Page 1: Use of column experiments to investigate the fate of ... · column experiments investigating the transport behavior of a specific organic compound. Such variations unfortunately

Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 3719–3737,© Author(s) 2016. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

Use of column experiments to investigate thefate of organic micropollutants – a reviewStefan Banzhaf1 and Klaus H. Hebig2

1Department of Earth Sciences, University of Gothenburg, Box 460, 405 30 Göteborg, Sweden2Department of Applied Geosciences, Technische Universität Berlin, BH 3-2, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin, Germany

Correspondence to: Stefan Banzhaf ([email protected])

Received: 26 April 2016 – Published in Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss.: 2 May 2016Revised: 26 August 2016 – Accepted: 31 August 2016 – Published: 9 September 2016

Abstract. Although column experiments are frequently usedto investigate the transport of organic micropollutants, littleguidance is available on what they can be used for, how theyshould be set up, and how the experiments should be car-ried out. This review covers the use of column experimentsto investigate the fate of organic micropollutants. Alterna-tive setups are discussed together with their respective ad-vantages and limitations. An overview is presented of pub-lished column experiments investigating the transport of or-ganic micropollutants, and suggestions are offered on howto improve the comparability of future results from differ-ent experiments. The main purpose of column experimentsis to investigate the transport and attenuation of a specificcompound within a specific sediment or substrate. The trans-port of (organic) solutes in groundwater is influenced by thechemical and physical properties of the compounds, the sol-vent (i.e., the groundwater, including all solutes), and thesubstrate (the aquifer material). By adjusting these bound-ary conditions a multitude of different processes and relatedresearch questions can be investigated using a variety of ex-perimental setups. Apart from the ability to effectively con-trol the individual boundary conditions, the main advantageof column experiments compared to other experimental se-tups (such as those used in field experiments, or in batch mi-crocosm experiments) is that conservative and reactive solutebreakthrough curves can be derived, which represent the sumof the transport processes. There are well-established meth-ods for analyzing these curves. The effects observed in col-umn studies are often a result of dynamic, non-equilibriumprocesses. Time (or flow velocity) is an important factor, incontrast to batch experiments where all processes are ob-served until equilibrium is reached in the substrate-solution

system. Slight variations in the boundary conditions of differ-ent experiments can have a marked influence on the transportand degradation of organic micropollutants. This is of criticalimportance when comparing general results from differentcolumn experiments investigating the transport behavior ofa specific organic compound. Such variations unfortunatelymean that the results from most column experiments are nottransferable to other hydrogeochemical environments but areonly valid for the specific experimental setup used.

Column experiments are fast, flexible, and easy to man-age; their boundary conditions can be controlled and theyare cheap compared to extensive field experiments. They canprovide good estimates of all relevant transport parameters.However, the obtained results will almost always be limitedto the scale of the experiment and are not directly trans-ferrable to field scales as too many parameters are exclusiveto the column setup. The challenge for the future is to developstandardized column experiments on organic micropollutantsin order to overcome these issues.

1 Why do we need to investigate the fate of organicmicropollutants in groundwater?

The presence of organic micropollutants in aquatic environ-ments has been of great concern worldwide for a number ofyears and increasing numbers of compounds continue to bedetected in all kinds of waterbodies. Contaminated drinkingwater can be a major source of human uptake of organic mi-cropollutants. Since groundwater is widely used for drinkingwater supplies worldwide, it is of utmost importance to havea detailed understanding of the distribution and transport of

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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these compounds in groundwater, in order to guarantee safedrinking water for mankind in the future. The World HealthOrganization’s water safety plans also highlight the need fora profound understanding of the processes involved to pro-tect groundwater as a drinking water resource (WHO, 2005).

Increasing numbers of different types of organic micropol-lutants have been identified and investigated in aqueous en-vironments over recent decades, for example, pharmaceuti-cal compounds (Kümmerer, 2009; Li, 2014; Richardson andBowron, 1985), pesticides (Ritter, 1990; Song et al., 2010;Yadav et al., 2015), and hormones (Kolpin et al., 2002; Silvaet al., 2012; Young and Borch, 2012). A group of organic mi-cropollutants that have recently come into focus comprisesthe perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs),which seem to be developing into a problem contaminantaround the world (Kotthoff et al., 2015; Simon, 2014).Organic micropollutants have been detected in all partsof the hydrological cycle, including rainwater (Fernández-González et al., 2014; Guidotti et al., 2000), surface waters(e.g., Bu et al., 2015; Buser et al., 1998; Gros et al., 2007;Kolpin et al., 2002; Loos et al., 2009; Ternes, 1998), ground-water (e.g., Barnes et al., 2008; Halling-Sorensen et al., 1998;Lapworth et al., 2012; Loos et al., 2010), and drinking wa-ter (e.g., Heberer, 2002; Kunacheva et al., 2010; Leal et al.,2010; Post et al., 2012; Stackelberg et al., 2004; Stan andHeberer, 1997).

The main pathway into aquatic environments in riversor lakes is through discharge from sewage treatment plants(Gros et al., 2007; Heberer et al., 2002; Jekel et al., 2015;Karthikeyan and Meyer, 2006; Metcalfe et al., 2003; Paxeus,2004; Rabiet et al., 2006; Stackelberg et al., 2004). Organicmicropollutants can also enter aquatic environments fromlivestock farming (Aga et al., 2003), landfill sites (Albaigeset al., 1986; Barnes et al., 2004; Holm et al., 1995), wastew-ater irrigation of fields (Scheytt et al., 1998; Ternes et al.,2007), leaking sewers (Fenz et al., 2005b; Gallert et al., 2005;Phillips et al., 2015), and on-site water treatment units andseptic systems (Carrara et al., 2008; Godfrey et al., 2007). Al-though techniques exist (and are technically possible) for re-moving organic micropollutants during wastewater treatment(e.g., activated carbon adsorption, advanced oxidation pro-cesses, nanofiltration, reverse osmosis, and membrane biore-actors) standard wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) donot usually completely remove all organic micropollutants(Evgenidou et al., 2015; Kreuzinger, 2008; Luo et al., 2014;Scheurer et al., 2010; Suárez et al., 2008; Tijani et al., 2013;Vona et al., 2015). This is largely due to the broad variety oforganic compounds, each requiring different removal tech-niques due to their different chemical properties. Moreover,metabolites can form during WWTP processes (e.g., Boix etal., 2016; Evgenidou et al., 2015; Göbel et al., 2005). Even ir-radiation with UV light (Bergheim et al., 2015) or ozonation(Favier et al., 2015) can lead to the formation of metabo-lites with higher ecotoxicity than their parent compounds.Accordingly, this implies that organic micropollutants are

still continuously released into the aquatic environment andconcentrations in aquatic environments are increasing ratherthan decreasing. This is a reason for great concern as bothaquatic fauna and humans are, to a greater or lesser extent,exposed to water that contains organic micropollutants. Ad-verse health effects on fish (e.g., reproductive and cytologicaleffects) are frequently reported (Brooks, 2014; Overturf etal., 2015; Triebskorn et al., 2007). Numerous investigationshave also been published into human health risks resultingfrom organic micropollutants in water (e.g., Rahman et al.,2009; Schwab et al., 2005; Stuart et al., 2012).

