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  • 8/12/2019 Walk the Talk With God



    One human was meditating very seriously. Suddenly, the God appeared before

    him. Following is the conversation between the human and the God. Human:

    Godji, thank you very much for appearing before me. God: Why you are adding jiafter God. Human: You are the God. You know everything. At least that is what

    people say. But still you do not know about this suffix. God: Really I do not know.

    Things are changing very fast in your world. Yesterday I appeared before an

    American. They never used this ji while addressing me. Human: Oh God! You

    travel so fast. God: I do not travel. I am everywhere. But you are not answering

    my question. Human: Godji God: Please do not address me ji. Human: We are

    used to addressing leaders like this. It is slip of the tongue. But our people always

    like addressing them like this. If some name is suffixed with ji, it indicates that theperson is respectful. God: When I was born as Rama , Krishna, Jesus and Allah I

    was not addressed with ji. Am I to understand that my above incarnations were

    not respected? Human: It does not mean that. We are making money using those

    names. There is a liquor brand called Rama wines. Krishna cigarette is a famous

    brand in cigarettes. God: What is wine and what is cigarette? I heard that humans

    now-a-days do not consider my existence. But Narada told me that everybody is

    talking about yoga and meditation in order to visualize me. Why this

    contradiction? Human: God! Please do not believe in what Narada says. You know

    very well that he always creates confusion and chaos. We have seen Narada in a

    lot of movies and we know about him well. God: You have Narada in movies?

    What is movie? Is it another world? How another world can exist without my

    knowledge? Human: You do not know about cinema world!! This is the most

    important world for us. This is the richest world. God: You are giving me too many

    surprises. This is the first time I am hearing about cinema world. I think I have to

    learn so many things from your world. Human: Would you like to visit a cinema

    house? You can meet a lot of people. But I do not want other people to see you.

    That is why I am hesitating. God: On seeing me they will also be blessed. Is it not

    good for them? Human: It is good for them. That is why I am hesitating. I only did

    the penance for such a long time. You have appeared before me, because of my

    penance. Why should others be benefited out my dedicated penance? Human

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    saw God shedding tears. God did not speak for a long time. Human got worried,

    as he has not yet asked for boons from God so far. Human: Please forgive me if

    had said anything wrong. Why you are crying and not speaking to me anything?

    God: I pity myself. I never thought that you would so selfish. Human: You have not

    visited us for a long time. You were born as Krishna, Rama, Jesus and Allah. All

    these incarnations were long time ago. Our world had undergone a huge change

    after those incarnations. Those times kings were there. Their administration was

    good. Now-a-days, administrators have no time for their citizens. They have no

    time even to administer their own assets and cash and bank balances. God: I do

    not understand what you say. You told me that you would take me to a cinema

    hall. But you are now taking me through these palaces. Human: We are going to a

    cinema hall only. These are not palaces, as we do not have kings now. These are

    called houses. Top administrators live here. God: Even I do not have such huge

    buildings. How did they get such palaces? Human: I have already told you that

    these are not palaces. These are simple houses. They have such houses because

    they have income from different sources. God: How a person can have income

    from different sources? You know, Narada has made a proverb one work at a

    time. Is it not applicable to them? Human: Do not speak in a loud voice. Some

    security guard might be hearing what you are saying. God became angry. God:

    Lots of people are waiting for years to hear my speech. You are now saying that Ishould not talk loud. Human: God, please do not shout. If you shout, you will be

    arrested and along with you I will also be arrested. You have not yet given me

    boons. If you are arrested, then how I will get my boons? These places are

    categorized as Z security zones. In these zones, you should not speak in a loud

    voice. You should not carry bags like what you carry. God: Why? Human: The

    people living here do a lot of service to the humanity. So, they expect threats for

    their lives. These guards in black dress are there to protect their lives. God:

    Protecting their lives! I only decide about birth and death. Who are these blackdressed people to protect their lives? Human: God, please do not shout. You

    should not have bought such a big bag for you. If the black dressed people see

    your bag, they will start searching it. God: Why they should search my bag? There

    is a book in my bag which contains the dates of various events to take place in the

    universe. I will not show my bag to anybody. Human was praying with folded

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    hands looking at the sky forgetting that the God is by his side. God: What did you

    at the sky with your hands folded? Human: I was praying to God. For a moment I

    had forgotten that you are by my side. When in fear we always think about you.

    This has become a habit for all of us. Please forgive me. God: Every second I am

    forgiving somebody or other. (continued in part II)


    Human: Thank you God. We have at last crossed Z security zone. God: Where we

    are going now? Human: We are presently passing through a famous temple. You

    can see that serpentine queue. They are all waiting to have a darshan of God.

    God: It is good to know that people are patiently waiting to see me. But what is

    that second queue? Human: That is special darshan queue. God: What is special

    darshan? After all, I consider everybody one and the same. Human: Special queue

    is for rich and famous. They pay money and buy special tickets. Majority of us do

    not have enough money to buy tickets to have your darshan. God: It is very sad.

    Human: But it is your mistake. You have not given everybody enough money. You

    are also partial in your attitude. God: How you can say that? Every person created

    in this world is born with his karmas. So being rich or poor depends upon their

    karmas. So, you should learn to do good karmas. Human: What is karma? Can you

    explain that? God: Did you not see manblunder blog regarding karmas? If not,why cant you read the blog? Human: I do not have time to read that!! A friend of

    mine has told me that he does not understand anything written there. God: What

    is there to understand? The blog says that I reside in every living being. This is a

    simple concept. What is there that you do not understand? Human: There are a

    number of spiritual preachers. Their lectures are well attended. Some of them

    raise kundalini in a day or two. God: What? Raising kundalini in days! Do you

    know anything about kundalini? Human: No God. But, everybody is saying that

    you are kundalini. God: Yes, I am the kundalini energy. No body can raise yourkundalini. There are certain procedures by which one can raise kundalini over a

    period of time. Since my wife was very keen to know, I have only told her. Human:

    But how that is every alternate person is talking about kundalini? God: I think I

    will form a committee to find out whether there was any leakage of secrets from

    my world to your world

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    built only to worship me! Human: Yes, of course. This stall is selling your Prasad.

    God: My Prasad! What is Prasad? Human: Prasad are the eatables offered to your

    idol, for you to take. God: What? Who said I am hungry? I think you humans are

    treating me very badly. I am God. I am above everything. I only provide you food

    and all that stuff. How is that you are feeding me? Human: After you are done

    with, the left over is sold here. That is why these items command a premium.

    Beyond this I do not know. If you want further clarification on this, we can ask the

    priest. God: I would certainly like to know. Please ask the priest to come here.

    Human: He will not come here. We will go there. God: (Looking at the human) as

    you please. Both human and the God went closer to the priest. God asked the

    human to clarify with the priest. Human: Swamiji!! Can you tell me the

    importance of Prasad being sold in that shop? Priest: These are the eatable items

    made out of pure ghee. These items are offered to God. The left over is given to

    that shop to enable the devotees to enjoy the food offered to God. Do you want

    to go near the God inside and seek his blessings? Human looked at God. God nods

    his head. Human: Yes! I would love to have a closer darshan!! Priest: It will cost

    you 100 bucks. Human: Okay. Priest: Do you want an archana to be performed?

    Human: Yes!! What is the cost of the archana? Priest: Another 50 bucks. Human:

    Fine. Take these 250 bucks. Entry for both of us 200 bucks: archana 50 bucks. A

    surprised priest looked at the human. He could see only the human. God isinvisible to all except to that particular human. Priest did not bother to ask the

    human about this. He took the human through a special entrance, where lots of

    devotees were waiting in a queue holding special darshan tickets of 500 bucks.

    The human was made to stand very close to the idol. God was standing next to

    him. Priest started his archana. Half way through the archana, priests mobile

    phone started ringing. He stopped the archana midway and started talking over

    the phone. He was talking over the mobile phone for more than ten minutes. He

    was talking so loudly, everyone inside were getting annoyed. A few were cursingthe priest. Others were saying that God would not stay in these temples, as even

    in the places of worship, people were mainly after money. God was hearing all

    this. God was terribly annoyed and started leaving that place. The human got

    tensed and told the priest to continue the archana. Priest immediately

    disconnected the phone and performed arathi, saying that archana is over. God

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    was terribly annoyed and fuming with anger. Terrible heat waves were emanating

    from Him. Everyone was sweating profusely. To be continued


    The human was terribly scared. He wanted to take the God out of the temple. But

    he could not go anywhere near the God. Everyone in the temple was rushing out,

    in order to save their lives. The situation was noticed by Shakthi (wife of God). She

    descended from the sky. Skathi is always cool. That is why She is always compared

    to Moon. In breathing exercises, ida and pingala nadies are compared to the Sun

    and the Moon. On seeing His Vimarsha, His Shakthi, His better half, God has

    cooled down. God started walking out of the temple along with His Shakthi. Both

    of them were visible only to the humans eyes. God: (addressing to human) What

    is happening in your world? The priest who performed the archana was talking to

    somebody over phone. How he could do this? He has to say all my 108 names.

