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and there's puss and always worse at night. A lot of drooling and it's a keynote of Mercury. So you'll see that the hands become shaky and all fine movements are a bit trembly and how you will distinguish between that and Gelsemium is simply because of the smell. Gelsemium won't have the smelliness that Baptisia will have and the Merc Sol will have.

DP: And we're at the end of our time together, so hopefully that gives you an idea. I would never wish the flu on anybody, but when it comes this is a good opportunity for you to practise using your homeopathic remedies and figuring out what's needed. So start... It's quite safe for you to do at home, these acute, they have a beginning, a middle, and an end. If the symptoms are getting worse then you that the person you're trying to help needs to contact a homoeopath, a naturopath or their physician if it's not an epidemic or a pandemic. So are there any questions, concerns, clarifications, anything to share?

DP: I know we all have to get going, so I'm going to take everyone off mute, just so that we can say our good-byes. Thank you everybody for being here today. Oh, we've got one hand up. Okay Jan, go ahead.

By Donna Powers RCSHom, CCH, RSHom (NA)



Page 2: Vaccine Free Now What Transcript Lesson 9

Donna Powers: Welcome to the Vaccine Free: Now What? 12-week teleseminar course. This is class nine where we will continue talking about the infectious illnesses that are of most concern in the second year of life and that is changing very quickly with this particular illness we are talking about today because it's under the one year as well.

DP: Today's illness being discussed is Haemophilus Influenzae B, or HiB, as the vaccine we know it by and it's also a form of meningitis. Just briefly, I want to open up the lines if there are any questions from the first or from the previous eight weeks or from last week, just press 1 if you've got anything left over from last week or any of the previous weeks.

DP: Alright, Jen, go ahead.

Jen: I was just going to mention to you that with that... Did I say... I can't even remember the last week from what I asked you or what I've said, but with the measles, the mor... How do I say it again?

DP: Morbillinum.

Jen: Yes. My little guy, I remember when I first gave it to him, my two-year-old, he actually got for a couple of days after, we hadn't even been around anyone or left the house or anything and he started getting a runny nose and his eyes, like he was... It was like he was exhibiting... What is that called? Like he had a reaction like it was good.

DP: Yes, yes.

Jen: Because it means that he took in that homeopathic medicine and, yeah. I have a feeling if he was exposed to measles, he would be fine just through, from that.

DP: Yes. He would be fine, but also... It also indicates that he likely had a susceptibility to the measles virus.

Jen: Yeah.

DP: So, you can stop. When you're doing homeoprophylaxis, once a child has a response like that, where they're getting symptoms of the illness that you're preventing, then you know that they've had enough. You don't have to repeat it again.

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

2835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

Page 3: Vaccine Free Now What Transcript Lesson 9

Jen: Oh, okay. So, he's done then? He doesn't need to take it because we have one more week left.

DP: Yeah. No, I wouldn't give it to him again.

Jen: Okay.

DP: He had a response and yes, you're probably good to go for quite a while. That was a good response. Now, Christina England in the mumps handout, there's a little story there and she was... She's used homeoprophylaxis in the UK for years, and she gave one little boy the mumps, the Parotidinum. And the homeopathic remedies cannot give you the disease but you can get symptoms of a mumps-like illness. So, this little boy developed the mumps. And then what you do is then you treat the symptoms of the child with mumps.

Jen: Okay.

DP: I think it was Baryta carb. So in fact, if your child had developed even more pronounced symptoms, you could have treated that homeopathically and it likely would have been Pulsatilla that we used.

Jen: Okay.

DP: Okay? So, that just gives you kind of a broader picture of homeoprophylaxis. Good. Thank you for sharing. I'm sure there'd be lots of others that would be interested in that information. Great. Thanks, Jen.

DP: Anybody else?

DP: Okay. Thank you very much, Jen, for sharing that. I know that others listening or reading the transcript will find that information helpful. Remember also, there's the Facebook forum. So if you've got any questions or concerns, please post on the forum as well. It's a nice way to share with the rest of the group. We also had, for any of you who are following the Facebook forum group, there's Tasha, who was in our first group. Her children were exposed to hand, foot and mouth disease, and they're doing very, very well. And she was able to give them... I think she was using Antimonium tart and so, it's been effective.

DP: It's another one of those fevers, eruptive illnesses and you don't really know what you're dealing with unless you've had somebody else diagnosed with that. On my

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

3835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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website,, if you go to the Newsletters or Resources, Newsletters and just do the search engine, "Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease," you'll see a handout and an article that I wrote sometime ago about hand, foot and mouth disease.

DP: So today's disease, Haemophilus Influenzae B, or HiB, and also included in that or as part of it is meningitis. I'm going to, like I've done in previous weeks, just refer to the microbiology a little bit simply because I want you to have the information that your medical doctor have so that you are even more informed when you're going in and when you understand as a vaccine free family, what kinds of concerns your medical doctor might have because your children could be vaccine free.

DP: Most of the strains of the Haemophilus Influenzae are opportunistic pathogens and we talked about that earlier with the diphtheria, these bacteria and viruses just live within the host and they don't cause disease unless there's compromised immune system for whatever reason, stress, nutrition, poverty, sanitation, hygiene. These kinds of things. So... And it's only when there are those kinds of problems that an opportunity is created for the Haemophilus Influenzae B to take hold. So normally they're just in the nasal pharynx which simply means the nose and the back of the throat. They're there all the time in 75% of healthy children and adults. So they're always there.

DP: So Haemophilus, "haemo" is the root word that comes from is blood and "philus" means love, or loving. If you just think of Philadelphia, it's the city of brotherly love. So Haemophilus simply means "blood-loving" and this particular organism actually requires blood for its growth and it is only in humans. This is another one of those virus-bacteria that are only in humans and it needs blood to grow, and it needs to compromise the immune system, so it needs to have something to feed on. So we talked about that in our immune system talk.

