

VESTRY VIEWS - JUNE 2021 It has been over a year since the Covid 19 Pandemic hit and closed down almost everything. It is hard to believe how many people got sick, how many people died and how many people lost their jobs or had to work from home. There were a lot of changes we had to work thru. Schools going remote and kids having classes on line. Parents needing to be part time teachers. Figuring out masks, shopping safely and finding cleaning supplies and paper products. Things are finally looking brighter. The vaccine is here and half of the United States is fully vaccinated and more than half have had at least 1 shot. There are less people getting sick and this is enabling things to open up more and more. The rules on social distancing and masks are being updated. In-person Sunday service is back. We are also having Church School in-person. We will be having a couple weddings this Summer and there are a couple funeral services that are being planned. We had a Wednesday Café and a youth event on the front lawn at Church. We are planning to have the Rummage Sale in September. We are coming back slowly but surely. Church is very important and returning safely is also important. It’s time to get back in the pews. We have been waiting for over a year. Come join us on Sunday morning for In-person service. This is what we have been waiting for. It’s Time! Donald Metzinger

Vestry Views Parish Register

Vestry Highlights From the Rector Worship News Church School

Service Ministry Gathering Updates


* * * Parish Office

247-4190 Mon.–Fri.

9:30am–1:00pm * * *


& 11:00 a.m. In-Person


4190 Prayer requests remain


6 weeks unless notified.

THE BISHOP THE MINISTERS The Rt. Rev’d Prince G. Singh The Congregation


Kathie Entress, Warden Margaret Schweizer, Warden Nick Parisi, Treasurer Gail Renehan, Clerk

Emily Entress Susan Gaskill Kim Hyde Heidi McGrath

Don Metzinger Lisa Steubing Laurie Zaso Roberta Ames

THE STAFF Rector: Rev. Jimmie Sue Deppe Parish Secretary: Kelly Jo Stone Organist: Gail Hyde (Substitute)

Sexton: Robert J. Heslin, Sr. Church School Coordinator: Don Metzinger

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FROM THE PARISH REGISTER O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace; strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

June 2 Anna Dingee June 6 Sue Greenauer June 7 Debbie Hastings Shannon Michaels June 8 Brian Cappon Ellie Manktelow Jonathan Woo

June 10 Donna Perry June 13 Shirley Harding

Gail Renehan June 14 Michael Austin Tyler Roberts June 16 Nita Landes

Pam Metzinger June 17 Julie D’Angelo

June 19 Dean Dingee June 21 Chris Plail

David Pulhamus June 22 Kellen McGrath June 29 Dylan Morien June 30 Tom Seils

O God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented the spiritual unity between Christ and his Church. Send your blessing upon these your servants that they may so love, honor and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and godliness, that their homes may be havens of blessing and peace. Amen.

June 5 Ray, Jr. & Janeen Ornt June 6 Bruce & Audrey Barclay June 10 Lance & Sue Guglin Don & Pam Metzinger June 11 Ken Jr. & Retta Gamet June 13 Larry & Ronnie Burling Nick & Margaret Parisi June 16 Julie D’Angelo & Tammy Weber- D’Angelo June 20 Jimmie Sue & Amy Deppe June 26 Terry & Liz Barker


Birthdays are a special occasion; we do not want to miss yours! If you have not let us know when your

special day is, please do so.

CHANGES & ADDITIONS If you have changes to your contact information, please notify Kelly Jo Stone: Office hours: Monday–Friday, 9:30am–1 pm Please email photos and articles to Kelly Jo Stone at [email protected].


Issue Deadline Mailing

July June 18 June 25

August July 24 July 30



Vestry Meeting Minutes: -M-S-A to approve the Tuesday, April 21, 2021 Zoom Vestry Meeting Minutes.

Treasurer’s Report: Nick continues to be concerned about our pledge income; the deficit has grown close to $2,300.00 since last month. The April Treasurer’s Report was unavailable at this time.

Action Items (Require Vestry Action/Vote):

Amount to approve for use for the JVB Scholarship: -M-S-A to approve $1,000.00 to the 2021 JVB Scholarship recipient.

Pre-Approve Partnership Mission Grant (Campaign D): Jimmie Sue encouraged the Parish to show support to this important Mission. –M-S-A to approve Partnership Mission Grant.

Rummage Sale 2021: Everyone is anxious to move forward and return to some normal Epiphany activities. –M-S-A to accept the Revised Rummage Sale 2021 Proposal.

Reflection Time: A variety of items were discussed, some of which include:

In person Church School will begin Sunday, May 23, 2021 – kiddos are very excited!

Diocese, NYS, CDC changes – how they will impact Epiphany.

Kelly Jo and Jimmie Sue will resume pre-COVID in-person hours at church.

Handbells can resume when they feel it is safe for them to do so.

Funeral services are scheduled for Dean Bennett, Ann Merrick and Dick Zwerger.

Rector’s Report:

I have made some Pastoral care calls.

Wedding planning continues.

It would be wonderful to have parishioners stop by at Campaign D Social Club events.

Increased in-person worship to 40, can use kneelers, some other small changes.

The Blessing Bag project with the kiddos was great.

Thank you to everyone who helped at our Tree Spruce Up Day!!

Thank you to Steve for the beautiful work on the Memorial Garden and front parish gardens!!

I attended a Diocesan Grief offering.

Our Wednesday Café was really great, thank you to Cassie and Don for setting everything up!

Have ordered Mevo as part of our Digital Evangelism Grant funding of $1,100.00.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, June 15, 2021 IN-PERSON

Respectfully submitted, Gail Renehan, Clerk of the Vestry

The Book of Occasional Services provides for home garden

blessings. With so many gardeners in our parish, this is another great opportunity to bring our faith into our homes (or at least gardens). If you are interested in having your garden blessed this "planting season," please email Rev. Jimmie Sue ([email protected]) and she will schedule a blessing in the coming weeks.

Treasurer’s Report for May I want to summarize where we stand through the end of April:

Our expenses are pretty much in line with what we budgeted. There is really nothing out of line. We budgeted conservatively and we are spending conservatively. Where I do have a concern is in our Pledge Income. Through the end of March, our Pledge Income was down 18.4% from our budgeted number. Through the end of April, we're down 20.5%. While that may not look like a large increase in the deficit, understand that the further we are in the year, the larger that dollar amount becomes. While our pledges through March were down $5,794, pledges through April are down $8,065. In one month, the deficit has grown by close to $2,300!

Submitted by Nick Parisi

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Changes coming in June for Gathering Together

Here are the full details of our latest

gathering plan approved by the

Vestry. The Vestry and I will revisit

and revise our plan at our August Vestry meeting as


Epiphany’s New Plan for Gathering as of May 25

Inside Requirements: The pews have been put back to their original

configuration, and the tape denoting physical

distancing has been removed. However, sitting

spaced out is encouraged. This plan will be

reviewed again at our August Vestry Meeting/prior

to Kick-Off Sunday on September 12th.

1. Wearing Face Masks in church is required for the time-being for both vaccinated and unvaccinated adults and children.

a. If an individual is unvaccinated, please follow all of the guidelines from the CDC, NY State, Monroe County, and the Diocese/Parish: Face mask required and maintaining 6 feet of physical distancing from others.

2. Still no wine with Communion. 3. A small choir of 8 or less, or a cantor is

allowed; however, the choir/cantor must sing masked.

a. Choir members (or Cantor) need to be 20 feet from one another.

b. Still no congregational singing. 4. Handbell choir can resume if they are all

fully vaccinated and they are comfortable doing so.

5. Signup Genius no longer required. 6. No use of fans. 7. No water in the baptismal font. 8. **Coffee Hour outside can resume to

include food if plated.

Outside Requirements: 1. Singing is allowed. 2. No wine with Communion.

3. If an individual is unvaccinated, please follow all of the guidelines from the CDC, NY State, Monroe County, and the Diocese/Parish: Face mask required and maintaining 6 feet of physical distancing from others.

4. Coffee Hour outside can resume to include food if plated.

When do we go back to 8am and 10am Worship Services?

1. Our plan is to resume our 8am and 10am Worship Services on Kick-Off Sunday (September 12th).

a. The Zoom service will transition to Mevo Live Streaming (Mevo still needs to be tested out)

In August emails will go out to Worship Ministers

to see if they are comfortable resuming inside


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From the Rector

Dear Parish,

I imagine our sunshine and

warm spell has been as

uplifting to you as it has to

me and that you are all

getting big doses of vitamin


We have gotten really positive news from the CDC

and from the Governor about what all the new

things vaccinated people can do. This is indeed

hope-filled news. I hope we keep seeing more and

more improvement in vaccination numbers within

the State and the Nation. And it will be a huge

blessing when even our youngest can receive the

vaccine too!

Before I share the next bit, I highly encourage you

to take a listen to this podcast episode from “Dare

to Lead” hosted by Brené Brown:


matters-part-1-of-2/. The episode talks about all


the thinking and planning that needs to go into

preparing to hold meetings in person again in a

manner that is gracious and equitable.

Be sure to read our “Changes coming in June for

Gathering Together.” If you haven’t please do read

this update now – it will help with the rest of what

I’m saying next.

So, I want to talk about face masks. WE MUST BE

KIND TO ONE ANOTHER. Our youngest members of

the church are not able to get vaccinated at this

time. Therefore, we will wear our face masks when

we are around our children to help keep them safe.

Also, not everyone who is old enough to be

vaccinated is vaccinated. For now, we will continue

to wear our face masks to keep them safe. That is

the reality of Covid right now. It is okay for

vaccinated people to choose not to wear face

masks, EXCEPT inside at church. It is okay for

vaccinated people to choose to wear their face

masks for as long as they want to. No shaming, no

blaming, no judging.

The Vestry and I had a very preliminary

conversation about when to return to 8am and

10am Worship Services, with the hope of live

streaming at the 10am Worship Service. Our hope

is that the course we are on as a State and Nation

continues to get better and that what happened at

the end of last Summer does not repeat itself.

There is no way to predict much past a few weeks

these days.

However, that is our goal, that come Kick-off

Sunday on September 12th we’ll resume the 8am

and 10am with live streaming Worship Services.

This would be a return to our traditional times for

Worship Services, I and the Vestry cannot know

when we will be able to return to Communion with

wine or when we can sing as a congregation will

be, and a number of logistical things that are

beyond our control.

I have ordered Mevo to use as our live streaming

“hardware” and I will need time to learn both the

tool and the software, as well as, see if our current

wifi/Ethernet can support Mevo. Prayers, many

prayers that it can. But, if not, then this issues in

potential upgrades to the parish network which

could impact email, phone, internet, printing,

letting an incredible amount of people know of

potential contact information changes, and a host

of other unknowns.

As you’ll hear in the podcast, we need to be willing

to be in Beta. Beta is the test version, which

inherently means it will have quirks that need to be

figured out. But we won’t know the quirks until we

try. All of this will require each of us to be ready to

pivot, to be flexible when and where we can while

keeping safety our first priority. This also means

that I and Vestry need time to think through pivots,

to think about our Betas, knowing we will need to

adjust in progress. So, please give us and

yourselves some grace as we figure out what does

and doesn't work for us, particularly, as we think

about how we gather.

Lastly, the Vestry and I had a brief conversation

about meeting in-person but not all year round.

The hybrid model of meeting sometimes in-person

and sometimes by Zoom is Epiphany’s new normal.

Vestry is exploring meeting in-person April-October

and via Zoom November-March. I’d like to meet

with Finance via Zoom except for Budget and Audit

meetings. Property really wants to stick to meeting

in-person. Small Groups, for now are still via Zoom,

but hopefully, come September will be in-person.

All of this is contingent on where we are in any

moment in time. We’ll adapt as we go, as we need

to, as we have this past year and a half. Hang in

there! Keep encouraging one another! Get outside

whenever you can, and take a moment to look up –

look up to be viscerally reminded that we are a part

of a larger most wonderful whole, and that God is


Blessings, Rev. Jimmie Sue


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Small Groups: Next Meeting June 14th Small

groups will meet on Monday, June 14th at 7pm. Thank you everyone for all of your participation in Small Groups - it makes a difference in our parish! Please use this link to join in the conversations:

Meeting ID: 194 833 778 Password: 026770

✣ Small Group Updates

I will continue to share what our Small Groups are up to, and y’all are up to a lot! Also, if you see an idea or event you want to help with, please feel free to reach out to that Team and join in for the getting the event going. This update reflects a mix of carry-over ideas and new ideas. Next “All Groups Meeting” is Monday, June 14th via Zoom at 7pm.

Social Media:

Create Events for Facebook as needed.

Create Sign-up Genius Worship links.

Kim will look into a photo storage ideas. We would like to have people take pictures of our events, then we can post them to Facebook, etc.

Welcome & Invitation:

Host 2 in person Coffee Hours after 11am worship service (one in July – one in August)

Help the Children & Youth Small Group host a Kick-off Sunday Breakfast

Children & Youth:

Campfire and activity for the older youth and children in July

Pumpkin decorating with decorating kit for the older youth and children

Game or Trivia night for older youth

Adult Formation: June

Mt. Hope Cemetery Walk (Evie) - hoping for Saturday, June 19th. Evie will reach out to see if that date works. o Dave Kent will restructure the walk

to make it more accessible. o Cassie will create a sign-up genius

event for the walk (maximum 25 people)

July/August: Kathie is in touch with Kristen Smith

about a Wednesday Night Cafe event for Adult Day Time Activities.

Nancy is putting a hike together.

Kim from the Technology group mentioned setting up a Google Photos account (free for a Google Account member) to store photos from events and to post these photos after an event happens directly to the Facebook Page.

Resonance Hammered Dulcimer Ensemble - Will be with us June 20th at the 11am Service

I am super excited to share that the hammered dulcimer group, Resonance, will be with us at our 11am In-person Worship Service on June 20th! They will also play an extra set at the end of the Service which everyone is welcome to stay for :)

Outside Chats with the Rector, then Noonday Prayer I thought it would be very nice to try something new for us in June, and see if this is something we would continue throughout


the Summer, which is outside chats in the front lawn under a tree with me, and then we pray Noonday Prayer together. We’ll chat from 11:30am until 12pm or so, and then hold Noonday Prayer. I will be using the Daily Prayer resource from Forward Movement, which can be found here: This will allow us to be paperless. The “try out dates” are: Thursday, June 3rd and Thursday, June 17th.

New Office Hours The parish office is now open Monday – Friday 9:30am until 1pm. Rev. Jimmie Sue will be in the office Tuesday-Friday 10am – 1:30pm during these times unless she has a morning Zoom meeting (because Zoom does not work well from the parish) or has a meeting that is off-site.

Rev. Jimmie Sue on Vacation

Rev. Jimmie Sue will be on vacation June 28 – July 3rd. If there is a pastoral emergency or questions please contact our Wardens, Margaret Schweizer or Kathie Entress.

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WOE 2021 Rummage Sale Update Parish- WOE has gotten the go ahead to have our annual rummage sale this year - finally - yay!

So with that- the sale dates are as follows: Friday- September 17 Saturday- September 18

We will be emptying the trailer & pole barn on Sunday - September 12. So we’re going to need much help with that.

We will be sorting and pricing during that week, so we’re hoping many who have been stuck at home, will come out to support any way you can!

More info will be forthcoming in the June and Summer STARS.

It will be a lot of work, but we’re confident that we can do it! Thank you for your continued support!

Pam Metzinger, Rummage Sale Chairman

Dads and Grads Sunday Please join us in honoring our high school and college graduates and any graduating acolytes. The JVB Scholarship will be awarded. There will also be a special prayer for Father’s Day.

Did you know? It’s absolutely okay to invite friends to Parish

Events and Sunday Worship

I encourage you to share our Parish Events and Sunday Worship Zoom links or invite to In-Person Worship with friends and family – everyone is welcome It is absolutely okay to share any formation or fellowship event we’re having with others too

Church School & J2A Schedule Church School ** In person dates ** arrive at church - 10:15am in our classroom

Sunday, May 23 - Church School Sunday, May 30 - No Church School Sunday, June 6 - Church School Sunday, June 13 - Last Church School Begins


✣ ✣ ✣ With Jerry Bennett listening to his talk on Slavery and the Underground Railroad

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A gentle reminder to send in pledges envelopes

I know it is easy to forget to mail out pledge envelopes when we are so used to bringing our envelopes to church with us Thank you to everyone for your support of Epiphany!

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Donations & Pledges Our parish accepts donations and pledges from, a free secure mobile app. To find Epiphany, type “Church of the Epiphany” in the ‘Find a church…’ search bar within You can download the giving app from the APP

Store or Google Play. You can also go to our website at: to make an online donation via Or you can mail your pledge to: Church of the Epiphany, 3285 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY 14624.

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Thank You Notes

Thank you: Thanks to all strong helpers that came out on Saturday, May 15 to do some property tree cutting & hauling to the road. There were 3 dead trees cut & hauled to the road for recycling. Thanks to: Don Metzinger, Connor Magiera, Bob Renehan, Tom Seils, Terry Barker and Jimmie Sue. We’ll have any other day in the Fall, unless we have a wind storm, so keep your eyes peeled for another time to help us out. The Property Committee.

