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Vol. 31, No. 4 October - December 2020 PP11220/03/20139(031899)

Full story on page 3

03-7887 6818

“The Living ECK Master of the times is the Living Word.”

Sri Harold Klemp, The Living Word, Book 3

Artwork courtesy of the ECKANKAR Graphics Kit

Change Is,�Oh, So Hard

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2 - Malaysian ECK Newsletter

The opinions expressed in this Newsletter are those of the writers and not necessarily those of ECKANKAR or

the Living ECK Master.

Copyright © 2020 ECKANKAR. All rights reserved. The terms ECKANKAR, ECK, EK, MAHANTA, SOUL TRAVEL,

and VAIRAGI, among others, are trademarks of ECKANKAR, PO Box 2000, Chanhassen, MN 55317-2000 USA.

Creativity of SoulA chela uses Soul's creativity to find solutions

Calendar of Activities

Satsang Classes

Youth in ECK Activity from the Gratitude Grab BagHow Do You Hear the HU? Questions for the Master

ECK Clerics, ECK Initiators, and ECK Spiritual Aides


Glossary & ECKANKAR Overview

Change Is, Oh, So Hard The Master reminds us that change is a rich opportunity.3









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Malaysian ECK Newsletter - 3

This thing called change affects us on both a personal and social level. As individuals, we find it's smart to conform to the standards of those in our immediate community or else suffer for it in some way.

Look, for example, at one who's been a lifelong member of a church and one day decides he must go elsewhere for his spiritual unfoldment. Living within the anonymity of a municipality makes one's change of belief easier because few of the other church members are likely to know him on a personal level. There'd only be his family to resolve a change with – still an unpleasant undertaking.

But it'd be different in a rural community, or in a small town where there's only one church, one religion, and everybody knows everybody. In a close blending like that of the personal and social areas, change to a new religion would pose more misunderstandings. Even censure.

So where is this going?

As an ECKist, you are a member of a “new” spiritual teaching under the name of Eckankar. Let's say you've been an ECKist a year or two. Most of the personal and immediate tumult lies in the past. It's done. That heavy karma is finished.

Change Is, Oh, So Hard

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The longer you're in Eckankar, the more likely it is that you'll move into some capacity of leadership. A Vahana, an ECK missionary, is especially aware of the subtle tides of thoughts and emotions that flow in the community. Introduce a new element, like the ECK teachings, into a place, and you can be assured of a reaction – either mild or strong. Let's just say here that the more things change, the more they stay the same. Now, bringing the ECK teachings into our personal and social world can likewise be a trial or an enrichment for all. It's in the doing.

History is a fair teacher. Let's take a look, then, at the persecutions that took place in England when its society said good-bye to the church of Rome, the Catholic Church. It was the Middle Ages. The Reformation had swept the continent of Europe. Finally, it came to England.

Here again we face the conflict between love and power. There will be more h a r m o n y i f a V a h a n a remembers to respect the just values of the community

and is not heedless of other's feelings. In short, it's all about love, consideration, and all that the two entail.

“ The longer you're

in Eckankar, the more likely it is that you'll move

into some capacity

of leadership. ”

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Malaysian ECK Newsletter - 5

But the lower class liked and needed the festivals of the Catholic Church, like the many fairs it sponsored to raise money to feed and clothe the poor. These fairs provided the lower-class youth a chance to meet, make sport, and thus marry and raise their own families.

Then came the Calvinistic teachings of the Reformation. It attempted to change the whole social order. The Puritans and the Presbyterians followed a teaching that allowed for no fun. No more all-day Sunday fairs. Instead, their plan of salvation had a severe face and body to it. Everybody could go to church for a couple of hours in the morning. Then, at home, the father was to discuss the sermon with his family in detail. That evening, for fun, they could return to church for yet another service. You can see how wrong this teaching was for the lower class. How would the young meet, have a good time, and find suitable mates? Guess the outcome. As could be expected, society wanted no part of the Calvinistic teachings in that form. They posed a threat to social order. One might have predicted the severe persecutions that fell upon the Puritans and Presbyterians. In a more recent case, a Missouri Synod Lutheran pastor tried several times to change the doctrinal rigor of his church. (This was the synod of my pre-ECK church.)

