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The Spirit of the Lord would say to The Church – “For even as you are recognizing the intensity

of those that are in the world, it is a representation of what is happening in the spiritual realm, both positive and negative. For Satan is raising up those that are aggressive. He is raising up those that are passionate for their ways, for his ways. But I am retaliating by giving new revelation. And the revelation that I am releasing in the airways even now is a revelation that will cause My people to come into a new intensity – where they are not intense for intense sake, but they are intense after Me. They are intense after My ways. They are intense after hearing My voice. They are intense to defeat the enemy and show him for who he is publicly – DEFEATED! For I will show forth My glory and show forth My power through those who will not only surrender, but keep the intensity on coming after Me, after My ways, after My voice, after My mind. For you may have it. I have given you permission to have all of Me. So be fierce – fierce after Me, fierce after My heart, after My ways, fierce after My word, after obedience to My word, and I will move mountains for your sake, and I will move mountains for their sake. I will rescue, I will protect, I will restore that which the canker worm has stolen will be returned as you focus on Me, as you purpose in your heart that you will not look to the left or to the right, but

you will look intensely into My word, intensely into My face, into My glory, until you are so absorbed by it that you become one with it. As you walk forth with the awareness of who you are, there will be no more intimidation, no more fear, no more anxiety, no more ability of the enemy to attack you and take you out of proper position. So stay in Me. Stay fixed on My purpose. Stay fixed in My word. Let it be the light that illuminates from the inside out. From the inside out. From the inside out. An invasion of the God-kind. You will never be the same. For I’ve not called you to be like them, I’ve called you to go to them, and to bring them to be like Me. There’ll be new rivers released, new anointings that will happen, things will begin to occur that have never occurred before in the way that they will occur now. Because I’m bringing new ways of releasing Myself so that you cannot relate to anything of the past, for I am doing a new thing through those who will allow Me to. Get out of your minds, get out of your mindsets. Get out of the familiar into the unfamiliar for that is where the fun is. That is where the joy comes. That is where I begin to form new things and release new pictures. I am more than able. I am more than enough. And I am yours. I am yours, by choice I am yours.” Pastor Dawn McCann Liberty Life Center - Cooper City Florida

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Now that I have your attention, let me explain. There are basically two types of

evolution Macroevolution and Microevolution. Macroevolution is used to refer to changes in organisms which are significant enough that, over time, the newer organisms would be considered an entirely new species. In other words, the new organisms would be unable to mate with their ancestors, assuming we were able to bring them together. An example would be a dinosaur evolving into a new species known as a bird.

Microevolution is used to refer to changes in the gene pool of a population over time which result in relatively small changes to the organisms in the population — changes which would not result in the newer organisms being considered as different species. Examples of such microevolutionary changes would include a change in a species’ coloring or size such as mating a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle. The result…a Cockapoo.

If you haven’t figured it out by now, Microevolution is a fact. Why? Because one of the standards of the scientific method is empirical observation. We can go to any dog breeder and see a Cockapoo. Macroevolution on the other hand is fraught with problems not the least of which is empirical observation. An evolutionist would argue that given enough time (millions of years) Macroevolution would be observed. The problem is that this is not good science since it cannot be empirically observed. There are many other hurdles that evolutionists must overcome to prove Macroevolution but in the interest of time I will limit my comments to one, Irreducible Complexity.

In 1859 Charles Darwin wrote “On the Origin of Species” in which he proposed a new theory known as evolution through Natural Selection. It has become the seminal work for evolutionists who reject the idea of Creation or Intelligent Design. Yet note the following quote from this very book.

“If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find out no such case.”

In 1859 the cell was thought to be a mysterious little part of life that no one could see into nor understand. Today we know that the “simple”

cell is vastly more complex that Darwin could have ever imagined.

In 1996 Michael Behe a professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University wrote the revolutionary book “Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution”. In it he defined Irreducible Complexity as “composed of several well matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts, causes the system to effectively cease functioning.” In other words his research verifies that living things are filled with molecular machines that perform the numerous functions that sustain life. These machines are irreducibly complex, meaning

that the individual parts of each machine must be completely formed, in the right sizes, places, and order at the same time in order to function.

Behe went further on to explain by using the simple analogy of a mousetrap. Using a 5 piece trap he explained that if the trap were reduced by one piece, it would cease to function. The same could be said of more complex systems such as a car’s engine. If the pistons were reduced in size, it would require simultaneous changes in the cam shaft, block, cooling system as well as other systems or the engine would not function. Now let’s look at the human body: DNA’s genetic alphabet is A, T, C, and G. Each human cell contains 3,000 million pairs of these letters. Our bodies

contain trillions of cells and produce millions of new cells every second. Every single one of these cells is irreducibly

complex and contains subsystems that are also irreducibly complex!

