Page 1: Use of the New Antiepileptic Agents Anthony Murro, M.D

Use of the New Antiepileptic Agents

Anthony Murro, M.D.

Page 2: Use of the New Antiepileptic Agents Anthony Murro, M.D

Research Support

• I currently received support for research involving biravacetam from UCB

Page 3: Use of the New Antiepileptic Agents Anthony Murro, M.D

New Antiepileptic Agents

• Lacosamide (Vimpat)

• Rufinamide (Banzel)

• Vigabatrin (Sabril)

• Clobazam (Onfi)

• Ezogabine (Potiga)

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Lacosamide• Adjunctive therapy in the treatment of

partial-onset seizures• Functionalized amino acid

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Lacosamide - Mechanism• Lacosamide facilitates slow inactivation of

voltage gated sodium ion channels

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Lacosamide - Slow inactivation

• Membrane depolarization occurs

• A relatively slower & more sustained ion channel conformation occurs at a intra-membrane channel site

• This conformation blocks sodium ion flow

• Lacosamide enhances slow inactivation

• (Goldin, 2011)

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Sodium Ion Channel Fast Inactivation

• Voltage gated sodium ion channel conformation occurs post-depolarization

• An intracellular protein segment (inactivating particle) binds to a docking site & blocks sodium ion flow

• Carbamazepine, felbamate, lamotrigine, phenytoin, oxcarbazepine, topiramate enhance fast inactivation

• (Goldin, 2011)

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Slow inactivationIntra-membrane sites S5 & S6 block ion


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Fast Inactivation

Intracellular loop between domains III & IV blocks ion channel

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CRMP-2 Binding• Lacosamide also binds to a collapsin

response mediator protein-2 (CRMP-2)

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CRMP-2 Binding• This protein performs important roles that

include cytoskeletal, vesicle, and synaptic functions in the developing brain.

• The significance of this binding is an area of current research (Hensley et al., 2011)

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Lacosamide Dosing

• Adult: 50 mg twice daily; may be increased at weekly intervals by 100 mg/day

• Maintenance dose: 200-400 mg/day

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Lacosamide Metabolism

• Linear kinetics 100-800 mg/d dose

• Metabolism (CYP2C19) by de-methylation to form O-desmethyl-lacosamide (inactive)

• No significant induction/inhibition or P450 mediated interaction

(Chu et al, 2010)

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Lacosamide Effectiveness• Multi-center randomized prospective

controlled trials

• > 400 patients per trial

• Age 16 years and older

• Adjunctive therapy with 1-3 anti-epileptic medications

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Lacosamide Median Sz ReductionGroup Ben-Menachem Halasz

Placebo 10% 20.5%

200 mg/d 26% 35.3%

400 mg/d 39% 36.4%

600 mg/d 40% ---

(Ben-Menachem et al, 2007, Halasz et al, 2009)

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Lacosamide Effectiveness

• Dose of 600 mg/day not more effective but did have increased side effect risk

• Events leading to discontinuation: Dizziness, nausea, ataxia, vomiting, nystagmus

• (Ben-Menachem et al, 2007)

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Effect of Sodium Channel Blocker

Retrospective analysis suggests:

• Lacosamide will reduce seizure frequency even when combined with a fast sodium channel blocker (Sake et al., 2010, Stephen et al., 2011)

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Effect of Sodium Channel Blocker

Retrospective analysis suggests:

• Lacosamide with a sodium channel blocker (e.g. phenytoin) will lead to less seizure reduction & increased side effects

• Caution: Post-hoc analysis, small samples, multiple comparisons, and potential confounding factors.