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After the September 11, 2001, tragedy at the World Trade Center in New York, this pastor joined in an ecumenical prayer

session with clerics of other faiths. The assembly included Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, and Hindus. Among the Christians were

Baptists, Roman Catholics, and others. But that denomination of the Lutheran Church has a rule against such intermingling with other faiths.

The pastor had committed a big error, the second of its kind.

On the face of it, his church might well be deemed wrong to censure him. But a review of church history shows why the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod had made the strict rule about its pastors not joining in the prayer services of other faiths.

In the early nineteenth century, the king of Prussia told Lutherans to worship with Calvinists. That'd be as if a political leader, like, say, the president of the United States, issued an edict that ECKists were to worship with Lutherans, Catholics, or Presbyterians. It wouldn't fly.

In protest, then, Lutherans fled from Prussia to Australia and the United States, where some settled in New York and Missouri. Hence, a Missouri-Synod Lutheran Church.

What's all that to do with us?

Change is relentless. It picks upon the just and the unjust alike. It occurs outside of Eckankar when we come into contact with other people. Even more to the point, change also causes consternation within Eckankar.

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Malaysian ECK Newsletter - 7

For example, the not-too-distant future will see factions arise – say, the “Paulists”. These will insist upon some minor point that they've fixed upon from the time of Paul Twitchell, the first spiritual leader of the present incarnation of the ECK teachings. They'll be rigid in thought. Unable or unwilling to grow with the outer trappings needed to conform to the basic requirements of society, they will rebel against change.

These rebels will fix on the outer form of Paul Twitchell instead of recognizing the rocklike foundation of the ECK teachings that the Living ECK Master of the times is the Living Word. His mission is to find and then lift people into higher states beyond the human consciousness.

It's so easy to stay on track. Follow the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. He'll guide you through all fears and illusions that accompany change.

Yes, for some, change is, oh, so hard. But for one who loves Sugmad (God) it is a rich, fulfilling opportunity.

- Sri Harold Klemp, The Living Word, Book 3, pp. 129 - 133

“ It's so easy to stay on track. Follow the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master. He'll

guide you through all fears and illusions that accompany change. ”

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In August, I signed up for a contemporary batik workshop conducted by an artist whom I had followed for a long time on Instagram. I was very excited.

The morning of the workshop arrived. I eagerly settled myself at the table where the artist welcomed the 9 participants cheerily and started explaining the techniques.

She also passed out some sample artwork that we could trace onto the fabric, but ever since she posed the question whether we had any of our own artwork in mind, a vision of a bright HU glowing in the middle had fixed itself firmly into my consciousness and I knew I had to manifest that onto the canvas.

After drawing our designs onto the cloth with colourpencil, the next, and most difficult part of the process was the chanting, where we would dip brass instruments into the hot wax and trace them onto the lines we had drawn.

My first attempts were clumsy, as expected, but as my confidence grew, I started to point the brass tip onto the contours of the HU I had drawn. And splat! A huge blotch of golden wax spilled onto the cloth. The thing with chanting is, there are no do-overs, no second chances, you just had to go with it.

At first I felt consternation, but then I decided to replicate my accident by creating more splotches, as if I meant it to be part of the design.

Creativity of Soul By Foo Bihzhu

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The instructor and the other workshop participants later told me that they wouldn't have known it was not deliberate if I hadn't told them, and I was indeed, very pleased with how the entire artwork turned out.

It reminded me of this quote by Sri Harold, “Soul, a particle of God, is blessed with the gift of creative imagination, which finds a solution for every problem.”

It then made me think about how everyone of us has to adapt to the drastic changes of life because of COVID-19. But if we would listen to the inner guidance of the Mahanta, all our “accidents” could turn into opportunities.

Now my HU batik piece hangs in my bedroom, and every time I see it, it makes me smile knowing that I can rely on Soul's creative power to find a solution for everything that life throws at me!

Malaysian ECK Newsletter - 9


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Soul's creative powers can turn

accidents into opportunities.

