Page 1: Valley View Public School Term 4 Week 7 2018 · Christmas Carols – Friday, 7th December Come along to our Christmas Carols evening at Valley View Public School which will be held















Valley View Public School

Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Chamberlain Road Wyoming NSW 2250 Ph (02) 4328 4433 [email protected]

Term 4 Week 7 2018

Coming Events

TERM 4 WEEK 7 Tuesday 27th November Swim School Variety Christmas Party Wednesday 28th November Swim School Thursday 29th November Swim School Volunteers’ Morning Tea Scripture Assembly Friday 30th November Swim School Primary Assembly

WEEK 8 Monday 3rd December Swim School Tuesday 4th December Swim School High School Orientation Wednesday 5th December Swim School NVHS Band Performance Thursday 6th December Swim School Friday 7th December Swim School Whole School Assembly Community Carols

WEEK 9 Tuesday 11th November P&C Meeting Friday 14th November Presentation Day


Page 2: Valley View Public School Term 4 Week 7 2018 · Christmas Carols – Friday, 7th December Come along to our Christmas Carols evening at Valley View Public School which will be held

Valley View Public School Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Chamberlain Road, Wyoming NSW 2250 Ph (02) 4328 4433 [email protected]

PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE “The big secret in life is there is no secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.” Oprah Winfrey School Swimming and Water Safety Program It is wonderful to see lots of students have chosen to participate in this year’s School Swimming and Water Safety Program because it is very important that children learn to swim. This is a swimming program that develops water confidence and provides students with skills in water safety and survival. It will provide them with the opportunity in water sports anywhere. Thank you, to Mr Sutton for coordinating this vital program. Prescribed Medication As the holidays approach it is time to start thinking about getting a new action plan if your child has asthma, anaphylaxis or requires medication at school. A new plan is required each year so please try to get these done over the holidays and bring them in at the start of the year so we can update our health care plans. We are unable to administer prescribed or over the counter medication without documentation completed by doctor and parents. Medication must be handed in at the office to supervise and administer as required under Department of Education policy. Please contact us should you have any queries or concerns. Volunteers Morning Tea This Thursday, 29th November we will be showing our appreciation to the parents, friends and community volunteers who have helped us at Valley View Public School this year by hosting a thank you morning tea. On behalf of the staff and students, I would like to thank everyone who has assisted us throughout the year and invite you along to attend at 11:00am for coffee, tea and refreshments. This very special event will be held in the school library. Presentation Day Assembly – Friday, 14th December Our students will be recognised for their achievements in the arts, on the sporting field and in the academics at our School Presentation Day. A warm welcome is extended to all of our community to join us for the end of year presentation awards to be held on Friday, 14th December in the school hall. The assembly will begin at 9:15am for a 9:30am start. Teachers are life-long learners Teachers at Valley View PS engage in professional learning each week to improve their understanding, review research and look at the impact of the teaching and learning that happens in every classroom. Throughout the year, teachers have focussed on best practice in the teaching of writing, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation. Teachers have engaged in professional learning sessions to look at how goal setting, learning intentions and success criteria are implemented in classrooms and the impact explicit feedback is having on student learning. Throughout the year, the staff at Valley View have participated in Twilight sessions and have provided teachers with professional learning in a range of different areas. In accordance with the DoE policy for School Development Days, as staff have attended these twilight sessions throughout the year, the last day for both staff and students will be Wednesday, 19th December 2019. Student Behaviour – Expectations As we are in the final weeks of the term, it is important that our students maintain the high level of good behaviour that they have shown all year. We expect that all our students will continue to be safe, respectful and responsible right up until the 2:55pm bell on Wednesday, 19th December. Year 6 students have a particular responsibility to model appropriate behaviour. They have done an excellent job throughout the year and it would be very disappointing to lose that good reputation in the final weeks of their primary schooling. I ask parents for their support in setting high expectations for their child and keeping them focussed on their responsibilities and the importance of making good behaviour choices.

Page 3: Valley View Public School Term 4 Week 7 2018 · Christmas Carols – Friday, 7th December Come along to our Christmas Carols evening at Valley View Public School which will be held

Valley View Public School Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Chamberlain Road, Wyoming NSW 2250 Ph (02) 4328 4433 [email protected]

