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    OCTOBER, 2009

    REFLECTIONThe following Scripture is from the

    Gospel according to Mark, Chapter 7,

    verses 31-37: Jesus left the district of

    Tyre and went by way of Sidon to the

    Sea of Galilee, into the district of the

    Decapolis. And people brought to him

    a deaf man who had a speechimpediment and begged him to lay his

    hand on him. He took him off by

    himself away from the crowd. He put

    his finger into the mans ears and,

    spitting, touched his tongue; then he

    looked up to heaven and groaned, and

    said to him, Ephphatha! that is, Be

    opened! and immediately the mans

    ears were opened, his speech

    impediment was removed, and he spoke

    plainly. He ordered them not to tellanyone. But the more he ordered them

    not to, the more they proclaimed it.

    They were exceedingly astonished and

    they said, He has done all things well.

    He makes the deaf hear and the mute

    speak. There is much symbolic

    richness for us here, so lets explore

    the passage in more detail and make

    some important applications for our

    spiritual life. First, notice that the

    afflicted man asked for help with hisspeech impediment. But that

    impediment was a symptom of a

    deeper problem: He was deaf, and

    this resulted in his difficulty with

    speech. And so it is with us. When we

    complain that we are not able to

    explain, enunciate, or even really

    understand our faith, it is not a speech

    problem it is a hearing problem.

    Second,note the sentence,He tookhim off by himself away from the

    crowd. Lets be honest with

    ourselves: How frequently do I goaway from the crowd, find a place and

    time of silence, and commune quietlywith Jesus? Unless that happens on a

    regular basis, we simply cannot hear

    God, we cannot discern His will for us,

    we wind up walking according to our

    own desires and miss out on all that

    He has for us. Third, do we even

    recognize that we are deaf? No

    matter where we are in our spiritual

    journey, no matter how close we

    believe we are to God and thank

    God for that there is always a higherand deeper place that God wants to

    lead us to. Think about it: When we

    became Christians, when we were

    filled with sanctifying grace, we were

    invited to share in the divine life of the

    Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit

    even now during life on earth. As

    Paul wrote,We are caught up into the

    heavenlies. We know by Gods

    revelation of Himself and by faith that

    God is infinite, totally holy, livingLove, omnipresent, omniscient and

    the source of all creation and all of

    life. We will spend all of eternity in

    heaven, if the Lord grants the

    fulfillment of this ultimate life goal,

    adoring and worshiping Him and

    plumbing ever more deeply into the


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    mysteries and richness of His divine

    life. And for all eternity we will never

    completely comprehend it all, we will

    never stop growing for His is God

    and we are His beloved creatures. So,

    if that is true in heaven, it is certainlytrue on earth. In fact, we can say

    without exaggeration that the primary

    purpose of our life on earth is to

    consistently, daily grow in relationship

    with the Lord, in knowledge of Him,

    and in finding His perfect will for us.

    If that is our goal, and if we work

    toward it with passion every day, we

    will find a peace that surpasses all

    understanding, we will grow regularly

    in sensitivity toward the needs ofothers with a growing servants heart,

    and every act, word and thought

    indeed, every breath becomes a

    living prayer of praise and of

    intercession for the world. If we do

    not admit our deafness, if we so focus

    on the activities and responsibilities of

    daily life that we do not take time,

    every day, to commune with God

    through Scripture and through just

    being quiet in His presence then we

    will miss out on the fullness of what

    God wants for us and what He wants

    to do in our lives. Regardless of past

    failures, now is the moment to refocus,

    to rededicate, and to build

    communication with God into our

    daily lives not just on Sundays, or

    other times when we enter a church

    but as the most important activity of

    every single day. Lets close this

    Reflection with another Scripture,

    from Isaiah 35, verses 4-7: Thus says

    the Lord: Say to those whose hearts

    are frightened: Be strong, fear not!

