Page 1: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar
Page 2: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Sources of Vitamin D A Report By

Mr. Allah Dad Khan

Page 3: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar
Page 4: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar
Page 5: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar
Page 6: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar
Page 7: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar
Page 8: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Shiitake and Button Mushrooms

•  Surprisingly, the dried versions of shiitake mushrooms are high in vitamin D. This may be due to the fact that these mushrooms are great at sucking up sunlight. Shiitake mushrooms are also rich in B vitamins like B1 and B2. Make sure that you find mushrooms that have been dried in the sun, not by artificial means, in order to achieve the benefits of high vitamin D content.

Page 9: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Cheese• Who doesn't love cheese? Cheese can

single-handedly provide more satisfaction than any other food and we're thrilled to give you another reason to enjoy it. Cheese is one of the top 5 foods high on Vitamin D. Well, spreading an additional layer of cheese on that morning slice of toast may not be such a bad idea after all. Ricotta cheese provides the maximum amount of Vitamin D amongst others. (More: 10 best cheese recipes)

Page 10: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Soy Milk• Soy milk is a plant-based

milk produced by soaking dry soybeans and grinding them with water. While it contains the same amount of protein as regular cow's milk it boasts of high Vitamin D, Vitamin C and iron

Page 11: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


• A small, 3½ ounce portion of these high omega-3 containing fish will give you 90% of your recommended daily amount. Currently, the FDA recommends that people eat more of these oily fishes to infuse their bodies with the vitamins and omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA’s) that the human body cannot produce on its own.

Page 12: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Sockeye Salmon

• A small 3½ ounce portion of cooked salmon will give you 90% of the recommended dietary intake of Vitamin D. Make sure to purchase salmon that has been caught from the wild, if not, then sustainably farmed.

Page 13: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


• Herring are high in vitamin D because they thrive on plankton, which is full of vitamin D.

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• Sardines are becoming more and more popular as their wonderful health benefits become more widely known. Their high omega-3 fatty acid contents contribute to bone health, lowering cholesterol, and reducing inflammation, and their impressive calcium and Vitamin D contents keep you feeling young and healthy.

• Serving Size (100 grams), 270 IU of Vitamin D (45% DV), 233 calories.

Page 15: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


• All kinds of fish are high on Vitamin D. Typically oily or fatty fish contain more Vitamin D than less oily fish. An example of oily fish would be a juicy thick fillet of salmon. Other common options are trout, mackerel, tuna or eel

Page 16: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Goat Cheese

• Goat cheese is a great option for people who have an aversion to cheese and other dairy products that are made from cow’s milk. It’s also a tasty food that has many health benefits. An serving of goat cheese provides your body with vitamins D, K, and B, as well as protein. It’s low in calories, fat, sodium, and cholesterol, so you can get the benefits without having to worry about your waistline.

• Serving Size (1 ounce), 6 IU of Vitamin D (1% DV), 76 calories.

Page 17: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Sour Cream

•  Sour cream is often associated with unhealthy snacks and meals, but the sour cream itself has several nutritional benefits. Anyone can enjoy it in small amounts along with a healthy diet and lifestyle overall. It contains protein, potassium, calcium, Vitamin A, and Vitamin D, making it a more healthful food than most people realize.

• Serving Size (1 tablespoon), 2 IU of Vitamin D (1% DV), 26 calories.

Page 18: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

 Sword Fish

• Swordfish is a delicious food that’s versatile enough to eat as a main course for dinner or as a complement to a lunchtime salad. Plus, it provides plenty of Vitamin D—nearly 100% of your body’s needs per three-ounce serving. Eat more swordfish to say young and healthy; it helps control weight, promote bone strength, and prevent heart disease.

• Serving Size (3 ounces), 566 IU of Vitamin D (94% DV), 132 calories.

Page 19: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


• Shrimp cocktails are a popular choice at parties, but who says you can’t enjoy them on a regular basis at home? Shrimp are a great source of several vitamins and minerals. Some of nutrients you’ll gain by eating more shrimp include protein, Vitamin B-12, iron, and Vitamin D. These elements are essential to a strong and healthy body.

• Serving Size (3 ounces), 2 IU of Vitamin D (1% DV), 101 calories.

Page 20: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


• Butter gets a bad rap for being high in saturated fat. But it’s important to remember that saturated fat is still essential to a healthy diet; it helps the body absorb antioxidants and vitamins. Butter contains a small amount of Vitamin D, and it will also help your body absorb and use the Vitamin D that you get from other sources. As long as you consume it in moderation, butter can be a welcome addition to a healthy and balanced diet.

• Serving Size (1 stick), 9 IU of Vitamin D (2% DV), 102 calories.

Page 21: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


• Catfish have a great flavor, but there are many other reasons to love it. Most of those reasons involve the myriad health benefits that come with eating this freshwater fish. Catfish are low in most of the bad stuff—calories, bad fat, and mercury—and high in much of the good stuff—vitamins, protein, and good fats. They’re also high in Vitamin D. One fillet provides almost 200% of the recommended daily value.

• Serving Size (1 fillet, about 159 grams), 795 IU of Vitamin D (133% DV), 178 calories.

Page 22: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


• If you’re like most people, one mention of caviar and you start thinking of swanky lounges and high-class parties. But caviar (fish eggs) can play a part in anyone’s healthy, balanced diet. Caviar contains a cocktail of various vitamins, minerals, and essential fats, all of which make it a great immune-system booster and quick source of Vitamin D when your body needs to reach its quota for the day.

• Serving Size (1 tablespoon), 19 IU of Vitamin D (3% DV), 13 calories.

Page 23: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Snapper• Snapper is a fish that stands

out among other as being a good source of Vitamin D, placing it in the top 5 of our countdown. A 100 gram serving of snapper gives you a full day’s supply of Vitamin D. As long as you are getting enough Vitamin A, it’s OK if you go over on your Vitamin D intake.

