  • May 2012 Vol. 62 No. 05

    Photo by Loren Popescu

  • 2 • May 2012

    Commodore’s Comments

    T he weatherman reported that March 2012 had a record rainfall, breaking the re-cord set in 1931. The forecast for April was damp and more damp. Daylight savings time has arrived and as the days are getting longer we anticipate the promise of summer. At the first cruise of 2012 over the St. Patrick's Day weekend members were greeted by a mixture of weather at the outstation. Twenty-eight boats and crews gathered on the soggy weekend just days after the dredging equipment had left. The cruise was a casual event that included a classic movie on Friday night and dinner on Saturday for which Chef Bob prepared a delicious meal of Shepherd's Pie, salad and desserts. Doug Foster led the 7th annual Burning of the Socks between showers, and many of the participants were eager to discard their winter socks. Special thanks to Penny Spaziani, Neena Stude-baker, Tracy Bales, Sandi Free, Shari Sinclair, Sam & Bob Dubay and many others who helped with the cruise. Several members left the outstation under sunny skies on Sunday only to be surprised by a light snowfall on their journey back to the club. The outstation was the scene of the annual Stag Cruise in late April and from what I'm told “what happens at the stag cruise stays at the stag cruise.” Thus, I have nothing to report. The Memorial Day Cruise plans are underway and several members will be coordinating the event and ceremony this year; Harry and Shirley Braunstein, Andy and Maggie Huck, Ken Hunkins and Jeanette Slepian; Joe and Mary Kaye Brady; and Bryan Berry and Lynne Barbier. There is a great deal of organization and planning for a big cruise such as this one, so please con-tact any of these members if you would like to help in some way. The Education Committee wrapped up

    their winter sessions with a well at-tended “Going North” seminar. PYC partnered with CYC for the seminar and presenters included PYC members Timm Lessley and Jack Becker, as well as Eric Rouzee. The committee chair Larry Brandt, with committee members Nancy Rander and Joe Brady, pre-sented four sessions this year and had also encouraged members from other local clubs to attend the seminars. Plans are underway to offer more ses-sions later this year as well. The annual Ladies' Spring Dinner, “Mediterranean Holiday”, was held on April 5th and the Entertainment Com-mittee transformed the clubhouse into a colorful oceanside retreat that in-cluded a veranda with a view. The la-dies were treated to a wonderful dinner prepared by Chef Bob and Dick Dyer. Please read an article on this event later in this issue. The office is up and running on the new Marina Office accounting software with the first statements sent in April. As with any new billing system there were a few hiccups, so please be patient while the issues are being addressed. Bob Morgan, H&G Co-Chair has started on the new communications infrastructure wiring project and pre-paring for installation of the server room. The first quarter of the year brought many managerial changes and process improvements in the club of-fice and Manager Gary Campbell will be presenting proposals for additional process efficiency changes to the Board in the coming months. There has been a great deal of activity inside and out of the clubhouse during the last few months as the House and Grounds committee, Club Manager Gary Campbell and staff have been sprucing up, fixing up and making nec-essary repairs to the facilities in antici-pation of upcoming events and Open-ing Day. The most significant up-grade has been the renovations to the women's restroom. Don Etter lead the project and was assisted by several members in addition to those that helped with the demo stage. As prom-ised Don had the transformation com-

    Portlight Deadline — May 10

    Email articles and photos to:

    Dale Mack [email protected]