    Here is your God, he comes with

    vindication; with divine recompense he

    comes to save you. Then will the eyes

    of the blind be opened, the ears of the

    deaf be cleared; then will the lame leap

    like a stag, then the tongue of the mute

    will sing. Streams will burst forth in

    the desert, and rivers in the steppe. The

    burning sands will become pools, and

    the thirsty ground, springs of water.He yearns so deeply to tell us of

    Himself, to show us Himself, to bring

    us into every deeper union with Him!


    John Chrysostom was born in 349

    and died in 407. He became the

    Bishop of Constantinople and was

    a gifted writer and speaker. On

    two occasions he was forced intoexile, by the imperial court and by

    his enemies. Chrysostom means

    Golden Mouth. The following is

    one of his sermons: The waters

    have risen and severe storms are

    upon us, but we do not fear

    drowning, for we stand firmly

    upon a rock. Let the sea rage, it

    cannot break the rock. Let the

    waves rise, they cannot sink theboat of Jesus. What are we to

    fear? Death? Life to me means

    Christ, and death is gain. Exile?

    The earth and its fullness belong

    to the Lord. The confiscation of

    our goods? We brought nothing

    into this world, and we shall

    surely take nothing from it. I

    have only contempt for the worldsthreats. I find its blessings

    laughable. I have no fear of

    poverty, no desire for wealth. I am

    not afraid of death no do I long to

    live, except for your good. I

    concentrate therefore on the


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    present situation, and I urge you,

    my friends, to have confidence.

    Do you not hear the Lord saying,

    Where two or three are gathered

    in my name, there I am in their

    midst? Will he be absent, then,

    when so many people united in

    love are gathered together? I have

    his promise; I am surely not going

    to rely on my own strength! I have

    what he has written; that is my

    staff, my security, my peaceful

    harbor. Let the world be in

    upheaval. I hold to his promise

    and read his message; that is myprotecting wall and garrison.

    What message? Know that I am

    with you always, until the end of

    the world! If Christ is with me,

    whom shall I fear? Though the

    waves and the sea and the anger of

    princes are roused against me, they

    are less to me than a spiders web.

    Indeed, unless you, my brothers,

    had detained me, I would have left

    this very day. For I always say:

    Lord, your will be done; not what

    this fellow or that would have me

    do, but what you want me to do.

    That is my strong tower, my

    immovable rock, my staff that

    never gives way. If God wants

    something, let it be done! If he

    wants me to stay here, I amgrateful. But wherever he wants

    me to be, I am no less grateful.

    Yet where I am, there you are, too,

    and where you are, I am. For we

    are a single body, and the body

    cannot be separated from the head

    nor the head from the body.

    Distance separates us, but love

    unites us, and death itself cannot

    divide us. For though my body

    die, my soul will live and be

    mindful of my people. You are

    my fellow citizens, my fathers, my

    brothers, my sons, my limbs, my

    body. You are my light, sweeter to

    me than the visible light. For what

    can the rays of the sun bestow on

    me that is comparable to your

    love? The suns light is useful in

    my earthly life, but your love is

    fashioning a crown for me in thelife to come.

    ON THE LIGHTER SIDEWhy did the chicken cross the road?

    Sarah Palin: Before it got to the other

    side, I shot the chicken, cleaned and

    dressed it, and had chicken burgers

    for lunch. Barack Obama: The

    chicken crossed the road because it

    was time for a change! The chicken

    wanted change! John McCain: My

    friends, that chicken crossed the road

    because he recognized the need to

    engage in cooperation and dialogue

    with all the chickens on the other side

    of the road. Hillary Clinton: When I

    was First Lady, I personally helped

    that little chicken to cross the road.

    This experience makes me uniquely

    qualified to ensure from Day One that

    every chicken in this country gets the

    chance it deserves to cross the road.

    But then, this isnt really about me.

    George W. Bush: We dont really

    care why the chicken crossed the road.

    We just want to know if the chicken is

    on our side of the road or not. The

    chicken is either against us, or for us.