Page 24: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Tuna• Eat 3 ounces of tuna daily

for 50% of your vitamin D needs. Fresh, wild-caught tuna is the most nutritious. Remember, eating oily fish can also lubricate the body with “good fats” that provide health benefits like better memory and brain function.

Page 25: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


• The calories and health benefits of sushi can vary depending on the variety, but in general, four pieces of sushi may provide you with 2% of the recommended daily Vitamin D. All the Vitamin D in sushi comes from the raw fish used to prepare it. The rice and seaweed also provide important health benefits, and these are all reasons why many people consider sushi to be a healthy food choice.

• Serving Size (4 pieces), 14 IU of Vitamin D (2% DV), 130 calories

Page 26: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


• Like many grain products, oatmeal is often fortified with essential Vitamin D. Oatmeal is a healthy way to start your day, thanks to all the vitamins and minerals it provides. Adding Vitamin D to the mix only makes it even better. One packet of fortified oatmeal provides about one quarter of the Vitamin D the average person needs each day, so check the nutrition labels to make sure you’re getting the most out of your meal.

• Serving Size (1 packet, 44 grams), 154 IU of Vitamin D (26% DV), 157 calories.

Page 27: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Vanilla Yogurt

• Vanilla yogurt is a tasty treat that’s filled with healthy minerals. Some brands are also fortified with Vitamin D, making it a fantastic food that helps keep you young and healthy. Read the nutrition labels on your favorite brands to see whether or not you’re getting enough Vitamin D in your yogurt. A cup of fortified vanilla yogurt can provide almost 20% of the Vitamin D that’s needed each day.

• Serving Size (1 cup), 115 IU of Vitamin D (19% DV), 208 calories.

Page 28: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Chocolate Milk

• You already know the health benefits of milk, but did you know that chocolate milk is also a healthy option when enjoyed in moderation? Look for the kind that’s fortified with Vitamin D. One cup provides your body with 20% of the Vitamin D it needs for the day. It also contains protein and calcium, which are essential for healthy bones and muscles.

• Serving Size (1 cup), 122 IU of Vitamin D (20% DV), 158 calories.

Page 29: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


•  Next time you’re shopping for your favorite cereal, check the label to see if it’s fortified with Vitamin D. Many of the healthiest cereal choices are, so consider switching if you haven’t already. Different brands and types of cereal vary widely, so always check the labels for nutrition information before buying. One cup of some fortified cereals can provide up to 29% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin D.

• Serving Size (1 cup, about 50 grams), 162 IU of Vitamin D (29% DV), 80 calories.

Page 30: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Beef Liver

• Beef liver is rich in a variety of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. It’s also low in calories and fat, compared to other types of beef. It’s a good source of Vitamin D when you’re not quite able to reach the recommended amount for the day. Other nutritional benefits it provides include protein, thiamin, and iron.

• Serving Size (100 grams), 49 IU of Vitamin D (8% DV), 150 calories.

Page 31: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

 Egg Yolk

• Many people don’t eat egg yolks because of their cholesterol. It’s true that egg whites contain less cholesterol and fewer calories than the yolk, but egg whites also contains far fewer nutrients. Essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, and vitamins A,E, K, and D are all housed primarily in the egg yolk. The yolk from just one large egg contains enough Vitamin D to account for about 6% of the daily recommended value.

• Serving Size (yolk of 1 large egg), 37 IU of Vitamin D (6% DV), 54 calories.

Page 32: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar


• Many soy products such as tofu are fortified with both calcium and Vitamin D, so be sure to check the labels when you’re at the grocery store. Fortified tofu can provide your body with as much as 39% of the daily recommended value of Vitamin D per 100 gram serving. It is also a high proteinsource!

• Serving Size (100 grams), 157 IU of Vitamin D (39% DV), 88 calories.

Page 33: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Cod Liver Oil

• If you can stomach the strong aroma, this oil is super-rich in vitamin D. This golden oil, is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Incorporating this oil into your diet will help promote healthy and strong bones. Because of its high Vitamin D content, cod liver oil has also been shown to fight osteoporosis in adults, improve brain function, and optimize nervous system function.

Page 34: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Milk• Surprised to see milk barely

make it onto our list? For years milk ads told us how good milk is because of the Vitamin D and calcium it contains, but there are no less than 10 foods that have more Vitamin D them, ounce for ounce than milk. Still it can be a helpful way to reach your total Vitamin D needed for the day.

Page 35: Vitamin D  By Mr Allah Dad Khan Former Director General  Agriculture Extension  Khyber Pakhtun Khwa Province  , VP Agriculture University Peshawar

Orange Juice

• A cold glass of orange juice is a healthy way to start your day. Fresh-squeezed is usually ideal, but you might want to think twice if you’re concerned about getting enough Vitamin D to keep you feeling young, strong, and healthy. Many brands of orange juice are fortified with Vitamin D, because it isn’t naturally present in fruits and vegetables such as oranges.

• Serving Size (1 cup), 100 IU of Vitamin D (17% DV), 120 calories.

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• Eggs are another food that contains vitamin D in small amounts. Eating one egg daily will provide you with approximately 10% of your daily needs. I personally recommend eating free-range eggs from a local farm, if possible

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• Okay, we know it’s not a food, but daily exposure to sunshine can seriously increase your vitamin D intake. In fact, this vitamin has actually been referred to as the sunshine vitamin. Light hitting the skin from the sun’s rays stimulates the production of this vitamin and hormone. This is great news for those of us that can take a sun-bath daily. But, for those of us in colder, cloudier climates, we can up our intake from the foods we eat. This could explain why Native Inuit people in Alaska ate so much fish!

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