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1. Master data management.......................................................................................................................2

1.1. Data management...........................................................................................................................2

1.1.1. Business partner......................................................................................................................3

1.1.2. Product....................................................................................................................................4

1.1.3. Price applications....................................................................................................................4

1.2. Financial configuration....................................................................................................................4

1.2.1. Accounting information on the business partner....................................................................5

1.2.2. Payment methods....................................................................................................................5

1.2.3. Financial accounts....................................................................................................................5

1.2.4. Payment terms........................................................................................................................5

1.3. Alerts...............................................................................................................................................6

2. Inventory accuracy..................................................................................................................................7

2.1. Warehouse and storage bins...........................................................................................................7

2.2. Product valuation............................................................................................................................7

2.3. Physical inventory............................................................................................................................8

2.4. Goods movements...........................................................................................................................9

2.5. Traceability....................................................................................................................................10

3. Returns..................................................................................................................................................11

3.1.1. Return to vendor...................................................................................................................11

3.1.2. Return from Customer...........................................................................................................12

4. Asset management................................................................................................................................13

5. Reports..................................................................................................................................................14

5.1.1. Product movements report...................................................................................................14

5.1.2. Material transaction report...................................................................................................15


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5.1.3. Traceability report.................................................................................................................15

5.2. Stock report...................................................................................................................................16

5.2.1. Valued stock report...............................................................................................................16

1. Master data management

1.1. Data management

Data Management: Business Partners, Products, Price Applications Financial Configuration For Advanced Payables And Receivables (Apr) Alert Management

The following elements are part of master data management: Business partners (customers, vendor/creditors, employees) Products Price applications Data import

Master data manages a company's information (products, customer, vendors, etc) and is a fundamental aspect for guaranteeing the coherence and tracking of processes. Master data is the core source of information for the company and for the openbravo ERP. They are used throughout the entire application. Maintaining exclusive coding, avoiding duplications and sharing relevant information among all areas of the company are someOf the challenges. Openbravo ERP helps companies to organize and centralize key company data, facilitating the smooth flow of information among all areas implicated in different company processes.

As indicated in the role section, there are two methods to make records unavailable in the system:

Delete the record De-activate the record

De-activated records: Not available for selection in screens, but available for reports

There are two reasons for de-activating but not deleting records: The system requires the record for audit purposes The record is referenced by other records. For example, business partners cannot be


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Deleted if there are existing documents (orders, invoices, etc.) For this business partner. In this case, the business partner is de-activated preventing this record from being used in future entries.

1.1.1. Business partner

A business partner takes part in the daily operations of the business, either as a customer, vendor, employee, openbravo user, sales person, etc. Business partners define all parties with whom the company interacts. The same business partner could be a customer, a vendor, an employee, etc. Each type of business partner has a varying requirement for necessary information. The values are entered in the customer, vendor/creditor and employee tabs.

Some examples of information common to all business partners include the following: Commercial name Description Tax id URL Etc

This information is stored on the general tab of the business partner:

Business partners are grouped into categories. Several categories are by default setup in the business partner category screen, for example:



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Supplier (vendor) Employee

1.1.2. Product

Products are items or services purchased from a vendor and/or sold to customers. All items used in price lists and orders need to be identified and setup in the application.

1.1.3. Price applications

In this section we will describe the several different pricing strategies that openbravo ERPProvides:

Price list Price list schema

Price list

The price list contains products with their prices. With a price list, users will know what price to charge to which business partners at all times. Through the pricing set up it is also possible to apply discounts for products.

Only one price list can be assigned to each vendor/customer

Price list schema

A price list schema is used to make bulk changes to a price list. The filter to make changes can be based on:

Product Product category

1.2. Financial configuration

Certain configurations are required for the advanced payables and receivables functionality in finance.