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    There is no middle ground here. Dick

    Cheney: Wheres my gun? Colin

    Powell: Now, to the left of the screen,

    you can clearly see the satellite image

    of the chicken crossing the road. Bill

    Clinton: I did not cross the road withthat chicken. What is your definition

    of chicken? Al Gore: I invented the

    chicken. John Kerry: Although I

    voted to let the chicken cross the road,

    I am now against it. It was the wrong

    road to cross, and I was misled about

    the chickens intentions. I am not for

    it now and will remain against it. Al

    Sharpton: Why are all of the chickens

    white? We need some black chickens.

    Dr. Phil: The problem we have here isthat this chicken doesnt realize that

    he must first deal with the problem on

    this side of the road before it goes

    after the problem on the other side of

    the road. What we need to do is help

    him realize how stupid hes acting by

    not taking on his current problems

    before adding new problems. Oprah:

    Well, I understand that the chicken is

    having problems, which is why he

    wants to cross the road so badly. So,

    instead of having the chicken learn

    from his mistakes and take falls, Im

    going to give this chicken a car so that

    he can just drive across the road and

    not live his life like the rest of the

    chickens. Nancy Grace: That chicken

    crossed the road because hes guilty!

    You can see it in his eyes and in the

    way he walks. Pat Buchanan: To

    steal the job of a decent, hardworking

    American. Dr. Seuss: Did the chicken

    cross the road? Did he cross it with a

    toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the

    road, but why it crossed Ive not been

    told. Grandpa: In my day we didnt

    ask why the chicken crossed the road.

    Somebody told us the chicken crossed

    the road, and that was good enough.

    Barbara Walters: In a few moments,

    we will be listening to the chicken tell,

    for the first time, the heart-warming

    story of how it experienced a serious

    case of molting and went on to

    accomplish its lifelong dream ofcrossing the road. Aristotle: It is the

    nature of chickens to cross the road.

    Bill Gates: I have just released

    eChicken2009, which will not only

    cross roads but will lay eggs, file your

    important documents and balance

    your checkbook. Internet Explorer is

    an integral part of eChicken2009.

    This new platform is much more

    stable and will never crash or need to

    be rebooted. Albert Einstein: Did thechicken really cross the road, or did

    the road move beneath the chicken?

    Colonel Sanders: Did I miss one?


    Sixteen years ago I learned this

    lesson. I learned it in the back of a

    New York City taxi cab. Heres

    what happened: I hopped in a taxi,

    and we took off for Grand Central

    Station. We were driving in the

    right lane when, all of a sudden, a

    black car jumped out of a parking

    space right in front of us. My taxi

    driver slammed on his breaks,

    skidded, and missed the other cars

    back end by just inches! The

    driver of the other car, the guy

    who almost caused a big accident,

    whipped his head around and hestarted yelling obscenities at us.

    My taxi driver just smiled and

    waved at the guy. I mean, he was

    being friendly. So I said, Why

    did you just do that? This guy

    almost ruined your car and sent us


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    to the hospital! And this is when

    my taxi driver told me what I now

    call The Law of the Garbage

    Truck. Many people, he said,

    are like garbage trucks. They run

    around, fill of garbage, full of

    frustration, full of anger and full of

    disappointment. As their garbage

    piles up, they need a place to dump

    it. And if you let them, theyll

    dump it on you. When someone

    wants to dump on you, dont take

    it personally. Just smile, wish

    them well, and move on. Youll

    be happy you did. So, this was it:The Law of the Garbage Truck.

