Page 1: Upgrading from Angular 1.x to Angular 2.x

Upgrading From 1.x

Eyal Vardi



Page 2: Upgrading from Angular 1.x to Angular 2.x

UpgradeAdapter Service Bootstrap method manage hybrid

applications that support both Angular 2 and Angular 1 code.

 Both versions of Angular running at the same time.

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Hybrid Application Every element in the DOM is owned by

exactly one of the two frameworks. The root of the application is always an

Angular 1 template.

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Change Detection Everything that happens in the application runs

inside the Angular 2 zone. The UpgradeAdapter will invoke the Angular 1

$rootScope.$apply() after every turn of the Angular zone.

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Bootstrapping Hybrid Applications Angular 1:

ng-app angular.bootstrap(…)

Angular 2:import { UpgradeAdapter } from '@angular/upgrade';

/* . . . */

const upgradeAdapter = new UpgradeAdapter(AppModule);

upgradeAdapter.bootstrap(document.body, ['heroApp'], {strictDi: true}


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Using Angular 2 Components from Angular 1 All Angular 2 components, directives and

pipes must be declared in an NgModule.// Angular 2 Componentimport { HeroDetailComponent } from './hero-detail.component';

/* . . . */

angular.module('heroApp', []) .directive(

'heroDetail', upgradeAdapter

.downgradeNg2Component( HeroDetailComponent ) );

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Angular 1 Template Using Angular 2 Component Note that even though we are in an Angular 1

template, we're using Angular 2 attribute syntax to bind the inputs and outputs.

Angular 2Component

<div ng-controller="MainController as mainCtrl">

<hero-detail [hero] = "mainCtrl.hero"

(deleted)= "mainCtrl.onDelete($event)"

ng-repeat= "hero in mainCtrl.heroes">




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Using Angular 2 Components from Angular 1

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Using Angular 1 Directives from Angular 2 Not all kinds of Angular 1 directives can

be upgraded. The directive has to be a component directive.

const HeroDetail = upgradeAdapter



imports: [ BrowserModule ],

declarations: [ ContainerComponent, HeroDetail ]


export class AppModule {}

Angular 1directive


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Angular 2 Template Syntax for Angular 1 Directive

Binding definition Template syntax

Attribute binding myAttr : '@' <my-cmp myAttr="value">

Expression binding myOutput : '&' <my-cmp (myOutput)="action()">

One-way binding myValue : '<' <my-cmp [myValue]="Exp">

Two-way binding myValue : '=' <my-cmp [(myValue)]="Exp">

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Using Angular 1 Directive from Angular 2

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Angular 1 Dependencies Injectable to Angular 2 We can upgrade the service using the

UpgradeAdapter's upgradeNg1Provider method by giving it the name of the service.

Angular 2 using a string token that matches its original name in Angular 1, @Inject('heroes').

angular.module('heroApp', [])

.service ('heroes', HeroesService)






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Angular 2 Dependencies Injectable to Angular 1 angular.module('heroApp', []) .factory('heroes', upgradeAdapter.downgradeNg2Provider(Heroes)) .component('heroDetail', heroDetailComponent);

export const heroDetailComponent = { template: ` <h2>{{$}}: {{$}}</h2> `, controller: ['heroes', function(heroes: Heroes) { this.hero = heroes.get()[0]; }]};

Page 14: Upgrading from Angular 1.x to Angular 2.x

Summary Use UpgradeAdapter to allow

AngularJS v1 and Angular v2 to coexist in a single application.

Downgrade methods: downgradeNg2Component downgradeNg2Provider

Upgrade methods: upgradeNg1Component upgradeNg1Provider

Page 16: Upgrading from Angular 1.x to Angular 2.x

Eyal Vardi