Accounting information on the business partner Payment methods Financial accounts Payment terms


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1.2.1. Accounting information on the business partner

When the general ledger gets added to the client or organization, the default accounting information should include the accounts that will appear on business partners in the customer and/or vendor section:

1.2.2. Payment methods

In order to process financial documents, the payment methods with information related to accounts receivables and payables must be configured. For each payment method, such paying by check, cash or wire transfer, it is defined in the payment method whether it will be used for paying vendors (payment out) or whether customers will use this method to pay to us (payment in). Furthermore the accounts that will be used for posting into the general ledger at different points in the process will be defined. Payment methods can be assigned to the business partner, in the customer and/or vendor tabs.

Also, the details of these configurations are explained in the financial account toReconciliations section.

1.2.3. Financial accounts

Financial accounts are set up to handle the flow of money in the application. For each bank account or cashbook, a financial account is created. On the financial account we can view the balance of the account and the transactions related to a certain account. On the

Financial account it is indicated whether it is of the type bank or not. For each financial account, the payments methods that are used for the particular account are assigned. The financial account is used to keep track of all the transactions related to accounts payables and receivables. In the financial account, bank statements can be imported and reconciliations of bank and cash transactions take place in this screen. Financial accounts can be assigned to the business partner, in the customer and/or vendor tabs.

Also, the details of these configurations are explained in the financial account toReconciliations section.

1.2.4. Payment terms

Payment terms determine the due date for payments in accounts receivables and payables. A short explanation is given in the master data management - business partner, in this document.


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1.3. Alerts

Alerts are notifications about critical or important situations within the ERP on an individual user level.

Errors in the application dictionary (a table without a summary key column) Errors in master data (business partner without an address) Notifications about critical situations (overdue payments) Informative alerts

Each alert rule can have one or more recipients Logged in, the user only sees his own alert messages. The user then has the option of commenting and/or closing the issue.

The process of alerting can be divided into: Alert definition - defining and activating alert rules Validation - the background process loops through all active alert rules on a scheduled

basis Notification - the user sees the alert icon with the number of awaiting alert messages


The important part for the user is the validation, the actual management of the alert. When an alert is detected for the current logged-in user, the alert indication at the top of the screen indicated the number of awaiting alerts:

Clicking on this alert link takes the user to the alert management screen or the user can directly go to that screen with the quick launch. In the alert management screen the user can see the details of the alert, make comments and indicate whether the issue is fixed:


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2. Inventory accuracy

Warehouse management deals with processes such as goods receipts, goods shipments, physical inventory, inventory valuation, tracking and movement of goods.

In this chapter we are going to see: How to create warehouses and storage bins How to execute a physical inventory How to move inventory in and around the warehouse How to create and modify the value of the inventory How to trace the inventory throughout the company The reports that are available

2.1. Warehouse and storage bins

The warehouse represents the physical location of your stock and is the third level of organization below client and organization. To define the exact location of stock, warehouses are divided into storage bins.

2.2. Product valuation

One of the most important components of warehouse management is the valuation of the goods stored. This way we can find out how much our inventory is worth.

There are two standard methods defined in algorithms to keep track of cost:1. Standard (fixed) cost2. Average cost


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Standard cost is added manually in the [costing] tab of the product screen. Average cost is calculated by the system using the costing algorithm. All transactions for a product trigger a calculation. Cost is calculated once per transaction. Each transaction type has its own default

method to get the cost, which can be overridden by the algorithm. For example, the default calculation for cost after a goods receipt is:

Cost calculated based on the related purchase order price, not including taxes.Exceptions

If the price of the related order is changed afterwards there is no adjustment done on the calculated cost. This cost difference is considered when the purchase invoice

With the new price is processed. As would be considered a price change that happens only in the invoice. If there is not related order it uses the newer of the following 3 values: Last purchase order price of the receipt's vendor for the product.

V Purchase price list of the product. Default cost of the product.

For the initial stock creation using a physical inventory, the purchase price list unit price is used.

