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Vertical Structure of Midlatitude Analysis and Forecast Errors


University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

(Manuscript received 3 February 2004, in final form 2 September 2004)


The dominant vertical structures for analysis and forecast errors are estimated in midlatitudes using asmall ensemble of operational analyses. Errors for fixed locations in the central North Pacific and easternNorth America are selected for comparing errors in regions with relatively low and high observationdensity, respectively. Results for these fixed locations are compared with results for zonal wavenumber 9,which provides a representative sample of baroclinic waves. This study focuses on deviations from theensemble mean for meridional wind and temperature at 40°N; these quantities are chosen for simplicity andbecause they capture dynamical and thermodynamical aspects of midlatitude baroclinic waves.

Results for the meridional wind show that analysis and forecast errors share the same dominant verticalstructure as the analyses. This structure peaks near the tropopause and decays smoothly toward small valuesin the middle and lower troposphere. The dominant vertical structure for analysis errors exhibits upsheartilt and peaks just below the tropopause, suggesting an asymmetry in errors of the tropopause location, witha bias toward greater errors for downward tropopause displacements. The dominant vertical structure fortemperature analysis errors is distinctly different from temperature analyses. Analysis errors have a sharppeak in the lower troposphere, with a secondary structure near the tropopause, whereas forecast errors andanalyses show a dipole straddling the tropopause and smooth vertical structure, consistent with potentialvorticity anomalies due to variance in tropopause position.

Linear regression of forecast errors onto analysis errors for the western North Pacific is used to assess thenonseparable zonal-height structure of errors and their propagation. Analysis errors near the tropopauserapidly develop into a spreading wave packet, with a group speed that matches the mean zonal wind speedof 31 m s�1. A complementary calculation for the regression of 24-h forecast errors onto analysis errorsshows that forecast errors originate from analysis errors in the middle and upper troposphere. These errorsrapidly expand in the vertical to span the troposphere, with a peak at the tropopause.

1. Introduction

A crucial factor that influences atmospheric predict-ability is error in the initial state, which we refer to hereas analysis error. It is well known that these analysiserrors amplify on the chaotic atmospheric attractor andthat improving forecasts requires, in part, reducinganalysis errors. However, little is known about analysiserrors, despite the widespread acceptance of probabi-listic approaches to prediction that admit this error,such as ensemble forecasting techniques that evolvemultiple initial conditions. This is a troubling fact giventhat many interrelated predictability issues, such as en-semble forecasting, targeted observations, and data as-similation, all rest upon assumptions of analysis errors.This paper describes a study of estimates of analysiserrors with an emphasis on their vertical structure and

evolution into forecast errors. In reality the true state isnever known, and some approximation must be used toestimate the errors. Here a small ensemble of opera-tional analyses is used to estimate the true state anderrors; a discussion of this approximation is provided insection 2.

One motivation for limiting the scope of this projectto the vertical structure of analysis and forecast errors istractability. A second motivation is that the largest con-troversies related to analysis error involve the verticalprofile. In particular, finite-time stability calculations ofthe optimal (“nonmodal”) type, defined by nonsepa-rable disturbance space and time structure, typicallydiffer from synoptic experience and modal stabilityanalyses. For example, singular-vector calculations thatoptimize disturbance total energy typically yield highlytilted structures in the lower and middle troposphere(e.g., Buizza and Palmer 1995; Palmer et al. 1998). Therelevance of these structures depends on how well thetotal-energy norm approximates the analysis-error co-variance norm (Ehrendorfer and Tribbia 1997). Evi-dence suggesting that the energy norm is consistent

Corresponding author address: Gregory J. Hakim, Departmentof Atmospheric Sciences, Box 351640, University of Washington,Seattle, WA 98195-1640.E-mail: [email protected]

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© 2005 American Meteorological Society


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with the analysis-error covariance norm is limited tohorizontal structure based on similarities between theFourier spectra for singular vectors and small samplesof analysis differences (Molteni et al. 1996; Palmer et al.1998; Gelaro et al. 1998).

In contrast, synoptic experience (e.g., Petterssen andSmebye 1971; Hoskins et al. 1985) and modal stabilitycalculations (e.g., Rotunno and Bao 1996; Hakim2000a) emphasize the importance of tropopause undu-lations that produce potential vorticity anomalies hav-ing little or no vertical tilt (e.g., Hakim 2000b). It isplausible that analysis errors have a similar structuredue to phase and amplitude errors of these primaryfeatures (Snyder 1999; Snyder and Hakim 2005). Re-solving this controversy has implications beyond en-hancing basic understanding of atmospheric dynamics.It also bears upon current and future efforts towarddeploying supplemental observing systems, where theroutine observing network is adaptively adjusted or sys-tematically augmented to improve forecasts in specificlocations. In the absence of complete knowledge ofanalysis errors it is unclear whether, on average, moreobservations are needed near the tropopause or in thelower to middle troposphere.