    (Archana is a procedure by which the priest chants 108 names of the God by

    placing 108 flowers at His feet). The first mistake was speaking over phone. The

    second mistake was he did not recite all my 108 names. After all, chanting 108 of

    my names will not take more than five minutes. Can he not spend at least that

    much time before me? Shakthi: My lord, this is what is happening here? Except a

    very few, nobody in this universe honestly think about you. There are a number of

    centers, where in they teach how to realise You. In fact, what they teach is

    nothing. These centers are only trying to make money using your name. Most of

    the humans are in trouble in someway or other, because of their karmas. These

    institutes utilize this opportunity and enroll these poor humans and make them

    still poorer. God: Devi! How do you know all these things? Shakthi: My lord, I am

    discharging my duties faithfully. You only handed over all these duties to me. I

    know for certain that you will burn me, if I fail in my duties. That is why; I closely

    monitor the situation here. Poor humans, they are not aware that they are being

    watched by me. God: But, you have too many temples. To get your blessings they

    even walk on the fire. Why you are not blessing them? Shakthi: My Lord, you

    know better. I never asked them to walk on fire. I never asked them to build so

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    many temples for me. Only thing I wanted was that they should understand that

    YOU reside in their conscience. I do not count their trips to temples. But, I

    certainly count the good and bad deeds done by them. Most of them speak one

    thing and do exactly the opposite. God: What you are going to do to set things

    right? Shakthi: My lord! I have already planed what I should do. I am going to use

    this human standing before us, as a tool. I do not how far I will succeed in my

    endeavour. I am also noticing a person who is regularly writing about self

    realisation. But nobody takes his writings seriously. Most of them do not even

    look into what he has written. God: Possibly, people may not have time to read

    that. Human: Mataji! (Mother of a person is addressed as mataji. Goddess is also

    addressed as Mataji, as they are placed on par with ones own mother) where I

    can find his writings? Shakthi: There is one blog site called Visit that site and you will find all the details

    there. To be continued


    Shakthi: I can give some body a delicious sweet. I give them a desire to eat that

    too. In spite of this, he does not take that sweet, what I can do? My lord never

    gives darshan to anybody that easily. But He has chosen to give darshan to you,

    which means that you were only thinking about Him all the time. Human: Yes,Mataji. I was thinking all the time about Him only. Even for a moment I never

    thought about a second to Him. Shakthi: Yes, I know. Lord had given darshan only

    to a select few. All cannot see Him or me even. Lord does not have a form. In

    whatever form you see Him today is the result of your manifestation. People

    manifest me in several forms. My darshan to my devotees also depends upon the

    form they manifest. Normally people manifest me as the most beautiful

    personality in the universe, with diamond studded crown, necklaces, bangles,

    flowers that are not found in your world. Since they want riches, they manifestme in such a form. If a person wants knowledge, they manifest me with a Veena

    (a musical instrument), with palm leaves (present day print) etc. So the form of

    manifestation depends upon what you want. Human: Is it right to pray to you

    asking for something. God: My dear human! I will answer your question. You need

    not ask anything from us. We decide what to give you and what not to give you.

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    But in your desire to acquire richness, honour etc you are falling as a prey to

    Devis maya. Maya is an elimination process devised by Her. Human: Lord! Do You

    mean to say that Devi is preventing us to have your darshan. God: Devi has

    already told you to go through manblunder blog. Had you done that, you will

    not ask this question. Devi never prevents you to have my darshan. Secondly, Devi

    is in no way different from me. We are not different entities. For those who are

    ignorant, we appear different. Shakthi: My Lord! I told you that I have plans to set

    things right in this universe. Whatever You say now, let that reach the universe. I

    humbly suggest that You wait for a few more days. I will get a few more people to

    listen to you. God: Why cant You make this human to teach others. Let him first

    learn from us. Shakthi: No your lord, do not trust one human alone. After learning

    from us, he will go out and tell everybody that he had our darshan. He will charge

    a hefty sum to share what we had taught to him. Let us not take chances. Human:

    Mataji! I am not that type of person. Why should you call others? I will teach

    everybody else, without charges. Shakthi: See my Lord! This is what I said. This

    human has still ego. Humans in general, cannot get rid of their ego. That is why I

    want more people to learn. At least, there will be a healthy competition with

    regard to charges!! God: Alright Devi. Do whatever you like. Till then where do we

    stay? Human: Mataji and God! Why cant you stay with me? Goddess looked at

    God for His consent. God nod his head. To be continued.


    The God, the Goddess and the human reached the place of the human. It was a

    small house. His elderly parents were there. The humans father was very sick and

    he could not even walk. His mother walked with great difficulty. On reaching his

    house, the human knocked at the door. His mother opened the door. The human

    touched the feet of his mother. She became very emotional as she was seeing his

    son after a long time. Human welcomed the divine couple inside. His motherthought that his son had become a lunatic, as she did not see anybody. On seeing

    his father, the human touched the feet of his father. The divine couple was

    pleased with his parental devotion. Human told his parents, that his penance

    became fruitful, as a result of which the divine couple is with him. He requested

    them to give darshan to his parents. Shakthi: My dear human, we cannot give

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    darshan to them. They are not spiritually evolved souls. Since you have requested,

    from now on they will get rid of all their ailments. The moment these words were

    uttered by Shakthi, his parents became alright. Humans father got out of the bed

    with ease. His mother became energetic. Shakthi: (addressing the human) Right.

    You now take rest. We will again appear before you in four hours from now. At

    that time, we will evolve a strategy. We need your help from this moment. I have

    already summoned Indra (please refer to my postings on Vedas). He along with

    a few others will be here tomorrow. After saying this, the divine couple

    disappeared. The human was so excited. He was particularly happy about his

    parents recovery. He shared his experience with them. They were in a very elated

    mood. The human, wondering as to how things would happen the next day, went

    to sleep. Indra was getting ready to go to the earth. He summoned his ministers

    to find out whether everything was alright in the planet earth. His ministers told

    Indra how the God and his Shakthi went to the earth and incidents there after.

    Indra became nervous after knowing why he had been summoned. He started his

    journey towards the earth and he was the first person to arrive at the humans

    house. The human could not identify Indra and therefore Indra introduced himself

    to him. At this time, the God and his Shakthi appeared. The time was exactly four

    hours from their departure. Shakthi came to the point straight. Shakthi: Indra, my

    Lord started telling the secrets of divinity to this human. I told him that it wouldbe better if He tells the divine secret to more than one person. What do you say

    Indra? Indra: Yes Mataji. It would be better if the Lord communicates to more

    than one person. Human: Indraji! I requested the divine couple to share the

    secrets with me. I promised them that I would teach others. But they do not have

    trust in me. Indra: Oh human! I have nothing to say in this matter. They only

    decide. At this point, the God and the Goddess went aside and held discussion.

    Shakthi: Indra, God wants the entire earth to listen to His speech. Do you think it

    is possible? What do you say human? Human: It is possible Mataji. In todaysworld the TV and print media have major reach. People are addicted to television

    channels. They always make ordinary information into spicy news. (To be



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    Indra: Mataji! I will coordinate with this human to organize. When is the God

    going to deliver his speech? Mataji: Indra! Two days from now. Indra: Human! Is it

    possible to organize in two days? Human: (thinking that he could make money in

    sponsorship) Yes, it is possible. God: Devi! I am convinced that this human can

    organize this. Let us go back to our place. I will commence my speech at 6.00 pm.

