
—— 1 ——

El tiempo Weather

aguacero, chaparrón heavy shower, downpour

arco iris rainbow

brillar to shine

brisa breeze

bruma haze, fog, mist

calor heat

copo de nieve snowflake

ciclón cyclone

cielo sky

clima climate

despejado cloudless, clear

escampar to clear off

escarcha frost

estrella star

frío cold

gota drop

gotear to drop, leak

granizo hail

helar to ice, freeze

hielo ice

huracán hurricane

inundación flood

luna moon

llover to rain

lluvia rain

llovizna drizzle

lloviznar to drizzle

lluvioso rainy

mojarse to get wet

neblina mist

nevada snowfall

nevar to snow

nieve snow

nube cloud

nublado cloudy

ola wave

pronosticación forecast

ráfagas gusts

rayo ray, thunderbolt

relámpago lightning

relampaguear to flash with lightning

remolino whirlwind

sol sun

soleado sunny

tormenta, tempestad storm

tronar to thunder

trueno thunder

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Los materiales, Materials,

metales, Metals,

minerales y Minerals &

vegetales Vegetables

acero steel

algodón cotton

aluminio aluminum

arena sand

bronce bronze

carbón coal

cinc zinc

cobre copper

cromo chromium

cuarzo quartz

cuero leather

esmeralda emerald

estaño tin

hierro iron

Vocabulario AP


hule, caucho rubber

joyas jewels

ladrillo brick

lana wool

lino linen, flax

linterna eléctrica flashlight

madera wood

mármol marble

máscara mask

minería mining

oro gold

pana corduroy

piedra stone

plástico plastic

plata silver

platino platinum

plomo lead

seda silk

tela material

terciopelo velvet

túneles tunnels

vidrio glass

yeso plaster

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Los animales Animals

alpaca alpaca

ardilla squirrel

ballena whale

bandada flock of birds

buey ox

caballo horse

cabra goat

camello camel

cachorro cub

canguro kangaroo

carnero ram, mutton

castor beaver

cebra zebra

cerdo, puerco pig

cobayo guinea pig

cocodrilo crocodile

colmena beehive

conejo rabbit

culebra, víbora snake

delfín dolphin

elefante elephant

foca seal

gato cat

gaviota seagull

gorila gorilla

guanaco guanaco

gusano worm

jaca mare

jirafa giraffe

león lion

liebre hare

lirón dormouse

lobo wolf

lombriz de tierra earthworm

llama llama

manada herd, flock, pack

mapache, mapachín raccoon

mono monkey

mula mule

murciélago bat

ordeñar to milk

oso bear

oveja sheep, ewe

panal honeycomb

perro dog

pez fish

pingüino penguin

potro stallion

puma cougar

rana frog

rata rat

ratón mouse

rebaño flock

sanguijuela leech

sapo toad CO�TI�UADO

serpiente de cascabel rattlesnake

ternero calf

tigre tiger

toro bull

tortuga turtle

vaca cow

venado stag, deer

vicuña vicuna

yegua mare

zorro fox

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Los pájaros Birds

águila eagle

avestruz ostrich

búho, lechuza owl

buitre buzzard

canario canary

cigüeña stork

cisne swan

colibrí hummingbird

codorniz partridge

cuervo crow

faisán pheasant

gallina hen

gallo rooster

ganso goose

gaviota seagull

golondrina swallow

gorrión sparrow

guacamayo macaw

halcón hawk

loro parrot

nido nest

oca, ganso goose, gander

pato duck

pavo turkey

pavo real peacock

perdiz partridge

perico parakeet

pichón young pigeon

pollo chicken

pingüino penguin

ruiseñor nightingale

urraca crow

Los insectos Insects

abeja bee

alacrán scorpion

araña spider

avispa wasp

ciempiés centipede

chinche bedbug

cucaracha roach

escarabajo beetle

grillo cricket

gusano worm

hormiga ant

luciérnaga firefly

mariposa butterfly

mosca fly

mosquito mosquito

oruga caterpillar

polilla moth

pulga flea

saltamontes grasshopper

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Los peces y Fish and

moluscos Mollusks

almeja clam

anchoa anchovy

anguila eel

atún tuna

bacalao codfish

besugo sea bream


calamar squid

camarón shrimp

cangrejo crab

caracol snail

concha shell

espina fishbone

gamba prawn

langosta lobster

langostino prawn

marisco shellfish

mejillón mussel

ostra oyster

pescado fish (ready to eat)

pez fish (alive)

