Page 1: VIKTOR ULLMANN PROJECT 2018...held in the ghetto, taught musical theory and gave piano lessons. Likewise, he gave lectures on musical topics. He was murdered in Auschwitz on 18.10.1944



"School of Form"


December 10-13th, 2018The Jerusalem Academy Of Music and Dance

Final ConcertMaster Classes, Workshops, Lectures and

December 13th | 18:00 | Hall 221

Free Entrance

Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Hall 231Prof. Wolfgang Pillinger | Jazz Master Class | Room 301Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Hall 231Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Room 111Zvi Semel | “Art alongside Horror – the Artistic activity in Ghetto Terezin” - Lecture | Hall 231Prof. Therese Lindquist | Master class for singers – Lieder | Hall 231

Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Hall 231Prof. Wolfgang Pillinger | Composition Master Classes | Room 301Prof. Annelie Gahl | Violin and Chamber music Master Class | Room 111Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Hall 231Herbert Gantschacher | Lecture “School of Form” – Viktor Ullmann and Paul Wittgenstein – Fortress Theresienstadt | Hall 231


Page 2: VIKTOR ULLMANN PROJECT 2018...held in the ghetto, taught musical theory and gave piano lessons. Likewise, he gave lectures on musical topics. He was murdered in Auschwitz on 18.10.1944

Viktor Ullmann Was born on January 1st 1898 in the town of Tėšin, (modern day Teschen), which lies on the border between The Czech Republic and Poland. As a young man, Ullmann studied music in Vienna. After completing his army service at the end of the First World War, he attended Schönberg's famous composition seminars and later studied with the composer Alois Hába. Ullmann established himself as a repetiteur, conductor and musical director in opera houses and theaters, in addition to his career as a composer. His works were performed throughout Europe, some of them winning him prestigious prizes. On September 8th 1942, Viktor Ullmann and this third wife, Elisabeth, arrived in Terezin. Immediately upon arrival he was recruit-ed to work in "Die Freizeitgestaltung" - The Office for Recreational Time and became one of the most active musicians in the ghetto.His immense creativity within the ghetto's unbearable living conditions is astonishing: during the two years of his imprisonment in Terezin, Ullmann composed 25 pieces, among them works of significant magnitude such as sonatas, chamber music, songs, symphonies and an opera.Ullmann's unique musical language is characterized by duality. On the one hand we can see a clear influence of the musical ideas of his teachers, Schoenberg and Hába in his music; on the other hand, we can observe Ullmann's strong affinity to classical and romantic forms as well as to the harmonic vocabulary that was commonly used in the first half of the nineteenth Century.Ullmann wrote more music than any other composer that was active in Terezin. Certainly his output was even greater than before the war. In addition to composing, Ullmann also performed in Terezin as an accompanist, wrote poetry, established the Studio für Neue Musik (Studio for New Music), wrote reviews of musical events held in the ghetto, taught musical theory and gave piano lessons. Likewise, he gave lectures on musical topics. He was murdered in Auschwitz on 18.10.1944.

The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance will hold a special project in Memory of Composer Viktor Ullmann, to commemorate the 120 th anniversary of his birth.Viktor Ullmann was born in Austria. He was sent to Theresienstadt in 1942. He was one of the most prolific composers there and composed 23 musical works, Lieder, Piano Ssonatas, Chamber Music works, Operas, just to mention some of his works.Viktor Ullman perished in Auschwitz in October 1944.During the project three teachers from the Mozarteum in Salzburg, who specialize in Viktor Ullmann’s music will come to the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, give master classes and a concert on Thursday 13.12.2018 at 18:00 in Hall 221 at the Academy. This project was initiated by Mr. Zvi Semel, senior lecturer at the Vocal department, the Faculty of the Performing Arts and Mr. Herbert Gantschacher, Head of Arbos, Opera and Theater director who specializes in the works of Viktor Ullmann performed on the stage.

Sponsorship:The Futurefonds of the Government of Austria.The Memorial Year of Austria 1918-2018, headed by retired President of Austria Mr. Heinz Fischer.The Governor of Carinthia Mr. Peter Kaiser and President of Carinthia Parliament, Reinhardt Rohr.

