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1.1 Background of Study

Every teaching-learning process aims at reaching an improvement in learning

achievement. In that process, the participation of both the teacher as the educator and the

students as the learners is needed. In other words, in a teaching-learning activity, the

teacher and students need to be involved. The most important thing in a teaching-learning

process is the process of learning, which happens in the students’ mind. Besides

receiving the learning material from the teacher, the students are also hoped to be active

in doing activities supporting their learning process such as reading, discussing, working

in groups, looking for other materials, and/or doing the school tasks so that they can be

more physically and mentally involved. Students’ involvement in the teaching-learning

process is a very determinative thing in the learning achievement. The higher the

students’ involvement level, the better the learning achievement will be.

Live at modern culture and life style, people today must can speak English fluently

in oral or written. In this globalization era most of the countries should used English

language as International language. In the manner of English language people can

communicate with other countries that can help in economy or business sector or just for

fun. To accomplished in Strata 1 at Faculty of Education student have to make an

proposal that will be represent in the auditorium to make an test and accuracy about the

proposal and it will be continue in thesis. In this case I as an student took an title about

my proposal Vocabulary Enlargement To Improve Reading Comprehension of The First

Year Students At SMUN 4 Balikpapan.

For many years, English has been the most important foreign language in

Indonesia, Which is taught from elementary school to university. However, in senior high

school, English is taught as main subject in which the government has changed the


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curriculum into Curriculum Based on Competence 2004. According to Departemen

Pendidikan Nasional (2003: 36).

The competence-basing language curriculum is a systematic draft and strategy which build the communicative competence or the competence of contextual. It means that it builds all the basis of competences themselves. They are like linguistics competences, social culture and strategies to make the benefit context.

From the statement above, it is clear that Curriculum Based on competence 2004

tries to develop and achieve the communicative competence or discourse competence

and has perspective that is comprehensive to the discourse. The learners must be able

to master the four skills, they are: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, also English

components such as: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc.

Mastering a language means practicing the four skills above very well. For the

example; someone wants to explain how and why the rain happens. The problem is how

she gets the knowledge, or she attains the understanding. The answer is, of course,

through reading and listening.

Reading is very important for teacher to establish reading skills for their students. Many specialist defined reading as the process of putting the reader in contact of communication with idea. Reading is simply one of the many ways in which human beings go about their basic business of “making sense of the world” (Eskey,1986).

The teaching of reading in Senior High School is essentially aimed at preparing the

students to be able to read English text that they will understand and they will encounter

in their lives. The goal of learning English language is to develops skill of communication.

Among the four skills above, writing is the most difficult one. Because it requires

demonstrating the control of a number of variables simultaneously; they are control of

content, format, sentence structure, vocabulary, punctuation spelling, etc.

1.2 Problem Statement

Many people in Indonesian or most in mature people recently can’t speak in

English well. In this case many causes that why people can’t speak in English well, or

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they limited by their own mother language or limited by their tribes languages. With less

knowledge of English vocabularies as well as.

Further more people can mastery investigated in this proposal is vocabulary

mastery based on derivation words. Base in knowledge more elder people so he /she able

to intemperance the vocabularies, but not all people do that, the problem here is how

people able to intemperance vocabularies as much as possible. Today in Senior High

School most of student has limited vocabulary as well as, in order to increase their ability

in English we should find the better formula how to boost their vocabulary. Most of them

find an difficulties in reading subject, in order to reading is most spend a lot of time to

know the meaning while to answer the questions, how they (students) able to answer the

questions if they don’t know the meaning. Reading test also included in English skill ability

and reading also included in UAN, as we know most of them there are many questions

about reading texts . In this thesis proposal the researcher formulate the problem how to

enlarge students vocabulary by SQ3R reading method. As far as we known the

vocabulary is the key of mastering language especially in second languages, with mastery

in vocabulary the students will be able to influence and increase their English ability both

in oral and written.

There are many theories and solutions how to intemperance people vocabularies

like : filled the blank words or missing words, cross word, match the words langkah-

langkah menguasai vocabulari. J. Onkosaputro, Gramedia Publisher (2006).

1.3 Objective of Study

In this objective of study the researcher want to know about the ability of students

in SMUN 4 Balikpapan in vocabulary acquisition in reading. Vocabularies is the main

purpose in communication, some countries that live in huge plain that have different

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languages, in other to communicate they should know the meaning of other languages, in

this earth there are many languages that use in other

countries, it mean each country have their own language, we can’t imagine if we can’t

understand of their languages or should me to remember or use their own language and

vocabulary ?

English language now most people in the world agreed to used it as international

language, so they can communicate well without to know their or own language in some

country. But back to the torque of it, if people don’t have more English vocabularies well

so they can’t fluently to communicate or interact with other nations and it will make miss

understanding of miss communication among them.

In reading comprehension the vocabulary mastery is the important one to

understanding the meaning of the texts or the statement that will avoiding miss match or

misunderstanding while the students answer the questions or understanding the meaning

of texts.

1.4 Significance of Study

Today so many English language course that opened by government or by

institute that direction to increase students ability in English. But most of them after have

an long course they got nothing from it, is so many problem and reason why people can

use English fluently. As far as we know the language is an kind of mother language in that

place (America or British), we can imagine why people can speak fluently ?? because in

he / she from that place or area ? maybe but the most important is learning an language is

like an baby, when we was born we actually don’t know about our parents mean but step

by step they teach us and mentions every words an things.