Although relatively little is known about analysis er-rors, considerable effort has been devoted to a closelyrelated problem in state estimation. Data assimilationtechniques, such as three- and four-dimensional varia-tional schemes [three-dimensional variational data as-similation (3DVAR) and four-dimensional variationaldata assimilation (4DVAR)], require knowledge of abackground field and its error statistics. Although thebackground field, typically a 6-h forecast, is constantlychanging with time, its errors are usually assumed tohave stationary statistics in the form of a fixed covari-ance matrix. Models of this covariance matrix are con-structed by studying innovations, which represent thedifference between observations and the background’sestimate of these observations (e.g., Hollingsworth andLönnberg 1986; Bartello and Mitchell 1992; Franke1999; Xu and Wei 2001) and also from differences be-tween forecasts verifying at the same time (e.g., Rabieret al. 1998; Derber and Bouttier 1999). The main resultof these studies is a model that describes how differentlocations and different variables covary, so that obser-vational information can be spatially spread to allmodel variables. Thus these covariance models areused primarily to determine analyses, not analysis er-rors. Estimates of analysis error can be obtainedthrough the Hessian, which is the second derivative ofthe variational cost function with respect to the modelstate (Rabier and Courtier 1992; Barkmeijer et al.1999). Hessian-based singular vectors peak at thetropopause, rather than in the lower troposphere as forthe energy singular vectors (Barkmeijer et al. 1999). Ina related, but distinct, approach Hamill et al. (2003)used an ensemble Kalman filter to estimate time-

dependent analysis-error covariances in a simplifiedgeneral circulation model. Their analysis-error covari-ance singular vectors also peak at the tropopause.

Other than case studies, research into forecast errorshas primarily addressed predictability and error growthin terms of hemispheric or global metrics (e.g., Lorenz1982; Dalcher and Kalnay 1987; Reynolds et al. 1994;Simmons and Hollingsworth 2002). Simmons and Holl-ingsworth (2002) also examined 500-hPa geopotentialheight analysis differences from the European Centrefor Medium-Range Weather Forecasts and the Met Of-fice. For the Northern Hemisphere, the results showthat the analysis differences are largest over the NorthPole, North Pacific, and North Atlantic regions. In astudy of potential vorticity forecast errors, Dirren et al.(2003) found the most rapid growth in the 200–400-hPalayer, with an error doubling time of about 12 h.

Our goal here is to estimate the dominant verticalstructure of analysis and forecast errors using a smallensemble of operational analyses and forecasts. Spe-cific attention is devoted to the midlatitude stormtracks by limiting the study to meridional wind andtemperature at 40°N. The data and method of analysisare described in section 2. Results for the vertical struc-ture of analysis and forecast errors are shown in sec-tions 3 and 4, respectively. Section 5 addresses thegrowth of errors at fixed vertical levels. The assumptionof separable vertical and horizontal structure is relaxedin section 6, where error structure and propagation areanalyzed using linear regression. A summary is pro-vided in section 7.

2. Data and method

The true state of the atmosphere is never preciselyknown, so some approximation is necessary to defineanalysis and forecast errors. Errors are defined herewith respect to an ensemble mean of operational analy-ses; that is, the ensemble-mean analysis is taken to bethe true state. This approximation is a generalization ofthe “analysis differences” method that is describedalong with other approximations of analysis errors inDaley and Mayer (1986). As discussed by Daley andMayer, operational analyses are not completely inde-pendent because they use roughly comparable models,data assimilation schemes, and observations. Although,strictly speaking, the differences of ensemble-memberanalyses from the ensemble mean are not analysis er-rors, the term “analysis error” is used here to refer tothese differences. We expect that forecast errors areaffected less by this approximation, since they growrapidly in time and, for lead times of 12 h or longer, arelarge compared to analysis errors (e.g., see Fig. 2).

At a particular grid point, the column vector of ver-tical structure for each ensemble-member analysis isdenoted by xi and the ensemble-mean analysis by x �n�1 �n

i�1 xi, where n is the number of ensemble mem-

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bers. Analysis errors, xei , are defined as the difference of

individual ensemble members from this mean value,

xie � xi � x. �1�

Forecast errors are also defined relative to the en-semble-mean analysis,

yie � yi � x, �2�

where yi is a column vector of vertical structure for anensemble-member forecast, ye

i is a column vector offorecast errors, and x applies at the verifying time forthe forecast.