pulpo octopus

raya, manta raya stingray, devilfish

salmón salmon

sardina sardine

tiburón shark

trucha trout

venera scallop

Las armas Weapons

ametralladora machine gun

arco bow

arma arm, weapon

bala bullet

bomba bomb

cañón cannon

dinamita dynamite

disparar, tirar to shoot

escopeta shotgun

espada sword

flecha arrow

fusil rifle

herir to wound

lanza lance, spear

pólvora gunpowder

pistola pistol

puñal dagger

revolver revolver

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Los árboles Trees

abedul birch

álamo poplar

almendro almond

árbol tree

arce maple tree

arbusto bush, shrub

caoba mahogany

castaño chestnut tree

cedro cedar

cerezo cherry

corteza bark, peel

dátil date

higuera fig tree

hoja leaf

huerto orchard

madera wood

manzana apple

membrillo quince

naranjo orange

nogal walnut

nuez nut

olivo olive

olmo elm

palmera palm

pino pine

raíz root

rama branch

roble, encina oak

sauce willow

sauce llorón weeping willow

tronco trunk

Las flores Flowers

amapola poppy

añil indigo


azucena white lily

capullo bud

clavel carnation

crisantemo (-ma) chrysanthemum

dalia dahlia

enredadera climbing plant, vine

espina thorn

geranio geranium

girasol sunflower

jacinto hyacinth

jazmín jasmine

lila lilac

lirio iris, lily

madreselva honeysuckle

margarita daisy

narciso narcissus, daffodil

orquidea orchid

pensamiento pansy

pétalo petal

ramo bouquet

rosa rose

tallo stem

tulipán tulip

violeta violet

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Las frutas y Fruits and

nueces Nuts

aceituna olive

aguacate avocado

albaricoque apricot

almendra almond

avellana hazelnut

banana, guineo banana

cacahuete, maní peanut

cáscara rind, peel, skin

castaña chestnut

cereza cherry

ciruela plum

ciruela pasa prune

coco coconut

dátil date

frambuesa raspberry

fresa strawberry

higo fig

limón lemon

mandarina tangerine

mango mango

manzana apple

melocotón, durazno peach

melón melon

mora mulberry

naranja orange

nuez nut

pasa raisin

piña pineapple

plátano plantain

sandía watermelon

semilla seed

toronja, pomelo grapeftuit

uva grape

zarzamora blackberry

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Las hortalizas, Vegetables

legumbres y Legumes &

los cereales Cereals

ajo garlic

alcachofa artichoke

apio celery

arroz rice

avena oats

batata sweet potato

berenjena eggplant

berro watercress

calabaza pumpkin, squash CO�TI�UADO

cebada barley

cebolla onion

centeno rye

col, repollo cabbage

coliflor cauliflower

espárrago asparagus

espinaca spinach

garbanzo chickpea

grano grain, cereal

guisante green pea

habichuela, frijol bean

hongo, champiñón, seta mushroom

lechuga lettuce

lenteja, judío lentil

maíz corn

papa, patata potato

pepino cucumber

perejil parsely

pimiento pepper

rábano radish

remolacha beet

tomate tomato

trigo wheat

zanahoria carrot

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La casa The House

alfombra rug, carpet

almohada pillow

armario wardrobe

ascensor elevator

aspiradora vacuum cleaner

azotea flatroof

balcón balcony

bandeja tray

batidora blender

bombilla light bulb

butaca, sillón armchair

cacerola, cazuela pan

cajón drawer, case, chest

calefacción heating

cenicero ashtray

césped lawn

cesto, canasta basket

chimenea fireplace, chimney

colcha bedspread

colchón mattress

cómoda dresser

cortina curtain

cristal window glass

cuadro picture

cubiertos silverware

cubo pail

cuna cradle

enchufe socket, outlet

escoba broom

escritorio desk

espejo mirror

estante shelf

estufa stove

fregadero kitchen sink

funda pillowcase

gabinete closet

gaveta drawer

grifo faucet

horno oven

lámpara lamp

lavamanos bathroom sink

lavaplatos dishwasher

luz light

manta blanket

mantel tablecloth

mecedora rocking chair

microonda microwave

nevera icebox

olla pot

pared wall

pasta dentífrica toothpaste

percha hanger

persianas blinds

piscina swimming pool


plancha iron

pisapapeles paper weight

refrigerador refrigerator

sábana sheet

sala living room

sartén frying pan

sótano basement

suelo floor

toldo awning

tubería plumbing

timbre doorbell

tocador dressing table

vajilla dinner service

vestíbulo vestibule, lobby, foyer

vitrina display case

zaguán foyer

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La casa The House


acera sidewalk

alcoba bedroom

arquitectura architecture

azulejo tile

baño bathroom

barrio neighborhood

buhardilla attic

butaca easy chair

casa house

cemento cement

césped lawn

choza hut

cocina kitchen

comedor dining room

despacho office

desván attic

diván sofa

domicilio residence

dormitorio bedroom

ducha shower

edificio building

entrada entrance

escalera staircase, ladder

estante bookcase

fachada facade, front

garaje garage

habitación, cuarto room

hierba grass

madera wood

mecedora rocking chair

muebles furniture

pared wall

pasillo hall

patio patio

piso floor

reja grating

sala living room

sótano basement

suelo floor

techo roof

umbral threshold

vecindad area

vecindario neighborhood

vecino neighbor

ventana window

verja grill

vestíbulo foyer

vidrio glass (window)

