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Vol. 71, No. 22 June 7, 2013

Pages 20-21 Page 13

Pages 8-9

Message board INSIDEINSIDE

Swimming poolfee change

Due to current wateringrestrictions that do not

allow pools in the housingarea, children 12 and underwill not be charged to useany of the pools on post.

By Andrea StoneMountaineer staff

For 660 consecutive days, the length of time the4th Engineer Battalion has had a unit deployed, itscolors have flown over Lion’s Park, Woodland Park, apartnership that has spanned more than 20 years.

The battalion’s colors will continue to fly thereawhile longer, as the Headquarters and Headquarters

Company and Forward Support Company cased itscolors in a ceremony May 31 in preparation for anupcoming deployment to Afghanistan.

If things go as planned, the colors will continue tofly for an additional 550 days, until every Soldierfrom the 4th Eng. Bn. returns, according to Lt. Col.Daniel Hibner, battalion commander.

“The colors we cased bear streamers the battalionhas earned in campaigns as far back as the Civil War,”

he said. “Those streamers on our colors were earnedby the blood, sweat and, at times, the lives of 4th Eng.Bn. Soldiers over the past 150 years — engineers andSoldiers that represented this battalion at home andon foreign soils to counter the threats to our greatnation — and again our nation is calling on the 4thEng. Bn. It’s time for us to do our duty with our

Engineers case colors

See Casing on Page 4

Photo by Staff Sgt. Wallace Bonner

Last man standing

The last remaining team member of the 4th Special Troops Battalion, 4th InfantryBrigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, dodgeball team scoops up a ball as theSoldiers of the 1st Battalion, 66th Armor Regiment, 1st Armored Brigade Combat Team,4th Inf. Div., dodgeball team seek to eliminate him and secure the win, during Iron HorseWeek competition Tuesday. Iron Horse Week is an annual competition involving multiple

events, between units across Fort Carson, with the total point winners at battalionand company level recognized with the Commander’s Cup at the end of the week.Friday’s events include the finals for boxing at the Special Events Center andcombatives at Waller Physical Fitness Center, starting at 9:30 a.m. The awardsceremony is set for 2 p.m. Friday at Iron Horse Park.

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2 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

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Risk management strengthens Army(Editor’s note: Army leaders released the

following letter in observance of June beingNational Safety Month.” See related summersafety article on Page 14.)

Accidental Army fatalities remain at near record lows, continuing a positive trendindicative of a growing awareness of theimportance of safety in our formations.Leaders, Soldiers and Department of Armycivilians deserve credit for this success, andwe commend you all for your hard work.

Keeping safety at the forefront of our consciousness is an imperative for all of us.This June, the Army’s observation of NationalSafety Month gives leaders at all levels anopportunity to evaluate their safety programsand think about risk in the months ahead. Four topic areas will be highlighted each weekduring the month: civilian injury, aviation safety, ground safety and driving safety. A complete multimedia campaign themed aroundeach of these topics are available at the U.S.Army Combat Readiness/Safety Center website, Be sure to visit throughout themonth for the latest materials you can share with your Army team.

We are making steadfast progress in our efforts toensure safety is embedded in all that we do, yet more workremains. History indicates deaths resulting from accidentswill increase significantly through the end of summer. Ourdata analyses indicate that warmer weather results in moreoff-duty activities, which include higher risk behaviors,resulting in increased injury and fatality rates.

As such, we need to be particularly mindful of not repeatingthe past. Leaders at all levels can make a difference bybecoming personally involved and fostering a positive safety climate enabling our Soldiers, civilians and Familymembers to effectively manage their personal risk.

Thank you for supporting National Safety Month andthe Army Safety Program. The safety of every member of our Army team is a critical component of readiness.Accidents leave us vulnerable, but risk management makes us stronger.

Army safe is Army Strong.

I joined the Army in June 2010 so I could save money for college, get out andsee the world and gain the experiences no other professioncould have given me.

Serving my country is anhonor and privilege not manypeople are given, and I’m proud to be a part of it.

I’m doing something not everyone can do; I’m part ofsomething bigger than myself.

I continue to serve because of all the opportunitiesthe Army has given me — the means to further my education, the security of a stable job and the promise of a good career.

Iron Horse StrongSpc. Drew Poore

Orderly room clerk, Headquarters andHeadquarters Company, 1st Brigade Combat

Team, 4th Infantry Division, and BetterOpportunity for Single Soldiers representative

CorrectionShelley Griffin was incorrectly

identified in the May 31Mountaineer article

“Community honors fallen warriors” on Page 21. The cutline should have read:

Shelley Griffin, sister-in-law of Command Sgt. Maj. KevinGriffin, 4th Brigade CombatTeam, 4th Infantry Division,

makes a pencil rubbing, withthe assistance of her son,

Dustin Griffin, May 23.

Four Fort Carson dining facilities will serve specialmeals in celebration of the Army’s 238th birthday. The meals will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.: — Tuesday, LaRochelle DFAC— Wednesday, Wolf DFAC— Thursday, Stack and Warfighter DFACsCost is $6.45 for Family members of privates throughspecialists and $7.60 for all others.

Raymond F. Chandler IIISergeant Major of the Army

Raymond T. OdiernoGeneral, United States Army

Chief of Staff

John M. McHughSecretary of the Army

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Story and photo by Andrea StoneMountaineer staff

What started as average turnout ended as standing-room-only at the joint town hall meetingwith Fort Carson leaders and the Pikes Peak AreaCouncil of Governments May 30.

“It’s been a lot of fun to watch the chairs beingadded in the back,” said Dennis Hisey, chair, El PasoCounty Board of County Commissioners and chair,PPACG Board of Directors. “You always wonder whatturnout is going to be like, and this is as good as ever.”

The meetings have been an opportunity for community and business leaders, government officials and Fort Carson leaders to discuss issues andwork together to find solutions.

“We’re just glad to see this amazing partnership,”said Rob MacDonald, executive director of PPACG.“We have the business community, we have themilitary, we have the nonprofits, we have the government— all working together to get some things done”

The commanding general, 4th Infantry Divisionand Fort Carson, highlighted the importance of working with the local community.

“We’ve got absolutely tremendous support fromthis community,” said Maj. Gen. Paul J. LaCamera.After learning of the possible loss of 8,000 or the gainof 3,000 Fort Carson troops, the governor, senators,congressmen, local officials and community leaderswrote letters in support of Fort Carson — more than22 pages — that were provided to the Army and theDepartment of Defense.

With an estimated impact of $2.2 billion to the local economy, and 70 percent of Soldiers living off post, Fort Carson’s effect on the commu-nity is large.

3June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

Panelists at the Fort Carson and Pikes Peak Area Councilof Governments joint town hall meeting May 30 listen asmoderator, Jennifer Horbelt, KOAA anchor, asks a question. From left, Terrance McWilliams, director ofmilitary and veterans affairs, El Pomar Foundation; Col.David Grosso, Fort Carson garrison commander; retiredAir Force Maj. Gen. G. Wesley Clark, chair, Peak MilitaryCare Network; Maj. Gen. Paul J. LaCamera, commandinggeneral, 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson; DennisHisey, chair, El Paso County Board of CountyCommissioners and chair, PPACG’s Board of Directors;Col. John McGrath, commander, Medical DepartmentActivity; and (not pictured) Dr. Kelly Phillips-Henry, chiefoperating officer, AspenPointe.

Town hallhighlightspartnership

See Town hall on Page 4

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Although community outreachefforts are being scaled back due tobudget constraints, maintaining therelationship between Fort Carson andthe community and learning from localleaders are critical, LaCamera said.

“We’re transitioning from fightingfor security to f ighting within a sovereign nation (Afghanistan), andthey are building a sovereign nation,and in that, there’s more than just military,” he said. “There’s diplomatic,information, economic, law enforce-ment, intelligence and finances, … andwe don’t have that expertise. … You(community leaders) do this on aday-to-day basis. You run communities.You run businesses.”

Because of the budget issues, thiswill be the last joint town hall meeting.The Fort Carson Regional GrowthPlan, which led to the town hall

meetings, has been funded throughthe Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment, but thatprocess will be completed at the end of June, said Kate Hatten, program manager, military impactplanning, PPACG.

“Regional coordination with themilitary-community partnering isabsolutely going to continue. Fundingfor the town halls is, at this point,unclear,” she said.

There is the possibility of smallerevents going forward.

“We certainly want to continue theconversation, to make sure that the com-munity has an opportunity to hear fromFort Carson and vice versa,” she said.

Economic issues, including theeffects of sequestration, were amongthe main topics discussed, but it wasn’tall bad news for the local community.

There’s been a hiring freeze sinceNovember for Evans Army CommunityHospital. They’ve since lost 150employees through attrition, according

to Col. John McGrath, commander,Medical Department Activity.

“When (the)furlough hits, we’lllose 20 percent of our capacity, whichmeans all those patients we wouldhave seen will now be referred down-town to providers, all the hospitalbeds that we lose, the babies that willbe delivered, will be pushed out (to thecommunity),” he said.

Between the furlough forDepartment of Defense civiliansbeginning July 8 and cuts in fundingfor some of Fort Carson’s infrastructureand maintenance, sequestration willhave a significant impact for fiscal2013, according to Col. David Grosso,garrison commander.

However, some programs — suchas the Fort Carson TransitionUniversity for Soldiers transitioningfrom military to civilian life — benefitfrom the community partnership, andmay be less affected by sequestration.

The program, which lasts for ninedays, is funded by the military for five

days. The other four are provided byvolunteers from the community at nocost to the government, Grosso said.

Fort Carson has also positivelyimpacted the Colorado Springs community, Hisey said.

“Kudos to Fort Carson. They ledthe effort in sustainability in the public sector here in the El PasoCounty region,” he said. “Virtuallyevery sustainability movement sincethen has been a spinoff of that, andquite often was led by Fort Carson untilwe could handle it on our own.”

While Fort Carson’s leadership isimportant, LaCamera recognized theimportance of community leaders as well.

“We’re not going to sell democracyto other people if we don’t sell thewhole package, and the whole packageinvolves all the elements of our nationalpower, and what you all represent inthis room here is the other three-quarters of it. The military is just onepiece,” he said.

colors in hand, and when we come back, yetanother battle streamer attached.”

More than 50 Family and friends came tothe event, as the Soldiers prepare to head to Kandahar, their mission to partner withAfghan engineer forces.

“Our presence there isn’t going to last muchlonger, and our success isn’t going to be measured by the roads we clear or the roads webuild. Our success will be measured by ourAfghan partners’ ability to clear and buildroads,” Hibner said.

The last deployment for the headquarterswas in 2009 in support of Operation IraqiFreedom. After only a month in Iraq, the

battalion was reassigned to support OperationEnduring Freedom at Kandahar Airf ield,Afghanistan, the same location it will deploy to now.

The Soldiers are ready for this mission, having spent most of the last year preparing.

“I just want to be there already,” said Spc.Valerie Neubauer, human resources specialist,of her first deployment. “We have good peoplegoing. We’ve got a lot of good shop cohesionwithin our company so when we leave, there’sno question, no doubt in our minds that we’regoing to be able to execute our jobs just likewe do here.”

Even after the units’ expected return inearly 2014, the colors will continue to fly overWoodland Park, until every unit in the 4th Eng.Bn. returns.

4 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

from Page 1


from Page 3

Town hall

Interactive Customer Evaluation Ambassadors Commended for ExceptionalService — are selected from personnel who exemplify the spirit of keeping FortCarson the “Best Home Town in the Army” with superior customer service to our Soldiers, Family members, civilian employees and retirees.

The ICE system is available for customers to rate service they receive by highlightingsuperior service or making suggestions to improve services. It can be accessed at index.cfm?fa=site&site(underscore)id=437; through kiosks at Army

Community Service, the Iron Horse Sports and Fitness Center, DEERS Office, the SoldierFamily Assistance Center or Balfour Beatty’s Joel Hefley Community Center; or by depositingan ICE card at one of the many boxes located around post.