Ensemble-member analyses and forecasts are takenfrom the National Centers for Environmental Predic-tion [NCEP; the Global Forecast System (GFS)], MetOffice, Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanogra-phy Center [the Navy Operational Global AtmosphericPrediction System (NOGAPS)], and the Canadian Me-teorological Centre [CMC; Global Environmental Mul-tiscale (GEM) model]. These data are made availableto the University of Washington after transformingfrom native model grids to 1° latitude–longitude grids1

on mandatory pressure levels from 1000 to 100 hPa(excepting 925 hPa). Data for this study are taken fromOctober to November 2003; a much longer sample ofGFS and NOGAPS fields for 2000–03, with coarser ver-tical resolution, gives results qualitatively similar tothose shown here. As stated earlier, the specific focus ofthis study is the midlatitude storm tracks, as captured inthe meridional wind (V) and temperature fields (T) at40°N latitude.

The dominant vertical structures of analysis and fore-cast errors are determined primarily from principalcomponent analysis (e.g., Wilks 1995). For analysis er-rors, an N � M matrix, Xe, is formed, where the Mcolumns represent samples of the vertical structure ofanalysis errors at N levels, xe

i ; here, N is 10. The exactnumber of samples depends on missing times, but mostgridpoint (zonal wavenumber) fields have approxi-mately 480 (280) samples. After removing the meanvalue at each level from Xe, the N � N covariancematrix is computed as the outer product C � XeXeT.Because C is Hermitian, its eigenvectors are orthogo-nal, and following meteorological convention will bereferred to as empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs).For complex data, such as zonal wavenumber Fouriercoefficients, the complex EOFs also give informationabout tilts in the vertical direction.

When divided by the total variance, the eigenvaluecorresponding to an eigenvector measures the fractionof the total variance explained by that vertical struc-ture. EOFs are computed for both specific locationsand for zonal wavenumber 9, which together provide

local and global measures of the vertical structure oferrors, respectively. Zonal wavenumber 9 is chosen be-cause it is broadly representative of baroclinic waves,and it approximates the horizontal scale that exhibitsthe largest error growth in V forecast errors (e.g., Fig.2a). A similar approach is taken for forecast errors byreplacing Xe in the preceding discussion with Ye, whichhas columns given by the ensemble-member forecasterrors, ye

i .To place the forthcoming results for specific locations

in context, Fig. 1 shows the root-mean-square (rms)values of both analysis and analysis-error fields for Vand T. At each point the rms values are defined by [m�1

�mj�1 f 2

j ]1/2, where m gives the total number of fields andf represents a V or T analysis or analysis-error field; therms values are calculated after removing the timemean. The midlatitude storm tracks are apparent in Fig.1a as a zonal band of large rms V values at 300 hPa,with peaks over the North Pacific and North Atlantic

1 With the exception of CMC, which is provided at 1.25° reso-lution.

FIG. 1. Analysis rms fields (contours) and rms analysis errors(colors) for Oct–Nov 2003. (a) Meridional wind at 300 hPa (con-tours: 12, 16, and 20 m s�1) and (b) 700-hPa temperature (con-tours: 2, 4, and 6 K).

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Fig 1 live 4/C

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Oceans. Although the rms V analysis-error field isnoisier than the analysis field, there is a fairly goodcorrespondence between the two, with the largest er-rors concentrated toward the central and eastern por-tions of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, where obser-vation density is low. In contrast, rms T analysis valuesat 700 hPa show local maxima over the continents, andlargest rms T analysis errors over the northern oceansand polar regions (Fig. 1b).

Figure 2 summarizes the growth of errors from analy-ses into forecasts as measured by Fourier amplitudespectra along 40°N. Analysis errors for V appear on thisplot to be white (i.e., independent of wavenumber)over planetary and synoptic scales; however, this is dueto the logarithmic ordinate. There is a peak at zonal

wavenumber 12, and a decrease toward higher wave-numbers, which steepens where the analysis errorssaturate and merge into the analysis spectrum (Fig. 2a).Forecast-error spectra for 12-, 24-, 36-, 48-, and 72-hlead times show that the greatest amplification in erroramplitude occurs in the band dominated by baroclinicwaves (zonal wavenumbers of �5–25). There is a sug-gestion of the peak error moving upscale with increas-ing forecast lead time, and by 72 h the forecast-errorspectrum is saturated above approximately zonal wave-number 20. In contrast, the 700-hPa T analysis-errorand forecast-error spectra are red (i.e., longwave domi-nated), and somewhat self-similar to the analysis spec-trum (Fig. 2b).

