
U n ity B u i ld in g , 915 T r a c y A v e n u e



M an Climbs M ount W ilson Four T im es in T w enty-one H ours to Show Value

o f Vegetarian D ietF our round tr ip s up and down tlie steep

and dusty tra ils of M t. W ilson, m ade in tw enty-one hours and tw enty m inutes, w ith only ten-m inute rests betw een jo u rn ey s, is the endurance record set by H en ry H . W heeler, fifty-five years old, of 600 N orth N ew H am psh ire Avenue, Los Angeles. T he fea t was perform ed in dem onstration o f the value of the sim ple life and a vege­ta r ia n diet.

T he jo u rn ey of over fifty-six miles was m ade on a food supp ly consisting of only one raw egg, a handfu l of raisins, and a p in t of unferm ented g rap e ju ice. N o ton­ics or alcoholic stim ulants w ere em ployed, nor did M r. W heeler take a bath or a rub down. T he day was hot, and p a r t o f the tram p was made under the burn ing rays of m idday sun. Y et a t the finish M r. W heeler was neither lam e nor noticeably footsore. H e declared th a t had he not been delayed by the hea t and trouble w ith his lam p, he would have m ade five round tr ip s in tw en­ty -fo u r consecutive hours w ithout in ju ry to him self.

M r. W heeler is a devotee of the sim ple life , and for a qu arte r of a cen tu ry he has abstained from flesh foods. F or h a lf a dozen years he has eaten bu t tw o meals daily , adhering to the “no b rea k fa s t” plan.

M r. W heeler’s tr ip s had th e ir perils and th e ir discom forts. T he dust on th e tra ils was two or th ree inches deep n early a ll the way. H e n early w alked off a 100-foot precipice. B eing provided w ith a gas lam p, he used up h a lf an hour in getting it

into operation. T his lam p he carried on n igh t tr ip s even a f te r moonrise, because p a r t of the tra i l was in deep shadows, ex­posing the w alker to danger of a fa ll of a thousand feet or so as the penalty of a m isstep.

T he day, T h u rsd ay , M ay 26, tu rned out unexpectedly hot. O ther climbers were unable to m ake one com plete tr ip . The hea t com pelled M r. W heeler to slacken his pace. To th is fac t he attribu ted his in­ab ility to com plete five tr ip s , and his stop a t the end of his fourth round.— Los A n ­geles E xam iner.

WOMAN’S AUXILIARYT ea su re r’s R eport for M onth of August.

R eceip tsIncrease of dimes, ........................$ 8.19D ues, ....................................... 1.00D onations (M rs. W alte r

A lex an d er), ............... 1.00F rom P ro sp e rity B ank, . . .84Collections (W ed. m ’t ’ngs) 14.60 $ 25.63

E xpensesD im es d istribu ted , ........................$ 1.50F low ers for M ay and Ju n e , 6.80To music f u n d , .................... 5.00 13.30

$ 12.33B alance J u ly 29th , . . . . 118.01

T o ta l A ugust 26th , . . . . $130.34J e n n i e H . C r o f t , Treasurer.

PRETTY CLOSE“ H eaven is so close to us,” w rites an en­

thusiastic philosopher, “ th a t we can a l­most touch it w ith a 10-foot pole, and use the w ings of the angels fo r fans in warm w eather.”— A tlan ta Constitution.





L O W E L L F IL L M O R E , M a n a g in g E d ito r


Vo l . 2 f 1.00 per 3-ear, 2 cts. p e r copy No. 17

The new U nity B uild ing fund for the Inn am ounts to $2,373.61.

The speaker’s love offering la st S unday m orning am ounted to $14.50, and offerings to expenses $5.60.

A button was aw arded to M r. E . V. In ­graham , for receiving tw elve “O n-tim e” tags, last Sunday m orning.

A num ber of friends have called a t U nity headquarters on th e ir w ay from the W eltm er Institu te , a t N evada, M issouri, where a very successful New T hought con­vention has ju s t been held.

CLASS OF INSTRUCTIONA class in C hristian L iving and H ea l­

ing, conducted by C harles and M yrtle F ill­more, will begin on the evening of Septem ­ber 19th. T hree lessons will be given each week, un til the course of tw elve is com­pleted. A ll tru th-seekers are invited to attend.