Mountaineer staff

With phones ringing off the hook, tournamentsto attend, dozens of emails to answer and 10 to 15customers a day dropping by to inquire about sportsprograms, Amber Zurita’s day is a whirlwind ofactivity. Zurita, intramural sports director at IronHorse Sports and Fitness Center, said she loves her job though, in spite of the fast pace.

“I enjoy providing a fun and competitive sportsatmosphere for the Soldiers,” Zurita said. “It is sogratifying to know that all the hard work from myteam is appreciated. Watching the Soldiers de-stressand have fun is my favorite part of the job.”

The number of intramural sports offered underZurita’s leadership has grown from five to more than35, she said.

“The most challenging part of my job is keeping up with the busy schedule of intramuralsports. … Without the support of my staff, the fitness staff and my leadership, I don’t know howwe would do it,” she said.

Zurita started working for Directorate of Familyand Morale, Welfare and Recreation in 2001 as an

intern from the University of Northern Coloradowhile studying kinesiology. She was hired in 2002 asa recreation assistant temporary employee andbecame permanent a couple of years later. In 2005,

she accepted the Forrest Fitness Center managementposition. Since then, she’s managed Garcia PhysicalFitness Center, and, in 2012, began her currentposition as intramural sports director.

“Amber takes into account the desires andexpectations of her customers — Soldiers,” RichardGarcia, Zurita’s supervisor wrote.

Her customers are just as pleased with her services. “Amber did an excellent job coordinatingour event and was very flexible as weather rolled in,”wrote a customer. “She is easy to work with (and)does an excellent job communicating during theevent and pre-event.”

In addition to her work, she is a proud mother toa daughter, 20 month-old Kaiah. She also enjoys running, hiking, snowboarding, mountain biking,playing slow pitch softball, photography and reading.

Other ICE ACES for May include:l Thunder Alley Bowling Center staffl Anthony McCollin, prevention coordinator,

Army Substance Abuse Programl Stephanie Lloyd, director, East Child

Development CenterAmber Zurita

Intramural sports director

Network Enterprise Center

The Fort Carson network will be unavailable from4 a.m. to 6 p.m. June 14 due to an authorized serviceinterruption in support of the SPIDERS Microgridimplementation. In addition to the total network outage June 14, the Network Enterprise Center helpdesk and video teleconference suite in building1550 will be unavailable. There will be intermittentinterruptions Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.and June 18 from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Project to causenetwork outage

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5June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER


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Increased incline use spurs concernStory and photo by Andrea Stone

Mountaineer staff

As the sun peaked over the horizon, a steadystream of cars flowed into the Pikes Peak CogRailway parking lot, many of them headed for theManitou Incline.

The incline, a former cable car route that climbs2,000 feet in the course of a mile, officially becamelegal to hike Feb. 1.

“It’s a wonderful place to do (physical training),”said Anneliesa Barta, Sustainable Fort Carson planner.“With that legalization comes anew set of rules. We’re hopingto educate units on using theland without overwhelming it.”

The increase in early morningtraffic has also led to some concerns. Parking is limited,some of the roads are private,and the noise level can be bothersome to nearby residents.

“They’re doing their chantsand things, and I’m thinking,‘Guys, it’s 6 o’clock in themorning. There’s people tryingto sleep here,’ ” said RogerAustin, longtime incline hiker.

Although, he’s quick to addthat Soldiers are generallypolite and most people don’tresent them for being there.

“A lot of folks are happy tosee them here. When they

deploy, you want them as fit as possible … It’s nice tosee them going up with their ruck sacks,” he said.

Capt. Rob Clark, commander, Company A, 3rdSpecial Troops Battalion, 3rd Armored BrigadeCombat Team, 4th Infantry Division, tries to docompany PT on the incline at the end of everymonth to enhance esprit de corps.

“The Soldiers like it. It gives them the opportunityto see what Colorado Springs has to offer. Without this,a lot of the Soldiers wouldn’t get out of the barracks.”

There are solutions to the issues on the hill. InMay, Manitou Springs began offering a free shuttle

service that runs along Manitou Avenue with stops atMemorial Park and the incline. The service is sched-uled to run until Sept. 7. The buses hold about 25people and run every 20 minutes from 6-10 a.m.,and every 30 minutes from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Soldiers can also carpool, a more economicaloption since the city began charging for parking.Parking in the cog railway lot is $5 per car, and astourist traffic picks up over the summer, there maybe fewer spaces available.

Regardless of where Soldiers choose to park,they need to be attentive. “(When) a whole group of

Soldiers comes up, they have tobe able to park correctly orthey’re going to get ticketed. Theparking authority drives up anddown Ruxton (Avenue) lookingfor that sort of thing,” said SteveBremner, president of InclineFriends and local resident.

Austin has advice for anyoneusing the incline: “Don’t use caralarms. Try to be quiet and respect-ful of the people who live there.”

But he understands whySoldiers want to use the inclinefor PT.

“You just get hooked. Theviews are beautiful. The sunrisesare incredible. … You can’t geta more intense workout anywhere.It’s only one mile, but it’s thetoughest mile you’ll ever do,”he said.

Soldiers from Company C, 1st Battalion, 25thAviation Regiment, 25th Infantry Division, climbthe Manitou Incline for physical training May 31.

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6 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

Colorado Publishing Company

‘Raiders’ build skills, partnershipBy Spc. Andrew Ingram

1st Armored Brigade CombatTeam Public Affairs Office, 4th

Infantry Division

CAMP BUEHRING, Kuwait —“Raider” Brigade troops and Kuwaitiarmy soldiers demonstrated theirheavy ordnance capabilities withmortars, artillery, tanks and otherarmored vehicles, collaborating toidentify and destroy simulated enemytargets, during Operation DesertCenturion, May 20-21.

“During this exercise we demon-strated our ability to conduct combinedoperations,” said Maj. JonathanBender, plans officer, 1st ArmoredBrigade Combat Team, 4th InfantryDivision. “We developed a bettershared understanding of unit tactics,techniques and procedures, to enablefuture planning and operations.”

By working hand in hand withKuwaiti forces, the Raider BrigadeSoldiers gained a better understandingof their partners’ capabilities, andthe importance of consistent lines of

communication, said Bender.“These units demonstrated the

ability to conduct combined planningand operations,” he said. “This willlead to stronger bonds between thesetwo forces, and greater interoperabilityduring operations.”

The exercise integrated Soldiersfrom the company level up to brigadestaff to identify targets, request firesupport, analyze the target location andexecute direct and indirect fire missions.

Working in a partnership rolemotivated the Raider troops to surpass

the standard at every opportunityduring the exercise, said Pfc. ScottMcColl, fire support specialist,Headquarters and HeadquartersCompany, 1st ABCT.

“It was very interesting to seehow the Kuwaitis operate in thefield,” McColl said. “Some of theirtactics and procedures are similar toours, but I think learning each others’differences are what will make usstronger as a whole.”

By conducting field exercises withthe Kuwaiti forces, U.S. troops build

the trust and respect necessaryfor continued, long-term part-nerships, said Staff Sgt. MathewCrane, battalion targeting noncommissioned officer,Headquarters and Head quartersCompany, 1st Battalion, 22ndInfantry Regiment.

“Missions like this help usbetter understand how theyoperate, and helps them under-stand how we do business,” Cranesaid. “We’ve done a pretty goodjob integrating with each other;their executive officer is sittingright next to ours, and theirintelligence soldiers are workingwith our intelligence Soldiers,so we are learning a differentway of operating even as westrengthen our own skills.”

Soldiers of the Raider Brigadewill continue working withKuwaiti forces for the durationof their deployment to strengthenthe nations’ partnership andenhance regional security.

Mortarmen assigned to 1stBattalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment,1st Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, fire at simulated enemy targets during Desert Centurion, May 21.

Photo by Spc. Anthony Kozluechar

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7June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER





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Fitness challenge tests limitsStory and photo by Sgt. Marcus Fichtl2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team Public

Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division

“Thirteen … 14,” a judge yells, as Spc. BrittnyEscamilla pushes through burpee-box jumps, anexercise that starts with a pushup, and finishes witha two-footed jump onto a box. “Fifteen … No go,your back’s not straight.”

Escamilla, health care specialist, Company C,204th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd ArmoredBrigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, andmore than 20 other competitors from across thedivision faced medicine balls, pullups and sprints,followed by deadlifts and burpee-box jumps during2nd ABCT’s second annual Warhorse FitnessChallenge, at Waller Physical Fitness Center, May 24.

The event was sponsored by Better Opportunitiesfor Single Soldiers, and created by Staff Sgt. CaseyMcEuin, 2nd ABCT BOSS coordinator,Headquarters and Headquarters Troop, 2nd SpecialTroops Battalion, last year during the brigade’sdeployment in Afghanistan to promote fitness andbring Soldiers together.

“We hosted the event to give single Soldierssomething to do outside of the barracks, outside ofplaying video games; something fun to do, andconstructive for their professional lives,” said McEuin.

He described the fitness challenge as an event tocreate muscle confusion and test the Soldiers’ limits.

While the muscles may have had trouble adaptingto the challenge, there was no confusion forEscamilla and Sgt. Angel Suazo, Battery A, 3rdBattalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd ABCT,4th Inf. Div., who both competed last year inAfghanistan, and said they took time from theirMemorial Day weekend to participate in the eventwithout a second thought.

“We lost a few Soldiers near the end of thedeployment, so we were motivated to do it for theSoldiers who were lost,” said Suazo. “They weren’tthere to do it, so we did it for them and their Families.”

The competitors pushed each other through theirlingering pain and doubts from deployment.

“We’re all here to support each other, we all helpeach other one way or another; we see the strain ineach other’s faces,” said Suazo. “No one wants tosee that, be it on the battlefield, or on Fort Carson.”

The event organizers designed the exercises topush Soldiers to their physical limits.

“We had a couple people throw up, we had acouple people pass out. We had people say this is

the hardest workout they’ve ever had, and it lastedonly 10 minutes,” said McEuin.

For Escamilla, Suazo and the other competitors,there was only one choice.

“Don’t walk away, even if it hurts,” saidEscamilla.

She didn’t, they didn’t. Escamilla paused and dusted herself off as another

competitor reminded her why she’s competing.“Do it for the Soldiers who can’t be here, the

Soldiers who didn’t come home,” a fellow competitoryelled in her ear.

Escamilla dropped down, pushed up and jumped.“Sixteen!”

The Warhorse Fitness Challengetests Soldiers’ mettle with deadlifts,medicine balls, pullups, sprints andburpee-box jumps, May 24 at WallerPhysical Fitness Center.

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9June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER8 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

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Story and photos by Sgt. Grady Jones

3rd Armored Brigade Combat TeamPublic Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division

The sound of artillery roared out overFort Carson as an M109A6 Paladin 155mm self-propelled howitzer launchedrounds downrange during section live-firecertifications last month.

Artillerymen from 3rdBattalion, 29th FieldArtillery Regiment, 3rdArmored Brigade CombatTeam, have worked to returnto their field artillery train-ing since their redeploymentfrom Afghanistan inDecember, in support of theSecurity Force AdvisoryTeam mission.

“We started with Soldierstraining on individual (cannon crewmember) tasks,”said 1st Sgt. Derrick Gwin,Battery B. “From there, we conductedsection certifications, Table V dry-fireexercises, and now were conducting TableVI live-fire certifications.”

Since the beginning of Operation IraqiFreedom and Operation Enduring Freedom,some field artillery units have been

assigned different roles and missions, suchas maneuver tasks and convoy securitytasks, instead of their standard missionswith cannons, rockets and missiles, in Iraqand Afghanistan.

Gunnery Table certifications are usedto produce combat-proficient artillerymenand leaders, said Gwin.

The unit persevered through the challenge of building cohesive crews that

could certify successfully.“We haven’t fired the

guns in a while,” said Sgt.1st Class Lawrence Creel,battalion master gunner,3rd Bn., 29th FA Reg. “Sowe’re getting all the kinksworked out.”