DP: The influenza part... So this bacterium often attacks the lungs of the person who has a viral influenza infection. So this is the secondary bacterial infection. This is often in conventional medicine if somebody has a viral infection with pneumonia, they know that the antibiotic is not going to help the viral part of it but what they're hoping is to prevent the secondary infection. We're going to talk more about antibiotics in a little bit and what's happening with that. Because often now, and thankfully now, many doctors are not giving, or should not be giving antibiotics or viral infections as a prevention.

DP: So, this bacteria, the Haemophilus Influenzae B, H-I-B or HiB is a secondary infection for those who've had... It's a possible one for a flu infection. And what they noticed that during the 1890s and 1980 influenza pandemic, the scientists were able to culture this from the upper respiratory tracts of people who have the flu and it led to

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

4835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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the incorrect conclusion that Haemophilus Influenzae was the cause of the flu, and they know that's not true now, but the influenza part stuck. So it's not a flu, it's not from the flu virus family. It is a bacteria and it's a parasite. And it's a parasite simply because it cannot reproduce outside of the host itself. So it's entirely reliant on what's happening inside of the human cell in order for it to grow and proliferate and make more of itself.

DP: The B part refers to the capsule that surrounds the bacteria. So, when we were talking about influenza last week, I mentioned that there's different capsules around that particular virus as well. So, the B is the way to identify it. In fact, there are many different types of Haemophilus Influenzae all the way from A through to F. So they're giving these little numbers. But the reason they've selected B, because it's the most common one that they can identify after an infection. And I'll talk about that a little bit later as well because Haemophilus Influenzae Disease... There's a great article I would refer to, and you will get it in your handout, that talks about what HiB is and what it isn't.

DP: And Haemophilus Influenzae Disease in children can create problems like bacterial meningitis, which is different from viral meningitis, although the symptom picture can look very similar. The only way to tell if you've got a viral meningitis or a bacterial meningitis is through a spinal tap. The other one is epiglottitis which is the inflammation of the epiglottis, which is the part that closes off and helps us to differentiate between swallowing and speaking, and why you can sometimes choke because you get food down your windpipe or saliva down your windpipe, and it goes into the lungs instead of going down to the stomach where it needs to go.

DP: And the other condition that you can get with Haemophilus Influenzae, this kind of bacteria, is septic arthritis. I've just learnt about that recently myself and it's very serious. So, again, what you can get with the disease, with the bacteria invading and creating a meningitis and its toxins, you can also get with a vaccine. So, it's important to remember this because if you have a child or someone you love who maybe has just had the HiB vaccine which is given with the DPT now, and they're having a very serious reaction, you can really encourage that family member to get to the hospital right away. It's possible that the infection could be very serious.

DP: So, the Haemophilus Influenzae can be in the upper respiratory tracts of children and adults, and it can cause only local infection. So, it can be in the nose, the throat and in the upper respiratory tract. These particular bacteria can also cause otitis media, which is the medical term for ear infections in children as well as respiratory disease in adults. So, if an adult has a pre-existing lung condition like chronic bronchitis from smoking or a viral flu infection, they can be susceptible to this bacteria reproducing

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

5835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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and traveling through the bloodstream into the meninges or into other organs, so in the brain.

DP: So, the antibodies to this particular capsule are lacking in infants and children between six months and three years of age. I will be referring a little bit to an article by Hilary Butler. Generally, if you're breastfeeding your baby for the first six months, your breast milk will be able to provide the antibodies needed against... So, it will help support your baby's immune system. And these antibodies are transferred through the placenta and also in the breast milk. And these passive-acquired antibodies will last for about six months. So you can take up to about a year. So, if you want to think about it that way.

DP: So, what they have written, for what is written in the regular information, it takes three to five years for Haemophilus Influenzae colonization and infections of children develop their own antibodies. So, in conventional medicine, they see that there is a window of opportunity for these bacteria to reproduce. But you have to remember, this is only if there's compromised immune system, there's poor nutrition, that there's something else that's contributing to the opportunity for this bacteria to reproduce. So, again, breastfeeding is a very good thing to do.

DP: So, when a Haemophilus Influenzae B grows, here are the complications it can have. Bacterial meningitis and what happens is then, as these bacteria reproduces, it dumps its own toxins into the blood streams, and the lymph nodes can't keep up. They do is a filtering. And what happens then, is they are transported through the bloodstream and into the meninges of the brain, the lining of the brain. This instant, they don't display the classic stiff neck or nonspecific signs such as fever, vomiting and altered mental status which are usually the clues to this infection. So, again, these are some of the concerns. And I'll talk about a few more statistics from Neil Miller about the actual incidents of this happening. So, when we hear information like this, it's easy to move into a place of fear, when in fact what you need is just a little bit more information to understand exactly what's happening. But the potential does exist for this secondary complications, especially with the bacteria rather than viral, although viral can have its own complications.

DP: Antibiotic treatment is the treatment of choice in conventional medicine. If you ever had an instance or even if you know somebody, you can actually be a big support to somebody who's got a child where this is happening. In my old microbiology textbook that I use, the treatment is antibiotics, third generation cephalosporins. That textbook was written in the '70s. No, it's probably '80s, it's when I was reading that kind of information. Now, this particular bacteria has become resistant to cephalosporins and they're now introducing fluoroquinolones. I will give you a link in the handouts, from

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

6835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

Page 7: Vaccine Free Now What Transcript Lesson 9, and it's simply an article, "The Age of Antibiotic is Coming to an End," these bacteria, and particular this one, are becoming antibiotic-resistant. And there are more and more side effects to the antibiotics that are being developed, very serious side effects.