vivienda housing

zaguán foyer, entry


construir to construct, build

destruir to destroy

fregar to scrub

freír to fry

hervir to boil

lavar to wash CO�TI�UADO

limpiar to clean

regar to water


arquitectónico architectural

elegante elegant

impresionante impressive

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Las herramientas Tools

alicates universales pliers

brocha paint brush

clavo nail

cordón eléctrico electric wiring

destornillador screwdriver

llave para tubos monkey wrench

lima file

martillo hammer

mazo mallet

nivel de agua water level

perforadora eléctrica electric drill

regleta ruler

serrucho saw, handsaw

sierra circular circular saw

soplete welding torch

tenaza de corte wirecutters

tornillo screw

tuerca nut

La familia The Family

abuelo grandfather

abuela grandmother

ahijado/ahijada godson/daughter

bisabuelo/bisabuela great-grandparent

bisnieto/bisnieta great-grandchild

bebé baby

casado/casada married

cuñada sister-in-law

cuñado brother-in-law

esposa/mujer wife

esposo/marido husband

geneología geneology

hermana/hermano sister/brother

hermanastra stepsister

hermanastro stepbrother

hija/hijo daughter/son

hijastra/hijastro stepchild

huérfana/huérfano orphan

madre/padre mother/father

madrastra/ stepmother

padrastro stepfather

madrina/padrino godmother/godfather

padres parents

pariente/familiar relative

sobrino/sobrina nephew/niece

soltero/soltera bachelor/single woman

solterón/solterona old bachelor/old maid

suegro father-in-law

suegra mother-in-law

tío/tía uncle/aunt

viudo/viuda widower/widow

yerno son-in-law

nuera daughter-in-law

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La ropa y los Clothes and

artículos Personal Articles


abrigo coat, overcoat

aguja needle

alfiler pin

anillo, sortija ring

anteojos, gafas, lentes glasses

arete earring


atavío attire

babero bib

bastón walking stick (cane)

bata dressing gown, robe

billetera wallet, billfold

cartera wallet, billfold

bolsa, bolso purse, handbag

bota boot

botón button

calzado footwear

calzoncillos underpants, boxer


camiseta T-shirt

camisón nightgown

capa cape

cepillo brush

collar necklace

corbata tie

chaleco vest

cuello collar

dedal thimble

delantal apron

faja girdle

guante glove

hebilla buckle, clasp

hilo thread

imperdible safety pin

llavero key chain

maleta suitcase

manga sleeve

media stocking

ojal buttonhole

pañuelo handkerchief

paraguas umbrella

peine comb

pijama pajamas

portamonedas change purse

pulsera bracelet

ropa clothing, clothes

ropa interior underwear

sandalias sandals

sombrilla, parasol parasol, sunshade

tijeras scissors

tirantes suspenders

velo veil

—— 13 ——

El cuerpo The Body

arruga wrinkle

barba beard

barbilla chin

bigote mustache

brazo arm

cara, faz, rostro face

ceja eyebrow

cerebro brain

cintura waist

codo elbow

columna vertebral spine

corazón heart

costilla rib

cutis complexion

dedo finger, toe

encía gum

estómago stomach

frente forehead

hígado liver

hombro shoulder

hueso bone

lágrima tear

lunar birthmark, mole

mejilla cheek

muela molar (tooth)

muñeca wrist

nariz nose

nuca nape (of the neck)

nudillo knuckle

oído ear (inner)

ombligo navel

oreja ear (outer)

párpado eyelid


patillas sideburns

pelo, cabello hair

pestaña eyelash

piel skin

pulgar thumb

pulmón lung

puño fist

riñón kidney

rodilla knee

sangre blood

seno breast

sudor sweat

tobillo ankle

uña fingernail

verruga wart

—— 14 ——

La salud Health


aliento breath

antibiótico antibiotic

aspirina aspirin

bigote beard

boca mouth

brazo arm

cabello hair (head)

cabeza head

caderas hips

cáncer cancer

cara, rostro face

catarro cold

cejas eyebrows

cinturón waist

columna vertebral spine

cuello neck

cuerpo body

cura cure

curandero healer

dedos fingers, toes

dientes teeth

dolor pain

enfermedad illness

espalda back

fiebre fever

frente forehead

garganta throat

hombros shoulders

hospital hospital

inyección injection, shot

lengua tongue

mano hand

medicina medicine

médico, doctor doctor

mejilla cheek

muñeca wrist

nalgas buttocks

nariz nose

oídos ears (inner)

ojos eyes

orejas ears (outer)

párpados eyelids

pastillas, píldoras pills

pecho chest, breast

pie foot

pierna leg

pelo hair (head & body)

receta prescription

régimen, dieta diet

remedio remedy

resfriado cold

rodilla knee

salud health

talón heel

temperatura temperature

tobillo ankle

torso torso

yeso plaster cast



atender to attend (care

auscultar to listen to (heart)