    Is that alright? Shakthi: That is fine My Lord. Now let us go. I will be in touch with

    Indra and to ensure that things are in place. The God and the Goddess vanished

    into the thin air. Human: Indra! You give the entire responsibility to me. You take

    rest and go around the world for sight seeing. Indra: I cannot do that. I will

    accompany you wherever you go. Human: No Indra! You take rest in my home. I

    will go and meet a few people to organize things. But Indra. . . . . . . (human was

    hesitating to complete the sentence) Indra: Why you are hesitating? Human: I am

    planning to make huge money out of this event. The money I will get will be in

    millions. I will give rights to a few TV channels. I can share this money with .

    Indra: With? Human: Do not mistake me. It is the practice in this world to share

    commission with everybody involved in such programmes. I do not know how to

    discuss these things with you as you are the lord for wealth. Indra: I do not

    understand. What is sharing? You humans never share good things with others. I

    think whatever you are willing to share should be bad. Human: Indraji! To be

    frank with you, what you say is correct. We never want to share good things withothers. You take this present case. I told you that I will make millions of money. I

    will bargain with many firms and I will give the rights to that firm, which gives me

    more money, even if the quality of audio is poor. Indra: If audio quality is poor,

    how people will listen to His speech? Human: Please do not mistake me.

    Generally we do not worry about others. Our intention is to make a lot of money

    and enjoy all the comforts. You can also buy properties in this planet, though you

    have a huge palace in your world. Out of the money earned from such

    transactions, we normally buy properties in various places. But we do not buy inour names, but in the names of our relatives. Like this, you can also buy

    properties in your wifes name. Indra: Listen human. I do not like all this. If Mataji

    comes to know about this, she will destroy you. I too will loose my job. After all

    God is willing to give His speech to this world after several centuries. Human:

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    Indraji! Do not be angry. But this is happening in this world now for decades. I am

    not talking about something new. This is prevalent for decades. (To be continued)


    Indra now understood why the Goddess wanted more than one human to listen

    to the Gods speech. He stood confused for the first time. He thought that he

    should do something now as he had promised to the Goddess that he would take

    care of the arrangements. He also decided that he should not trust this human.

    Indra disappeared from the scene to discuss with ancient rishis and to find a

    solution. He met the saptarishis (means seven rishis) who are said to be alive

    physically even today. Indra told them about the behavior of this human and

    wanted a solution. Saptarishis told Indra that they would descend to the earth

    and speak to this human. Indra was wondering what these rishis can do with this

    human. Look at Indras ego, though he is a god himself. Saptarishis accompanied

    by Indra met this human. The rishis spoke to the human thus. Look human, we

    are Saptarishis. We are called realised souls. Our thoughts are always with God.

    When we eat, when we breathe and whatever action we do, we think only about

    the God. Normally, we do not come to earth, and that too will never appear

    before a person like you. You are a blessed person as the God and the Goddess

    appeared before you in person. This looked very strange to all of us as in todaysenvironment they never give darshan to anybody. This is because you have been

    seeking them in your past births. You have accumulated a lot of good karmas as a

    result of good deeds. As per your karmas, you will have no more births. Most

    unfortunately, you have chosen this great moment to make money. In this kali

    yug, God delivering speech to the humanity is unheard of. Even after having

    darshan of the divine couple, you are still selfish. Presently, the world is drifting

    away from spirituality. If this continues, entire humanity will perish. For the

    destruction of the humanity you will become responsible. If you becomeresponsible for this, all your good karmas will be lost and you have to take

    innumerable births. You are thinking that the divine couple is not aware of what

    you are doing now. Probably you are not aware that every breath of yours and

    every living human being are counted by them. We hope that you understood

    what we have told you and the veracity of the problem you are creating. Money

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    cannot take you to God and only your good deeds will. Let us know your decision

    right now. The human was speechless and prostrated before the rishis and spoke

    thus: This is the difference between a learned Guru (meaning Saptarishis) and

    Indra. When I said some thing out of my ignorance and greed, Indra could have

    pointed out my blunder. Had he pointed out my blunders, certainly I would have

    corrected myself. I am fortunate in having Saptarishis darshan also. Now I promise

    you that I will ensure that Gods speech reaches every part of the world. Once

    again I request you to kindly forgive me for the blunders committed by me. The

    rishis blessed him and left. Indra: Look human! Now I will tell you what you have

    to do. Find out an appropriate venue to hold the function. Inform all the TV

    channels for live coverage. His speech should be telecast live through out the

    earth. Invite top reporters, from leading news papers and magazines. Though the

    time is too short, I expect a few million people to be present at the venue. All

    devatas, rishis and enlightened souls will be present in person. Make appropriate

    seating for them. Take care of transport, water and other amenities for the

    participants. Please ensure that you directly coordinate with everybody. No mess

    up at all. Human: Indraji! Please forgive me for what I have done. I will do

    whatever you say. I am just leaving right now to make arrangements. Indra: One

    minute. I have forgotten to tell you one important thing. The function will have

    two sessions. In the first session God will make his speech. Nobody shouldinterrupt his speech. In the second session, he will meet the press. So make

    arrangements accordingly. Human: I will take care of that too. By saying this, the

    human rushed out to attend his duties. In the next day all the news papers carried

    headlines about this. Each paper had given its own caption. All the TV channels

    flashed Breaking News about this programme. The whole world was talking

    about this. There were discussions and debates in all the channels. This has

    become the hot topic in the blogs. The programme was named as GOD

    UNPLUGGED (To be continued as God Unplugged)


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    penance for years to seek the God. Pleased with penance God appeared before

    me. I was with the God for the past few days. I can see God, but most of you

    cannot see him, but can listen to his voice. He will be visible to the rishis sitting

    here. God delivering a speech is unheard of in this earth. It is He who has asked

    me to make all these arrangements. Beyond this, I have nothing to say. The God

    should be here in another ten minutes. Be prepared to listen to his speech very

    carefully. By saying this, the man left the stage. Did you hear what he said? We

    may not be able to see God. I think this will disappoint most of our viewers. Most

    of the audiences here are waiting to have a glimpse of the God, but now it

    appears as a distant dream. I could hear a few voices here about the genuineness

    of the whole thing said the reporter. Do you have any doubt about he

    genuineness of the programme? asked the studio woman. No. I do not have any

    doubt. Wait. I am seeing a powerful and glowing light moving towards the stage.

    said the reporter. All the TV cameras are focusing on that light. A highly exited

    reporter was shouting at the top of his voice I have never seen a light like this in

    my life. It is several times powerful than the Sun. But it appears that this light

    powerful light is covered by something else, which reduces the intensity of this

    light. I cannot explain this phenomenon. Yes! I can also see that. I am very

    happy that all of our viewers are able to watch this wonderful phenomenon live

    Shouted the woman in the studio. I am seeing this light moving towards thethrone placed in the stage. Oh! Now I am seeing this light on the throne. Now the

    man who spoke a few minutes ago is going near that light. Yes, he is saying

    something to the light. Now the man is returning to the mike. Oh, now I am

    seeing the light going dim and another light like the moon is seen on the smaller

    throne. I think the man is going to say some thing to the audience. said the

    reporter. In a minute the God will speak to all of us. There is no audio system and

    His voice will be heard all over the universe said the man. The God started his



    All of you are created in this universe by my Shakthi. She was created by me to

    administer the universe which includes creation, sustenance and dissolution. She

    created trillions of living beings in this universe. You are her highest form of

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    creation. From a tiny organism to your evolution, she took billions of years. At

    every stage she also created highly evolved souls to give you the right direction

    for living. At different times she sent Prophet Mohamed, Adhi Shankara, Jesus

    Christ, Guru Granth Sahib, Gauthama Buddha etc. They taught you the ethical

    values. They told you in simple words that I, the God, reside in each and every

    living being of this universe. They also told you that I reside within you as a tiny

    and highly illuminating dot, called soul. I am in the form of your soul, is just

    witnessing your activities and not directing you to do this or that act. All your acts

    are your own. By doing good or bad deeds, your karmic account gets credits or

    debits. You have been told about this time and again, but none of you understood

    the concept of God. I would not like to talk to you about Her entire creation. At

    this time, I would like to talk only about you, humans. You worship me in different

    forms. That shows your ignorance and utter disregard to the teachings of these

    highly evolved souls. My Jesus Christ is no way different from my prophet

    Mohamed or my Shankara. They never said that they are God. They were the

    messengers of God. They carried my messages and delivered to you in different

    forms. Their teachings were written and published in various forms like, the Bible,

    the holy Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, etc. All their holy writings carry the same

    message in different forms. But unfortunately, you attributed different forms to

    me. You started worshipping these forms. If another man did not worship theform liked by you, the external conflict arises between two of you. As time pass,

    you start hating each other. I am ashamed to use this word hate. If you use this

    word once, your bad karma account is credited several times. Not knowing that

    you are going to suffer on account of your bad karmas, you start creating trouble

    to the other person. Few more join you and start hitting and hurting the other

    person. For some time he keeps quiet. Once he sees you with your accomplices,

    he also brings in his people. You fight and perish. You call your self a Hindu and

    other person calls himself a Christian. Like this one more calls themselves as Sikhsand others as Muslims. Who told you to manifest a form for me? Till this moment

    you never believed in my formless form. Now you are witnessing in person. Are

    you seeing in any form now? Are you not seeing my self illuminating light? This

    self illuminating light of mine is several times more powerful than the Sun you are

    seeing. If you see my original form of light, you will be burnt to death. My original