DP: So, once you have this kind of infection, the complications for the treatment become a higher risk as well. And that's important for you to know about that. The pharmaceutical companies say, "Because these bacteria are developing resistant to these antibiotics, there's not a lot of money in creating more and more antibiotics, it's just creating this huge super bugs." We will talk a little bit more about that as we go on. Sometimes steroids are given before the IV antibiotics, and this is to decrease the risk of developing neurological deficits, so to take the inflammation down. So steroid treatment may be a possible therapy that's offered. You're always going to be watching for sepsis, which is blood poisoning, and there will be specific symptoms with that as well.

DP: The ampicillin and amoxicillin is used for less serious infections and that for the otitis media. So again, when you've got bacteria reproducing that are normally found in the nose, the back of the throat, the upper respiratory organs, this is where everything gets juicy and if your discharges are not coming out in your child or in the adult, this is where there's an opportunity for the bacteria to grow and because all of the parts are so close to the ears and the brain, this is where you got the risk of these kinds of secondary complications like bacterial meningitis.

DP: So I want to talk a little bit about the idea of otitis media, ear infections. This is a little bit anecdotal and then we'll go into some actual studies that has been done so that you'll have something to show family if they're interested. You have to weigh that. They might be a bit aggressive but you will have the information at your fingertips should you need it.

DP: So, in the '80s my son... My oldest was born in 1981, the youngest in 1984. In 1981, it was the DPT at two, four and six months. MMR at 12, 14 and 16 months. Then when he was two years old, so in 1983, the Haemophilus Influenzae B vaccine was introduced, the HiB vaccine. I was told as a parent that it was really important that you get this. There was an increase of this bacteria and it could cause terrible diseases in your children and you didn't want that. So my oldest son got it. My youngest son, I didn't give it to him. And in fact, what happened after my oldest son got that HiB vaccine was a whole series of ear infections. And you will be able to Google and research otitis media connections to HiB vaccines and you will see that information on different sections.

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

7835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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DP: So that's the history and this is taken from the Vaccine Risk Awareness Network website ( And it was Dr. Mendelson—I've referred to him with the fever—and Miller, Neil Miller, I would highly recommend if you don't already have it, the Vaccine Safety Manual Book. It's for concerned families and health practitioners. Excellent. If you want charts, if you want research, if you want medical journal references, that's the go-to book. He also has the website, and I'll put that on a follow-up email as well.

DP: So, the first HiB vaccine was licensed in 1985. So, I may have been a bit early with that one, but I'm pretty sure it was in '83 that there was one. This one is no longer in use but offers an excellent example of the problem with vaccine efficacy and safety and vaccine politics in general. It was tested in Finland and was found to have a 90% effectiveness rate. It was given to children at two years of age and before it was sold, it was given to children at 18 months of age. It was completely ineffective in children younger than this, who comprised over 75% of the cases of HiB meningitis.

DP: So, there were more tests done, and the vaccine was not pulled so my one son did get it. But eventually, that one was pulled and what they found, if you look in Neil Miller's Vaccine Safety Manual, one of the statistics he has is that the HiB meningitis mortality rates declined in Japan when DPT vaccinations were stopped. Because what happened was that when they started giving the HiB, Haemophilus Influenzae B Vaccine to my son's age group in that mid '80s, what happened was with this huge increase in this bacterial meningitis in children under a year. So what they then did was attach it to the DPT vaccine to create an immune system response because previously, under a year, this vaccine was not working at all.

DP: So there was a cause and effect. Unintended consequences of giving the vaccine in the age group in the mid '80s, the way my boys were, and then now they have started to put it in as a part of the vaccine schedule under a year. So, in my homeopathic practise, I do see a tremendous amount of children with chronic ear infections. In fact, when my boys went to private school, they all had practically the same medical background history, a series of vaccinations and at about 18 months, croup, ear infections, eczema, allergies. They all had learning disabilities as well. So that was what really got me started on doing this research all those years ago. I'm scared to think of how many years ago now. [chuckle] Oh, dear, almost 30 years ago.

DP: The good news... So even though the HiB vaccine is promoted to prevent otitis media, ear infections, it actually had the unintended consequence of creating an awful lot of ear infections and more antibiotic use and more antibiotic-resistant strains. The B strain is what was picked out. But remember, there are all the other Haemophilus Influenzae strains, A, C, D, E, F and there's no vaccine for that, and they can become

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

8835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

Page 9: Vaccine Free Now What Transcript Lesson 9

as opportunistic as well. But what I wanted to tell you about, the good news and you'll have this in your follow-up email, is a link to a research that has been published. And it's a randomized, controlled pilot study to compare homoeopathy and conventional therapy in acute otitis media. And you'll also see that as AOM in the medical charts.

DP: And they did a comparison, and it was the randomized placebo-controlled, just how they want the science to be. In the concluding write-up, individualized, which was nice, they were able to individualize the ear infection treatment, that individualized homoeopathy is an effective conventional treatment in acute otitis media. There were no significant differences between groups in the main outcome. Symptomatic improvement was quicker in the homoeopathy group, and there was a large difference in antibiotic requirements favouring homoeopathy. Further work on a larger scale should be conducted. And this was in 2011.

DP: This is very, very helpful and my dream would be that it would encourage conventional medical doctors to look into using homoeopathy in their practises. There are some who do, like Dr. Larry Palevsky, who's a pediatrician in New York, brilliant. What it will allow them to do is to treat these kinds of acute secondary bacterial infections without having to use antibiotics, and creating more antibiotic resistance. There is a place for everybody to work together in this.