    pleted by the Ladies' Dinner! As the staff was preparing the stage for new carpet member Mark Hall proposed an option to increase the size and offered to construct the extension. The next day Mark, Frank Tillman and Joe Spaziani completed the build-out and the stage has now been recarpeted. The club staff has been busy cleaning and polishing and the getting the club ready for Opening Day. May is always an exciting time of year, especially with all the various boating activities scheduled and the weather shows promise as summer is just weeks away. To me, Opening Day repre-sents the seasonal change and the be-ginning of many upcoming boating adventures. The Opening Day parade theme for 2012 is “Rock 'n' Roses” and Fleet Captain Nick Johnson and crew have been busy organizing and promot-ing the event. The theme decorations have been designed by Lynda Hirst. Please be sure to review the event de-tails later in this issue. Also, if you plan to participate in the parade you'll need to decorate your boat with Blue and White pennants which are available in the Ships' Store. We hope to see many members and guests at the Opening Day activities and upcoming May events, including Mother's Day Brunch on Sunday, May 13. Please refer to the “Coming At-tractions” in this issue for a complete list of the upcoming June activities which include the Manui Elliott race series, Rose Festival Regatta, Leukemia Cup Regatta, and the Ship Wreck Pig Roast. Please be sure to RSVP early and often! Nancy MacGregor Commodore S/V Child of the Mist

  • May 2012 • 3

    Manager’s Report

    A s the spring season im-proves I see more members each day. Some return-ing from warm weather vacations and others who are starting to get spring fever. As you know Opening Day is the culmination of spring cleaning of boats, docks, and around the clubhouse. We got an early start by preparing the club-house for the Ladies’ Spring Dinner. Upholstered chairs and carpets were cleaned, the ballroom dance floor was buffed and polished, painting the trim on the clubhouse occurred, the carpet was replaced on the stage and the brass was polished. The biggest improve-ment was the remodeling of the Ladies restroom. It took many volunteers to complete various components on a tight timeline but everything was com-

    plete in time for the Ladies’ Spring Dinner. Thanks to everyone who rolled up their sleeves to help, and most im-portantly Don Etter who coordinated the construction. Volunteering to help out adds an en-dearing quality to the culture of PYC. I am constantly impressed with the members who help out when they are called upon and in some cases when they seize an opportunity in the mo-ment. Mark Hall noticed that the stage carpet was to be replaced and person-ally participated in extending the width of the stage to better accommodate bands in the future. Frank Tillman reached out and bought the club a deep fat fryer. This is a guy who really likes his French fries! He purchased it, had it delivered, scheduled and paid for the gas line installation and now the club has a fryer. Special thanks to Mark and Frank.

    The dining participation has experi-enced an increase since Chef Bob ar-rived last month. He has been a fun addition to the club and has really en-joyed meeting the membership every-where he turns. Thanks for making him feel welcomed, it makes for a pleasant working experience. The Cookout Committee members met with Chef Bob and me to discuss how to enhance the evening dinner service. We agreed to experiment with a prime rib dinner selection as an option to cooking your own entrée, and having beer or wine tastings as part of the happy hour on select cookout nights. In May we will feature Deschutes Brewery at the May 18th cookout. Overall we’re experiencing record par-ticipation in cookouts, happy hours, and Saturday lunches. Thanks for your support. Gary Campbell Club Manager

    W ith the boating season about to begin, we’ll all work hard to clean up and make our club shipshape. Our first Commodore, George J. Kelly wrote in the May 1917 “Motorboat News”:

    “Paint Up!!! This is the season when the housewife begins her annual activities, and we’re going to do the same. Our grounds can and should be made one of our strongest assets. Many boat-houses show the ravages of a hard winter, we hereby appoint each member a committee of one to make his boathouse an attrac-tion, and to raise “Ned” with the

    the PORTLIGHT published monthly by the

    P O R T L A N D Y A C H T C L U B 1241 NE Marine Drive

    Portland, Oregon 97211 503.285.1922 | 503.283.4960 (fax)

    [email protected]

    EDITOR—Dale Mack


    Commodore Nancy MacGregor (sail) Vice Commodore Larry Cirotski (power) Secretary/Treasurer Chris Dorn (sail) Rear Commodore Rod Wells (power) Trustee Tom Winslow (power) Trustee Michael Hahn (power) Trustee Gerry Gregg (power) Trustee Frank Bocarde (sail) Trustee Brian Hedges (sail)

    f e l l o w w h o doesn’t. In many cases that strange spectacle is presented of a boat that is spick and span to the last degree, tied up in a boat-house that looks---well, we won’t describe it. Let’s

    all get busy with the paint brush and show our guests an attractive moorage in time for the regatta on May 13.”