    I started thinking about how often

    I let garbage trucks run right over

    me, and how often I take their

    garbage and spread it to other

    people at work, at home, on the

    streets. That was the day I said

    that I was not going to do it

    anymore. Well, now I see

    Garbage Trucks in a different

    light. I see the load they are

    carrying, I see them coming to

    drop it off. And, like my taxi

    driver, I dont make it a personal

    thing; I just smile, wave, wish

    them well, and I move on. Good

    parents know that they have to

    welcome their children home from

    school with hugs and kisses.Leaders and spouses and all people

    with servants hearts know that

    they have to be fully present and at

    their best for the people they care

    about. The bottom line is that such

    people do not let Garbage Trucks

    take over their day. What about

    you? What would happen in your

    lives, starting today, if you let

    more Garbage Trucks pass you by?

    You would be happier and more at

    peace. Life is too short to wake up

    in the morning with regrets, so:

    Love the people who treat you

    right, but also love the people who



    Ive never made a fortune and its

    probably too late now, but I dont

    worry about that much cause Imhappy anyhow. And as I go along

    lifes way Im reaping better than I

    sow; Im drinking from my saucer

    cause my cup has overflowed. I

    havent got a lot of riches and

    sometimes the goings tough, but

    Ive got loving ones around me

    and that makes me rich enough. I

    thank God for His blessings and

    the mercies Hes bestowed; Im

    drinking from my saucer cause

    my cup has overflowed. Oh, I

    remember times when things went

    wrong and my faith wore

    somewhat thin, but all at once the

    dark clouds broke and the sun

    peeped through again. So, Lord,

    help me not to gripe about the

    tough rows that Ive hoed; Imdrinking from my saucer cause

    my cup has overflowed. If God

    gives me strength and courage

    when the way grows steep and

    rough, Ill not ask for other

    blessings cause Im already


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    blessed enough. And may I never

    be too busy to help others bear

    their loads; then Ill keep drinking

    from my saucer cause my cup has



    Please pray for: The end of

    corruption among leaders and a

    return to the heart and soul of our

    nation as our founding fathers

    envisioned itThe ending of

    abortion, including a change in

    heart in President Obama and his

    advisorsThe preservation of thesanctity of marriage, defined as

    between one man and one

    womanAll churches and

    ministries in our regionGregory

    Thompson and Asleep kNOw

    More ministry as it works for our

    children and for pro-life issues

    The SDC Foundation and its

    ministries and services to the

    regionAll the sick and dying

    All the lost, they all come to the

    knowledge of the TruthAll UP

    Team members and supporters, for

    the strength to carry on and in

    thanksgiving for their

    faithfulnessUnity among all

    ChristiansThe end of drug and

    alcohol abuse and domestic and

    sexual violenceIn thanksgivingfor all of our blessings.

    CONCLUDING THOUGHTSThe following is from my recently

    published book, Reflections: The

    Challenge and Excitement of the

    Committed Christian Life:

    Reflection 21: Go to Hell! Haveyou ever said that to someone, or

    thought that about someone? It is a

    common enough exclamation in our

    society, and usually when people say it

    they do not literally mean it or even

    think about what it means; it is just a

    way to tell someone to bug off, a way

    to dismiss someone. But it is,

    nevertheless, a horrible statement to

    makeI am going to make a very

    bold and very true statement: AnyChristian who wishes eternal hell for

    another human being, regardless of

    what that person has done, is guilty of

    a terrible sin. It is absolutely contrary

    to the Christian life to harbor

    unforgiveness and to wish harm to

    another person. There are simply no

    exceptions to this, so if you as a reader

    are unwilling to forgive someone

    anyone you need to stop right now

    and seek God and ask for His pardon and then you need to show your

    sincerity by forgivingWhen we do

    refuse to forgive, we are haughtily

    saying in effect that even though we

    are glad to be forgiven (by God) we do

    not choose to do the same for others

    Forgive everyone, specifically, and

    right now; dont put it off, just do it.

    Eternity is hanging in the balance.

    And no Go to hell! Say instead, Go

    to heaven! (This book, along with myother newly published book,

    ChristianCatholicand Praising

    Jesus is available from

    God bless you. Peace to you and

    yours. Bob Burton

    [email protected]; (417) 331-1028


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