DP: So if you know of anybody who is opting to get these vaccines, it's not about being right or wrong. I would really encourage you or judging... If somebody is going to do that, just listen and then just ask if... Have they looked up the package inserts? You might be able to help them go through it even, because the more you read them, the more you start learning the language, it's quite daunting to read through these package inserts the first few times. I know when I was reading Dr. Viera Scheibner's 100 Years of Orthodox Vaccination, It was overwhelming because she would quote from medical journals.

DP: If you do want medical journal information, Dr. Viera Scheibner's two books will probably do that, that I could recommend. She was doing her research in the same decade that I was having my boys. And she has published journal information that you can't always find on the Internet now. So what she has are like historical documents where they're still around but you would have to dig through archives in order to get them.

DP: So encourage your friends, family, loved ones, if they're willing to enter into a dialogue or a conversation about it, to read the package inserts. Most of them now are given with the DPT and the polio. So there are six illnesses you're getting all at the same time. So diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, the polio and the Haemophilus Influenzae

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

9835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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B. So there's lots and lots of information in those package inserts. I'm not going to go through them 'cause that's not really what this course is about. Although I will give you the links on where to find them.

DP: So, again, conventional treatment will be antibiotics for ear infection, ampicillin or amoxicillin. So you have to be aware of penicillin allergies, if they're in the family. And what will happen is if there is a secondary bacterial infection and a reaction to the first antibiotic, they will then likely move to the third generation cephalosporins. If it's really dire and serious, then they will move to the fluoroquinolones. And apparently, they put a fluoride element onto this chain. I don't know the science of it, but you can read Mercola's article on that.

DP: So, if this would ever happen, you've probably as somebody who's working at home with acute homeopathic remedies and you're working with your homoeopath, with your naturopath, or with your family physician who, it would be really nice if they knew about homoeopathy, you may have already prevented a very serious kind of infection. But if you do have to go to the hospital, you can give your homeopathic remedies on the way, but this is a situation that you don't hesitate. Medical conventional medicine is geared for emergency. This is what they're best at. If it's breathing, blood, bones, and the brain, which meningitis is, if they're crying, if there's a shrieking cry, you're off to emergency. And you could give Belladonna or Apis. Apis in this situation will probably be your best choice. And we'll talk about the homeopathic remedies, but you must go to the hospital.

DP: Recently in Calgary, there's a story of a young mom, highly, well-respected in her apartment block, but the headline, this child died of a staph infection. And so, of course, there's an immediate... I don't know what happened. It's like there's a need to blame something or someone. It's very tragic, very tragic. So, on top of the loss of her child, this mom is being blamed for the child's death. Child Protection Services has come in and said that was preventable. There could have been antibiotics and instead, she used herbals and homoeopathy. On Monday, I will be talking with Debby Bruck at Homeopathy World Community online radio interview. I'm a little bit nervous about that. But how do we have a conversation and how do we move away from fear, and blame and what can we do in terms of prevention?

DP: It's a reality. This is a difficult topic of how do we talk about these very difficult things? This is some of the concern you will get from medical doctors, from family, from friends. This Haemophilus Influenzae B was created and meant to prevent secondary bacterial infections from something like otitis media all the way to bacterial meningitis. And I have to tell you that whenever I hear meningitis on the TV, sometimes I have to wonder what vaccines were just given but also what the nutrition was, what

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

10835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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the situation, the circumstances were for that particular child. Remember, we only get part of the story with the media and it's usually a sensational kind of information.

DP: So, in your handout, I'm going to talk just a little bit more about what this actually is. This... So Greg Beattie has written an article and it's excellent and you can find it also on website. If you just go to and use their search engine, search Beattie and meningitis or HiB, and you will be able to find the article, but you will get it as well. He just asked, “is it meningitis?” No, it's not. Is it epiglottitis? No. Is it septicaemia, or pneumonia, or cellulitis, arthritis, middle ear infection, osteomyelitis, which is an inflammation of the bone, conjunctivitis, which is pink eye or inflammation of the eye, or respiratory infections? And the answer is no, but sometimes it presents as these diseases.

DP: If one of these illnesses that's not an infectious illness like we have with measles or mumps or rubella, where there's a definite symptom picture and there are definite signs for the illness, and you can actually follow the disease through the signs and symptoms all the way through to the end. So it's not a disease. It's a type of bacteria and it's a disease that applies to any disease where the actual bacteria is found in laboratory tests. So, it could be any number of these diseases including those that were just mentioned.

DP: But it doesn't mean that all cases of meningitis or epiglottitis, which is in the throat or middle ear infection, are a HiB infection. Only some of them. And only when a specimen is sent to a laboratory and this particular bacteria is found in it. If some other bacteria is found, the disease is given a different name. If no bacteria are found, then it gets another name. So it's not like measles or whooping cough or polio or any other disease that we vaccinate for because it's not defined by symptoms.

DP: HiB is defined only by laboratory tests. There's no clinical definition for it. And so, he asks the question, so what does that matter? And it matters when we introduce a vaccine for it because we must be able to see how well the vaccine is working. For example, how much disease it's preventing. So, what is HiB vaccine supposed to prevent? Which illness was chosen for monitoring to see if the vaccine was beneficial? And the truth is that none. No illness is being monitored. Basically, and this is in bold, we don't know if HiB vaccination is reducing illness at all. The only thing being monitored is the frequency of HiB bacteria found in sick children.

DP: So, this is what you start to learn as you read more and you research more and you can understand some of the reasons why you're choosing to be vaccine-free and you understand what some of these consequences are of being vaccine-free. So, you've research it. You'd be able to have a conversation with your doctor where you

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

11835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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are in an informed parent. And I think that can help as long as we learn how to present our information in a way that's non-combative, but really saying, "This is what I understand. Is this what you understand as well?"