3. Vertical structure of analysis errors

Analysis-error vertical structure EOFs at 40°N, 80°Wand 40°N, 180° for V and T are shown in Figs. 3 and 4,respectively. These locations are chosen because theysample the downstream edge of a region with high ob-servation density and relatively small analysis errors(80°W) and a region of low observation density andrelatively large analysis errors (180°); they are in factbroadly representative of most other longitudes at40°N. At both locations, the leading V analysis-errorEOF is sharply peaked at the tropopause, with littleamplitude throughout the troposphere, except for aweak secondary maximum in the lower troposphere at80°W (Fig. 3, thick lines). Leading analysis EOFs at

FIG. 2. Fourier amplitude spectra at 40°N for (top) 300-hPameridional wind and (bottom) 700-hPa temperature. The upper-most line represents analyses, and the lowermost line representsanalysis errors. Thin lines denote forecast errors at t � 12, 24, 36,48, and 72 h, with increasing error amplitude for increasing fore-cast lead time. The spectra are averaged for the period Oct–Nov2003.

FIG. 3. Leading EOFs of the meridional wind for analysis error(thick lines) and analyses (thin lines) at 180° (solid lines) and80°W (dashed lines). Each EOF is normalized to have unit Eu-clidean norm. The thin horizontal solid (dashed) line depicts themean dynamical tropopause at 180° (80°W), where the dynamicaltropopause is defined as the 1.5 � 10�6 m2 K kg�1 s�1 Ertelpotential vorticity surface. The numbers in the figure legend givethe fraction of the total variance explained by each EOF; e.g., theleading analysis EOF at 80°W explains 90% of the variance in thevertical profile of the meridional wind at this location.

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these locations also peak at the tropopause, but are lesssharply peaked, with nonzero amplitude extending tonear the surface (Fig. 3, thin lines). It is interesting thatthe analysis EOFs peak right at the tropopause,whereas the analysis-error EOFs peak slightly belowthis level. This suggests the possibility of an asymmetry,with a bias for larger errors with downward deflectionsof the tropopause. These vertical profiles are qualita-tively similar to vertical profiles of 6-h forecast-errorvariance as estimated from innovations (e.g., Hollings-worth and Lönnberg 1986; Bartello and Mitchell 1992;Xu and Wei 2001) and forecast differences (e.g., Rabieret al. 1998).

Analysis-error EOFs for T are distinctly differentfrom V in that their vertical structure is more compli-cated, and they differ substantially from analysis EOFs(Fig. 4). At 80°W, the leading EOF is sharply peaked at1000 hPa, with little amplitude above 850 hPa in thetroposphere.2 Conversely, the leading analysis EOF at80°W exhibits a gradual decrease in the troposphereabove a minor peak near 850 hPa and an abrupt changein sign near the tropopause. This suggests that when thetroposphere is anomalously warm (cold) the lowerstratosphere is anomalously cold (warm), which alongwith the V results suggests an interpretation in terms ofpotential vorticity anomalies that result from variancein tropopause position. At 180°, the leading analysisEOF is similar, except with peak amplitude in the uppertroposphere, which may reflect less variability in thelower troposphere due to thermal damping by theocean surface. These results suggest that perhaps modelerror in the form of different boundary layer schemesmay be important for the temperature analysis errors at80°W.

Regarding the role of observation density, we notethat the 300-hPa V analysis-error variance at 180° of 5.0m2 s�2 compares with 1.7 m2 s�2 at 80°W, and the sumof the variance at all vertical levels at these locations is37 and 14 m2 s�2, respectively. Together with the lead-ing EOF results, these values suggest that enhancedobservation density reduces the magnitude of V analy-sis errors, but does not significantly affect their verticalstructure. For T, analysis-error variance is dominatedby the boundary layer fields, particularly at 80°W;analysis-error variance peaks at 1.2 K2 at 180° (850 hPa)and 3.6 K2 at 80°W (1000 hPa). The sum of the varianceat all levels is the same at both locations, but for thelayer above 850 hPa, the total variance at 180° of 3.9 K2

compares to 1.9 K2 at 80°W. This shows that, above theboundary layer, T analysis-error variance is also con-siderably smaller in the region of relatively higher ob-servation density.

EOFs of zonal wavenumber 9 are determined by asimilar procedure as for the gridpoint data, but for com-plex zonal Fourier coefficients of V and T fields along40°N latitude at each vertical level. In addition to pro-viding a “global” estimate of vertical structure near themidlatitude storm tracks, these EOFs also reveal thepreferred vertical tilts. Results for the leading analysis-error EOFs of zonal wavenumber 9 are similar to thefixed locations discussed above (Figs. 5 and 6). Theleading analysis-error V EOF is sharply peaked slightlybelow the tropopause, with upshear tilt both above andbelow this location suggesting the possibility for growthof disturbance energy (Fig. 5). The analysis-error lead-ing T EOF is confined below 700 hPa and displays littletilt in the vertical (Fig. 6). Repeating the EOF analysisfor analysis-error samples of V and T together (eachsample column vector contains profiles for both V and

2 Restricting the sample to the 0000 or 1200 UTC analysesyields the same EOFs, so apparently this result does not dependon the diurnal cycle.