The Viktor Ullmann Project - December 10-13 2018

Page 3: VIKTOR ULLMANN PROJECT 2018...held in the ghetto, taught musical theory and gave piano lessons. Likewise, he gave lectures on musical topics. He was murdered in Auschwitz on 18.10.1944



The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance is dedicating a week-long learning project to Viktor Ullmann, one of the most promising Jewish composers of the 20th century, who was murdered by the Nazis. This project will allow our students to deepen their knowledge in the Oeuvre of this uniquely creative musi-cian, whose works, mainly created in Ghetto Terezin, where he was imprisoned for the last two years of his life, well deserve to be studied and performed. I would like to warmly welcome our guests from the Mozarteum University in Salzburg: Prof. Annelie Gahl, Prof. Thérèse Lindquist, and Prof. Wolfgang Pillinger, as well as Opera and Theater director Herbert Gantschacher, who formulated and carried out the Viktor Ullmann project in our academy together with Zvi Semel.We send our deepest gratitude to the former President of the Republic of Austria Dr. Heinz Fischer, Patron of the Austrian Memorial Year "Austria 1918-2018", to Dr. Peter Kaiser, Gover-nor of the State of Carinthia in the Republic of Austria and to Ing. Reinhart Rohr, first president of the Parliament of the State of Carinthia in the Republic of Austria, for the support that enabled us to carry out this meaningful "Ullmann project" in our academy.

Prof. Yinam Leef JAMD president

Page 4: VIKTOR ULLMANN PROJECT 2018...held in the ghetto, taught musical theory and gave piano lessons. Likewise, he gave lectures on musical topics. He was murdered in Auschwitz on 18.10.1944

The programmatic title of the masterclasses at the Jerusalem Academy for Music and Dance about the Austrian-Jewish composer Viktor Ullmann and the Austrian-Jewish pianist Paul Wittgenstein at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance is "School of Form". Paul Wittgenstein became a war-disabled person during the First World War, which changed his artistic work completely, as a left-handed pianist he started a career as a soloist and a teacher. Viktor Ullmann got his first experience of this "School of form" during his military service in the First World War, because he was responsi-ble for the entertainment of his military unit. He arranged music for chamber concerts and for his military band and composed during two years from 1916 to 1918 47 compositions. This experience helped him later to work again as a composer, pianist, conductor and music critic at the concentration camp of Terezin. There, as a prisoner himself, he worked again for the entertainment of the Jewish prisoners there. In 1917 during the First World War he became a witness of a gas attack, on 18th of October 1944 he was murdered by same type of gas in Auschwitz. From the form of their life and musical experience we can learn a lot also of the roots of the history of the State of Israel and the Republic of Austria. This masterclasses are a part of the official program of the memorial year "Austria 1918-2018" under the patronage of the retired President of the Republic of Austria, Heinz Fischer and the Governor of the State of Carin-thia in Austria, Peter Kaiser and the President of the Parliament of the State of Carinthia in Austria, Reinhart Rohr.

Herbert Gantschacher

Viktor Ullmann, one of the most prominent European composers in the first half of the 20th century, would without doubt have become one of the most important musical figures of his generation, had he not been murdered by the Nazis at the age of 46.It seems that the plot to eliminate Jewish people not only physically but also from Human memory, has almost succeeded in the case of Ullmann: despite his great talent, origi-nal ideas, and unique approach to music and text, performances of his works are numerous, perhaps in part due to being difficult to perform and to listen to.I am very pleased, therefore, for the opportunity given to our students to be introduced to Ullmann's music, to delve into it and to learn from three senior teachers from one of the most important schools for music in the world: The Mozarteum University in Salzburg, Austria: Violonist Prof. Annelie Gahl, Pianist Prof. Thérèse Lindquist and Composer Prof. Wolf-gang Pillinger, - all of whom are dealing with Ullmann's music in their professional lives. They will conduct workshops, lessons and master-classes in the Faculty for Performing Arts and in the Faculty for Cross-Disciplinary MusicI would like to thank our guests and especially to Director Herbert Gantschacher, who dedicates a large part of his life to study and perform Ullmann's musical heritage. Herbert Gantschacher was responsible for recruiting the necessary support from previous president of Austria, Heintz Fischer, Carinthia’s governer Peter Keizer, and the president of Carinthia’s parliament, Reinhardt Rohr. This enabled us to create and produce this unique project together.

Zvi Semel

Page 5: VIKTOR ULLMANN PROJECT 2018...held in the ghetto, taught musical theory and gave piano lessons. Likewise, he gave lectures on musical topics. He was murdered in Auschwitz on 18.10.1944