Thank you: A thank you to all who came to the Spruce Up Day on May 29. It was a wonderful success. We cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. Everything look nice and shiney for the up coming weddings and funerals. There were also a couple of hearty souls outside weeding & trimming. Thanks goes out to the great crew: Kathie & Steve Entress, Bob & Gail Renehan, Pam & Don Metzinger, Connor Magiera, Marsha Pulhamus, Bonnie Ayers, Bruce Pillman, Terry Barker, Emily Entress, Evan VanScooter, JimmieSue & Amy Deppe, Lisa Steubing & Jan Boulter. Thanks again... Property Committee

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June Service Ministry Update The May Service ministry project involved all age groups at Epiphany. As always, the parishioners were

extremely generous with donations with food and supplies to make Blessing Bags for SWEM. The youth of

Epiphany worked hard but also had fun assembling over 100 Blessing Bags. What a team effort!!!!

Our June Service Ministry project will be collecting donations for Cameron Ministry for their Clothing

House and Teen Center. Our focus will be on donating toiletry and hygiene products. The collection will be

scheduled from June 6th - June 13th. More specifics on suggested donated items will be placed in the church


The Service Team would like to thank the parishioner of Epiphany for their continued support of our

Service Ministry project.

Epiphany Service Ministry Team- Birdie Ames, Amy Deppe, Nancy Mancini, Mike and Diane Moffatt

and Marsha Pulhamus.


Epiphany Garden 3.3 – Planting June 5th at

10am It’s planting time and this year we

are hoping to bring back our garden’s former glory! Please drop your donation off at church on Sunday, May 30 from 11-1pm or Saturday, June 5th before 10am. We will be planting our garden on Saturday, June 5th at 10am, everyone is welcome to join! As always, our harvest is shared among Epiphany’s community, what doesn’t go to parish homes, will be put out on our “Free Veggies” table along Buffalo Road. This offering is appreciated by the community. Thank you! You can contact Amy (210-861-0107) with questions.

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Redwings Concessions

Baseball is back in Rochester. The Redwings have asked for help with concessions from service groups. We have volunteered to man 6 games this season. They are all at the 1st & 3rd base Rohrbachs Beer stands. The following dates we are assigned to: Friday, May 28 - Rohrbachs 3rd base Tuesday, June 22 –Rohrbachs 3rd base Saturday, July 31 –Rohrbachs 1st & 3rd base Friday, August 6 – Rohrbachs 1st & 3rd base Friday, September 3 – Rohrbachs 1st & 3rd base Friday, September 17 – Rohrbachs 3rd base

We will be needing 4 volunteers for each stand - 21 years & older.

The Redwings have asked us to view 2 - 20 minute videos that are on-line for Sexual Harassment. These are mandatory before you come to help at the stand. We’ll need to wear a mask. Also, have the Covid Vaccine or a Covid test 72 hours prior to the day you volunteer. We will not be having any signup sheets at church. Marsha Pulhamus Please call, email or text – Don or Pam Metzinger, if you would like to help out.

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2021 Grad’s

Sabrina Morien: Graduated from Spencerport high school. Future plans at Monroe Community College

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

30 9:30am Zoom Worship 11:00am In-person Worship




3 11:30am

Outside Chats

+ Noonday



5 10am Garden Planting


9:30am Zoom Worship 11:00am In-person Worship

7 8



11 11am Dean Bennett Memorial Service


13 9:30am Zoom Worship 11:00am In-person Worship

Teacher’s Appreciation




7:00 p.m.





Outside Chats

+ Noonday






20 9:30am Zoom Worship 11:00am In-person Worship Dad’s, Grads, JVB Dulcimers



4 pm Dick Zwerger Memorial Service

Redwings Concession








9:30am Zoom Worship 11:00am In-person Worship









3285 Buffalo Rd. Rochester, NY 14624-2413 O: 585 247-4190 F: 585 247-0631

[email protected]

RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Epiphany-113892385309226

EPIPHANY HIGHLIGHTS Sunday Services at 9:30 a.m. via Zoom Sunday Services at 11:00 a.m. In Person Church School on Sundays at 11:30 a.m. June 3- Noon Day Outside Chat: 11:30 a.m. June 5- Garden Planting: 10:00 a.m. June 14-Vestry Meeting: 7:00 p.m. June 17- Noon Day Outside Chat: 11:30 a.m. June 20- Dad’s, Grads, JVB, Dulcimers