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In this research will give some useful information about vocabulary achievement

when students reading the texts. Hopefully, the result of this study it will be useful for the

writer, the teachers, students and all the readers. The result will be used for the following :

a. For the writer

By doing action research, the writer hopes that he can study and get more

information to identify the problem in mastering both vocabulary and reading

comprehension. Besides, the writer will get new experience and knowledge

for the future of his life.

b. For the teachers

This research is expected to provide students with the information about

vocabulary and reading comprehension, in which the teacher will help their

students when facing some problems in mastering both of them. English

teacher can used the result of the study of the feedback on teaching reading

activities so that the objectives of the English teaching program can be


c. For the students

By learning reading comprehension, the students can take some information

to identify their problems in mastering the vocabulary. Furthermore, they can

also increase their vocabulary and words derivations by reading


d. For the readers

It is expected by reading the final project the readers will have no finds any

difficulties in understanding vocabulary mastery through the keys of success

in reading comprehension.

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1.5 Scope and Limitation

Most people have difficulty in speak English well because their limited of

vocabularies. In this case if we don’t have much vocabularies we can’t communicate well

with other people an it will be make miss communication and miss understanding each

other, and if we have much vocabularies so we can communicate and interact with other

people well. Furthermore The writer is convinced that this study offers a very contribution

to the solution of educational problems, particularly in developing the people's vocabulary

mastery especially in derivation words.

Spelling is one of those fundamentals in life. Without better spelling skills, many

aspects of our lives can be enduring. It can also affect our self-confidence and how we

interact with others in our lives. The good news is that there are techniques to help us in

times of spelling dilemmas. They can also be used to improve our spelling over the longer


Some strategies to improve spelling include: breaking words down into their smaller parts (i.e. syllables); connecting words to their families; and examining prefixes and suffixes” (Knight-McKenna, 2008). If you are stuck, these are some handy ways of working out how a word is spelt.

Poor spelling can inhibit many things we do in life. There is, however, no reason to

let it affect you. Following some basic rules and techniques, you can develop better

spelling. It is just a matter of patience and practice.

1.6 Definition of Key TermsTo get definitive understanding of the research, the following definitions are


Vocabulary : the total number of words in a language

Enlargement : the action process of enlarging something or being enlarged

Improve : become or make something better

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Reading : the action of the person who read (kind of books, newspaper or


Comprehension : the power of understanding, an exercise aim that improve or testing

one’s understanding of an language

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2.1 The Definition of Vocabulary

2.1.1 Vocabulary Definition

The most of ability in speaking in English that people have to enrich their

vocabularies, to interact with other people, the communication with other countries.

Sometimes we find an hard earned in communication because we have less

vocabularies. Language as a mean communication seems to have played an

important role in human life. Language and human beings can not be separated.

Human life perspicuity can run well because they use language to communicate

something one another. Through the language, people gain a better insight into

human relations. They use the language to express their ideas and thoughts.

Meanwhile language itself can survive and develop because people use it and

teach to other people. Whoever, whenever and wherever they are, language

always accompanies them. Even when one is silent, basically he still uses

language it is a means used to form thought and feeling, will and activity. As

people known an English language is an international language that used to

communicate with other countries, so if we have less vocabularies, it will cause

miscommunication or misunderstanding between them. Vocabulary mean : the

total number of words in an language (Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary),

Vocabulary mean : pembendaharaan kata, daftar kata-kata, kosakata (kamus

Inggris-Indonesia, John M. Echols dan Hassan Shadily”). There are four skills that

we have to learn in English : speaking, writing, reading and listening. Speaking

ability is an kind of ability that people can interact between other, writing ability is

an kind of ability that people can write good spelling in notes and written lesson,

reading ability is an kind of ability that people an read good pronunciation that


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people can understand the meaning, listening ability is an kind of ability that

people can listening an conversation and able to answer or give an statement


In these case base on The Word Book Dictionary. Clarence L Barnhart. 1968

Edition. Published by Thorndike-Barnhart, Chicago, Illions :

- Reading vocabulary

A person’s reading vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when

reading. This is the largest type of vocabulary simply because it include the

other three

- Listening vocabulary

A person’s listening vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when

listening to speech. This vocabulary is aid in size by context and tone of


- Writing vocabulary

An person writing vocabulary is all the words he or she can employ in writing.

Contrary to the previous two vocabulary types, the writing vocabulary is

stimulated by its user.

- Speaking vocabulary

A person’s speaking vocabulary is all the words he or she can use in speech.

Due to the spontaneous nature of the speaking vocabulary, words are often

misuse-though slight and unintentional-may be compensated by facial

expression, tone of voice or hands gesture.

Herewith some of quotation from the author whom dedicated their self in

learning of vocabulary methods :

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Without grammar, very little can be conveyed. Without vocabulary, nothing can

be conveyed” (Wilkins 1972:111).Vocabulary is central to language and of critical

importance to the typical language learner” (Zimmerman 1997:5). Lack of

vocabulary knowledge will result in lack of meaningful communication. The main

benefit that can be obtained from all learning strategies is autonomy, students

can take charge of their own learning (Nation, 2001:222) and gain independence

and self-direction.

2.1.2 Vocabulary Growth

Initially, in the infancy phase, vocabulary growth request no effort. Infants

hear words and mimic them, eventually associating them with objects and

actions. Once the reading and writing vocabularies are attained –through

questions and education – the anomalies and irregularities of languages can be


Base on Partially composing using “vocabulary”. Sebastian Wren, Ph.D

In the first grade, an advantaged student (i.e literate student) knows about twice as many words as disadvantaged student. Generally this gap does not tighten. This translates into wide range of vocabulary size by age five or six, at which time an English-speaking child will know about 2,500-5,000words. An average student learn some 3,000 words per year, or approximately eight words per day.

After leaving school, vocabulary growth reaches a plateau. Student may

expand their vocabularies by engaging in activities such as reading, playing word

games, and participating in vocabulary programs.

