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Wireless Technologiesand its’ Benefits

Isira Ayodhya Kaluarachchi


Industrial information Technology

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Basic Structure of a Wireless Network

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Different wireless networks and their boundaries

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Components and Structure of a WLAN

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Advantages of Using Wireless Networks


Ease and Cost of Installation

Easier Network Modifications

Increased Network Reliability

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This the primary advantage of wireless technology. Having this freedom of being able to move around without wires being connected.

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Ease and Cost of Installation

The need to have to run cables through walls and ceilings is eliminated with a Wireless LAN.

Cable implementing example

Does not need to pay for all of this cabling, and wait for somebody to install it.

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Easier Network Modifications

No longer need to remodel office making sure people who need to use computers are set up next to a wall jack. Instead focus can be more on making work environment more effective.

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Increased Network Reliability

One of the most common network problems is having cable failures

With WLAN has no need to be concern about breaks within cabling, bad splicing of cabling at a network connection, or a liquid getting on exposed cabling.

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Advantages of Using Wireless Networks

Radio Signal Interference


Health Issues over Radio frequency

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Radio Signal Interference

Wireless devices operate in the same radio frequency as other devices. Signals from other devices can disrupt wireless transmissions, or a WLAN device can interfere with other devices.

Microwave ovens, elevator motors, photocopying machines, certain types of outdoor lighting, theft protection devices, and cordless phones.

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The wireless signal is broadcast in open air making security a big concern. Security has improved for WLAN but it remains a major issue and must be properly addressed.

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Health Issues over Radio frequency

Being a Health Risk is a ongoing issue. Wireless devices emit low levels of RF. It is a know fact that high levels of RF with heating effects can cause biological damage.

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Advantages of Wireless LAN over Disadvantages

With the three disadvantages named two of them are easily addressed. Making the advantages of WLAN more stronger.

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Advantages over Disadvantages cont.

To stop radio interference all that is needed is to relocate wireless device. With RF being a health risk no study has revealed health problems associated with human body absorbing low levels of RF energy.

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Every minute counts in a small company and wireless networks are a powerful tool for boosting productivity and encouraging information sharing.

The popularity of wireless LANs is a testament primarily to their convenience, cost efficiency, and ease of integration with other networks and network components. The majority of computers sold to consumers today come equipped with all necessary wireless LAN technology

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