This inconvenient truth is lethal to the Darwinian theory that successive, slight modifications over long periods of time would produce these magnificent machines. We are then left with two possibilities One, that a single cell spontaneously generated itself from nothing and evolved over billions of years into the vast array of living species or two, that a Creator actually designed these mind boggling, irreducibly complex systems.The Word of God is clear on this question: “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. – Psalm 139:13, 14

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Philippians 3:13-14 says – “Brothers, I do not consider

myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do:

Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,

I press on toward the goal to WIN the prize for which God

has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

1 Corinthians 9:24 says – “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to WIN the prize.”

I want to challenge you to enter this new year with a winner’s attitude. I am “IN IT TO WIN IN 2010”….are you? I am in the race of faith and I am in it to win.

I am in it to win souls to ChristI am in it to win against sinI am in it to win every battle

I am in it to win against darkness….I AM IN THE RACE OF FAITH….AND I AM IN IT TO WIN IN 2010

Maybe you had some losses in 2009….but I want to give you some good news….2010 is a year for you to WIN!

You can win against lackYou can win against rejection

You can win against depressionYou can win against sicknessYou can win against sadness

You can win against sin

Paul admonishes us….stop looking back….last year is last year and it is GONE…fix your eyes forward on the present race and starting RUNNING IN SUCH A WAY AS TO WIN THE PRIZE.

If you are presently in a race with sickness, you are in it to win healing!If you are presently in a race with warfare, you are in it to win a mighty victory!

If you are presently in a race with sorrow, you are in it to win joy!If you are presently in a race with anxiety, you are in it to win peace!If you are presently in a race with lack, you are in it to win prosperity!

If you are presently in a race with darkness, you are in it to win the Light!If you are presently in a race with sin, you are in it to win forgiveness!If you are presently in a race with lies, you are in it to win the Truth!

My friend, no matter the race, and our faith enters us into many different ones, I came to tell you YOU ARE IN IT TO WIN IN 2010!

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If you ever had to read the epic poem “Paradise Lost”, in it John Milton paints a pretty detailed portrait of hell. He

shows Satan as a fallen commander in chief surrounded by his demon generals…like Molech, Dagon, Belial, Leviathon and others. Each of these, was a principle god of an idol-worshiping culture in Biblical times. “Paradise Lost” goes on to mention another demon standing at Satan’s side and that demon’s name is Mammon That may be a more familiar word to many Christians, as Jesus mentions this “demon spirit” or “false god” a few times in the Gospels of the New Testament. Interesting that John Milton would include a demon spirit named Mammon in with all the other false demon gods he writes about. Just what did Jesus have to say about mammon?Luke 16:10-13 says - “He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. Therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? 12 And if you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own? 13 “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”Jesus clearly says that it is possible to serve MAMMON instead of serving GOD….but He takes it even further and says IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO SERVE BOTH AT THE SAME TIME! He says that we will LOVE THE ONE and HATE THE OTHERYou will be loyal to one and despise the other. According to Jesus, there is no middle ground. NOW – “mammon” – it is of Aramaic origin – and it means extreme wealth and riches…even to the point of deifying – which means making a “god” out of it. The ancient Assyrians got the concept of a “god of wealth” from the Babylonian culture which was founded on pride and arrogance….and the birthplace of that culture was the “tower of Babel” which asserted that MAN DOESN’T NEED GOD…WE’RE SELF-SUFFICIENT. And that is still what the spirit of mammon tells people today - “YOU DON’T NEED GOD….TRUST IN WEALTH AND RICHES – OR – ALL YOU NEED IS MONEY AND WHATEVER MONEY CAN BUY YOU! The spirit of mammon is surely alive and well in our own nation. If there is any country on earth that “loves money” it is our country. And when the spirit of mammon controls the money then that spirit can control entire governments and