“Considering the lack ofpractice time, the crews aredoing very well,” said Creel.

Spc. Luis Toribio, cannon crewmember, BatteryB, said he would recommendbecoming an artilleryman to

anyone who is considering joining the Army.“This job is exciting,” said Toribio. “It’s

the best job in the world, and I love it.”The “Pacesetters” Battalion has

completed Gunnery Table VI certifications,and are planning to conduct Table XII certifications, platoon live-fire, this August.

An M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzer with 3rd Battalion, 29thField Artillery Regiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4thInfantry Division, maneuvers into position to perform Gunnery Table VIlive-fire certifications.

Above: Sgt. Ricky Wilson, artillery section chief,Battery B, 3rd Battalion, 29th Field ArtilleryRegiment, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team,4th Infantry Division, inspects the breechassembly on the M109A6 Paladin self-propelledhowitzer during a live-fire exercise.

Right: An M109A6 Paladin self-propelled howitzer with 3rd

Battalion, 29th Field ArtilleryRegiment, 3rd Armored Brigade

Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division,fires during Table VI Gunnery

live-fire certifications.

Battalion reaffirms field artillery mission

“It’s the bestjob in theworld, andI love it.”

— Spc. Luis Toribio

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MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013


Army birthday meals — Four Fort Carson diningfacilities will serve birthday meals in celebration ofthe Army’s 238th birthday. Cost is $6.45 for Familymembers of privates through specialists and $7.60 forall others. The meals will be held from 11:30 a.m. to1 p.m.: June 11 at LaRochelle DFAC; June 12 at WolfDFAC; and June 13 at Stack and Warfighter DFACs.

Air Force Prior Service Program — is open to certain former members of the military branches aswell as those currently serving in the Reserve andGuard. The program has three categories of oppor-tunity: direct duty with no requirement for completedyears of service; direct duty with a requirement forcompleted years of service (plus or minus ninemonths); and various retraining opportunities. Thekey element for those wanting to join through the program is their most recent military job. Thoseinterested can contact a local recruiter to determineeligibility. For more information or to locate arecruiter, visit or call 719-548-9899/8993.

Self-help weed control program — Department ofDefense regulations require training for peopleapplying pesticides on military installations. Unitsinterested in participating in the program must sendSoldiers for training on the proper handling,transportation and application of herbicides. Once individuals are properly trained by the Directorate ofPublic Works base operations contractor, Fort CarsonSupport Services, Soldiers can be issued theappropriate products and equipment so units can treatweeds in rocked areas around their unit. Weed controltraining sessions for Soldiers are available the firstand third Monday of the month through Septemberfrom 10 a.m. to noon in building 3711. Products and equipment will be available for Soldiers on ahand receipt. Each unit may send up to five peoplefor training. For more information about the DPWSelf-Help Weed Control Program, call 492-0166.

Finance travel processing — All inbound andoutbound Temporary Lodging Expense, “Do itYourself ” Moves, servicemember and Familymember travel, travel advance pay and travel payinquiries will be handled in building 1218, room 231.Call 526-4454 or 524-2594 for more information.

First Sergeants’ Barracks Program 2020 — is locatedin building 1454 on Nelson Boulevard. The hoursof operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. Theoffice assists Soldiers with room assignments andterminations. For more information call 526-9707.

Recycle incentive program — The Directorate ofPublic Works has an incentive program to prevent recyclable waste from going to the landfill.Participating battalions can earn monetary rewardsfor turning recyclable materials in to the Fort CarsonRecycle Center, building 155. Points are assigned forthe pounds of recyclable goods turned in and everyparticipating battalion receives money quarterly. Call526-5898 for more information about the program.

Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort CarsonSergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third Tuesdayof each month at the Family Connection Center from11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The SAMC is open to allactive members and those interested in becomingfuture SAMC members. The club was originally aU.S. Forces Command organization of elite noncom-missioned officers but is now an Armywide programfor those who meet the criteria and have proventhemselves to be outstanding NCOs through a board/leadership process. Contact SAMC president Sgt. 1stClass Dawna Brown at 526-3983 for information.

Directorate of Public Works services — DPW isresponsible for a wide variety of services on FortCarson. Services range from repair and maintenanceof facilities to equipping units with a sweeper andcleaning motor pools. Listed below are phonenumbers and points of contact for services:

• Facility repair/service orders — FortCarson Support Services service order desk can be

reached at 526-5345. Use this number for emergen-cies or routine tasks and for reporting wind damage,damaged traffic signs or other facility damage.

• Refuse/trash and recycling — Call EricBailey at 719-491-0218 or email [email protected] when needing trash containers, trashis overflowing or emergency service is required.

• Facility custodial services — Call BryanDorcey at 526-6670 or email [email protected] for service needs or to report complaints.

• Elevator maintenance — Call BryanDorcey at 526-6670 or email [email protected].

• Motor pool sludge removal/disposal —Call Dennis Frost at 526-6997 or [email protected].

• Repair and utility/self-help — Call GaryGrant at 526-5844 or email [email protected]. Use this number to obtain self-helptools and equipment or a motorized sweeper.

• Base operations contracting officerrepresentative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262or email [email protected] for questionson snow removal, grounds maintenance andcontractor response to service orders.

• Portable latrines — Call Jerald Just at524-0786 or email [email protected] torequest latrines, for service or to report damagedor overturned latrines.

• Signs — Call Jim Diorio, Fort CarsonSupport Services, at 896-0797 or 524-2924 oremail [email protected] to request a facility,parking or regulatory traffic sign.

The Fort Carson Trial Defense Service office — isable to help Soldiers 24/7 and is located at building1430, room 233. During duty hours, Soldiersshould call 526-4563. The 24-hour phone numberfor after hours, holidays and weekends is 526-0051.

Briefings 75th Ranger Regiment briefings — are held Tuesdays

in building 1430, room 150, from noon to 1 p.m.Soldiers must be private to sergeant first class with aminimum General Technical Score of 105; be a U.S.citizen; score 240 or higher on the Army PhysicalFitness Test; and pass a Ranger physical. Call 524-2691 or visit

Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training —is held June 19-21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at VeteransChapel. Class is limited to the first 50 people.Call 526-5613/5614 for details.

Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m. tonoon the second and third Wednesday of eachmonth at the Freedom Performing Arts Center,building 1129 at the corner of Specker Avenueand Ellis Street. The Retirement Services Officerecommends spouses accompany Soldiers to thebriefing. Call 526-2840 for more information.

ETS briefings — for enlisted personnel are held thefirst and third Wednesday of each month. Briefingsign in begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier ReadinessBuilding, building 1042, room 244, on a first-come,first-served basis. Soldiers must be within 120 daysof their expiration term of service, but must attend nolater than 30 days prior to their ETS or start of transi-tion leave. Call 526-2240/8458 for more information.

Disposition Services — Defense Logistics AgencyDisposition Services Colorado Springs, located inbuilding 381, conducts orientations Fridays from12:30-3:30 p.m. The orientations discuss DLAprocesses to include turning in excess property,reutilizing government property, web-based tools available, special handling of property and

environmental needs. To schedule an orientation,contact Arnaldo Borrerorivera at arnaldo.borrerorivera@ for receiving/turn in; MikeWelsh at [email protected] for reutilization/webtools; or Rufus Guillory at [email protected].

Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays inbuilding 1129, Freedom Performing Arts Center.Sign-in for Soldiers heading overseas is at 7 a.m. andthe briefing starts at 7:30 a.m. Sign-in for personnelbeing reassigned stateside is at 1 p.m., with thebriefing starting at 1:30 p.m. Soldiers are required tobring Department of the Army Form 5118, signed bytheir physician and battalion commander, and a pento complete forms. Call 526-4730/4583 for details.

Army ROTC Green-to-Gold briefings — are heldthe first and third Tuesday of each month at noonat the education center, building 1117, room 120.Call University of Colorado-Colorado SpringsArmy ROTC at 262-3475 for more information.

Hours of OperationCentral Issue Facility

• In-processing — Monday-Thursday from7:30-10:30 a.m.

• Initial and partial issues — Monday-Friday from 12:30-3:30 p.m.

• Cash sales/report of survey — Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

• Direct exchange and partial turn ins —Monday-Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m.

• Full turn ins — by appointment only; call526-3321.

• Unit issues and turn ins — requireapproval, call 526-5512/6477.

Education Center hours of operation — TheMountain Post Training and Education Center,building 1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows:

• Counselor Support Center — Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

• Army Learning Center — Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

• Defense Activity for NontraditionalEducation Support and Army Personnel Testing —Monday-Friday 7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-4:30 p.m.

Repair and Utility self-help — has moved to building217 and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Medical Activity Correspondence Departmentoffice hours — The Correspondence (Release ofInfor mation) Office in the Patient AdministrationDivision hours are Monday-Wednesday and Friday7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed Thursday and fed-eral holidays. Call 526-7322 or 526-7284 for details.

Work Management Branch — The DPW WorkManagement Branch, responsible for processingwork orders — Facilities Engineering WorkRequests, DA Form 4283 — is open for processingwork orders and other in-person support from 7-11:30 a.m. Monday-Friday. Afternoon customer sup-port is by appointment only, call 526-2900. The WorkManagement Branch is located in building 1219.

Legal services — provided at the Soldier ReadinessProcessing site are for Soldiers undergoing the SRPprocess. The SRP Legal Office will only provide powers of attorney or notary services toSoldiers processing through the SRP. Retirees,Family members and Soldiers not in the SRP processcan receive legal assistance and powers of attorney atthe main legal office located at 1633 Mekong St.,building 6222, next to the Family Readiness Center.Legal assistance prepares powers of attorney and performs notary services on a walk-in basis from8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays andFridays, and from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays.

BOSS meetings are held the firstand third Thursday of each monthfrom 2-3:30 p.m. at The Foxhole. Contact Cpl. Rachael Robertson at524-2677 or visit the BOSS office in room 106 of TheHub for more information. Text “follow CarsonBOSS”to 40404 to receive updates and event information.

Fort Carson dining facilities hours of operation

DFAC Friday Saturday-Sunday Monday-ThursdayStack Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.

Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: Closed

Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.

Wolf Breakfast: 6:45-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.

Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.

Breakfast: 6:45-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.

Warfighter (Wilderness Road Complex)

Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: Closed

Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dinner: Closed

LaRochelle10th SFG(A)

Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: Closed

Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Dinner: Closed


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12 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013




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CID seeks special agent candidates

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13June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

Marksmanship camp takes aim atweapons safety

Story and photos by Andrea StoneMountaineer staff

With the wind whipping and the sharp pop, popof .22-caliber rifle fire, more than 50 children andtheir parents learned about gun safety and receivedtips during the Kids Marksmanship Camp atCheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex Saturday.

“Our absolute No. 1 priority is safety,” said RobRohren, manager of the shooting complex, Directorateof Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation. “No. 2 is, we want these young men and women tohave fun out here today. We look at this like Familytime. What better way to spend a Saturday morningthan coming out here to teach these kids?”

The children learned important rules about gun safety, such as treat every gun as it if wasloaded and be sure of the target. They also learnedimportant range signals.

“What’s this mean?” “Safety Dave” Beach,senior range safety officer, DFMWR, asked theclass as he motioned with his hand across his throat.“It means cease fire. Unless you’re scuba diving,then it means you’re out of air.”

The class reviewed the meaning of cease fire,and the importance of listening to coaches and range safety officers.

“They know why they’re out here,” said MarkTymon, range safety officer, DFMWR. “They’rehere to learn to be safe. It’s exciting when you seetheir faces, and they have that aha moment.”

Although, some children had already learned a little about safety before the class.

“My dad taught me that you don’t touch the(end) of the gun because that’s where the bulletcomes out,” said Marissa Burciaga, 6.

The camp is offered the first Saturday of every month for children, ages 6-12, and includes a safety class, a marksmanship class and a competition. This is the third month the camp has taken place. There are some new attendees, but others have participated every month.