    Wisdom from the past. Just as Com-modore Kelly sought help from the membership to present an attractive moorage to guests ninety-five years ago, today Commodore Nancy Mac-Gregor asks that we follow Kelly’s ad-vice and help prepare the club for Opening Day on May 5th. Walter A. Witschard PYC Historian S/V Keydet

    Historian’s NotesHistorian’s Notes Thursday Lunch starts May 3

  • 4 • May 2012

    Boat Decorating Cookout — May 4

    Please join us if you have been decorating your boat or not. The Opening Day Parade theme this year is Rock and Roses and the club will be all decorated for the festivities.

    Bring your choice of Entrée to grill and PYC will provide the Salad Bar, Baked Potato,

    Garlic Bread, Beans, and Dessert

    $7.50 per person ● Bar Opens at 3:00 ● Dinner at 6:30

    Sign up before noon on the Wednesday before the cookout to be entered into the “Free Cookout” drawing

    RSVP 503.735.0632 or [email protected]

    O nce we were identical twins. Now I feel so out of place, like I don’t belong. Please don’t leave me like this. All it will take is a little scraping and a new coat of PYC paint. If I remind you of your dock box, please contact the Dock Master for some free paint.

    Open Moorage Dock Box Makeover

  • May 2012 • 5

    OPENING DAY Friday, May 4

    Boat Decorating Cookout. All boats in the PYC Fleet will be decorated with white and blue pennants. Pennants are available in the Ship’s Store.

    Saturday, May 5

    9-11 am Brunch: 9:00 am to 11:00 am will be served in the PYC Dining

    Room. Cost is $12.00 per person / Children under 12 — $7.00 11 am Skippers Meeting PYC Ceremony: Following the Skippers’ Meeting TBA CRYA Parade: Formation on the river at the time announced at the

    Skippers Meeting 5 pm Awards Announcements at Columbia River Yacht Club

    Attire: White Pants/Skirt with Club Blazer/Sweater The parade theme this year is “Rock ’n’ Roses”. Each yacht club will be judged on Sea-manship, Appearance, Best Decorated Boat, Best Decorated Club, Participation, and the percentage of the club’s fleet with Vessel Safety Check (VSC) decals. PYC will have a “to theme decorated boat” and all PYC boats on the starboard side of the fleet will have additional “to theme decorations”. Make your reservations early. Call the club or email the PYC office to sign up for the brunch and to participate in the parade. You can also sign up on the club bulletin board. To register for the parade give your name, your boat’s name, whether it’s power or sail, length overall, current VSC status, and the number of club members you will have on-board. If you do not have a boat or will not be taking your boat in the parade then join one of our members who will be participating in the parade.

  • 6 • May 2012

    $27.50 per person$27.50 per person $10 children under ten$10 children under ten

    Seating available atSeating available at

    10:30 • 11:00 • 11:30 10:30 • 11:00 • 11:30 12:00 • 12:30 • 1:0012:00 • 12:30 • 1:00

    RSVP by May 7RSVP by May 7

    503.735.0632 or 503.735.0632 or

    [email protected]

    Cancellation Policy in EffectCancellation Policy in Effect


    Mother’s Day Mother’s Day BrunchBrunch

    With ChampagneWith Champagne

    Sunday, May 13Sunday, May 13

    Beer Tasting

    May 18

    During the May 18 cookout PYC invites you to participate in a beer tasting and

    vote for your favorites. The results will contribute to the

    selection of a new beer.

    Wear Your Favorite Apron

    May 18 — Cookout

    Bring your choice of Entrée to grill and PYC will provide the Salad Bar, Baked Potato, Garlic

    Bread, Beans, and Dessert

    $7.50 per person Bar Opens at 3:00 • Dinner at 6:30

    Sign up before noon on the Wednesday before the cookout to be entered into the

    “Free Cookout” drawing

    RSVP 503.735.0632 or [email protected]

    Women Men

  • May 2012 • 7

    L-R: John Wilson, Lee Peterson, Dave Stuckey, Frank Tillman, Mike Stansell, Warren Knight, Terry Truan and Nick Green. Not pictured Mike Keane and David Wisdom.