bostezar to yawn

cuidar to care for

doler to ache, hurt

ejercer to exercise

empeorar to get worse

enfermarse to get sick

estornudar to sneeze

fallecer to die

fracturarse to break

lastimarse to hurt

mantenerse to keep in shape

mejorarse to get better

morir to die

operar to operate

padecer to suffer

ponerse to become

recuperar to recuperate

respirar to breathe

romper to break

sentirse to feel

sufrir to suffer

toser to cough


consciente conscious

eficaz effective

grave serious

manso gentle

peligroso dangerous

sano healthy

roto broken


gurdar cama to stay in bed

—— 15 ——

Los juegos Games

ajedrez chess

alfil bishop (in chess)

apostar to bet, to stake

apuesto bet, wager

as ace

barojar shuffle

blanco target

bola de nieve snowball

caballo knight

naipes playing cards

comodín joker

crucigrama crossword puzzle

dar mate to check

dar, distribuir, repartir to deal

dardos darts

declarar to bid

encerrar to block

escondite hide-and-seek

farol bluff

figuras face cards

ganar una baza to win a trick

honda, tirador slingshot

jaque mate checkmate

juegos de azar games of chance

juegos de cartas card games

juegos electrónicos video games

jugador player

mano hand

muñeco de nieve snowman

peón pawn

ping-pong table-tennis

raqueta racket

reina queen

rey king

rompecabezas riddle

solitario solitaire

tablas draw


tablero board

tirarse un farol to bluff

torre castle, rook

trineo sled

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El circo The Circus

acróbata acrobat

carpa tent

circo ambulante traveling circus

desfile parade

domador (de leones) tamer (lion)

enano dwarf

equitación horse riding

fiera wild animal

jaula cage

látigo whip

mago magician

payaso clown

presentador ringmaster

prestidigitador conjurer

red net

salto tumble

tienda tent

toldo tent

tragasables sword swallower

La feria y The Fair and

la verbena the Carnival

adivino fortune-teller

montaña rusa roller coaster

noria, el chicago Ferris wheel

parque de atracciones amusement park

pitonisa palmist

puesto de feria sideshow, stall, booth

tiovivo merry-go-round

—— 17 ——

El entretenimiento Activities

baile de disfraces masquerade party

bote de remos rowboat

cabalgata de carnaval carnival parade

campo de juego playground

carroza parade float

castillo de arena sand castle

columpio swing

comida campestre picnic

cubo y pala pail and shovel

discos compactos CDs

discoteca disco

disfraz costume

fuegos artificiales fireworks

globo balloon

máscara mask

paseo de campo a day in the country

parque zoológico zoo

patinaje artístico figure skating

patinaje sobre el hielo ice skating

patines de hielo ice skates

patines de ruedas roller skating

remos oars

remar to row

velero sailboat

zarpar to sail

El ocio Leisure


amistades friendships

atracción attraction

aventura adventure

banda band

ciencia ficción science fiction

cine the movies CO�TI�UADO

competencia contest, match

concierto concert

entrada ticket

entretenimiento entertainment

espectáculo show

estrella star

función show

lujo luxury

ocio leisure

orquesta orchestra

pasatiempo pastime

película film

revista magazine

sinfonía symphony

teatro theater

video video

videocasete videocassette

videograbadora video camera


aplaudir to clap, to applaud

descansar to rest

distraerse to amuse oneself

divertirse to have a good time

entretener to entertain

escuchar to listen to

estrenar to show, premiere

fatigarse to wear oneself out

gozar de to enjoy

oír to hear

regocijar to delight

reírse to laugh

relajarse to relax

tocar to play music


aburrido boring

atrevido daring

cómico funny

diverso diverse

divertido fun, amusing

emocionante moving

estelar stellar

juvenil juvenile

lento slow

maravilloso marvelous

pavoroso frightening

relajado relaxed

sorprendente surprising

soso dull

vivaz lively

—— 18 ——

Los deportes Sports

alpinismo mountaineering

alzamiento de pesos weightlifting

árbitro referee, umpire

baloncesto basketball

balonvoleo, vólibol volleyball

béisbol baseball

boxeo boxing

campeonato championship

campo, terreno field

cancha court

canoa canoe

carrera a campo crosscountry


carrera de obstáculos steeplechase

carrera de velocidad car race

carrera en carretera road race

coche de carrera race car

competencia competition

concurso de saltos diving competition

decatlón decathlon

entrenador trainer

equitación horseback riding

esquí skiing

esquí acuático waterskiing

estilo style


estilo libre freestyle

fútbol soccer

fútbol norteamericano football

gimnasia gymnastics

gol goal

golf golf

guante glove

guía guide

hipódromo racetrack

hockey sobre hielo ice hockey

jinete rider

juez de línea lineman

jugador player

lanzamiento de disco discus

lanzamiento de martillo hammer throw

lanzamiento de peso shot put

maratón marathon

marcar un gol to score a goal

natación swimming

palo bat

pelota de fútbol soccer ball

piscina swimming pool

pista track

portero goalie

regata regatta, sailing


remar rowing

raqueta racket

salto con pértiga pole vault

salto de altura high jump

salto de longitud long jump

temporada season

tenis tennis

torneo tournament

trineo sled

velódromo velodrome

—— 19 ——

La enseñanza Education

aprender de memoria memorize

asignatura course

asistir a to attend (class)

aula, sala de clase classroom

aula magna, anfiteatro lecture hall

bachillerato college entrance


beca scholarship

catedrático tenured professor

ciudad universitaria university campus

colegio private high school

colegio de párvulos private grade school

deberes homework

decano dean

descanso break

dictar una conferencia to lecture

director principal

disciplina discipline

doctorado doctorate

ejercicios exercises

enseñanza, escuela education, school

primaria primary

media middle

secundaria, superior secondary

escuela de artes y liberal arts school


escuela de comercio business school

escuela técnica technical school

escuela privada private school

escuela profesional vocational school

escuela pública public school

examen oral, escrito oral, written exam

facultad académica faculty

graduar to graduate

horario schedule

internado boarding school

jardín de infancia kindergarten


licenciado graduate with a profes-

sional degree

licenciarse to graduate with degree

licenciatura professional degree

matrícula, matricular enrollment, to enroll

mochila bookbag

oyente auditor

pedagogía, pedagógico pedagogy

profesorado faculty

prueba test

recreo recess

repasar review

semestre semester

suspender una asignatura to fail a course

tesis thesis

tomar apuntes to take notes

trimestre trimester

universidad university

vacaciones escolares school breaks

—— 20 ——

La escuela School


alumno, estudiante student

aula classroom

bachillerato high school diploma

beca scholarship

biblioteca library

bolígrafo ballpoint pen

borrador eraser

carrera career

cifra number

comité committee

comprensión comprehension

conferencia lecture

conocimiento knowledge

curso course (of study)

cuaderno, la libreta notebook

derecho law, the right

desventaja disadvantage

director principal

disciplina discipline

ejercicio exercise

enseñanza teaching

especialización major

estrés stress

facultad faculty

goma de borrar eraser

habilidad skill, talent

horario schedule

lápiz pencil

lectura reading

licenciatura university degree

materia, la asignatura subject

matrícula registration

mayoría the majority

nivel the level

notas, calificaciones grades

papel role

pensamiento thought

período period

pluma pen

pizarra, pizarrón blackboard

presión pressure

primaria elementary school

privilegio privilege

procedimiento procedure

prueba test

puntaje score

regla ruler

requisito requirement

sabiduría wisdom

secundaria high school

sistema system

tarea work

tiempo completo full time

tinta ink

tiza chalk

título diploma CO�TI�UADO

ventaja advantage, benefit


aburrirse to get bored

acostumbrarse to get used to

aprender to learn

aprobar to pass

aprovacharse to take advantage


asistir a to attend

borrar to erase

comportarse to behave

conseguir to get

consistir en to consist of

dedicarse to dedicate oneself

dibujar to draw

discutir to discuss

distraer to distract

educar to educate

enseñar to teach, show

entender to understand

entrenarse to train

escoger to choose

experimentar to experience

gozar to enjoy

graduarse to graduate

imponer to impose

influir to influence

ingresar to enroll

intentar to try, attempt

matricular to register

quejarse to complain

realizar to fulfill

repasar to review

salir bien/mal to do well/badly

solicitar to apply

suspender, reprobar to fail


dictar (una clase) to give (a class)

( una conferencia) (a lecture)

estar cansado to be tired

estudiar mucho to study hard

ganarse la vida to earn a living

hacer una pregunta to ask a question

interesarse por to be interested in

llamar la atención to call one's

attention to

presentarse a to apply for

presentarse al examen to take an exam

prestar atención to pay attention

sacar (buenas) notas to get (good) grades

malas notas bad grades

tener éxito to be successful

tomar apuntes to take notes


aburrido boring

agotado worn out

alternativo alternative

analfabeto illiterate

anticuado ancient, old

antipático mean

aplicado, trabajador hard working

cotidiano daily

divertido fun

emocionante exciting

estudiantil student

estupendo great

exigente demanding

extracurricular extracurricular

infatigable untiring

llamativo eye-catching

ocioso lazy, slothful

optativo elective

perezoso lazy

predilecto favorite

satisfecho satisfied

simpático nice

social social

torpe dense

tranquilo quiet

—— 21 ——

La música Music

arco bow

arpa harp

banda band

batuta baton

bombo bass drum

cadencia beat

canción de cuna lullaby

cante jondo Andalusian Gypsy song

castañuelas castanets

compás beat

concierto concert

cuerda string

escala, gama scale

estribillo refrain, chorus

flauta flute

gama scale

guitarra guitar

himno hymn

laúd lute

melodía melody

música instrumental instrumental music

ópera opera

palillo small stick

pandereta, pandero tambourine

ritmo rhythm

sinfonía symphony

tambor drum

tonalidad key, tonality

tecla key (on a keyboard)