2.1.3 The Effect of Vocabulary Size on Language Comprehension

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The vocabulary have strongest influents in learning language, it mean the

student than have much knowledge vocabularies will be able to understand and

know about the speaker meaning and he able to reply it. It will cause the

language comprehension more rather than less knowledge of vocabularies. W.N

Francis, and H. Kucera Frequency Annalist of English Usage, Houghton Mifflin,

Boston, 1982”,studied texts totaling one million words and found that if one

knows the words with the highest frequency, they will quickly know most of the

words in a text :

Table 2.1 : Vocabulary progressNO Vocabulary size Written text coverage Explanation

1 0 words 0%

2 1000 72.0

3 2000 79.0

4 3000 84.0

5 4000 86.8

6 5000 88.7

7 6000 89.9

8 15.851 97.8Taken from : W.N Francis, and H. Kucera Frequency Annalist of English Usage, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1982

By knowing the 2000 words with the highest frequency one would know

80% of the words in those text. The number look even better than this if we want

to cover the words we come across in an informally spoken context. Then the

2000 most common words would cover 96% of the vocabulary. These number

should be encouraging to beginning language learners, especially because the

number in the table are for word lemmas and knowing that many word families

would give even higher coverage. Vocabulary Learning Strategies can be

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considered as a subset of general learning strategies in second language


O’Malley and Chamot (1990) interested in learning strategies and characteristics of good language learner defined learning strategies as “the special thoughts or behaviors that individuals use to help them comprehend, learn or retain new information” (O’Malley and Chamot 1990:1).

This very broad definition is echoed by Schmitt in defining vocabulary learning

strategies. Citing Rubin (1987), Schmitt (1997) claims learning is “the process by

which information is obtained, stored, retrieved and used…Therefore vocabulary

learning strategies could be any which affect this broadly defined process (Rubin

1987, cited in Schmitt 1997:203).

With the ever-increasing ease at which our lives transcend international

borders, there are many more opportunities to work, study, and conduct business

abroad. Often, these opportunities can present a double-edged sword to those

who originate from non-English speaking backgrounds. This is when it becomes

necessary to improve English vocabulary in order to achieve goals and succeed

in diverse environments.

Developing vocabulary knowledge is a fundamental aspect in acquiring a

second language (Gao, 2007). For the college student, it can be even more

daunting because apart from increasing English vocabulary, they also are

required to learn academic language. For those wishing to study at a college or

university, a different set of vocabulary skills are often required. Santos (2000)

found that 1 in every 6 words in a sample of community college textbooks was

academic vocabulary.

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is perhaps the most

widely recognized English as a second language test in the world. The

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assessment is targeted at non-English speakers who wish to gain entry into

English speaking colleges and universities. It tests a student’s capacity for being

able to communicate effectively in English at the tertiary education level (ETS,

2008a). The test is widely accepted, with more than 6,000 institutions and 130

countries accepting the examination. It is essential that a student improve

English vocabulary to do well on this test.

In 2005, the TOEFL went online (TOEFL iBT) (ETS, 2008b). The test is

primarily targeted at English used in academic settings. The student or

prospective student is required to demonstrate that they have developed English

vocabulary to such an extent that success in an academic environment is

achievable. They are tested on the following:

1. Comprehend academic reading materials;

2. Understand academically spoken English (listening);

3. Demonstrate their ability to speak English as it is spoken in an academic

setting; and

4. Show you posses the ability to write as you would in an academic environment

where English is the first language (ETS, 2008b).

5. Developing English Vocabulary

2.2 The Definition of Reading

Reading is the important skill in learning a language. It also mean of recreation

and enjoyment. At the same time it enlarges knowledge improves the technological

achievement .

In order to develop reading skill it necessary to read many kind of reading

materials. Student not should only develop their reading skill through formal education

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and assignment in various school and text book, but they also should read fiction

books, newspaper and magazines.

According to Bond, Pinker and Walson (1979:3) that in our world, reading more

will provide information and it makes our knowledge become increasing in great

number. Clack and Sandra (in Simanjuntak, 1988: 15) define reading as an active

cognitive process in increasing with print and monitor comprehension to establish

meaning. Kennedy (1982:5) has argument that reading can defined as the ability of an

individual to recognize a visual form; associate the form with a sound and meaning

acquired in the cover and on the part of experience, understanding and interpret its


How far is someone said to be successful in reading the written material ?

In relation with this, Mon’s sates :

The reader is called upon, not only to understand the message from the author, but its also reflect upon it, asses its value by comparison with previously learned concept and finally to reach out in imagination to new real as a result of stimulus of the text (Morris Moyle, 1976:26).

Heilman (1981:242) says that reading comprehension is a process of thinking

sense of written idea through meaningful interpretation and interaction as a multifaceted

process affected by several thinking and language abilities. Kennedy (1981: 192-193)

says that :

Reading Comprehension is a thinking process by which a pupil selects fact information, or ideas from printed material, decides how they related to previous knowledge he has acquired, and judges their appropriateness and worth for meeting his own needs and objectives.

From the statements above the writer concluded that, in order to comprehend a

reading selection fast person must be able to use the information a make conclusion

and read critically, to understand the figurative, to determinate the author’s purpose.

The vocabulary side it really needed to understand the meaning of the text, by reading

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the books that people enjoyment like newspaper or magazine, they absolutely not

realize their vocabulary enlarge itself by natural.

2.2 .1 Introduction of Reading Comprehension

There are many reasons why adults look to improve their vocabulary

knowledge. The type of people that seek to develop their vocabulary can be just

as varied. They may hail from English-speaking backgrounds (including

professionals such as lawyers and business people, and students) or English

may be their second language (such as overseas college students or university

students). For those native English speakers that exited the school system early,

improving one’s vocabulary can sometimes be a daunting and uncomfortable

prospect. The good news is that improving your vocabulary can be a

straightforward and enriching experience.