Standard cost

The cost is stored for a date range in the [costing] tab of the product. This cost is used for all transactions during that time.

Average cost

The cost of the products is calculated by the application. The manually kicked off process used to calculate the average cost is generate average cost process, which is used if the background process is not scheduled.

Average cost process: For each transaction the application reviews the current stock and the new received

stock on that receipt date. If you have a receipt in December 2nd, 2010 the process will calculate the stock level

on that date (not including the quantity of the receipt). And that stock level will we valuated with the previously calculated cost.

2.3. Physical inventory

The physical inventory is the activity to physically count individual items in the warehouse at a particular point in time and to update their inventory count in the system. A physical inventory can be executed based on a count list populated by the system based on theFilters entered by the user or on a manually entered count list.


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Reasons why a department would conduct a physical inventory: To verify the physical amount, condition and location of inventory items To identify, document and add items to the inventory that are physically on hand and

meet the quality criteria, but that are not currently shown as part of the inventory To ensure that legitimately transferred or disposed items are no longer appearing in the

inventory listing To identify any missing or damaged items that need to be located, repaired or


The physical inventory screen:

2.4. Goods movements

A goods movement is to document the move of products between warehouses or store bins. The move is registered in the goods movements screen.


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2.5. Traceability

Traceability in the application helps companies isolate the source and extent of safety or quality control problems. This helps reduce the distribution of unsafe or poor-quality products, which in turn reduces potentially bad publicity, liability and recalls. The better and more precise the tracing in the application, the faster a company can identify andResolve safety and quality problems.

Companies have the following objectives for using traceability in the application: Improve supply management Facilitate trace back for safety and quality

In order to track which product was supplied by which vendor and/or shipped to which customer it is necessary that an attribute set is used for that product.


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3. Returns

There are different types of returns and follow up. The returns that will be reviewed:

Return to vendor: This flow manages vendor returns orders, the physical outbound of returned materials and the financial settlement for vendor refunds

Return from customer: This flow manages customer returns orders, the physical inbound of returned materials and the financial settlement for customer refunds

3.1.1. Return to vendor

Two windows to manage this flow:

Return to vendor window: You can find it in the menu Procurement management || Transactions || Return to Vendor

The Lines tab is not editable, since the returned lines always come from receipt lines, to avoid:

To see positive values while are negative in the DB Enter lines that are not linked to the original receipt lines Edit attributes, products and so having either the products or attributes different than the

shipment line

To enter new lines you need to click the button


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3.1.2. Return from Customer

Two windows to manage this flow:

Return from Customer window: You can find it in the menu Sales management || Transactions || Return from Customer

Note:Document can be printed and email

The Lines tab is not editable, since the returned lines always come from shipment lines, to avoid:

To see positive values while are negative in the DB Enter lines that are not linked to the original shipment line Edit attributes, products and so having either the products or attributes different than the

shipment line

To enter new lines you need to click the button


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4. Asset management

Asset management in openbravo ERP deals with the fixed assets in a company: long term, tangible assets held for business use and not expected to be converted to cash in theCurrent or upcoming fiscal year. Examples are manufacturing equipment, real estate, furniture, etc.

Part of asset management is the amortization: the gradually reducing of the value of a limited life or intangible asset through periodic changes. Openbravo ERP uses a linear type of amortization. This means that each time period (month, year, depending on the set up), the value reduces with the same amount.


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5. Reports

5.1.1. Product movements report

An example of the output:


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5.1.2. Material transaction report

Only shows transactions related to business partner. For example:

5.1.3. Traceability report

Only shows products that have attribute set value selected. The report is grouped by attribute set value.For example:


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5.2. Stock report

The report shows the stock level, with the possibility to filter by product, product category and warehouse location.

5.2.1. Valued stock report

This report shows the stock for a particular warehouse and the value of the stock, based on quantity in stock multiplied by the cost of the product. The filter of product

Category can be selected. Example of the output: