Page 1: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their


Veterinaire farmacovigilantie

Nieuwe verordening (NVR)

Anita Bottger

Rhenen, 23 september 2019

Page 2: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their


Quiz vorm gebaseerd op het juridische beginsel: eenieder wordt geacht de wet te kennen (everyone is deemed to know the law)

- Meldingen (reports)

- Signal management

Page 3: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR Article 73, Union pharmacovigilance system

2. Competent authorities, the Agency and marketing authorisation holders

shall take the necessary measures to make available means to report and

encourage reporting

Vraag: Directive 2001/82 states the following:

MAHs shall take appropriate measures to encourage reporting to

competent authorities

a. Ja

b. Nee

Page 4: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

Directive 2001/82, art 72

1. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to encourage the reporting to the competent authorities of suspected adverse reactions to veterinary medicinal products. 2 Member States may impose specific requirements on veterinary practitioners (Art 6.5 regeling diergeneesmiddelen: een dierenarts moet binnen 15 dagen melden: ernstige bijwerking, onverwachte bijwerking, humane bijwerking)

Page 5: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR Art 73, suspected adverse events.

(a) any unfavourable and unintended reaction in any animal to a veterinary medicinal product;

(b) any observation of a lack of efficacy of a veterinary medicinal product following its

administration to an animal, whether or not in accordance with the summary of product


(d) any noxious reaction in humans exposed to a veterinary medicinal product;

(f) any suspected transmission of an infectious agent via a veterinary medicinal product;

Vraag: Do MAHs have to send these reports to the relevant NCA within 15 days according to

the current legislation?

a. Ja

b. nee

Page 6: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

Directive 2001/82, art 75 en Volume 9B

2. The marketing authorisation holder shall record

- all suspected serious adverse reactions

- human adverse reactions relating to the use of veterinary medicinal products

that are brought to his attention, and report them promptly to the competent authority of the

Member State on whose territory the incident occurred, and no later than 15 days

following receipt

The marketing authorisation holder shall ensure that all suspected

serious unexpected adverse reactions, human adverse reactions and any

suspected transmission via a veterinary medicinal product of any

infectious agent occurring on the territory of a third country are

reported promptly

Page 7: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR Art 73(2) reports in PhV database within 30 days

(c) any environmental incidents observed following the administration of a veterinary medicinal

product to an animal;

(e) any finding of a pharmacologically active substance or marker residue in a product of animal

origin exceeding the maximum levels of residues established in accordance with Regulation (EC)

No 470/2009 after the set withdrawal period has been respected;

(g) any unfavourable and unintended reaction in an animal to a medicinal product for human


Vraag: should these reports be discussed in a PSUR (periodic safety update report) according

to the current legislation?

a. Ja

b. nee

Page 8: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR Art 76

Marketing authorisation holders shall record in the pharmacovigilance database all suspected

adverse events which were reported to them and that occurred within the Union or in a third

country or that have been published in the scientific literature with regard to their authorised

veterinary medicinal products, without delay and no later than within 30 days of receipt of the

suspected adverse event report.


there are more than 2 differences with the current legislation

a. Ja

b. nee

Page 9: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR Art 76

2. Marketing authorisation holders shall record in the pharmacovigilance database all suspected

adverse events which were reported to them and that occurred within the Union or in a third

country or that have been published in the scientific literature with regard to their authorised

veterinary medicinal products, without delay and no later than within 30 days of receipt of the

suspected adverse event report.

Page 10: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

Directive 2001/82 art 76

2. Making use of the network foreseen in the first paragraph,

Member States shall ensure that reports of suspected serious adverse

reactions and human adverse reactions, in accordance with the guidance

referred to in Article 77(1), that have taken place on their territory are

immediately made available to the Agency and the other Member

States, and in any case within 15 calendar days of their notification,

at the latest.

Page 11: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

Quality of reports

Submitted reports to the database should be of good quality in order to perform signal

management (big data) .

“garbage in, garbage out”

Page 12: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

Examples quality


- Proper use of latest version of Veddra (standard medical terminology)

- Minimum requirements (name VMP, name reporter etc)

- follow ups with relevant information (Responsibility MAH?)

- Detection of duplicates (Responsibility MAH?)

- Causality assessment?

- …….


supervision by authorities is not necessary. All submitted reports are of high quality

a. Ja

b. Nee

Page 13: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR Art 79, Pharmacovigilance responsibilities of the competent authorities and the Agency

1. Competent authorities shall lay down the necessary procedures to evaluate the results and

outcomes of the signal management process recorded in the pharmacovigilance database in

accordance with Article 81(2) as well as suspected adverse events reported to them, consider

options for risk management and take any appropriate measures referred to in Articles 129,

130 and 134 concerning marketing authorisations.

4. Competent authorities shall verify, by means of controls and inspections, that marketing

authorisation holders comply with the requirements relating to pharmacovigilance laid down in

this Section.

Page 14: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR Art 77 Pharmacovigilance responsibilities of the marketing authorisation holder

4. The marketing authorisation holder shall be responsible for the pharmacovigilance of the

veterinary medicinal product for which it holds a marketing authorisation and shall

continuously evaluate by appropriate means the benefit-risk balance of this veterinary

medicinal product and, if necessary, take appropriate measures.

10. The marketing authorisation holder shall, based on the assessment of the

pharmacovigilance data, and where necessary, submit without undue delay an application for a

variation to the terms of a marketing authorisation in accordance with Article 62 (application

for variations requiring an assessment)

Vraag: wat verstaat u onder ‘undue delay’

a. Less than 2 weeks

b. More than 2 weeks but less than 30 days

c. More than 30 days

Page 15: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR art 81

2. Where the outcome of the signal management process identifies a change to the benefit-risk

balance or a new risk, marketing authorisation holders shall notify it without delay and no later

than within 30 days to the competent authorities or to the Agency, as applicable, and take the

necessary action in accordance with Article 77(10).

Weet u nog wat stond in art 77 (10)?

a. Ja

b. nee

Page 16: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR art 81 Signal management process

1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

veterinary medicinal products, if necessary, taking into account sales data and other relevant

pharmacovigilance data of which they can reasonably be expected to be aware and which may

be useful for that signal management process. That data may include scientific information

gathered from scientific literature reviews.

Recital 63:That signal management process consists of tasks of signal detection, validation, confirmation,

analysis and prioritisation, assessment and recommendation for action.


Salesdata are not (always) necessary for pharmacovigilance analysis according to the new regulation?

a. Ja

b. nee

Page 17: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR 75, access to the Phv Database

3. The general public shall have access to the pharmacovigilance database, without the

possibility to change the information therein, as regards the following information:

(a) the number and at the latest within two years from 28 January 2022 the incidence of

suspected adverse events reported each year, broken down by veterinary medicinal

product, animal species and type of suspected adverse event;

(b) the results and outcomes referred to in Article 81(1) that arise from the signal management

process performed by the marketing authorisation holder for veterinary medicinal products or

groups of veterinary medicinal products.

Page 18: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

NVR art 81.2

The marketing authorisation holder shall record, at least annually, all results and outcomes of

the signal management process, including a conclusion on the benefit-risk balance, and, if

applicable, references to relevant scientific literature in the pharmacovigilance database.

“At least annually” implies that a higher frequency is possible.

Question. When do you want a higher recording frequency?

a. New active substance,

b. outcome signal management with signal ‘death’

c. Serious AE in a human (hospitalization)

d. All factors above

e. b+c

f. Never. Outcome should always be recorded annually

Page 19: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

Example part of draft (!) report form

NVR Art 74 Union pharmacovigilance database 2. The pharmacovigilance database shall be interconnected with the product database referred to in Article 55. Question Should inspection be informed in case a MAH with several VMPs does not have reports at all a. Ja b. nee

Page 20: Veterinaire farmacovigilantie Nieuwe verordening (NVR) · NVR art 81 Signal management process 1. Marketing authorisation holders shall carry out a signal management process for their

Art 77 Pharmacovigilance responsibilities of the marketing authorisation holder

1. Marketing authorisation holders shall establish and maintain a system for collecting, collating

and evaluating information on the suspected adverse events concerning their authorised

veterinary medicinal products, enabling them to fulfil their pharmacovigilance responsibilities

(‘pharmacovigilance system’).

3. The marketing authorisation holder shall designate a local or regional representative for the

purpose of receiving reports of suspected adverse events who is able to communicate in the

languages of the relevant Member States.

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