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    form is covered by my Shkthi, who reduces the intensity of my light. Your Sun gets

    light from me. I have been witnessing that you started religions. Who asked you

    to start a religion? There is no religion for you. You need no religion to express

    your faith in me. Except thinking about me, you do everything in the name of

    religion. You are not aware that you need to take many births and suffer on

    account of such activities. You are also destined to take births as animals, insects,

    birds, tress, etc. In all your future births you undergo more sufferings. Do you

    really need this? After all, your entire goal was to understand and merge with me.

    For such a simple goal why do you want to undergo so much of torture births

    after births? Instead, if all of you join together and live in a cordial atmosphere,

    you derive more happiness. When you are happy, your thoughts do not give room

    for hatred. When there is no hatred, you have my blessings. There is no necessity

    to go to mountains and forests for penance. Though, penance is a way of seeking

    my blessings, it is not the only way. By doing penance you alone derive the

    benefit. Penance is difficult. You have to sacrifice everything you deserve to enjoy

    as being born as a human. By maintaining peace and harmony, all of you derive

    several benefits. To be continued.


    Even today you are scarifying. Most of you are laying down your lives forunwanted and undesirable reasons. When you do not die under natural

    circumstances, you are adding tons to your bad karmas. As I told you earlier, I am

    not instigating you or preventing you to perform an act. I am just watching what

    you are doing. The thought and execution is determined by your karmas. The

    entire universe is bound by karmas. There is nobody in this universe born without

    karmas. When you continuously perform good karmas and do not perform bad

    karmas, here also you have to take birth. This is because you have not renounced

    the effects of the good karmas in my favour. You wanted to derive the benefits ofthe good karmas. At this stage, your desire to worldly attachments prevented

    this. Unless you get rid off your desires, you will continue to have rebirths and

    associated sufferings. In every birth you have to suffer and only the quantum of

    suffering differs. Your desire to attain my feet is also in a way an attachment. You

    simply forget that I am within you. When I am within you, how will you reach me,

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    without looking in to your inner self? This is not as simple as you look at this. That

    is why you get realised souls one in a billion. After self realisation there is one

    final stage. I will talk about this later. I am now talking to you in a lucid language,

    so that you can understand the basics. I have not sent my messengers in the

    recent past. I am very sure that you will not listen to that person in your present

    status of mind. Your mind revolves only around money and power, the two worst

    devils. Since the situation in the earth is so bad, for the first time ever, I have

    come in person and addressing you. The situation is so dangerous and if I did not

    intervene now, all of you will perish, by devastating natural calamities. I do not

    you to perish now. From million years from now, an advanced version of human

    being will exist in this universe. It is called evolution. A car manufacturer launches

    a model today, and after some time he launches a new version with advanced

    features. Take your case. In the early stages of your birth, you were an embryo.

    Over a period time, you have attained this shape and size. This is also called

    evolution. Millions of years from now, your existing shape and size will certainly

    undergo a huge change. You will not be there with this body to watch these

    persons. I do not undergo change whereas you are undergoing change every

    minute. If you loose a minute now, this minute will never be available to you

    again. In every minute, you create karmas. In your dreams also, you make karmas.

    When you have a bad dream, your bad karmas account is credited. I am notresponsible for your dreams. Dream is a process of thinking. If you train your mind

    to think well, you may not dream at all. If you dream, you will have good dreams

    only. I observe that most of you are becoming restless and impatient. You do not

    have inclination to listen to the speech of your Creator. If you do not listen to me,

    to whom you will listen? That is why many of the messengers sent by me could

    not do their job properly. When you are restless to my speech, I am sure you will

    not even listen to their speeches. Most of you need intermission, to go out and

    have coffee or tea and snacks. You are used to this type of breaks. You are notable to continuously concentrate on any thing for a longer duration. If any one in

    this sea of humanity can come to me and say that he/she can concentrate on one

    thing for more than a couple of minutes, I assure you that I will send him/her to

    my Shakthis controlling empire (this is called Sri nagaram or Sri chakram), where

    in she/he will enjoy divine comforts. I am sure none of you will say that. Though

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    this is neither a cinema hall nor a sabha (where music performances take place) I

    am now giving you a break for 15 minutes. (To be continued)


    Once the God announced an interval, people started rushing out of their seats.

    The TV and radio channels went for commercial break. The situation was similar

    to the hell letting loose. Total chaos and confusion prevailed. Some in the

    audience did not move. Everyone wanted to resume their seats at the earliest. It

    was ten minutes after the interval. The entire audience was there in their seats in

    time, for the God to continue. Everyone, including God was surprised by the

    punctuality of the audience. The God continued with his gracious voice: The

    restless mind will wander in worldly things. This is the reason for not listening to

    me with rapt attention. You are willing to spend huge money for learning

    meditation. All meditation techniques are the same. Concentration of the mind is

    the important thing in meditation. Why are you meditating? You meditate to

    identify yourself with God. But when I am before you sharing my thoughts with

    you, you do not have patience to listen, grasp and alnalyse. That is why; highly

    realised souls are not amongst you now a days. They live elsewhere. But they

    definitely exist in this planet. Even if you happen to meet them, you will never be

    able to identify them. Only an emancipated person can teach the path of selfrealisation, and they will not teach anything for money. I was talking to you about

    karmas. Every action of yours is being determined by your karmas alone and not

    by me. Having under stood this, now you have to learn how to get away from

    karmas. I have already told you that both good and bad karmas play their role. So,

    if you want to be with me always, you should never accumulate karmas. Is this

    possible? Yes, it is possible. When you are doing certain activity, you should not

    get attached in that activity, expecting something beneficial in return for yourself.

    In simpler words, you should sacrifice the result of the activity to me. This attitudemay not be possible for most of you here. Unless you develop this attitude, you

    cannot escape from rebirths. What is the relevance between rebirths and

    karmas? What happens to your soul, when you die? These are the things you

    must know. I find that various people give different interpretations. Let me

    explain this to you. The karmas are attached to your soul. Soul is called jiva. This

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    jiva is different from atma. Please do not confuse between these two. Jiva is

    affected by your karmas and your atma will never be affected by anything, leave

    alone karma. I am the atma of everybody. I am, as atma simply watching your

    activities only as a witness. I do not get involved in your activities, nor am I

    interested. This I have already explained. Your mind, intellect and ego act one

    after another and create your karmas. The karmas thus created, are embedded to

    your soul. There is a separate place earmarked for karmas in your soul. At the

    time of your death, your soul or jiva leaves your physical body. Soul or jiva gives

    life to a physical body. Without soul, no life in this universe is possible. At the time

    of death, the soul leaves the body with a great force. Some people call this soul or

    jiva as prana. Prana means life giving. The soul after leaving your body either

    roams in the ether for a particular time or immediately enters a cell of a living

    being that causes fertilization. This fertilization leads to the formation of another

    life for the soul. What type of life will it take? A plant, an insect, a worm, a bee, a

    bird, an animal or a human, the form depends on the karmas accumulated in the

    soul. If the birth is in the form of a human being, whether he/she is going to suffer

    or enjoy depends upon the karmas embedded in the soul. (To be continued)


    The soul already started its journey to its sufferings, during its stay in the womb.The karma starts to show its ugly head. If it is a human birth, it suffers on two

    counts. One is physical and another is mental. In all other living beings, intellect is

    not well developed and therefore they cannot think in the way you think and act.

    In your case also, you suffer more from mental worries than physical worries. I

    have already discussed about karmas. Let me explain how the karma works.

