Page 1: Volunteer Experiences in Fiji

Experiences in Fiji

• Children, Schools & Education • Sustainable Communities• Marine Conservation• Voluntouring Experiences

A guide to participating in the Vinaka Fiji program

Page 2: Volunteer Experiences in Fiji

Remote, rugged and majestically beautiful, the Yasawa Islands were largely isolated from Fiji’s tourism industry until ‘Awesome Adventures Fiji’ took their maiden voyage into the island group in 2002. The daily ferry service the company had established gave travellers from around the globe access to these islands - an area that, at first glance, is paradise.But despite the natural beauty of the Yasawas, the 27 villages dotted on different islands in the area are living below world standards of health and poverty. The team at Awesome Adventures worked closely with the Yasawa Ratus (local village chiefs) and communities to ensure they would not displace the islanders’ way of life, and to make sure the arrival of tourists to the region would be beneficial, not detrimental, to the locals. However very quickly it became clear

that these villagers were living far from the ‘paradise’ that first meets the eye. They were struggling from day to day with severe shortages of clean drinking water, little to no health services or facilities, poor nutrition, a lack of educational support and supplies, inadequate power and no sustainable way of life for the future. There were many challenges to making sure these villages could benefit from the many thousands of tourists visiting their beautiful islands each week.Awesome Adventures continued to work with the villages and give back wherever it could, however it soon became clear that a more focussed and dedicated approach was needed. So, in 2010, the Vinaka Fiji Trust was established to formalise and further the work and economic assistance

provided by Awesome Adventures, and open opportunities for others to give back too.The name ‘Vinaka Fiji’ was chosen to reflect the two-way nature of the relationship – Awesome Adventures and it’s tourists saying ‘thank you’ for allowing us to enjoy your beautiful islands and the local villages saying ‘thank you’ for helping us improve our living standards.

Vinaka Fiji is a charitable trust that aims to provide improved basic amenities currently missing from village life in the Yasawa Islands of Fiji. Through fundraising and volunteering programs, Vinaka Fiji is improving the lives of 27 remote communities, bringing standards up from third world and giving something back to the villagers to say thank you (Vinaka) for welcoming us into your islands. The Trust works directly with the Yasawa Island communities so that the villagers are active in determining their own needs, participate in the planning and implementation and share responsibility for the completion of projects embarked upon.

“We don’t want to become relied upon. Our commitment is to assist Yasawa communities to become fully sustainable and self-supporting, as well as be educated in how to lift themselves out of the poverty cycle.”


Why Vinaka Fiji was started

“ Visitors from around the world get so much delight in exploring the Yasawas. This is a way for travellers to say ‘thank you’ and give something back to the locals. Help make these islands a paradise for them too.” VINAKA FIJI MANAGER

Our MissionThe Vinaka Fiji Trust aims to improve the provision of basic needs and amenities for villages throughout

the Yasawa Islands. It seeks to do this both through direct aid and by acting as a facilitator, bringing those who can help together with the landowners and residents.

What is Vinaka Fiji ?

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How can you be involved with Vinaka Fiji?

There are a number of ways you can assist the Vinaka Fiji program:

Volunteering Whether you are a skilled tradesman, nurse, doctor or teacher, or simply someone who wants to give their time and skills to help those in need, the Vinaka Fiji program can use your help. Volunteering is all about giving something back and making a difference. Volunteering with us means that you’ll work alongside locals and other volunteers in specialised projects. The focus is on helping the villages achieve access to the basic needs in life including water, power, nutrition and education, and helping to build a sustainable future for these villages. If a holiday in Fiji, combined with the opportunity to lend a helping hand to people in need sounds like you, then volunteering with Vinaka Fiji will be a highlight of your travel experience.

Vinaka Fiji’s volunteering programsHaving worked closely with the villages for over 10 years now, we know what is needed in the Yasawa Island villages and we also know what the villages want to work towards for their future. We don’t want to take the approach of commanding a new way of life for the villagers, as we believe that sustainability is all about securing the future by keeping the culture and relaxed way of life intact.In order to do this properly and sensitively, we work closely with the Yasawa villagers, so that they may help determine the needs, participate in the planning and implementation and share responsibility for completion of the projects embarked upon.