    P YC’s first fuel dock training was held Saturday, April 7, just prior to the day’s scheduled “Going North” Education Session. For those who missed seeing the fuel dock training video Larry Brandt created, it’s been posted to YouTube for your viewing. It’s a little over four-teen minutes long, and covers all of the questions that are

    The arrival of 1800 feet of pipe for the new fire standpipe and fittings for new water line. Special thanks to Frank Tillman for hauling everything on his truck. — Mike House

    on the fuel dock written exam that you’ll need to take in order to receive your authorization to self-fuel your boat or portable fuel container The short one-page exam is avail-able at the PYC office. Here is the link to the video.

    Fuel Dock Training Video

  • 8 • May 2012

    Women’s Restroom Remodel

    W ork began on the renovations to the Women's restroom on March 10th. The project would not have been completed by the April 5th target date if it had not been for the volunteer members that helped with the project. Project leader Don Etter spent many hours on the project and coordinated with the suppliers including the painter and plumber. In the last days of the project Frank Bocarde helped with the panel installation. Gary Campbell brought in a floor jack that made holding the stall panels at the right elevation easy.

    Tom Winslow and Nick Johnson worked on the final day as well. Special thanks to Greg Allison for donating the sinks and plumbing materials, Mike Stainsby and Frame Central for framing of the mirrors and Bob Morgan and Electric Works who provided electrical assistance. Volunteers also included Joanie Johnson, Lynne Bocarde, Rod and Judy Wells, Larry and Laura Cirotski, Julie Hinkley, Terry Truan and Nick Green. Jane and Warren Knight coordinated the framing of the photographs. Nancy MacGregor Commodore S/V Child of the Mist

  • May 2012 • 9

    Memorial Day CruiseMemorial Day CruiseMemorial Day Cruise May 25 May 25 May 25 ––– 282828

    Willow Bar OutstationWillow Bar OutstationWillow Bar Outstation

    When you make your reservation, please indicate if you are When you make your reservation, please indicate if you are interested in Golf.interested in Golf.

    RSVP 503.735.0632 or [email protected]

    Cancellation Policy in Effect

    S ince the last Portlight, the outgo-ing chair of the Moorage Up-grade Committee, Eric Gazow, and current chair of the Upgrade Com-mittee, Dick Dyer, and Frank Bocarde, Chair of the Open Moorage Design committee had an opportunity to meet with the Long Range Planning Com-mittee. This meeting was set up to ex-plain to the LRP where the moorage upgrade process had come from (Eric), where it is headed this year (Dick) and where the Open Moorage was headed in the future (Frank). After Eric re-viewed the history of our permits, moorage rules and projects that took place over the last eight years, Dick reviewed this year’s plan to replace E

    row and extend the marginal walk. Dick also reported that the electrical issues on A row have been fixed. Then, Frank reviewed the Design Committee situa-tion. Currently the Open Moorage De-sign process is working to solidify the eastern and northern limits of the moorage footprint and the exact loca-tion of the city water pipe between A and B row. Once those are accom-plished, an actual design can begin to take place, hopefully to be complete by Fall. Arden Newbrook, Dick Dyer and Frank Bocarde also met with Andy Jansky, of Flowing Solutions, the engi-neering firm PYC has used for consult-

    ing on moorage design and permitting. During those discussions there was some new thinking on the design of A row that could be beneficial in the overall cost of the Open Moorage pro-ject. As new information is available regard-ing the moorage design, the appropriate committees will try to ensure that the members are kept abreast of what is happening by communicating through the Portlight. Frank Bocarde Open Moorage Design Committee S/V Bluefin