    Karmas are three types. The first one is called sanchita karmas. This gets

    accumulated on account of your acts done during the previous births. The second

    one is prarabdha. This is a portion of the sanchita karma, meant to beexhausted during your present birth. The result may be good or bad depending

    upon your activities in your previous births. The third is agami. This represents

    your future karmas. Sanchita karma is a big bundle of all your karmas

    accumulated by you during all your past births. Out of this prarabdha is taken out,

    and given to you to be exhausted in this birth. The agami is the total sum of

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    sanchita karma plus the karmas being accumulated by you during this birth. If

    your prarabdha karma is bad, you undergo more sufferings in order to reduce the

    size of sanchita. You may not be able to exhaust the entire prarabdha during this

    birth. The balance, along with the karmas accumulated by you during this current

    birth is added to sanchita. You continue to take births after births until you

    exhaust all your sanchita karma totally. As I told you earlier, even if your bundle of

    sanchita is full of good karmas, then also you have to take births. You do your

    duty as decided by your karma, without ego and without expecting a personal

    gain for your self. When you do your duty thinking that God is doing His duty

    through you, that is considering yourself as my messenger, then your karmic

    account is neither credited nor debited. The more and more you do your duty this

    way, your sanchita will totally be exhausted. When your sanchita becomes nil, you

    leave your body at that moment and your soul reaches me and merges with me,

    and become a part of mine. You cannot be distinguished from me. This is the

    karmic theory. Whatever action you do, will have an equal and opposite reaction

    is applicable to karmic theory also. Let me take an example. You have a pet. You

    are very affectionate to this pet and the pet also equally likes you. This is the role

    played by you and the pet in this birth. This relationship has not begun in this

    birth. Both of you would have got associated with each other in earlier births, but

    not necessarily in the same form. Both of you could have born as birds, animals orany other form and would have got associated with each other. Such an

    association between you in any one of your previous births brought both of you

    together in this birth. These relationships need not .be cordial always. It can be

    enmity also. If this was enmity, you will continue your enmity during this birth.

    This enmity or cordiality will be wiped out at some time in this birth or in any of

    the future births, depending upon your relationship with the other. Let us assume

    that, in the previous births, whatever be the forms, you could have suffered at the

    hands of your pet. In this birth or in future births, the pet suffers from you andthus the karma between you both gets nullified. All such karmas are embedded in

    your jiva, which suffers by your own actions. Therefore, you can understand that

    except you, nobody is responsible for your sufferings or otherwise. God in no way

    becomes responsible for your actions and the karmas derived there from. You

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    become the character itself. You become a prisoner of your mind. To understand

    my real form, you need to practice nothing except to remove the veil around me.

    When this is possible? Unless, you unite your mind with shakthi, this is not

    possible. How do you unite your mind with shakthi? This happens when you cease

    to view the world, different from your own I consciousness. How this can

    happen? Only by controlling your mind intellect and ego and by total awareness

    this can happen. When you have complete control on your awareness, you win

    over senses. When you win over your senses, shakthi paves the way for you to

    reach a point near me. At this time you win over the maya or delusion. From the

    point where your divine mother has left you, you have to make your own efforts

    to move towards me. When shakthi leaves you at that point, she does not simply

    drop you there. She bestows extraordinary super human powers on you. (To be



    There are two things you can do with these powers. These powers are called

    ashtama siddhi. One is that you can ignore these powers and start your journey

    towards me. If you are happy and contended with these powers and begin to

    enjoy these powers, your final destination (that is me) moves away from you. One

    thing is that you do not attain self realisation andthe second thing is that youcontinue to have rebirths and its accompanied difficulties. Whatever difficulties

    you had undergone to reach this point, will all go waste and unrewarded. But

    when you choose the path of merging with me, and proceed further leaving aside

    and ignoring these powers, you become God yourself. I am talking about my form,

    without attributes, without likes and dislikes, without activities. There are no

    tatwas here. You not only merge with me, the divine father, you also merge with

    the divine mother, who had taken strains to leave you here. Your divine father

    and mother combine is called the Absolute or the Supreme. Once you identifyyourself with the Absolute form of mine, you will never be reborn in this universe.

    Now I answer the questions raised by me earlier, one by one. How she will get the

    intent to show my real form to you? She will never get intent to reveal my

    unblemished true form. If she shows you the real form, you will be charred to

    death. When she removes the sheath around me, will all of you be able to see

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    me? No. Not all can see me. She will remove the veil partially to those aspirants

    who had taken sincere efforts to realise my formless form. Without her help can

    any one see me? No, it is not possible at all. She alone can help and nobody else.

    She plays around with delusion or maya. As a result of maya, you start looking at

    me as different from you. In reality you are not different from me. Maya makes

    you to think otherwise. This is called duality. This duality is the real culprit. How

    she can be persuaded to show my form? She can be persuaded by destroying

    your ego. She helps those, who could merge their inner consciousness (your mind,

    intellect and ego) with the supreme universal consciousness (the Absolute). Those

    persons, who identify themselves with her, need not meditate, need not

    concentrate and they need to do nothing. In this stage your mind attains stillness.

    How this stillness can be reached? It can be reached by dissolving your ego into

    intellect and intellect into mind. Thus the mind becomes still. This is exactly the

    reversal of the process of creating karmas. There you had seen that your mind

    induced your intellect and intellect induced your ego to perform karmas. . Not

    only this. There is another significant contributor. This is your karma. Unless all

    your karmas are exhausted, you cannot reach this stage. Now I am going to teach

    you a simple breathing exercise. (To be continued)


    This breathing exercise will enable you to have a complete control of your mind.

    Now sit erect, loosen your body and breathe slowly. Now, concentrate within

    yourself, on the point which measures 12 fingers from the tip of your nostrils. This

    is where your heart chakra is situated. Normally 12 fingers measure about 12

    inches. Now inhale slowly up to the point where you focus your concentration,

    which is your heart chakra. Now exhale slowly and concentrate at a point

    measuring 12 fingers from your nostrils outside your body. This point will be

    positioned exactly opposite to your heart chakra. The only thing is that this pointis outside your physical body. Let us call the inner point as A and the outer point

    as B. Now inhale from B towards A. Exhale from A to B. Your focus should be

    totally on these two points and the travel of breath between these two points.

    Your breathing should be slow and steady. When you are concentrating on this

    inhalation and exhalation, any other thought process happening in your mind will

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    get dissolved in this breathing exercise. You will start realising your inner self

    gradually. Practice this whenever you find time, of course only on your empty

    stomach. Any breathing exercise should be practiced only when your stomach is

    not full. I told you earlier that my shakthi will leave you at a point where you will

    get eight types of powers. Some of you may not be interested in these powers

    and may not even like to test, whether you have attained these powers. Then

    how will you realise that you are nearing me. You will become silent and will not

    mingle with others. Since your thoughts will be focused on me, you will be

    shedding tears and you will become very emotional. You become detached from

    your near and dear. You loose your interest in your physical body. Such qualities

    will be predominant while you are in your last leg of your journey towards me.

    The moment all your karmas are exhausted, you leave your physical body and you

    will never have any physical body in future. Whatever I have discussed with you

    so far, will enable you to understand that you are not different from me. You are

    part of me always. The only thing that differentiates you from me is your mind.

    The human brain is designed by me in such a way, that every one of you can

    create newer things in this universe, which will help the humanity as whole to co

    exist in a peaceful way. I am the embodiment of Love. That is why learned people

    say Love is God. But, unfortunately you differentiate yourselves on the basis of

    religion. How there can be a second religion, when the God is one, and the shapeof every human is one. There is one thing in this whole universe which is available

    in plenty, much more than the air you breathe, but was failed to be noticed. It is

    lying uncared for, like an old orphan in a snow clad road. This is called universal

    love. Unless you seek it, you will not get it. This is the one thing that can be sought

    and given without any effort. What you need is the right frame of mind, intellect

    and ego. It is waiting for you, like a baby waiting for its mother. The baby smiles

    and laughs on seeing its mother as the baby knows its mother alone will take

    adequate care. Love is lying in plenty ready with its open hands looking at yousadly for your care. But you do not understand its anguish. You are not in right

    frame of mind to understand this universal truth, as love has no religion. You run

    here and there seeking some thing that is perishable and also make you perish. It

    has been already informed that I will meet the media at the end of my speech.