We have a strong tri-way partnership made up of representatives from Government, the Yasawa villages and Vinaka Fiji.All areas of development are designed to have low environmental impact, with environmental sustainability a key to the future.

Our key areas of focus are:• Create solutions that support

sustainable, self sufficient communities

• Achieve and maintain access to clean, reliable sources of water

• Develop ‘micro enterprises’ based around nutrition, including food crops and education

• Support local schools with education supplies and aid

• Assist with ideas, information and solutions for power sources

• Research and educate on the management and value of the marine environment

DonationsCash donations can be made online at

Donations of useful materials, goods and services for the world undertaken are of immense use. If you can assist in this area, please contact us.

Corporate or other sponsor groupsThe scale of work to be done to provide these basic amenities in the Yasawas is large and we would be delighted to have corporate or other sponsors come onboard. Funds would utilised for agreed larger scale priority projects.The Vinaka Fiji Trust can also assist with linking charitable organisations who have raised funds or have goods they need to find a good home for but do not necessarily have an identified charity to work with. There are many areas of need in the Yasawas where such generosity can be directed.

Please contact us for more details on our corporate and other sponsor packages.

There are three core programs that Vinaka Fiji operates, that you can

be involved in as a volunteer:

• Children, schools & education

• Creating sustainable communities

• Marine research & conservation

Page 4: Volunteer Experiences in Fiji

Children, Schools & Education

“I just can’t describe how amazing

this experience was. Stunning location,

gorgeous people and a fantastic

a feeling of lending a hand where it’s

needed! I’d do it all again in

a heartbeat!”

Volunteer - Ingrid, Stockholm, Swede



Page 5: Volunteer Experiences in Fiji


1. Early childhood 2. One on one reading 3. Vocational The age range of the students you will work with will vary from pre-schoolers right through to adult students who are returning to school to make the most of their opportunity for education. All teaching is done in English.

Early childhood programThese programs are attached to each village kindergarten and focuses on children from 3.5 years to five years old. The aim is to encourage parents to be our partners in developing an understanding and appreciation of the value of their children attending school.

One on one reading programThis valuable program is established at both Naviti District School and Yasawa High School. The aim is to improve learning outcomes for students who are significantly below the national average in literacy.

Vocational programsYasawa High School, together with Vinaka Fiji, have established two areas of vocational studies and work together to plan, implement and assess the programs. Each program is a one year course and each student is expected to study Agriculture and Marine studies.

Recent achievementsIn partnership with community, Government and individual donors, Vinaka Fiji have achieved:

• One-on-one Tutorial Program implemented March 2012. Due to poor literacy pass rates and insufficient resources, the aim of the Tutorial Program was to improve the literacy level and confidence of pupils who needed additional support. We have 20 to 30 minute tutorial sessions tailor-made to meet the individual needs of the pupil. This is now supporting 22 pupils daily, which is almost one fifth of the school. Approximately 15,000 contact hours have been provided by the volunteers at Rt Meli School.

• Improved resources for the school including books, art supplies, sports equipment.

• The Yasawa High School has gone from one of the most under performing schools to see a pass rate of 71% in Form 7 last year.

• 13 new laptops have been donated to the Yasawa High School which enable students to achieve national qualification standards in Computer & Technology.

The remote schools in the Yasawas are under-resourced and the number of teachers available to teach at these schools is very low. This program therefore supports schools and teachers by assisting with classroom teaching (in English) based on the Fijian National curricular through classwork, literacy games and educational activities. You will be involved supporting students both inside the classroom and out.

ADDITIONAL EDUCATION PROGRAMSAs opportunities to extend and expand on the three main programs above arise, we also often provide additional programs such as:• School holidays program • Development learning environments • Professional learning • Education for adults/mature students • Alternative wet weather programs

“I just can’t describe how amazing

this experience was. Stunning location,

gorgeous people and a fantastic

a feeling of lending a hand where it’s

needed! I’d do it all again in

a heartbeat!”

Volunteer - Ingrid, Stockholm, Swede


* Volunteers must provide a Police Clearance check or”Working with Children” check from their country of residence.

