen way kindness, honesty, respect, and re-sponsibility. When people get to 4th grade things get harder lots of homework you have to stay in for recess if you’re not done but it is part of life or responsibility that is my life les-son.-Kara S.

In the beginning of the year, I did not get my homework done all of the time, but I learned to be responsible. Being responsible is important because it shows that you can follow directions and complete tasks.-Samara T.

My life Lessons from attending Janssen are if you are talking while the teacher is talking there will be a conse-quence. You have got to be responsible, be

kind, be honest, and last of all be respectful be-cause this shows people you are a good person.-Michael K.

A life lesson that I've learned from attending Janssen Elementary School is that you have to see things with your heart. Seeing with your heart means that if you see somebody that doesn't have the best clothes or habits, you don't just keep doing what you’re doing, you need to see with your heart and have some em-pathy. In this case that means put yourself in their shoes and think about if the shoes were reversed. If the shoes were reversed you would be in their situation. I have learned this throughout all 6 of my years at Janssen, but it really all came together in 4th grade. They say they save the best for last, right?-Hannah J.

What I have learned at Janssen has been how to be responsible. This is important because I need to remember to bring in my homework so I can show the teacher I can be responsible.-Matthew V.

Page 10: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

From the start of the end of the school year I learned a life lesson. This life lesson is don't do something bad if you think you are going to get a bad consequence. You always have to be kind and honest. I enjoyed Janssen especially because I learned a good life lesson!-Gemini S.

The Janssen way has definitely impacted my life because now I know that kindness, honesty, respect, and responsibility brings you a LONG way in your life. Every single day, ever since I learned these community values, I try to do ALL of these values ALL the time! This helps me because now, people WANT to be friends with me. People WANT to play with me. People WANT to hang out with me. They don't just ignore me because I am mean. Showing respect, responsibility, kindness, and honesty helps me get through every single day of school without being moaning and wishing school would be over. It helps me because every time I show these values, it brightens other people’s day. Then, THAT makes me happy that I made someone’s day. –Cara S.

How the Janssen Way has impacted my life is by following the rules, having kindness, being honest, respectful, and being responsible. Also by doing the Janssen Way I am being a role model to 5k, 1st, 2nd, 3d.-Tristan B.

The Janssen Way consists of kindness, honesty, respect and responsibility. These traits are those a good citizen must have and use in their daily lives. These traits have impacted my life

by teaching me to always be kind to others, to show re-spect to other citizens; young and old, to be honest even when I worry if I'll get in trouble, and to show re-sponsibility when I make a mistake or I accidentally do what I'm not supposed to do. The Janssen way has

taught me to be a person that uses the Janssen way in their daily life, to be respectful, kind, honest, and responsible for what I choose to do. The Janssen Way has made me a true young citizen. It has turned me into a person who will always use those four traits.-AnneShirley M.

The Janssen Way has impacted my life by being more kind, helping others, and being more hon-est. Doing these things makes me feel good in-side.–Collin S.

It impacted me by helping other people when they need help. Like when I am at recess and no one puts the equipment away, I put it away. When we need to clean up, I help them to clean up their mess with them. Or when they cannot grab all the balls at once, I will help them do that and not watch them fail at it. –Ashlynn V.

The Janssen Way has impacted my life by mak-ing me feel like a better person when I would do the Janssen Way. It impacted my life because you had to turn in your home work on the right day unlike in first grade, you did not have to turn it in. It made me better at a lot stuff like homework and math.-Jackson L.

The Janssen way im-pacted my life in many different ways. My first example is being kind to everyone even if they have some problems. I will try to be the most kind I can be. My second example

is to respect all teachers. My most recent thing I learned was respect all teachers no matter what. Some teachers you will like, some you won't, deal with it, and show respect to them. My last example is always do all your work and turn it in on time.-Brady B.

I certainly know how the Janssen Way has im-pacted my life. It made an impact by the teach-ers and the volunteers I had. I had a big prob-lem with a bully again this year that I never told anyone about until this year and things changed and I liked it. This is why I don't actually want to leave Janssen elementary. I just want to say any of the helpers or teachers that I have had that is reading this I give out a special thanks to you.-Matthew H.

The Janssen Way made an impact on my life because it made me a better person by being re-spectful, honest, re-sponsible, and kind. I will take these skills with me everywhere so I can go brighten up peoples’ days.-Penelope M.

Page 11: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

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Please be aware that emergency medications

that are provided for use during the school day

will not be accessible before or after school

hours. Parents and students must plan ahead to

have emergency medication available during

school activities such as clubs and sports. If an

emergency arises and a student does not have

their emergency medication available, 911 will

be called.



Just a reminder as the school year is

ending and field trips are abound that

it is the District's guideline that we do

not provide or allow students to share

or use another person's sunscreen, lip

balm, lotion, etc., due to the potential

for an allergic reaction to the active ingredients

in these products.