    You may also have some doubts. Those who need clarification may send an email

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    to [email protected]. All your doubts will be clarified, when I meet the

    media. Next to universal love, there is another thing in waiting. It is Universal

    Truth. Let us now look at this aspect. (To be continued)


    What is Truth? Truth is nothing but the observations made by your senses,

    channelised in the form of sound, without any distortion. What is the origin of

    truth? It originates from your five senses. What is the difference between sound

    and truth? No difference at all. The sound originates from the merger of Prakasha

    and Vimarsha form of mine. When the passive energy of mine merges with the

    active energy of shakthi, the kinetic energy of sound is produced. The sound also

    originates in your body, in the form of kundalini shakthi. In your physical body,

    the sound originates at your base chakra, traverses through various other higher

    chakras and delivered as speech. If it is delivered without distortion, it is called

    truth and if it is delivered with distortion it is called lie. If there is lack of co-

    ordination between your mind and senses, you deliver a distorted speech, which

    means you are lying. Most of you at most of the times speak only the truth. Let

    me take an example. You realise through sense organs and feel your hunger. You

    have to express in the form of words and let others know that you are hungry.

    This is not a distortion of facts, hence this is the truth. You are in the midst of aplace where stale food is kept. The owner of this food is offering you this. When

    you say that you are not hungry, it is the distortion of truth, hence called lie. It is

    your mind that distorts the fact. In both the situations you feel the hunger. In the

    first case, your mind makes you to say the truth as you want to satisfy your

    hunger. In the second case, your mind makes you to distort the truth as you do

    not want to satisfy your huger with the stale food. I am not going to deliberate on

    the origin of speech using the bombastic words like para, pashyanthi, madyama,

    vaikari, nada, bindu, kala and all those. Any thing uttered contrary to the truth isnot good in several ways. If you tell a lie, your bad karmic account is credited.

    Second thing is that you are training your mind to tune itself to deliver something

    that is not truth. Your mind is your worst enemy. If it is tuned to bad wavelength,

    it will stick on to that. It may become very difficult for you to get out of the

    clutches of an evil mind. Only in order to train your mind in the right direction,

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    truth is emphasized. If you tell a lie, you have to dress it with so many lies to make

    it appear as truth. But, this appearance will only be deceptive and will be exposed

    at certain point of time. Once exposed, you will be called a liar. Nobody would like

    to be called as a liar. Truth is another form of mine. Like my form, truth is also

    invisible. When you are identifying you with truth, it means you are identifying

    yourself with me. Under no circumstances, you should utter a lie. If you do that,

    you are moving farther away from the Absolute. Questions to God can be mailed

    at [email protected] (To be continued)


    Now I would like to tell you about Kundalini. Kundalini is the divine energy and

    you have to take strenuous efforts to raise it from your base chakra. A lot of

    pressure is to be applied to the base chakra to raise this kundalini energy. If you

    loosen the pressure, the raised energy will come down due to the gravitational

    force of the earth. You have to continue to apply the pressure until the bundle of

    energy, finding its way up in the centre of spinal cord. When you are able to raise

    the energy from the base chakra to the next higher chakra, you have to activate

    your surrounding body parts to retain the energy there and then take it upwards.

    Kundalini is your inner energy, manifested as powerful divine energy. In fact, the

    raising of kundalini energy depends upon your power of manifestation. Anordinary person, involved in a family life, cannot even think of kundalini energy. It

    requires a practice of about 12 years in isolation. For raising the energy from the

    base chakra to top head chakra and from there bringing it back to the base chakra

    may take about 60 to 90 minutes, depending upon a persons stamina. Again, you

    will reach the stage of Samadhi, when kundalini crosses your third eye. You do not

    know when you will return from your Samadhi. So, the time taken to get back to

    the base chakra depends on all these factors. Please refer to the write up on the

    third eye in What you are trying to do in the name ofkundalini and all that is not kundalini at all. You need to have total control on all

    materialistic pleasures in order to raise the Kundalini. Secondly, without the

    presence of a proper Guru, Kundalini should not even be discussed. The whole

    procedure should be practiced only in the presence of a learned Guru. If Kundalini

    rises, it will leave the base chakra like a bullet from a pistol. The energy with

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    which it raises, will throw your body away. Before the kundalini rises, the pressure

    of air will clean the passage for kundalini to traverse, removing any blockades.

    This is the stage you are practicing. In you, only air is raising and not the kundalini

    energy. The air passing through your spinal canal and reaching your skull will

    cause extensive damage to your nervous system. All the five natural elements are

    involved in kundalini practice. The base chakra represents the earth. Kundalini

    itself represents fire. The air removes all blockades in the path of kundalini. When

    kundalini crosses the third eye chakra, by its severe pressure on the head, a few

    drops of nectar like substance will drip into your mouth. These drops represent

    water. When kundalini crosses the top head chakra, it merges with ether or

    akash, creating a link between you and the universal energy. You know that

    universal energy is me, your God. You should not practice kundalini meditation on

    your own, or with the help of somebody who has not raised his kundalini. If he

    has raised the kundalini, he will not propagate. He will not teach this to a

    common man. Therefore, do not think that only kundalini meditation alone will

    help in self-realization. It is just one of the methods. That is all. (To be continued)


    Who is Guru? Is he a spiritual teacher or a propagator of religion? Does he have

    metaphysical powers? Is he different from you? You have to find answers forthese questions to define Guru. Guru is a concept by itself. Unfortunately this

    word is often misused these days. A person born in this world has to pay

    obeisance to four persons. The first is your mother, followed by your father, your

    Guru and finally to me. If you do not take care of your parents in their old age

    with love and affection, you will be adding tons of bad karmas. Therefore, your

    first Guru is your mother followed by your father and then only Guru. Who is this

    Guru and what he has to do with your life? Guru is neither a spiritual teacher nor

    a propagator of religion. I have explicitly made clear that religions are all yourown making. Metaphysical powers are a form of maya. As I have already told you,

    shakthi endows with such powers while leaving you at a place closer to me. Surely

    Gurus will have such powers, but will not exhibit it. Occasionally, he may help a

    few with his healing touch. He is sent as my representative to give salvation to

    those, whose karmic account has come to zero, or near zero. When you are not

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    destined to have rebirth, Guru will come in search of you. Guru does not mean a

    person who merely initiates you into a mantra. Mantras will enable you to

    concentrate. Mantras are a form of shakthi. All mantras will not suit everybody.

    The person who initiates you into mantra has to satisfy himself that a particular

    mantra will suit you. If you are initiated into a mantra that does not suit you, both

    you and initiator will face problems. That is why mantras should be initiated by a

    person who understands the world of mantras properly. Proper chanting of

    mantras will give you enough energy. But Guru is the one who guides you into the

    final stages of liberation. You may have a doubt. If Guru is a liberated person, why

    he is reborn? They are not reborn on account of their karmas. Rebirth due to

    karmas is to endure sufferings. Gurus are not reborn to undergo sufferings. Guru

    is a representative of mine, to guide a select few to show the path leading to my

    shakthi. He is the person who will take you to my vimarsha form. So, finding a

    Guru will be difficult for you. I observe that a lot of persons are calling themselves

    as Gurus. They have huge gathering around them. They are not the Gurus about

    whom I am discussing here. However, these so called gurus also play an important

    role in making you to understand God. Most of them are right in their approach in

    identifying me. But they have ego. A true Guru will never attach importance to

    money. He will not like any material comforts. He will not speak to somebody

    over phone making you to sit before him for hours. In short, a true Guru is arepresentative of mine, to guide you towards self-realization to attain total

    liberation and will expect nothing in return from you, except your dedication and

    sincerity. God will be answering your questions during his press conference. Your

    questions to God may mailed to [email protected] (To be continued)


    My dear humans! I have spoken about various subjects. Most of you have been

    patiently listening to my speech. The human mind is the most powerfulinstrument in my creation and is potentially very dangerous. Your mind can create

    both peace and hatred. If you use your mind for peace, you and everyone around

    you prosper. If you use it for hatred, apart from you everyone around you also

    perish. Both peace and hatred are powerful tools in your hands. Therefore learn

    to control your mind. It is ready there for you to use at anytime. It is for you to

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    decide which to use. You could have undergone misery and its associated pains.

