
US Government

Constitutional Provisions Article 1 Section 8:

Expressed Powers- enumerated powers

Article 1 Section 8 Clause 18: Necessary and Proper Clause- implied powers▪ Elastic Clause- allowed

Congress to expand its role to meet the needs of a growing nation

Taxing and Spending Power- power of the purse Authorizes all government

spending Revenue laws- taxes

All revenue bills must start in the House of Representatives

Other Money Powers Borrow money Coin money, regulate value Bankruptcy Law

Commerce Power- power to regulate foreign and interstate trade Banking, broadcasting,


Foreign Policy Power- shares powers with president National defense- treaties,

declaration of war, raise armies Providing for National Growth

Naturalization New States Govern federal property- military

bases, government buildings, national parks, historic sites

Copyright and Patents Right to literary, musical or

artistic work- lifetime plus 50 years

Right to manufacture, use, and sell and invention- 17 years, option to renew

Power to Choose a President- joint session counts Electoral College results If no candidate has a majority, the

House votes for president and the Senate for vice president

Removal Power- Congress may remove any federal official from office House- impeachment: formal

accusation of misconduct Senate- trial, 2/3’s vote for

removal Confirmation Power- Senate

power to approve presidential appointments of federal officials Cabinet and subcabinet,

regulatory agencies, diplomats, military posts, judiciary, Supreme Court

Ratification Power-Senate power to ratify treaties between the US and foreign nations

Amendment Power- Congressional power to propose amendments

Selected Expressed Powers Selected Implied PowersMoney PowersLay and collect taxesBorrow moneyEstablish Bankruptcy lawsCoin, print, and regulate moneyPunish Counterfeiters

Lay and Collect taxes- Implies the power to support public schools, welfare programs, public housing, etcBorrow Money- Implies the power to maintain the Federal Reserve Board

Commerce PowersRegulate foreign and interstate commerce

Regulate Commerce- implies the power to prohibit discrimination in restaurants, hotels, and other public accommodations

Military and Foreign Policy PowersDeclare WarRaise, support, and regulate the army and navyProvide, regulate, and call into service the Militia- National Guard

Raise and Support Army- implies the right to draft people in to the armed services

Other Legislative PowersEstablish laws of naturalizationEstablish and post officeGrant copyrights and patents

Establish laws of naturalization- implies the power to limit the number of immigrants to the United States

Investigation Process- conducted by standing or select committee Witnesses testify at committee

hearings Investigations into IRS, ethics,

investments Consequences- new legislation,

removal of officials from office Continuing review of how

effective the executive branch carries out the laws

Practice of Legislative Oversight Each standing committee

must review and study the application, administration and execution of laws

Government of Checks and Balances

Executive responsibilities require congressional cooperation Making treaties, Appointing officials

Cooperation and conflict- the best relations exist when the president makes few demands on Congress

Constituents and Conflict President selected by a large national

electorate- expected to create policies for the nation as a whole

Congress members selected by states and local districts- expected to create policies for more narrow, specific interests

Party Politics- partisan political differences can affect the relationship between the president and Congress Republican President and a

Democratic Legislature

Struggle for Power- President and Congress will always compete for power Who dominates depends on

various factors▪ Political issues of the time▪ Leadership in Congress and

Executive Branch Budget Impoundment-

president has taken more responsibility for planning the national budget Impoundment- president’s refusal

to spend money Congress has votes to fund a program