The number of investigations into organic micropollu-tants has increased in line with continuing improvements inanalytical techniques, such as the use of mass spectrome-try (and enhancements) and solid-phase extraction methods.These organic compounds can now be quantified down to lowng L−1 values (e.g., Nödler et al., 2010), which has openedup new possibilities for research into organic micropollu-tants, including, for example, their use as anthropogenic in-dicators or tracers in aquatic systems. Albaiges et al. (1986)used caffeine as an indicator of groundwater pollution froma sanitary landfill. Seiler et al. (1999) investigated the poten-tial of caffeine as a marker of anthropogenic nitrate in waterwells, but found that its degradation and sorption was toohigh for it to serve as an effective tracer. Fenz et al. (2005a,b) demonstrated that the anti-epileptic drug carbamazepineis an excellent tracer of sewage exfiltration and can also beused to quantify sewage loss. Wolf et al. (2012) also usedcarbamazepine to detect sewage loss. However, although car-bamazepine is useful for quantifying anthropogenic input orbank filtration (Clara et al., 2004; Kreuzinger et al., 2004;Massmann et al., 2008; Strauch et al., 2008), most pharma-ceutical compounds can only be used as qualitative mark-ers of anthropogenic impact. Other organic micropollutantsthat have been reported to be good indicators of sewage leak-age into groundwater are the X-ray contrast medium ami-dotrizoic acid (Wolf et al., 2004) and the artificial sweet-ener acesulfame (Wolf et al., 2012). Müller et al. (2012) useda time-dependent input function for different pharmaceuti-cals that took into account changes in prescriptions over thelong term (either because of new pharmaceuticals becomingavailable or as a result of old compounds being made ille-gal) to identify the age and origin of groundwater at a formerwastewater irrigation site. Nödler et al. (2013) used a com-bination of micropollutants that had originated from wastew-ater (carbamazepine and acesulfame) or treated wastewater(valsartan acid) to determine the sources of groundwater ina karst spring (leaking sewer or rain-induced overflow ofuntreated sewage vs. outflow from a wastewater treatmentplant). Zirlewagen et al. (2016) used artificial sweeteners toidentify and quantify different sources as well as to estimatethe residence times of wastewater contamination. Jekel etal. (2015) presented a schema for identifying processes andsources in the anthropogenic water cycle using different or-ganic micropollutants that degrade differently and have dif-

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ferent transport properties. Nödler et al. (2012) identified twotransformation products of sulfamethoxazole during batchexperiments under varying redox conditions. Metabolizationappeared to be partially reversible, with the concentrationsof sulfamethoxazole increasing and concentrations of trans-formation products decreasing following the complete con-sumption of nitrate. Since the same transformation productswere found in a karstic spring, this relationship may be usefulas an indicator of nitrification and denitrification processes inaqueous environments. Since many organic micropollutantsshow redox-sensitive behavior under groundwater conditions(e.g., Banzhaf et al., 2012; Barbieri et al., 2011; Burke etal., 2014; Heberer et al., 2008; Massmann et al., 2008), itmay be possible to use such compounds or groups of com-pounds to determine redox zones in complex anthropogeni-cally influenced settings. Greskowiak et al. (2006) were ableto demonstrate a correlation between temperature-dependentredox zonation in groundwater and the fate of phenazone atan infiltration site in Berlin.

In view of the above-mentioned concerns regarding thepresence of organic micropollutants in aquatic environments,and especially in groundwater, there is a clear need to de-velop a sound understanding of how they are transported andbehave in groundwater. Laboratory experiments on the trans-port and eventual fate of organic micropollutants under de-fined boundary conditions will always be important becausethe boundary conditions for field studies are poorly known,which affects the transferability of their results to other sys-tems. This paper therefore provides a review of publishedcolumn experiments investigating the properties and trans-port behavior of organic micropollutants, since such exper-iments provide a suitable setup for this task. The relevanttransport properties of organic micropollutants are first pre-sented, followed by a discussion of which compounds andwhich of their properties can be investigated using the ex-perimental setup of a column experiment. The weaknessesand problems, as well as the advantages, of different experi-mental setups will be discussed and, finally, other laboratorymethods that can be used to investigate organic micropollu-tants are compared with column experiments.

2 Factors affecting the transport of micropollutants ingroundwater and in column experiments

The transport of (organic) solutes in groundwater dependson the chemical and physical properties of the compounds,the solvent (i.e., the groundwater, including all solutes), andthe substrate (the aquifer material). The main processes ofsolute transport are advection and hydrodynamic dispersion.The movement of solutes can be retarded compared to thatof the containing groundwater, mainly as a result of sorp-tion. Biodegradation and chemical reactions, resulting inoxidation-reduction reactions, precipitation–dissolution re-actions, and mechanical filtering, are other mechanisms that

Figure 1. Schematic representation of solute transport in ground-water, taking into account the main transport processes of advec-tion, hydrodynamic dispersion, retardation, and degradation. Break-through curves (BTCs) were modeled using the CXTFIT code(Toride et al., 1999). The model was set up as a deterministic equi-librium CDE with flux-averaged concentration and dimensionlessparameters. The characteristic length was set to 100. The initialvalues are v= 1, µ= 0.1× 10−7, R= 1, µ= 0 (gray box, onlyadvective transport); v= 1, µ= 15, R= 1, µ= 0 (red curve, ad-vective+ dispersive transport); v= 1, µ= 15, R= 3, µ= 0 (bluecurve, retarded transport); and v= 1, µ= 15, R= 3, µ= 0.01(green curve additional degradation). Breakthrough was modeledas multiple pulse input with a concentration of c= 1 between timesteps 10 and 50. The positions of the curves within the column areplotted for time step 100.

can also reduce the velocity of solutes during their transportin groundwater, which is only driven by advection and hydro-dynamic dispersion. Substances that behave in a very similarway to groundwater are known as conservative tracers. Suchsubstances (e.g., bromide, chloride, uranine, eosine) are used,not only in laboratory experiments, but also in field tracertests, to identify differences between the transport behaviorof reactive substances and the groundwater movement.

The effect that different factors have on solute transport ingroundwater is shown as a schematic breakthrough curve inFig. 1. A conservative tracer or substance does not react withthe soil and/or groundwater, nor does it undergo biological orradioactive decay (Fetter, 1988). It is only influenced by ad-vection and hydrodynamic dispersion (the red breakthroughcurve in Fig. 1). In contrast, a non-conservative tracer or sub-stance is likely to react with the soil and/or groundwater andits transport will be influenced by many (or all) of the con-trolling factors for solute transport described below.

2.1 Advection

The most important factor influencing solute transport ingroundwater or during a column experiment is advection,which involves the transport of dissolved or suspended mat-ter with water. In Fig. 1 the gray rectangle with black solidborders represents the start distribution of a given substanceor compound and its area represents the mass of the sub- Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 3719–3737, 2016

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stance or compound (i.e., its concentration times the dis-tance). If advection is the only factor affecting the transportof this substance within the groundwater or column, the rect-angle will move along the flow path without any alteration(as indicated by the gray rectangle with gray borders on theright-hand side of Fig. 1).

2.2 Hydrodynamic dispersion: diffusion andmechanical dispersion

Diffusion results in the equalization of concentration differ-ences, following Fick’s law. Diffusion is stronger at low flowvelocities and small scales and becomes almost insignificantas the velocities and scale increase. The impact of diffusionwithin an aquifer is therefore often negligible. However, dif-fusion can be significant if a column experiment is operatedat low flow velocities or at a very small scale.

Mechanical dispersion results in a spreading of the con-centration front of a solute during transport and is caused byvelocity and flow path variations within an aquifer due to in-homogeneities on both micro and macro scales (Domenicoand Schwartz, 1998). It results in both transverse (or lateral)dispersion (i.e., a spreading of the solute perpendicular tothe flow direction) and longitudinal dispersion (differencesin travel time; Appelo and Postma, 2005). The impact of dis-persion on mass transport in groundwater increases with ve-locity and scale.

The combination of diffusion and mechanical dispersionis known as hydrodynamic dispersion; it leads to a broad-ening of the breakthrough curve at a particular observationpoint during flow through a porous medium (the red curve inFig. 1).