DP: So, the disappearance of invasive HiB disease in children has decreased according to these test results where they actually researched for it in a lab to see if it's present or not. But while that has gone down, there's been an increase in pneumococcal infections, so in bacterial pneumonia. So, think about it. The next vaccine that we will be talking about in a couple of weeks is the pneumococcal vaccine. It was introduced because there was a huge increase in this after the HiB vaccine was introduced.

DP: Just a final summary of it. The HiB vaccine was introduced to prevent the diseases mentioned like meningitis and those, but its success is not measured by how much disease it prevents. It is only measured by how much HiB bacteria are found in laboratory tests. It was primarily introduced to combat meningitis which was on the increase once the DPT vaccine and MMR were in large use. But we are yet to see any reports of a reduction in meningitis.

DP: So, you will have that information. So, the signs and symptoms, there's none really. It's not like a disease like measles or mumps where we can watch for them. The complications, what's being monitored if you take a sick child in, it's the frequency of the HiB bacteria found in sick children, the treatment is antibiotics which are now resistant. And specifically, there's no homeopathic remedies for HiB, the disease, but you can get for homeoprophylaxis, this Haemophilus Influenzae B nosode made from the bacteria. But it's not any of the other Haemophilus. So, the A, C, D, E, F, those ones, just the Haemophilus Influenzae B. But there are homeopathic remedies that we're going to talk about today that can be almost specific if you suspect that there's a meningitis happening or going on.

DP: So, we will talk about the symptoms of meningitis and flu-like symptoms can be similar in both types of meningitis. So, the viral and the bacterial, particularly, in the early stages. Bacterial meningitis can be very serious. So, it's important to quickly diagnose the infection. And remember with homoeopathy, we're always trying to find what the characteristic of the child, the infant, the toddler, the child, the teen, the adult, or the elderly person, what is the characteristic about the person who has the common symptoms or who has this illness? And they are the common symptoms of the illness that everybody will have but what we're looking for always is the characteristic symptoms. And the characteristic symptoms will lead to the characteristic symptoms in a homeopathic remedy.

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

12835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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DP: So, there will be a cold, a runny nose, possibly diarrhoea and vomiting and other signs of an infection, like a fever. So, you'll get the fever. There might be tiredness, lethargy, irritability, a headache, sensitivity to light, possibly stiff neck, skin rashes. And sometimes, in high fevers, or if there's any brain inflammation involved, you can have seizures. So, those are the common symptoms. And can you start to see over all these weeks we've been together how you really don't know what it is you're dealing with, whether it's something viral, whether it's something bacterial, or whether it's going to be measles, rubella, hand-foot-mouth. Whether it's just a cold, whether it's the flu, they all start off pretty similar.

DP: And this is the body's immune system responding to the increased presence of some virus or bacteria that is reproducing in the cells and dumping its toxins in there. The body needs to get rid of those either by sneezing, by snot, poop, pee, sweat. Any kind of discharge, is what the body is going to try to do. To safely put it in something like... I think it is always incredible with colds, how much snot we produce. That's the miracle of the immune system. This ability to create this and then out it goes, rather than staying inside of us. Creating this juicy environment where the bacteria continue to flourish.

DP: Now, infants with meningitis might not have those symptoms and might just be extremely irritable, lethargic, tired or have a fever. And so with parents, you're always wondering, "Are they teething?" You're never quite sure. They may be difficult to comfort even when they are picked up and rocked. So already, if you have got that picture you don't know whether it is teething, or something viral, something bacterial, but you have symptoms of wanting to be picked up and rocked and extreme irritability, you could possibly give Chamomilla. Whether it is teething, virus, bacteria, Chamomilla may be of help.

DP: Chamomilla and the rest of the remedies in that daisy family like Arnica, and Bellas, and Eupatorium, they're all very good remedies for high fever and influenzas and pain. Arnica is not just for inflammation and swelling after an accidental injury. It's possible that you need Arnica for something like whoop or whopping cough when the symptoms agreed. What you also want to watch for in infants in jaundice. It is a yellowish tint to the skin and that is simply because of the liver producing bilirubin. Some of us have had put our babies under light when they are first born because their skin's yellow. It is because the liver is just not quite functioning yet. So watch for that.

DP: Watch for stiffness of the body and neck, and neck rigidity. With young kids or adults if they can't touch the chin to the chest because of inflammation and swelling in the back of the neck or the occipital region is what it's called, then you want to suspect back that there is brain inflammation going on. If there is a fever or even a lower than

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

13835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

Page 14: Vaccine Free Now What Transcript Lesson 9

normal temperature with infants, poor feeding, or if they're not nursing well, or if they start to develop a high pitched cry, this is encephalitis or meningitis. And you may want to start with Apis right away or Belladonna, either one of those might be good in that situation.

DP: The other thing to watch for with infants is that soft spot, the fontanelle, if it is bulging, what that means, it's usually just has a little dip in it, you can actually feel like a little heart beat in it. But if that's bulging and swollen you know that there is inflammation going on in the brain. I just thought of this, maybe that is the wisdom of how we are created, maybe this is partly why babies have this soft spot. There's a little bit of an allowance in there, I don't know. I would like to think that our babies are cared for in that way.

DP: Most viral meningitis is a flu like picture and it may get undiagnosed. Most viral meningitis resolves completely within seven to 10 days without any complications or need for treatment. This is important to know so that fear doesn't fit in so much with trying to talk to your doctor or to family members, even to spouses. But, if you suspect that it is meningitis and you're not sure whether it is viral or bacterial, you cannot really take chances. So that's when you want to go, see the doctor right away.

