
Want Free

Unlimited Calling on

your iPhone or iTouch?

Would you like to make free unlimited calls with your


Would you like to use your iTouch to make free

unlimited calls?

Will you be traveling soon and dread international

roaming rates?

We can help.

You need 3 things…



And a SIP account.

First, install fring and set up your SIP account…watch the


If you don’t have a sip account, there are many

great options,

But only one sip provider gives you the ability to use

it for free.

There is NO contract.

There are NO taxes.

There is NO deposit.

There is NO cancellation fee.

Unlimited calling 24/7 to…


Puerto Rico,

and all of the United States.

And unlike Skype,

You can call cell phones, home phones, and VoIP


For no additional charge.

Just $24.95 a month,

I know what you’re thinking,

What happened to FREE?

When you refer 3 of your friends…

And they sign up for the service…

Your service is completely FREE.

That’s right, FREE.

3 subscribers and yours is free.

To sign up for service, visit

Don’t forget to give your friends your tracking ID


So you can have FREE unlimited calling.

This is a how to presentation on how to make free unlimited calling from your iPhone or iTouch using fring. Fring is a free application that allows you to use your Sip provider to make calls over the internet, voip. If you subscribe to Global Freedom Phone your service is less than 25 a month. But if you refer 3 customers to the service than your service is completely free. So you have free unlimited calling from you iphone or itouch using fring. Best of all you don’t have to jailbreak your iphone.