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Group Chela HU Chant 8.30 pm 02-Oct 06-Nov 04-Dec H.I.s on rotation(via Zoom) 1st & 3rd Fri 16-Oct 20-Nov 18-Dec

Inner Group H.I. Chant 8.30 pm 04-Oct 01-Nov 06-Dec -(For H.I.s only) 1st & 3rd Sun 18-Oct 15-Nov 20-Dec

Inner Group HU Chant 8.30 pm 09-Oct 13-Nov 11-Dec - 2nd & 4th Fri 23-Oct 27-Nov 25-Dec Book DiscussionThe Living Word, Book 4 2.00 pm 04-Oct 01-Nov 06-Dec Edna Choy/R. Menaga Devi

(via Zoom) 1st Sun 016-202 0973/019-275 3018

The Living Word, Book 4 * 2.00 pm 11-Oct 08-Nov 13-Dec Chua Guat Beng / Lorna Kuok

2nd Sun 012-219 8728/012-370 5433

The Flute of God * 2.30 pm 24-Oct 28-Nov 26-Dec Thangam Kunchappu 4th Sat 012-976 1224

Youth Satsang & 10.00 am - - - Wong Mae KumActivities 4th Sun 012-626 5176(On hold until further notice)

Group Chela HU Chant 8.30 pm 02-Oct 06-Nov 04-Dec Arahatas on rotation(via Zoom) 1st & 3rd Fri 16-Oct 20-Nov 18-Sept

Inner Group H.I. Chant 8.30 pm 04-Oct 01-Nov 06-Dec -(For H.I.s only) 1st & 3rd Sun 18-Oct 15-Nov 20-Dec

Chela HU Chant 8.30 pm 09-Oct 13-Nov 11-Dec - 2nd & 4th Fri 23-Oct 27-Nov 25-Dec

Book DiscussionThe Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad 8.30 pm 02-Oct 06-Nov 04-Dec Tan Chong ThyeBook Two * 1st Fri 016-457 5057

Activity Time Oct 20 Nov 20 Dec 20 Arahata



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Malaysian ECK Newsletter - 11

Group Chela HU Chant 8.30 pm 02-Oct 06-Nov 04-Dec Arahatas on rotation(via Zoom) 1st & 3rd Fri 16-Oct 20-Nov 18-Dec

Inner Group H.I. Chant 8.30 pm 04-Oct 01-Nov 06-Dec -(For H.I.s only) 1st & 3rd Sun 18-Oct 15-Nov 20-Dec

Inner Group HU Chant 8.30 pm 09-Oct 13-Nov 11-Dec - 2nd & 4th Fri 23-Oct 27-Nov 25-Dec

Youth Satsang & 10.30pm - - - Jasbir KaurActivities 4th Sun 011-1643 6865(On hold until further notice) Book Discussion Those Wonderful ECK 2.30 pm 11-Oct 08-Nov 13-Dec Mary Yoke Kwan LipMasters * 2nd Sun 012-543 5161

Group Chela HU Chant 8.30 pm 02-Oct 06-Nov 04-Dec H.I.s on rotation(via Zoom) 1st & 3rd Fri 16-Oct 20-Nov 18-Dec

Inner Group H.I. Chant 8.30 pm 04-Oct 01-Nov 06-Dec -(For H.I.s only) 1st & 3rd Sun 18-Oct 15-Nov 20-Dec

Inner Group HU Chant 8.30 pm 09-Oct 13-Nov 11-Dec - 2nd & 4th Fri 23-Oct 27-Nov 25-Dec

Group Chela HU Chant 8.30 pm 02-Oct 06-Nov 04-Dec H.I.s on rotation(via Zoom) 1st & 3rd Fri 16-Oct 20-Nov 18-Dec

Inner Group HU Chant 8.30 pm 09-Oct 13-Nov 11-Dec - 2nd & 4th Fri 23-Oct 27-Nov 25-Dec

Group Chela HU Chant 8.30 pm 02-Oct 06-Nov 04-Dec Arahatas on rotation(via Zoom) 1st & 3rd Fri 16-Oct 20-Nov 18-Dec

Inner Group H.I. Chant 8.30 pm 04-Oct 01-Nov 06-Dec -(For H.I.s only) 1st & 3rd Sun 18-Oct 15-Nov 20-Dec

Inner Group HU Chant 8.30 pm 09-Oct 13-Nov 11-Dec - 2nd & 4th Fri 23-Oct 27-Nov 25-Dec

Book Discussion 7.00 pm 03-Oct 07-Nov 05-Dec Thanabal / Kanaka ManiThe Flute of God * 1st Sat 012-517 8014 / 012-511 3407




Activity Time Oct 20 Nov 20 Dec 20 Arahata


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Group Chela HU Chant 8.30 pm 02-Oct 06-Nov 04-Dec Arahatas on rotation(via Zoom) 1st & 3rd Fri 16-Oct 20-Nov 18-Dec