2.3 Retardation

Retardation is the delay in the transport of a substance rela-tive to the groundwater flow. There are many possible rea-sons for the retardation of a reactive solute, but the mainmechanism involved is sorption, which involves reactions be-tween solutes and solid surfaces (Domenico and Schwartz,1998). Sorption can occur either by adsorption onto surfacesor by absorption into the substrate. The opposite process isdesorption. Sorption and desorption of various species oftenoccur as coupled processes in which dissolved ions of onespecies displace sorbed ions of another species from theirsorption sites in the substrate. These processes are depen-dent on combinations of various specific properties of thecompounds, such as their charge, the size of the ions, theirconcentration in the solution, and the availability of sorptionsites. Combined sorption–desorption processes are known asion exchange. The increase in solute concentration during abreakthrough typically leads to changes in the equilibriumbetween the solid and liquid phases of the compound. Undersufficiently low flow rates, equilibrium conditions betweenthe solid and fluid phases will be established. Then, a com-

pound can only break through when all sorption places arefilled according to the new equilibrium. When the system isflushed with compound-free water the opposite process takesplace, the equilibrium shifts back, and the sorbed compoundsare again released into the solution. The result is a delayedbreakthrough curve at the observation point (blue curve inFig. 1). However, under high flow regimes within the column,non-equilibrium conditions might prevail, which can signifi-cantly affect the described processes. Typical retardation val-ues range between 1.2 and 10 (Langguth and Voigt, 2004).Since it is difficult to observe sorption–desorption processesdirectly, either in the field or in a laboratory, the retardationof a breakthrough curve is commonly used as an indicator ofthese processes.

Schaffer and Licha (2015) described the two main sorptionprocesses as (i) hydrophobic sorption and (ii) ionic sorption.Hydrophobic sorption occurs during the transport of non-polar, non-ionized (neutral) compounds, which sorb onto theuncharged sites of organic matter. Neutral compounds oftenshow a degree of hydrophobic behavior due to the polarity ofthe water molecules and they therefore have a tendency to ac-cumulate in non-polar environments (solid or liquid organicphases). Organic matter is one of the best sorbents for non-polar organic compounds because of its large specific surface(Delle Site, 2001). If a soil contains more than 0.1 % organiccarbon the adsorption of non-ionic organic substances is at-tributed entirely to the organic carbon (Appelo and Postma,2005). Ionic sorption occurs during the transport of polar,ionized (anionic or cationic) compounds. Non-neutral com-pounds often show more hydrophilic behavior and are there-fore often more conservative than neutral compounds. How-ever, in the presence of charged sorption sites (clay miner-als, organic matter, Fe/Mg-(hydro)-oxides) these compoundscan interact in many ways with the substrate through, for ex-ample, ion exchange, surface complexation, hydrogen bond-ing, ligand exchange, cation bridging, or charge-transfer pro-cesses (Schaffer and Licha, 2015). The speciation of organiccompounds depends on (a) their molecular structure and(b) the pH of the water. Many (but not all) organic moleculespossess one or more functional groups from which protonscan dissociate. The charge of such molecules can thereforechange from positive (cationic) to neutral or negative (an-ionic), depending on the degree of dissociation. It is evenpossible for molecules to bear differently charged (positiveand negative) functional groups at the same time and to thenbehave as both anions and cations (zwitter ions). The behav-ior of organic compounds during transport in groundwater istherefore clearly dependent on their speciation (neutral, an-ionic/acid, cationic/basic, anionic-cationic/zwitter-ionic).

The species of dissociative organic compounds in ground-water is controlled by the dissociation constant of organicacids, Ka, and (if present) organic bases, Kb (Schaffer andLicha, 2014). The relationship between the inverse commonlogarithms of the acidic/basic dissociation constants pKa andpKb (i.e., the inverse common logarithm of the concentration

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of dissociated protons) and the pH defines the charge stateof the compound. Where the pH�pKa (which is generallythe case for pKa > 10 at normal groundwater pH values ofbetween 6 and 8), the substance will exist in its undissoci-ated (neutral) form, and where the pH�pKa (which is gen-erally the case for pKa values between 0 and 3 at normalgroundwater pH values), the substance will exist in its disso-ciated (anionic/acidic) form. The relationship between pKband pH is the opposite of that between pKa and pH: wherethe pH�pKb, the substance will exist in its dissociated(cationic/basic) form and where the pH�pKb it will existin its undissociated (neutral) form. Substances with pKa orpKb values close to the pH of the solvent will exist in bothnon-polar and polar forms.

The pH of groundwater therefore defines the polar charac-ter of organic compounds and consequently has an impor-tant influence on the sorption behavior of the compounds(Schwarzenbach et al., 2003).

The distribution coefficient (KOW or P ) between wa-ter and octanol is used to describe the hydrophilic or hy-drophobic character of a non-ionizable or neutral organiccompound. The distribution coefficient for ionizable or non-neutral compounds is D, which is pH-dependent.

KOW = P =DpH−dependent =cn−octanol

cwater. (1)

A compound with a distribution coefficient of logKOW(logP or logD) > is more lipophilic (i.e., migrates into theorganic phase), and< is more hydrophilic (i.e., migrates intothe aqueous phase). Predicted values for P and D at spe-cific pH values can be obtained from databases (e.g.,; SciFinder, 2016) or from chemical drawing pro-grams (e.g., ChemDraw, 2016; MarvinSketch, 2016; SmyxDraw, 2016).

In order to obtain the distribution coefficient between asolid and liquid phase (Kd), the KOC must be corrected be-cause logKOC describes the partitioning between water anda 100 % organic carbon phase:

Kd =KOC · fOC, (2)

with fOC as the fraction of organic carbon (Appelo andPostma, 2005).

If the distribution coefficient between the solid and liquidphases (Kd) of a specific compound is known, together withthe bulk density (ρ) and the porosity (2) of the substrate, theretardation factor of this compound can be approximated asfollows (Stumm and Morgan, 1996):

Rf ≈ 1+ρ

2·Kd. (3)

2.4 Degradation

Degradation is the mineralization of complex molecules toform inorganic molecules or elements. A reactive substance

can undergo chemical, biological, or radioactive degrada-tion during transport, which will reduce both the concentra-tion and the total content of that particular substance (Fetter,1988; Fig. 1), and hence lower the breakthrough curve (greencurve in Fig. 1). Radioactive decay is not relevant for organiccompounds, but both microbial degradation and chemicaldegradation (e.g., hydrolysis, oxidation-reduction reactions,UV degradation) are potentially significant. Redox reactionsare electron transfer reactions that induce metabolism of or-ganic molecules. This can lead to total mineralization andto the formation of metabolites with properties that may dif-fer from those of the original molecules. In most cases theseprocesses are catalyzed by microbes (Schwarzenbach et al.,2003). Redox reactions during groundwater transport as a re-sult of changes in thermodynamic conditions along the flowpath can also affect the solubility of a compound. Redox pro-cesses control the natural concentrations of O2, Fe2+/Fe3+,SO2−

4 , H2S, CH4, and other compounds in groundwater (Ap-pelo and Postma, 2005), and can therefore induce zones char-acterized by oxic conditions, nitrate reduction, iron reduc-tion, sulfate reduction, or methanogenesis, and zones withdifferent pH values. This transient chemical zoning maythen produce precipitation–dissolution reactions in the trans-ported compounds, which can result in mass loss for a par-ticular substance during transport and therefore appear asdegradation.

2.5 Implications for predicting the transport behaviorof organic micropollutants

Organic compounds include a very wide range of thecompound-specific properties described above. Differentspecies and metabolites of a compound can exist in the samesample. Transport behavior is furthermore dependent on thepH of the fluid and on the properties of the substrate (e.g., theorganic carbon content, the presence of sorption sites on clayminerals, or the presence of Fe/Mg oxides or hydroxides).It is therefore not possible to describe the general behaviorof individual compounds or groups of compounds in ground-water. It is even difficult to predict the behavior of particularcompounds in specific settings because of the large numberof defining variables. The future objective should thereforebe to progress from individual case studies to a general pro-cess understanding, with the ultimate aim being to be able tomake general predictions concerning the behavior and even-tual fate of organic compounds in natural aqueous environ-ments.