Riley Stevens, 11, has attended since the beginning. He’s been shooting for a couple of yearsand has also learned archery. His father, Mike Stevens,said the archery has helped Riley’s shooting.

“It’s a little more discipline (archery). With the arrows, you’re trying to make every shot count,” Mike Stevens said. “Some kids are like,‘bang, bang, bang. Look, I shot the gun.’ But forhim, he’s learned to make every shot count.”

Saturday was a family event as Mike and ChrisStevens volunteered while Riley practiced his skills.

“We try to get involved as a family,” Mike

Stevens said. “It gets us out of the house. It’s enjoyable when you get to do things together instead of standing on the sidelines.”

For Maxwell Faught, 7, this was his first time shooting.

“First I did really bad, but now I’m doing really good,” he said.

“He got three black (on the target), one outside and one just below,” Dave Faught,Maxwell’s grandfather said.

The event relies heavily on volunteers, from the range safety officers policing the range to those scoring the competition.

“They’re all volunteers,” Tymon said. “Withoutthem, there’s no way this would occur. They’reessentially the lifeblood of this event.”

The camp has become more popular, with themost attendees this month, and there are limited spacesavailable due to the number of range safety officers.

“It’s the highlight of my month. When it allcomes together at the end of the day, it’s a greatday,” Tymon said.

1st Sgt. JamesBurciaga,Company C, 1st Battalion,12th InfantryRegiment, 4thInfantry BrigadeCombat Team,4th InfantryDivision, teacheshis daughter,Marissa, 6,proper sightalignment at the KidsMarksmanshipCamp at theCheyenneMountainShootingComplexSaturday. It was a lessonthat Marissalearned. “It wasgood that I shotthe middle ofthe target,” she later said.“And my dad gotto bring me to the doughnutstore.”

Sgt. 1st Class Kevin Young, 10th Special Forces Group(Airborne), coaches his daughter, Sophie, 6, as his son,Kaiden, 7, looks on, at the Kids Marksmanship Camp atthe Cheyenne Mountain Shooting Complex Saturday.

Spc. Daniel De La Rosa, intelligence analyst, 1stBattalion, 68th Armor Regiment, 3rd Armored BrigadeCombat Team, 4th Infantry Division, refills ammunitionat the Kids Marksmanship Camp at the CheyenneMountain Shooting Complex Saturday. De La Rosavolunteers at the complex every weekend.Ammunition was donated by USA Shooting, but allparticipants had to bring their own firearms.

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14 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

Increasing summer safety awarenessBy Sgt. William Smith

4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office

Memorial Day weekend kicked offthe unofficial 101 Days of Summer,and a little preparation will go a longway in preventing dangers associatedwith outdoor activities, said the 4thInfantry Division and Fort Carsonsafety director.

The Summer Safety Campaignsets out to make Soldiers and theirFamilies more aware of risks with the increased amount of outdooractivities in the warmer months, said Paul Burns.

“Some of the risks associated forpeople who are not from around thehigh elevations that we have here, areincreased dehydration rate and gettingsunburned a lot faster,” said Burns.“People need to make sure that theytake these things into considerationwhen they go out to have fun.”

He said packing appropriately iskey before people head out to enjoythe incredible surroundings Coloradohas to offer.

“People should make sure thatthey have an adequate amount ofwater, snacks, protective gear to block the sun and stay cool and sunscreen,” Burns said. “Make suresomeone knows where you are, andthat they know when you are planning

on being back. Take a map and plan ahead, so you will know the environment that you will be in.”

Burns added that people shouldhave a fire extinguisher nearby when barbecuing, and keep the fire 10 feetaway from children, pets and fire hazards. Also, ensure that the charcoalis completely out prior to leaving thegrill unattended.

Children need to be educated onsafety as they enjoy their vacationtime exploring the outdoors, saidManuel Pedraza, school liaison officer,Child, Youth and School Services.

“Teach your kids how to call 911,and that they need to stay on the lineto help direct the emergency servicesto where they need the help,” he said.“If you have an old cell phone, charge(the battery) and keep it around orgive it to the children as it is able to be used as an emergency phone.”

Pedraza said it is important to familiarizechildren with the surroundings.

“If you are camping, makesure they are careful around thefire, that the tentlines are securefrom making a tripping hazard. Bring a first aid kit

and any medicine that is required byFamily members.

“When swimming, make sure there are proper flotation devices, andif your children do not know how toswim, that they are wearing them,”Pedraza said.

For those wishing to start a newoutdoor pastime, the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare andRecreation offers many classes pertaining to outdoor adventures.

“We offer a number of educationalaspects to outdoor activities,” saidTrevor McConnell, program director,Adventure Programs and Education.

“We want people to be safe and have fun with whatever they enjoy doing,” said McConnell. “Weoffer programs to help them withwhatever that may be.”

McConnell recommends peoplehave emergency equipment with

them whenever they go tohave fun, including

a headlamp with a

strobe feature and a first aid kit, andare familiar with its contents.

“Have some type of bandana, not only for sweat, but to use as an improvised pressure dressing or tourniquet with instructions written on it of how to use it as such; a laminated card with emergency contact information and any allergies that you may have; a multi-tool; some form of rope; a lighter; and a light wind-breaking jacket,” McConnell said.

When boating, ensure everyone on the boat has an appropriate-sizedflotation device.

“If you have a child (on the boat), make sure that you have a children’s life vest,” he said.

For more information on DFMWR outdoor activities and education programs, visit!odr-compl/c1uvhor call 526-3907.

For more information on summer safety,visit

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15June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

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Commentary by Maj. John A. MerkleyChief, Fort Carson Hearing Program,

Medical Department Activity

Since the days following World War II, The ArmyHearing Conservation Program, now known as theArmy Hearing Program, has been fighting the battleagainst noise-induced hearing loss in the military.

Today, hearing loss remains one of the most widely reported and devastating injuries toSoldiers in the Army.

The 2011 Veterans Affairs Annual BenefitsReport cited tinnitus — ringing in the ears — andhearing loss as the most prevalent service-connected disabilities for veterans receiving compensation infiscal 2011. A total of 840,865 veterans were beingcompensated for tinnitus and 701,760 for hearing loss.

These numbers were more than 200,000 higher than the next most prevalent disability —post traumatic stress disorder.

Unfortunately, the problem is not unique to theArmy. The American Speech Language HearingAssociation reports that “more than 21 millioninfants, children and adults in America suffer fromsome degree of hearing loss in one or both ears.”

These numbers are staggering and, in manycases, preventable.

Here are four tips for maintaining and protecting hearing.© The best way to protect against noise-induced

hearing loss is to avoid hazardous noise.When you find yourself in a noise hazardousenvironment, leave as quickly as possible. If

you have to raise your voice to be heard at aspeaking distance of three feet, you’re in a noisehazardous environment. Move to where you don’thave to yell to be heard. You’ve heard there’s an“app for everything.” Remarkably there are severalsound level meter apps out there that, althoughnot accurate enough for scientists, are accurateenough for general purposes. Just remember that steady-state noise, like a running generatoror car engine, becomes hazardous at 85 decibelssound pressure level. If your sound level meterreads above this level, it’s time to leave.

© Use hearing protection properly when workingor playing around noise. Hearing protectioncomes in all shapes and sizes and not one hearing protector works for everyone. Somethings to consider when choosing the hearingprotector that is right for you are: amount of protection you need; comfort and fit of theearplug; other protective equipment you will use along with the hearing protection (safetyglasses, hard hats, etc.); and whether the hearing protector will need to be re-used. Be careful not to overprotect and cause a communicationissue. All hearing protectors come with a Noise Reduction Rating. This number reflects the potential noise reduction from the hearing protector, if used properly. Although generallyinaccurate, most experts agree that cutting this number in half will give a good idea of how much noise reduction the average person will receive.

© Know your noise exposures. Damage from

noise is contingent upon two factors, how longyou are exposed to the noise and how loud the noise is. As previously mentioned, noisebecomes hazardous at 85 decibels SPL. Expertsagree that exposure to this level of noise for more than eight hours in a day may cause permanent hearing damage. As the noise levelgoes up by 3 decibels, the amount of noise exposure before permanent damage occurs is cut in half. Many personal stereo systems arecapable of producing sound levels as high as 120 decibels SPL, which can cause permanentdamage after only minutes of exposure.

© Remember that noise-induced hearing loss canoccur both on and off the job. Many Soldiersare diligent in using their hearing protectionwhen on ranges and even in combat, but forgetthat mowing the lawn, riding a motorcycle, listening to music, going to concerts and recreational shooting or hunting can be just ashazardous and damaging to the ears.

What are the benefits of protecting your hearing now? Retired Sgt. Maj. Kevin M. Skelly in the fall 1995 NCO Journal summed it up whenhe said, “If I could change one thing from the past 20 years, it would be the constant ringing in my ears I live with now — all because I didn’t wear hearing protection when I should have. The only thing I can change now are the batteries in my hearing aids.”

Good hearing is essential to a stress-free life following the military. Protect your ears and hear for years.

Protect ears, hear for years

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16 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

Upcoming eventsSummer food service — The Fountain-Fort Carson

School District offers meals to children withoutcharge at Aragon Elementary School, located at 211 S. Main St. in Fountain, and AbramsElementary School, located at 600 Chiles Ave. on Fort Carson. From June 17 through July 19, breakfast and lunch will be offered Monday-Fridayfrom 7:15-8:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Independence Day Celebration — The Fort CarsonDirectorate of Family and Morale, Welfare andRecreation will host its annual Independence Daycelebration July 3 at Iron Horse Park. The eventbegins at 4 p.m. with family activities, games, children’s bounce houses and a variety of entertainment options. The event concludes with a fireworks display choreographed to patrioticmusic beginning at 9 p.m. The event is open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend.

General announcementsHepatitis A alert — An outbreak of hepatitis A is

believed to be associated with Townsend FarmsOrganic Antioxidant Blend frozen berries purchasedfrom Costco and possibly other retail locations. TheFort Carson Commissary does not sell this product.TRICARE beneficiaries who ate Townsend FarmsOrganic Antioxidant Blend frozen berries in the past14 days should contact their assigned health careprovider or the Department of Preventive Medicine,526-2939, to discuss the need for hepatitis A vaccine or immune globulin injections.

District 8 proposed budget — Community membersmay attend a meeting of the Board of Educationfor District 8 at the administration building locatedat 10665 Jimmy Camp Road in Fountain, June 19at 6 p.m. The proposed budget will be consideredfor adoption. The budget is filed in the office ofShiona Nash where it is available for publicinspection. Any person paying school taxes in thedistrict may at any time prior to the final adoptionof the budget file or register his objection with theBoard of Education. Business hours are Monday-Friday between 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Exceptional Family Member Program hourschange — Evans Army Community Hospital’sEFMP office is increasing its hours of operation tobetter accommodate the needs of servicemembersand Families. The new hours are: Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday 7:30 noon. The EFMP office is located in the hospital’s Woods Soldier Family Care Center, room 2124 on the second floor near the centralstairs. Contact the EFMP Nurse Administrator at 503-7442 for more information.

TRICARE challenges — UnitedHealthcare Military& Veterans assumed management of the TRICAREprogram for the western region April 1. There areno changes to supported benefits for TRICAREbeneficiaries and all existing referrals for coveredbenefits will be honored by UMV. Questions aboutcovered benefits or TRICARE coverage should bedirected to the TRICARE Service Center insideEvans Army Community Hospital or UMV at 888-874-9378. For more information, visithttps://www.uhcmilitarywest. com.

Changes to dining facility — The Evans ArmyCommunity Hospital DFAC has reduced menuoptions on weekends and holidays. Weekends andfederal holiday hours are: breakfast, 6:30-8:30a.m.; lunch, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and dinner, 4-5:30 p.m. The DFAC offers an assortment ofnutritious grab-n-go items during these mealhours: breakfast — assorted beverages, cold cereal,assorted pastries, hard-boiled eggs, breakfast burritos, scones, muffins, fresh fruit and yogurt;lunch and dinner — assorted beverages, assortedpre-made sandwiches, assorted pre-made salads,fresh fruit, yogurt and assorted desserts. Call 526-7968 or 7973 for more information.