Inner Group H.I. Chant 8.30 pm 04-Oct 01-Nov 06-Dec -(For H.I.s only) 1st & 3rd Sun 18-Oct 15-Nov 20-Dec

Inner Group HU Chant 8.30 pm 09-Oct 13-Nov 11-Dec - 2nd & 4th Fri 23-Oct 27-Nov 25-Dec

Book DiscussionThe Spiritual Exercises 8.30 pm 06-Oct 03-Nov 01-Dec Lim Kok Teeof ECK * 1st Tue 012-283 4783

Youth Satsang & 10.30 am - - - Jeevah MurugappanActivities 4th Sun 019-690 5861(On hold until further notice)

Group Chela HU Chant 8.30 pm 02-Oct 06-Nov 04-Dec H.I.s on rotation(via Zoom) 1st & 3rd Fri 16-Oct 20-Nov 18-Dec

Inner Group H.I. Chant 8.30 pm 04-Oct 01-Nov 06-Dec -(For H.I.s only) 1st & 3rd Sun 18-Oct 15-Nov 20-Dec

Inner Group HU Chant 8.30 pm 09-Oct 13-Nov 11-Dec - 2nd & 4th Fri 23-Oct 27-Nov 25-Dec

Book Discussion The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad 8.15 pm 22-Oct 26-Nov 24-Dec T. ThananayagamBook Two * 4th Thu 019-255 9585

Youth Satsang & 10.00 am - - - Kumalini SelvarajaActivities 4th Sun 012-332 5197(On hold until further notice)

* Chelas to continue with self-study

Activity Time Arahata


Oct 20 Nov 20 Dec 20


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Letters of Light & Sound 1 3.00 pm 10-Oct 14-Nov 11-Dec Thevy Selvaratnam(via Zoom) 2nd Sat 0 12-264 1465

Letters of Light & Sound 2 3.00 pm 03-Oct 07-Nov 05-Dec Puspa Ramachandran(via Zoom) 1st Sat 012-973 3390

Letters of Light & Sound 2 8.30 pm 11-Oct 08-Nov 13-Dec Shamila Manoharan(via Skype) 2nd Sun 019-385 2042

Soul Travel 1 * 3.00 pm 17-Oct 21-Nov 19-Dec Raja Kumari 3rd Sat 012-286 5186

The Secret Way 10.30 am 11-Oct 08-Nov 13-Dec Nancy Ong(via Skype) 2nd Sun 012-200 7352

The ECK Satsang 10.30 am 17-Oct 21-Nov 19-Dec Yagambara RajaDiscourses - First Series * 3rd Sat 012-229 8619

The ECK Satsang 10.00 am 11-Oct 08-Nov 13-Dec Harbhajan KaurDiscourses - Second Series 2nd Sun 012-664 1159(via Zoom)

The Master 2 Discourses 10.30 am 03-Oct 07-Nov 05-Dec Chiang Ghim Fong(via Skype) 1st Sat 016-661 2628 The Master 3 Discourses 11.00 am 24-Oct 28-Nov 26-Dec Chua Guat Beng(via Skype) 4th Sat 012-219 8728

The Master 4 Discourses * 8.00 pm 21-Oct 18-Nov 16-Dec K. Kandasamy 3rd Wed 012-391 0524

The Mystic World 11.00 am - 01-Nov - H.I.s on rotationDiscussions (Quarterly) 1st Sun(via Zoom)

Activity Time Arahata


Oct 20 Nov 20 Dec 20

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The Master 1 Discourses * 8.30 am 11-Oct 08-Nov - Santhi Sundaram 2nd Sun 017-683 0939

The Mystic World 11.00 am - 01-Nov - H.I.s on rotationDiscussions (Quarterly) 1st Sun(via Zoom)

The ECK Dream 1 3.00 pm 12-Oct 09-Nov 14-Dec Jasbir KaurDiscourses * 2nd Mon 011-1643 6865

The Precepts of 8.00 pm 05-Oct 02-Nov 07-Dec A. RetnamECKANKAR * 1st Mon 016-411 3525

The Mystic World 11.00 am - 08-Nov - H .I.s on rotationDiscussion (Quarterly) 2nd Sun(via Zoom)