Vocabulary and reading comprehension

Vocabulary is the knowledge of word meanings (Shanahan, 2005). The depth of a person’s vocabulary is particularly important for their ability to comprehend reading material (NAEP, 2008). Countless studies have shown vocabulary is an essential element of understanding what we read (see Figure 1) (NAEP, 2008).

Figure 2.2: Vocabulary as an Important Component of Reading

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Taken from California Department of Education, 2007

The Dilemma: Vocabulary helps reading comprehension and reading

improves vocabulary. According to McShane (2005):

Reading is one way of improving your vocabulary. Meanings are understood when they are experienced in a variety of contexts. The cycle that presents itself is one where the person with low vocabulary skills often does not read. Without frequent and broad reading, vocabulary development is limited.Those adults who have not completed secondary school or other school-related subjects often do not possess the background knowledge that is needed to comprehend certain words (ie the contextual knowledge).

Despite knowing the word when it is heard, the adult is not able to

decipher it in written form (Curtis and Kruidenier, 2005). The result is oral

vocabulary exceeds reading vocabulary.

Figure 2.3 : Limited vocabulary skills can limit vocabulary development

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Taken from California Department of Education, 2007

Enriching your vocabulary also enriches your life. Reading comprehension

and communication benefit. Career and social life can profit. There is no longer a

need to feel embarrassed or inadequate due to poor vocabulary skills. There are

simple methods that can be used to increase your vocabulary. And it is never too

late to begin.

2.2.2 The Connectivity Between Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension

Growing your vocabulary gives you the freedom to fully participate in

activities that would not normally be available. Opportunities abound when a

person has a rich vocabulary. Essentially, by developing your vocabulary, you

are developing your capacity for learning (Manzo et al., 2006). Whether it is at

work, study, or social events, improving your vocabulary can give you the

confidence you need to succeed. The good news is that there are many effective

techniques on how to improve vocabulary.

a. Different Types of Vocabulary Knowledge

Knowing vocabulary does not simply refer to an individual’s

knowledge of the meaning of words. When developing your vocabulary, you

need to consider the difference between: receptive and productive; and

breath and depth (Belisle, 2007).

Receptive vocabulary refers to your understanding of vocabulary

when you hear or read it. Productive vocabulary denotes the understanding

of words and phrases in verbal and written scenarios (Belisle, 2007).

Expressive vocabulary is another word used for productive vocabulary.

Expressive (productive) vocabulary generally requires greater knowledge

and understanding than receptive vocabulary (Allen, 2006”)

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When considering techniques on how to improve vocabulary, the learner must be aware that depth relates to word knowledge. Depth refers to the “meaning … morphology, phonology, syntax, sociolinguistic aspects, differences between written and spoken uses, and strategies for approaching unknown words” (Belisle, 2007, p. 2).

Breadth, on the other hand, refers to understanding the different

meanings that are attached to the word. Increasing one’s vocabulary can

also occur via unplanned association. That is, improving vocabulary can

occur through exposure and non-structured learning. The problem with this

technique, however, is that the learner must possess existing vocabulary

knowledge. In many scenarios, this is not the case. Additionally,

understanding or inferring the meaning of a word by just hearing it in context

is not always possible. As such, structured learning is often necessary.

Another known strategy to improve vocabulary is that of gaining

understanding of a word in context. Word meaning is influenced by how a

word is said or the language that surrounds it. Immersing yourself in reading

will increase your vocabulary.

b. Understanding Words with Context Clues

In order to develop understanding, context clues can be one of those

techniques on how to improve vocabulary. There are different types of

context clues, including: cause and effect; contrast or opposites; synonyms

or paraphrases; and, examples. The cause and effect type is a word in a

sentence that causes something to happen and an effect is produced by it.

This will assist in understanding the word meaning. For example, ‘our

dawdling on the beach made us late for the start of the game’.

Another strategy on how to improve vocabulary is that of the contrast

or opposite type of context clue. In this clue, two words that are opposite to

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each other are used in the same sentence. For example, ‘the shirt was

large, but the jacket was petite’. The synonym or paraphrase context clue

refers to similar words or phrases used within a sentence or paragraph and

assists in understanding the meaning of the word. For example, ‘we set sail

on the ocean and went out to sea’. With the example type of context clue,

the category in which an example is given will help you understand the

meaning (such as, ‘the Persian is a very fluffy cat).

According to Bromley (2007), there are a number of other techniques on how to improve vocabulary. If you don’t understand a word, split it into syllables. If you know the meanings of these word parts, your chances of understanding the word are greatly increased.

Along these same lines is breaking words into prefixes, suffixes,

and roots. These will also help you to understand the meaning of the word.

Another method of developing your vocabulary is to take your time. Learning

too many words at once will lead to overload and will be ineffectual. Try and

associate words with your own understandings and existing knowledge. This

will allow long-term memory retention.

2.2.3 How to Increase Students Ability Through Vocabulary in Reading


The wise person said, there are many ways to the Rome’s. That wise words

is often we heard in our life reality. Why and How ?? ….Why student can’t increase

their English ability that had been learn from elementary school until senior high

school and How to increase student ability in English well ??

There are so many ways to increase student ability in English, for example

we gave he /she an task to remember 5 words every day and at the end of the month

the teacher will give an examination from that task, it’s absolutely work but this

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method really un pleasure for the most students especially the students with less

ability and interesting in kind of English study field. Although memorization can be

seen as tedious or boring, associating one word in the native language (English) with

the corresponding word in the second language until memorized is still one of the best

method of vocabulary acquisition.

By the time students reach adulthood, they generally gather a number of personalize memorization methods. Although many argue that memorization does not typically require the complex cognitive processing that increase retention (Sagarra & Alba, 2006).