(Sake et al., 2010, Stephen et al., 2011)

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Lacosamide Pooled Analysis

Median Seizure Reduction

Sodium Channel Blocker

Group Present Absent

Placebo 18.9% 28%

200 mg/d 33.3% 38%

400 mg/d 39% 62.5%

600 mg/d 42.7% 79%

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Lacosamide Case Reports• Intravenous lacosamide has been used to

treat status epilepticus & seizure clusters. Bolus of 200 mg IV at rate of 60 mg/min (Höfler et al., 2011)

• Lacosamide has been used in primary generalized epilepsy (Afra et al., 2012)

• A single report described worsening of seizures in Lennox Gastaut syndrome with lacosamide (Cuzzola et al., 2010)

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Lacosamide SummaryPositive

• No significant drug interactions

• Common side effects are dose dependent & easily managed with dose reduction

• Infrequent need for serum drug levels

• Low protein binding


• High cost

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Role of Lacosamide

• The favorable profile makes lacosamide a likely early choice for adjuvant drug therapy of partial seizures

• Future research might confirm effectiveness for primary generalized epilepsy & status epilepticus.

• Future research might confirm greater benefit among patients not using sodium channel blockers

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Rufinamide• Adjunctive therapy in the treatment of

generalized seizures of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS)

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Rufinamide Mechanism• Rufinamide slows sodium ion channel

recovery from the inactivated state & limits repetitive neuronal firing

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Rufinamide Dosing• Children: Initial: 10 mg/kg/day in 2 equally

divided doses; increase dose by ~10 mg/kg every other day to a target dose of 45 mg/kg/day or 3200 mg/day (whichever is lower) in 2 equally divided doses

• Adults: Initial: 400-800 mg/day in 2 equally divided doses; increase dose by 400-800 mg/day every other day to a maximum dose of 3200 mg/day in 2 equally divided doses.

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Rufinamide Oral Absorption• Oral absorption increases with food due to

increased solubility (33% increase overall absorption & 50% increase in peak concentration).

• Keep relationship with meals constant.

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Rufinamide Metabolism

• Carboxylesterase metabolism to inactive metabolite

• Rufinamide is a weak CYP3A4 inducer

• Non-linear drug kinetics

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Rufinamide Drug Levels

• Drug levels correlate with effectiveness and frequency of adverse effects

• Mean plasma level causing a 50% decrease of seizure frequency was 30 mg/l; range in studies: 5-55 mg/l.

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Rufinamide Drug Interactions

• Mild increased clearance of oral contraceptives (CYP3A4 induction)

• Phenobarbital, primidone, phenytoin, carbamazepine induce carboxyesterase & significantly increase rufinamide clearance

• Valproate significantly increases rufinamide levels by 60-70%

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Rufinamide Lennox Gastaut Median Seizure Reduction

Group All Seizures Tonic-atonic

Placebo 11.7% -1.4%

45 mg/kg-d 32.7% 42.5%

(Glauser et al., 2007)

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Rufinamide Partial Seizures Median Seizure Reduction

Group Seizure Reduction

Placebo -1.6%

Rufinamide* 20.4%

Dose: 1200-3200 mg/d (mean 2800 mg/d)

(Brodie et al, 2007)

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Adverse Effects• Most common: Dizziness, fatigue,

somnolence, nausea, headache

• AED hypersensitivity syndrome (rash & fever) has occurred 1-4 weeks after therapy & more likely in children

• No significant effects on working memory, psychomotor speed, or attention

• (Wheles et al. 2010)

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Rufinamide QT shortening

• > 20 msec reduction in QT can occur but in in study population had < 300 msec

• Rufinamide should not be given to those with familial short QT syndrome potassium channelopathy

• Do not administer in situations with reduced QT interval: digoxin, hpercalcemia, hyperkalemia, acidosis

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Myoclonic-astatic epilepsy (Doose syndrome)

• Onset age 1-6 years of age

• Myoclonic, astatic, & myoclonic-astatic Sz

• Normal development prior to seizures

• Prognosis variable: spontaneous resolution in some; prolonged non-convulsive status epilepticus, cognitive impairments & evolution to Lennox-Gastaut in others