The ECK Satsang 7.30 pm 13-Oct 10-Nov 08-Dec V.P. Kanaka ManiDiscourses - 2nd Tue 012-511 3407Third Series *

The Master 2 Discourses * 10.30 am 11-Oct 08-Nov 13-Dect S.Kalaiselvan @ Raja 2nd Sun 017-481 0798

The Mystic World 11.00 am - 08-Nov - H .I.s on rotationDiscussion (Quarterly) 2nd Sun(via Zoom)

Activity Time Arahata




Oct 20 Nov 20 Dec 20

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Malaysian ECK Newsletter - 15


The Easy Way Discourses 8.00 pm 21-Oct 18-Nov 16-Dec Santhi Sundaram(via Zoom) 3rd Wed 017-683 0939

The ECK Dream 1 4.00 pm 10-Oct 14-Nov 12-Dec J.VijayaletchmyDiscourses (via Skype) 2nd Sat 019-335 6793

The ECK Dream 2 8.30 pm 13-Oct 10-Nov 08-Dec Chow Yu FattDiscourses (via Skype) 2nd Tue 012-847 8687

Letters of Light & Sound 1 6.30 pm 24-Oct 28-Nov 26-Dec R.Rajeswari(via Skype) 4th Sat 016-608 2556

Soul Travel 1 (via Skype) 8.30 pm 14-Oct - - S.Saraswadi 2nd Wed 019-246 7034

The Secret Way (via Skype) 8.30 pm 22-Oct 26-Nov 24-Dec G. Subramaniam 4th Thu 019-206 8768

The ECK Satsang 8.00 pm 21-Oct 18-Nov 16-Dec GanthimathiDiscourses - First Series * 3rd Wed 019-383 8381

The ECK Satsang 8.30 pm 19-Oct 16-Nov 21-Dec Malarkodi VelooDiscourses - Second Series 3rd Mon 010-378 0067(via Zoom)

The ECK Satsang 8.30 am 25-Oct 22-Nov 27-Dec Amarjit KaurDiscourses Third Series 4th Sun 012-254 7175(via Skype)

The Master 1 Discourses 10.00 am 11-Oct 08-Nov 13-Dec P.Krishnan(via Zoom) 2nd Sun 012-331 5294

The Master 1 Discourses 1.30 pm 25-Oct 22-Nov 27-Dec R.Kogilavani(via Zoom) 4th Sun 012-258 0502

The Master 2 Discourses * 10.00 am 04-Oct 01-Nov 06-Dec Madhu S. 1st Sun 019-383 0914

The Master 2 Discourses 3.00 pm 25-Oct 22-Nov 27-Dec Nancy Ong(via Skype) 4th Sun 012-200 7352

The Master 4 Discourses 10.30 am 11-Oct 08-Nov 13-Dec Amarjit Kaur(via Skype) 2nd Sun 012-254 7175

The Mystic World 7.00 pm 31-Oct - - H.I.s on rotation Discussion(Quarterly) 5th Sat(via Zoom)


Activity Time ArahataOct 20 Nov 20 Dec 20

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The Mystic World 11.00 am - 08-Nov - H .I.s on rotationDiscussion (Quarterly) 2nd Sun(via Zoom)

The Master 3 10.30 am 10-Oct 14-Nov 12-Dec Jenny Tay Discourses * 2nd Sat 019-752 1870

The ECK Satsang 4.30 pm 22-Oct 26-Nov 24-Dec Chiang Ghim Fong Discourses First Series 4rd Thu 016-661 2628(via Skype)

* Chelas to continue with self-study


Activity Time ArahataOct 20 Nov 20 Dec 20



A Seed of Contemplation

—Sri Harold Klemp The Language of Soul

A healing can happen instantly. Or it may happen in other ways, such as when an individual comes in contact with another person

who says, "Hey, here is something which may help you." It’s still up to the individual to open his consciousness and accept the different

way of doing things.

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Vol. 1 No.6 Oct - Dec 2020

Published Quarterly

Malaysian ECK Newsletter - 17Youth in ECK

THE HU Is in All Sounds Best for ages: 4 - 13

Sit in a circle. Close your eyes. Be very quiet for a few minutes, and listen for the HU in the sounds you hear. Maybe it's in a car horn, a whirring fan, your own heartbeat, or your breathing.

Now open your eyes. Going around the circle, take

turns telling where you heard the HU.

