
Vulnerable Active RecordA tale of SQL Injection in PHP Framework

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Pichaya MorimotoThailand PHP User Group Meetup

January 28, 2015

★ What is Active Record ?★ Secure by Design ?★ Case Studies★ Exploitation★ Input Validation ★ Defence-in-Depth★ Conclusion


Active record pattern is an approach to accessing data in a database. A database table or view is wrapped into a class. Thus, an object instance is tied to row(s) in the table.

PHP frameworks also bundle their own ORM implementing the active record pattern. For example, Laravel (Eloquent), CakePHP, Symfony (Doctrine), CodeIgniter and Yii.

$query = $this->db->select('title, content, date');$query->from('table1');$query->where('id', $id);$query->get();


What is Active Record ?

Secure by Design ?

That’s Magic !

Case Study #1

Get rows from table ‘news’ and order by user input ‘sort’

PHP Framework: CodeIgniter 2.2

Hacker is here, where is SQLi ?

SQLMap == FailedAcunetix == FailedHavij == Failed‘ or ‘1’=’1 , union all select blah blah blah == Failed

SQL Injection Pwnage

Pwned !

What if error message is turned off, is it still vulnerable? Ads:

Stand back I know secure coding!

No more SQL Injection

withType Validation !

Case Study #2

Secure Coding !!

Keep calm and Think Again

Numeric = [Integer, Double, Hex, ...]

id value above is hex encoded of “1 and 1>2 union select CHAR(32,58,32),user(),database(),version(),concat_ws(0x3a,username,password) from ci220news_db” + data field is varchar type ***

A list of security techniques that should be included in every software development project.

★ Parameterize Queries★ Implement Logging, Error Handling and Intrusion Detection★ Leverage Security Features of Frameworks and Security Libraries

and more.. /index.php/OWASP_Proactive_Controls

OWASP Proactive Controls

ProTip: PHP is not allowed to parameterize ‘Order By’ clause ;)Because it isn’t data, it is a column name!

A layered approach to security can be implemented at any level of a complete information security strategy.★ Secure Coding in software requirement★ OS Hardening, reduce attack surface★ Perimeter Security (Network Firewall, IPS/IDS)★ Centralized Log Server / SIEM★ Patch / Vulnerability Management System★ Incident Response Plans★ Web Application Firewall



Security Today !==

Security Tomorrow