FIG. 4. As in Fig. 3, except for temperature.

FIG. 5. Height–longitude section of the leading meridional-windanalysis-error EOF for zonal wavenumber 9 at 40°N; only twowavelengths are shown. The EOF accounts for 26% of the totalvariance and is normalized to have unit Euclidean norm. The zerocontour is suppressed, and the thin solid line is the tropopause.

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T) yields the same leading EOF for V as in Fig. 5.Although the leading T EOF has a surface-based peakas in Fig. 6, there is also a middle-tropospheric peakthat appears to be in qualitative thermal-wind balancewith the tropopause-based pattern in V (not shown).

Analysis EOFs for V and T exhibit the classic struc-ture of a growing baroclinic wave (Fig. 7). The leadingV EOF is peaked at the tropopause, decays rapidly intothe stratosphere, and extends deeply through the tro-posphere with upshear tilt. The leading T EOF showsdeep temperature anomalies tilting with the tropo-spheric shear, and changing sign at the tropopause, con-sistent with PV anomalies due to undulations in thisinterface.

The results of this section suggest that the vertical

structure of analysis errors for V are similar to clima-tology, whereas T errors are not. Since error fieldsshould converge to climatological fields (i.e., analysisEOFs) as the errors develop in the forecast fields, weproceed to document that transition.

4. Vertical structure of forecast errors

Leading V forecast-error EOFs for a range of fore-cast lead times are shown in Fig. 8. The vertical struc-ture that dominates V analysis errors rapidly convergesto the vertical structure that dominates the analysisvariance. It appears that the largest growth occurs inthe first 12 h, consistent with Fig. 2a. Note that“growth” is meant here to reflect the increase in vari-ance in the dominant vertical structure, which may dif-fer from the analysis errors that grow most rapidly; thisissue will be addressed in sections 5 and 6. Anothernoteworthy aspect of Fig. 8 is that the forecast EOFsappear to converge with a peak that is below the tropo-pause, whereas the analysis EOF peaks at the tropo-pause. As before, this result is interpreted as an indi-cation that the models may be incapable of fully resolv-ing the dynamics of downward fluctuations in thetropopause. Another interpretation is that downwardtropopause deflections are associated with larger Vthan upward deflections. Although the bias (mean er-ror) is small at 80°W, at 180° the vertical structure issimilar to the leading EOF, with a positive bias of about1.7 m s�1 at the tropopause by 48 h (not shown).

The evolution of T forecast-error EOFs is more com-

FIG. 6. As in Fig. 5, except for temperature.

FIG. 7. Height–longitude section of the analysis EOFs for zonalwavenumber 9 at 40°N: (top) meridional wind and (bottom) tem-perature. Only two wavelengths are shown, and the thin solid lineis the tropopause.

FIG. 8. Leading EOFs of the meridional wind for analyses,analysis errors, and forecast errors at 180°. Each EOF is scaled byits associated eigenvalue; i.e., by the variance associated with it.The analysis-error EOF is given by the leftmost line and theanalysis EOF by the thick line. Other lines from left to right showforecast EOFs for lead times of 12, 24, 36, and 48 h, respectively.Absolute values are plotted, with negative values distinguished bygray lines. The thin solid horizontal line is the tropopause.

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plicated than that for V (Fig. 9). In particular, the analy-sis-error EOF differs substantially from the forecast-error EOFs at 12- and 24-h lead times. By 24 h, theEOF is qualitatively similar to the analysis EOF. Thischange of structure is consistent with the strong middle-troposphere growth in temperature errors to be shownin section 5 (see Fig. 11 later ). As with the V forecastEOFs, the tropopause signal in the T forecast EOFs islower than in the analysis EOF. Mean forecast errorsfor T indicate a cold bias in the lower troposphere at80°W, and a dipole near the tropopause at 180°, with acold (warm) bias above (below) the tropopause (notshown).

Because the analysis, analysis-error, and forecast-error EOFs for V all possess nearly the same structure,the changes in amplitude with forecast lead time aresuggestive of error growth. The same interpretationdoes not apply as clearly to the T EOFs.

5. Error growth

Having established the vertical structure of analysisand forecast errors, we now proceed to examine linksbetween them; that is, the growth of analysis errors intoforecast errors. Here we focus on the growth of errorsat different levels for zonal wavenumber 9. This ap-proach again assumes separable vertical and horizontalstructure, but also that the errors remain at the samevertical level. These assumptions are relaxed in the sub-sequent section, where we consider vertical propaga-tion and nonseparable spatial structure.