When everyone runs out of ideas, you can sing the

HU for a few minutes.

This is a good exercise to help you calm down and

feel quieter.

The Sound Current, the song of the ECK, is with us

every moment. We can tune in and listen to It whenever

we choose, wherever we are.

(Excerpt from The Gratitude Grab Bag, pp. 22 – 23)


Spiritual Message

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18 - Malaysian ECK Newsletter Youth in ECK

(Excerpt from Sounds of HU by Crary Brouhard)

How Do You Hear the HU?

The book, Sounds of HU,

is written and illustrated

by Crary Brouhard and

is available from the

Eckankar website.

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Malaysian ECK Newsletter - 19Youth in ECK

Questions for the Master

The Power of Holy Words

Can spiritually charged words such as HU be overused, as were God and abracadabra? And, is it OK to change the inflection, tone, or meaning of such words in songs, jokes,

or conversation?

God and abracadabra lost their meaning when people lost the Living Word. The Sound Current was beyond their reach, and the priests could not lead them to It. Perhaps it was frustration with a dead religion that first led people to take the holy names of God in vain.

One who communicates daily with the Word of God, the ECK, can only speak words of joy and reverence. The Sound and Light are his heartbeat and breath, his golden love. How can he then but love God – and himself? Pure and holy songs spring from a pure and golden heart.

This also answers your second question.

(Excerpt from Youth Ask A Modern Prophet about Life, Love, and God, pp. 220 – 221)

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We welcome your contributions of


Send us your stories, experiences, poems, drawings, songs and games to

[email protected]

One who communicates daily with the Word of God, the ECK, can only speak words of joy and reverence. For one day say only words of joy and reverence.

What difference does this make in your life?

Record your insights here:

(Excerpt from Youth Ask A Modern Prophet about Life, Love, and God, pp. 229)


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Malaysian ECK Newsletter - 21

ECK Clerics & ECK InitiatorsGeetha Nair Tel: 012 - 215 2973NM Soundram Tel: 012 - 220 9683S. Kalaiselvan (Raja) Tel: 017 - 481 0798Lim Kok Tee Tel: 012 - 283 4783Lorna Kuok Tel: 012 - 370 5433Edna Mary Choy Tel: 016 - 202 0973Nancy Ong Tel: 012 - 200 7352

What is an ECK Cleric?A cleric’s duties include leading ECK Light and Sound Services and wedding, consecration, rite of passage, and memorial services.

ECK Clerics

Chin Kang King Tel: 017 - 338 1228

Bala Menon Tel: 013 - 520 2132

Awtar Singh Tel: 012 - 379 2206

K.Thangamany Tel: 012 - 976 1224

Chua Guat Beng Tel: 012 - 219 8728

What is an ECK Initiator?The ECK Initiator is a member of the ECK clergy who has been appointed by the Living ECK Master to perform ECK Initiation ceremonies.

What is an ESA?The ESA is a member of the ECK clergy, an Initiator, and is also specially appointed by the Living ECK Master to meet with individuals who wish personal spiritual assistance.

An ESA session, though not counseling, can help you find your own answers in challenging situations through the personal guidance of Divine Spirit. It is of a sacred and confidential nature.

ECK Spiritual Aides (ESAs) Geetha Nair Tel: 012 - 215 2973 NM Soundram Tel: 012 - 220 9683 Lorna Kuok Tel: 012 - 370 5433 Edna Mary Choy Tel: 016 - 202 0973

( Excerpted from Welcome to the Wonderful World of ECK! Your Membership Guidebook, pp. 61 - 63 )

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The Editor, Malaysian ECK NewsletterVia email: [email protected]

Via fax: 03-7497 1973Via mail: P.O. Box 98, Jalan Klang Lama, 58700 Kuala Lumpur

Upon receipt, contributions become the property of ECKANKAR Satsang Malaysia Bhd. Thank you!


