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  • _____________________________________________________________________

    THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER_____________________________________________________________________

    - The Human Body Is 99% Water When It Is Conceived.- The Human Body Is 90% Water When It Is A New Born Baby.- The Human Body Is 50% Water When It Is Old And Has Wrinkled Skin.

    As we age our bodies slowly dehydrate, or "As we dehydrate our bodies slowly age" would be a far more accurate way of saying it. (It's like putting grapes in a dehydrator, the more water you remove from them the more wrinkled and shriveled up they become until they eventually become dry raisins.) In order to keep your body hydrated and youthful it is essential to get enough water in your diet.

    If you don't think that you need to drink water very often keep in mind that you lose water just from breathing and if you don't believe me simply lean forward and breathe on your computer screen and notice the small patch of fog that forms on the screen from you breathing on it. If you rub your finger across this patch of fog your finger will get wet. Where did this moisture com from? It came from you, and although it is a very small amount of water it will quickly add up and result in dehydration if you aren't replacing it fast enough.

    Of all of the nutrients that we need in our diet water is the one that we need the most of (As far as actual weight is concerned.) so making an effort to start replacing coffee, soda, and other beverages with plain water is a great first step in getting healthy, and while we are on the subject please don't buy anything to drink at the grocery store anymore... Stay away from Soda, Coffee, Energy Drinks, Alcohol, Milk, Bottled Juices, etc... If you feel thirsty it means that your body needs water, so give it what it is asking for and enjoy the feeling of better hydration.


    HOW MUCH WATER SHOULD YOU DRINK IN A DAY?_____________________________________________________________________

    Water needs can vary greatly from person to person, (Diet, activity levels, and the weather all have a major impact on your hydration and water needs.) so there is no universal amount of water that everyone on the planet should be drinking each day, however, following these 6 tips will help ensure that you are getting enough water...

    1. Drink a big glass of water as soon as you wake up each morning before you eat or drink anything else.2. Eat foods that are high in water content for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 3. Always bring water with you wherever you go.4. Never ignore thirst between meals, and strive to drink enough water that you never experience thirst in the first place.5. Make sure that you are urinating at least 10 times per day.6. Make sure that your urine is clear like the water you drink.


    THE 3 BEST SOURCES OF WATER_____________________________________________________________________


    Page 1 of 4The 3 Cleanest Sources Of Drinking Water



    The best and most overlooked way to add more water to your diet is to simply eat foods that have a lot of water in them and below are some examples of foods that are high in water content as well as foods that are low in water content...


    It requires a lot of water to digest food and it's no coincidence that raw fruits and vegetables just happen to have just the right amounts of water inside of them for us to be able to easily digest them. When you eat foods that are low in water your body will have to use it's own water to digest them which will result in dehydration. (Another big problem with dry foods such as potato chips, crackers, and pretzels is that not only are they extremely low in water, but they also contain added salt which makes them even more dehydrating to the body.)

    If you put an apple, a pear, or an orange in a juice machine you will get juice, but if you put 1,000,000 Oreo Cookies in a juice machine you won't get a single drop! Stick with foods that are water rich and stay far away from dry foods because dehydrated foods will dehydrate you!



    Our water supply is beyond polluted. It is not uncommon for large sea creatures such as sharks to have car parts, clocks, radios, road signs, silverware, and countless other man-made objects in their stomachs because people will throw anything into the water. Some species of fish are actually starting to mutate from male to female due to pharmaceutical drugs ending up in the oceans and messing up their hormones, and entire species of sea life are going extinct because the waters have become so toxic that they simply can't live in it anymore.

    Below is a list of over 100 things that have been found in city tap waters AFTER going through all of the mandatory filtration that it is required to go through before going out to the public. Many people who are aware of this buy bottled water to escape this problem, but you need to realize that the filtering that most of the bottled waters in grocery stores are required to go through are in many cases no different than the filtering that tap water is required to go through...


    * Acne Medicine* Aluminum* Ammonia* Animal Fecal Matter* Antibiotics* Antidepressant Medicine* Arsenic

    * Chlorine* Cholesterol Medication* Coal* Copper* Contraceptive Drugs* Cough Medicine* Cyanide

    * Gasoline* Green Algae* Gross Alpha & Beta* Head Ache Medicine* Hexachlorocyclopentadiene* Itch Relief Medicine* Landfill Runoff

    * STD Treatment Drugs* Steroids* Termite Poison* Testosterone* Thallium* THM's* Thyroid Medication

    * Pain Killers* PCB's* Penicillin* Pentachlorophenol* Pesticides* Petroleum* Plastic Residue

    Watermelon 97% Water Pop Corn 09% WaterCucumbers 96% Water Rice Cakes 08% WaterLettuce 96% Water Piece Of Toast 07% WaterZucchini 95% Water Saltine Crackers 06% WaterCelery 94% Water Beef Jerky 05% WaterTomatoes 93% Water Corn Flakes 04% WaterStrawberries 92% Water Potato Chips 03% WaterApples 91% Water Roasted Peanuts 02% WaterGrapes 91% Water Pretzels 01% WaterOranges 90% Water Protein Powder 00% Water