nations. Our entire financial system is under the control of the spirit of mammon. And thus our leaders believe that money is the cure to any and every problem we have. Now, understand this, mammon is not money, rather it is the evil spirit that rules over money. All money has a spirit resting upon it. It either has the Spirit of God on it or the spirit of mammon. Money that is submitted to God and His purposes has His Spirit upon it and that is why the Bible says it can be multiplied. However, money that has the spirit of mammon upon it….is devoured and wasted away. Money can be your best friend or your worst enemy….it all depends on which spirit is resting upon it. Money that is devoted to God and His purposes – money that is devoted to serving God instead of replacing God – is BLESSED by God. Unfortunately our nation has been building upon foundations of money that have started crumbling beneath her. We have listened to the lies that the spirit of mammon makes. The spirit of mammon will promise things that only God can give. Things like: security, identity, power, contentment, happiness and freedom. Mammon tells us that it can insulate us from all of life’s problems and that money is the answer to every situation. ALL LIES! The people who know their God need to be set free from any and everything influence of mammon right here at the start of a brand new year. Let me be clear – God can bless you coming in and going out. He can bless you over here and over there and he can do it WITHOUT MONEY. Mammon says that you must buy and sell. God says that you must sow and reap. Mammon says you must cheat and steal to get by. God says you must give in order to receive. Mammon will stop at nothing until it rules over your money. Jesus made it very clear in the scriptures above. You cannot serve God and serve mammon. You will love the one and hate the other. If you love money then mammon becomes your master and you become its slave. When that happens, everything you are and everything you do will revolve around money. Your attitude will revolve around money. Your feelings will revolve around money. Your energy will revolve around money. Your marriage will revolve around money. Your dreams will revolve around money. You see….mammon speaks to you and says: “If you

answer for any nation or any people…BUT GOD IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER! If you have plenty of money today and you got it any other way than by trusting and serving God….THAT MONEY WILL FLEE FROM YOU, IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME. If you have plenty of money today and you got it by trusting and serving God then that money is blessed by God and has His Spirit resting upon it. It will continue to multiply and increase. Personal and financial prosperity is promised to every one of us who trust in God and worship Him alone. But even then – ONLY AS OUR SOUL PROSPERS. For the Bible says that it is the desire of God for us to prosper…but only as our soul….our spirit-man….prospers. I leave you with this challenge given to each one of us by God Himself through the Prophet Isaiah:Isaiah 55:1-2 - “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. 2 Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of provision.” Are you ready to be free of the influence of the spirit of mammon? Are you ready to break its power off of your money? Start right now at the beginning of this new year. Let God have your money, after all it belongs to Him anyway. And when He controls it….it will increase!

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get this house in this neighborhood; if you get this credit card; if you get this type of car; if you get this girlfriend or boyfriend; if you get this brand of clothing…you’ll be happy and fulfilled! The spirit of mammon will always position itself as the better substitute for God. There is NO substitute for God. MONEY IS NEVER THE ANSWER….BUT GOD IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER!And remember….GOD CAN BLESS ME ANYTIME, ANYWHERE AND HE CAN DO IT WITHOUT MONEY! Christians in America must stop defining the “blessings” of the Lord in monetary terms? In the scripture passage above, Jesus calls money a “least” thing….a little, insignificant thing that we are to be faithful with. Why then have so many Christian people today made money such a big and powerful thing in their lives. My friend, when you trust in God, and love Him, money will serve you. But when you trust in money, and love money, it will enslave you and you will find yourself serving the spirit of mammon. You see when you trust in money, it does not come to you, it flees from you. When you trust in money, you will not have more of it, you will have less. The spirit of mammon will never give you more money, it will take away what money you have and leave you in poverty and lack. Let me illustrate – the poorest nation in the western hemisphere is the little nation of Haiti just a few hundred miles of the Florida coast. This nation receives billions of dollars each year from around the world in the category of humanitarian aid and has for many years now. Yet, when you visit Haiti as I have many times since 1993 there are NO visible signs of any positive effect of all that money. There is still no reliable electricity. There is no clean water system. There is no decent roadway system. There are no basic services whatsoever for the people of that country. And that is because the spirit of mammon rules over that money and thus rules over that entire nation. And when the spirit of mammon rules, poverty rules. Money is never the

answer for any nation or any people…BUT GOD IS ALWAYS THE ANSWER! If you have plenty of money today and you got it any other way than by trusting and serving God….THAT MONEY WILL FLEE FROM YOU, IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME. If you have plenty of money today and you got it by trusting and serving God then that money is blessed by God and has His Spirit resting upon it. It will continue to multiply and increase. Personal and financial prosperity is promised to every one of us who trust in God and worship Him alone. But even then – ONLY AS OUR SOUL PROSPERS. For the Bible says that it is the desire of God for us to prosper…but only as our soul….our spirit-man….prospers. I leave you with this challenge given to each one of us by God Himself through the Prophet Isaiah:Isaiah 55:1-2 - “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. 2 Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of provision.” Are you ready to be free of the influence of the spirit of mammon? Are you ready to break its power off of your money? Start right now at the beginning of this new year. Let God have your money, after all it belongs to Him anyway. And when He controls it….it will increase!

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