    Open Moorage Design Update

  • 10 • May 2012

    St. Patrick’s Day Cruise Photos by Loren Popescu

  • May 2012 • 11

    St. Patrick’s Day Cruise Photos by Loren Popescu

  • 12 • May 2012

    St. Patrick’s Day Cruise Photos by Loren Popescu

  • May 2012 • 13

    Ladies’ Spring Dinner Photos by Terry Johnson

  • 14 • May 2012

    Ladies’ Spring Dinner Photos by Terry Johnson

  • May 2012 • 15

    Ladies’ Spring Dinner Photos by Terry Johnson

  • 16 • May 2012

    Ladies' Spring Dinner

    R ain, wind and hail couldn’t dampen the fun as the ladies of the Portland Yacht Club welcomed friends and guests to a Mediterranean Holiday. The tables were set with blue and aqua, and with a back drop of hanging grapes and ivy vines, the evening was set for the ladies to escape the cold weather for a few hours of good music, great food and friendship. PYC Chef Bob, along with Dick Dyer, Laura Mack and gal-ley help from Joe Brady, Al Parr and Cliff Stephens, created a Mediterranean meal for all to enjoy while Jim Miller and Alan Hager kept the evening sounds alive by playing musical fa-vorites. Food, wine and song are always good but the eve-ning couldn’t have been a success with out the help of the men of the Portland Yacht Club acting as the ever diligent and caring serving crew. The crew, Greg Allison, Larry Brandit, Harry Braunstein, Larry Cirotski, Chris Dorn, Don Etter, Fred Hazzard, Brian Hedges, Jim Hinkley, Jon-Michael Kowertz, Bob Lyon, Lee Peterson, Ted Reich, Matt Rice, Jim Sinclair, Mike Stainsby, Frank Tillman, Ron Timmerman, Butch Wilcox and Paul Wilson, once again donned their white shirts, black bow ties and aprons to ensure that every need was met. The PYC Entertainment Committee received some much appreciated assistance from Dave and Terri Entler, Joanie Johnson, Lucy Mitchem, Adrianne Peterson, Mary Ann Nitchie, Jane Knight, Shari Sinclair, Laura Cirotski and Sonjia Smethers. Club photographer Terry Johnson assured that the evenings festivities were captured on film. A very special thank you goes to the members of the PYC entertainment committee for their tireless efforts in making this event a success. Chairs Samantha and Bob Dubay, and committee members Frank and Lynne Bocarde, Laura Mack, Alden and Carrie Andre', Loren and Marlena Popescu and Commodore Nancy MacGregor. Captain Gil MacGregor First Mate S/V Child of the Mist

  • May 2012 • 17

    B ang! I can't describe the sound any differently. Bob and I were in the cockpit and looked at one another. I hurriedly walked for-ward as the sound came from the mast. The mast was now producing a metallic atonal clang. Looking up produced the culprit. The wire stay attached to the lower spreader attaching to the mast just below the upper spreader was hanging and dangling in the wind. The bracket which had held the turnbuckle to the lower spreader had broken. "It's not like we're in the middle of the ocean," Bob said dryly, "Oh yeah, we are." We were indeed. We were about half way on our 3000 mile passage from St Helena to French Guyana and still about 800 miles off Brazil. Bob and Janet quickly lifted me up and I secured the swinging wire. We tightened the running back which supports the mast about the same spot as the broken stay. Two additional trips up the mast, work-ing at the end of the spreader, were required to lash the stay in place then tighten it by running two lines on either side of the spreader to a block and tackle fastened at the deck rail. Have sailed since with one reef in the main. Our jury rig has held up fine; better than our beer supply. Saint Helena can be seen from 70 miles, according to the book. Clouds obscured our view until first light when I saw a dark object below the clouds from 8 miles off. Our sail from Na-mibia had been goldielocks -- not too slow, not too fast but just right. The weather had gradually warmed. The water had become a brilliant clear blue. As the dawn emerged the island came into focus, brown along the coastal mountains and a vivid green inland. The island is a mountain. No coastal plains there. We anchored on the lee-ward side off Jamestown in 68' of water amongst 15 other yachts, most of whom we knew. (Holding seemed fine. However another boat dragged and had to be rescued by local fisherman as the owner was ashore. A yacht was lost the