Semester 2 Reports Semester 2 reports will go home during the week commencing Monday, 16th December. It is important to remember that ‘sound’ achievement indicates that your child is making appropriate progress and is on track in relation to what he or she was expected to learn over the last semester. Student reports also include information on your child’s level of effort and teacher comments on progress in each subject. Planning for 2019 As the school term progresses we are planning our class structures for 2019. The formation of classes will be in accordance with the Department of Education staffing formula. The school executive, in consultation with class teachers, support teachers and the Principal, takes into consideration the child’s academic, social and emotional needs when allocating students to classes. If you have additional information that you would like staff to consider when forming classes for 2019, it must be in writing to Mrs Kellie McCabe (by Friday, 30th November). Where possible, teachers will consider your information, however, there are many aspects to consider which may mean your wishes cannot always be accommodated. I need to stress that providing information after classes are formed is too late. Christmas Carols – Friday, 7th December Come along to our Christmas Carols evening at Valley View Public School which will be held on Friday, 7th December. There will be a BBQ and fun activities for the children. We look forward to seeing you there to join in the Christmas spirit and watch our talented children perform. Many thanks to our P&C who have organised this great community night and to all the Valley View staff who have volunteered their time to make this event a success.

Yours in Education Mary Hunt


RAISING RESILIENT KIDS – TOP TIPS ON BUILDING RESILIENCE Research shows that good resilience skills help kids perform better at school and avoid risky behaviour. Top Tips Teach your child to experience success by supporting them in something they like doing whether it’s a

sporting, academic or artistic endeavour. Help them develop skills to be successful at school such as having a good concentration and memory by

playing card games and puzzles. Being able to read people’s emotions is powerfully predictive of how well children can get on with people

at school. Play games with your child by predicting what sort of day a person walking down the street may have had.

Be aware of the “yuk and yum” factor – some things will make your child feel good and other things will make them feel bad. The idea is for them to gather things around them that cheer them up if they’ve had a bad day.


TRAINING BAND INFORMATION NIGHT Tonight Tuesday 27th November, the Central Coast Conservatorium are holding an information night for parents who are interested in enrolling their students in the Training Band for 2019. It commences at 6:00pm at The Conservatorium of Music Gosford. We hope to see you there.

Peta O'Neil Band Coordinator

Page 4: Valley View Public School Term 4 Week 7 2018 · Christmas Carols – Friday, 7th December Come along to our Christmas Carols evening at Valley View Public School which will be held

Valley View Public School Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Chamberlain Road, Wyoming NSW 2250 Ph (02) 4328 4433 [email protected]

THIS WEEK IN PBL When another student is treating us in a way that we dislike, we need to defuse the situation by saying STOP.

If the behaviour does not stop, we then need to WALK away. Lastly, if you are followed you need to TALK to a



Discuss What is Bullying? It is repeated behaviour on more than one occasion by the same person to the

same person. It is still unsafe and disrespectful behaviour – BUT REPEATED!


Practise saying “STOP”.

Practise walking away.

Practise talking to a teacher .


Discuss the difference between a bystander and an upstander. A bystander either does nothing or

encourages the unwanted behaviour. An upstander (like in our school video) becomes a coach and talks

the parties through the STOP, WALK, TALK process.

KK Sophie E, Alec C, Bryson F, Daniel E, Jax A

K/1O Lara E, Koster F, Onat O, Faith M, Jett C

1/2B Evie D, San T, Jordan B, Rayhan K, Michael W

2S Caleb G, Ivy H, Zaia M, Ezekiel A, Chris B

2T Charlie A, Ethan H, Elisabeth B, Oliver M, Chloe B

K-6D Karina H, Millie T

Page 5: Valley View Public School Term 4 Week 7 2018 · Christmas Carols – Friday, 7th December Come along to our Christmas Carols evening at Valley View Public School which will be held

Valley View Public School Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Chamberlain Road, Wyoming NSW 2250 Ph (02) 4328 4433 [email protected]

SKOOLBAG APP We have been informed by our current App supplier that they will be shutting down the App earlier then expected. We will now need to have our new App up and running by the end of November. Please follow these instructions to download the App. We will not be able to bring across old notes, however, you will be able to download current notes and newsletters.

MOBILE PHONES Parents are reminded that students must bring mobile phones to the office. Students are not to keep them in their bags. There is a basket in the front office where staff will store them until the end of the day.


Congratulations to these children for achieving 200 nights of home reading. Ivy H—2S Congratulations to these children for achieving 225 nights of home reading. Carter G—K-6D

RESOURCE PACKS 2019 We have again bulk purchased resource packs for 2019. Parents will not need to purchase any other stationery items in 2019. We have spent a considerable amount of time again this year ensuring that the items in the packs are appropriate for each stage and will last your child throughout the year. Resource Pack Prices for each Stage are as follows: Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten) $30.00 Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2) $50.00 Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4) $50.00 Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6) $50.00 Multi Cat Class (Support) $50.00 Resource packs will be on sale from Wednesday 30th January 2019 (first day of school). If you would like to know the pack contents, lists are available from the front office. All students are expected to have purchased a book pack by Week 5 Term 1. If you would like to pay for the book packs before the end of the year, you can pay online or in cash.