Some words cannot be easily linked through association or other methods. When

a word in the second language is phonologically or visually similar to a word in the native

language one often assumes they also share similar meanings. Though this is frequently

case, it is not always true. When face with a false cognate, memorization and repetition

are the keys to mastery. If the second language learner relies solely on word

associations to learn new vocabulary, that the person will have very difficult time

mastering false cognates. When large amounts of vocabulary must acquired in an limited

amount of time, when the learners needs to recall information quickly, when words

represent abstract concepts or are difficulty to create as an mental image, or when

discriminating between false cognates, rote memorization is the method to use. One

useful method to build vocabulary in an second language is the keyword method. When

additional time is available or one wants to emphasize a few key words, one create

mnemonic devices or word associations.

Although these strategies tend to take longer implement and make take longer in recollection, they create new or unusual connections that can increase retention request deeper cognitive processing thus increasing the likelihood of retention Sagarra, Nuria, & Alba, Matthew. (2006).

The Key Is in the Keyword: L2 Vocabulary Learning Methods With Beginning

Learners of Spanish. The Modern Language Journal, 90, ii. p. 228-243. This method

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uses fits within Paivio’s (1986)dual coding theory because it uses both verbal and image

memory systems. And how to boost the students ability in vocabulary with simple

ways ??. We can used an kind of games that can increase their ability by unwittingly

enhance. The kind games like scribble, missing word, cross words even by computer

education games.

2.3 Teaching Method

Teaching methods are best articulated by answering the questions, What is the

purpose of education?" and "What are the best ways of achieving these purposes?. For

much of prehistory, educational methods were largely informal, and consisted of children

imitating or modeling their behavior on that of their elders, learning through observation

and play. In this sense, the children are the students, and the elder is the teacher; a

teacher creates the course materials to be taught and then enforces it. Pedagogy is a

different way by which a teacher can teach. It is the art or science of being a teacher,

generally referring to strategies of instruction or style of instruction. Resources that help

teachers teach better are typically a lesson plan, or practical skill involving learning and

thinking skills. A curriculum is often set by the Government with precise standards. These

standards can change frequently, depending on what the this place or country used the



2.3.1 Diversity in Teaching in the Classroom

For effective teaching to take place, a good method must be adopted by a

teacher. A teacher has many options when choosing a style by which to teach.

The teacher may write lesson plans of their own, borrow plans from other

teachers, or search online or within books for lesson plans. When deciding what

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teaching method to use, a teacher needs to consider students' background

knowledge, environment, and learning goals. Teachers are aware that students

learn in different ways, but almost all children will respond well to praise.

Students have different ways of absorbing information and of demonstrating their

knowledge. Teachers often use techniques which cater to multiple learning styles

to help students retain information and strengthen understanding. A variety of

strategies and methods are used to ensure that all students have equal

opportunities to learn.

2.3.2 Domain Theory

According to Benjamin Bloom the domain theory in students learning

divide into three domains that will boost of student knowledge that for the teacher

must known for the progress of teaching and learning. He focused much of his

research on the study of educational objectives and, ultimately, proposed that

any given task favors one of three psychological domains: cognitive, affective, or

psychomotor. The cognitive domain deals with a person's ability to process and

utilize (as a measure) information in a meaningful way. The affective domain

relates to the attitudes and feelings that result from the learning process. Lastly,

the psychomotor domain involves manipulative or physical skills.

a. Cognitive Domain

Cognition is the scientific term for "the process of thought". Usage of

the term varies in different disciplines; for example in psychology and

cognitive science, it usually refers to an information processing view of an

individual's psychological functions. Other interpretations of the meaning of

cognition link it to the development of concepts; individual minds, groups, and

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organizations. The psychological result of perception and learning and


b. Affective Domain

The affective domain represents one of the three divisions described in

modern psychology: the cognitive, the cognitive, and the affective.

Classically, these divisions have also been referred to as the "ABC of

psychology", in that case using the terms "affect", "behavior", and "cognition".

In certain views, the cognitive may be considered as a part of the affective, or

the affective as a part of the cognitive.

This article discusses theoretical perspectives, history and

psychological meanings of the term, as well as distinctions between mood

and emotion. Its mean how the student take an focus when the teacher

present the subject in front of the class.

c. Psychomotor Domain

Psychomotor learning is the relationship between cognitive functions

and physical movement. Psychomotor learning is demonstrated by physical

skills such as movement, coordination, manipulation, dexterity, grace,

strength, speed; actions which demonstrate the fine motor skills such as use

of precision instruments or tools, or actions which evidence gross motor skills

such as the use of the body in dance, musical or athletic performance.

Behavioral examples include driving a car, throwing a ball, and playing a

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musical instrument. In psychomotor learning research, attention is given to

the learning of coordinated activity involving the arms, hands, fingers, and

feet, while verbal processes are not emphasized. its mean after the teacher

explain the subject that the student able to apply in their life.

2.3.3 Communicative language teaching

Communicative language teaching (CLT) is an approach to the teaching of

second and foreign languages that emphasizes interaction as both the means

and the ultimate goal of learning a language. Overview of CLT

As an extension of the notional-functional syllabus, CLT also

places great emphasis on helping students use the target language in a

variety of contexts and places great emphasis on learning language

functions. This means that successfully learning a foreign language is

assessed in terms of how well learners have developed their

communicative competence, which can loosely be defined as their

ability to apply knowledge of both formal and sociolinguistic aspects of

a language with adequate proficiency to communicate.CLT is usually

characterized as a broad approach to teaching, rather than as a

teaching method with a clearly defined set of classroom practices. As

such, it is most often defined as a list of general principles or features.

One of the most recognized of these lists is David Nunan’s (1991) five

features of CLT:

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1. An emphasis on learning to communicate through interaction in

the target language.

2. The introduction of authentic texts into the learning situation.

3. The provision of opportunities for learners to focus, not only on

language but also on the Learning Management process.

4. An enhancement of the learner’s own personal experiences as

important contributing elements to classroom learning.