HIGHLIGHTS• Work with children, teenagers and young

adults in one-on-one and group tasks• Spectacular island location • Immerse yourself in the local culture • Improve future prospects • Varied educational roles

HOW YOU’LL MAKE A DIFFERENCEThe local council and provisional government has specifically requested our assistance with English language teaching, maths, sports education and arts with the long term aim to assist in teacher education and training. Working with the Indigenous Yasawa community, this project provides the opportunity to be immersed in Fijian culture whilst supporting locals through their education and improving their future prospects.


DORM $1,520 $2,700 $3,890 $5,075

TWIN/DOUBLE BURE (Shared facilities) $1,780 $3,210 $4,660 $6,100

DELUXE BURE $2,130 $3,940 $5,760 $7,570

PLUS DONATION TO PROJECTS $200 $300 $400 $500


Page 6: Volunteer Experiences in Fiji

Creating sustainable communities

“The impact of having volunteers here

has changed our mind set of how we

use water.

It has helped having the work

coordinated; the village boys are workin


with the volunteers.

I would like to thank you very much for

this, I didn’t dream this would happen


Ratu Apenisa Siv o Vunikoro, Naisisili Chie



Page 7: Volunteer Experiences in Fiji

This program assists in several critical initiatives including:• Developments to improve access to sufficient fresh water through rainwater

harvesting solutions

• Water capacity management

• Education of communities in resource management

• Environmental initiatives

• Sustainable agriculture practices

• Assisting in the setup of micro enterprisesThe goals and priorities of this program are assessed regularly and set in conjunction with village community consultation and the resources available.

Recent achievementsIn partnership with community, Government and individual donors, Vinaka Fiji have achieved:

• The Vinaka Fiji Trust in conjunction with Barefoot Manta Resort & Blue Lagoon Cruises supported the development of a new Poultry Farm. The village residents are operating a small egg production micro business and sell eggs to neighbouring villages.

• Following the discovery of a new spring water source, a new water catchment project was completed for supply to Kese & Mauira villages.

• Many hours of volunteer time clearing land has resulted in new greenhouses and a vegetable seedling nursery. The nursery will allow for long term sustainable food harvesting and a self supporting community.

Become part of a village community and work alongside local people on a range of community projects. Many villages in the Yasawa Islands do not have access to a constant supply of fresh water and lack sustainable sources of income in part due to this fact. One of our primary goals is to secure a fresh water supply for all 27 villages in this region. Our goal is aligned to the World Health Organizations Millennium Development Goal of “all people having access to 5 litres of drinking water per person per day”. Seasonal rainfall and a lack of natural reservoirs are responsible for drinking water shortages and we aim to implement and promote alternative water sources and income generation initiatives. This is being accomplished through construction projects and local education. In addition we establish water management committees in each village so after a project is completed they are left with the responsibility for ongoing management of the new infrastructure and supply.

HIGHLIGHTS• Become part of a village community• Assist villages with the means to live

sustainably• Implement projects to provide villages

with fresh drinking water• Work alongside local villagers

HOW YOU’LL MAKE A DIFFERENCEVolunteers help with this initiative through planning, hands on construction of rainwater collection systems, water capacity management, tracking and education. As a volunteer, you’ll also be helping to construct vegetable gardens, assisting in introducing diversity in crop planting, and building an awareness of the need for crop rotation. You’ll also be assisting in establishing chicken coops in the villages with a view to egg production supplementing the diets of the villagers, and perhaps increasing production with a view to selling eggs to the local resorts. It’s all about working towards sustainability.


DORM $1,520 $2,700 $3,890 $5,075

TWIN/DOUBLE BURE (Shared facilities) $1,780 $3,210 $4,660 $6,100

DELUXE BURE $2,130 $3,940 $5,760 $7,570

PLUS DONATION TO PROJECTS $200 $300 $400 $500


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Marine research & Conservation


“Volunteering with Vinaka Fiji is

a real ‘hands-on’ experience. You

work alongside the locals and get

to see how your work directly

benefits them, both as individuals

and as a community.”

