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Vital Signs

Age Stages Temp Pulse Resp B/P

Newborn 36.8 (98.2) 80-100 30-60 73/55

1-12 mon. 120-140

12 mon-2yrs 80-130

2-6yrs 75-120

6-8yrs 37 (98.6) 75-120 15-25 95/75

10 yrs 37 (98.6) 75-110 15-25 102/62

Teens 37 (oral) 60-100 15-20 102/80

Adults 37 (oral) 60-100 12-20 120/80

>70yrs 36 (oral) 60-100 15-20 120/80

Grading edema

1+: slight pitting/2 mm, disappears rapidly,

2+: somwehat deeper pit/4 mm, disappears in 10-15 sec

3+: deep pit/6 mm, may last > 1 minute; depend extremity swollen

4+: very deep pit/8 mm, lasts 2-5 min, depend extremity grossly distorted

Lung Sound


Rales/ Crackles

Simulated by rolling hair near ear betwn 2 fingers, heard on inspiration on lower bases, relieved by coughing

WheezesHigh-pitched, squeaking sound, best heard on expiration over all lung fields, unrelieved by coughing (e.g. asthma, COPD, etc)

RhonchiCoarse, harsh, loud gurgling or rattling, best heard on expiration over bronchi and trachea, often relieved by coughing (e.g. bronchitis)

StridorLife-threatening!!! Harsh, high-pitched, easily audible on inspiration, progressive narrowing of upper airway requiring immediate attention (e.g. partial airway obs, croup, epiglottis)

Age Stages Temp Pulse Resp B/P

Newborn 36.8 (98.2) 80-100 30-60 73/55

1-12 mon. 120-140

12 mon-2yrs 80-130

2-6yrs 75-120

6-8yrs 37 (98.6) 75-120 15-25 95/75

10 yrs 37 (98.6) 75-110 15-25 102/62

Teens 37 (oral) 60-100 15-20 102/80

Adults 37 (oral) 60-100 12-20 120/80

>70yrs 36 (oral) 60-100 15-20 120/80

Grading edema

1+: slight pitting/2 mm, disappears rapidly,

2+: somwehat deeper pit/4 mm, disappears in 10-15 sec

3+: deep pit/6 mm, may last > 1 minute; depend extremity swollen

4+: very deep pit/8 mm, lasts 2-5 min, depend extremity grossly distorted

Lung Sound


Rales/ Crackles

Simulated by rolling hair near ear betwn 2 fingers, heard on inspiration on lower bases, relieved by coughing

WheezesHigh-pitched, squeaking sound, best heard on expiration over all lung fields, unrelieved by coughing (e.g. asthma, COPD, etc)

RhonchiCoarse, harsh, loud gurgling or rattling, best heard on expiration over bronchi and trachea, often relieved by coughing (e.g. bronchitis)

StridorLife-threatening!!! Harsh, high-pitched, easily audible on inspiration, progressive narrowing of upper airway requiring immediate attention (e.g. partial airway obs, croup, epiglottis)