    But let that be past. Do not think about the past. At the same time do not think

    about the future in store for you. Believe that you have an excellent future and

    you shall have an excellent future. Believe in all positive things. Think positive

    always. Help others in times of need. Love everybody. The other person is in no

    way different from you. I am neither sitting on a golden throne in his atma nor

    sitting on a brass throne in your atma. I am in everybodys atma in the same

    formless form. You may be rich and your neighbour may be poor. That is because

    of the karmic accounts of both of you. If you have surplus of anything, share with

    the needy. Feed the old and disabled. Feed the animals. They have taken these

    births because of their karmas. You have taken this birth to learn from your

    earlier mistakes. You need not give me anything. Everything is given to you by me.

    What I want in reciprocation is Love and Truth. Let these two be your two eyes,

    your physical eyes. You have no right to cause any physical injury to anybody. The

    repercussions of such acts will be disastrous for you. If you are genuine, I am ever

    ready to help you in times of your difficulties. I am there with you in all your

    thoughts and actions. There is no religion. Do not get divided in the name of

    religion. You have to work to make a living. Whatever the reward you get for your

    hard work is good. If you earn by foul means, I will see to that that you never have

    happiness not only in this birth but also in the births to come. There will be noend to rebirths for such persons. I understand that you call this as corruption. Do

    not make your living by unholy means. Talk less and meditate more. This will

    strengthen the bondage between you and me. My doors are wide open to

    welcome each one of you. With this I conclude. Shakthi will say a few words now

    When God finished there was complete silence. There is no sound anywhere.

    Suddenly there is a melodious voice, unheard in this world. It was softer than a

    breeze, sweeter than a flute and finer than a veena note. The voice was sweet

    and flowing. No comparison, not even nightingale. Surprising everybody with thebeauty of Her voice She said My dear humans! You are all extremely blessed to

    listen to the speech of God. I have decided to give liberation to those who need it.

    By getting liberated means, you cease to exist with your physical body in this

    world, which is termed as death by you. Even if you have tons of karmas, all will

    be nullified. You will have no more births. You will merge with the God. Normally

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    one in a million alone attains liberation, that too with great efforts. But today,

    liberation is waiting for you. You have to decide. Remember that you cease to

    exist in this world for ever. Once the press conference is over, those who need

    liberation should enter the front enclosure in an orderly manner. The melody

    stopped. Gods press conference commenced. (To be continued)


    There are various steps to become a yogi. To become a yogi we need guidance

    from another yogi, who is called spiritual Guru. We have discussed certain things

    in my earlier postings like Self Realisation. Now, we will go a little deep into this

    subject. First step is to understand consciousness thoroughly. This plays an

    important role in various stages of meditation. The consciousness can be defined

    as understanding the subject and the object. The consciousness cannot be

    defined with a relative term. This can also be interpreted as knowing your self.

    In Sanskrit, consciousness is referred as cit. The word cit can be defined as

    self knowing self. Giving a proper explanation or understanding the explanation

    is difficult. But without understanding this, we cannot proceed further. Knowing

    your self and self knowing self is one and the same. Here the second usage of

    self means Atman. Consciousness is not Atman. Consciousness or cit is trying to

    know the atman. How is that Self appearing? It is prakasha. Prakasha means

    light. So, the consciousness or cit is trying to know the Self which is in the form of

    light. It is just not another light. This light is self illuminating and also illuminates

    things around it. Does it not sound like our electrical lights? When a bulb is

    burning, we see the burning bulb and also the things around that bulb, because of

    the light from the bulb. With our eyes we see both, the subject and object,

    whereas the Self or atman is only the subject and there is no object to see here.

    This is what Kato Upanishad also says. Whatever we see around us is due to the

    illuminating inner Self or atman. The illuminating atman cannot be seen with our

    physical eyes. We can see this only with our consciousness. With consciousness

    we can see the illuminating atman. But, how we can understand it? In order to

    derive complete knowledge about some thing, we have to thoroughly understand

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    it. Atman is not only prakasha, it is also vimarsha. Vimarsha means knowing by

    experience. The vimarsha is responsible for jnana (wisdom) and kriya (deeds). It is

    also responsible srishti (creation), sthithi (maintenance), and dissolution. I am not

    inclined to use the word samhara (destruction) instead of dissolution, as the

    samhara means complete destruction, after which there will be, no rebirth.

    Prakasha is just illuminating. Vimarsha gains jnana from prakasha and acts as per

    its instructions. In other words, prakasha does not act and is static. Only vimarsha

    acts. Prakasha is the ultimate reality and vimarsha is the energy. Without energy

    none can act. Prakasha is the God and vimarsha is the Goddess or shakthi.

    Prakasha and vimarsha combine is the highest reality or the Absolute. It may be

    difficult to understand the above, but repeated readings will certainly help. Unless

    we understand this first step, going into further steps, which are going to be

    discussed later will be futile.


    We have seen that Prakasha and Vimarsha combined together is called the

    Absolute. This Absolute is full of energy and power. The universe is created out of

    the manifested energy of the Absolute. Ancient scriptures say that if the Absolute

    did not manifest, then the Absolute will be all alone and there will be none to call

    the Absolute, as the Absolute. This situation is like a pot with out water. Prakashacan be called I concept and Vimarsha can be called this concept. In the state

    of Absolute, Praskasha and vimarsha are united to make the Absolute a single

    entity. Vimarsha is the heart and will of Prakasha. Learned scholars make a

    comparison of this stage to a banyan tree. The prakasha is compared to the

    minuscule size seed of a banyan tree. Seed is the cause of creation of the banyan

    tree. Its seed is small, but it grows as a big tree. The growth of the tree is

    compared to vimarsha. The shakthi or vimarsha functions independently of the

    prakasha. The duty of the seed stopped immediately after its germination. Butsuch a huge banyan tree cannot grow with out a seed. So the seed has become

    the root cause for the banyan tree. The seed is prakasha and its growth as a big

    tree is vimarsha. We have already seen that consciousness is called as cit in

    Sanskrit. Shakthi is referred to as citi in Sanskrit. The shakthi of the supreme is

    called citi and the Supreme is called cit. Cit is static and citi acts by the mere will

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    of the cit. We have seen in earlier postings that the entire creation works on 24

    tatwas. Tatwas means citi. Cit do not have tatwas. Cit does not do anything. Every

    act is done only by citi. Cit shines all alone and self illuminating. Citi does not shine

    all alone and not self illuminating. It gets light from cit. This can be compared to

    Sun and Moon. Sun does not need any other object for illumination and it is self

    illuminating. The moon can shine only with the light of the sun. Moon cannot

    shine independently. Cit can be compared to Sun and citi to moon. That is why

    shakthi is compared to moon. These tatwas can be divided broadly into two. One

    is tatwa of cit or prakasha. Another is tatwas of shakthi or citi or vimarsha. Tatwa

    of cit is the creation of citi alone, the initial creation, whereas the tatwas of citi

    are 24 or 36 or whatever. Tatwas of citi is the energy. In the next posting we will

    discuss about the 36 tatwas of shakthi who is also called as citi or vimarsha.


    Let us now look into the 36 tatwas of Shkthi. We have so for seen that cit is

    prakasha and citi is shakthi and is called vimarsha. Prakasha and vimarsha

    together is called the Absolute. Cit is static and citi is energy of cit and is the cause

    of creation. We have already seen about the 24 tatwas in Part I and Part II of Self

    Realisation already posted in this blog. We have also seen in the last posting that

    Cit created citi. Apart from the creation of citi, cit also shines as the Supreme Self,its own self revelation. Next concept of cit is ananda, which is called the

    Absolute Bliss. This absolute bliss acts independently. This can be interpreted as

    follows. The Cit not only created Citi or shakthi, but also self revealing. It acts

    independently without the help of the second. Citi is not second as it was created

    by cit only. That is why cit without citi is not called the Absolute. Citi with out cit is

    not possible because without cit, citi cannot exist. Since citi or shakthi or vimarsha

    has basically three qualities. Iccha, jnana and kriya shakthies. Iccha shakthi is the

    desire to act. Jnana shakthi is the will to know. Kriya shakthi is the determinationto act. We desire to have something. The desire arises only if we know about

    something. Finally, we act with determination to get that thing which we have

    desired to get. These are basically the activities of citi. Apart from the 24 tatwas

    already discussed, following are the other twelve tatwas: 1.Prakasha 2.Vimarsha

    3.Saadaakhya, 4. Aishwarya, 5. Suddhavidya, 6. Kala, 7. Vidhya, 8. Raaga, 9. Kaala,

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    which is this. You (I) have decided to buy a car. You have not decided on the

    brand of the car in the earlier stage. In this stage, after gaining sufficient

    knowledge about the cars, you proceed to finalise the brand of the car. Let us say

    you have decided on the brand ABC. Your idea of buying a car is being decided.