Volunteer - Jacques, Paris, France

Page 9: Volunteer Experiences in Fiji


Participating in this program you will be involved in one of or several of the following:• Manta Ray Research – observation, identification, behavioural studies and habitat

analysis through daily swimming and snorkelling with these magnificent creatures

• Reef Check Fiji – providing insight to the health of a particular reef area through diving and snorkelling observation, photographing and recording of data

• Crown of Thorn Seastar (COTS) Watch – monitoring and management of this devastating predator to coral reefs

• Coral and clam nursery - Clams filter the water and keep it ‘clean’ which is essential for coral growth. You’ll contribute to part of a nationwide program to re-introduce and disperse clams including the giant clam Tridacna Gigas throughout Fiji

• Marine Biodiversity Database Fiji – tracking existing and new species

• Habitat mapping – providing in-depth information into the layout and composition of the reef

• Assist the educational program through teaching sustainable reef practices and teaching snorkelling skills

Participants will also record information on sharks, rays, turtles and cetaceans spotted during their stay and also periodically other species identified on the endangered lists of Fiji to support protection efforts by the Coral Reef Allowance and Fiji Fisheries.Information and data from our programs is provided to: Manta Trust, Fiji Fisheries, University of South Pacific, Marine Ecology Fiji and Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network (GCRMN).

We have a highly experienced team of staff leading international volunteers working on collecting data that is provided for research projects assisting in the protection of endangered marine-life. Data is also used to establish Marine Protected Areas that will provide long term benefits to the local community and help guarantee food security for future generations.

Recent achievementsIn partnership with community, Government and individual donors, Vinaka Fiji have achieved:

• More than 100 coral fragments have been replanted back onto the reef in the marine park surrounding Vinaka Fiji’s base, Barefoot Manta Resort.

• 3300 predatory crown of thorn starfish have been removed from the reef. This long term initiative will result in healthy reefs and rejuvenation.

• Sea Cucumbers play a crucial role the ecosystem. Two Sea Cucumber reproduction pens have been introduced to the marine park which will help to increase the population.

• A mangrove nursery has been planted which will be transplanted to areas where mangroves have been damaged or destroyed. Mangroves play an important role in the development of reef productivity.

HOW YOU’LL MAKE A DIFFERENCEThrough participating in this program you will truly get the feeling that you have played a part in protecting Fiji’s stunning natural marine environment for future generations and travellers to enjoy. Not only will you complete hands on work to help research and conserve the environment, but you will assist in passing on skills to the local villagers who are the day to day guardians of this beautiful marine environment.


You will spend time on this expedition both snorkelling and scuba diving and as such you need to be qualified to at least Open Water Level. Non-divers can join the program following completion of a diver training program (approx. 5 days) with Reef Safari in Fiji that will certify you up to an Open Water Level.Note: prices for the Marine research and conservation program include all dive and snorkel gear.

Comprising over 300 islands, 4,000 square miles of reef and 1,500 species of sea life, there are literally thousands of reasons to volunteer for Vinaka Fiji’s Marine research and conservation program!Take the opportunity to learn to scuba dive, or extend your skills in this incredible marine environment of the Yasawa Islands. Then take your new skills and begin conducting underwater surveys in the warm, turquoise waters of the Pacific. Visit traditional villages and get to know the community, meet the headmen and children, and support their learning about environmental marine conservation and fishing practices.

HIGHLIGHTS• Working with and experiencing amazing

marine life including Manta Rays and Giant Clams

• Scuba diving and snorkelling as part of your work

• Working with local villages to build their skills and knowledge of their local marine environment


DORM $2,360 $4,410 $6,450 $8,500

TWIN/DOUBLE BURE (Shared facilities) $2,640 $4,960 $7,280 $9,600

DELUXE BURE $3,000 $5,690 $8,380 $11,070

PLUS DONATION TO PROJECTS $200 $300 $400 $500


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Life on the job

Program outlineOur programs are seven nights in duration – five days of volunteering (Monday to Friday) and two days (weekends) of relaxation on a tropical island! You may book any number of weeks you wish from 1 to 26, however the program can only be purchased in multiples of one week. If you would like to book a longer duration than that (specified on the booking form up to 12 weeks), please contact us for availability and costs. The program does not include any international travel, or accommodation other than the seven night programs. We can however assist with all pre and post accommodation bookings required in Fiji.

