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Wednesday, Jan. 14, 2015 Archives !

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Visayan Business PostLocal News for the Global Visayan

Editor's note


A special edition of the Visayan Business Post tocommemorate the visit of Pope Francis to thePhilippines, January 15th-19th 2015

We’ll be updating the newspaper with newcontent, as it happens, throughout the weekend.Please check back for the latest information.

Local news for the Global Visayan


* -The Catholic faithful saidgoodbye to thecharismatic Pope Francison Monday after his 5-day apostolic visit thatleft inspiring lessons andendearing memories tomillions of Filipinos.Here are so...

SLIDESHOW: Farewell, PopeFrancis

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - MANILA, Philippines— Pope Francis departed from the Philippinesfor Rome on Monday after a five-day state andapostolic visit, his first to Asia’s biggestCatholic nation. He left at 10:12 a.m. vi...

Adios: Pope Francis leaves PhilippinesShared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - Pope Francis has departed forRome after drawing huge crowds in thePhilippines and spreading a message ofalleviating poverty. A record six billion peoplebraved stormy weather to attend an outdoo...

BBC News - Pope Francis in Manila: Popedeparts Philippines after record-breakingMass

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - Pope Francis is on his

LIVE UPDATES: Papal Visit PH 2015 - Day5 | Ang People's Pope Sa Pilipinas - AGMA News and Public Affairs SpecialCoverage

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - The joy thatradiates from the people in thePhilippines is contagious. The yearningto see their Holy Father is now a joy thatthe world can share. Imagine lining thestreets of your city, with mi...

Pope FrancisEncounters the Beautyand Joy of the FilipinoPeople

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - Palo News -Pope Francis’ visit to Haiyan region cutshort by another storm A massive crowdbraved the wind and rain to attend masswith Pope Francis at Tacloban Airport.(Photo: Pope Francis' 2015...

Palo News - PopeFrancis’ visit to Haiyanregion cut short byanother storm

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The APEC Special Senior Finance Officials’ Meeting ended today in Clark:… | via @apec2015ph

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Official Gazette PH @govph


#Abuyog News - Leyte’s Buyogan Festival stands out anew at #Sinulog2015 #Philippines

Visayan Biz Post @Visayanbizpost 21 Jan

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Tweet to @Visayanbizpost - Pope Francis is on hisway back to the Vatican after a memorable tripto the Philippines. Check out all the latestupdates here. - The Armed Forces of thePhilippines has already made the properarrangements in securing Pope Francis duringhis expected departure from the country onMonday. In a text message to GMA NewsOnline ...

AFP asks for same respect andcooperation for Pope Francis’ departure |Ang People's Pope Sa Pilipinas - A GMANews and Public Affairs Special Coverage

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - Pope Francis held an emotionalmeeting with the family of a volunteer whodied yesterday in a tragic accident followingthe Holy Father's Mass in Tacloban yesterday.Strong winds from an approachin...

Pope Meets Privately with Family ofDeceased Volunteer

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - On the penultimate dayof his five-day apostolic visit to the Philippines,Pope Francis meets with the youth andcelebrates Mass with a crowd of six million.Day four's highlights in pictures. User...

SLIDESHOW: Day 4 of Pope Francis'Philippines visit

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - The Pope Francis PH Visitbreaks world records for having the largestpapal crowd, as he conducted a mass at theQuirino Grandstand in Manila this Sunday,January 18, 2015. The holy mass started at...

Pope Francis PH Visit Breaks WorldRecords for Largest Papal Crowd

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - Millions of people areexpected to attend a pair of events with PopeFrancis on Sunday on the penultimate day ofhis visit to the Philippines. GMA News Onlinehas the freshest updates below:

LIVE UPDATES: Papal Visit PH 2015 - Day4 | Ang People's Pope Sa Pilipinas - AGMA News and Public Affairs SpecialCoverage

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Pope leaves millions blessed, awed in

Tacloban News - Netizens slamgrandstanding ‘epal’ politiciansahead of Pope’s visit

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Philippine plane following PopeFrancis overshoots runway -Channel NewsAsia

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Woman dies in freak accidentafter Tacloban papal Mass |News

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This man walked for 36 daysjust to see Pope in Tacloban

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#PopeinPH: Everything aboutPope Francis' visit to thePhilippines - Yahoo NewsPhilippines

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Papal Visit 2015 | OfficialGazette of the Republic of thePhilippines

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Papal Visit 2015 | Churches in360° view

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Pope Philippines visit 'securitynightmare' - Features - AlJazeera English

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Papal-Visit-media-handbook-layout-FINAL.pdf - DocDroid

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Discussion corner - Pope Francis on Sundayafternoon left Filipinos blessed and awed,commending them to "a world of justice,integrity and peace" in a Holy Mass that couldbe the largest in decades, attended by milli...