3 Column experiments on organic micropollutants

3.1 Setup and evaluation of laboratory columnexperiments

Laboratory column experiments can be used for many differ-ent applications. The boundary conditions and experimental Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 3719–3737, 2016

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setup can be varied to best address particular research ques-tions or compounds. Column experiments are generally usedto investigate the transport behavior, sorption, and degrada-tion of a specific compound or group of substances. However,more specific issues can also be addressed, such as the effectof entrapped air on soil permeability (Christiansen, 1944),the effect of a fluctuating water table on redox conditions(Sinke et al., 1998), the effect of preferential flow on so-lute transport (Schoen et al., 1999), the effect of a sterilizedsoil on sorption (Lotrario et al., 1995), or the influence ofmethanol on the retention of hydrophobic organic chemicals(Nay et al., 1999). An overview of the types of investiga-tions that can be carried out with column experiments is pro-vided below, the methods involved presented, and practicalissues discussed. Additional information on column experi-ments for specific compounds is provided in Sect. 3.2.

3.1.1 Technical setup

The basic principle of a column experiment is to pump wa-ter with a specific composition, including solutes of inter-est, through a column filled with a specific substrate. Sincethe aim of column experiments is to investigate (dynamic)processes it is common to start with a “neutral” fluid thatis in hydrochemical equilibrium with the substrate, and thenswitch to the actual test fluid containing the solutes of in-terest and a mandatory conservative tracer. Figure 2 showsthree basic setups for laboratory column experiments. Thenormal practice is to operate columns in an upright position.This allows percolation through the unsaturated zone to besimulated, as shown in Fig. 2a. Different degrees of satu-ration can thus be achieved within the column and the ef-fects of a fluctuating water table can also be simulated. Inorder to simulate saturated groundwater conditions, the col-umn can be operated with an upward flow direction, as shownin Fig. 2b. This results in saturated conditions throughout thecolumn and may help to avoid any entrapment of gas bub-bles. Different parameters or boundary conditions and theirevolution along a flow path can be investigated by couplingseveral columns together, as shown in Fig. 2c.

Columns are typically made of stainless steel (Alotaibi etal., 2015; Banzhaf et al., 2012; Burke et al., 2013; Schafferet al., 2015; Unold et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2010) in order toprevent interactions with solutes, or from acrylic glass (Gru-enheid et al., 2008; Hebig et al., 2016; Rauch-Williams etal., 2010; Yao et al., 2012) for improved visual control ofsaturation levels and tracer transport (where a dye tracer isused). Although acrylic glass is a synthetic plastic, it is re-ported to be inert to many organic solutes (Hebig et al., 2014)and therefore suitable for column experiments with organicmicropollutants. Glass columns are also often used (e.g., Es-trella et al., 1993; Fan et al., 2011; Nay et al., 1999; Perssonet al., 2008; Simon et al., 2000) since glass is assumed tobe inert with respect to organic compounds. Other materi-als used for columns include PVC (e.g., Bertelkamp et al.,

Figure 2. Schema of common setups used in column experiments:(a) unsaturated/leaching experiments (e.g., Siemens et al., 2010); afluctuating water table is established in some experimental setups(e.g., Sinke et al., 1998), (b) saturated/groundwater flow experi-ments (e.g., Scheytt et al., 2004), and (c) saturated columns con-nected in series in order to measure the evolution of hydrochemi-cal parameters (such as the oxidation-reduction potential) along theflow path (e.g., Nay et al., 1999).

2012; Greenhagen et al., 2014; Salvia et al., 2014; Sinke etal., 1998), polyethylene (Bertelkamp et al., 2012), and alu-minum (Burke et al., 2014).

The physical dimensions of columns are not yet standard-ized. Short columns enable fast experiments and many rep-etitions, while longer columns need more time for equili-bration before the actual start of the experiment but allowlonger reaction times (which means that more reactions canbe distinguished) and more complex settings (e.g., the estab-lishment of redox zonings). The dimensions of columns varyconsiderably due to the broad range of research applications;for example, lengths have been reported ranging from 5 cm(Estrella et al., 1993; Teijón et al., 2014) to 2.4 m (Cordy etal., 2004), and inner diameters have been reported rangingfrom 2 cm (Teijón et al., 2014) to 36 cm (Bertelkamp et al.,2012, 2014). The choice of a reasonable length-to-diameterratio is important if scaling effects are to be avoided. Inlong columns with small diameters the main flow (and hencethe main transport) can occur by preferential flow along theboundary between the inner column surface and the sedimentgrains. If the diameter is too large, transversal dispersivitycan become significant for solute transport, which makesanalysis even more complex (column experiments are gen-erally designed to exclude transversal dispersivity from the

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transport model). Using a short column with too large a diam-eter relative to its length may prevent uniform, homogeneousflow within the sediment. Lewis and Sjöstrom (2010), in theirextensive review of the design of column experiments, rec-ommended a diameter-to-length ratio of 1 : 4 in order to avoidsuch effects. However, this ratio is rarely reported in the pub-lished literature.

The tubing and other materials reported are commonlymade from Teflon/PTFE (e.g., De Wilde et al., 2009; Fanet al., 2011; Ke et al., 2012; Strauss et al., 2011; Teijón etal., 2014) or stainless steel (e.g., Ke et al., 2012; Nay et al.,1999; Teijón et al., 2014), which are known to be inert ma-terials. Other materials that have been used in column ex-periments are Pharmed tubing (Strauss et al., 2011), (dark)polyethylene (Bertelkamp et al., 2012, 2014), PVC, (black)Tygon tubing, vinyl, polysulfone, brass (Greenhagen et al.,2014), polypropylene, and silicone (Srivastava et al., 2009).However, the influence of many of these reported materialson organic compounds is unknown and may be problematic,as is the case for Pharmed tubing, silicone, and Tygon tubing(Hebig et al., 2014). Unfortunately, there is often little infor-mation provided concerning the materials used (in particularthe filter materials used), even though they can have a signif-icant influence on the mass recoveries of organic micropol-lutants. Only a few investigations have specifically addressedthe issue of possible interactions between the materials usedin experiments and the compounds and fluids under investi-gation, or included preliminary investigations to allow suchinteractions to be avoided (Greenhagen et al., 2014; Gruen-heid et al., 2008; Hebig et al., 2014; Srivastava et al., 2009).This often untested impact of laboratory materials on com-pound concentrations may therefore have a significant (butunknown) influence on the results of column experiments.

Peristaltic pumps are commonly used in investigations intofluid transport in saturated columns (e.g., Banzhaf et al.,2012; Bertelkamp et al., 2014; De Wilde et al., 2009; Mülleret al., 2013; Rodriguez-Cruz et al., 2007) because they areable to provide uniform flow, even at low flow rates. Otherpumps that have been used include pulsating pumps (Mass-mann et al., 2008), piston pumps (Persson et al., 2008), gearpumps (Alotaibi et al., 2015) and, in unsaturated and leach-ing experiments, suction pumps (Salem Attia et al., 2013;Siemens et al., 2010). In leaching experiments it is also com-mon to simply let the fluid leach under gravity (Scheytt et al.,2006, 2007; Xu et al., 2010).

To prevent inhomogeneous flow and mass transportthrough the column, a layer of clean, well-sorted filter quartzsand is often included at both the inlet and outlet ends of thecolumn (e.g., Banzhaf et al., 2012; Gruenheid et al., 2008;Persson et al., 2008; Unold et al., 2009). Other materials re-ported to have been used as filters are glass beads or globes(e.g., Salvia et al., 2014; Scheytt et al., 2004, 2006) and glasswool (Nay et al., 1999; Salem Attia et al., 2013). These filterlayers are often combined with manufactured filters such asperforated PVC (Bertelkamp et al., 2014) or stainless steel

plates (Strauss et al., 2011), stainless steel meshes (Burke etal., 2013; Fan et al., 2011; Patterson et al., 2010; Yao et al.,2012), glass fiber filters (Strauss et al., 2011), cheesecloths(Fan et al., 2011; Srivastava et al., 2009), aluminum screens(Greenhagen et al., 2014), porous HDPE (Lorphensri et al.,2007), Teflon gauze nets (Scheytt et al., 2004; T. Scheytt per-sonal communication, 2016), porous glass (Siemens et al.,2010), porous ceramic plates (Unold et al., 2009), or paperfilters (Srivastava et al., 2009). In this way the hydraulic con-trast between the tube/inlet and the substrate can be reducedand the incoming water and solutes spread over the entirewidth of the column. Any intrusion or wash-out of finer sandparticles through the inlet or outlet of the column should alsobe avoided through the use of such filters.