Choosing a programThink about how you would like to help the people of the Yasawa Islands and what program best suits your skill sets and interests. Consider when you would most like to travel and if you would like to do volunteer work only, or combine volunteer work with a holiday and do a ‘Voluntour’. Vinaka Fiji partners with Awesome Adventures Fiji to provide a range of packages offering you the opportunity to combine volunteering and travel. ‘Voluntour’ packages are available for purchase as one week volunteering (minimum) plus your desired length of travel pre or post your volunteering program. Contact us for more details on turning your volunteering experience into a Voluntour!

Where you stayOur volunteering programs are based in the remote Yasawa Island group, consisting of a chain of 20 ancient volcanic islands. Crystal-clear lagoons surround the pristine white sandy beaches and the northern islands are home to the famous Blue Lagoon.

Base CampBarefoot Manta is the Base for our volunteers. The resort is situated between two beaches on spectacular Drawaqa Island. One of the beaches overlooks a breathtaking coral lagoon, home to a large channel of coral gardens where majestic manta rays come to feed. Set amongst mature trees, just a few steps from the beach, are the Standard Double/Twin Bures and Dorms with shared bathrooms and facilities. Safari-tent-style Deluxe Bures with ensuite bathrooms are also available as an upgrade. All rooms are serviced daily. Bed linen is provided however you will need to bring all towels and toiletries. There is a basic laundry service available for a small fee.

MealsBreakfast, lunch and dinner are included in your program cost. Meals are a social scene, with both volunteers and resort guests dining in a communal setting.

Weekends at your leisureSaturday and Sunday are enjoyed at your leisure. Relaxation is big in Fiji, but if you’re in the mood there are incredible activities available throughout the Yasawas including some of the world’s best snorkelling and diving, hiking, local villages to visit, cultural activities, hand-line fishing, visits to caves… even swimming with manta rays depending on the season! Sunday is typically a ‘day of rest’ in Fiji so supervised activities are limited, but volunteers are always welcome to attend the traditional Village Church Service - generally a very moving experience.

Where your money goesThe fee for the volunteer programs covers your accommodation, transfers, meals and project costs. The Trust also raises funds for village projects through donations made by each volunteer as well as donations from Awesome Adventures Fiji and other companies, organisations and individuals. It remains a key principle of the Vinaka Fiji Trust that the majority of the funds raised will be spent on the delivery of specific field projects. The small percentage that does not go directly to these projects instead goes towards administration costs, such as the recruitment of new volunteers. It is important that our efforts remain cost neutral.

WHAT’S INCLUDED:• Serviced accommodation at

Barefoot Manta, on Drawaqa Island in your choice of dorm room, or standard or deluxe bure

• All meals • Welcome meeting and introduction

to Fiji and local customs• All training relevant to complete

each project and guidance by experienced staff

• All project equipment and materials required

• In-country support• 24 hour emergency phone• Transfers

Page 11: Volunteer Experiences in Fiji

Travel EssentialsWhat do I need to know?












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• Flights • Medical and travel insurance • Visa costs • Personal kit • Additional drinks and gratuities • Extra local excursions • International and domestic airport taxes • Pre and/or post accommodation

You’re going to be travelling to a pretty remote location – it’s this isolation that makes the Yasawas feel so special! But it’s also the distance from mainland Fiji that makes it important for you to travel prepared:

Travel insuranceIt is an essential condition of travelling with Vinaka Fiji that you have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of any emergency medical treatment or accident and to protect your holiday payments in the event of cancellation. Vinaka Fiji has insurance cover available with a leading insurer of adventure style travel, which can be taken out at time of booking.

Health and SafetyWe take health and safety seriously and have a medical evaluation policy in place as well as 24 hour in-country support. However it is your responsibility to obtain advise on any medical precautions or vaccinations required before you travel.

VisasIt is the responsibility of all volunteers travelling with Vinaka Fiji to check and adhere to Fiji’s Visa requirements. As most volunteers choose to stay and travel around Fiji before or after volunteering, they should enter the country on a ‘Visitor/Tourist Visa’, which can be obtained for a period of up to 3 months. There is currently no specific Visa for Volunteers in Fiji and volunteering is not considered work under the Immigration requirements, so you do not need a work visa.