• EEG: 2-3 Hz generalized spike wave

• MRI normal

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Myoclonic-astatic epilepsy & Rufinamide

• In a case series, rufinamide adjunctive therapy reduced seizure frequency by >75% in 6 of 7 cases

• Seizure reduction decreased for patients followed over longer time intervals of 6-18 months (von Stülpnagela et al. 2012)

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Rufinamide SummaryPositive

• Most side effects are dose dependent & easily managed with dose reduction

• Infrequent need for serum drug levels

• Low protein binding


• Significant drug interactions are possible

• High cost

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Role of Rufinamide

• Rufinamide has features similar to many of the approved drugs for Lennox-Gastaut (e.g. lamotrigine, topiramate).

• Future research might confirm the beneficial effect of rufinamide for treatment of myoclonic-astatic epilepsy.

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Vigabatrin• Adjunctive treatment for infantile spasms and

adult refractory complex partial seizure

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Vigabatrin Mechanism

• Irreversible & competitive binding to GABA transaminase (Chu-Shore et al., 2010)

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Vigabatrin Mechanism

• Possibly also might stimulate GABA release

• Brain GABA increases by 40% at 2 hours post-dose

• (Chu-Shore et al., 2010)

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• Linear dose relationship

• Reduces phenytoin level by 20%

• Dosage adjustment for decreased renal clearance

• (Chu-Shore et al., 2010)

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Vigabatrin Dosing Complex Partial Seizures

• Adults: Initial: 500 mg twice daily; increase daily dose by 500 mg at weekly intervals based on response and tolerability. Recommended dose: 3 g/day

• Children: Oral: Initial: 40 mg/kg/day divided twice daily; maintenance dosages based on patient weight

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Vigabatrin Dosing Infantile Spasm

• Initial dosing: 50 mg/kg/day divided twice daily; may titrate upwards by 25-50 mg/kg/day every 3 days to a maximum of 150 mg/kg/day

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Vigabatrin Effectiveness Complex Partial Seizures

(Dean et al., 1999)

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Vigabatrin Effectiveness Complex Partial Seizures

(French et al., 1996)

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Vigabatrin Treats Infantile SpasmsTuberous Sclerosis Responds Best

Group % Spasm Free day 14Vigabatrin low dose 11%Vigabatrin high dose 36%• Tuberous sclerosis 52%• Cryptogenic 27%• Symptomatic 10%Low: 18-36 mg/kg-d; High: 100-148 mg/kg-d(Elterman et al., 2001)

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Hormonal Therapy Better Early Response For Non-Tuberous

Sclerosis CasesPercent Spasm Free

Group 2 wks* 12-14 months

Hormonal 73% 75%

Vigabatrin 54% 76%

• Significant difference (Lux et al., 2005)

Tuberous sclerosis cases were excluded

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Better Cognitive Outcome: Hormonal Treatment Cryptogenic Cases

Outcome at 12-14 months Following Treatment

Symptomatic Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale

Hormonal 70.8

Vigabatrin 75.9

Cryptogenic* Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale

Hormonal 88.2**

Vigabatrin 78.9**• Significant difference (Lux et al., 2005)

Tuberous sclerosis cases were excluded

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Better Cognitive Outcome: Hormonal Treatment Cryptogenic Cases

Outcome at 4 years Following Treatment

Symptomatic Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale

Hormonal 45

Vigabatrin 50

Cryptogenic* Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale

Hormonal 96

Vigabatrin 63

* Significant difference (Darke et al., 2005)

Tuberous sclerosis cases were excluded

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Vigabatrin Effectively Treats Tuberous Sclerosis

Practice Parameter: Medical Treatment of Infantile Spasms:

“Overall cessation of spasms was seen in 41 of 45 (91%) of children treated with vigabatrin, with a 100% response rate seen in five studies.”