2018Herbert Gantschacher

Born in 2.12.1956, is an Austrian author, director, producer and researcher. From the University for Music and Peforming Arts in Graz (Austria) he received the academic title Magister Artium (Master of Arts).He worked as a lecturer for the University for Music and Performing Arts in Graz in Austria, the University of Bergen in Norway and the Russian National Rimsky-Korsa-kov-State-Conservatory in St. Petersburg in Russia.As a director he worked especially on operas, songs and poetry of the Austrian-Jew-ish composer Viktor Ullmann as „The Broken Jug“, „The Lay of Love And Death of Cornet Christoph Rilke“, „The Emperor of Atlantis or The Disobedience of Death“, which he presented in the original versions first time in Austria. His production of „The Emperor of Atlantis or The Disobedience of Death“ was rewarded to be „The Opera Perfornance of the Year 1993 in the Czech Republic“. This production has been first ever performed in 1995 at Terezin/Theresienstadt, 51 years after the rehearsals at the concentrationcamp of Terezin. Gantschacher directed and produced the opera two times, the first production has been performed from 1993 to 2001, at the Národní Památnik in Prague, at Terezin, at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C., the Ameri-can Legion Building in Hollywood (in cooperation with Los Angeles Holocaust Museum), the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, the theatre of the Concordia Universi-ty in Montréal, the Festival House at Hellerau in Dresden, the Kulturhuset in Stock-holm and in Austria at Hallein in Salzburg, Klagenfurt and Vienna. The second production as a puppet theatre has been performed since 2014 at the theatre Gong in Sibiu, the Old Synagogue at Cluj, the House of Composers at St. Petersburg, the Culturehouse of Kingisepp, the Clam-Gallas-Palace at Prague, at Lepena (Ullmann was placed at the warfront in the First World War in Slovenia) and in Austria at Hallein in Salzburg, Arnoldstein and Klagenfurt. Further performances for 2019 are prepared for Villach in Austria, Nova Gorica in Slovenia and the Felicija Blumenthal Festival at Tel Aviv in Israel.He is spezialized in research work on the Austrian-Jewish philosopher, reform educationalist and pacifist Wilhelm Jerusalem and the Austrian-Jewish composer Viktor Ullmann, especially about his military service in First World War, the personal war experience influenced Ullmann in his artistic work as a composer and author.

Page 6: VIKTOR ULLMANN PROJECT 2018...held in the ghetto, taught musical theory and gave piano lessons. Likewise, he gave lectures on musical topics. He was murdered in Auschwitz on 18.10.1944

Annelie GahlThe artistic field of Vienna based violinist Annelie Gahl is wide: inspired by her teachers Ernst Kovacic, Shmuel Ashkenasi, Sandor Vegh and Nikolaus Harnoncourt in Salzburg, Vienna and Chicago she has always been interested in stilistic versatility and a lively approach to all kinds of music.In her Solo recordings and appearances, that have acclaimed international reputation she draws a line from baroque to classical and contemporary music, often cooperating with literature and dance. She premiered many pieces for solo violin by composers like Beat Furrer, Klaus Lang, etc. She has been perforing as a concertmaster and soloist at the Wiener Musikverein, as well as the Salzburg festival, among others. Besides her ensemble work with Concentus Musicus Wien, Klangforum Wien and Camerata Salzburg Annelie Gahl is curently holding a chair for violin and chamber music at the University Mozarteum Salzburg.

Michael Wolpean Israeli composer and musicologist, born in 1960 Tel- Aviv, has been a member of Kibbutz Sde-Boker since 1982. He studied composition in the Jerusalem Acade-my of Music and Dance, and in Cambridge University in England. He is also a gradu-ate of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he wrote his PHD about the British Symphony during the mid- twentieth century. His main creative and educa-tional activity is in the Negev region and in Jerusalem. He teaches at the Academy of Music and Dance in Jerusalem, where he serves as a professor of composition.Wolpe's compositions encompass a wide variety of genres: symphonic, vocal, chamber, and dramatic. He also writes music for holidays and special events on his kibbutz. Among his works is a cycle of six symphonic poems based on Mediterra-nean material, a series of concerts for various solo folk instruments and orchestra, and a broad composition for a big chamber ensemble. Wolpe has been awarded several prizes, including The Composers' Union Prize and the Prime Minister's Prize’ and The ACUM (artistic rights union) Honorary Prize for his whole artistic activity. He has released several CD 's of his music.Beside his own compositional activity, Wolpe is involved in all kinds of creative researches, including the works written by the Terezin composers, especially Viktor Ullmann music.

Thérèse LindquistThe Swedish pianist Thérèse Lindquist is professor for Lied and Oratorio at the Universität Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria. Among the many renowned singers she has collaborated with are Camilla Nylund, Christiane Karg, Paul Esswood and Wolfgang Holzmair with whom she has record-ed highly acclaimed CDs: Webern Pur Songs by Anton Webern (INW Salzburg), Kowalski Songs (Bridge Records), and Wunderhorn Songs (Col legno). Prof. Lindquist has given master classes throughout Europe, Japan, Korea and frequently in the United States, and has served as official accompanist for the International Mozart Competition and the International Robert Schumann Competition. Her CD of Lieder by Josephine Lang with American soprano Dana McCay has been praised as a „miniature masterpiece“. A proponent of women composers Prof. Lindquist has given many master classes on this topic, most recently at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.

