Download xls - Verbs Diagnosis


Feuil1The Big French Grammar Diagnosispresentanswercorrect first time?past tenseanswercorrect first time?future tenseanswercorrect first time?other tensesanswercorrect first time?1 or 01 or 01 or 01 or 0I amI wentI will eatI would eatyou areI sawyou will eatyou would eathe isI listenedhe will eathe would eatwe areI hadwe will eatwe would eatyou areI heardyou will eatyou would eatthey areI atethey will eatthey would eatI haveI have beenI will goI had goneyou haveI finishedI will beyou had gonehe hasI learnedI will haveshe had gonewe haveI soldI will get dressedwe had goneyou haveI cameI will payyou had gonethey haveI sleptI will sendthey had goneI goI went outI will finishI had watchedyou goI went upstairsI will comeyou had watchedhe goesI receivedit will be necessaryhe had watchedwe goI fellI will have towe had watchedyou goI got dressedI will be able toyou had watchedthey goI was able toI will runthey had watchedI finishI had toI will dieI will have finishedyou finishI returnedI will receiveyou will have finishedhe finishesI putI will seehe will have finishedwe finishI didI will knowwe will have finishedyou finishI was bornit will rainyou will have finishedthey finishI went downstairsI will wantthey will have finishedI beginI enteredI will sellI will have leftyou beginI leftI will takeyou will have lefthe beginswe arrivedI will putshe will have leftwe beginthey wentI will dowe will have leftyou beginwe leftI will drinkyou will have leftthey beginI drankI will livethey will have leftI eatMichael Jackson diedI will readI used to goyou eatI readI will sayyou used to gohe eatsI saidI will writehe used to gowe eatI wroteI will likewe used to goyou eatI likedI will go to bedyou used to gothey eatI went to bedI will get upthey used to goI learnI got upI will fallI used to haveyou learnI used to behe learnsI used to get upwe learnI used to beginyou learnI used to eatthey learnI used to payI sellI used to sendyou sellI used to finishhe sellsI used to comewe sellI used to receiveyou sellI used to seethey sellI used to knowI get dressedI used to be able toyou get dressedI used to have tohe gets dressedI used to wantwe get dressedI used to takeyou get dressedI used to putthey get dressedI used to doI comeI used to believeyou comeI used to drinkhe comesI used to readwe comeI used to sayyou comeI used to writethey comeI sleepyou sleephe sleepswe sleepyou sleepthey sleepI canyou canhe canwe canyou canthey canTotal:0000000Percentage:0%0%0%0%0%0%0%WHOLE SHEET:0

C'est grave, docteur?