5. An attempt to link classroom language learning with language

activities outside the classroom SQ3R Method In this action research the researcher using SQ3R method in

reading. SQ3R stands for the steps in reading: survey, question, read,

recite, review. It might seem like it takes more time to use the SQ3R

method. Hereby the steps of SQ3R Method :

1. Survey

Before reading, survey the material. Glance through the topic

headings and try to get an overview of the reading. Skim the

sections and read the final summary paragraph to get an idea of

where the chapter is going. Only spend a few minutes surveying

the reading to get a background knowledge, an initial orientation

that will help you to organize the material as you read it. It eases

you into the reading assignment

2. Question

Look at the first heading in the chapter. Turn it into a question. Ask

questions to be answered in your reading. This step requires

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conscious effort, but is worth it as it leads to active reading, the

best way to retain written material. Asking questions focuses your

concentration on what you need to learn or get out of your


3. Read

Read the first section of your reading assignment to answer your

question. Actively search for the answer to your question. If you

finish the section and haven't answered the question, reread it.

Read reflectively. Consider what the author is trying to say, and

think about how you can use that information.

4. Recite

Once you've read an initial section, look away and try to recite the

answer to your question, using your own words and examples. If

you can do this, it means that you understand the material. If you

can't, glance over the section again. Once you have the answers

to your questions, write them down.

5. Review

After reading the entire assignment, test your memory by asking

yourself the questions that you've identified. Review your notes for

an overview the chapter. Consider how it fits with what you know

from the course, experience, and other classes. What is the

material's significance? What are the implications or applications

of this material? What questions are you left with?

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3.1 Research Design

In this research the author used the method of Action research is a reflective

process of progressive problem solving led by individuals working with others in teams or

as part of a "community of practice" to improve the way they address issues and solve

problems. Action research can also be undertaken by larger organizations or institutions,

assisted or guided by professional researchers, with the aim of improving their strategies,

practices, and knowledge of the environments within which they practice. As designers

and stakeholders, researchers work with others to propose a new course of action to help

their community improve its work practices (Center for Collaborative Action Research).

Kurt Lewin, then a professor at MIT, first coined the term “action research” in about 1944.

In his 1946 paper “Action Research and Minority Problems” he described action research

as “a comparative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action

and research leading to social action” that uses “a spiral of steps, each of which is

composed of a circle of planning, action, and fact-finding about the result of the action”.

Action research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an

immediate problematic situation and to further the goals of social science

simultaneously. Thus, there is a dual commitment in action research to study a system

and concurrently to collaborate with members of the system in changing it in what is

together regarded as a desirable direction. Accomplishing this twin goal requires the

active collaboration of researcher and client, and thus it stresses the importance of co-

learning as a primary aspect of the research process.

What separates this type of research from general professional practices,

consulting, or daily problem-solving is the emphasis on scientific study, which is to say


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the researcher studies the problem systematically and ensures the intervention is

informed by theoretical considerations.

Several attributes separate action research from other types of research.

Primary is its focus on turning the people involved into researchers, too - people learn

best, and more willingly apply what they have learned, when they do it themselves. It

also has a social dimension - the research takes place in real-world situations, and

aims to solve real problems. Finally, the initiating researcher, unlike in other

disciplines, makes no attempt to remain objective, but openly acknowledges their bias

to the other participants. In this case the standard achievement (KKM) in English

Subject (specially in Reading) is 66 and the researcher would used this action research

method to enlarge students vocabulary by reading comprehension, and its true with the

method and the cycles will increase their knowledge in English subject.

3.2 Subject of The Study

The research base on SMAN 4 Balikpapan, Jl. Sepinggan Baru III, RT. 13

Number 36, Sepinggan Balikpapan Selatan. The reason why the author choose the

place of research because the author on duty in that place and beside that the author

want to used an kind of research to enlarge student ability especially in English


The subject of this research was the first grade students of SMAN 4 Balikpapan

in academic years 2009/2010. SMAN 4 Balikpapan has 9 classes of class X1 up to X9

the total number of the students . The researcher took the class to make the condition

better. The researcher determined the sample size based on Gay’s (1992:137)

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suggestion:”the minimum number of subject to be acceptable for a research depend on

the type of research involved. For descriptive study, a sample of 10% of population is

considered minimum. The requirement above consider for taking sampling for big

population, 10% or 20% of population only if the research gets big population. They

should above 100 – 1000 population.

For this research, the researcher took 15% from the population. The calculation

of the sample was 386 X 15% = 44. The 44 students were taken as sample for this


Table 3.1 : Jumlah siswa SMA Negeri 4 Balikpapan Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010

No Kelas dan Program/Jurusan Jumlah siswa pertingkatX XI XII

I Kelas X 3861. Kelas X-1 432. Kelas X-2 423. Kelas X-3 424. Kelas X-4 445. Kelas X-5 436. Kelas X-6 44

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7. Kelas X-7 428. Kelas X-8 449. Kelas X-9 42

II Kelas XI-1 3411. Kelas XI-IPA-1 352. Kelas XI-IPA-2 353. Kelas XI-IPA-3 344. Kelas XI-IPS-1 395. Kelas XI-IPS-2 406. Kelas XI-IPS-3 397. Kelas XI-IPS-4 398. Kelas XI-IPS-5 409. Kelas XI-IPS-6 40

III Kelas XII-1 2781. Kelas XII-IPA-1 302. Kelas XII-IPA-2 303. Kelas XII-IPS-1 434. Kelas XII-IPS-2 445. Kelas XII-IPS-3 446. Kelas XII-IPS-4 447. Kelas XII-IPS-5 43

JUMLAH 386 341 278JUMLAH TOTAL 1005

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Taken from SMAN 4 Balikpapan Profile 2009 – 2010

In this research the author took one class as an representation at X-4 that

contain 44 students in this action research

3.3 Research Instrument

As the purpose of this action research the researcher will find out the standard

of achievement in Communicative Language Teaching in reading comprehension.

