
Appendix - I

Visits and Details

1.London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Library

Ms. Caroline Lloyd, Head of the Library & Archives Service and my

supervisor for this revered commonwealth fellowship has given me a warm welcome

to London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Library on 9 th January, 2012. The

library was my tenable for the fellowship. She has also given me an excellent

introductory tour of the entire LSHTM Library includes exciting inheritable reading

section, journals section,

archives section,

circulation section and

each and every working

station in the library in

addition to the staff


Mr. David Archer gave me an overview of Reader Services and Safety

measures for the users in the LSHTM. Mr. Chris Manning has given me an

introduction about networking systems and desktop services of the library. Ms.

Hannah Wood overviewed me on information services of library.

2.University Library, University of East London:

I have attend a conference entitled ‘Going it alone: innovations in information

literacy’ organized by University of East London on 13 th January, 2012. This

conference intended on Info skills as

identifying, finding, evaluating and

referencing information.

After the conference I met Ms.

Gurdish Sandhu, Associate Director,

Library and Learning Services, University of East London. The meeting was very

potential because the discussions were relating to pros and cons of open source and

preparatory software, digital resources using in UEL and ICT applications in libraries

in India and UK.

The visit to the library of University of East London is an excellent experience

for me because the self - circulation system and different study zones are attracted

my mind. The building is just panoramic and maintaining the shelves with lights is a

new to me. I also observed the systems and services of library including a course is

organized by library that European Computer Driving License (ECDL).

3.Royal Free Hospital Medical Library

I visited Royal Free Hospital Medical Library of University College of London

on 23th January, 2012. This library is offering services to NHS Trust staff in addition

to the UCL users and Royal Free Hospital staff. The key point of all the library

services is the training programme. The library is providing different information

literacy training programmes to their users like articles search through PubMed and

commercial databases, organizing and citing references through Reference Manager

and EndNote, critical appraisal of a systematic review, information resources to

support evidence-based practice, etc. These trainings will empower the user

information literacy skills and they can manage their information better in their


4.British Library of London

School of Economics and

Political Science:

I visited a biggest library which

I have ever seen that the Library of

London School of Economics and

Political Science (also called British

Library of London School of Economics and Political Science) is a school of the

University of London on 3rd February, 2012. Really, it’s a fantastic and huge library

with so many books, so many computers,

and good reading space with ample light.

The library is providing many information

literacy and Lib 2.0 services to the

students, research scholars and faculty in

their respective subjects.

Dr. Jane Secker, Copyright and Digital Literacy Advisor hosted me to visit

London School of Economic and Political Science. She is also editor of Journal of

Information Literacy, Library Review and Programme. I learnt many learning

technology services and tools which they are providing to the LSE as Moodle for

VLE, digital Copyrights, use of multimedia, instant voting for feedback instead of

taking a paper feedback, etc. I got an opportunity to attend a lunch time seminar on

”use of iPods and tablets in education” by Jane. After that, Maria Bell hosted me to

visit the LSE Library.

5.Hendon Library, Middlesex


Ms. Jo Wilson hosted

me to visit the Hendon Library

of Middlesex University on 10th

February, 2012. The visit

began with a quick

presentation of university library sources and services. She has taken me a tour to

shown the library with other commonwealth fellows Dr.Sanjay, Dr.Manju,

Ms.Sangeetha and Mr.Phillip and explained about various library sections and its

works. After the library tour, I met Dr. Alan Hopkinson, Technical Manager,

Learning Resources, Middlesex University, who hosted the majority of the Indian

Librarians for the prestigious Commonwealth Fellowship.

6.Archway Healthcare Library

On the same day, I visited the Archway Healthcare Library of Middlesex University

with another commonwealth fellow Ms.Sangeetha. Fortunately, Alan came with us.

Mr.Richard Peacock, Lead Clinical Librarian hosted us and he explained the sources

and services of the HealthCare library. In addition, he explained about the

importance of systematic reviews, critical appraisal of reviews and review of

literature. His experience and knowledge is enormous in critical appraisal.

7.The School of Pharmacy


I was hosted by Mrs.

Michelle Wake, Librarian of

The School of Pharmacy to

visit the library on 13th

February, 2012. The day was begun with a briefing of library collection and its

services. I was attend two training sessions at the school, one was on Power Point

training with Ph.D. students and other one on Information Gathering lecture

undergraduate students. I got a chance to observe the kindle for e-books.