    year before, according to cruiser rumor, when it dragged and was never seen again.) The shore boat came by and took us ashore to clear immigration. It was a Sat. and customs could wait until Monday. We were let off at the famous wall where one must time your jump ashore to correspond with the surge. Appar-ently, according to author Simon Win-chester, in the early '60s a newly ap-pointed British governor, making his first landing before dignitaries and a brass band, while decked out in his fin-est British Empire kit with ostrich feathers in his hat, failed the test. He stepped but disappeared as he fell be-tween boat and wall. The brass band must have stopped playing. Winchester said that several months later he was reassigned to a more land friendly loca-tion such as British Honduras. Jamestown is situated in a long narrow valley and protected from the sea by a fort wall with old gun emplacements on the hills. The whole island could be a prop set for a Hornblower episode. We walked through the one lane gate into town and found the police station for immigration and were in time to exchange money at the bank. There is no ATM service, credit card use, nor an airport on the island. The big island news is that an airport will be com-pleted in 44 months. The island will never be the same. They call themselves Saints. Four thousand live on the island. You can imagine the change when Napoleon was brought in 1815 and an additional 3000 British troops arrived. We were given tours of both houses where Na-poleon lodged. We walked down a lane to his empty tomb as he was returned to Paris in 1840. British troops had guarded the tomb for 19 years. Charles Darwin visited in 1836 while aboard the Beagle. He stayed ashore and wrote: "I obtained lodgings within

    a stone's throw of Napolean's tomb, it was a capital central situation, whence I could make excursions in every direc-tion." Our cab driver told me, upon inquiry, that Darwin's lodgings no longer exist. We made additional excursions the next day in a rental car. It was the most causual rental agreement I've had as there was none. It was late coming to us so the guy said just have it back to-morrow sometime, no problem, and don't lock it at night as he was unsure whether the key fit the door lock. Janet and I hiked to the island's highest peak of 2820 meters. From there we seemed to look straight down in every direction as steep hills and deep valleys dominate nearly every inch of the island but for where the proposed airport is to be. After five days and going away parties with our European friends we were off to South America. The wind was ini-tially light but then, after a day or so, developed into the most consistent downwind tradewind sailing of the trip. The nights were clear. We followed the Southern Cross across the sky every night. After several days a new moon appeared. We watched it grow until full last Friday. Janet sun bathed on the forward deck it was so smooth and pleasant. We caught lots of fish -- flying fish. One morning there were 30 on deck. But only one Mahi Mahi until the Equator. There, while preparing to give Bob his crossing the line for the first time initiation, we hooked a Wa-hoo. Then a Mahi Mahi took the other lure. Both lines tangled. Miraculously, we landed both fish and Bob skated his initiation by washing fish blood from the deck. Now April 10 morning. After our first cloudy day with fickle wind yesterday we're back to blue skies and 10 to 12 knot apparent wind just aft the beam. We now have less than 150 miles to go and should be in tomorrow after 20 days. John Colby S/V Iris

    IRIS Crosses South Atlantic EquatorIRIS Crosses South Atlantic Equator

  • 18 • May 2012

    Portland Yacht ClubPortland Yacht ClubPortland Yacht Club Rose Festival Regatta

    June 1 & 2June 1 & 2June 1 & 2

  • May 2012 • 19

    Mauni ElliottMauni ElliottMauni Elliott RegattaRegattaRegatta

    June 6, 13, 20, 27

    Portland Yacht Club PRESENTS

  • 20 • May 2012

    PYC Rose Festival Regatta

    June 1 & 2


    INVITATION: The Portland Yacht Club invites all eligible boats to participate in the Rose Festival Regatta on the Colum-bia River between the I-5 and I-205 bridges.

    DESCRIPTION: This is a two-day regatta with one evening race on Friday. At least two races will be attempted on Satur-day.

    ELIGIBILITY: The regatta will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing and the OCSA General Sailing Instructions. The regatta is open to all boats sailing in a One-Design, Level, Cruising or PHRF class and all entrants shall com-ply with the rules governing their class.