Error growth is defined here as

� �1| f |


dt| f |, �3�

where | · | represents a norm, which in keeping with ourinvestigation of T and V, is taken to be the modulus of

these quantities. Integrating (3) over a time intervalfrom t0 to t we arrive at the expression that is evaluatednumerically,

� �1

t � t0ln� | f |t

| f |t0�, �4�

where � represents the mean growth rate over the cho-sen time interval. For completeness, full probabilitydensity functions (PDFs) of error growth rates are con-sidered for 700, 500, and 300 hPa.

At 700 hPa the error V growth-rate PDF peaksat positive values, with tails toward larger, and alsonegative (decaying), values (Fig. 10). The error growth-rate PDFs at 500 and 300 hPa peak at even largerpositive values, with mean V error growth rates at300 hPa of 1.36 day�1 or, equivalently, a doublingtime of slightly more than 12 h. This result is roughlyhalf the value given by Simmons and Hollingsworth(2002), although their results are not directly compa-rable because the growth rates apply to 500-hPageopotential height over the entire Northern Hemi-sphere. Closer agreement is found with the results ofDirren et al. (2003), who found 12-h doubling times forpotential vorticity forecast errors in the 200–400-hPalayer.

Error-growth-rate PDFs for T show the peak of thePDFs for all levels slightly on the positive side of zero,with tails toward positive and negative growth rates(Fig. 11). The PDFs suggest that temperature errorshave largest growth rates on average near 500 hPa, al-though the distribution tails show a bias for largergrowth rates at 300 and 700 hPa. In fact, the mean errorgrowth rates for 700, 500, and 300 hPa are 0.67, 0.66,and 1.05 day�1, respectively; at 300 hPa, the impliederror doubling time is about 16 h.

FIG. 9. As in Fig. 8, except for temperature.

FIG. 10. Growth-rate probability density functions for zonal-wavenumber-9 meridional wind. Growth rates apply to the 0–12-hperiod at 700, 500, and 300 hPa.

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6. Error propagation and nonseparable spatialstructure

As discussed earlier, potentially important aspects oferror growth may not be captured by the previous cal-culations due to nonseparable horizontal and verticalstructure, and the vertical propagation of errors. Theseissues are briefly addressed here by three linear regres-sion calculations. First, analysis and forecast V errors atall points in the zonal cross section at 40°N are re-gressed onto a normalized sample of analysis errors atthe reference point defined by (150°E, 300 hPa). Thenormalization is by the standard deviation at the refer-ence point, which yields regression results in the unitsof V (meters per second) [see Lim and Wallace (1991)for further details]. A second regression is performedon a normalized sample of analysis errors at the refer-ence point (150°E, 850 hPa) to compare the evolutionwith the results for 300 hPa. Finally, a third regressionis performed on a normalized sample of 24-h forecasterrors at the reference point (170°W, 300 hPa) to de-termine the source region for errors that propagate tothis location. These calculations are performed on aFourier-filtered sample of errors, where only zonalwavenumbers 5–25 are retained, as suggested by Fig.2a, and the results are averaged for points within 5°longitude of the reference point.

The regression results for analysis errors at (150°E,300 hPa) show that the signal is initially a sharplypeaked wave packet that is concentrated near thetropopause (Fig. 12, top). These errors propagate east-ward with time and develop deeper, baroclinic struc-ture so that by 24 h the errors have begun to resemblea mature wave packet over the North Pacific Ocean(e.g., Chang and Yu 1999; Hakim 2003). An analysis ofthe error wave packet using the method of Hakim(2003) indicates that the dominant wavelength is ap-proximately 3000 km, or zonal wavenumber 10, at 24 h.

This wavelength corresponds to the peak amplitude inthe Fourier spectrum for initial and evolved singularvectors based on the analysis-error covariance metric ofBarkmeijer et al. (1999). The phase speed of the errorsis 14 m s�1 and the group speed of the packet peak3 is31 m s�1; the mean zonal wind speed during the periodof analysis is also 31 m s�1. This error group speedagrees well with the case studies of Szunyogh et al.(2002) who examined the propagation of analysis dif-ferences associated with dropsonde observations overthe North Pacific.

The regression results for analysis errors at (150°E,850 hPa) show a concentration in the lower tropo-sphere, although they extend weakly up to the tropo-pause, and there is little vertical tilt (Fig. 13a). Theseanalysis errors propagate rapidly upward and down-stream so that by 24 h they are concentrated near thetropopause, with little signature in the lower tropo-sphere. Comparing regression amplitudes, the 850-hPaerrors have maximum absolute values of 0.9 m s�1 inthe analysis and 0.3 m s�1 at 24 h, whereas the corre-sponding values for 300-hPa errors are 1.3 m s�1 in theanalysis and 0.5 m s�1 at 24 h.