A wide range of substrates have been used as filling forcolumns in published research, depending on the specificobjectives. These include natural (site-specific) aquifer sed-iment (e.g., Alotaibi et al., 2015; Burke et al., 2013; Lopez-Blanco et al., 2005; Mersmann et al., 2002; Preuss et al.,2001; Teijón et al., 2014), natural soil (e.g., Aga et al., 2003;Cordy et al., 2004; Kamra et al., 2001; Murillo-Torres et al.,2012; Rodriguez-Cruz et al., 2007; Xu et al., 2010), artifi-cial soil (De Wilde et al., 2009), artificial (model) sedimentssuch as well-sorted filter sands or technical quartz sands (e.g.,Baumgarten et al., 2011; Bertelkamp et al., 2014; Green-hagen et al., 2014; Nay et al., 1999), and other artificial mate-rials such as iron-coated sand (Hebig et al., 2016), magneticnanoparticle-coated zeolite (Salem Attia et al., 2013), alu-mina, silica gel (Lorphensri et al., 2007), and biochar (Yaoet al., 2012). The substrate can be installed wet or saturated(e.g., Alotaibi et al., 2015; Nay et al., 1999; Simon et al.,2000), or dry (e.g., Banzhaf et al., 2012; Fan et al., 2011;Scheytt et al., 2007; Sinke et al., 1998; Teijón et al., 2014),ideally in small (1–2 cm) layers that are individually com-pacted using a tool such as a stamp (Banzhaf et al., 2012),plunger (Scheytt et al., 2007), or pestle (Unold et al., 2009),or alternatively by vibration (Burke et al., 2013; Teijón etal., 2014), by tapping against the column (Bertelkamp et al.,2014; Strauss et al., 2011), or by placing a weight on top be-fore installing the next layer (De Wilde et al., 2009). Someexperiments have been performed using undisturbed soils orsediments (e.g., Greenhagen et al., 2014; Massmann et al.,2008; Muñoz-Leoz et al., 2011). However, even when greatcare is taken over filling the column, the resulting effectiveporosities are usually higher than in natural sediments. Thereported range of effective porosities is between 0.28 (Green-hagen et al., 2014) and 0.49 (Schaffer et al., 2015), of whichonly the lower limit is representative of effective porositiesfound in natural aquifers. It appears that effective porosi-ties lower than 0.30 are only achieved when the column isfilled with undisturbed sediments. The high effective porosi-ties in most experiments may lead to lower flow velocitiesand lower reactive surface areas than would be expected ina natural environment and may therefore be responsible forthe often noted differences between laboratory results and Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 3719–3737, 2016

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results from field tests. However, many published investiga-tions either do not specify the effective porosities or onlyreport the total porosities (from the ratio of the weight ofthe column filled with dry sediment to the weight of the col-umn with fully saturated sediment). Porewater velocities varyaccording to the experimental conditions. The flow velocityshould ideally reproduce natural groundwater flow velocities,which one would normally expect to be between 1 cm d−1

and 1 m d−1. Using higher velocities allows experiments tobe completed more quickly and hence many repetitions, butslow velocities are more likely to provide a realistic repre-sentation of natural processes involving equilibration of so-lute and solid phases. Flow velocities in column experimentsare typically between 4 cm d−1 (Strauss et al., 2011) and348 cm d−1 (Fan et al., 2011). There are similar uncertain-ties in reported flow velocities to those previously mentionedfor porosities, as authors do not always state clearly whetherthey are referring to porewater velocity or Darcy velocity.Various types of fluid have been used as solvents in columnexperiments depending on their objectives, including natural(site-specific) groundwater (Greenhagen et al., 2014; Mers-mann et al., 2002; Preuss et al., 2001; Scheytt et al., 2004)or surface water (e.g., Banzhaf et al., 2012; Baumgarten etal., 2011; Burke et al., 2014; Schaffer et al., 2012), model orartificial (ground)water (De Wilde et al., 2009; Estrella et al.,1993; Murillo-Torres et al., 2012; Xu et al., 2010), treatedwastewater (e.g., Alotaibi et al., 2015; Cordy et al., 2004; Keet al., 2012), tap water (Bertelkamp et al., 2012; Burke etal., 2013), distilled water (Aga et al., 2003), ultrapure water(Simon et al., 2000), and even liquid manure (Strauss et al.,2011).

The reported solute concentrations vary considerably de-pending on the objectives of the individual experiments,ranging between 60 ng L−1 (Rauch-Williams et al., 2010)and 2 mg L−1 (Siemens et al., 2010; Yao et al., 2012). Someinvestigations therefore use concentrations that are found innatural environments or in waste waters, while others mayaim to identify specific processes and therefore use higherconcentrations to enhance the effect of the processes. Higherconcentrations are also easier to measure.

An important basic parameter is the pH of the fluid used incolumn experiments as the polar character of many organicmicropollutants varies according to the relationship betweenthe pKa value and the pH. An organic compound may there-fore be persistent and highly mobile under the specific con-ditions of one experiment but be strongly retarded in anotherexperiment, due to the different pH values of the fluid used.

Field parameters and/or tracers are commonly measuredusing flowthrough cells fitted with probes (e.g., Mersmannet al., 2002; Müller et al., 2013). Sampling for solutes canbe performed in a number of different ways, including “byhand” (bottle, beaker, e.g., Burke et al., 2014; Cordy et al.,2004; Hebig et al., 2016), using an automated fraction collec-tor (e.g., Banzhaf et al., 2012; Rodriguez-Cruz et al., 2007;Scheytt et al., 2004; Srivastava et al., 2009; Unold et al.,

2009), using sampling ports attached laterally to the column(Alotaibi et al., 2015; Baumgarten et al., 2011; Burke et al.,2014), or online and in real time using a spectrometer at theoutlet from the column (Teijón et al., 2014). Sampling portsalongside the column risk altering the hydraulics within thecolumn and should only be used with great caution, usingsmall volumes and low sampling rates. A further means ofassessing the fate of organic compounds in a column exper-iment is to extract the substrate from the column after com-pleting the experiment and to analyze the solid phase for ir-reversibly sorbed solutes (Banzhaf et al., 2012). This enablesall parts of the mass balance to be determined since the massof solute degraded can be determined by deducting the recov-ered mass and the irreversibly sorbed mass from the injectedmass.

3.1.2 Significance and influence of boundary conditionsand heterogeneity

The boundary conditions of column experiments need to beknown in order to ensure correct interpretation of the re-sults obtained. Van Genuchten and Parker (1984) discussedthe physical and mathematical significance of the bound-ary conditions that apply to 1-D solute transport in labora-tory column experiments. They presented solutions of theconvective–dispersive transport equation that can be usedto analyze column effluent data. Leij et al. (1993) investi-gated analytical solutions for non-equilibrium solute trans-port in 3-D porous media. They found that the effect ofnon-equilibrium on 1-D transport is similar to that on 3-Dtransport. The effect of non-uniform boundary conditionson steady flow in saturated homogeneous cylindrical soilcolumns was investigated by Barry (2009). He reported thatuniform flow in the column could be achieved if a bafflezone was established at each end of the column. Sentenacet al. (2001) used fiber-optic sensing to measure side-wallboundary effects in soil columns. They detected flow velocitydifferences between the center of the column and the bound-ary wall, whose surface roughness was varied. Seyfried andRao (1987) described preferential flow effects in columnscontaining undisturbed substrates. They assumed that flowoccurred through series of large pores or pore sequences.Perret et al. (2000) investigated preferential solute flow incolumns containing undisturbed substrates using a tomogra-phy technique derived from medical applications. This tech-nique allowed real-time analysis of the flow patterns of ra-dioactive tracers in both 2-D and 3-D.