    The subject finalises the object. I finalises this. Before proceeding further, let

    us review what we have discussed so for. In the above three tatwas are directly

    related to the three shakthies viz Iccha, jnana, and kriya which have been

    discussed in part III. We have also seen that Saadaakhya tatwa is I is

    predominant. In Aishwarya tatwa this is predominant and in Suddhavidya tatwa

    both I and this are equal. The will of the I leads to knowledge about this and

    the I decided to act to get the this. The next five tatwas are grouped under

    maya or illusion. Understanding maya is very important. Understanding maya as

    illusion alone leads to self realisation, which we have discussed in the earlier

    postings. Only maya leads to Brahman and without understanding mayas

    importance, we can never have emancipation. Maya always conceals the

    Brahman residing within us. Whatever we are discussing is only to understand

    maya. If maya goes away, we can always identify the inner Self. Maya is the

    covering on the Self. It is like kavacham or covering made up of gold and fixed on

    an idol in a temple. We are happy on seeing idol with gold covering and we fail to

    understand that the idol inside is responsible for this covering. We are deceivedby the glittering gold. Let us take another example. The banyan tree has grown

    from a tiny seed. On seeing the lush green tree, we forget the tiny seed that was

    responsible for this huge tree. Seed is the inner Self and the foliage is maya. We

    will discuss more about maya and other tatwas in the subsequent parts.


    Maya consists of five tatwas viz. Kalaa, Vidyaa, Raaga, kaalaa, and niyatthi. These

    five are the products of maya. 1 .Kalaa: The ego covers the three shakthies viziccha, jnana and kriya of the Self. We have already seen that the Self or the

    Brahman is witnessing the activities around it and it does not act by itself. The

    creative activity of the Self consisting of these three shakthies is covered by ego.

    This state of atman or Self covered by ego is called Kalaa tatwa. This tatwa

    marginally removes the ego and kindles the kriya shakthi. 2. Vidyaa: This tatwa

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    emerges from Kalaa tatwa, which we have discussed above. It also acts in the

    same way like Kalaa tatwa. This also marginally removes the ego and kindles the

    jnana shakthi. 3. Ragga: This emerges from Vidyaa tatwa. This marginally removes

    the ego and kindles Iccha shakthi. 4. Kaalaa: This is the past, present and future of

    time. For every action there should be a reason. Without reason no action takes

    place. This time factor is applicable only to those who are under the influence of

    time. The creations of the Absolute are controlled by time. The Absolute is

    beyond time. So, this tatwa is applicable only to the creation and not to the

    creator. 5. Niyathi: This is responsible for the effects of good and bad deeds. This

    emerges from Kaalaa tatwa. Kaalaa tatwa makes a person to perform good or bad

    deeds. Niyathi gives results of those deeds. The above five tatwas together make

    maya, the illusion. For every act there are three stages. They are Iccha, the desire

    to do the act. For doing any act there should be a goal. Only to achieve that goal,

    the act is done. In the first stage of achieving the goal, desire is important. The

    goal is the object. The next stage to understand the goal, that is knowing the

    object. This is jnana shakthi. Unless we have the complete knowledge about the

    object or unless we understand the object well, we cannot achieve the goal. After

    acquiring complete knowledge of the object, we act to get the object. This is kriya

    shakthi. The example of a car has already been cited. For acquiring the object we

    need time. The time in this place can be interpreted as past, present and future.The desire to obtain the object was past. We have already conceived the idea.

    This is the first stage of obtaining the object. Only after crossing that stage the

    next stage can be achieved. Therefore it is past. The next stage is present stage.

    We are acquiring knowledge from various sources. We read news papers, talk to

    our friends etc. This is the act we do before proceeding to buy the object.

    Therefore this is present. The third stage is waiting for us. We are yet to get that

    object. It is going to happen in future. The act we are going to do may be good or

    bad. This is the broad interpretation of maya tatwa consisting of the above fivetatwas. Will be continued in further postings.


    Out of the 12 tatwas we have discusses in Part III, we have already discussed

    about 10. The remaining two are Purusha and Prakrthi. Purusha: We have already

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    seen that inner Self or atman is covered by maya. This is the right place to refer to

    Thirukural. In 360th verse of the Thirukural, saint Valluvar has said that by

    destroying the very names of lust, anger and delusion, there will be no rebirth.

    Maya is responsible for this three. That is why it is said that we have to get rid of

    maya. This stage of atman that is covered by maya is called purusha. We have

    already seen that Brahman is also covered by maya. This stage is the subjective

    manifestation. Purusha is the end result of I am this. Prakrthi: This is the

    objective manifestation of I am this. Prakrthi has three gunas namely satwa,

    rajas and tamas. These three gunas originate from the three shakthies namely,

    Iccha, jnana and kriya. The existence prakrthi is based on the three gunas and the

    three shakthies. If purusha is the subject, then prakrthi is the object. If purusha is

    knowledge, then prakrthi is the knower of knowledge. Thus we have discussed

    about the 36 tatwas. Now let us understand how these 36 tatwas help us to

    understand the Brahman or realizing the Self inside. It can well be argued why we

    should learn these 36 tatwas? Can we not realise God within by just manifesting

    the God inside. No, it is difficult to manifest like this. We cannot obtain a

    doctorate without passing out from a school and a college. We have to learn

    numeric 1 to 9 first, and then only we can learn a higher numeric. We have to first

    learn the alphabets, before understanding words. After learning words, we can

    learn forming sentences. The same principle is applicable here also. We willconclude this topic in our subsequent postings.


    Let us start with Prakahsa. Prakasha is cit and is self illuminating. It does not

    require the second for creation. I t has created by its own will Vimarsha or shakthi

    or citi. Prakasha and Vimarsha combine is called the Absolute. Prakasha is just

    witnessing the activities of Viamrsha. But without Prakasha the creation of this

    universe is not possible, as its creation Vimarsha alone causes further creation.This universe is not possible without these two. That is why both put together is

    called the Absolute. To understand Prakasha we have to first understand the

    Vimarsha. As said earlier, Vimarsha causes further creation of this universe.

    Vimarsha creates the universe with maya. Maya is the combination of energies, or

    otherwise called shakthies. From vimarsha maya takes over. We have discussed

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    earlier about mayas five components namely saadaakyam to prakrthi. Maya is

    illusion. Maya makes us not to understand the Absolute. It covers the Absolute.

    By its attractive covering, we are deceived. Instead of understanding the Self

    inside, our attention gets distracted to various earthly activities, instead of divine

    activities. At this stage, we do not have time or inclination to seek our inner Self.

    Purusha and prakrthi joining together induces the 24 tatwas. Out of this 24,

    anthakkaranam is important. As we know, anthakkaranam is made up of four

    namely manas, buddhi, chitam and ahankaram. That is mind, intellect,

    consciousness and ego. This has been discussed in self realisation. These cause

    attachment to the worldly objects. The net result is that we continue to have ego

    that is I and this. For example we say the car is mine. We continue to be

    ignorant about the Self within. Instead, we spend more time with worldly things.

    We go to movies, watch TV or we get worried about our sons or daughters or

    parents, etc. We fall in love and develop sentiments. We never realise that all

    these will cease to exist later. Today the car is there, tomorrow the car may not

    be there due to various reasons. The car is mine today and tomorrow it may not

    be mine. Whatever is not permanent today, we feel that they are permanent.

    Anthakkaranam plays a major role here. How anthakkaranam acts? It acts through

    the other 20 tatwas. These 20 tatwas was discussed under Self Realisation

    postings. Let us take the example of the car. Seeing another car is the startingpoint of buying a car for ourselves. Seeing is the job jnanaenthriam. Eyes are

    aiding us to see the car. We open the door of the car and touch the steering, gear,

    etc. Then we talk about the car to our family members and friends to have their

    view on a particular brand. The activities like seeing, touching, talking and hearing

    etc are the result of panchabhudas. Except Prakasha, everything is controlled by

    maya only. The maya makes us to identify ourselves with this. In other words I

    is identifying the this. Subject is identifying the object that is perishable, or which

    may not exist at a later date. Maya is th