Library program — for military Familiesoffers homework and studying help from a professional tutor, any time of day or night, freefor K-12 students in military Families. Expert tutorsare available online 24/7 to help students in morethan 16 subjects, including math, science, Englishand social studies. can also help with standardized test prep, Advance Placement examsand with college essays. Visit for more information.

Army Provider Level Satisfaction Survey —Patients may fill out and return the APLSS tohelp minimize the impact of budget cuts on medical care. Evans Army Community Hospitalreceives funding based on patients seen and customer satisfaction. Positive surveys returnedcan bring in up to $800. Help keep providers and departments and clinics fully functional. Call 526-7256 for more information.

Adult immunizations — Adult patients can visit their Family Medicine Clinics for all immunizations.The Allergy Clinic will no longer provide adultimmunizations. Contact your primary medicalprovider or clinic for more information

Seeking volunteers — Cub Scout Pack 264 needs volunteers for den leaders and committeemembers. No experience is needed. Training will be provided by Boy Scouts of America staff.There is always a need for new volunteers to fill positions or just help out at various activities.Contact the Committee Chair, Johnathon Jobsonat [email protected] or the Cub Master,Robert Jepsen, [email protected] put Scout Volunteer in the subject line.

Triple Threat expands — The Southeast FamilyCenter and Armed Services YMCA hosts TripleThreat meetings for Family members of militarypersonnel dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder. Groups meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursdayevenings at the YMCA located at 2190 Jet WingDrive in Colorado Springs. Contact Larry Palma at559-376-5389 or [email protected] for details.

Medications self-care program suspended — Due tofiscal constraints, Evans Army Community Hospitalis suspending the over-the-counter medication self-care program. All self-care classes have been cancelled pending further information, and traininginformation will be removed from the EvansPreventive Medicine Web page. Contact PreventiveMedicine at 526-8201 for more information.

Operation Mentor — Big Brothers Big Sisters seeks children ages 9-16 from military Families to participate in the military mentoring program,which matches children with adult volunteers whoserve as positive role models. Visit for more information.

Inclement weather procedures for Gate 19 — TheDirectorate of Emergency Services operates Gate19 Monday-Friday from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m., regardlessof inclement weather or road conditions alongEssayons Road, which is an unimproved road.Essayons Road is also used to access several rangesand training areas, so the road remains open duringall conditions. In order to notify the motorists ofthe actual road conditions, two “Downrange RoadConditions” status signs are now located along Butts and Essayons roads showing whether roadconditions are green, amber or red. One sign is atthe intersection of Butts Road and Airfield Road, facing north, and the other is on Essayons Road just inside Gate 19, facing inbound traffic.

Clinic name changes — Two of the Family medicineclinics are in the process of changing names. IronHorse Family Medicine Clinic (located on the second floor of Evans Army Community Hospital)is changing its name to Warrior Family MedicineClinic. Evans Family Medicine Clinic (located onthe second floor of the Woods Soldier Family CareClinic) is changing its name to Iron Horse FamilyMedicine Clinic. These are only name changes.Beneficiaries will continue to see assigned primarycare manager/team in their regular clinic location.

Automated medical referral — A new automatedreminder system is now in place for medical referrals. Beneficiaries who are referred to a civilian specialist in the network will receive a phone call from the Colorado Springs MilitaryHealth System. The call will remind patients tomake an appointment. If a patient has already madean appointment, an option will allow him to reportthat information. There is also an option to cancelthe referral. Unless acted upon, these reminderswill recur at 20, 60 and 120 days. Call 524-2637 for more information on the automated call system.

Thrift shop accepts credit cards — The FortCarson Thrift Shop is now accepting debit andcredit cards. The shop, located in building 305, isopen Tuesday-Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.Contact Gail Olson at 526-5966 or email [email protected] for more information

or to learn about volunteer opportunities. Donations may be dropped off at the store during normal business hours or at the recyclingcenter located near the main exchange.

IMCOM recruits — Installation ManagementCommand is recruiting junior and mid-levelemployees to participate in a DevelopmentalAssignment Program. DAP is designed to supportfunctional and leadership training, which is oneof the essential pillars of the HQ, IMCOMCampaign Plan LOE 3. Eligible applicants areIMCOM appropriated-fund employees (GS7-GS13)and nonappropriated fund employees (NAF-5 and below, in positions comparable to GS7-GS13). The DAP is based on a systematicplan specializing in developmental assignmentsthrough various functional areas for a period ofup to 60 days. The program provides multifunc-tional training and assignments to strengthen theexperience of employees and prepare them forbroader responsibilities, improve organizationalcommunication, and develop well-rounded personnel. Applications can be obtained by contacting your organization’s training coordinatoror the Workforce Development Program.

Ambulance service — Fort Carson officials urgecommunity members to contact emergency personnel by calling 911 instead of driving personal vehicles to the emergency room. In theevent of a life- or limb-threatening emergency,skilled paramedics and ambulance crew will be able to administer critical care and aid.Contact the Emergency Department at 526-7111for more information.

Prescription policy — All handwritten prescriptionsfrom a TRICARE network provider will be filled atthe Soldier and Family Care Center located adjacentto and east of Evans Army Community Hospital.When calling in for refills on those prescriptions,beneficiaries will continue to use the SFCC. A dedi-cated refill window in this facility will reduce waittime. The SFCC pharmacy is open Monday throughFriday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The pharmacy is located on the first floor near the east entrance ofthe facility; park in the “G” lot, east of the building.Call 503-7067 or 503-7068 for more information.

2-1-1 data expands to two counties — The PikesPeak Area Council of Governments has partneredwith Pikes Peak United Way to include 2-1-1 datafor El Paso and Teller counties in the Network of Care for servicemembers, veterans and theirFamilies. The service directory component of theNetwork of Care now includes more than 1,500local resources to assist the military community,service providers and others. Visit for more information.

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Story and photos by Sgt. Jonathan C. Thibault

4th Combat Aviation Brigade PublicAffairs Office, 4th Infantry Division

PUEBLO — A day in the sun, carnivalgames and giant smiles on the faces of elementary school students were the rewards for the 41 Soldiers who volunteeredto help mentor children and run a carnival at Prairie Heights Elementary School inPueblo, May 17.

Soldiers from Company B, 404thAviation Support Battalion, 4th CombatAviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division, volunteered to help the faculty run the game booths during the school carnival,which served as the latest event supported by the battalion as part of its community outreach program.

“Soldiers managed games such as theshoe rack ring toss, balloon darts, potato sack race and many more,” said Staff Sgt.David A. Brocato, maintenance sectionsergeant, Company B, 404th ASB. “The most popular game was the dunk tank;

the students loved dunking the Soldiers.”Spc. Captoria Pointer, avionic and

survivability equipment repairer, Company B,404th ASB, selected the event for the battalion’s community outreach program.

“After going through Army CommunityService, we found an adopt-a-school program,” said Pointer. “We found PrairieHeights, and after a couple of visits, I wanted to come every time. The commandsends about 13 Soldiers to the school to help out every week.”

The battalion has filled many roles atPrairie Heights Elementary School.

“We have come every Wednesday, sinceJanuary,” said Brocato. “We help coach students in different subjects, mentoring and essentially acting as teacher’s aides. We do whatever the teacher needs us to do.”

The school faculty appreciates the versatility and roles taken on by the 404thASB Soldiers.

“The Soldiers mainly help the studentsduring literacy time,” said Grant Schmidt,

17June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

Soldiers volunteer, mentor children

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Left: Sgt. Rhyse Lapham, AH-64DApache systems repairer,Company B, 404th AviationSupport Battalion, 4th CombatAviation Brigade, 4th InfantryDivision, officiates the sack race event for fourth graders of Prairie Heights ElementarySchool in Pueblo, May 17.

Above: Spc. CheyenneVandenberg, power generation

equipment repairer, Company B,404th Aviation Support Battalion, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th

Infantry Division, takes a dip in thedunk tank after an elementary

student nails the target at Prairie Heights Elementary

School in Pueblo, May 17.

See Carnival on Page 26

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19June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER18 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013


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Soldiers perform a dance routine during the 2013 U.S.Army Soldier Show, May 30, at McMahon Auditorium.This particular song and dance deals with the issue of Soldiers rekindling their relationships with asignificant other after a long deployment.

Pvt. Alberth J. Madrigal, cannon crewmember,Fort Drum, N.Y., performs a modified version

of “Thrift Shop” by Macklemore and RyanLewis, during the 2013 U.S. Army Soldier

Show, May 30, at McMahon Auditorium.

Soldier Showentertainscommunity

Story and photos by Sgt. William Smith4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office

Performers walked the aisles, creating laughter andexcitement as the lights dimmed and an announcer said that the 2013 U.S. Army Soldier Show was about to begin, May 30, at McMahon Auditorium.

The show altered popular songs to include the Army’s message of staying “Ready and Resilient,” whileremaining fun for all ages.

This year’s show began with the singing of the national anthem by Joint Task Force Carson’s own Sgt.Nadine Pope, military intelligence analyst, 3rd BrigadeSpecial Troops Battalion, 3rd Armored Brigade CombatTeam, 4th Infantry Division.

“I am appreciative of the opportunity to be able to

help boost the morale of the Soldiers and Families,” Pope said. “I want people to know that we are dedicatedand loyal to them.”

In the show’s 30th modern-era anniversary, Sgt.Quentin Dorn said he was proud to be able to relay the Army’s message.

“I have been singing my whole life. So the opportunity to sing for my fellow Soldiers is a dream come true,” said the paralegal specialist with the New Mexico National Guard. “The opportunity to travel around, and be on stage and serve the people that protect our country and theirFamilies, is amazing.”

This year’s show paid tribute to Blue and Gold Star Families, and covered topics from how to deal with coming home after a long deployment, to SexualHarassment Assault Response and Prevention.

“My favorite part of the show is the tribute to theGold Star Families, because it is so powerful, and the audience gets a lot from it,” Dorn said. “The showcovers some tough topics, but it is necessary.”

Sgt. 1st Class David Gonzales, Company A,Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 4th Inf. Div, said he liked how the show put twists on the songs they performed to be able to relay the Army’s messages and relate them to Soldiers.

“This show brought a lot of awareness, in anotherway, for the Army to get its messages across,” he said. “It was definitely effective, while being entertaining. It is a must-see show.”

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By Staff Sgt. Henry W. Marris III3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team Public

Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division

More than 300 motorcycle riders from the Joint Task Force Carson and Colorado Springscommunities joined together for the MountainMotorcycle Rally May 30 at Iron Horse Park.

The purpose of the rally, hosted by 3rdArmored Brigade Combat Team, 4th InfantryDivision, was to encourage good motorcyclepractices, effective motorcycle mentorship, andpositive team building for the Soldiers, Familiesand civilians of the JTF Carson and ColoradoSprings communities, said Col. Michael C.Kasales, commander, 3rd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div.

“The intent is to have a safety focus in a festive environment,” Kasales said. “Beingresponsible motorcycle riders within the community is important. We want to be goodpartners with the community.”

A portion of the rally was a mentorship ride, inwhich more experienced riders were grouped withless experienced riders to conduct a check ride. Theriders covered about 90 miles, from Iron Horse Park

to Pueblo and then to Cañon City,before returning to the park.

“The check ride is to showpeople what a group ride shouldlook like, and how it should be

done,” said Capt. Luke Summerfelt,current operations, 3rd ABCT, 4thInf. Div. “The events at the park

show what you need to have, and what kind ofchecks you need to perform to do a group ride.”