tono tone

trompeta trompet

vihuela primitive guitar

violín violin

violoncelo cello

zarzuela operetta

—— 22 ——

Las profesiones y Professions and

los oficios Occupations

acomodador usher

actor, actriz actor, actress

agricultor farmer

albañil bricklayer

ama de casa housewife

arquitecto architect

artesano craftsman

autor author

bailarín dancer

banquero banker

barbero barber

botones bellboy

cajero bank teller, cashier

camarero, mozo waiter

cantante singer

carnicero butcher

carpintero carpenter

cartero mailman, postman

cirujano surgeon

cocinero cook

comerciante businessman

conductor conductor, driver

contador accountant

criado, sirviente servant, maid

cura, padre, priest

sacerdote, párroco

dentista dentist

dependiente clerk

empleado employee

escritor writer

escultor sculptor

farmacéutico pharmacist

florista florist

fontanero plumber

guía guide CO�TI�UADO

ingeniero engineer

intérprete interpreter

jardinero gardener

joyero jeweler

juez judge

locutor announcer

maestro teacher

marinero sailor, seaman

mayordomo butler

mecanógrafo typist

modista dressmaker

oculista occulist, optometrist

panadero baker

pastor shepherd

peluquero hairdresser

pescador fisherman

pianista pianist

pintor painter

plomero plumber

poeta, poetisa poet, poetess

profesor professor, teacher

reportero reporter

sastre tailor

taquígrafo stenographer

taxista taxi driver

tenedor de libros bookkeeper

traductor translator

tramoyista stage hand

vendedor salesman

zapatero shoe maker

—— 23 ——

El trabajo Work


carrera career

comerciante businessman

desempleo unemployment

dueño, propietario owner

empleo, trabajo work

entrevista interview

fábrica factory

ficha token

formulario form

funcionario civil servant

gerente manager

huelga strike

jefe boss

juez judge

líder leader

manifestación demonstration

negocio business

obrero worker

oficio occupation

paro lockout

sindicato union

solicitud application

sueldo pay

taller shop

trabajo work, job

Las profesiones y vocaciones

abogado lawyer

alcalde mayor

atleta (m, f) athlete

basurero garbageman

bombero firefighter

campesino farmer

carnicero butcher

carpintero carpenter

comerciante merchant

concejal council member

criada maid

director director

enfermera nurse

fotógrafo photographer

funcionario civil servant

ingeniero engineer

marinero sailor CO�TI�UADO

mecánico mechanic

médico, doctor doctor

ministro minister

niñera baby sitter

obrero worker

panadero baker

párroco priest

periodista newspaperman

piloto pilot

plomero plumber

policía policeman

redactor editor

reportero reporter

sacerdote priest

secretaria secretary

soldado soldier


aprovecharse to take advantage of

avanzar to advance

conseguir to get

contratar to hire

despedir to fire

entrevistar to interview

llenar to fill

lograr to achieve

negociar to negotiate

obtener to obtain

rechazar to reject

llenar to fill out

trabajar to work


ganarse la vida earn a living

—— 24 ——

El derecho Law

abogodo lawyer

actas bills (legal)