Page 7: VIKTOR ULLMANN PROJECT 2018...held in the ghetto, taught musical theory and gave piano lessons. Likewise, he gave lectures on musical topics. He was murdered in Auschwitz on 18.10.1944


Zvi SemelBorn in Israel, he received his master's degree with honors from the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance where he studied with Prof. Alexander Tamir. He continued his studies with Ms. Dina Turgeman.Semel holds a master's degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in the Departments of Musicology and Cultural Studies. He recently submitted his doctoral dissertation written in the Department of Musi-cology at the Hebrew University, entitled "Voices from the Valley of the Shadow of Death - The Vocal Music in Ghetto Terezin". One of the chapters is dedicated to the composer Viktor Ullmann and his work in ghetto Terezin.He is a senior lecturer at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and serves as a Vocal Coach in the Vocal Department. Between 2009 and 2013 he served as Head of the Vocal Department.In addition, he directed the Vocal Department at the "Sounds in Jerusalem" summer course, as Artistic Director of the Young Singers Program at the Mishkenot Sha'ananim Music Center in Jerusalem. He teaches at the summer music academy "Palazzo Ricci" in Montepulciano, Italy and is invited to give master classes in Israel and abroad.In 2001, Semel initiated with Dr. Gila Plam A concert series of Israeli music, co-oper-ation between the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance and the Music Depart-ment of the Jerusalem National Library. Since then he has been the musical direc-tor of these concerts, which focus on Israeli vocal music.

Wolfgang PillingerMusician, arranger, composer, director and Professor Emeritus for Music Theater for Actors at the University Mozarteum, Visiting Professor at the Tokyo College of Music, Folkwang Hochschule Essen, lecturer and speaker at the University of New Orleans, Diagonale – Festival of the Austrian Film, Science & Art project of the Paris Lodron University and the University Mozarteum (still ongoing ).As composer and arranger his speciality is music for scenic works, theater and TV.His accomplishments include stage music for Burgtheater Wien, Theater in der Josefstadt, Volkstheater Wien, Schauspielhaus Wien, Burgenland Festival, Landest-gheater Salzburg, Landestheater Klagenfurt, Max Reinhard Seminar Wien, Opera Department of the University Mozarteum, State Theatre Oldenburg, State Theatre Saarbrücken etc. Some of the award winning productions has beendocumented for TV.Since 1986 scoring for German TV series on a regular basis (Derrik, Der Altre, DieMänner vom K3, Großstadtrevier) broadcasted by ARD, ZDF, NDR, ORF, etc. Score on a Felix Mitterer screen adaption, a film about Georg Trakl, a documentary Saudade-Rendezvous in Brasilien.Founder and leader of the Wolfgang Pillinger Big Band, cooperation with Fortsetzung folgt , a periodical meeting of mainly young Austrian (Jazz) musicians in a Composer’s (Jazz) orchestra.

Page 8: VIKTOR ULLMANN PROJECT 2018...held in the ghetto, taught musical theory and gave piano lessons. Likewise, he gave lectures on musical topics. He was murdered in Auschwitz on 18.10.1944



"School of Form"


December 10-13th, 2018The Jerusalem Academy Of Music and Dance

Final ConcertMaster Classes, Workshops, Lectures and

December 13th | 18:00 | Hall 221

Free Entrance

Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Hall 231Prof. Wolfgang Pillinger | Jazz Master Class | Room 301Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Hall 231Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Room 111Zvi Semel | “Art alongside Horror – the Artistic activity in Ghetto Terezin” - Lecture | Hall 231Prof. Therese Lindquist | Master class for singers – Lieder | Hall 231

Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Hall 231Prof. Wolfgang Pillinger | Composition Master Classes | Room 301Prof. Annelie Gahl | Violin and Chamber music Master Class | Room 111Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Hall 231Herbert Gantschacher | Lecture “School of Form” – Viktor Ullmann and Paul Wittgenstein – Fortress Theresienstadt | Hall 231



Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Hall 231Prof. Annelie Gahl | Violin and Chamber music Master Class | Room 111Prof. Wolfgang Pillinger | Composition Lecture | Room 301Prof. Therese Lindquist | Voice and Piano Duos Master Class | Hall 231Prof. Michael Wolpe | "Their blood is flowing in our body": The artistic work of Victor Ullmann in his last years of activity in ghetto TerezinLecture - Lecture | Hall 231



















Prof. Wolfgang Pillinger | Students Presentations compositions | Room 301

Final Concert Ullmann Project | Hall 221