The rally included motorcycle and personalprotective equipment inspections, a mentorshipride and basic rider, best custom bike, paint scheme,smallest bike and best of show competitions.The winners are:ñ Best overall motorcycle —

Antonio Brown, civilianñ Rust bucket — Spc. Steven Scott,

Company B, 3rd Brigade Special TroopsBattalion, 3rd ABCT

ñ Smallest engine — 1st Lt. Brittany McAllister,10th Combat Support Hospital

ñ Basic rider safety competitions — Master Sgt. Mike Kile, Medical Department Activity, and Warrant Officer 1 Austin Johnson, 4thCombat Aviation Brigade

ñ Best paint scheme — Chief Warrant Officer 3Mike Benkosky, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne)

ñ Best custom bike — Sgt. 1st Class MarcusMueller, Headquarters and HeadquartersCompany, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 3rd ABCT, Pfc. Keila Arroyo, Company A, 3rd BSTB,

3rd ABCT, who began riding motorcycles inJanuary, said it was a great event, and she enjoyedthe experience gained from attending the rally.

“This is like a family, and we take care ofeach other,” Arroyo said. “We learned about safety and what to do on the road. It was a great experience, and I loved it.”

21June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER20 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

Photo by Spc. Robert Holland

Photo by Staff Sgt. Henry W. Marris III

Motorcycle riders participating in the Mountain MotorcycleRally travel down Interstate 25 during the check ride, May30. Riders covered about 90 miles during the ride to promote motorcycle safety and group ride safety.






Photo by Staff Sgt. Henry W. Marris III

Command Sgt. Maj. Douglas Maddi, left, senior enlisted adviser, 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, talks withSgt. 1st Class Marcus Mueller, Headquarters and HeadquartersCompany, 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment, 3rd ABCT, 4th Inf. Div.,during best custom bike judging of the Mountain Motorcycle Rally, May 30 at Iron Horse Park.

Soldiers participating in the Fort Carson Mountain Motorcycle Rally prepare to depart from Iron Horse Park on a group ride, May 30. Riders conducted a mentorship ride, grouping experienced riders with novice riders,as part of the rally to promote group-ride safety and team building.

Rally promotes motorcycle safety

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22 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

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By Chris ZimmermanConservation law enforcement officer

Late spring and early summer is small bird nesting season in Colorado, an ideal time of year to see the enormous variety of avian species thestate has to offer.

Conflicts often develop when these birds decideto nest above doorways, in eaves under roofs or incarports. With a nest full of chicks, their droppingsare messy, the little ones are noisy and, in order to protect the nest, parents will often dive bombanyone who gets too close.

In the 1800s, indiscriminate hunting and habitatdegradation led to the extinction of a number of birdspecies. To preclude further loss and protect thisvaluable resource, then President Woodrow Wilsonsigned the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in 1918. Latersignatories include Canada, Mexico, Japan and theSoviet Union. The MBTA provides that persons maynot “pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill … any migratorybird … or any part, nest or egg of any such bird.” In other words, all those little birds that are becoming a nuisance are protected by federal law.

Most of the problems encountered in the posthousing areas involve swallows, but the Americanrobin and other cup nest builders can be just asannoying, depending upon where they built theirnest. It’s legal to remove their construction attemptswith a broom or hose, but they are persistent and itwill be necessary to sweep or hose down the area

daily. Lightweight netting can be tacked underthe eaves of a home to keep the birds frombuilding. The next time at the commissary,check out the area above the main entrance.Pigeon spikes were installed on most horizontal surfaces to keep birds from landing.

Once the birds are actually sitting onthe nest, they must be left alone. Thiscan actually be a good time to learnmore about the birds and their habits, to teach children about nature and anopportunity to take some photos. Havingthese birds around the house can alsohelp reduce the insect population. Mostof their diet consists of flying ants, aphids,mosquitoes, flies and moths. Each babyhas to be fed every few hours, whichmeans the parents have to catch a whole lotof bugs to keep their little ones happy. Afterthe nesting season has ended and thenestlings have fledged, the law allows thevacant nest to be removed and destroyed.

It’s human nature to want to do something when a person finds a “helpless” babybird on the ground, but usually intervening is thewrong thing to do. The babies are not as helpless as they appear. Once the little ones leave the nest,the parents will follow them closely. They’re well camouflaged and the adults will continue tofeed them. Keep cats and dogs indoors. The parents will encourage the fledgling to climb a bush

or tree where they can gain a bit of altitude and try flying again. It may take a day or two, but they’ll get the idea.

For wildlife emergencies on Fort Carson, call military police dispatch at 526-2333. For more information on birds in the area, contact theConservation Law Enforcement Section at 524-5394.

Nesting season spawns nuisance

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23June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

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24 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

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25June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

arthur. [email protected] for more information.Heartbeat, a support group for battle buddies,

Family members and friends who are suicide survivors, meets the second Tuesday of eachmonth from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Fallen HeroesFamily Center, building 6215, 6990 Mekong St.The group is open to members of all branches of service. Contact Richard Stites at 719-598-6576

or Cheryl Sims at 719-304-9815 for details.Spanish Bible Study meets off post. Contact

Staff Sgt. Jose Varga at 719-287-2016 for study times and location.

Jewish Lunch and Learn with Chap. (Lt. Col.)Howard Fields takes place Wednesday from noon to 1 p.m. at Provider Chapel. For more information, call 526-8263.

Chapel briefsFacebook: Search “Fort Carson Chaplains (Religious

Support Office)” for events and schedules.Limited vacancies — are available for Vacation

Bible School, Monday to June 14 from 9 noon, for ages 4 through fifth grade; andEagle Lake Day Camp, July 8-12 from 8:30a.m. to 4 p.m. for ages 7-12. Contact HeidiMcAllister at [email protected] more information.

Vacation Bible School volunteers — Crew andstation leaders are needed Monday to June 14,from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Must be at least 16 years old. Email bduboisb78

Club Beyond is a program for military middleschool teens. Volunteers are welcome. Call719-355-9594 for dates and times.

Youth Ministries: Christian Youth Group forsixth- through 12th-graders meets Sundayfrom 2:30-4:30 p.m. at Soldiers’ MemorialChapel. Call 526-5744 for more information.

Military Council of Catholic Women meetsFriday from 9:30-11:30 a.m. at Soldiers’Memorial Chapel. For information, call 526-5769 or visit “Fort Carson Military Council of Catholic Women” on Facebook.

Knights of Columbus, a Catholic group for men 18 and older, meets the second and fourthTuesday of the month at Soldiers’ MemorialChapel. Call 526-5769 for more information.

Protestant Women of the Chapel meetsTuesday from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Soldiers’Memorial Chapel. Free child care is available.Email [email protected] visit PWOC FortCarson on Facebook for details.

Latter Day SaintsSoldiers: WeeklyInstitute Class (Biblestudy) is Wednesday at 6p.m. at Veterans MemorialChapel. Food is provided.Call 971-219-0007 or 719-433-2659 or email

Chapel Schedule

ROMAN CATHOLICDay Time Service Chapel Location Contact PersonSaturday 4-45 p.m. Reconciliation Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Manuel/526-8583Saturday 5 p.m. Mass Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Manuel/526-8583Sunday 8:15-8:45 a.m. Reconciliation Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Manuel/526-8583Sunday 9 a.m. Mass Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Manuel/526-8583Sunday 10:30 a.m. Religious education Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Pat Treacy/524-2458Sunday 10:30 a.m. RCIA Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Pat Treacy/524-2458Mon-Fri 11:45 a.m. Mass Soldiers Nelson & Martinez Chap. Manuel/526-8583Mon-Fri 11:45 a.m. Mass Healer Evans Army Hospital Fr. Nwatawali/526-7347

PROTESTANTFriday 4:30 p.m. Intercessory prayer, Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Stuart/524-4316

Bible StudySunday 9 a.m. Protestant Healer Evans Army Hospital Chap. Gee/526-7386Sunday 9:15 a.m. Sunday School Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Heidi McAllister/526-5744Sunday 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Prussman Barkeley & Prussman Heidi McAllister/526-5744Sunday 10 a.m. Orthodox Service Provider Barkeley & Ellis Chap. Oanca/503-4570Sunday 11 a.m. Protestant Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Stuart/524-4316Sunday 11 a.m. Gospel Prussman Barkeley & Prussman Ursula Pittman/503-1104Sunday 10 a.m. Chapel NeXt Veterans Magrath & Titus Chap. Palmer/526-3888Sunday 2:30-4:30p.m. Youth ministry Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Heidi McAllister/526-5744Tuesday 9:30 a.m. PWOC Soldiers’ Nelson & Martinez Chap. Stuart/524-4316

JEWISHFort Carson does not offer Jewish services on post. Contact Chap. (Lt. Col.) Fields at 503-4090/4099 for Jewish service and study information

ISLAMIC SERVICESFort Carson does not offer Islamic services on post. Contact the Islamic Society at 2125 N. Chestnut, 632-3364 for information.

(FORT CARSON OPEN CIRCLE) WICCASunday 1 p.m. Provider Chapel, Building 1350, Barkeley and Ellis [email protected]


Meets once or twice monthly and upon special request. Contact Michael Hackwith or Wendy Chunn-Hackwith at 285-5240 for information.

Has someone in your organization recently received kudos? Contact Mountaineer staff at 526-4144 or email [email protected].

Baseball teaches lessons for game of lifeCommentary by Chap. (Capt.) Ben Clark

1st Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment, 3rdArmored Brigade Combat Team

I love the start of baseball season. I know many people might be basketball fans, but I am not and I look forward to the start of baseball each April. I love football, too, and consider the two months between the Super Bowl and the start of baseball to be the “dark days of sports.”

Baseball is a reminder of what spring is allabout. It doesn’t matter how bad a season you had last year or how cold the winter was last year, a new baseball season brings new hope asfresh as the new turf at your favorite Major LeagueBaseball ballpark.

I played baseball for many years starting as ayoung child. I have great memories of my dadcoaching the infield as a young player growing up in Pennsylvania and Texas. As soon as my boys were old enough to play, I jumped into coachingwith excitement and spent evenings coaching myson’s team of 7 to 9 year olds a few years back.Having fun was most important, but we tried toteach some basic skills that they would need if theywere to grow and mature in the game. One criticalskill needed in any discipline was the importance of listening to the coach. We have three and sometimes four coaches, other fathers, who helpkeep track of the lineup, shag balls, pitch, tie shoesand clean the blood off skinned knees and elbows.

My coaching staff and I would explain that we make decisions based on what’s best for the team. With many voices trying to influence my players out on the field, each player must be able to drown out all the “advice” from their teammates, parents and random spectators,and listen to the coaches.

That principle is applicable to manyof us in the game of life. We have somany voices trying to influence us. Ithink of the young newlywed couple juststarting out that has extended family andfriends, many of whom are not perfect pictures of success, offering relationship advice. Relationship and life coaches abound — Oprah and Dr. Phil seem to be two of the top gurus. I haveheard of women whocan’t make major lifedecisions until theyknow what Oprah’sopinion is. Like many ofyou, I get several random magazines in the mail.Many are your typical“Cosmopolitan” and“Men’s Journal” type of magazines with“experts” commentingon anything from hair

regrowth, hair loss, sexual fulfillment, biggerbiceps, smaller hips, fatter wallets to skinnier legs.

Just like my young baseball team, we, as adults,are not immune from being distracted by endless

sources of wisdom serving up the “advice ofthe day” like lattes at Starbucks. Like mylittle baseball warriors, we need a coachwhose voice of wisdom we sometimes musttune our ears to. The coach’s voice on thebaseball field isn’t always the loudest, but it

is the most important. As a Christian pastorand chaplain, I know who my coach is. Hesays he has a still small voice and that voicecan easily be drowned out by the distractionsof my day. I have to train myself, like my players, to be able to discern God’svoice and direction. It isn’t always easy.

God might not be your thing,and that is OK. My coach

doesn’t have to be yours.Spiritually, we all need a set

of guiding principles that helpsus to make sense of things like

loss, life, death, success and suffering. If you find yourselflost out in the field of the gameof life, unable to focus on the ball or running to every voice

you hear, look for yourcoach and tune your

ears to the voice of wisdom.