3 This location corresponds approximately with the point ofmaximum amplitude.

FIG. 11. As in Fig. 10, except for temperature.

FIG. 12. Height–longitude section of error propagation acrossthe North Pacific Ocean as determined by linear regression ofmeridional-wind errors on analysis errors at the point (150°E, 300hPa): (top) analysis-error regression, (middle) 12-h forecast er-rors, and (bottom) 24-h forecast errors. Contour lines are every0.1 m s�1, with negative values dashed; the zero contour is sup-pressed. Gray lines show estimates for the phase speed (14 m s�1)and group speed (31 m s�1).

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Figure 14 gives the results for the linear regression on24-h forecast errors at (170°W, 300 hPa) to determinethe error source location. The results show that theseforecast errors are related to analysis errors that peakin the 400–500-hPa layer near 150°E, with a hint of abroader wave packet extending downstream. By 12 h,these errors have amplified and extend in the verticalfrom a peak near the tropopause to the earth’s surface.Maximum regression absolute values increase from0.25 m s�1 in the analysis errors to 1.3 m s�1 in the 12-hforecast errors and 4.1 m s�1 in the 24-h forecast errors.

A potential link between the regression analysis andthe EOF analyses presented earlier is provided by sin-gular value decomposition (SVD) of the covariancematrix for analysis and forecast errors. Here we definethe analysis-error–forecast-error covariance matrix forzonal wavenumber 9 by

C � XeYeT, �5�

where Xe is the analysis-error matrix and Ye is the 12-hforecast-error matrix, as defined previously. Unlike theEOF analysis, each column sample of Xe and Ye con-tains both V and T data, which allows determination ofthe relationship between these fields.

The SVD of C,

C � U S VT, �6�

provides the analysis-error patterns (columns of U) thatoptimally covary with forecast-error patterns (corre-sponding columns of V). The diagonal matrix S con-

tains the singular values that, when squared, define thefraction of the total analysis-error–forecast-errorsquared covariance accounted for by correspondingcolumn pairs in U and V [Bretherton et al. 1992, theirEq. (15a)].

The leading covarying patterns, which account for65% of the total squared covariance, are shown in Fig.15. The leading V analysis-error pattern is concentratedin the middle to upper troposphere and exhibits an up-shear (westward) tilt with height (Fig. 15a), somewhatsimilar to the regression pattern in Fig. (14a); T analysiserrors have a peak at 850 hPa, with strong upshear tiltabove this layer. The fact that the largest horizontaltemperature gradients occur near 700–800 and 300–400hPa, which correspond to the locations of largest verti-cal gradient in V, suggests qualitative thermal-wind bal-ance between these fields. The 12-h forecast-error pat-tern that covaries with this analysis-error pattern exhib-its a tropospheric-deep upshear tilt in V with a sharppeak near the tropopause (Fig. 15b). The temperaturepattern suggests that the largest relative growth occursin the middle and upper troposphere, and a dipole nearthe tropopause suggests tropopause-based PV anoma-lies.

7. Summary

The dominant vertical structure of analysis and fore-cast errors are estimated using a small ensemble of op-

FIG. 14. As in Fig. 12, except for regression on 24-h forecasterrors at (170°W, 300 hPa). Contour lines are shown every (top)0.07 m s�1 for analysis errors, (middle) 0.1 m s�1 for 12-h forecasterrors, and (bottom) 0.3 m s�1 for 24-h forecast errors.

FIG. 13. As in Fig. 12, except for regression on analysis errors at(150°E, 850 hPa).

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erational analyses. Primary emphasis is placed on mid-latitudes and the growth of errors in the North Pacificstorm track. Errors for fixed locations at 40°N in thecentral North Pacific (180°) and eastern North Amer-ica (80°W) are selected to compare errors in regionswith low and high observation density, respectively.These fixed locations are also compared with results forzonal wavenumber 9, which lies in the range of baro-clinic waves and is typical of a broader wave band.Results confirm that analysis-error variance is consid-erably smaller (by more than 50%) in the region ofhigher observation density, although for temperaturethat is only true above the boundary layer; in theboundary layer, temperature analysis-error variance isfound to be much larger over land (by nearly a factorof 3).

For meridional wind, which provides a simple and

effective measure of baroclinic waves, the results indi-cate that errors near the tropopause account for themost variance. Leading vertical structures in analysis-error and forecast-error variance are very similar to theleading vertical structures in the analyses and climatol-ogy.4 Errors are largest near and below the tropopauseand grow fastest in these locations as well. The fact thatthe errors peak just below the tropopause suggests anasymmetry in the error in the tropopause location witha bias toward greater errors for downward deflections.These downward deflections produce potential vortic-ity anomalies associated with baroclinic waves and co-herent vortices that are responsible for much of theweather in midlatitudes.