DP: Now, what will happen is that they will order a lumbar puncture or spinal tap to collect a sample of fluid. This does have its risk as well and it is important for you to know what they are. The test will show signs of inflammation and they would be able to determine whether it is a virus or bacteria causing the infection. If it is viral, they will like to put your baby or your child on fluids so that there is no risk of dehydration. If it's viral, antibiotics are not going do anything, and if it is bacteria then they will be given the proper treatment, and that is where you need to be, is on IV antibiotic. Just remember, homeopathically, you can start to support the immune system again once the treatment is over. But you're in the best hands, the best place possible, by being in the children's hospital or the emergency if you suspect that it has evolved into that.

DP: So again, if you know that this is the progression of events, your choice to go to the emergency or hospital does not mean you are a failure as a parent. And I think that, that's possibly some of what has happened with this young mum whose son actually died from this staph infection. If you know that you're going to end up at the hospital, just know that you're going to be in good hands. And if you are challenged about whether you are vaccinated or not vaccinated, it's possible you will run into people who are very combative about that, but if you could just start processing now by saying things like, "This is not the appropriate time to discuss my choices for my children's health, this is an emergency, and I would like your best care that you can give my child."

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

14835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

Page 15: Vaccine Free Now What Transcript Lesson 9

DP: And that's protocol for them. They're there to help you, not give you a bad time. In my Facebook, I posted where some nurse had written a note that had, a sticky note that said, about these parents being losers. She had to apologize to those parents and the hospital apologize to those parents. So they're not allowed to treat you poorly under those kinds of situations or any time, for that matter. I think if we can be polite and on top of our own information and our choices we've made, and feel confidence curing them, we can communicate that to them. And they'll understand that we're willing to work with that they're offering but also that we have another perspective as well.

DP: So, a possibility for another treatment are anticonvulsants if there are seizures. So with brain inflammation, that is always a possibility, or low blood pressure so they might give IV fluids. Or sometimes, some medications are given to increase blood pressure. If it's respiratory, sometimes oxygen will be used or mechanical ventilation if there's difficulty breathing. And one of the most common problems resulting from bacterial meningitis is impaired hearing. So, it would be likely recommended that there be a hearing test following the recovery.

DP: So, some of the complications can be quite severe and have neurological problems, but also remember, some of the treatment with the antibiotics can create neurological problems as well. So this is... We're talking like the end of the spectrum, of what the possibility is with the bacterial meningitis. This can spread and the drops can become airborne when a person coughs, laughs, talks, or sneezes and they can infect others. So if you suspect that there's any kind of meningitis going on, then you'll want to be careful to quarantine your kids. But again, you may not know what's happening or how it's happening or what kind of infection it is. So, influenza gets passed on the same way. Measles, rubella, mumps. So you just do the very best you can as a parent.

DP: And I think every mother, after their kids have been sick or it's gone through the family, I don't know about you, but I have this tremendous urge to clean the house from top to bottom and wash sheets, and run everything through the dishwasher and the washing machine. So those are the main points that I wanted to make about the Haemophilus Influenzae B. The bacteria, the vaccines a little bit, so that you know what you're dealing with with that. And the possibilities of what could happen. Also for any secondary complications.

DP: So before I go into the remedies, I do just want to cover, this is from Frans Vermeulen's Monera Kingdom Bacteria & Viruses, Materia Medica. It's more for your homoeopath, but if you're interested in it, it's a reference text book. They're a bit expensive, but you can get it. And Vermeulen has written about this particular bacteria

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

15835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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and he's got some really good research as well. And one of the quotes he has is that when... While his vaccination has diminished, the incidence of his meningitis, it appears to have caused a shift in the flora of the nasal barracks and the upper respiratory tract. So this is in the nose and the upper part of your respiratory system. Which has allowed a Neisseria, which is another, I think it's a bacteria and the streptococcus species, to proliferate.

DP: So remember when we talked about the strep, this is already in the nose, and so it's allowed to proliferate, to grow, to reproduce and we are seeing a homoeopath more and more strep infections. I just had a young boy, yesterday, who had just come through a very serious strep infection and one of the complications of this streptococcus infections now is this PANDA syndrome. And it's an acronym and I'm not gonna be able to think of it right now, but after a strep infection, these children develop these PANDAS and they develop these ticks and it's almost like Tourette's.

DP: And I didn't want to alarm this mother yesterday, but I could hear it starting to happen with this child. It was this funny intake of breath that he was doing and it was repeated and he was very anxious. So I have my work cut out for me. So it's interesting to know that with the increase of the HiB vaccine, yes, the HiB has diminished the incidents of the meningitis induced by the HiB, but it's also caused the shift allowing other bacteria and viruses to grow. So this might explain the higher relative frequency of pneumococcal, streptococcus, and meningococcal infections in children since the introduction of mass HiB infection.

DP: So, we will be talking about the pneumococcal as well later on because that was the vaccine that came after. Now the other concern is that there's been a steep rise in the annual incidents of insulin-dependent diabetes in young children in Finland, the US and Great Britain after the HiB vaccine became widely utilized. So again, all of these vaccines as well, when I vaccinated my boys, we were told that was immunity for life and it has not been. And, in fact, the immunity wanes. So, boosters are being introduced over and over again.

