
Friends of the Forgotten Woodlands Inc.– Annual General meeting Minutes

Date: Monday 4 September 2017Time: 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Venue: Conference Room, Ballarat Technology Park

Present: John Morgan, Bill Weatherly, Adam Miller, Peter Hocking, Tim D’Ombrain, Simon Heyes, Bill Honey, Frank Carland, Dan Frost, Graeme Arkinstall, Anthony Casanova, Val Lang, Peter Muller, Aggie Stevenson


Apologies: Anne Hughes, Tania Parker, Jacinta Hendriks, Una Allender, Will Ford, Rod Elderidge, Lisa McIntyre, Lisette Mill, Sue Brunskill, Bonnie Gelman, Adam Merrick, Steve Sinclair, Susan Hoebee, Clint Crimeen, Rod Bird, Errol Harris, Ian Lunt, Trian Weatherly, Deborah Saxon-Campbell

That apologies for the meeting be accepted.Moved: Peter MullerSeconded: John MorganCarried: All

Presidents Report: The Presidents Report was read and accepted.Moved: Bill WeatherlySeconded: Graeme ArkinstallCarried: All

Treasurers Report: The Treasurer presented the annual unaudited accounts. Amendment needing to be made in expenses. Amended report to be sent out to Committee.

Moved: Aggie StevensonSeconded: John MorganCarried: All

Election of office bearers: All positions declared vacant by Graeme Arkinstall. A show of hands vote was taken and the following people were elected for the coming year.

Names: It is hereby declared that the following people have been nominated to the Committee for Friends of the Forgotten Woodlands Inc. President – Bill Weatherly, Nominated by: Graeme Arkinstall, Seconded: Aggie Stevenson, Carried: AllVice-President - Adam Miller, Nominated by: Bill Weatherly, Seconded: Simon Heyes, Carried: AllSecretary – Aggie Stevenson, Nominated by: Bill Weatherly, Seconded: Adam Miller, Carried: AllTreasurer - Aggie Stevenson, Nominated by: Val Lang, Seconded: Dan Frost, Carried: AllExecutive Committee - John Morgan, Nominated by: Aggie Stevenson, Seconded: Tim D’Ombrain, Carried: All Steve Sinclair, Nominated by: Aggie Stevenson, Seconded: Adam Miller, Carried: All

Graeme Arkinstall, Nominated by: Bill Weatherly, Seconded: Simon Heyes, Carried: AllSimon Heyes, Nominated by: Aggie Stevenson, Seconded: Dan Frost, Carried: AllAdam Merrick, Nominated by: Val Lang, Seconded: Graeme Arkinstall, Carried: AllBill Weatherly, Adam Miller & Aggie Stevenson

Thank you, Graeme declared the nomination and election of office bearers complete.

Motion to amend rules to include rule 78 (attached to minutes). Amended rule was circulated to all members. Graeme thanked Bill for all his work on ensuring the inclusion of Rule 78, which will allow FoFW to gain Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status.

Moved: Bill WeatherlySeconded: Graeme ArkinstallCarried: All

General Business:

- Peter Hocking asked about mosaic burning. Does VicRoads liaise with Parks Vic? Yes, there is a VR representative on every roadside management advisory committee (RMAC) within local governments

- $15K for genetic testing, Connecting Country Kara Kara NCCMA, Dan Frost, Donnie Humphries, looking at neighboring populations to prop up genetics

- Consult with practitioners

Round room introductions:

- John Morgan: this is about more than Banksias, how do we move to other species, build in understory at some stage- Aggie Stevenson: love on farm on VVP, been doing reveg for about 32 years and had strong focus on local provenance

especially in last 20 years- Peter Muller:- Val Lang: landholder next to Mt Elephant, want to establish good pops of Banksias, take people’s imaginations and

helps to get other species. Area covers about 200ac. Tim D’ombrain will send photos around, planted inside the crater- Anthony Casanova: Beyond Bolac Facilitator, learning about Banksias, want to know distributions of Banksia- Graeme Arkinstall:- Dan Frost:- Frank Carland: not a formal member so he can hope to find money and support for FoFW from within VicRoads- Bill Honey: Dog Rocks Reserve, wants to hear about Mt Elephant. Bills family transferred 40 ac (‘Belchers Bush’) of land

to TFN. Dog Rocks flora and fauna reserve is ~200 ac, about 9km from Geelong. Through Mark Trengrove, fenced off 3 ac on farm about 25 years ago, have lots of trees from natural recruitment, had some old trees including one remnant Silver Banksia, which is now dead

- Simon Heyes: Susan Hobbee has Masters Student looking at pollinators and pollination, starting at La Trobe Uni. Michelle Butler may have grants coming up for Citizen Science

- Tim D’ombrain: o getting 25 years of data into VBAo encouraging people to get data into VBAo funding to target grey literature that we want to digitise, Tim talking to groups about thiso VicRoads (Major Mitchell) project not commenced yet, will happen, but not year. Mitchells Honey Suckle

Woodland – recreate this off the road, with remnants on the railway line. Clint Crimeane (VicRoads) has moved on, so not getting pushed at the moment

o Through work with VicRoads, come up with wa of modelling EVCs at paddock level, Gives us a fine scale way to analyzing Banksia records, will keep us updated – can go in the newsletter

- Peter Hocking:

Adam Miller (Deakin University) presented on his genetic findings from the Banksia work. A link will be sent to the VVP CMN page that is dedicated to FoFW

- We can now differentiate between clones and genetically variable samples with the 10 new genetic markers which go to a finer scale than the original markers

- Mt Clay – everything linked which points to clonality (asexual seeds)- There are still comparative genetics between populations- No strong signals of inbreeding at the moment- Next we will genotype restored populations

Meeting close: 9:55 pm