As next target the researcher (teacher). The teacher will develop learning method in

class room, it mean the learning method include teacher and student will join and

participated when studying.

It means the students achievement not only base on teacher skill but also base

in students active skill. And when the result of achievement was not good the teacher

will make an summary and review about that causes and will be fix it in next class meet.

To complete the research instrument the author will make an kind of procedure that will

be connected in this action research. Herewith the steps of kind of procedure of action

research :

Action Research Procedure

1. Research design

2. Data and data acquisition

a. Data source

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b. Data Collection technique

c. Instrument of data collection

3. For helping and make easier in procedure of collecting data from this research and

will be arranging the plan and research procedure as following :

Table 3.2 : The Description of Action Research

Cycle 1

Study and plan :

Identification problem andprepare the alternative forsolving the problems

Make a learning plan that will apply to Determine the subject

Develop learning scenario Arrange lesson plan and student work Prepare the learning sources Develop evaluation format Develop observation format learning

Take an Action Applying the references scenario and Lesson plan

Collect and Analyze Evidence

Perform an observation base on observation format Arrange the action research achievement base on

lesson plan


Do an evaluation that has been done that included time evaluationin every action of activities

Do an discussion to review the result of evaluation and scenarioof lesson plan etc

Fixing the action base on evaluation that will be used in next cycle

Evaluation of Cycle 1

Cycle 2

Study and Plan Problems identification and determination of solving problems

Developing of cycle 2

Take an Action Perform an cycle 2 action

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Collect and Analyze Evidence

Data collection from cycle 2

Reflection Evaluation of cycle 2

Next Cycle

Conclusion, suggestion and recommendation

Figure 3.1 : Action Research Cycles

Taken from ;2010

3.4 Technique of Collecting Data

1. Data source and observation in scope of object and use to gather data related for

understanding of learning material.

2. Evaluation used to gather data associated that connected with understanding of

learning material.

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Collection data that taken from this research is an teacher and students

activities, it is mean teacher and students as subject research. But the most data

collection from this research is data from students activities, among others :

a. Pre test achievement

b. The achievement of post test, specifically the achievement that taken from

student activities in every cycle.

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

The data that taken from this research is kind of quantitative data, specifically the data

that taken from students examinations in order to able to quantitative computed, and

data from student questioner that has been filled by students. All of data source taken

from students for being subject of research :

1. Written test

In this written test the students must pass the pre test to check the ability of

vocabulary and followed by post test. The posttest is specifically a kind of test

from students when they finished the learning process from communicative

language learning. And another next test if the indicator has not been achieved.

2. The questioner, specifically the questioner that included kind of effort to enlarge

of vocabulary by reading comprehension

3. The observation check lsit, specifically an kind of picture of documentation of

teaching learning process.

To support of this research, it will be needed some of instrument data support among

others :

1. The implementation learning plan

2. The questions of evaluation

3. Questioner

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To complete of technique of data analysis, the author will present an kind of data

analysis, among others :

1. Data analysis achievement from students evaluation

The students evaluation process, will give an kind of score between 0 until 100.

Because it contain of 20 questions, and when the teacher give the achievement

will be use this formula :

S = CA x 5

Where : S = Final score

CA = the number of correct answers

2. The data analysis from questioner

The result of data questioner will be use of this formula :

P = x 100%

Where :

P = Student percentage

n = the number of students who provide answer on a particular option

X = overall students number

100% = constant number

3.6 Schedule of Action Research

The schedule in this research will be started in 05 April 2010 until 21 June 2010.

It base on the target of action research, and if not able fulfill the target of action

research the cycle will be continues in next cycle.

Table 3.3 : The schedule of Action Research

No KEGIATANApril Mei Juni

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 41 Perencanaan 5 12

2 Proses pembelajaran 20 27

3 Evaluasi 4 11

4 Pengumpulan Data 18

5 Analisis Data 25

6 Penyusunan Hasil 1

7 Pelaporan Hasil 8

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4.1 Research FindingIn this research finding the researcher want to start in pre test, it kind the

measurements of students ability in reading comprehension. In this pre test the

researcher spread of the assignment that must be answer the 20 questions in 45

minutes. The content of the questions it self is an kind of vocabulary test like vocabulary

diversity , and reading comprehension. Before the pre test begin the researcher (teacher)

give the purpose of the test and motivation. And after the examination finished the

researcher found the is no motivation of the students to do an test and they find the

difficulties when answer the questions.

The most problem found when the students have less vocabulary mastery to

answer the synonym and antonym than the most less comprehension to know the

reading text.

Table 4.1 : Pre test result

Nilai Min Nilai Max Rata -rata Tuntas Tidak Tuntas0









NilaiJumlah Siswa

A. Cycle 1


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1. Study and Plan

In the cycle 1 the teaching learning will used the SQ3R method as explain in

chapter III. The SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) method is an

kind of reading comprehension method when students try to analyze the reading

text. In this step the teacher will prepare all of the material or subject that will be

used in the class room like: develop learning scenario, arrange the lesson plan

and student work, prepare the learning sources, develop evaluation format and

develop observation format.

2. Action

In this step the teacher arrange the students in group and each group contain of

five students and spread of the material subject. In this step the students make

group randomly not by their willingness to avoid some students doesn’t have


3. Collect and Analyze Evidence

In this step the researcher will be accompany by the observer as supervisor and

to give the clue and guide when the teaching learning begin. In this step learning

teaching will be focus on :

a. Teacher activities

Base on the observer the researcher do some activities like :

1. The lesson plan has applying in front of the class

2. Explaining the lesson plan and purpose to the students

3. The teacher as motivator, dynamism and facilitator

4. Arrange the action research achievement base on lesson plan

b. Students activities

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The students more motivate to discuss the topic as an coeval teaching,

and than the students more active to answer the questions base on the

text. In this step the students analyze the reading text by SQ3R method,

they discuss and analyze the topic by survey the reading text with their

team mates , question by the each paragraph base on the questions of

the text, read the text, recite in front of the class with other groups and

make an short review from the text.