DP: So that's just a little bit more information for you. So unintended consequences of these situations being created. So now, I'm going to go into some homeopathic remedies. And one of the first ones that you can think of for, and it's also a remedy that you can think of, is somebody you know and care about has opted to go for DPT HiB —you know that three-four-six month set of vaccine. And they have an adverse reaction. And if it's a full blown encephalitic cry... Encephalitic... Casey's gonna fun looking that one up. Hi, Casey. [chuckle] She does all my editing on the transcript. 'cri encéphalique' is the French word for it, but it's the cry that happens when the

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

16835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

Page 17: Vaccine Free Now What Transcript Lesson 9

meninges, the lining of the brain is so swollen and it's so painful. There's not too many places for that to go.

DP: So if your friend, the baby's soft spot is bulging and there's this cry you can hear it in the background, you really want to encourage them to get to the hospital right away because you're starting to recognize, not only an adverse infected vaccine but also that there's potential for encephalitis or even bacterial meningitis. But one of the remedies that if they happen to have homeopathic remedies so you have it is Apis. It's the bee sting, it's the honey bee sting. It is almost like Arnica is for 75% of the people and 75% of these situations where it's an accident and injury with swelling and inflammation, the same for Apis with this kind of brain inflammation. Whatever the cause in 75% of the people, 75% of the time Apis will be required.

DP: It has burning and stinging pains, a baby won't be able to tell you that or a preverbal child but you will see that it is painful for them to move their neck or there's a stiffness and a rigidity the bulging fontanelle and there's crying will all be indications for you. They will also have a lot of heat coming off them, a lot of redness and a lot of swelling. So think of the bee sting. When you get stung by a bee, it feels like that the stinger is still in there, the swelling, the oedema is what it's called. It's a lot of water and the heat will just be pouring off.

DP: If you have an older person, they might even say something ridiculous like they feel fine. This is what we call a characteristic symptom of the person, but also of the remedy Apis. They'll say they're well when you know, you look at them, this could be a teenager possibly with bacterial meningitis. They'll say, "I'm fine, leave me alone." That's also an indication for Arnica. Arnica says they're well when really they are very, very sick, or very very injured. Apis can be the same that way. They are in the same repertory rubric. There will be not much thirst and a lot of suffocation, hard to breathe.

DP: And if you give that remedy, if they pee, so if a baby fills its diaper you know you're in the right track with that remedy. Having a large quantity of urine after the remedy simply means that it's a good remedy and that you found something and you can take the remedy with you on the way to the hospital. And it's possible that you well have avoided some really serious complications. But there's this no thirst and a lot of weeping.

DP: Again, remember when we did some of the other illnesses and with fever? If you have a baby who's crying and there's no tears, you know that there's dehydration going on as well. So it's possible that you've given Apis as a homeopathic remedy, you're getting a good response, they're willing to start nursing again, but it's possible they maybe very, very dehydrated. And you can just ask for just IV fluids if you suspect

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

17835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

Page 18: Vaccine Free Now What Transcript Lesson 9

that that's what it is. They would be able to tell that too, of course. You would hope, they would.

DP: The other thing you might see a child or a baby doing, is that they will push their head backward into a pillow. It's called boring. Boring of the head backward into the pillow. And they might roll their head from side to side instead of moving their head where it should be. And you'll know that that's the brain inflammation that they're experiencing.

DP: I really think my youngest son had that swelling in his brain for quite a while. After the MMR, he used to get very very angry and he would punch his head or he would bang his head into the floor. And this is actually a symptom. When you see children, in homeopathic practise, the parents will tell you, "Oh, yeah, I'll never know when he's going to do this but he'll start banging his head in the crib, or banging his head on the floor." It's possible that this is the brain inflammation response. And homeopathic DPT might be needed. I wish I had know about it then, but I didn't. So that pretty much covers the keynotes. The redness and swelling, the stinging pains and all of this swelling and this shrill cry. Those will all be good indications for Apis.

DP: The other one is belladonna, and I'm not gonna go through that too much, except to run through the keynotes. Which many of you are quite familiar with now, because we've talked about it at the onset of any of these infectious illnesses when they start up with the fever. So belladonna, the symptom that you can just take it to the bank, practically, are those dilated pupils. The black part of the eye practically fills up the coloured part of the eye. They're very flushed, red eyed, a lot of redness, pulsating.

DP: So sometimes you'll think, "How do I tell between Belladonna and Apis? To give one and it doesn't work, you can try the other one because they might look very similar. But they'll have usually a delirium or a lot of anger with it. And they will have this cri encéphalique as well, encephalitic cry. It can happen often at midnight and the child will often have delusions. They'll say they see dogs or monsters, and usually, they'll say that they see... There's red eyes. For babies and infants, you're going to be looking more, again, just how they are. And with Apis, it's probably going to be more of the swelling, the watery swelling than the Belladonna. You won't go wrong by giving one and then the other.

DP: Throbbing and pulsating is the other way. You won't see that throbbing so much, you'll see the heat in both, but not so much the throbbing. So can you start to see also, how you're working with what's characteristic of the child, and what's characteristic of the remedy, and matching the two together. Those are the two big ones, I would have you know about. Let me see... You are going to get all of these remedies in your

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

18835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

Page 19: Vaccine Free Now What Transcript Lesson 9

handout. But I just wanted to run through some of them. Sometimes it's good to hear it as well as read it. It’s a nice big handout that you'll get.

DP: So you've also got Aconite at the beginning of a fever. And there will be a lot of fear. Aconite might be your go-to fever remedy, here in Calgary, simply because of our chinook winds and the changes in temperature that happens. And that can bring on the fever. A lot of restlessness with that. I think that's all that I want to cover just in terms of the remedies. The otitis media... Now the other book I'm going to recommend, if I hadn't done it already, is called Vaccine-Free Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Disease With Homeopathy: A Manual for Practitioners and Consumers. It's by Kate Birch who's a homoeopath, and it's a really nice reference book to have on hand, if you want more readings.