    Page 2 of 4The 3 Cleanest Sources Of Drinking Water


  • Fortunately there is a way to avoid all of this and that is to buy and use a home water distiller. When you use a water distiller you fill it with water. (It can be any kind of water including tap water.) The distiller will then slowly heat the water until it turns into vapor, then the water vapor rises to a chamber above where it cools and condenses back into water and slowly drips into a separate container. Any dirt, chemicals, fluoride, bacteria, etc, that was in the original water stays at the bottom of the distiller and only the pure water will vaporize and be converted back into water.

    A distiller will clean water in a similar way that nature does when water on the ground evaporates and rises to the sky, and then cools and falls back down as rain drops. (If you spilled a can of soda on the ground on a hot day the water in the soda will evaporate and rise to the sky and will ultimately come back down as rain drops, but the sugars, chemicals, and other ingredients that are in the soda will remain on the ground and won't rise to the clouds and fall back down as rain drops.)

    Distilled water is pretty much the cleanest water you can drink. It's pure oxygen and hydrogen and even rain water isn't this clean in most places because there is so much pollution in the air from automobiles and factories that when rain falls from the clouds it will absorb some of this pollution on the way down and no other water filter that I know of can clean water as well as a distiller can.

    Although a water distiller can be expensive, if you are currently buying bottled water at the store it will actually save you a lot of money every year if you get one, because after you buy it you will only have to pay for the cost of tap water plus the electricity that it takes to run the distiller. Water at the store is getting more expensive and believe it or not in many stores a 16 ounce bottled water is actually more expensive than a 16 ounce bottle of Pepsi! A home water distiller is an investment, but it will quickly pay for it's self.

    Also make sure that you keep your distilled water in glass bottles, because another reason that I don't recommend buying water at the grocery store (including distilled water) is because it is almost always sold in plastic containers and if you have ever had the experience of drinking bottled water that tasted like plastic it's because plastic particles from the bottle leeched into the water and you were drinking plastic!

    After using your distiller for the first time open it up and look at all of the dirt and chemicals that were in the original water that got left behind. If you use tap water you will be shocked when you see just how filthy tap water really is and you will never want to go back to drinking it again! The distiller that I have can be purchased HERE but before you buy a distiller I encourage you buy which ever distiller currently has the best reviews.



    When it rains some of the water will find it's way into creeks, rivers, oceans, streams, and ponds and become "Surface Water" and some of the water will sink into the ground and become "Ground Water". As "Ground Water" sinks downward into the Earth it gets filtered organically as it passes through various layers of dirt, sand, and rock and when it returns back to the surface as spring water it is the cleanest natural source of drinking water available.

    Almost all of the problems with water today are the result of pollution that has been going on since the "Industrial Revolution", but the water that comes out of springs could have been underground for years, decades, or even centuries and has therefore been much more "protected" from this pollution than "Surface Water" has.

    Arsenic* Arthritis Medicine* Asbestos* Asthma Medication* Banned Pesticide DDT* Benzene* Beryllium* Birth Control Medicine* Bleach* Boron* Brominated Acetic Acids* Cadmium* Caffeine* Cattle Weight Gaining Drugs

    Cyanide* Cysts* Di(2-ethylhexyl)adipate* Diarrhea Medicine* Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD)* Dirt* Ear Infection Medicine* E-Coli* Estrogen* Fever Reducing Drugs* Flame Retardants* Fouride* Foaming Agents* Formaldehyde

    Landfill Runoff* Laundry Detergent* Lead* Lithium* Menstrual Cramps Medicine* Mercury* Methoxychlor* Methyl Tertiary-Butyl Ether* Mold Spores* Nickel* Nicotine* Nitrosodimethylamine* Nitrates & Nitrates* Oil & Grease

    Thyroid Medication* Tin* Titanium* Toxaphene* Tranquilizers* Trichloroethylene* Trifluralin* Uranium* Urinary Infection Medicine* Veterinarian Medications* Viagra* Vinyl Chloride* Weed Killer* Weight Loss Medication

    Plastic Residue* Platinum* Pneumonia Medication* Potassium* Printing Ink* Prozac* Rust* Selenium* Sewage Waste* Schizophrenia Medicine* Seizure Medicine* Silicon* Silver* Sleeping Pills

    Page 3 of 4The 3 Cleanest Sources Of Drinking Water


  • Springs that are located in public areas (such as parks) are usually tested for water quality on a regular basis, but when it comes to the more secluded and lesser known springs it is recommended that you get the water quality tested before you start using it as a daily water source just in case there is any man-made pollution in the area that could cause any type of contamination. If the water is free of contaminants and free of cost I would strongly recommend that you travel to a near-by spring with as many glass containers as you can and stock-up.



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