With the warm sunny days forecasted ahead,

parents are encouraged to apply sunscreens, es-

pecially on field trip days, at home

prior to sending their child to school.

Chaperoning parents are not allowed

to apply sunscreen to students other

than their own child.


Please let the office know if you are moving or

plan on moving. We need to update our records

and keep them current.

Just a reminder that we are still accepting appli-

cations on-line for 4K and 5K for next school

year. If you have a child or you know of a family

who lives in the area and has a child eligible for

4K or 5K, please forward this information to


For children who received prescription medica-

tions this school year, parents/guardians are re-

minded to pick up the medication from the school

office by June 7, 2018. The medications will not

be sent home with your child with the exception

of over-the-counter medication and inhalers.

Medications not picked up by June 14, 2018 will

be disposed of.


My Dearest Janssen Family,

Just wanted to thank you VERY

MUCH for allowing me the op-

portunity to care of your children

and be a part of their lives for

these last 20 years at Janssen. I

have been blessed in so many

ways as their “gym” teacher and I hope you

know that your kids have truly been my kids!

After 32 years in education (‘bout time I gradu-

ated!), I am retiring at the end of this school

year. Please continue to take the time to play

with your kids, keep them healthy, and love

them well...they need YOU more than ever.

Loves and hugs until we meet again,

Mrs. Herrling :D

Page 12: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is



Happy May Janssen Families! It is hard to believe that we only have a couple of weeks left!

Life Skills Class Updates

Our Life Skills lessons will be coming to a close within the next two weeks. The remaining lessons will

be focused on careers and introducing students to the different career clusters. I will be teaching district

created and approved, grade level appropriate lessons that introduce the different career clusters to each

grade. Some of the career clusters I will be teaching about include, architecture and construction, trans-

portation, distribution, and logistics, and manufacturing. If you want to learn more about academic and

career planning (ACP), you can go to the DPI website:

Resources for Summer

As we all know, problems and difficulties do not put themselves on hold just because it is summer. If you

find that your child or another family member is having mental health related difficulties, there are re-

sources available to assist you. The following link is to our district mental health resource page that in-

cludes a pamphlet on accessing mental health services in our area, as well as links to many helpful web-


For immediate assistance, 24/7 Crisis Intervention Resources include:

Text “HOPELINE” to 741741

Outagamie County Crisis Information - (920) 832-4646

Calumet County Crisis Information - (920) 849-9317

Winnebago County Crisis Information - (920) 233-7707 or (920) 722-7707

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - (800) 273-8255

United Way Information and Referral - Dial 211

Thank You

Working as a counselor can be a bit of rollercoaster due to life’s highs and lows. One of the consistent

high points is seeing how much our students grow socially and emotionally throughout the year. I often

observe them utilizing skills learned in our Life Skills classes, small groups or individual sessions and it

brings an immediate smile to my face. I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to work with these

awesome kids. I hope everyone has a safe, relaxing, and joyful summer.

Katie McCormick

[email protected]


Page 13: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

420 Wallace Street, Combined Locks, WI 54113 920-788-7915

The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental

status, sexual orientation, sex, (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected

Classes") in any of its student program and activities.

These students show an exceptional job of the Janssen Way and are role models for the other students in

our school! You can look for their MVP award on the bulletin board displayed outside the office. Way to


Pictured left to right:

Sitting: Brooklyn Mengert, Lillian Firgens, Alayna Huss, Daxton Zoromski

Kneeling: Jonah Deeg, Olivia Volz, Aubrey Perronne, Isabella Vang, Addison Johnson, Mia Herber, Ella

Ackley, Lane Hacker, Bryar Mead

Standing: Chloe Biese, Addison VanPee, Kara Stearns, Elli Reinke, Jade Sokel, Isaiah Frederickson-

Thomas, Grayson Zahringer, Sienna Karls, Nat Miller

Not pictured: Kailey Sherman


Page 14: We are. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Going Digital! · life lessons, but the most important thing I have learned as a life lesson is respect. Another thing I’ve learned is

Community Events

WI DNR Boater Safety Classes, various dates and locations in May Girls Intro to Hockey at Fox River Girls Hockey Club, April and May 2018 Kimberly High School Car Show May 19, 2018 Appleton Boychoir Auditions May 21st and 22nd Kimberly Running Club Fun Run Series June 10, June 24, July 8 - Free Regsitration! Libraries Rock Summer Reading Program at Kimberly - Little Chute Libraries June 11 -

August 4 4H Summer Camp at Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center July 8-12, 2018 YMCA Camp Nan A Bo Sho Summer 2018 Camp Offerings 2018 Baseball/Softball/Tee Ball Registration for Combined Locks Rec. Dept. 2018 Baseball Registration and Information for Kimberly Park and Rec. Summer 2018 Kimberly Park and Rec. Program Guide Summer 2018 Combined Locks Program Guide

Please see the district website for the above links