(Mackay et al. 2004)

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Vigabatrin Visual Adverse Effects

• Bilateral irreversible concentric peripheral field defects occur in 30-50% of cases

• Most with defects were treated for at least 6 months; often stable after 2 years

• Defects often asymptomatic but might impair driving (Chu-Shore et al., 2010)

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Vigabatrin Visual Adverse Effects

• Adults: visual testing done at baseline & each 6 months

• Infants: visual testing done at baseline & test each 3 months for 18 months, then each 6 months (sedate for electroretinogram)

(Chu-Shore et al., 2010)

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Vigabatrin Visual Effects• Common approach is treatment for a

duration under 3 months; consider discontinuation after 6 months, if seizures are effectively controlled (Kossoff EH, 2010).

• An experimental animal study found that taurine prevented the visual adverse effect (Firas et al, 2009)

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Vigabatrin White Matter Changes

• Lesions were asymptomatic & reversible

• Age: 9 months - 18 years (median 5.4 yrs)

• 8 of 23 (34%) subjects were affected

• T2/DWI scans show lesions in basal ganglia, thalamus, brainstem, & dentate nucleus (Pearl et al., 2009)

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Vigabatrin White Matter Changes

Feature With Lesions Without Lesions

Number 8 subjects 15 subjects

Age 11 months 5 years

Duration 3 months 12 months

Dose 170 mg/kg-d 87 mg/kg-d

(Pearl et al., 2009)

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Vigabatrin White Matter Changes

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Vigabatrin Summary

Positive• High effectiveness for infantile spasms• Few significant drug interactions; exception is

phenytoin• Infrequent need for serum drug levels• Low protein bindingNegative• Irreversible visual field defects• White matter lesions • High cost

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Role of Vigabatrin

• Vigabatrin is likely to be among the last choices for adjuvant treatment of partial seizures

• Vigabatrin is a good 1st choice for infantile spasms from tuberous sclerosis (TS)

• Hormonal therapy might provide more effective early control for non-TS cases & better cognitive outcome for cryptogenic infantile spasms

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ClobazamAdjunctive treatment of seizures associated

with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome

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Clobazam Mechanism• Allosteric activation of GABAa receptor

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Clobazam Mechanism• Allosteric activation of GABAa receptor

• Up-regulation GABA transporters 1 to 3 (GAT1 to GAT3)

• Clobazam has decreased affinity for GABAa subunits that mediate sedative effects

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Clobazam Dosing• ≤30 kg: Initial: 5 mg once daily for ≥1

week, then increase to 5 mg twice daily for ≥1 week, then increase to 10 mg twice daily thereafter

• >30 kg: Initial: 5 mg twice daily for ≥1 week, then increase to 10 mg twice daily for ≥1 week, then increase to 20 mg twice daily thereafter

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Clobazam DosingCYP2C19 poor metabolizers:

• ≤30 kg: Initial: 5 mg once daily for ≥2 weeks, then increase to 5 mg twice daily; after ≥1 week may increase to 10 mg twice daily

• >30 kg: Initial: 5 mg once daily for ≥1 week, then increase to 5 mg twice daily for ≥1 week, then increase to 10 mg twice daily; after ≥1 week may increase to 20 mg twice daily

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Clobazam Metabolism• Hepatic via CYP3A4 and to a lesser extent via

CYP2C19 and 2B6

• N-demethylation to active metabolite [N-desmethyl] with ~20% activity of clobazam.

• CYP2C19 primarily mediates subsequent hydroxylation of the N-desmethyl metabolite.

• Carbamazepine reduces clobazam level, & clobazam decreases valproate (Riss et al, 2008)

• Many other potential drug interactions

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Clobazam• Placebo controlled trial in 238 cases

(age 2-60 years) with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (Ng YT et al, 2011)

• Treatment groups: placebo, 0.25 mg/kg-d, 0.5 mg/kg-d, 1.0 mg/kg-d.

• Weekly seizure rate reduction showed a dose response effect

• Side effects: somnolence, pyrexia, respiratory infections, lethargy, behavioral problems.

