  • 8/3/2019 Warden to Challenge "Civility Accord" and New Rules of Decorum on Tuesday


    January 30, 2012

    EVENT Warden Challenge to New Rules ofDecorum

    TIME 5:00 pmDATE February 07, 2012PLACE Tucson City Council Meeting

    Regarding the First Amendment, the so-called Civility Accord and theTucson City Council Rules of Decorum for speech during Call to the Audience which was in the public eye last September: the Tucson CityCouncil is trying to pull a fast one and Tucson activist Roy Warden sayshes not going to let them get away with it.

    Last September Warden was arrested when he criticized the City Councilfor hiring former Tucson Police Chief Richard Miranda as Tucson CityManager in 2008, just three weeks after the City paid 1.7 million dollars ofa federal judgment of 2.9 million dollars finding Miranda, and two others,

    liable for conspiracy and first amendment retaliation.

    In October Warden filed a Special Action in Pima County Superior Courtseeking to overturn the Rules of Decorum which permitted his arrest andremoval from the City Council Chambers for uttering works the thenTucson Mayor, Bob Walkup, considered impertinent and slanderous.

    After a flurry of briefs and motions the Court entertained oral argument onJanuary 23, 2012.

    On Tuesday January 24, 2012 the City Council, without comment, public

    notice or a press release, adopted new Rules of Decorum which Wardenclaims are just as constitutionally offensive as the old ones.

    On January 23, 2012 the City Attorney, in sum and substance, told theCourt: You dont have to rule on Wardens suit on the old rules, Judge.Weve got new rules were adopting tomorrow.

  • 8/3/2019 Warden to Challenge "Civility Accord" and New Rules of Decorum on Tuesday


    Then they pulled a fast one, Warden says. In sum and substance, theytold the Judge: You cant consider Wardens objections to the new rulesbecause the issue of the new rules is not before the Court.

    Warden calls the City Attorneys argument sleight of hand, trickery, or

    legal mumbo-jumbo, and vows to renew the issue in court, if necessary,and during Call to the Audience on February 07, 2012.

    Simply speaking, the City of Tucson doesn't want people to makecomments they consider to be impertinent or slanderous regarding theirofficial conduct during Call to the Audience.

    "They continue to break the law and break faith with local citizens on vitalFirst Amendment issues, Warden says. And I will keep them in court aslong as it takes to protect the publics right to challenge the rectitude ofgovernment and to get this issue resolved.

    Roy WardenArizona Common Sense

    [email protected]

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