  • ; * HarvrdZ- 1; ndvr~,0. :,- E

    Vol. XV. Phillips-Academy, Andover, , .C;¶ 141n

    12 Ade,0 very witty.speehli. recounting se , . -- '--· " ,eral of-his-seralles-under "Ucl Sam Ij. i 'r";

    6 On;Saturday, April 1, Andover met Taylor, ad, paying a glowig tribute'- -the Harvard 'Vairity team at Cam- to -tat_ltleant'scharate. :a-an[d-, '' l :

    Vdg 7Tie dayws a good one for teacir.,. i .' ,, I. re o

    ball playing. The game,- .however, - Mr. :Wentwbrth:,.'represeniting "Ex.; br, It-?itwas rather sloy, but served well- to eter," made an.interesting speech iion siify n 4 if'_ s¶ . -"

    -show' up-the material in each team: the founding'of the two. acadebieisahd "Ii:^ = ' ; ;id i .. ... . CHarvard's team is'nearlytheosame as thinrisearl y is

    7it wasast.year, the oly new nien be-days. Col. Tucker told wh1't "ThI id ing bbot aiid- Sullivaii. Both teams Mission of. the Academy".was m ^ ah no rlhad three pitchers eaclh in the box eloquent speech, emphasizing thefa t ' |bet o

    *during the game, For Harvard,-they that a schoo such as this is a cor- m f z -ada1 hei -were:. J. Highlands, Wiggin, and A. muinity living and having its iterests cai' elt- l? "1.SHighlands;. for Andover:_ .Greenway, centered in itself and not. dependent B"16 0! .. g9. -: com..:,-

    -Sedgwik,.andPige- Corbett-did a iflllu tideii luie's-forit-- c7 et ii ts. h'fur professors -.all te catching for. Harvard, Murphy The 16n. R. R. Bishop oe of or ir*did the same for Andover.- trustees, representing - tle Boston 'eseoi.., J'< ¢ lL enof.Western

    Andover succeeded in getting four Alumni, told with how much, interest I illi The essayse6e e-- .:- -its off the Harard pitdiers, Two by tbe"lP~rent association" hd watched e' ;Pe:^^ 8^^^^

    both-Jenniings'aid'-Donoian. T -ese e-success and" growth of-lthe New. T:t:' .o..or.i.same n1ieliIs r;_eached ltiird base. In- York Associationjll-numbers witfhai Tlieh litt' lshed.'. -hTh&'iiiard'

    A-th 'oeut-field Millard - made six pretty the past two years; -* -i ^ji ,fi.e

    cat~cls;on e-o-dimiult-run.. After these rongular speeches ;Mr ;f# ultru^ Z-'-Jidging fromr- this game it wouldH Ha Edy;'oiir treasurer, spoke briefly- `wissei-3:erad at

    ' -sem, that there is pomising material df te money of th Acadsemy;': .. . . ..'-for most oftlhe positions o i the hom eKitchel '93spk frthemhsin

    -course, be made all around yet and in- spoke briefly on athletics. - - ideas s arkd bythe yogg ule - ..some positions very hard id. earnest, It wasa ueh an g hi i s ' and. Christ Heliad kept hiinelf-for - -: ; i' : a.':epractice ill hive to be taken to make- who were present will remember- with sduty. Christ ei ,nde d iore. He , -:'-an averge showing. pleasure, and we hope more, fellows -said,. 'omd e tou -twith me and eldid the

    The tams were as fllows: willavail themielvesiiext-tin of the save, the world." .The young man Te llotem ave bee d ent t o the . ?- - young base ball team oave been sent to' the

    ADOVEB. I " IRVAD.oppor nity of hearinig fine speeches, did not know how to give himself. . t tbe: Murphy, illrd, Je- * -Greenway, J. Highlands, of eating a good dinner, and of show lOutftis later, conception have Pia -J.SedPick, .iiggin d th a w ae s-oteur a presd e nugs, Paige, Greesway, Sedgwick,:- :-;..· hi , p ,~ W& ~~ndst ngl~alwarasntrete ' ~spun ur m~isio~s`~ aned all our en- ar asin o'esuter, ":. lo :. en'-

    dMurphy. c CoC.bett, as they are inAdovers success. thusiasms for men, and so we see how . Donovan, Allen,'H azen, Drew,-and --Reed,, - b., Dickinson,- the Bible is making contact with men. . , T.etr, in al, .isaJennins, b., rothingham, immons. Ihe training table is at - -m;slb., Crook The Bnble, presents, two ideas: "Here rnMrlan I's this year. part ofAllan,, - - 8b., Cook, The this-year. --fDonovau, - - s., -. Hovey, .-Monday florning Lectures.-- - is God," and -'Here is what God the Comons Ding Hall has been i-Simmonds, I f., Sullivan, -- wants." 'Go out and mke your civil- .fllard,- - .f., Hallowell, W prtbeothleteginb - - admkyur. partitioned-off' for it.- The room is