DP: So with otitis media or ear infections, your children can get this whether they are vaccinated or not. It does happen. You have your Aconite, you have Belladonna, and you have Chamomilla. And the situation with Chamomilla is in the same daisy family, it's all about the pain. And they will be very ugly and cross and irritable. So, often it's used Chamomilla in teething, but you can use it for ear infections as well.

DP: And Pulsatilla, again, with children this is like a must have remedy in your kit. We've talked about it before with fever and all of the eruptive illnesses. So Pulsatilla, you might think resembles in some way Apis. Apis doesn't like to get heated or to be too warm and the same as Pulsatilla. Both are thirst-less, but the Pulsatilla child will likely be more weepy and clingy, although Apis can be very weepy as well. Again, one of the most... One of the ways to differentiate between the two is that Apis will have a lot more swelling, just think about that swelling that comes with the bee sting.

DP: So, this is where you start to get really observant in looking at your child, seeing what their cravings are. Again, Pulsatilla is thirst-less, so is Apis. So, how are you going to tell? And with the Pulsatilla, they'll usually be very clingy, and they may have the discharge from the eyes or from the ear and it will be green. So, just watch for these things. So again, you won't harm if you give Apis and it does nothing, then you'll remember, "Oh right. Pulsatilla looks very similar. I'm going to try Pulsatilla." Or you may try Pulsatilla and it doesn't help and then you go to Apis. So, you have lots of options.

DP: So, I'm going to stop there because those are the main remedies. There will be more in your handouts, you can read through them. And if you've got questions about remedies, please post them on the Facebook forum because if you've got questions about them, chances are good that someone else will be wondering about the same kinds of things that you are. So, any questions?

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

19835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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DP: And I'm just looking at my notes here. Here is another one that's a good one. Gelsemium, and we covered that one pretty completely last week. So, just remember Gelsemium might be indicated. Barb, you have a questions. Great, thanks. Go ahead.

Barb: Actually not a question, I just wanted to make a comment. I'm really glad that you are including in those handouts the research studies and The Age of Antibiotics Coming to an End. Like myself I need this information to read and re-read so that my I can make my case if it comes up at conversation. So, I'm really glad you are including those. Yeah.

DP: Yeah, exactly. It's just so that you have information if you're... Because what happens is when you are in an emergency situation, you are on adrenaline. And I've got one mum who was in the first group. She's actually got all these information in the binder, so you could even create a little meningitis binder and take it with you as a reminder, because there is also a lot of waiting and sitting while you are child is a teenager or a young adult may be dealing with that. And then you'll know what can come. I think it's helpful.

Barb: Oh yeah, for sure. And I think it's also a good point that you made, and sometimes you do have to go to the hospital. And there is nothing wrong with that.

DP: There is nothing wrong with that. I have so many parents who quickly move into, "I have failed." I would hope that's not what kept that young woman from going to emergency because this is not failure. This is good parenting. This is good at-home management. You are not cluttering up the emergency system. You've done everything you can. And Western medicine is very good at what it does with emergency medicine.

Barb: That's right, yeah.

DP: It saves life and then we can deal with it after. So, yeah. I would hope that everybody learns that through this course. So, thank you, Barb.

Barb: Thanks.

DP: That's great to know. Yeah. I love the feedback, it helps me. I'm going to continue offering this course. So, anything that you can give the feedback is wonderful.

Barb: Oh that's great. 'Cause I already know two people who wanna take it next time.

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

20835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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DP: Yeah, wonderful. And it will evolve. I will eventually have this streamlined. So, there is just so much information. So in a way, I don't want to overwhelm, but I also wanna make sure that people get up to date information. So, even the information you've received as a second group, has more information than the first one and more up to date information. And it's simply because everything is changing. The vaccines are changing, what they're creating in terms of chronic illness is changing and what we're having to deal with is changing. There are some very sick children right now with chronic illness. So good, yeah spread the word.

Barb: I will.

DP: Okay, thanks. So anything else? We've got a few minutes, we can finish early but we have a few minutes if you want to...

Jan: What was the book that you mentioned, Donna? There's one by Kate Birch and there's another one...his website is

DP: Yes, Neil Miller. It's the Vaccine Safety Manual and it has a foreword by Dr. Russell Blaylock who is a neurosurgeon who has come out very strongly against vaccinations...

Jan: Okay.

DP: Because of the neurological damage it does. So what's nice about his book is it's full of medical journal research, it's absolutely full and charts and so... And again it was another book that really took me a long time to get through until you're used to reading medical terms, just keep your dictionary handy. I love the Internet these days because you can even go to pronunciation websites and find out how to say it, so I had to practise Respiratory syncytial virus many times...


DP: That's the truth. So anything else?

Jan: I don't think so, I think I'm good, lots of things to take in.

DP: There really are. And I'm glad to have been a part of history actually, that I know how the vaccines evolved and to know that my kids got a vaccine that was taken off the market after. It's just awful. But it is what it is and they're fine young men and I'm still working at trying to undo some of the stuff in their life. Doesn't help that my

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

21835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]

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youngest son who's on the contracting business, ever since he was small, continually stuck his finger in light sockets.


DP: An electrical outlet. Oh, it's terrible. I'm used to thinking about giving him homeopathic electricity at this point.

Jan: Wow!

DP: Still some things that aren't cleared up for him. So it's ongoing, but you do the best you can with what you've got and what you know and keep moving forward and hopefully you create something better for the next generation. That's my dream. Thank you for being on the call today and I hope you enjoy the handouts and the MP3 recording.

DONNA POWERS, RCSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA)Homeopathic Healing Art Practitioner

22835 9th Street NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 7K2

p: 403-230-8505 f: 403-230-0537 email: [email protected]