8.British Library for Development Studies, Brighton

I visited British Library for Development Studies of IDS (Institute of

Development Studies, UK) at Brighton on 14th February, 2012. Ms. Steph Watson

hosted me with another Commonwealth Fellow Mr. Gracian Chimwaza from South

Africa. She had prepared a schedule for the day with meetings. Ms.Rachel

Playforth explained me about repository works and document delivery services at

BLDS to their users including Lower Middle Income Countries in Saharan Africa.

Mr.Ian Budden and Ms. Karen Butcher briefed me about article indexing, metadata

exchange programmes with other

libraries and very interesting

publications exchange programme

with other institutions in the world.

Mr. Nason, System Administrator

explained about ICT applications to

the library. I also met Mrs. Louise McGrath, Knowledge Services who is doing a

Nutrition Project with my institute in India and discussed the work progress.

I delivered a lecture at lunch time seminar on “Public Health Information in

India”. The participants interestingly asked me on the health information availability

in India and its usage, government support to the procurement of sources,

publisher’s perspectives to provide information to the country.

9.King’s Fund Library

I visited the King’s Fund Library on 20th of February, 2012 , is a unique source

of information on health and social care policy, which is offered free of charge to

managers and leaders in health and social care and to anyone else working in, or

interested in, these areas. I also, joined as a library friend (they called library

member as a friend) to the Fund.

The library staff explained about their database, which is based on KOHA

Library Management Software. The very important thing is that they embedded wiki

in their search module for basic information.

10.Library, University of Bedfordshire

I was hosted by Peter Godwin, Academic Liaison Librarian of University of

Bedfordshire, Luton on 21st

Febuary, 2012. It was a very

fruitful meet to Peter to learn

about web 2.0 applications to

library services. He is an expert

in the field and he wrote two

books on the same field. He explained about RSS feeds, social book marking,

podcasting, blogs and the importance to integrate to the library website. He has

taken me to library tour on that day.

11.David Wilson Library, University of Leicester

I had been to David Wilson Library of University of Leicester at Leicester with

Shane Godbolt, Director of Partnerships of Health Information and Gracian who is a

Commonwealth fellow from South Africa as me on 26 th February, 2012. The library

building is beautifully architectured, recently renovated, centrally located to the

university and also grabbed the

different awards from different

institutes like 2012 SCONUL Library

Design Award, 2009 RIBA Award, etc.

The library divided into different zone

according to users’ needs like express

zone for short loans, exam papers and

dissertations, special zone for

postgraduate students, etc.

I found one of the finest and greatest things of the library is that the

employability and personal skills development programme, in addition to the routine

library works. The library is providing year wise skills programme with

documentation including CV preparation and interview skills.

12.Thompson Library, Staffordshire University

Dr. Geoff Walton, Librarian I/C for Thompson Library hosted us (Shane,

Gracian and me) to visit the Library of

Staffordshire University on 27th February,

2012. Mr. Paul Johnson, Information

Landscape Librarian has explained about the

different modules and its functions of KOHA –

an open source Library Management

Software. It is very useful to me because we are using the same software in my

institute for catalouging and OPAC. Once I will return to India I have to implement

the remaining modules of the software as circulation, serials control, etc.

The library introduced Summon federated search service (a single search) for

all library resources including books, e-books, e-journals and digitized full text

collection. The library is providing live help (chat online) service during staffed

hours and also providing the 24 hours help to their students.

13.Pilkington Library, University of Loughborough

Shane Godbold, Gracian and I visited the Pilkington Library, University Library

of Loughborough University

at Leicestershire on 28th

February. Dr.Graham

Walton, Head of Planning

and Resources hosted us

for the day. Firstly, he

described about one

interesting topic that Branding of library and library services includes Space

management in libraries, marketing of library and its services, and secondly we had

a good discussion on Open Access and its business models and its future

perspective. Ruth Stubbing, Head of Academic Services explained about Information

Literacy programmes for different levels users which are based on The SCONUL

Seven Pillars. Also, we discussed with institutional repository team and interestingly

we found that the university authorities declared a policy that all the university

publications should be available at their University repository and copyright issues

has to be take care by the authors. It is a positive movement in the Open Access

module. We have to wait and see what will happen in the future.

After lunch, we visited the School of Information Science. Dr. Graham

Matthews, Professor and Dr. Mark Hepworth, Reader of the school were explained

about school activities and projects relating to health.

All discussions had with the above professionals are very useful to me to

introduce at my institute like how to market library services, how to establish

institutional repository and SCONUL module in information literacy programme.