BOARD MEETINGThe m eeting opened w ith th is though t:

“ D ivine W isdom is established in our m idst and m anifest in all our affairs.”

The following nam ed four new mem­bers were adm itted to the U nity Society: M rs. C. M cG regor, W illiam W hitw orth , John Augustus W rong, and Joseph House.

I t was also decided a t th e jneeting th a t the first Sundays in the months of Septem ­ber, October, and N ovem ber be devoted to the sub ject of "p ro sp e rity ” and th a t the

th ird S unday in N ovem ber be made a spe­cial p ro sperity occasion and day of re jo ic­ing, as it comes ju s t before T hanksgiving D ay.

UNITY GUILDT he reg u la r m onthly m eeting of the

U nity G uild will be held T uesday even­ing, Septem ber 6, 1910. A ll m em bers are requested to be present. T he m eeting will begin prom ptly a t 8 o’clock. A special m eeting will be held a f te r the business session. T he m em bers who are tak ing p a r t in the new p lay w ill please come p re ­pared fo r a rehearsal.

THINGS TO BE REMEMBEREDRem em ber th a t it is not the b read th , but

the dep th of the smile, th a t counts.Rem em ber to guard your thoughts not

alone th a t they shall not be led as tray by o thers, bu t also th a t they w ill not lead others as tray .

Rem em ber to forget every th ing unp leas­ant.

Rem em ber the P ro sp e rity Service on S unday , Septem ber 4th.

Rem em ber th a t the course of lessons in C hristian L iving and H ea ling begins on M onday evening, Septem ber 19th, a t 8 o’clock.

Rem em ber the vegetarian m eals a t U nity Inn .

Rem em ber the U nity S unday school.

C a l l e r s a t U n i t y H e a d q u a r t e r s D u r i n g t h e W e e k

M rs. J . B. Chesney, A tlan ta , Ga.M rs. R. B. H anson, Osawatom ie, Kans, M rs. L . A. K ing, T opeka, Kans.Miss A. M. K ittredge, D avenport, Iowa. M rs. Ju n e Reed, M oline, 111.A lfred Tomson, O m aha, N ebr.

Sow a thought, reap an ac t;Sow an act, reap a h ab it;Sow a hab it, reap a cha rac te r;Sow a character, rea p a destiny.

— Selected.



S u n d ay , S e p te m b e r 4

T he A ll-P rov id ing Substance of S p irit is my un failing supply .

A ll th a t the F a th e r hath is mine, and a ll th a t the F a th e r is, I am.

I am p rospered in all th a t I do, because I fulfill the Law of the C hris t M ind in giving and receiving.

M y m ind is not adverse to anybody or anyth ing . I see my Good everywhere.

I am g ra te fu l for the abundance now m anifest in my life and affairs.

I continually p raise and bless thee, S p irit of P len ty , and thy unfailing bounty is now poured out upon me.

T he S p irit of Ju stice secures me in th a t which is my own.

M y own comes to me th rough the D i­vine Law .

M y thought is rich with the bounty of God.

T he righteousness of the C hrist K ing­dom is established in my consciousness, and every th ing needed is added unto me.

I sow boun tifu lly ; I reap bountifu lly .I am obedient to the S p irit o f W isdom,

and I am led in path s of peace and p len ty .In a ll my w ays I recognize the F a th e r­

hood of God and the Brotherhood of man.T he riches of the F a th e r are fo r a ll his

children.I rejo ice and give thanks to God fo r his

everlasting goodness.

A ny th ink ing person who will stop long enough to conceive of th e absurd ity of quaran tine and isolation of disease for the purpose of contro lling its spread will not lend his influence to the perpe tuation of the superstition.

I t is said th a t a do lla r b ill exam ined a t W ashington was found to contain 92,000,-

000 germ s. I f there a re one hundred and tw enty-six billion germ s in one dejection, and 92,000,000 on a do llar bill, how many are there in the mouth and on the clothing of the average person?

I f money is covered w ith germ s, how is it th a t th is medium can go from the pocket of the quaran tined sick m an w ithout fumi­gation and even w ithout being suspected?

D octors go from house to house, yet they w on’t allow any one else to do so.

R eally , the more one thinks about quar­an tine the more absurd the whole th ing appears. I f diseases w ere contagious and infectious, as the germ theorists declare, there would be no stopping disease.