    REGISTRATION: Eligible boats may enter online at::

    or by submitting an OCSA Race Entry Form with entry fee to:

    PYC Race Captain, Portland Yacht Club

    1241 NE Marine Drive Portland, OR 97211

    The registration deadline shall be 1800 hours local time

    on the day before the first scheduled race of the regatta. For planning purposes, please note on the registration the approximate number of your crew and guests who will be purchasing dinner for the Saturday dinner.

    FEES: Early entry fee is $30.00 if paid more than 72 hours prior to the registration deadline. Entry fee will be $35.00 if paid less 72 hours prior to the registration deadline.

    STARTING TIMES: The first warning signal is scheduled for: Friday at 1830 hours. Saturday at 1400 hours. INSTRUCTIONS: The OCSA General Sailing Instructions and

    Courses will be used, and are available in the OCSA Race-book. Class breaks and any changes will be posted on the official notice board at: no later than 2200 hours local time on the day prior to the first scheduled race.

    INFORMATION: For more information contact Skip Nitchie 503.247.7008 [email protected]


    SOCIAL: A post race gathering will be at the PYC clubhouse following racing on Saturday. The bar will be open and there will be a dinner available for $5.00 per person. Re-gatta winners (pending protests) will be announced dur-ing the social on the last day. Trophies will be awarded at the OCSA Tropical Party.

    PYC Mauni Elliott Regatta

    June 6—27

    NOTICE OF RACE INVITATION: Members of The Portland Yacht Club are invited

    to participate in the PYC Mauni Elliott Regatta on the Columbia River between the I-5 and I-205 bridges.

    DESCRIPTION: This event is open only to Portland Yacht Club member boats, and consists of four (4) Wednesday eve-ning races, with one race scheduled each evening.

    ELIGIBILITY INSTRUCTIONS: Skippers must be members of Portland Yacht Club. All must have a current PHRF-NW rating or have one assigned by the club handicapper. The regatta is open to all PYC boats sailing in a PHRF or One-Design class and all entrants shall comply with the rules governing their class. The regatta will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing and the OCSA General Sailing Instructions, except that the location of the Offi-cial Notice Board shall be at the clubhouse office. This changes OCSA General Sailing Instructions 2.

    REGISTRATION: Eligible boats shall enter by submitting an OCSA Race Entry Form to:

    PYC Race Captain, Portland Yacht Club

    1241 NE Marine Drive, Portland, OR 97211

    The registration deadline shall be 1800 hours local time on the day before any race of the series and will not in-clude any previously held race(s). No on the water regis-trations will be accepted.

    FEES: Entry fee is $30.00 payable by check or by inclusion on club monthly billing.

    STARTING TIMES: The first warning signal is scheduled for 1830 hours each day of racing.

    CLASS DIVISIONS: Class divisions will be posted by the club-house office and distributed from the committee boat. This changes OCSA General Sailing Instructions 5.

    PROTESTS: Protests shall be delivered to the Race Committee no later than one hour after the committee boat docks. This changes OCSA General Sailing Instructions 15.3.

    INFORMATION: PYC PRO: Skip Nitchie

    503.247.7008 [email protected]

    PYC Handicapper: Mike Stainsby 503.310.0478 [email protected]


    SOCIAL & TROPHIES: A post race gathering will be at the

    PYC clubhouse following each race. The bar will be open and there will be a dinner available. Regatta winners will be announced and prizes will be awarded at the final se-ries dinner.