14.ScHARR Library, University of Sheffield

Gracian, Shane and I visited the School of Health and Related Research

(ScHARR) at University of Sheffield on 29 th February, 2012. Mr. Andrew Booth,

Reader in Evidence Based Information and Director of Information hosted us. He is

very good in Library and Information field and he contributed many books and

articles to the profession. He has given a new paradigm to the profession and he

started new courses in public health field with the mixture of health information at

ScHARR like Evidence Based Health Information, Public Health Informatics, etc. He

explained about ScHARR and its activities with NHS of UK and Involvement in

Supporting Evidence Based Practice at morning session. Ms. Anna Cantrell briefed

about Research Funding

Services to institute and

Mrs. Claire described about

Teaching Critical Appraisal

and its methods. Mrs.

Helen Buckley briefed about

Public Health Collaborating

Centre Searching Support

to NHS and ScHARR projects at University. At last Andrew summed up the entire

day activities and he has given his book entitled ‘Exploiting Knowledge in health

services’ to me as a gift. I am very thankful to him and he also inspired me a lot

because of his works and commitment to the professional development.

15. Library, Indian High Commission

I have visited the Indian High Commission Library with one of my

commonwealth fellow colleague from Indian namely Neeraj, which was hosted by

Sanjat Kumar Bihani, Attache

(Press, Information & Library) on 9th

March, 2012. In that library we met

Mrs.Maureen Travs, 90, a legend of

library because since from the

inception of the library she has

been working. It was a great experience to me to meet her. The library is different

from other libraries because the library is having books only about India, books on

India and Indian people, culture, etc.

16.University of Highlands and Islands Libraries, Scotland (Inverness College

library, Highlands Health Library, Highland Theological College Library)

Dr. Gillian Anderson, University Librarian hosted me to visit the University of

Highland and Islands (UHI) libraries of Scotland on 12 th March, 2012. It’s a three

days programme to UHI because the university spreads in different islands in

Scotland. Gillian illuminated about University libraries and its maintenance through

Google maps because the centers are in different islands across the Scotland. Carol

Hart, Learning Centre Manager of Inverness College of UHI hosted me the library.

She introduced about her library its services to the students. Mr. Michele explained

about some web 2.0 tools to library services.

Gillian and I met with Dr. Ian Leslie, Dean of Health Faculty at UHI at

Inverness on 13th March, 2012. We had a chat about our institute and its activities

and he also explained about his institute. After that, I visited the Highland Health

Sciences Library and I observed the services to its users both on campus and off

campus. This is useful to my library services because my home institute is also

conducting distance education programmes.

I had a chance to visit School of Oral Health Science, part of UHI at

Inverness. The school’s innovative work leads the way in UHI’s distributed teaching

and learning, through the use of ‘blended learning’ which enables students to link up

from Inverness, and its different campus at the Isle of Lewis, Dumfries and Galloway.

The teaching embraces the blended methods of synchronized online tutorials,

clinical skills training by video conferencing and face to face clinical teaching in

primary dental care units in the patient treatment areas at each centre. I observed

the practical treatments at dental laboratory and Video Conference classes at

Inverness campus.

I met Dr. Gaener Rodge, Director of Centre for Rural Health at UHI and we

discussed about rural health projects in different areas like health economics, health

services, etc. We also discussed about possibilities regarding any collaboration

projects with my institute particularly in rural India.

At afternoon, Gillian and I drove to Dingwall and I met with Elizabeth Mchugh,

Electronic Resources Librarian of UHI and we discussed about how they are

procuring e-resources, management of e-resources and usage of e-resources at

different 13 campuses of UHI. They are using ‘Millennium’ software for their Library

Management and ‘Research Pro’ multi search engine for their entire e-sources in the

university. I also visited the Highland Theological College Library at Dingwall on the

same day. This library particularly meant for religious literature on Christianity.

17.Lews Castle College, Stornoway

I visited Lews Castle College of UHI at Stornoway, Scotland with Gillian on

14th February, 2012. It’s a one of the islands campus of UHI and it’s a wonderful

experience in my life to visit to island. First, I met Prof. Frank Rennie, Head of

Research and Post Graduate Development and he explained about how they are

conducting classes at a time for all different center’s students (because most of

campuses scattered at different islands and remote villages), how the students

approach faculty at different times, and some ongoing projects. Interestingly, they

are conducting classes through video conference, web conference, sometimes

interaction on Skype, chat over net, doubt clearance over phone, and rarely face to

face. This shows the dedication of the

faculty and their commitment to the


Also, I found that the University’s

main object is that they are encouraging

the rural people to stay in their home

place and continue their studies without

coming to the urban areas. The university is protecting the culture and traditional

values of the nation. It is very useful idea to India because most of the Indian people

living in rural areas.

Dr. Rachel Tearse, Donald Macdonald and Dr. Michael M. Smith described

about their courses and also they requested me to explain about public health

course, which are conducting at my institute. They expressed their interest to see

my institute course curriculum and I have provided the curriculum for their reference.