Pope leaves millions blessed, awed inLuneta mass | Ang People's Pope SaPilipinas - A GMA News and Public AffairsSpecial Coverage

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - Below is the fulltranscript – in both English and Spanish – ofPope Francis’ impromptu speech, as deliveredduring the encounter with the youth at theUniversity of Santo Tomas in Manila onSunday...

FULL TEXT: Pope Francis’ Message,Youth Encounter, UST

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - Prepared speechsays PH faces serious risks from climatechange MANILA - Pope Francis waded into theglobal debate on climate change and theenvironment on Sunday, saying in the text of aspeech th...

What Pope Francis' prepared speech atUST was about

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#PopeFrancisPH:Pope Francis leavesManilaShared by

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Livestream: PapalVisit PH 2015 -- Day5 Shared by

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Livestream: PapalVisit PH 2015 -- Day4 Shared by

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Pope in Philippines -Holy mass -2015.01.18Shared by

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#PopeFrancisPH:Pope Francis visitsUSTShared by

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Pope Francis blesseschildren during USTvisitShared by

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Pope Francis arrivesin Manila fromTaclobanShared by

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Bad weather beforePope Francis'departure fromTacloban

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All Society → - TACLOBAN CITY |#walangpasok Classes in ALL LEVELS aresuspended from January 14 to 16, 2015 —DepEd (@DepEd_PH) January 12, 2015 PALO,LEYTE | #walangpasok Classes in ALL LEVELSare suspended from...

Classes suspended in Palo and TaclobanCity for papal visit | News

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - MANILA – Contingencyplans have been prepared in case Leyteexperiences a rainy weather when PopeFrancis visits the province on Saturday, achurch official said. Archdiocese of Palospokesperson F...

Contingency plans readied for rainypapal visit in Leyte

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‘Help protect the pope’ - ManilaStandard Today

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AFP musters troops for papalvisit - Manila Standard Today

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Papal Visit to the Philippines2015 | 10 things you need toknow about Pope Francis

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Papal Visit to the Philippines2015 | The Life of PopeFrancis/ Jorge Mario Bergoglio

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All Travel → - Philippine Airlines (PAL) passengers flying toor from Tacloban on January 17, 2015 are advised to rebook theirtickets as Tacloban airport will be closed to all commercial flightsduring Pope Fran...

Philippine Airlines :: PAL Tacloban flightssuspended during Pope's visit

Shared byVisayan Business Post $ % & - In line with the visit ofPope Francis, the Civil Aviation Authority of thePhilippines (CAAP) has announced limitedoperations at the Ninoy Aquino InternationalAirport (NAIA) on January 15, 2015 ...

Cebu Pacific Air - Why everyone fliesShared byVisayan Business Post $ % &

Cebu Pacific Air - Whyeveryone flies

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Tacloban News - PAL advisespassengers to rebook Taclobanflights on Jan 17th

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Tacloban-Palo rerouting forPapal visit | Manila Bulletin |Latest Breaking News

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PAL adjusts sked for flightsaffected by Papal visit | ManilaBulletin | Latest Breaking News

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All World → - By Simon Parry In Manila,The Philippines, For Mailonline Street childrenas young as five are being caged in brutaldetention centres alongside adult criminals ina cynical drive to smarten up the...

Homeless children CAGED in Manila tokeep the streets clean for Pope FrancisPhilippines visit

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Pope Francis arrives in SriLanka as part of his Asia tour

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All Leisure → - Tacloban City was severely damagedby super typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) onNovember 8, 2013. I even learned that someforeigners believe Tacloban was totally washedout by the deadly storm surge. So w...

10 Reasons Why You Should VisitTacloban and Leyte in 2015 – Rise.PH

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DOT-Eastern Visayas: 95% ofTacloban, Palo inns, hotelsbooked on dates of PopeFrancis’s visit

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All Business → - Tacloban News - January 15-16declared non-working day for all government offices inTacloban City The Tacloban City Government Hall atMagsaysay Boulevard, Tacloban City. TACLOBAN NEWS– Tacloban ...

Tacloban News - January 15-16declared non-working day for allgovernment offices in TaclobanCity

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Philippine News, Manila - PhilippineAirlines: Prelude to Papal Visit

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All Politics → - TACLOBAN CITY–Thepoliticians of Leyte were happy to know that they wouldstill have a special spot during the Mass of Pope Francishere. “The first statement was that there will be nopoliticians....

Politicians to be seated nearPope Francis in Tacloban Mass

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