
Wandering Through SoftwareHow to benefit from changing requirements

and unpredictability

Name this country….

26 autonomous regions

4 official languages

Any citizen may challenge any law at any time

New president every year

How does this sound?


Stable Over Time

98th percentile in Government Effectiveness and Political Stability

Benefits from Volatility

Never invaded or attacked during either WW

GDP rose 5% each year following WWII

Switzerland is Agile

Switzerland is Agile

local autonomy

Switzerland is Agile

local autonomy self-organizing teams

Switzerland is Agile

local autonomy

empowered citizens

self-organizing teams

Switzerland is Agile

local autonomy

empowered citizens

self-organizing teams

continuous integration

Switzerland is Agile

local autonomy

empowered citizens

1 year presidents

self-organizing teams

continuous integration

Switzerland is Agile

local autonomy

empowered citizens

1 year presidents

self-organizing teams

continuous integration

short iterations

Switzerland is Agile

local autonomy

empowered citizens

1 year presidents

4 languages

self-organizing teams

continuous integration

short iterations

Switzerland is Agile

local autonomy

empowered citizens

1 year presidents

4 languages

self-organizing teams

continuous integration

short iterations


Little central planning

Loose political process

Plenty small conflicts at local level

No large conflicts at the system level

Little harm, large benefits from political volatility


Little upfront planning

Loosely defined processes

Plenty small changes at each iteration

No large changes at the end of the project

Little harm, large benefits from changing requirements


Opposite of Fragile




Opposite of Fragile


How do we help our agile process improve when things are mishandled?

Process depends on people

Uncertainty Avoidance

Russia: 95

Switzerland: 58

How do we handle uncertainty as individuals?

Tourist vs Flaneur

Tourist vs Flaneur

● predicted path ● unpredictable path

Tourist vs Flaneur

● predicted path● hard-to-revise plan

● unpredictable path● opportunistic

Tourist vs Flaneur

● predicted path● hard-to-revise plan● no options

● unpredictable path● opportunistic● many options





Tourist vs Flaneur

Gets worse with randomness Gets better with randomness

How to be a software flaneur

Key Activities

● Testing● Iteration and Refactoring● Estimation and Design● Policy making


Why do we write tests?


Redundancy is aggressive

Redundancy in the human body

Redundancy seems like a waste if nothing unusual happens

The tourist optimizes

“I don’t expect a problem with this code, it’s pretty straightforward.”

“We could be more productive if we didn’t write unit tests.”

“I hope I didn’t break something.”

The flaneur relies on redundancy

“I know my code works.”


“Should we write this test, too? It’s just gonna pass.”


Estimation and Design

75% of software projects encounter effort and/or schedule overruns

“More planning!”

Planning Fallacy

We can’t estimate risk and randomness

We can estimate fragility


Estimate Error



An estimate error of 5 days has 5x the impact of an estimate error of 1 day

Quality Error



A quality error 10x greater than a small error hurts you more than 10 small errors

Quality is more fragile than budget…

focus on the most fragile part of the process

Design vs. Creating in Context

“The craftsmen had done further, deeper thinking about light than the designers.”

“Like our endless quest to explain the origins of things, we’re prone to seeking magic in beginnings… It’s this desire that leads otherwise bright minds to research Michael Jordan’s breakfast, da Vinci’s or Einstein’s napping habits, or Linus Torvalds’ chosen style of underwear.”

- Scott Berkun, The Myths of Innovation

“It doesn’t matter where you start, as long as you start.”

The tourist estimates and designs outcomes…

and is usually wrong

“Let’s get better with our estimates.”

“Let’s put this on hold until we get the design right.”

“We completed 40 points last week, so we should be able to do 40 points this week.”

The flaneur estimates fragility…

and limits exposure to nonlinearity

“What’s the next story?”

“Can we break this up into smaller, less complex pieces?”

“What requirements do we not understand?”

“What’s the simplest way to solve this problem?”

Iteration and Refactoring


You don’t have to be right that often

Changes in Value


Small Errors

Big Discovery

Negative Knowledge

Knowing what doesn’t work is more effective than trying to figure out what does work

Are our retros just check-ins along the map?

Negative Knowledge in Refactoring

“When you find that yesterday's decision doesn't make sense today, you change the decision. Now you can do today's work. Tomorrow, some of your understanding as of today will seem naive, so you'll change that, too.”

- Kent Beck

Unplanned Refactoring as Optionality

“In my view refactoring is not an activity you set aside time to do. Refactoring is something you do all the time in little bursts. You don't decide to refactor, you refactor because you want to do something else, and refactoring helps you do that other thing.”

- Martin Fowler

The tourist stays on the bus

“But we committed to doing it this way.”

“I’ve already spent too much time on this code to delete it.”

“Let’s just keep going and see if it gets better.”

The flaneur takes the path that makes future change easier

“That class isn’t very extensible, let’s refactor it while we implement this feature.”

“I think we should start over on this story. This code is rigid, and I know how to improve it based

on my mistakes so far.”

Policy making

Intervention Bias Iatrogenics

Top-down policies and actions in which:

benefits are small and visible

side effects potentially severe and invisible


“... is such a common property, particularly of living systems, that we take it for granted.”

“... often sacrificed for purposes of short-term productivity and stability.”

“... requires freedom and experimentation, and a certain amount of disorder.”

Top-down is hard to reverse, mistakes tend to stick

Bottom-up is noisy, gradual, and incremental

Top down code policies and metrics

Visible Benefits

Metrics improve

Defined course of action for most events

Tests for all acceptance criteria

Top down code policies and metrics

Side Effects

Rule beating?

Policy resistance, disengagement?

Tests outside the acceptance criteria?

The tourist intervenes from the top-down

“It’s just the way we do it.”

“Look at the data, things are going great!”

“We can’t change now, there would be too much overhead.”

The flaneur organizes from the bottom up


“Let’s change our process now that we’ve picked up our pace.”

“Thanks for the feedback. You were right, I should have paid closer attention to my code.”

How to Wander

● Redundancy● Non-prediction● Non-intervention● Optionality

Wandering is Good

“The best way to verify that you are

alive is by checking if you like variations.”

Are you a wanderer or a tourist?

Thank YouKevin Buchanan

@[email protected]


● Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder● Kent Beck. Ease at Work.● Robert C. Martin. Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and

Practices● Daniel Kahneman. Thinking Fast and Slow● Matthew Stewart. The Management Myth: Why the Experts Keep Getting it

Wrong● Donnella Meadows. Thinking in Systems● Richard Sennet. The Craftsman