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26 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

Legal Assistance Office

Preparing for deployment can be astressful, trying process for Soldiersand their Families. No matter how difficult the preparation process maybe, it is important to remember that legal readiness is integral to successfully preparing for deployment.

Early lease terminationThe Servicemembers’ Civil Relief

Act provides a number of importantprotections to servicemembers.

Among the most frequently used provisions of this law is Section305(b)(1), which allows a service-member to terminate a residentiallease early if he has received ordersfor a permanent change of station or a deployment of at least 90 days. Aservicemember wishing to terminate a lease due to deployment orders

must provide the landlord with writtennotice of the intent to terminate and a copy of the relevant orders. If one of these requirements is not met, a landlord will be able to, and frequently will, deny the early termination. The protections affordedby Section 305(b)(1) are also extended to Family members.

Estate planningA will is a legal mechanism to

carry out one’s intentions once theyhave died, and it names an executor to administer the estate.

Within a will, a person may alsoname a guardian for any minor or disabled children, dispose of personalor real belongings and give directionsas to funeral arrangements. If no will is in place, the state of residence will distribute the estate according to state laws. This is called intestate

succession, and thestate does not considerany specific wishes. Itis recommended that a servicemember have a will, especially ifhe has minor children.

A will does not disperse those assets thatare transferred by some othermethod, such as through contract,joint ownership or by statute. Theseassets are called nonprobate assets,and they will transfer independent of the probate process. Examples ofnonprobate transfers are life insurance,joint bank accounts and revocable living trusts.

Personal affairsA power of attorney is a written

instrument that allows the “principal”to authorize someone else as an agent,

to conduct certainbusiness on his behalf.

A POA is one ofthe strongest legaldocuments that can be given to another

person. For example, a spouse may use

the Soldier’s POA to cleargovernment quarters, ship the

Family car or cash the Soldier’spaycheck. Every authorized act performed by an agent is legally binding on the principal. Since a POA is such a powerful document,give it only to a trustworthy person,and only when absolutely necessary.

Soldiers preparing for deploymentcan visit the Fort Carson LegalAssistance Office, located at 1633Mekong Street, building 6222, to discuss legal matters with an attorneyor to make an appointment by calling.

Legal readiness

Key to deployment preparation

principal. “I have told the teachers to employ theSoldiers as they need them. The Soldiers have beena tremendous help with various activities, such ascomputer lab, science lab and physical education.”

The students look forward to the visits, which haveimproved morale among the students, Schmidt said.

“The students are extremely responsive to theSoldiers,” said Schmidt. “Students enjoy wearing the Soldiers’ hats, eating lunch with them and playingwith them during recess. This also helps students withparents who are deployed military members. It givesthem a sense of normalcy to have Soldiers around.”

The Soldiers’ bonds with the students havegrown since the program first started.

“The students like the Soldiers so much, they know us by name,” said Pointer. “They participate more in class because we are actively participating, too.”

CAB Soldiers believe this is important for thestudents and a great experience for themselves.

“During the time we have been here, we got to show the students a little about what we do asSoldiers and expose them to the military,” saidBrocato. ”I think it is great that we, as Soldiers, get togo out in the community and make a valuable impact.We are proud to be a part of this excellent program.”

The Soldiers are allowed to show a different side

of themselves when volunteering at the school.“We show the students and their parents that

we are not just fighters for our country, but we can also be mentors, and give back to the community,” said Pointer.

Although the school year is at its end, the principal and Soldiers hope they can keep volunteering next school year.

“We absolutely want and hope the Soldiers returnnext year,” said Schmidt. “I have been a principal atPHES for a year, and have seen students’ schoolspirit jump dramatically since the Soldiers arrived.The students’ motivation especially escalates onWednesdays, because they know the Soldiers will behere. We would definitely like the Soldiers to return.”

from Page 17


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27June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

Photo by Walt Johnson

Mountaineer Sports Feature

Story and photo by Walt Johnson

Mountaineer staff

Serves You Right used timelyoffense and a stout defense to capture the 2013 Fort Carson intramural volleyball championshipMay 30 at Iron Horse Sports andFitness Center.

The new post champions, who came into the tournament as the second seed, defeated eighth-seeded Bad Intentions inthree sets, 25-16, 19-25 and 17-15.

Bad Intentions made the first surprise move of the tournament bydefeating No. 1 seed Island Groovein straight sets. The loss was the firstof the season for Island Groove andset up Bad Intentions for a run thatended in the championship contest.

Bad Intentions then defeatedfourth seeded Notorious D.I.G. to make it to the championshipcontest. In order to win the title,Bad Intentions had to defeat aServes You Right team that lostonly one match all season.

Serves You Right defeated theMisfits and Served Hot to earn aberth in the title game.

After the first game of the championship match, it looked likeit might be a short match. ServesYou Right looked impressive on its way to a 25-16 match win. Itlooked like the new championswere poised to eliminate theCinderella team in straight sets.

Bad Intentions responded

strong as it jumped out to a 7-1lead. Bad Intentions increased thatlead to 10-2 and halfway throughthe game looked to be in total control. Serves You Right ran offtwo consecutive points to narrowthe margin to 10-4, but BadIntentions came right back with two points of its own to lead 12-4.

Bad Intentions increased its leadto 24-14 before closing out the secondgame of the match and setting up a winner-take-all third game.

The third contest was a nip and tuck affair. Bad Intentions got out to a 3-0 lead, but then theteams played virtually even halfwaythrough the match. Bad Intentionsserved with a 9-7 lead, but ServesYou Right scored the next twopoints to tie the contest.

The teams traded points and thegame was tied at 13 when Serves You Right gave Bad Intentions apoint on a bad serve. The teamseach squandered chances to win thematch before Serves You Rightscored two straight points to win the championship.

A BNT player crosses home plateto score a run during UnitedStates SpecialtySports Association-sanctioned MilitaryVarsity Band Aidtournament held at Peterson AirForce Base May 31through Sunday. The tournamentfeatured some ofthe top teams fromFort Carson as wellas a number of top military teams fromaround the world.The tournament hadthree categories,Varsity A, Varsity Band an intramuraldivision. Teamsfrom as far away asSouth Korea and the United Kingdomparticipated in the tournament.

Photo by Walt Johnson

Serves You Right’s Joe Gallo, left,battles Bad Intentions’ Carlos

Alicia for the ball during action at the intramural championship game

May 30. Gallo and Alicia were namedthe most valuable players for theirrespective teams for the playoffs.

Serves You Right wins intramural title

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The 2013 Rocky Mountain State Gamesare looking for amateur athletes toregister for July competitions.

Online registration is underway for athletes who wish to compete in the 35 sports for thisyear’s event. The games will be held July 19-21 and 26-28 at variousvenues in Colorado Springs.

According to the ColoradoSprings Sports Corporation, partici-pants must be Colorado residents forat least 30 days prior to the first dayof the competition they wish to enter.In addition, students who are enrolledin Colorado colleges or universitiesare eligible, as are U.S. military personnel stationed in Colorado andtheir Family members. The RockyMountain State Games have beenorganized in accordance with NCAAguidelines with some exceptions.Online registration is at

Cheyenne Shadows Golf Club hosts the Fort Carson Two-Man Best Ball Championship eventSaturday-Sunday.

Call Cheyenne Shadows GolfClub at 526-4102 to sign up or formore information.

Cheyenne Shadows Golf Club hoststhe second Sergeants MajorAcademy golf event Thursday.

The four-person scramble

begins at 11 a.m. with check-in; thedriving range will be open.

Welcoming remarks will be at12:30 p.m. and the shotgun start is at 1 p.m. There will be an awardsceremony and dinner at 5:30 p.m.

Entry deadline is Wednesday;tournament is limited to 144 golfers.Officials said the proceeds will provide backpacks and school suppliesfor installation students, holiday foodbaskets, scholarships for militaryFamilies and support of noncommis-sioned officer and Soldier of the yearprograms. Contact Timothy Jackson at [email protected] [email protected] for details.

The National Physique Committee2013 Steel City Figure, BikiniPhysique and NaturalBodybuilding championships will be held in Pueblo June 29.

The event, which features military athletes, takes place at thePueblo Convention Center. Prejudgingbegins at 8 a.m. and the finals beginat 4:30 p.m. The event will featureprofessional women athletes as well as amateur competitors. Visit for tickets.

The next Commanding General GolfScramble is July 3 at the CheyenneShadows Golf Club.

The event will begin with a shotgun start at 12:30 p.m. The eventis a four-person team concept,according to golf course officials. Call526-4102 to reserve a spot. The golfcourse is scheduled to hold a CG golfscramble in August and September.

The Colorado Rockies are offering

28 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013

BENCHOn theOn theMountaineer Athlete

of the Week

Photo by Walt Johnson

Treasa CruzIntramural volleyball player

How did you get started playing sports?My dad was a big basketball player whom I would see play, but I

actually started playing sports when I played volleyball in middleschool. Volleyball has always been my main sport. I also played softball since middle school.

Why is volleyball your favorite sport?Volleyball is my favorite sport because there is more interaction

and strategy involved with other players. I also think there is more individual contact involved with volleyball than softball.

What would you consider your favorite moment playing sports?That would be winning the pre-season softball tournament on

post this year. That team was put together three weeks prior to the tournament and we ended up winning, which gave me a lot of pleasure.

What is the one thing in sports you haven’t done that you would still like to do?

I have never played basketball before, and I would really like to try it and see what it would have to offer me.

If you could go to any major sporting event what event wouldyou want to go to?

I would love to go to the Olympic Games and be there for the volleyball championships. Volleyball is amazing to watch and see howpeople interact with each other. I find it fascinating to see how each player has to play his position in order to make it work.

People who don’t know me would be surprised to know that ... I am very outgoing, and I never take no for an answer. I have a medical condition that has taught me not to take anything for granted, and I am always ready to accomplish more than people think I can.

See Bench on Page 29

Photo by Walt Johnson

Butch Jointer, right, attacks the basket duringIron Horse Week basketball action Mondayat Iron Horse Sports and Fitness Center. IronHorse Week activities are scheduled to endFriday with finals competition at varioussporting facilities on post.

Rise above

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29June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

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military members special ticket buys this season.The next opportunity is when the Rockies take on

the Washington Nationals Wednesday at 6:40 p.m. ThePhiladelphia Phillies will be the opposition June 14 at6:40 p.m. and June 15-16 at 2:10 p.m. Military personnelcan purchase tickets in the outfield box, pavilion andupper reserved infield/outfield area for their Family and friends for $14 each (with a $3.50 service charge per order), a discount from the usual range of $21-$39.

The Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare andRecreation has announced its monthly drawing winners.

Congratulations to Dwayne Graham, winner of the Thunder Alley Bowling Center’s drawing, and Corey Springer, winner of the Cheyenne Shadows Golf Club drawing

The Colorado Springs Flames continue regular season foot-ball play Saturday when it hosts the Mile High Grizzlies.

The two-time defending champions play at HarrisonHigh School in Colorado Springs at 7 p.m.

The Outdoor Swimming Pool is open for the summer season.The pool is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and is

free for active duty members and children 12 and younger.People can “like” Fort Carson Aquatics on Facebook to keepup with the latest information on the pool. Call 526-4093for more information on aquatics activities.

The Colorado Springs Sky Sox host MilitaryAppreciation Night Tuesday.

The Sky Sox play the Tacoma Rainiers, the SeattleMariners triple-A affiliate, at 7:05 p.m. at SecurityService Field in Colorado Springs.

Free ticket vouchers — a limit of 10 per Family —are available at Information, Tickets and Registration.

The vouchers need to be exchanged at the SecurityService Field box office, located near Powers Boulevardand Barnes Road. If the game is postponed, the ticketswill be good for admission to another game this year.