5. Reflection

In this step the teacher do an evaluation that has been done , discuss to review

the result of evaluation scenario and fixing the action base on evaluation that

will be used in next cycle. in this case the students find some difficulty to used

the method because there are so many step ahead and this method is

something new for them but in this step the teacher explaining the method not

used it all, they can used flexibly the SQ3R method not the whole. In this step

there are an differences from the pre test, they are here more motivate and be

challenged to solve the reading text.

Table 4.2 : Cycle 1 result

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Nilai Min Nilai Max Rata - rata Tuntas Tidak Tuntas0










NilaiJumlah Siswa

B. Cycle 2

1. Study and Plan

The teaching learning will be arrange as in cycle 1, that is used the SQ3R

(Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) method is an kind of reading

comprehension method when students try to analyze the reading text. In this

step the teacher will be create different basic competence that has been used

in cycle this cycle the teacher find some problems identification and

determination of solving problem in cycle 1

2. Action

Base on cycle 1 the teacher arrange the students in group and each group

contain five students and spread of the material subject. In this step the teacher

will be guiding the students to give the clue of the subject and as the motivator

and the facilitator .

3. Collect and Analyze Evidence

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As in cycle 1, the teacher will be accompany by the observer as the supervisor

in teaching learning process.

a. Teacher activities

Base on the observer the researcher do some activities like :

1. The lesson plan has applying in front of the class, in this step the

teacher make different basic competence in cycle 1 that will be apply

in the classroom.

2. Explaining the lesson plan and purpose to the students

3. The teacher as motivator, dynamism and facilitator

b. Students activities

The students more motivate to discuss the topic as an coeval teaching,

and than the students more active to answer the questions base on the

text. In this step the students showed the interesting and focus the

subject and their ability to understanding the reading text has been

increase rather than in cycle 1.

4. Reflection

The learning process has been change, and it cause improving impact in

teaching learning procedure when the teacher used the SQ3R method. Base

on this step the teacher make the conclusion as :

a. The students more motivate in learning especially in reading subject

b. The students able to answer the questions that given by the text by using

SQ3R method more faster.

c. The students achievements reach the satisfy result eventhough some

students can’t reach it.

Table 4.3 : Cycle 2

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Nilai Min Nilai Max Rata -rata Tuntas Tidak Tuntas0










NilaiJumlah Siswa

4.2 Discussion In the pre test the teacher find most the students find the difficulty in English

subject especially in reading comprehension, we can see in table 4.1 most of students

not reach of KKM in reading subject. It about 55 % students reach the KKM and 45 %

students not able to reach the KKM. The problems here is the students not able to

understand the reading context because their limited vocabulary. The students doesn’t

understand the meaning of the text to answer the questions that given by the text. As

follow in cycle 1 the teacher used the SQ3R method to understanding the reading

comprehension text. In the cycle 1 the student find the difficulty to understanding the

SQ3R method, because this method in something new for them, but when the teacher

applying the method some of them has been accustomed in the method as in table 4.2

when the teacher give the basic competence of reading subject some of them able to

understand the reading text and able to answer the questions that given by the text. In

the cycle 1 the students show their progress in learning English, they has been improved

by SQ3R method in table 4.2 the students reach above KKM is 72 % and the students

below KKM is 28 %.

The SQ3R method not only base on group of students method but it can used by

single student, in this research the teacher arrange them in group to make learn faster

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about the reading method. In cycle 2 the teacher find the difficulty some of students not

able to apply the SQ3R method, and in this cycle the teacher make and evaluate and

review the cause and fix it in next cycle, in table 4.3 the students reach above KKM is 92

% and 8 % below of KKM. In this cycle the students success to apply the SQ3R method

and used it in reading comprehension and the students find their motivation and self

confident in learning English well.

Table 4.4 : Motivasi siswa belajar menggunakan metode SQ3R





Motivasi Siswa Belajar

34% Menarik

21% lebih baik

18% Mudah

27% Penggunaan dilan-jutkan

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5.1 Conclusions

After conducting the research, the author comes to his conclusion that :

a. The vocabulary and reading comprehension in first year of SMUN 4 Balikpapan is

fair base on KKM is 66. Only 55 % of students reach the KKM and 45% not able

to reach the base achievement, in this case it will be hard work for the teacher

especially in English subject to boost and motivate in learning English, and it will

be hard work to make remedial assignment test if they are not reach the base of

KKM and will be spend of a lot of time of schedule plan.

b. The vocabulary mastery is really helpful for the students to solve the reading

comprehension text, retrace the national exams about 65 % include the reading


c. There are some methods to understand the reading text like skimming, to read

aloud etcetera, but in this case the SQ3R method is very helpful for the students

to solve the problem when they answer or understanding the reading text.

d. The are the significant changing in learning English especially in reading, when

the students used the SQ3R method they are more motivate and challenged in

reading comprehension.

e. There are significant changes in students achievement from pre test until cycle 2.

f. The SQ3R method is very complicated, like survey, question, read, recite and

review. But when the students used this method they are not fully utilized than

they can used some of the method steps base on the reading text.

5.2 Suggestions

From the conclusion above, some suggestions are offered as following :


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a. To improve the teaching learning especially in reading subject the teachers

suggested to used the SQ3R method.

b. The teachers must give vocabulary assignments in every class meet to improver

their vocabulary mastery.

c. For the next researcher if they used this kind of research the should be : develop the

main scope of the object, used the various sample and review of the learning


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