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Clobazam Treatment Response

Group Drop Attack Reduction

Placebo 12.1%

0.25 mg/kg-d (max 10 mg/d) 41.2%

0.5 mg/kg-d (max 20 mg/d)49.4%

1.0 mg/kg-d (max 40 mg/d)68.3%

(Ng YT et al, 2011)

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Clobazam Side Effects

• Somnolence

• Fever

• Lethargy

• Drooling

• Constipation

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Clobazam Other Studies• Retrospective studies involving refractory

partial seizures reported an early improvement in seizure reduction.

• Many could not tolerate the drug due to somnolence.

• Tolerance occurred; seizures re-occurred in subjects that had improved initially (Shimizu et al., 2003, da Silveira et al., 2006)

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Clobazam SummaryPositive

• High level of effectiveness for a difficult to treat seizure disorder

• Common side effects are dose dependent & easily managed with dose reduction

• Parent compound & metabolite have long half life

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Clobazam SummaryNegative

• High cost

• High protein binding

• Active metabolite & potentially significant drug interactions

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Role of Clobazam• Clobazam is likely to be a useful drug for

adjuvant therapy of Lennox Gastaut

• Limiting factors are likely to be cost and occurrence of drug related side effects

• Research might confirm the benefit of this drug for refractory partial seizures.

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Ezogabine (Retigabine)Adjuvant treatment of partial-onset seizures

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• Binds to KCNQ2/3 KCNQ3/5 potassium channels

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Ezogabine• Ezogabine binds to KCNQ2/3 & KCNQ3/5

potassium channels at a hydrophobic pocket near channel gate

• This binding stabilizes the open KCNQ2/3 & KCNQ3/5 potassium channels

• This causes membrane hyperpolarization (Gunthorpe et al. 2012)

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Ezogabine• At high concentrations: blocks sodium

voltage gated sodium & calcium channels and increases GABA synthesis (Czuczwar et al., 2010)

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Autosomal Dominant Neonatal Epilepsy

• Loss of function mutation KCNQ2/3

• Focal or generalized tonic-clonic seizures on day 3; seizures remit by 1 month

• 10-15% develop epilepsy

• Therapy resistant epileptic encephalopathy might occur (Kurahashi et al., 2009)

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Ezogabine Dosing

• Initial: 100 mg 3 times/day; may increase at weekly intervals in increments of ≤150 mg/day to a maintenance dose of 200-400 mg 3 times/day (maximum: 1200 mg/day)

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Ezogabine Metabolism

• No P450 metabolism• Glucuronidation via UGT1A4, UGT1A1,

UGT1A3, and UGT1A9• Acetylation via NAT2 to an N-acetyl active

metabolite (NAMR) and other inactive metabolites (eg, N-glucuronides, N-glucoside)

• Linear drug kinetics (Weisenberg et al,, 2011)

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Ezogabine Drug Interactions

• No effect on oral contraceptive clearance

• Lamotrigine decreases ezogabine clearance slightly; ezogabine increases lamotrigine clearance slightly

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Ezogabine EffectivenessGroup Seizure Reduction

Placebo 13.1%

600 mg/d 23.4%

900 mg/d 29.3%

1200 mg/d 35.2%

(Porter et al., 2007)

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Ezogabine EffectivenessGroup Seizure Reduction

Placebo 15.9%

600 mg/d 27.9%

900 mg/d 39.9%

(Brodie et al., 2010)

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Ezogabine EffectivenessGroup Seizure Reduction

Placebo 17.5%

1200 mg/d 44.3%

(French et al., 2011)

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Ezogabine Side Effectts

• Somnolence• Fatigue• Confusion• Dizziness• Headache• Dysarthria• Ataxia• Blurred vision

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Ezogabine SummaryPositive

• Minimal drug interactions

• Common side effects are dose dependent & easily managed with dose reduction

• Infrequent need for serum drug levels

• Unique drug mechanism


• High cost


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Role of Ezogabine

• Ezogabine is likely to be a useful drug for adjuvant therapy for refractory partial seizures

• Limiting factors are likely to be cost and occurrence of drug related side effects

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Cumulative SummaryLacosamide, & ezogabine are likely to be

considered early choices for adjuvant drug therapy of partial seizure because:

• Minimal drug interactions

• Novel mechanisms of action

• Relatively safe side effect profile.

