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  • 1. Virtual Symposium Hyperlinked Library MOOC Creator Gerald Louw

2. Top Blog Reflection Overview: What I took away from the Hyperlinked Library MOOC Date: November 2013 Video: The Hyperlinked Library Themes 4E Presentation: Reflection on The Hyperlinked Library MOOC 2013 3. How to earn certificate of completion O Required Assignments O Blogging O Virtual Symposium O Additional Assignments O Students need to complete three out of thefive assignment options 4. Learn everywhere 5. What is hyperlinked library 6. Born with the chip 7. Top Blog O Martin Weller O The Digital Scholar: How Technology IsTransforming Scholarly Practice 8. Top Blog continuing O Different formats O E-bookO Softcover O Hardcover O iPad to read PDF 9. O Techno-lust O Techno-divorce O Techno-stressO Techno-shame O Techno-phobia O Techno-hesitation O Techno-banality (No dumb computers) 10. O How technology is transforming scholarlypractice O Trilogy of digital scholarship O digital, network, openness (where theyoverlap is transformation) Boyer discovery, integration, application, teaching Network weather (Adam Greenfield, 2010) 11. This what I am taking away 12. Thank You