The dimensions of a column used for in-column experi-ments appear to have a marked influence on the hydraulicconditions within the column and on the transport of the in-vestigated compounds (see Sects. 2 and 3.1.1). Wierenga andVan Genuchten (1989) found that the dispersivity of chlorideand tritium tracers used in unsaturated column experimentsincreased significantly with column length, while retardationfactors remained essentially the same. However, Ribeiro et

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al. (2011) showed that the retardation factor for potassiumions investigated during leaching experiments decreased withincreasing column length, and that the dispersive–diffusivecoefficient and dispersivity both increased with increasingporewater velocity and increasing soil column length. Rühleet al. (2013) described changes over time to the water flowthrough the porous medium in a column, from uniform tonon-uniform. They concluded that flow path changes oc-curred due to clogging of small pores near the column in-let as a result of microbial growth and calcite precipitation,which then caused non-uniform water flow and solute trans-port. Bromly et al. (2007) reviewed published data on exper-iments on almost 300 repacked saturated homogeneous col-umn experiments. They related the dispersivity to the lengthof the column used; i.e., short columns had greater dispersiv-ities. However, clay content was identified as the most im-portant factor controlling dispersivity, followed by the diam-eter of the column. However, they pointed out that the indi-vidual experimental design (e.g., the column geometry, inletdead volume, and soil packing) needs to be taken into ac-count in order to be able to relate dispersivity to soil prop-erties. Although not specifically addressing column experi-ments, Schulze-Makuch (2005) provided a useful overviewof longitudinal dispersivity data for different materials andimplications for scaling behavior. Nimmo and Akstin (1988)investigated the hydraulic conductivity of a sandy soil witha low water content following compaction by various meth-ods and found that conductivities varied by almost 3 ordersof magnitude, depending on the compaction.

3.1.3 Evaluation of column experiments

It should be pointed out that the main issues when evaluat-ing and interpreting results from column experiments are thesame for different organic compounds, these being the inter-actions with surfaces and the ionic or neutral character of themolecules. In order to describe the transport behavior of or-ganic solutes in column experiments, their (reactive) break-through curves are often compared with the breakthroughcurves of a conservative tracer (which allow inferring theflow velocity of the fluid). This is sometimes performed bygraphical analysis (e.g., Scheytt et al., 2004). In both reactiveand conservative breakthrough curves the instant is identifiedat which the observed concentration reaches 50 % of the in-jected concentration (i.e., c / c0= 0.5). The temporal offsetbetween those two points in time represents the retardation ofthe reactive compound compared to the tracer or fluid. In thisapproach the mass recovery (as a measure of the degradation)is calculated from the area below the breakthrough curve andthe pumped volume. It has to be mentioned here that in casethe column experiment is run under non-stationary condi-tions, the concentration breakthrough curve does not repre-sent the distribution of transit times of the respective com-pound and the mass breakthrough curve should be used in-stead.

Time (or temporal) moment analysis has also frequentlybeen used to evaluate column experiments (Kamra et al.,2001; Murillo-Torres et al., 2012). This method allows themean breakthrough time, spreading, and asymmetry of abreakthrough curve to be characterized by integration of thebreakthrough curve (Appelo and Postma, 2005; Hebig et al.,2015). It is, however, more common to model (or “fit”) thesolute concentrations to the convective–dispersive equation(CDE):




∂x2 − v∂cr

∂x−µcr, (4)

in which the term on the left-hand side describes the retar-dation of a solute and the terms on the right-hand side de-scribe the dispersion, the average porewater velocity, and thefirst-order decay (i.e., degradation) of the solute (describedin detail in, e.g., Parker and Vangenuchten, 1984; Toride etal., 1999). Since the retardation of a conservative tracer isdefined as 1 (i.e., no retardation compared to the porewatervelocity) and both the porewater velocity and the dispersionare aquifer-specific parameters, the breakthrough curve of aconservative tracer can be used to iteratively vary both pa-rameters until the “fit” matches the observed concentrationssufficiently well. Knowing the dispersion and velocity in theexperiment makes it possible to reduce the number of vari-ables for the reactive compounds and to then repeat the fittingprocedure in order to estimate the retardation and degrada-tion.

The computer software commonly used to fit the CDEto observed breakthrough curves is the CXTFIT software(Toride et al., 1999), which is available in various forms,for example through the public domain STANMOD software(Šimunek et al., 1999), and can be downloaded at no cost(e.g., Bertelkamp et al., 2014; Fan et al., 2011; Kamra et al.,2001; Müller et al., 2013; Persson et al., 2008; Schaffer etal., 2015; Unold et al., 2009). The free HYDRUS-1D soft-ware (Šimunek et al., 2009) is also frequently used for trans-port parameter determination (De Wilde et al., 2009; Strausset al., 2011; Teijón et al., 2014). Other relevant availablesoftware packages are Origin (Microcal, 1995), as used forexample by Alotaibi et al. (2015), PHREEQC (Appelo andPostma, 2005), as used for example by Burke et al. (2013),PEST (Watermark Numerical Computing, 2005), as used forexample by Burke et al. (2014), and libSRES (Ji and Xu,2006), as used for example by Fan et al. (2011).

3.2 Column experiments on different groups of organicmicropollutants

Column experiments on different groups of organic microp-ollutants are described in greater detail below, distinguishingbetween investigations into pharmaceuticals, pesticides, andother organic micropollutants. Selected column experimentsfor non-organic compounds are also presented for compari- Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 3719–3737, 2016

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son. The presented examples of column experiments are thensummarized and discussed.

3.2.1 Pharmaceuticals

Column experiments are often used to investigate the trans-port of pharmaceutical compounds under both saturated andunsaturated conditions. These are presented separately in thissection, beginning with experiments under saturated condi-tions.

Mersmann et al. (2002) investigated the transport of carba-mazepine, clofibric acid, diclofenac, ibuprofen, and propy-phenazone under saturated conditions and found the trans-port of all of these compounds to be unaffected by changesin the pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen content, or ion con-centration of the water used. Moreover, they found that eachof these compounds except for clofibric acid was retarded inthe column. In contrast, Gruenheid et al. (2008) found thattemperature affected the degradation of sulfamethoxazoleunder saturated conditions, with higher temperatures result-ing in increased mineralization. However, the biodegradationof iopromide was high at all investigated temperatures (5, 15,and 25 ◦C), while the naphthalenedisulfonic acids showedno biodegradation at any of these temperatures. Müller etal. (2013) investigated the influence of different total organiccarbon contents and the resulting changes in redox condi-tions on the transport of primidone, carbamazepine, and sul-famethoxazole. Carbamazepine and primidone were foundto be retarded in the presence of organic matter, while sul-famethoxazole remained unaffected. However, none of thethree compounds was degraded under any of the investi-gated conditions. Banzhaf et al. (2012) also carried out satu-rated column experiments under varying redox conditions.They found that the degradation of sulfamethoxazole wasclearly redox dependent, exhibiting strong degradation asso-ciated with denitrification. Both retardation and degradationwere observed for carbamazepine. Retardation in the columnwas observed for diclofenac but not for ibuprofen. Scheytt etal. (2004) performed experiments under saturated conditionsand found neither degradation nor retardation for clofibricacid, whereas diclofenac and propyphenazone were both re-tarded. Patterson et al. (2010) observed no rapid degradationof carbamazepine and oxazepam under saturated experimen-tal conditions. Teijón et al. (2014) investigated naproxen andfound that the sorption of this compound was independent ofthe flow rate during the experiment; they noted a generallylow sorption affinity for naproxen. Bertelkamp et al. (2014)investigated sorption and biodegradation for ibuprofen, ke-toprofen, gemfibrozil, acetaminophen, trimethoprim, propra-nolol, metoprolol, carbamazepine, and phenytoin under oxicconditions, in order to simulate bank filtration. They foundthat the biodegradation of these compounds could be pre-dicted on the basis of their functional groups. Moreover,they observed no retardation for any of the investigated com-pounds. Hebig et al. (2016) showed a strong correlation be-

tween retardation and organic carbon content for the anionicforms of gemfibrozil and ibuprofen, and also for the neutralcarbamazepine, all of which were lipophilic (logD > 0). Theneutral compounds sulfamethoxazole and caffeine, both ofwhich were hydrophilic under the pH of the experiments,were strongly degraded in the presence of organic matter.