Dr. Dave Matheson, Director of Academic Affairs enquired about my institute

and conveyed his best wishes to my trip.

Ms. Caroline Brick, College Librarian and I discussed about library services,

information literacy programmes and how they are providing services to the distance

learners. Surprisingly, sometimes they are sending books by post, in addition to the

online services to remote island students. Now they are planning to provide online

information literacy skills to the students and faculty.

I met John Alexander Smith, Acting Head of Integrated Technologies and he

explained about web 2.0 apps to the library services and course works, particularly

which are available on open source like MIT course material, Open coursewear

Consortium, for training material in technology, caliber, Mobie, elgg, etc.

These are very useful to me to implement at my institute.

That was an unforgettable day in my life to visit the Lews Castle College of

UHI, Stornoway, Scotland.

18.Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford

The visit to the Bodleian

Libraries of University of Oxford is a

wonderful experience in my

fellowship, because as a Librarian

it’s a prestige for me to see the one

of the world historical libraries on 19th

March, 2012. I have had a tour to

the Bodleian Library with Historic

Venues (Maggie, University tour guide has taken me to tour) in the library. Mrs.

Angela Carritt, User Education Coordinator explained about their information literacy

programmes which they are offering to the students and faculty at 33 Bodleian

Libraries in different subjects. Mrs. Sally Rumsey, Digital Collections Development

Manager briefed about their institutional repository through Fedora software in the

university. Ms. Alison Prince, Web Manager described the web pages development

for different libraries of Bodleian and web 2/social media applications to their library

web pages like Twitter, Facebook, Library thing, Delicious which ever they prepare to

integrate in their library services. All these web 2.0 applications have to apply in my

institute to give better services to my users.

19.Wellcome Trust Library

It was a fruitful visit to Wellcome Trust Library on 20 th March, 2012. Dr.

Simon Chaplin, Head of Wellcome Library hosted the visit. The library is unique in

its collection relating to history of medicine and its role in society, past and present.

The library has extraordinary collection of materials in various formats like paintings,

prints and drawings, rare books like books printed before 1501, manuscripts, palm

leaves, images, audio-video collection, etc. Some materials we can find in this

library only which are relating medical history. It’s an excellent collection of different

material related medical history. It’s a very useful resource center to the researches.

I have also taken library

membership in the library,

because it’s very useful to my

researchers and students at

my institute. And also, my

institute is having a strong

bond with Wellcome Trust because the Trust is one of the funders of my institute.

Dr.Simon and I had a healthy discussion about my institute and any provisions for

library projects relating health information in India.

The library staff given me a picture about how they are collecting the

collection and rare collection, and how they are preserving, digitizing the materials

for public access. It was a good chance to visit and watch the rare books and

materials in the Wellcome Library.

20.British Library, London

I had been to British Library on 22nd and 23rd of March 2012. I was hosted by

Mr. Hedley Sutton, Manager,

Asian & African Studies Section

for both days. He has taken a

tour to whole library and he

explained about each and every

floor and reading rooms in the

library. Mr. Paul briefed about

the Science Section and user

services and organization of

materials in the section. He showed some available public health resources in the

library. Nalini Persad, Curator, South Indian Languages told about the procurement

process and catalouging about South Indian materials for the library. I found the

post-1858 records of East India through Dr. Antonia Moon, Senior Archivist, India

Office Records and she also shown the recently published book which is relating to

index of archives of health records (post-1858), etc. of India. Sita Gunasingham,

Reading Room Manager, Asian and African Studies have taken a tour to the very old

records of India which are before independence of India. Apparently, I can say

British Library is the one the treasure houses of knowledge in the world.

21.Cambridge University Library,

Medicine and Sciences Library,

Cambridge University

Last visit in my fellowship

programme was to Cambridge

University on 26th March, 2012. I have

been hosted by Peter Morgan Head of Medical and Science Libraries. He has taken

me to main library of University and he explained about library and its importance in

the UK and we had a chat with Elin Stangeland, Cambridge Repository Manager

about university repository system and methods. It was very interesting me to

implement in my institute because I

am also using same software i.e.

DSpace in my institute. In the

university they are collecting different

material like reports, conference

papers, technical reports, research

data, multi-media files, images and source code in addition to the research

publications to put in the repository. Again Peter had taken a tour to medical library

at Addenbrookes and he briefed about his library and its services to the users. Mrs.

Isla Kuhn, Reader service Librarian of Medical Library summarized about information

literacy programmes of library, some medical databases like Trim, etc. and web 2.0

applications to library services.