    .FdlS ^. ot 0We print below te lecture given by ization- accord with ur conception ry pleasant and heis eralsat-Dhuncan, r.f.,' Abbott. ---' '- - ,yot~~ conception very pleasan and'theie'is neral sat-'Prof. Tucker in the; course of Bibli- of Hime aid ofduty. isfction cals tle week before school closed. - Bishop Br oks' opreachin in w est- . :

    New York Alumni Banquet.- Prof. 'spoke to us.on tlie way minster -Abbey represented the Amer- which the Bible makes chnection ican idea ,when he said, "The cry College Libraries. -

    About ten fellows had the -pleasure with the life of man, individual and amongithe atios is'show us your

    of attendiugm the bi-ential dinner of national. -Dean Stauley say the best man.' -What is yourbest eal" And . The following is a .list -of the col-

    TieNew York Alumni in New York definition of the Bible is 'given i the the religions are asking of .each other leges in the United States, containing ' -

    'oCity ou March 30, and all who went Westminster- catechisin,-what scri- the -sme things. Christianity says libraries of more than 50,000 volumes, -· .

    enjoyed, it to the utmost. It was held -tures teach about God and what God '"Slowsii Show us. an- with the number in each, as published-.,' ,:

    at the Brunswick, and the large ban- asks of us; .In;the light of this defini- other to .compare with Christ.". Until January, 1892. -- -

    quet hal was.handsomely -decorated tion let' us see ho w the Bible refers to' they 'show a better, the Bible wil g Harvard, . 700,000 .._the esioa tile life to :c out........ ...for the occasion. - the life of men . -- ' -. - on, todcarry out its reat intentions Yale,- 200,000:,

    The dinner was excellent, and was The hardest thing for religionto-in- and motives, making contact with the Cornell, . .136,000 -

    .ollowed bytoasts. --- Phiipse Acde- trodace into life is character. -And-worldt hange and -uplift :and to Clumbia,' " ' 133,000

    my" was responded to by Dr. Ban-; the - one thing tat te Bible stands bring id the -true idea ofGod and niv. of Penn., 5,000roft, who told' ho te e endowment for is character in God. It insists that duty i ' . Lehgh, - - 88,000

    ,Pri "ceon, _w!83e 00-of the Academy1 had progressed since there is only oiie God, and that--God ... God- - Princeton, o ' - -, :8 ,0'00

    ,-the first dinner- two years ago. He is aesolute inor arniv.-of Michiga, .., iso told whatwasyet needed, and ditigusliies the Bible from.othere .i.Prize Essays. Dartmouth,' 78,000:thanked tihe-alumni for their interest ligious books isthat Godis a moral - - ', - 7-

    and aidGod. aGGod a of charater,, and 'fo . In orer, to promote a closer unio io n U on TheoSem., 65,000

    ev D d Bii reU in respondg this it follows rthat God enters into all betwen colleges ad the fitting , Amherst,' L:- - -' 53,-00 __ .'in to the toaig, "The Alumm, made tenderest relations with men- i: . s hioolSaid. directattention-to-the: niv. of ..

    ::i' -,, - - -- '' .- ' '-, ,DIAC_

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    0. A. JENKINS & COMPA,-'

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    T.t -Tj -AT-l; -- DliF -A f ;

    COLLEGE Le P. HO;.LL .

    O 1 .~ . --SECALNO; rOOO CHAPEL ST REET ., ' trn- A: ::-

    - - Canes and Hats to order. BASKETS AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES TO BE -_The CompletelIHouse Funshersso6,58,m: best_

    -__ W S otn - aN O and sEssex St.,Lawrence.- t „


    252 and 254 Essex Street, - -' -A....FU NRNITUeE -


    The next meeting of the Society; of The reading room has recentlj been UPHOLSTERERS. -. .,,,/ / > Inquiry will be lleld in Bartlet Chapel : c llaned from its old quarters to Room ORDERED WORK FROM ORIGINAL DE- .--,

    'YOUN / / .MEN'S STYLEApril 'at 2 Academ S AAI SPECLTY ...- .