Page 6: Valley View Public School Term 4 Week 7 2018 · Christmas Carols – Friday, 7th December Come along to our Christmas Carols evening at Valley View Public School which will be held

Valley View Public School Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Chamberlain Road, Wyoming NSW 2250 Ph (02) 4328 4433 [email protected]

P&C NEWS TOMORROW is Mufti Day! Children can wear mufti if they bring in a donation for the Carols activities.

These are just some specific items we will be needing to run various events on the night. Please feel free to donate any of the items above or make a gold coin donation.

CAROLS The Annual Carols evening is being held on Friday 7th December from 4-8pm. The P&C will be running games and activities for the children (these activities will have a small cost) and there will also be a visit from Santa! This is a community event so please invite your friends. A flyer with more information was sent home last week. Hope to see you there! We are also looking for volunteers at the Carols, to help set up, run activities or pack up and the end. If you are available, please contact us by email [email protected] or message the P&C Facebook page. RAFFLE TICKETS Raffle tickets for the Christmas raffle have been sent home. Please return all tickets (sold or unsold) to the classroom teacher by Wednesday 5th December. Tickets are $2 or 3 for $5, a whole book of 12 tickets cost $20. More tickets are available from the front office. DONATIONS NEEDED We are asking if people could kindly donate suitable Christmas items (e.g. bonbons, packaged biscuits, chocolates, nuts etc. and baskets) to make up hampers for the Christmas raffle. Please send items in to the teacher in a bag labelled with your child’s class. We appreciate the generosity of the school community and need your support to make this event a success!! SCHOOL BANKING School banking is looked after by the P&C and relies on volunteers to process the banking. Our current volunteer will be finishing up at the end of this year, so we are asking for volunteers to learn and take over from the beginning of next year. Please contact us by email [email protected] or message the P&C Facebook page. Last day of school banking will be in week 9! BREAKFAST CLUB Breakfast club is now open Monday – Friday, thanks to the wonderful new volunteers!! We would like to thank Bakers Delight Wyoming for their ongoing support through donations of bread for Breakfast Club. DATES FOR THE DIARY Mufti day – Wednesday 28th November Community Carols – Friday 7th December School banking – last day week 9 (Tuesday 11th December)

Thank you

Karen Gaiser P&C President

[email protected]

Kindergarten, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4

Chocolate blocks, wrapped lollies or small prizes for games (Kmart have some great, cheap items)

Year 5 and Year 6 Coloured hairspray

Page 7: Valley View Public School Term 4 Week 7 2018 · Christmas Carols – Friday, 7th December Come along to our Christmas Carols evening at Valley View Public School which will be held

Valley View Public School Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Chamberlain Road, Wyoming NSW 2250 Ph (02) 4328 4433 [email protected]

Page 8: Valley View Public School Term 4 Week 7 2018 · Christmas Carols – Friday, 7th December Come along to our Christmas Carols evening at Valley View Public School which will be held

Valley View Public School Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Chamberlain Road, Wyoming NSW 2250 Ph (02) 4328 4433 [email protected]


Canteen days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Hours are 8.30am to 1:50pm. Orders can be placed at the canteen from 8:30am to 9:00am.

Our Canteen Menu is on the School Website and App. Jump online to check it out.

Apple Slinkies are very popular this week! It’s been great to see all the kids eating fruit. We sell apples for 50c each and are happy to slinky them.

The Blizzard Frozen Drinks now have 2 flavours, Strawberry and Fruit Burst. These can

also be added to lunch orders. $2 each

Bec van Drempt Canteen Supervisor

MAJOR DATES 2018 Presentation Day—Friday 14th December

Year 6 Farewell Assembly—Monday 17th December

Year 6 Farewell Gosford Golf Club—Monday 17th December

Last day for students—Wednesday 19th December


Email: [email protected]

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

Friday— 8:30am—9:30am

Just a reminder if you are unable to get to the shop on Friday mornings, you can email the shop anytime with queries. Please help reduce our lost property issue by writing/labelling your child’s name AND class on items, especially HATS, JUMPERS AND LUNCHBOXES.

Page 9: Valley View Public School Term 4 Week 7 2018 · Christmas Carols – Friday, 7th December Come along to our Christmas Carols evening at Valley View Public School which will be held

Valley View Public School Respect, Responsibility, Personal Best

Chamberlain Road, Wyoming NSW 2250 Ph (02) 4328 4433 [email protected]

Notes issued this week:

Chamberlain Gardens Christmas Visit—Choir, Recorders and School Leaders

All notes are now on the school website at and on the App