Unold et al. (2009) investigated sulfadiazine under near-saturated conditions and found the degradation to be light-dependent. Furthermore, sulfadiazine was sorbed onto theupper layer of the investigated soil column, despite show-ing a high leaching potential. Oppel et al. (2004) investigatedthe leaching of pharmaceuticals in unsaturated soil columns.They found a low leaching potential for diazepam, ibupro-fen, ivermectin, and carbamazepine, while clofibric acid andiopromide were highly mobile. Siemens et al. (2010) alsocarried out leaching experiments under unsaturated con-ditions with naproxen, ibuprofen, bezafibrate, diclofenac,gemfibrozil, clarithromycin, trimethoprim, clindamycin, ery-thromycin, and metoprolol; they found that the investigatedclay soil had significant potential to retain these pharmaceu-ticals. The retention capacity was, however, limited, and allcompounds were leached to some extent. Wu et al. (2010)found low mobility for carbamazepine, diphenhydramine,fluoxetine, diltiazem, and clindamycin, and also for twometabolites (carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide, and norfluoxe-tine), in unsaturated leaching experiments. Moreover, car-bamazepine, diphenhydramine, and fluoxetine were persis-tent throughout the experiment. Leaching experiments car-ried out by Salvia et al. (2014) indicated that the transfer anddegradation of the investigated pharmaceuticals, these beingsulfonamides (sulfanilamide, sulfadiazine, sulfathiazole, sul-fameter, sulfadimidine, sulfabenzamide, sulfadimethoxine,and sulfamethoxazole), macrolides (erythromycin, tylosin,and roxithromycin), trimethoprim, dicyclanil, penicillin G,carbamazepine, fluvoxamine, and paracetamol, were depen-dent on the soil characteristics, i.e., on the amount of clayin the soil and its pH. All of the investigated compoundswere found to degrade both substantially and rapidly exceptfor roxithromycin and carbamazepine, which were relativelypersistent. Kay et al. (2005) investigated the leaching ofoxytetracycline, sulfachloropyridazine, and tylosin from claysoils after slurry application. Although the pH was signifi-cantly affected by the slurry, this had no effect on oxytetra-cycline leaching. Scheytt et al. (2006) found that diclofenac,ibuprofen, and propyphenazone showed similar mobilities inboth saturated and unsaturated column experiments, but car-bamazepine showed lower sorption and elimination underunsaturated conditions than under saturated conditions.

3.2.2 Pesticides

In contrast to column experiments on pharmaceuticals, mostcolumn experiments on pesticide leaching have been carriedout under unsaturated conditions in order to reflect the main

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input path of pesticides into groundwater, which is throughagricultural use.

Nkedi-Kizza et al. (1987) carried out leaching experi-ments on atrazine and diuron using various mixtures of waterand methanol. They found a significant reduction in theretardation factor as the volumetric fraction of the organiccosolvent methanol increased. Persson et al. (2008) reportedleaching of 30 % of the investigated chlorophenols fromcontaminated soils, of which 1–3 % was associated withcolloids. Increasing the porewater velocity had no influenceon their mobility. Lopez-Blanco et al. (2005) investigatedthe transport of endosulfan under unsaturated conditions.They found that high soil moisture favored the transportof this compound by forming and maintaining preferen-tial flow paths in the soil. Rodriguez-Cruz et al. (2007)compared the leaching and retention of linuron, atrazine,and metalaxyl from clayey soils, with and without cationicsurfactant treatment. They found that linuron was immo-bilized in treated soil and that the leaching of atrazine andmetalaxyl was reduced. De Wilde et al. (2009) carried outsorption and degradation experiments on pesticides underunsaturated conditions. The mobility of the investigatedpesticides was ranked on the basis of their results as benta-zone > metalaxyl > isoproturon > linuron, and their degrad-ability as linuron > metalaxyl > isoproturon > bentazone.Bertelkamp et al. (2014) carried out column experimentson atrazine under saturated conditions and found it to bepersistent.

3.2.3 Non-organic compounds

Although not the primary subject of this review, columnexperiments are also used to investigate non-organic com-pounds and selected investigations are presented in this sec-tion. Smith et al. (1985) investigated the transport of Es-cherichia coli through both disturbed and undisturbed soilcolumns. They found mixed and repacked soils to be muchmore effective in filtering the bacteria than undisturbed soils,which allowed up to 96 % of the Escherichia coli to passthrough the columns. Jin et al. (2000) investigated virus re-moval and transport in both saturated and unsaturated sandcolumns and found significantly higher removal under un-saturated flow conditions. Pang et al. (2002) investigatedthe effect of porewater velocity on the transport of Cd, Zn,and Pb under non-equilibrium chemical conditions in allu-vial gravel columns; they found the proportion of exchangesites available to be independent of the porewater velocity.Amos et al. (2004) investigated the remediation of acidicmine drainage using column experiments and found Fe re-moval during long-term operation of column experimentsto be a good indicator of the column’s ability to remediateacidic mine drainage. Ilg et al. (2007) investigated colloidtransport in unsaturated soil columns. They found that col-loid transport could be overestimated, depending on the sam-pling system used.

3.3 Comparison of column experiments with otheravailable methods

As described and discussed in Sects. 3.1 and 3.2, labo-ratory column experiments are suitable (and widely used)for investigations into the fate of organic micropollutants.There are, however, alternative methods available that canalso be used for this purpose, depending on the objectivesand the facilities available. Incubation experiments (suchas batch experiments and microcosms) used, for example,to determine sorption coefficients (Scheytt et al., 2005) orto investigate the persistence of pharmaceuticals (Lam etal., 2004), the elimination of pharmaceuticals (Radke andMaier, 2014), the microbial degradation potential of pollu-tants (Barra Caracciolo et al., 2013), or the biotransformationof micro-contaminants (Nödler et al., 2014).

By far the largest number of comparisons have been madebetween batch experiments and column experiments on or-ganic micropollutants, and we therefore focus on compar-isons between these two laboratory methods. However, se-lected alternative methods are also discussed briefly in thissection.

Maeng et al. (2011) investigated the biodegradation ofpharmaceuticals in batch and column experiments. Morespecifically, the batch experiments were used to investi-gate removal of the pharmaceuticals and the column exper-iments were then used to differentiate between biodegra-dation and sorption of the compounds. Murillo-Torres etal. (2012) used batch and column experiments to investigatethe sorption and mobility of organic micropollutants. Theyobtained contradictory results from the different methodsconcerning the mobility of di-2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate and 4-nonylphenol and suggested that the higher mobility of di-2-ethyl(hexyl)phthalate in the column experiments could bedue to the formation of complexes within the soil. Salem At-tia et al. (2013) used batch and column experiments to in-vestigate the adsorption of pharmaceuticals to nanoparticles.The batch experiments were used to investigate the influencethat the contact time, pH, and concentrations of the com-pounds had on adsorption and the column experiments wereused to investigate the removal efficiency of the nanopar-ticles. Simon et al. (2000) investigated the influence of re-dox zonation on the transformation of p-cyanonitrobenzene.They observed a reduction of the compound during columnexperiments that was an order of magnitude faster than pre-dicted from the results of previously conducted batch ex-periments. De Wilde et al. (2009) investigated the sorptionand degradation of isoproturon, bentazone, metalaxyl, andlinuron. The distribution coefficients that they fitted to thecolumn experiments were much smaller than those obtainedfrom previous batch experiments.