    :C/ c United Sttes. R Mr THE POUND.- StabuckHE LARGEST LINE OF $279WASTE cGately, O'Gorme Cam, Soda,

    407 ashington Street, Boston.e this s an address of 'P -preoe

    /'"'. . o A. ndovew unusu insctlas resr wellt i bs as teio - T ;r--, reident; J . -Saw

    Gleason Budin, Lawrence. SOCIETY oiNQiar.o t -o tio 9- . -'- COLE R ' -

    _ Y7 .wlcndru: ' .--- -..................--- - - - . . ..

    CPAGE CATERING-CO. HA MAiN TR t. the HaFnvice-presidennr; E itr W o..252^term w b held in Society a-thi se retary and treasurer. - -t, -

    - enPermanent Board $3 a week. evening at6iA5 o'lock. Everyone isA. -______ , -

    Desirable Rooms to Rent. invited. The subject will be Eternal ,* Everything in the Furniture Line required - ..A Mending BuLreau SOCla ssNQ-;.ER BY - . .G-.E.ST *L , Pf. OF w at rec"tl'& ' ''- .ER.

    Th-Where students'nclothing of all kinds matebe - ._et .. *-

    Preanly n Bor $3a ek vnin a6 o ' E rn i .1'a d i ' qu rters to - - , aesrd Has o r NAL , D

    _ _ _ _ _ __ES Am tO TO BE The do' ly ete ur e e h ers_ '-' '. .

    as abovY. 'ShlgtoBowStmar. w beP'-~'-neWor.-tOerc. .ropy asw e'e.

    - , c3-2JO -. P. e OEd r,HP E OW r . io. .,YER- LATIN c u.'. i .:4 -CLT, .

    WAMerigBue.ursdy afternoon, -and Jeweller. -- ' ''2' 2 apened in connecatfiton avd ]Esrtepai~ed has been Se Y

    ,', ~'clock- the address being JUS ReREv."--E iqrn -,E, . W SP O F, ; t \ s

    z , EN- ST. ARNC.ecton. - USEcollectEonbAI-l--. --

    CHARLES 11. GILBERT, |.K^ 1 ^^^^ ^ , j t '·e Flag Pi = Bop. - : :

    u-emi NiYoeftes p.p'o' S ' 'Rain t Roof&. -''A - ' r" ' , S .. .... . ..- '

    . -~~- .el-Bank Block, noers- - , . , f n - ; --'SS-**"' RsiDmcE, N STRaV'r. *,;' : ;._? ' : .. T '-ig r has- ecet l y, E H0.

    DRYb GOODS ArNDl GRelll eRIES, ' s-- u 'to Ro - W 'the noarest o ,:. - ' . 1

    Ahur sE daASS -. a toefrtenoono , spentari,:ooteAaadem uin.'-h, i-' sIN p.P ;'r .i.. ('-''

    ___________' - 'F C 40ro.or s .p22 tCpU.e',lale 22; CUBWC '111 W,: aBomo. S; onLiand r Io. -" .' Aerica H.-F CHASE-.-- -l'nted t 29e

    3;? 'i :'" -' ' r

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    t ~ ~ ~ ar:mssbee:th "' .- 'H-.u:3 'F- ,t ad aa Adresswt f. ' .

    gnerual gn f rcoin t~b~,!,,' -' :: {:"., a'- Orers is ait _- sJde,-!:L'E Son, see--

    ' -_ -_ -. ; , - r oo &Pemanen' oad $3 a]- n, olok Eeroeis.-

    13-29. ..Lead... E .Cr os ,9:_2 -Callin.

    WhereER, '"·"·---". ... - -- ... -cloting of a.l kiinte ermsXPEomen D oncinih '.R innlalsls rrmen.eesient; .. hr

    regu ly. look ND, afotern. ~-vembm i - ei turo'.,in requi r : "r e h

    ESSEX, ST., LaWrticul-maybeNCea.edinq uiring --- , F

    P~,-~XZCMi ~r ,~ ,.:U ' , . .:.:, ~- ;.,:
