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V2B: Virtualization to BusinessV2B: Virtualization to Business Do you want Business Agility? Start with VirtualizationHerald Schelke sales executive V2B

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V2B: Virtualization to Business

The Pitch…just what is V2B?

The Bridge to Agile IT Services Capgemini is combining its business-centric approach with VMware’s proven

virtualization technologies to focus IT on delivering business value. Through its suite of “V2B: Virtualization to Business” service offerings, Capgemini provides the insight, roadmap and support to help clients derive maximum value from existing virtualization efforts and make the transition to a cloud infrastructure.

V2B brings the technology and business together in a unified solution.

Today it provides three key focus areas:• Enabling greater adoption through the removal of adoption barriers

• Supporting the realignment of process and organisation to an

already agile IT infrastructure

• Redefining the consumption model by the business for IT

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V2B: Virtualization to Business

Where do I start the journey ?

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What apps do I have?

What apps do I have?

Have I already got a cloud ?

Have I already got a cloud ?

Which apps can I virtualize?

Which apps can I virtualize?

How should I plan public vs. private


How should I plan public vs. private


Which apps should I move to the public cloud?

Which apps should I move to the public cloud?

What about my desktops?

What about my desktops?

Which public Cloud vendors

should I choose?

Which public Cloud vendors

should I choose?

What does Cloud mean for my

business users?

What does Cloud mean for my

business users?

How do I virtualize and migrate my

apps to the cloud?

How do I virtualize and migrate my

apps to the cloud?

Who manages this new environment?Who manages this new environment?

How do I secure the new


How do I secure the new


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V2B: Virtualization to Business

The challenge is not a technology one,as new alternatives for supplying IT emerge.It’s all about IT as a service.

A greater opportunity

Virtualization technologies are widely used and proven

1. Business’s are yet to fully capitalize on the total benefits of Virtualization. Some are stalled at low percentages of virtualization.

2. Virtualization is the foundation for the journey to cloud computing

3. Cloud is about service and IT is a component of that

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VMware and Capgemini are focusing IT on delivering business value: “V2B”

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V2B: Virtualization to Business

Capgemini’s approach to Virtualization (V2B)

9© 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Business Infostructure

Break through the 20% barrier

Enable the business to obtain benefits

Virtual Infostructure

Align services to the agile infrastructure

Break through the 40% barrier

Enable organisation agility

IT as a Service

Agile business IT services

Private cloud business services IaaS


Operational optimisation

Development/test Innovation (Spring)



Desktop Virtualization

Encapsulate P2V

% virtualized

~20% ~70%




s E





A business centric approach to virtualization.

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V2B: Virtualization to Business

V2B: Business Infostructure

10© 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Using virtualization but still at a low percentage

Feel that cost is higher as a result of using virtualization

Stalled with virtualizing infrastructure

Business engaging many external providers without IT’s involvement

500+ physical x86 servers in 1 or 2 Data centers

Typical Client Profile

Realise the cost savings available with virtualization but also gain understanding of the business impact through wide scale transformation. The service will :

• Identify expectations and provide a foundation for IT as a service

• Defining the contract between IT and the business

• Enabling the business to understand the benefits of virtual infrastructure in a terms that they can understand

Service Objective

Virtualization business benefits and communication plan

“Art of the possible” workshop with IT and the business

Next steps timetable


6 weeks duration

On site delivery using 2-3 consultants

Service Overview

Fully defined business benefits that will ensure the continuation of transformation

Service Benefits

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V2B: Virtualization to Business

V2B: Virtual Infostructure

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500+ servers within 1-2 data centers

Already virtualized infrastructure around 30-50%

Experiencing higher costs/service issues due to lack evolution of process/procedures

Understands the business benefits of virtualization

Typical Client Profile

Identifying the required alignment for management technology to the agile infrastructure. This service will:

• Support the move from a technology to a service orientated approach

• Optimise how your IT team should be structured and orientated

• Moving processes and procedures from technology aligned to service alignment

Service Objective

Management products suitability study

Recommended IT organization functional alignment

Key process optimization requirements


6 week duration

On site delivery using 2-3 consultants

Service Overview

Enable the realignment of infrastructure management to the new agile compute environment

Service Benefits

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V2B: Virtualization to Business

V2B: IT-as-a-Service

12© 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Has at least 500-1000 virtual servers

Has some automation for the management of the infrastructure

Established foundation layer of management and process for virtualization

Typical Client Profile

Feasibility analysis for the implementation of a self service and consumption based charging model. This service will:

• Provide service definitions

• Business aligned service catalogue

• Service strategy for public/private

Service Objective

Business service catalogue

Service strategy for in scope services (up to 3)

Mapping the tenants that owns/uses the infrastructure

Identify potential candidates for public cloud services for key services

Roadmap for IaaS


To be defined

Service Overview

Business aligned service strategy for the virtual data centre

Service Benefits

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V2B: Virtualization to Business

V2B: SAP Virtualization

13© 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Established SAP environment on at least 20-30 physical servers in 1-2 Data centers

Experiencing inefficient SAP installations

SAP upgrades required

Large percentage of SAP servers

Typical Client Profile

Provide a virtualization strategy for complex SAP environments by experience SAP capabilities within Capgemini.

• Proposed virtualization candidates

• SAP application as-is analysis

• Recommendation to optimize environment

Service Objective

SAP virtualization technical proposal


Minimum 4 weeks dependant on environment scale

Service Overview

Virtualization of SAP environments that would have otherwise continued to be operated on legacy physical servers.

Service Benefits

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V2B: Virtualization to Business

Call to action

• Herald Schelke, Capgemini Virtualization Lead [email protected]


Copyright © 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

For further information around the Virtualization to Business proposition, visit our dedicated microsite at

1. Gain a deeper understanding through the V2B materials available on the portal

2. Engage with ITS and global teams to support you and leverage expertise when selling

3. Talk to your client, understand where they are on their journey. Be proactive..