acusado accused

alegar to claim

antecedentes criminal record


arresto arrest

asesinato murder

bienes muebles personal property

cadáver body

cadena perpetua life term

calumnia slander

coartada alibi

código law, code

de comercio commercial

civil civil

penal penal

contrabando smuggling

contravenir una ley to break a law

corrupción corruption

crimen crime

decreto decree

delincuente delinquent

denuncia accusation

derecho right

detener to arrest

enajenación, alienación alienation

entablar un pleito to sue

escritura de venta bill of sale

extradición extradition

fuera de ley outlaw

herencia inheritance

huella dactilar fingerprint

indemnización compensation

investigación, inquiry



juez judge

jurídico juridical

jurista jurist

juzgar to judge

piratería piracy

pleito lawsuit

promulgar una ley enact a law

pronunciar fallo to pass sentence

propiedad ownership

reo criminal

robo, robar theft, to rob

secuestro kidnapping

soborno bribery

testamento will

testigo witness

tribunal court

—— 25 ——

La economía The Economy

acción stock

acreditar to credit

acusar recibo to acknowledge

receipt of

aduana customs

ahorro, ahorrar savings, to save

bienes de consumo consumer goods

bolsa stock market

cambio change

capital capital

cheque check

comerciante businessman

comercio exterior foreign trade

comercio internacional international trade

competencia competition

competidor competitor

comprador, comprar buyer, to buy

consumidor, consumo consumer

contabilidad accounting, bookkeeping

demanda demand

derecho de aduana duty

descuento discount

deudor debtor

dinero en efectivo, cash

al contado

economía libre free economy

economía mixta mixed economy

economista economist

endosar to endorse

escasez, carestía scarcity

estimación estimate

exportar to export

ganancias, ganar earnings, to earn

gastos expenses

hipoteca mortgage

importar to import

importe amount

impuesto tax

indemnización compensation

inflación inflation

ingresos, renta income

interés, rédito interest

inversión, invertir investment, to invest

marca registrada trademark

mensualidad monthly payment

mercado nacional domestic market

mercado negro, black market


monopolio monopoly

nivel de vida standard of living

oferta supply

pago a plazos installment payments

planificación planning

prestamista lender

préstamo loan

presupuesto budget

producción production

recibo receipt

reembolsar to repay

reembolso repayment

remuneración remuneration

rendimiento yield CO�TI�UADO

seguro insurance

subdesarrollo underdevelopment

subvención subsidy

sucursal branch

surtido selection, assortment

talonario de cheques checkbook

tarjeta de crédito credit card

tasa de interés rate of interest

transferencia electronic transfer


zona de libre cambio free trade zone

—— 26 ——

Los automóviles Cars

aceite oil

acelerar to speed up

adelantar, pasar to overtake, pass

arrancar to start up

arranque starter

autopista highway, freeway


avería breakdown

batería battery

cambiar de velocidad to change gears

capó hood

carnet de conductor driver's license

carretera de peaje toll road

coche descapotable convertible

embotellamiento traffic jam

engrase lubrication, oiling

espejo, retrovisor rear view mirror

estacionamiento parking

estacionar, aparcar to park

faro headlight

frenar to brake

gata jack

grúa, remolque tow truck

inflar, hinchar to inflate

limpiaparabrisas windshield wiper(s)

marcha atrás reverse

neumáticos, llantas tires

palanca de cambio gearshift lever

panel de instrumentos dashboard

parabrisas windshield

parachoques bumper

pedal de freno brake pedal

pilotos rear lights

pinchazo blowout

placa de matrícula license plate

rueda de repuesto spare tire

seguro contra accident insurance


señal de tráfico traffic signal

taller de reparación repair shop

tracción delantera front wheel drive

velocímetro speedometer

volante steering wheel

—— 27 ——

La telecomunicación Telecommunications

abonado de teléfonos telephone subscriber

acuso de recibo receipt

apartado postal post office box

auricular receiver, earpiece

buzón mailbox, letterbox

carta certificado certified letter

central telefónica telephone exchange

circuito integrado integrated circuit

código territorial area code

correo aéreo air mail

correo electrónico e-mail

dejar un recado to leave a message

fax, facsímile fax

ficha de teléfono token (for telephones)

franqueo stamping

llamada con cobro collect call, reverse

inverso charge call

marcar un número to dial a number CO�TI�UADO

membrete letterhead

oficina de correos post office

¡Oiga!, ¡Díga!, ¡Bueno! hello!

paquete postal parcel, package

reparto de cartas mail delivery

sello stamp

señal para marcar dial tone

tarjeta postal post card

telefonista telephone number

teléfono portátil portable telephone

telégrafo telegraph

ventanilla window at the post


—— 28 ——

La autobiografía Autobiography


acontecimiento event

adolescentes teens

característica characteristic

desarrollo development

edad age

habilidad talent

identidad identity

independencia independence

niñez childhood

suceso event


asemejar to resemble

establecer to settle, establish

parecer to seem


aplicado industrious

extrovertido outgoing

hablador talkative

introvertido introspective

modesto modest

perezoso lazy

simpático kind

tímido timid

Las relaciones Relationships


parentesco lineage

parientes relatives

vínculo tie


aguantar to tolerate

aislar to isolate

amparar to help

apoyar to support

atrever to dare

confiar to confide

confiar en to trust

enajenar to alienate

envidiar to envy

influir to influence

mantener to maintain

ofender to offend

querer to love, to want

reaccionar to react

mencionar to relate

socorrer to help


amistoso friendly

cariñoso loving


contar con to count on

estrechar las to become closer


—— 29 ——

Las amistades Friendships


amistad friendship

confianza trust


aconsejar to advise

aguantar to tolerate

apoyar to support

codiciar to covet

comportarse to behave

confiar, contar con to trust, count on

crecer to grow

cuidarse de to take care of

desear to desire, to wish

envidiar to envy

extrañar to miss

llevarse (bien) to get along with

mentir to lie

odiar to hate

preocuparse to worry


contar con to count on

echar de menos to miss

tener celos to be jealous


afectuoso affectionate

bello beautiful

cariñoso caring

codicioso jealous

confiable trustworthy

egoísta self-centered

feo ugly

fiel loyal

íntimo intimate, close

manso gentle

mayor older

mejor best

menor younger

mezquino mean

mutuo mutual

peor worst

simpático nice

sincero sincere

vivaz vivacious

—— 30 ——

La ropa Clothing


blusa blouse

bolsillo pocket

bufanda scarf

calcetines socks

camisa shirt

camiseta, jersey t-shirt

chaqueta jacket

cinturón belt

estilo style

falda skirt

gorra cap

manga sleeve

moda fashion

pantalones pants

pantalones cortos shorts

pañuelo handkerchief

rebozo shawl

ropa clothes, clothing

saco blazer CO�TI�UADO

sombrero hat

traje suit

vestido suit, dress

zapatos shoes


probarse to try on

vestirse to dress


estar de moda to be in style

ir de compras to go shopping

—— 31 ——

La comunidad The community


aeropuerto airport

alcalde mayor

aldea village

almacén store, grocery store

apartado postal P. 0. box

autopista highway

ayuntamiento town council

banco bench, bank

buzón mailbox

caja box

calle street

carretera highway

casa de correo post office

centro downtown

elección election

escuela school

estación station

estadio stadium

ferrocarril railroad

gobierno government

iglesia church

manzana city block

mercado market

parada bus stop

parque park

plaza plaza (public square)