G erm s are everyw here, and they should be, and will be. T hey are for a purpose, if the re is any such th ing as purpose in the w orking out of law and o rder .— A S tu ffed Club.

COMMON MALADY“ One of my most in teresting patien ts,”

rem arked the doctor, “was a young man whose m ind was failing . F or a long while I thought I had effected a perm anent cure.”

“W hat m ade you th ink otherw ise?” asked his friend.

“ You see,” rep lied the doctor, “he went aw ay and forgot to pay his b ill.”— L ipp in - cott’s.

ALWAYS AND NEVERA lw ays give thanks and praise.N ever lam ent and condemn.A lw ays th ink thoughts th a t are pure and

up lifting .N ever forget to do good. An unselfish

deed is a step tow ard God, and even a kind w ord or look m ay b righ ten the pathw ay of some w eary soul.

A lw ays try to be help fu l, active, alert.N ever th ru s t upon others w hat you can

do or should do yourself— th is is selfish­ness.

A lw ays have an ideal and live up to it.


BABY’S SKIESW ould you know the b aby ’s skies? B aby’s skies are m am a’s eyes.M am a’s eyes and smile together M ake the baby’s p leasan t w eather.

M am a, keep your eyes from te a rs ; Keep your h ea rt from foolish f e a r s ; Keep your lips from du ll com plaining. L est the baby th in k ’tis rain ing.

— S t. N icholas.

HOW TO RISET he w ay fo r a young m an to rise is to

im prove him self every w ay he can, never suspecting th a t any one wishes to h inder him. Allow me to assure you th a t sus­picion and jealousy never did help any m an in any situation. T here m ay some­tim es be ungenerous a ttem pts to keep a young m an dow n; and they w ill succeed, too, if he allows his m ind to be diverted from its tru e channel to brood over th e a t­tem pted in ju ry . C ast about, and see if th is feeling has not in ju re d every person you have ever know n to have fallen into it.— Abraham Lincoln.

WHICH CHURCHM rs. N uboard : I w onder w hat church

M r. N ew thot belongs to.M rs. D eCook: W ell, w hich do you

th ink? H e to ld me his paren ts w ere M ethodists; he reads a N ew T hought m agazine, and attends D ivine Science m eetings; he eats S eventh-D ay A dventist vegetarian foods, from B attle Creek, M ich., fo r b reak fast, Q uaker oats for lunch, and Post-T oasties fo r supper— now, which church would he belong to ?

O ne evening a t supper little L ester said to his grandm other:

“G randm a, do your glasses m ake th ings look b igger?”

“ Yes, dearie,” said grandm a. “W h y ?” “ O h !” said L ester, “ I only thought if

they did, m aybe you’d tak e ’em off when

Unity Auditorium,U N IT Y B L D G ., 913 T R A C Y A V E.

Sunday, Sept. 4, 1910S u n d a y S c h o o l at 10:00 a . m .

A d d r e s s b y C h a r l e s F i l l m o r e

11 a. m.S u b j e c t : F irst S tep s in D em onstrating

P rosperity

T h e C o n c e n t r a t i o n C l a s s a t 8:30

you’re cu tting the cake.”— L ittle C hron­icle.

T ru th needs no cham pions; in the infinite deep

O f everlasting Soul her streng th abides.F rom N a tu re ’s h ea rt her m ighty pulses

leap .T hrough N a tu re ’s veins her strength ,

undying, tides.-—Low ell.

R E G U L A R M E E T I N G S I n U n i t y A u d i t o r i u m

SUNDAY Sunday School, io a . m.

M rs . IV. G. H aseltine , S u p erin ten d en t. R egular service, i i a. m. C harles F illm ore.

T h e C oncentration Class 3:3c p. m. MONDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15. Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony, 2:30 p. m.

TUESDAY High Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.

Lesson in H ealth and Harm ony, 2:30 p. m, WEDNESDAY

H igh Noon S ilence, 12 to 12:15. M id-W eek M eeting, 2:30 p. m.

H ealing M eeting 8 p. m. THURSDAY

H igh Noon S ilence, 12 to 12:15. Lesson in H ealth and H arm ony, 2:30 p m

FRIDAYH igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12:15.

Lesson in H ealth and H arm ony, 2:30 p. m. SATURDAY

H igh Noon Silence, 12 to 12-15 Leeson in H ealth and Harm ony. 2:30 p. m.