Money mattersYou shouldn’t be reaching for your wallet while in the islands as the cost of your accommodation, transfers and meals are covered in your program fee. You’ll just need a bit of cash if you wish to purchase any additional drinking water throughout the day (or alcoholic drinks at night), snacks or partake in weekend activities. Please be aware that there are no banks or ATM machines in the Yasawa Islands. Cash machines are available at Nadi Airport and Denarau Marina. Barefoot Manta (the Base) accepts major credit cards.

Police Clearance CheckVolunteers wanting to participate in the education programs must provide a Police Clearance check or ‘Working with Children’ check from their country of residence. Please apply to your local police station to get clearance. We must receive copies of this along with your completed Registration Form at least two weeks prior to your commencement on the program.

ConfirmationYou will be required to make a non-refundable 10% deposit to reserve your place on the program, with the balance due one month prior to commencement of the volunteer program.

GroupsThe Vinaka Fiji volunteer programs can facilitate student groups, special interest and sport club groups. Contact the reservations office for more details.

Got more Questions? Email us at [email protected]

WHAT’S INCLUDED: • Pre-departure support • Discounted Services • 24 hour emergency phone • Arrival orientation • Long term experienced staff • Safe and basic accommodations (dormitory as standard) • Welcome meeting • All meals prepared and provided by resort • Location and cultural orientation • All necessary project training by experienced staff • All necessary project equipment and materials • 24 hour in-country support •Teamwork and leadership experience • Transfer to base location • Construction materials


FIJIAN ISLAND VILLAGE CUSTOMSDress modestly when in the village including wearing a sarong or long skirt for women. When on the beach swimsuits including bikinis are acceptable.

Page 12: Volunteer Experiences in Fiji

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Work & PlayExtra Activities

One of the South Pacific’s most stunning regions, the Yasawa Islands are a chain of 20 ancient volcanic islands. The pristine white sandy beaches and dramatic rock formations are surrounded by crystal-clear lagoons, which are home to world-class diving and snorkelling spots. You simply must explore their beauty!

Just chill with Awesome Adventures FijiAwesome Adventures Fiji offers a fantastic range of options for exploring the Yasawa Islands. You can book a ‘Fiji Island Escape’ and chill at one resort for as long as you like (there are more than 20 resorts to choose from!), or you can island hop with a ‘Bula Pass’. There are a selection of packages available, which feature a fantastic range of resorts and the region’s best activities. Or if you prefer to create your own itinerary, you can Build Your Own Adventure.Vinaka Fiji Volunteers receive a 10% discount on travel with Awesome Adventures

Indulge with Blue Lagoon CruisesThis is the perfect way to relax. When you board Blue Lagoon Cruises in the Yasawas, all you need to do is sit back, and unwind as you watch the scenic views slide past from the comfort of your deck chair! Blue Lagoon Cruises offer ‘boutique small ship cruising’ on board Fiji Princess. She sails a maximum of 4 hours per day, with the rest of the time spent anchored in the most spectacular, pristine and remote bays, soaking up the sun, swimming, snorkelling and lazing on the beach! Itineraries range from 3 to 7 nights and offer an unforgettable experience.Vinaka Fiji Volunteers receive a 10% discount on travel with Blue Lagoon

Experience with South Sea CruisesThe Mamanuca Islands, just off the coast from Denarau, offer beautiful crystal clear waters, palm-fringed sandy beaches and coral reefs that we all dream of. There are islands, villages and fabulous resorts to visit, with magnificent snorkelling and swimming. So on your visit to Fiji don’t miss the beautiful Mamanuca Islands - take a day trip with South Sea Cruises and enjoy!Vinaka Fiji Volunteers receive a 10% discount on travel with South Sea

Bula Welcome & Moce Departure PacksArriving and departing Fiji is a breeze with Awesome Adventures Fiji’s ‘Bula Fiji Welcome Pack’ and ‘Moce Fiji Departure Pack’. These packs make things nice and easy for you on your first and last nights in Fiji as they include your first or last night’s accommodation, transfers between the airport, your accommodation and the marina, breakfast, meet and greet and more.

Phone: +679 675 0500 [email protected]