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Cumulative SummaryVigabatrin has a specialized role:• First choice therapy for infantile spasms

among those with tuberous sclerosis• Adjuvant therapy in otherwise refractory

infantile spasm cases.• ACTH may be a better choice in select

infantile cases. • Vigabatrin is likely to be among the later

choices for refractory partial seizures due to its risk of visual loss.

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Cumulative SummaryRufinamide and clobazam have a

specialized role as adjuvant therapy for Lennox-Gastaut.

• Drug interactions are more complex with these medications.

• Side effects might limit the use of these medications in some cases

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Pharmacokinetic PropertiesDrug Tmax T1/2 %PB

Lacosamide 1-2 hr 13 hr <19%

Rufinamide 4-6 hr 6-10 hr 34%

Vigabatrin 2 hr 5-8 hr 0%

Clobazam 1-2 hr 10-30 hr 82-90%

Clobazam ** --- 36-46 hr ---

Ezogabine 1-2 hr 8-10 hr <80%

** desmethylclobazam active metabolite

(Chu et al, 2010)

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References• Afra P, Adamolekun B. Lacosamide treatment of

juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Seizure. 2012 Jan 24.

• Appleton RE, Peters ACB, Mumford JP, Shaw DE. Randomized,placebo-controlled study of vigabatrin as first-line treatment of infantile

• spasms. Epilepsia. 1999;40:1627–1633.• Ben-Menachem E, Biton V, Jatuzis D, Abou-

Khalil B, Doty P, Rudd GD. Efficacy and safety of oral lacosamide as adjunctive therapy in adults with partial-onset seizures. Epilepsia. 2007 Jul;48(7):1308-17.

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References• Brodie M.J., W.E. Rosenfeld, B. Vazquez et al.

Rufinamide for the adjunctive treatment of partial seizures in adults and adolescents: A randomized placebo-controlled trial Epilepsia, 50 (2009), pp. 1899–1909

• Brodie MJ, Lerche H, Gil-Nagel A, Elger C, Hall S, Shin P, Nohria V, Mansbach H; RESTORE 2 Study Group. Efficacy and safety of adjunctive ezogabine (retigabine) in refractory partial epilepsy. Neurology. 2010 Nov 16;75(20):1817-24.

• Chiron C, Dulac O, Beaumont D, Palacios L, Pajot N, Mumford J. Therapeutic trial of vigabatrin in refractory infantile spasms. J Child Neurol. 1991;6 Suppl 2:2S52–2S59.

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References• Chiron C, Dulac O, Beaumont D, Palacios L, Pajot N,

Mumford J. Therapeutic trial of vigabatrin in refractory infantile spasms. J Child Neurol. 1991;6 Suppl 2:2S52–2S59.

• Chu-Shore CJ, Thiele EA. New drugs for pediatric epilepsy. Semin Pediatr Neurol. 2010 Dec;17(4):214-23.

• Cuzzola A, Ferlazzo E, Italiano D, Calabrò RS, Bramanti P, Genton P. Does lacosamide aggravate Lennox-Gastaut syndrome? Report on three consecutive cases. Epilepsy Behav. 2010 Dec;19(4):650-1

• Czuczwar P, Wojtak A, Cioczek-Czuczwar A et al. Retigabine: The newer potential antiepileptic drug Pharmacol Rep, 62 (2010), pp. 211–219

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References• Darke K, Edwards SW, Hancock E, Johnson AL,

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