Page 1: Visualizing Value  –April

Visualizing ValueApril, 2014

Page 2: Visualizing Value  –April

April 1, 2014. I see UTSA has a sense of humor and obviously knows their memes. It’s a silly image, but it made me smile when I got a glimpse of the

image. Luckily, I won’t have to worry about waitlisting.

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April 2, 2014. It’s a wonderful day to eat outside. I enjoyed a stir fry and good cup of coffee. I wish everyday felt this amazing #gratitude.

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April 3, 2014. I made this monkey using Adobe Illustrator. I love graphic work and I love honing my graphic design skills.

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April 4, 2014. I learned to always choose chocolate based on the percentage of cacao used in the ingredients. Most companies replace cacao with soy as a filler. Although Godiva chocolate brand really isn't the best choice out there, I


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April 5, 2014. I love Starbucks!!! The company recently featured their new pastry additions which are absolutely delicious! I recommend the almond

croissants. They’re to die for.

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April 6, 2014. Like I mentioned earlier, they’re delicious and quite addictive.

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April 7, 2014. I had lunch today at this burrito place called Free Birds. Although I'm not a fan of burritos, but it was not bad. The customer service was excellent

and by looking around the place, I got a feel for their personalities.

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April 8, 2014. Recently went out with these girls at a concert to support a young musician. We always have an amazing time in each others’ company.

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April 9, 2014. I came across this cute cartoon which made me laugh a little. I thought I should share it.

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April 10, 2014. Another hilarious cartoon. Say hello to Princess Batman. I think this is the most accurate way to be gender inclusive.

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April 11, 2014. One of the women at the office handed me this pin in honor of fiesta. Since I'm still fairly new to San Antonio, she had to explain the purpose of the pin and the great cause that it supports. This year, I am looking forward

to finally experiencing my first fiesta.

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April 12, 2014. My friends share these hilarious images with me and I get a good

laugh out of them. I feel the need to brighten someone else’s day with them.

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April 13, 2014. This is one of my favorite television shows which reinvents traditional fairytale characters into modern day people dealing with magical

happenings in the real world.

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April 14, 2014. I usually use my brother Hulu Plus account where I’m able to view some of my favorite shows.

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April 15, 2014. I never got to read Brave New World in high school, so I decided to order it and read it myself. It’s definitely along the lines of the genres that I

interests me. Hopefully I won’t be disappointed.

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April 16, 2014. My oldest brother will be graduating in May as well with his Bachelors degree. I’m so proud of him for pursuing a degree and will definitely

be there to show my support for his accomplishments.

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April 17, 2014. Although I do have my reservations about UTSA. I am happy that I decided to move to Texas and enroll here at UTSA. I’ve made some amazing friends and met some inspiring individuals. I can never give back

when this university has given me, but I choose to support it.

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April 18, 2014. Metropolis is one of my favorite science fiction movies. It’s a black and white movie which illustrates marxist ideologies regarding the

working and ruling class. It is a must see.

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April 19, 2014. At my alma mater I often took dance classes and engaged in stage performances for the Alfred University community and the Alfred

community. I often reminisce on my dancing days and wish for them once more.

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April 20, 2014. My adorable nephew is so charming. I miss him terribly. Here he is making new friends and clearly having a blast. I look forward to squeezing

him mid-May.

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April 21, 2014. I’ve never been more excited about a paper. I wrote this paper on the science fiction genre and its effects on audiences’ perceived realism.

The objective is to examine audiences’ perception of realism of science fiction and science related phenomenon.

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April 22, 2014. According to this article, it appears that animals release this hormone release called oxytocin which is the love and nurturing hormone. How beautiful is that!


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April 24, 2014. Looking forward to Current magazine’s Best of San Antonio cocktail event. I’m beginning to become more involved in the San Antonio

community and I think this would be a great way to do so.

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April 25, 2014. Club Rio. After the Best of San Antonio event, some friends and I went to this club and had a blast! I’m definitely looking forward to partying

there again.

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April 26, 2014. Bar America. with these amazing girls. I’m glad I got to meet them all.

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April 27, 2014

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April 28, 2014. Eisenhower Park. A friend and I took a hike through Eisenhower park

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April 29, 2014. I got my cap and gown! This is so exciting and I’m looking forward to it. I’m looking forward to starting my career. Whether it’s here in San

Antonio or in New York, I’m looking forward to this journey.

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April 30, 2014