A number of investigations have also combined batch andcolumn experiments in order to optimize their results, forexample when investigating the degradation of sulfamethox-azole (Baumgarten et al., 2011), the transport of benzotri- Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 20, 3719–3737, 2016

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azole and its sorption to zerovalent iron (Jia et al., 2007),or the influence of ozonation on the formation and removalof carbamazepine and its degradation products (Hübner etal., 2013). Ke et al. (2012) used column and batch exper-iments to investigate the sorption and biotransformation ofsix endocrine-disrupting compounds (estrone, 17β-estradiol,estriol, 17α-ethynylestradiol, 4-tert-octylphenol, and bisphe-nol A) and two pharmaceuticals (ibuprofen and naproxen).

Benker et al. (1998) compared the retardation coefficientsfor trichloroethene estimated from batch and column experi-ments with field data. They were able to confirm the sorptionbehavior observed in column experiments from the field dataand, provided the sorptive properties of the sediment werecorrectly determined, batch experiments then allowed the re-tardation of trichloroethene in the field to be reliably pre-dicted. Scheytt et al. (2007) compared the results obtainedfrom unsaturated column experiments on clofibric acid, di-clofenac, ibuprofen, and propyphenazone to field measure-ments from former sewage farms. They were thus able toconfirm the transport behavior observed in the laboratory ex-periments through their own field measurements. Bertelkampet al. (2012) also compared the degradation of organic mi-cropollutants in column experiments with field measurement.Results from laboratory experiments and from investigationsat a riverbank filtration site both showed that the charge andLogD of the micropollutants defined their biodegradationpotential.

Batch experiments (i.e., incubation experiments in gen-eral) can therefore be a useful laboratory method to combinewith column experiments in order to characterize the trans-port behavior of organic micropollutants. Batch experimentscan yield reasonable retardation predictions for organic mi-cropollutant compounds. However, sorption coefficients ob-tained from batch experiments are often not suitable for de-termining solute transport, either in column experiments orin the field (e.g., De Wilde et al., 2009). This is because inbatch experiments sorption is determined under equilibriumconditions, whereas column experiments determine sorptionunder non-equilibrium conditions, or at least under dynamicconditions. Sorption also occurs much more rapidly underbatch conditions than under flow conditions, which may bedue to vibration and a high solution-to-soil ratio (Kookana etal., 1992).

The equilibrium established within a column may differfrom that in the inflowing water during the experiment. Batchexperiments are often carried out using unrealistic sediment-to-water ratios (e.g., 1 : 5) that do not reflect realistic aquiferconditions. While the theoretical maximum sorption capac-ity (under ideal conditions and equilibrium) can be reason-ably well determined from batch experiments, neither advec-tion nor the (dynamic) sorption–desorption behavior (for ex-ample) can be determined with this method. Batch experi-ments are therefore an established method and are suitablefor determining equilibrium parameters for interactions be-tween a specific organic compound and a specific sediment,

but they are less able to reproduce the dynamic (i.e., non-equilibrium) groundwater conditions of an aquifer than col-umn experiments. Batch sorption experiments are thereforesuitable for determining the sorption behavior of specificcompound–sediment combinations under equilibrium condi-tions, while column experiments are more suitable for deter-mining the transport behavior of specific compound–fluid–sediment combinations, under either equilibrium or non-equilibrium conditions.

3.4 Summary and discussion

The practical objectives of column experiments on organicmicropollutants relate to possibilities for their removal, ei-ther by natural processes during passage through soil andgroundwater, or by technical processes such as those used inWWTPs. They can also improve our understanding of the re-lationship between the properties of specific compounds andthe properties of fluids and aquifers, with the objective ofusing organic micropollutants as indicators of aquifer condi-tions and groundwater history. Different boundary conditions(such as the redox conditions and the degree of saturation)clearly have a strong influence on the transport and degra-dation of organic micropollutants, and are therefore criti-cal to defining the transport behavior of a specific organiccompound in a way that is applicable to any given hydro-geochemical environment. Unfortunately the results of mostcolumn experiments therefore remain restricted to the spe-cific boundary conditions of each column experiment, sincevariations in just one of these boundary conditions (e.g., theredox conditions) can have a major impact on the results.For example, the degradation of a compound such as sul-famethoxazole can range from rather low levels (e.g., Suarezet al., 2010) to high levels (e.g., Banzhaf et al., 2012), de-pending mainly on the redox conditions. The degradation ofsulfamethoxazole has been shown to be strongly dependenton the organic carbon content of the sediment (Hebig et al.,2016). The behavior of such compounds can also depend onthe level of saturation. Diclofenac, for example, shows highlevels of degradation under unsaturated conditions but verylow levels of degradation under saturated conditions (Scheyttet al., 2004, 2007).

Another problem faced in designing technical processesto remove organic compounds is that different organic com-pounds can be sensitive to different hydrochemical condi-tions, which makes it difficult to find conditions that willallow all such compounds to be removed at the same time.However, column experiments can assist in finding such con-ditions, as it is rather easy with this experimental setup tovary the boundary conditions. Batch sorption experimentsare suitable if only the equilibrium sorption behavior ofa specific compound–sediment combination is to be deter-mined. It should be noted that column experiments alwaysremain limited in their transferability to real-world condi-tions because of experimental restrictions (such as those im-

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posed by limitations of scale), which means that processesthat might occur simultaneously in nature cannot be fullyreproduced in a laboratory. Column experiments thereforesometimes represent field conditions quite well and some-times do not. However, the main objective of column ex-periments should not be specifically to achieve laboratoryresults that are transferable to real-world conditions, but toachieve an improved general understanding of the behaviorof organic compounds, i.e., how different boundary condi-tions affect the behavior of the investigated compounds innatural environments.

4 Conclusion

Laboratory column experiments are a valuable and appro-priate method for investigating and characterizing the trans-port behavior of organic micropollutants. They have beenwidely used in recent decades for numerous investigationsinto a great variety of organic compounds. This has led to anenormous increase in our understanding of this ever grow-ing group of compounds. While the experimental method ingeneral can now be considered a standard method, many dif-ferent setups have been used, which is a major issue when itcomes to comparing results. A standardized setup for col-umn experiments would yield results that are fully com-parable and transferable between different column experi-ments. It is of course not surprising that such a standardizedsetup does not exist, as the setup used invariably dependsvery much on the specific research question being investi-gated. Steps towards the standardization of column exper-iments could include following the suggestion by Mackayand Seremet (2008) that model substances be used for in-vestigations into cation exchange, and the use of referencesoils to characterize different compounds as suggested by Biet al. (2006). These suggestions have to date only been ap-plied to batch sorption experiments and not to column exper-iments. It would however be of great benefit if the researchcommunity could agree on specific reference compounds andsubstrates to use in column experiments, in order to helpovercome the issue of comparability. This would not only fa-cilitate comparisons between different experiments but alsoeventually bring us closer to achieving a more universal un-derstanding of the transport and eventual fate of organic mi-cropollutants in groundwater.

Column experiments can provide good estimates of almostall relevant transport parameters for a specific compoundin a specific sediment–groundwater setting, such as the re-tardation (transport velocity compared to groundwater flowvelocity), the underlying sorption–desorption processes, andthe degradation (as mass loss). However, the results obtainedwill almost always be limited to the scale of the experiment,which means that they are unlikely to be directly transfer-able to a field scale as too many parameters will be exclu-sive to the laboratory column setup. The remaining challenge

is therefore to develop standardized column experiments fororganic micropollutants that will be able to overcome this is-sue.

The Supplement related to this article is available onlineat doi:10.5194/hess-20-3719-2016-supplement.

Acknowledgements. The authors thank Martin Gitter for helpingto compile the tables in the Supplement. This publication receivedfinancial support from the Carl-Fredrik von Horns Fund.

Edited by: A. GuadagniniReviewed by: four anonymous referees


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