While results for meridional-wind errors provide aclear and consistent picture, the same is not true for thedominant vertical structure in temperature errors.Leading analysis-error EOFs for temperature exhibitsharp peaks in the lower troposphere, with secondaryfeatures near the tropopause. This result differs sub-stantially from the structure found for both forecasterrors and analyses, which show a change in sign acrossthe tropopause, consistent with undulations in thetropopause, and smooth vertical structure. One pos-sible explanation is that the temperature analysis errorsare particularly sensitive to boundary layer parameter-ization, and therefore are more strongly tied to themodel.

Error growth rates at a given level are largest nearthe tropopause, with mean error doubling times ofabout 12 h. To assess the role of error propagation andnonseparable spatial structure, linear regression is per-formed on a sample of errors located in the westernNorth Pacific region. Analysis errors near the tropo-pause show a sharply peaked distribution that evolvesinto a deepening and spreading wave packet as it movesrapidly eastward. The dominant wavelength in thepacket is about 3000 km, or zonal wavenumber 10,which is shorter than the typical 4000 km for storm-track wave packets (e.g., Chang and Yu 1999; Hakim2003). The peak of the error packet moves eastward at31 m s�1, or about the speed of the mean zonal wind atthe tropopause; the leading edge reaches western NorthAmerica in just 24 h. This group speed agrees withSzunyogh et al. (2002), who analyzed the propagationspeed of analysis differences due to targeted dropsondeobservations over the North Pacific in midwinter. Lin-ear regression on analysis errors at 850 hPa show aweaker signal with strong vertical propagation to thetropopause by 24 h. A separate, consistent result is that24-h forecast errors near the tropopause are found tooriginate in middle- and upper-tropospheric analysis er-

4 Leading EOFs for the NCEP–National Center for Atmo-spheric Research reanalysis dataset yield the same vertical struc-ture as the operational analysis used here (not shown).

FIG. 15. Height–longitude section of the leading singular vectorsof the covariance matrix for analysis errors and 12-h forecast er-rors for zonal wavenumber 9 at 40°N. (a) The analysis-error pat-terns that covary with the forecast-error patterns in (b); thesepatterns account for 65% of the total squared covariance. In both(a) and (b), meridional wind is shown in the plot above tempera-ture. Only one wavelength is shown. The thin solid horizontal lineis the tropopause.

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rors. Moreover, a singular value decomposition ofanalysis-error–forecast-error covariance for zonal wave-number 9 at 40°N also shows that analysis errors in the400–500-hPa layer, and the lower troposphere, covarystrongly with 12-h forecast errors that peak near thetropopause (Fig. 15).

We close with some comments regarding implica-tions of these results for predictability issues includinganalysis perturbations for ensemble forecasting andsupplemental observations for the current observingnetwork. Regarding ensemble analysis perturbations, ithas been shown that total-energy singular vectors typi-cally peak in the lower troposphere with highly tiltedvertical structure (e.g., Palmer et al. 1998). Resultsshown here are inconclusive with regard to the rel-evance of these structures. There is ample evidence,particularly for the V field, that analysis errors are larg-est, and grow fastest, near the tropopause. There is alsoevidence, mainly from the temperature field, that tiltedanalysis-error structures in the middle and lower tro-posphere also contribute to forecast errors. Futurework, perhaps using conditional sampling, will be re-quired to make more definitive conclusions.

Regarding the observing network, the results suggestthe need for additional observations in the middle andupper troposphere, particularly near and just below thetropopause; similarly, they imply a need for greatermodel resolution in this location to better capturedownward deflections of the interface. These conclu-sions are contingent on the representativeness of thesmall analysis ensemble used here, although similar re-sults are obtained when the ensemble is reduced to asfew as two members. Tests of the robustness of theseresults will require future research with larger en-sembles, such as operational implementation of en-semble Kalman filters.

Acknowledgments. I thank Dr. Chris Snyder(NCAR) for suggesting the complex EOF analysis forthe vertical structure of zonal wavenumber 9 and forreviewing an earlier draft of the paper, and Prof. Clif-ford Mass (University of Washington) for providing ac-cess to the data. Manuscript reviews from Dr. CraigBishop and an anonymous referee helped clarify as-pects of the presentation. This research was sponsoredby the National Science Foundation through NSFGrants ATM-9980744, ITR-0205648, ATM-0228804,and NOAA CSTAR Grant NA17RJ1232.


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