03-7887 6818

03-7887 6818

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KAPAR ECK HOME GROUP(To be announced)

SEREMBAN ECK CENTRE479 Second Floor, Jalan Haruan 4/4 Oakland Commercial Centre70300 Seremban, NScontact: P. Devandran 012-238 0506 srmbnchairman@

JOHOR BAHRU ECK HOME GROUP21 Jalan Harmoni 1/2Taman Desa Harmoni81100 Johor Bahru, Johorcontact : Bachan Singh 013-798 [email protected]

HEAD OFFICEECKANKAR SATSANG MALAYSIA BHD31J-3 Kelana Mall, Jalan SS6/1247301 Petaling Jaya, SelangorTel & Fax : 03-7887 6818

KL ECK CENTRE31J-3 Kelana Mall, Jalan SS6/1247301 Petaling Jaya, Selangorcontact : G. Rajakumari Naidu 012-286 5186

[email protected]

IPOH ECK CENTRE37A Persiaran Perempuan Mazwin SelatanDesa Rishah Indah30100 Ipoh, Perakcontact : Chong Dii Tsang 012-506 [email protected]

KLANG ECK CENTRE3B, Tingkat 2, Jalan Bayu Tinggi 7Taman Bayu Tinggi 41200 Klang, Selangorcontact : Viknesuvaran Parumal 012-661 [email protected]

TERENGGANU ECK HOME GROUP445AA Jalan Kamaruddin20400 Kuala TerengganuTerengganucontact : M. Periasamy 09-623 [email protected]

PENANG ECK CENTRE98-2-27A Prima Tanjung, Jalan Fettes Bandar Tanjung Tokong 11200 Penangcontact : (To be announced)[email protected]

SITIAWAN ECK CENTRENo. 147 ATS, PSN Seri Manjung Pusat Bandar Seri Manjung 32040 Seri Manjung, Perakcontact : Kanakamani Vadivellu 012-511 [email protected]

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ckankar is a religion that teaches there is Ean audible life current known as the ECK, or Holy Spirit, that connects each

of us with the heart of God. We can experience the ECK as inner Light and Sound. Through study and practice of the Spiritual Exercises of Eckankar, we learn to recognize the Light and Sound of God as It touches our lives and brings increased divine love.

The spiritual leader of Eckankar is theMahanta, the Living ECK Master, Sri HaroldKlemp. The Mahanta is the inner, or spiritual,form of the Living ECK Master. The Mahantagives inner guidance through dreams, SoulTravel, and the Spiritual Exercises of ECK.Harold Klemp’s inspiring talks and writings,

ECKANKAR, the Path of Spiritual Freedom

The Temple of ECK,near Minneapolis, Minnesota

ECKANKAR Glossary / Eckankar 的专用词汇注释

and his practical approach to spirituality, helpthousands of people worldwide find greaterfreedom, wisdom, and love. His teachingsuplift and help them recognize their ownexperiences with the Light and Sound of God.

What Are the Light and Sound of God?The Light and Sound, known as the ECK or

Holy Spirit, flow out from the heart of God. The Light purifies Soul. It helps us see our

lives from a higher viewpoint. The Sound is always calling us home. It shows us the direction back to God.

With practice, we learn to recognize these twin aspects of God all around us. The Holy Spirit teaches us in the smallest details of our lives. The Spiritual Exercises of Eckankar helps us open ourselves to the Light and Sound of God.

A Spiritual ExerciseHU is an ancient name for God. When you

sing HU, you open your heart to the Light andSound of God.

Here is a simple spiritual exercise to try. First, close your eyes and look gently to a pointbetween your eyebrows. Then, softly sing HU(pronounced like the word “hue”). Now sitquietly for a few minutes. Watch and listen for the presence of God. It may come as a light or a sound, or in some other way.

ECK: The Life Force ; the Holy Spirit ; Audible Life Current which sustains all life; the realization of GOD CONSCIOUSNESS ; the source of all.



Living ECK Master: The title of the spiritual leader of ECKANKAR. His duty is to lead Souls back to God. The Living ECK Master can assist students physically as the Outer Master, in the dream state as the Dream Master and in the spiritual worlds as the Inner Master. Sri Harold Klemp became the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master in 1981.





1981年,Sri Harold Klemp���成为了当�大师�


Mahanta: A title to describe the highest state of God Consciousness on earth. An expression of the Spirit of God that is always with us.

Mahanta (读音Ma-han-ta):�是对在�间�有���


Soul: The true self. The inner, most sacred part of each person. As a spark of God, Soul can see, know, and perceive all things.




Soul Travel: A natural way to expand the consciousness, to experience the higher viewpoint of yourself as Soul through spiritual exercises.



Sugmad : The supreme God, the source of all life.

Sugmad:�����的圣�, 一�生命的起源。


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