pueblo town, people

restaurante restaurant

supermercado supermarket

taller shop

tienda store

vecindario, barrio neighborhood


gobernar to govern

votar vote

ubicar to situate, to locate

—— 32 ——

El restaurante The restaurant

aceite oil

aceituna olive

agua water

albóndiga meatball

alimento food

almuerzo lunch

azucarero sugar bowl

bebida drink, beverage

bocadillo, emparedado sandwich

café coffee

café solo black coffee

camarero, mozo, waiter


carne meat

cena supper, dinner

cerveza beer CO�TI�UADO

cocinero cook, chef

comida meal, food

copa wineglass

crema cream

cubierto table service

cuchillo knife

cuchara spoon, tablespoon

cucharita teaspoon

cuenta bill, check

chuleta chop (cut of meat)

desayuno breakfast

dulces sweets, candy

ensalada salad

entremeses appetizers

fiambres cold cuts

flan caramel custard

galleta cracker, biscuit, cookie

gaseosa soda (carbonated drink)

helado ice cream

hielo ice

huevo egg

clara egg white

yema egg yolk

jamón ham

jugo, zumo juice

leche milk

leche malteada malted milk

limonada lemonade

legumbres vegetables

mantel tablecloth

mantequilla butter

merienda light meal, snack, picnic

mermelada jam

miel honey

mostaza mustard

naranjada orangeade

palillo toothpick

pan bread

pastel cake

pimienta pepper

plato dish, plate

postre dessert

propina tip

queso cheese

refresco refreshment, soft drink

sal salt

salchicha, chorizo sausage

salero saltshaker

salsa sauce, gravy

servilleta napkin

sidra cider

sopa soup

taza cup

té tea

tenedor fork

tocino bacon

tortilla omelette (in Spain)

tostada toast

vaso glass

vino wine

vino blanco white wine

vino tinto red wine

—— 33 ——

La características Personal

personales Characteristics

ágil agile, nimble

alegre happy

alto tall

anciano elderly

bajo short

bizco cross-eyed

calvo bald

canoso gray-haired

ciego blind

cojo lame

corpulento, grueso stout, portly

cortés polite, courteous

cuerdo sane

delgado, flaco thin CO�TI�UADO

descortés impolite

diligente diligent, industrious

distraído distracted

elegante elegant

enfermo ill, sick

esbelto slender

feo ugly

fuerte strong

gordo fat

grande big

grosero crude

guapo handsome

inteligente intelligent

joven young

lento slow

listo clever

loco mad, crazy

manco one-armed, one-


mentiroso, embustero liar

moreno dark

mudo mute

negro black

nervioso nervous

pálido pale

pequeño small

perezoso lazy

pesado heavy

rápido quick

robusto robust

rubio fair, blond

sano healthy

sensato sensible

sordo deaf

terco, testarudo stubborn

tonto foolish, silly

triste sad

tuerto one-eyed

viejo old

zurdo left-handed

—— 34 ——

Los medios de Means of Trans-

transporte y portation and

los viajes Trips

aeromozo flight attendent

aeropuerto airport

aduana customs

agencia de viajes travel agency

andén platform of railroad


asiento seat

aterrizar to land

autobús, omnibús bus

autopista, carrera highway

avión, aeroplano airplane

azafata stewardess

barco ship, boat

baúl trunk

bicicleta bicycle

billete ticket

camarote cabin of a ship

camino road, path

despegar to take off

equipaje luggage

estación station

ferrocarril railway, railroad

guía guide book

hacer las maletas to pack

hacer un viaje to take a trip

helicóptero helicopter

horario schedule, timetable

itinerario itinerary

llegada arrival

maleta suitcase

mapa map

metro subway

motocicleta motorcycle


muelle dock

parada bus stop

pasajero passenger

pasaporte passport

piloto pilot

pista runway

puente bridge

puerto port, harbor

sala de espera waiting room

salida departure

semáforo traffic light

tarjeta de embarque boarding pass

tranvía street car, tram, trolley

tren train

trineo sleigh

tripulación crew

viaje trip

volar to fly

vuelo flight

—— 35 ——

Las tiendas Stores

almacén department store

barbería barber shop

cafetería cafeteria, cofee shop

carnicería butcher shop

confitería, dulcería candy store,

confectionary store

escaparate, vitrina shop window, display


farmacia, botica pharmacy

ferretería hardware store

florería, floristería flower shop

frutería fruit store

joyería jewelry shop

juguetería toy store

lavandería laundromat

lechería dairy store

librería bookshop, bookstore

mercado market

mostrador counter

mueblería furniture store

panadería bakery

papelería stationery store

pastelería cake shop, pastry shop

peluquería barber shop, beauty


pescadería fish market

puesto o quiosco de newstand


relojería watchmaker's shop

sastrería tailor's shop

supermercado supermarket

tienda shop, store

tintorería dry cleaner's

zapatería shoe store