  • May 2012 • 21

    Ship Wreck Pig Roast

    Saturday — June 23

    Cocktails — 5:30 • Dinner — 6:30 Music — 7:30

    Roast Pig with Caribbean-inspired

    side dishes and dessert

    Entertainment by a Latin jazz trio Carib, with vibes, bass, and percussion

    RSVP 503.735.0632 or [email protected]

    Cancellation Policy in Effect

    JUNE 9

    Separate on the water events for SAILBOATS and POWERBOATS

    T he Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Leukemia Cup Regatta is a thrilling series of events that com-bines the joy of boating with the important task of raising money to cure cancer. Since its inception, The Leukemia Cup Regatta has raised millions of dollars for lifesaving research and patient services, bringing help and hope to patients and their families. At events held at yacht clubs across North America, skip-pers register their boats and recruit friends and colleagues to help crew and to raise funds. Crew members seek do-nations from friends, family, co-workers and employers to sponsor their boat. For information on how to register your boat or sign up as crew, visit:

  • 22 • May 2012

    PYC WebsitePYC Website EnhancementsEnhancements The club’s website now includes maps for both moorages, and depth readings for the Willow Bar outstation. You’ll find the information under the “About Us” link.

    Outstation Dredging Photos by Skip Nitchie & Jim Sinclair

  • May 2012 • 23

    June 1 fr Cookout 1-2 fr PYC Rose Festival Regatta 6 we Mauni Elliott Race #1 9 sa Leukemia Cup Regatta 9-10 sa Cruise: Coon Island, East, No Host 13 we Mauni Elliott Race #2 15 fr Cookout 17 su Dinghy Poker Run 20 we Mauni Elliott Race #3 23 sa Ship Wreck Pig Roast (NO LUNCH) 27 we Mauni Elliott Race #4 29 fr Cookout 29-1 fr Cruise: Willow Bar, No Host

    May 4 fr Cookout: Boat Decorating 5 sa Opening Day 11 fr Racing: PYC Beer Can Race 12 sa NO LUNCH 13 su Mother’s Day Brunch 18 fr Cookout 18-20 fr Cruise: Bartlett Landing, No Host 25-28 fr Cruise: Memorial Day, Willow Bar 26 sa NO LUNCH

    Kelly Bar Open Every Friday 3-9 pm Saturday Lunch Every Saturday 11:30-1:30 Thursday Lunch Every Thursday (May-September) 11:30-1:30 Golf Every Thursday, year round Board Meeting Third Thursday every month Bridge Third Thursday every month 10 am Portlight Deadline 10th of every month

    Coming Attractions


    Is A Year Round Sport


    Larry Snyder 503.737.1509

    [email protected]

    3rd Thursday, 10 am—2:30 pm Bring a Lunch

    Sales - Installation - Service since 1970 Please consider us for your next boat equipment or electronics project

    Visit our website for details on services we provide 3445 N.E. Marine Drive Portland, OR 97211

    Phone 503-287-1101 FAX 503-288-3745 [email protected]

    2012 PYC Cruising Schedule May 18-20 Bartlett Landing (No Host) 25-28 Memorial Day Cruise June 29-July 1 PYC Outstation (No Host) July 13-15 McGuire Island (No Host) 20-22 Bald Eagle Days Cruise to Cathlamet 27-29 Foothills Park Lake Oswego (No Host) August 10-19 Downriver Cruise PYC to Ilwaco 31-Sept 3 Labor Day Cruise September 14-16 Ladies Cruise 28-30 Beacon Rock Cruise October 19-21 Sandy Beach (No Host) November 2-4 PYC Outstation (No Host) 23-25 Leftover Cruise (No Host) December 28-Jan 1 New Year's Cruise (No Host)

    All cruises are to the PYC outstation at Willow Bar, unless otherwise noted.

  • 24 • May 2012

    Portland Yacht Club 1241 NE Marine Drive Portland, OR 97211

    The BOATYARD At Rocky Pointe

    503-543-2785 All Services — Boats 20’ - 60’

    St. Patrick’s Day Cruise Photo by Loren Popescu

  • May 2012 • A-1

    Ladies’ Spring Dinner Photos by Terry Johnson

  • A-2 • May 2012

    Ladies’ Spring Dinner Photos by Terry Johnson

  • May 2012 • A-3

    Ladies’ Spring Dinner Photos by Terry Johnson

  • A-4 • May 2012

    Ladies’ Spring Dinner Photos by Terry Johnson