— Compiled by Walt Johnson

from Page 28


Photo by Walt Johnson

Cynthia Carrion, left, Fort Carson aerobics program yoga instructor, leads a class through a workoutMay 31 at Garcia Physical Fitness Center. The post aerobics program offers yoga classes Mondays at7 a.m. (private group class for Soldiers dealing with chronic pain under the functional restoration program run by Evans Army Community Hospital); Monday and Friday at 10 a.m. and Friday at 6:30 p.m.(Vinyasa Flow); Tuesday at 6:30 a.m. at the Special Events Center (for pregnant active-duty Soldierswho are in their second or third trimester); and Saturday at 1 p.m. the center offers a gentle relaxingyoga course that is safe for beginners and women in their second or third trimester.

Yoga training

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30 MOUNTAINEER — June 7, 2013










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31June 7, 2013 — MOUNTAINEER

“Ranch Day” is Saturday at Cheyenne MountainState Park, just across the road from FortCarson’s Gate 1. Park visitors can try their handat roping, throwing horseshoes and leather crafting.Or, spit watermelon seeds, dress like a ranch handand make a brand to take home. Events are 10a.m. to 2 p.m. at the amphitheater. A vendor willbe in the park serving lunch. Square dancing is at7 p.m. at the Prairie Skipper Group Picnic Pavilion.Programs are free but a $7 day pass is required.

Public Broadcasting Service’s Fun Fest is Saturday in Acacia Park in downtownColorado Springs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thefree festival includes bouncy houses, activities,Curious George, and Clifford the Big Red Dog. Parking in the City Garage at Bijou andCascade is $1 that day.

Springs Spree is one of the city’s oldest communitycelebrations. It’s a family-friendly festival inMemorial Park. Festival hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.June 15 and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. June 16. There willbe three entertainment stages each day with a variety of music, typical festival foods and arts and crafts vendors. There’ll be a BMX stunt teamdemonstration, a Kids Zone with inflatables and a bungee trampoline, human hamster ball rides,football skills drill hosted by the Colorado SpringsFlames, a Springs Spree Express train for childrento ride, the Colorado Disc Dogs and a car show. In conjunction with Springs Spree, a carnival will bein Memorial Park Thursday, June 14, 5-10 p.m.,and June 15-16, 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Pay per ride orbuy a ride-all-you-want carnival wristband for $25.

Outdoor Family Fun Day at the Rocky MountainDinosaur Resource Center Saturday, 11 a.m. to3 p.m. Activities will include panning for “fool’sgold,” splitting shale while looking for fossils and assisting a chalk artist. More activitiesinclude a rollover simulator, a fire truck, foodvendors and other activities. The resource centeris at 201 S. Fairview St., in Woodland Park.

Water World, a Denver area large water park, is open for the summer, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Located at 88th Avenue and Pecos Street offInterstate 25 north, call 303-427-SURF for information. Tickets at the gate are $39.99 foradults and $34.99 for those 40 to 47 inches tall. A discounted pass for Water World is available at the Fort Carson Information, Tickets andRegistration office for $31.

Elitch Gardens near downtown Denver is open

for the season. The amusement park and waterpark are open daily. Tickets at the park are $45.99 for anyone taller than 48 inches. Thoseunder 48 inches tall are charged $31.99. Parkingis $15. ITR has discounted tickets for $29 each. Take Interstate 25 north to Denver and take Exit 212A.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo has opened its new exhibit, Encounter Africa. Four African elephants and a black rhinoceros share the new elephant barn, along with seven meerkats. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo is at 4250 Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Road, near the Broadmoor Hotel. It is open every day 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission for military Families with identification is $14.25 for adults and $9.25 for children.

Blue Star Museum participants admit militaryactive-duty members and up to five Familymembers free of admission during the summer. The Fine Arts Center, the Peterson Air and Space Museum and the World FigureSkating Museum in Colorado Springs are Blue Star Museums.

Colorado Renaissance Festival near Larkspur is open June 15 to Aug. 4, Saturdays-Sundays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.Military Appreciation is June 22-23. Regularadmission is $19.95 for adults, $9 for children. Take Interstate 25 north to Exit 172 and follow the signs. Parking is free.

Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument holds an open house and grand opening of its new visitor center June 15-16, with free admission. Light refreshments will beserved 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 15 and 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 16, along with science demonstrations, ranger talks and ranger-led walking tours. Visitors can get a behind-the-scenes look at the paleontology lab, tours, and a chance to see the new displays and exhibits. Call 748-3253 for information or visit

The annual Street Breakfast, kicking off thePikes Peak or Bust Rodeo season, is in downtown Colorado Springs June 19. Pancakes are cooked and served by Fort Carson volunteers from 5:30-9 a.m. Stetsons and jeans are welcome. Breakfast is $5.

A free weekend of outdoor fun at Chico BasinRanch June 28-30 is offered by ColoradoParks and Wildlife. The weekend is geared for youths and families to learn about the outdoors, and includes skills classes. There is nocost to attend. Families will be allowed to tentcamp, if they bring their own camping equipment.Meals and other equipment are provided. ChicoBasin Ranch has 87,000 acres and is south of

Hanover between Colorado Springs and Pueblo.Participants must preregister at 719-227-5282 oremail [email protected]. For informationvisit

“Passages” is a 40,000 square-foot interactive living history attraction that takes visitorsthrough historically contextual settings and activities that show how the biblical narrative has passed through the ages. More than 450 items from the Green Collectionof rare biblical texts and artifacts are shown. The exhibit is at 3979 Palmer Park Blvd.,Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. It’s open 1-6 p.m. Sunday. Adults are $15.95 and $11.95 for military and students with identification. Ages 5 and under are free. Theexhibit will be in place until Feb. 1.

The Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo is July 10-13 atNorris-Penrose Event Center, 1045 Lower Gold Camp Road in Colorado Springs.Advance tickets for the end zone for July 10-11 7:15 p.m. performances are $12 and grandstand seats are $20. Tickets for July 12-13 are $15 for end zone seats and $20 for grandstand seats. Walk-up tickets at the stadium cost $3 more. Tickets for children 12 and under are half price for advance grandstandseats and $1 for advance matinee performancetickets. There’s a $2 military discount for grandstand seats for adults; call 635-1101, ext. 5 for tickets and information.

Independence Day will be celebrated July 3 atIron Horse Park, starting at 4 p.m. There’ll beactivities, games, bounce houses and other entertainment, followed by fireworks at 9:15 p.m.

History Colorado Center has opened a newexhibit “The American Soldier: APhotographic Tribute.” This is a national traveling exhibit of 116 large photos that captureunforgettable images of American Soldiers —from 1861 to the War on Terrorism. In conjunctionwith the exhibit, a display on loan from theCenter for American Values highlights four Medal of Honor recipients from Pueblo. TheHistory Colorado Center is a Blue Star Museumparticipant, and active-duty servicemembers andup to five Family members are admitted free tothe museum through Labor Day, as well as a discount in the cafe and gift shop. The center is at 1200 Broadway in Denver, call 303-447-8679.

Bent’s Fort returns to the 1840s with a living history encampment at the park Saturday, 8a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Traders, trappers, laborers,Soldiers, craftsmen and domestics will be at“work” at the fort. Visitors can interact with the encampment participants and learn about thelife and times of the fort in the 1840s. The fee is$3 for adults and $2 for ages 6-12. Bent’s OldFort National Historic Site is eight miles east of La Junta on Highway 194, call 719-383-5010.


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Story and photos by Nel LampeMountaineer staff

Many children would like for it to be Christmas all year long. Anybody can get a head start on the holiday by visiting Santa’s Workshop at the NorthPole, a few miles west of Colorado Springs on Highway 24.

A Christmas themed park was built in awooded area near the Pikes Peak Highwayentrance in 1956. The family-friendly park is open for its 57th season.

Admission entitles visitors to watch theanimated shows, visit Santa, see a magicshow and take unlimited rides. The arcadeis not included in admission and shoppingand refreshments must be paid for.

The Christmas village might have been taken from a fairy tale or a movie set. In fact, the Colorado facility is almost identical to one in New York,designed by Arto Monaco, a former artist for Walt Disney. It’s filled with logalpine-style buildings, with steep roofs of bright red, green or blue.

Situated on a slope in a forest of evergreen trees, the Colorado village has a chapel, animated displays, a waterwheel, a pond and ducks, deer, goats and llamas.

There’s the icy north pole and a snowman in the village.

Shops in the village include theChristmas Shop, the Boys’ Shop and CandyKitchen, the Girls’ Shop, the North Pole

Post Office and Gift Shop, the Candle Shop and the Personalization Shop. Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard sells refreshments, and so does Miss Muffet’sand the Ice Cream Parlor. Visitors can purchase hamburgers, fries, ice cream, funnel cakes and other snacks.

In the middle of the village, near theduck pond and the icy north pole, is Santa’s House.

Inside, Santa sits in his comfy chair, a lighted Christmas tree nearby, greetingchildren who step through the door. Santa’s helper will take a picture of children with Santa that can be purchasedbefore they leave the park. Santa’s on duty while the park is open, but he doestake a lunch break, and can sometimes be seen walking through the village.

Christmas music plays throughout the park.

There are two dozen rides in the park, including the Peppermint Slide,antique cars, the Mini-Himalaya, the Tilt-a-Whirl and Dive Bomber are at the front of the park.

Behind the picnic area provided for families who bring along their ownlunch, are the train ride and the skyride aerial tram, suitable for families.

The antique hand-carved carousel is near the Magic House, as is ChristmasTree ride and the teepee shop.

The enchanted forest has a section of rides for younger children — boats,motorcycles, the granny bug ride, kiddie

Places to see in thePikes Peak area.

Santa’s Workshopat the North Pole

Just the Facts• TRAVEL TIME — 25 minutes

• FOR AGES — families• TYPE — Christmas park

• FUN FACTOR — ★★★★★(Out of 5 stars)



$ = Less than $20$ $ = $ 21 t o $ 4 0

$ $ $ = $ 41 t o $ 6 0$ $ $ $ = $ 61 t o $ 8 0


Celebrate Christmas in June atVisitors approach the entrance to Santa’s Workshopat the North Pole shortly after 10 a.m. Memorial Day.

The Peppermint Slide is one of two dozen rides in theChristmas-themed family amusement park.

Christmas Tree Ride

Granny Bug Ride

North Pole Express

Candy Cane Coaster

Santa’s House isin the middle ofthe village,where Santagreets visitorswho stop by withtheir Christmaswish lists.

Santa’s train


Santa’s rides

wheel, midget racers, tubs, a Candy CaneCoaster and a kiddie Ferris wheel.

Near the upper part of the EnchantedForest are the rides suitable for teenagersand adults — the Scrambler, Space Shuttle, the Haunted House and theWorld’s “highest Ferris wheel.”

The animals also live in the Enchanted Forest.

Paved paths are throughout the villageand some of them are steep.

The amusement park is open every day of the week, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. throughAug. 19. Beginning Aug. 21, the park will be closed Wednesday and Thursday,but is open through Christmas Eve.

As the Christmas-themed park is at

7,500 feet elevation, it may be severaldegrees cooler than Colorado Springs, so jackets might be needed.

For active-duty military, admission to Santa’s Workshop at the North Pole is$14.50 for Soldiers and immediate Familymembers, and everyone 10 or older musthave a military identification card to get the discounted rate.

Regular admission is $19.50 for ages 2-59. Children under 2 and guests 60 and older are admitted free.

To reach Santa’s Workshop at theNorth Pole, take Highway 24 (CimarronStreet) west from South Nevada Avenue tothe small town of Cascade. At Cascade,turn left at the traffic light, following signs

for Pikes Peak Highway. About a mile upthe Pikes Peak Highway, take a left into the entrance of Santa’s Workshop at theNorth Pole at 5050 Pikes Peak Highway.Call 685-5089 for information or go onlineat

There’s plenty of free parking.Money is not exchanged in the shops

or snack bars in the park. A “purchasecard” is issued for each guest at theentrance. The card can be attached to the wrist or a parent can hang on to allcards. Each purchase, including food, is annotated on a purchase card. The cards are turned in when exiting the parkand all purchases paid for by cash, creditcard or traveler’s checks at that time.

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