Page 1: Update from the Head Teacher - Warden Hill Primary School

Friday 19 July 2019 • Newsletter 7 Phone: 01242 523827 • E-mail: [email protected]

Update from the Head Teacher

Goodbye Year 6 Well here we are - the final newsletter of 2018/2019. I can’t believe that we are here! The end of term seems to gain momentum and this one is no different. Our children have had a wonderful last few weeks experiencing new things: Inter-House Tug of War, Cheltenham Week, a host of school trips, Residential trips and school plays to name a few. But for some of our children it is also the end of their time with us at our school. Memories were the key theme in our Y6 leavers’ assembly today, and our Y6 pupils did a brilliant job of taking us down memory lane. In their time with us they have had a wealth of incredible experiences, which in turn has created memories. They will leave our school today older, wiser and with a wealth of experiences to draw on and build upon in their secondary schools. We wish each and every one of you all the future success you deserve.

Staff Goodbyes It was with great sadness but also excitement that we waved goodbye to our amazing Miss Nelson at the end of June. The children gave her a lovely send off as did so many of our parents. Our new School administrator Mrs Nowacka will join our team in September. Mrs. Sutch also leaves us today after 3 years of outstanding service to our school. We are delighted for her with her new teaching position at St. James’ Primary School and wish her well. We send our best wishes to Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. West, Mrs Young and Miss Jennings- thank you for all you have done for our children. Thank you to our outstanding team of PTA members for working so hard on all our events this year. In total we have raised over an incredible: £11,000! We will update you in the new accademic year what this has been spent on.

Page 2: Update from the Head Teacher - Warden Hill Primary School

Friday 19 July 2019 • Newsletter 7 Phone: 01242 523827 • E-mail: [email protected]

Gratitude As another year draws to a close I can’t help but think how lucky we are at our school. We have amazing children who continually strive for their successes, supported by a wonderful team of talented teachers and teaching assistants. We are also lucky to have such a supportive and caring parent body. Without your help and tremendous support the school would not be the place it is today. That just leaves me to say, I wish you all a very happy summer holiday and look forward to seeing you back in September. Warmest Regards,

Mrs Georgina Flooks

Page 3: Update from the Head Teacher - Warden Hill Primary School

Friday 19 July 2019 • Newsletter 7 Phone: 01242 523827 • E-mail: [email protected]

Recent news

Our Two Prestigious Annual Awards: Joseph Y6 received The Mitchell Egg & George Y6 received The Downie Shield

The Mitchell Egg is awarded to the pupil, who the entire staff agree, has made the most progress throughout the year towards overcoming their personal barriers to learning.

The Downie Shield is awarded to the pupil who the P.E. department agree has contributed to all areas of sport throughout the year, with positive team spirit, sportmanship and comradery.

Staff Goodbyes

Thank you to every super star Warden Hill pupil who wrote in my beautiful cards. I have now read all 449 names and messages. My new job is going really well, and the same as all of you, I am really enjoying lots of learning. I hope you all enjoyed your transition days and you’re looking forward to your new and exciting adventures in September. To the families of Warden Hill, it has been such a pleasure supporting you the past four and a half years. The Warden Hill community is a joy to work with. Thank you for all your kind messages and best wishes. Miss Nelson.

Page 4: Update from the Head Teacher - Warden Hill Primary School

Friday 19 July 2019 • Newsletter 7 Phone: 01242 523827 • E-mail: [email protected]

I would like to thank everybody who has had a part to play in my 3 years at Warden Hill. I was made to feel welcome from the moment I entered the building. I’ve had many different roles, all of which I’ve enjoyed. I felt part of a family here and am very sad to be leaving but I’m off on a new adventure at St. James’. Year 4 was full of fabulous experiences and, more importantly, laughter! I have learnt so much in my time here and will take away loads of wonderful memories. Mrs Sutch.

House Cricket

All the children had a great day in the sunshine. After the morning drills 3 houses were in joint first, so it was all to play for in the afternoon matches.

After 4 closely fought matches, the overall victors were…LEACH! A big thank you goes to Mr. Antonious and Mr. Herbert for organising this event.

Reception Classes Trips to Bisley Farm

The two Reception classes went on trips to Copsegrove Farm near Bisley last week. We walked along lanes and through fields of wheat to play and explore in the secluded woodlands surrounding the farm. We went on bug hunts, made dens for our teddies and of course toasted marshmallows (twice!) A fabulous day was had by all. Mr Bailey

Page 5: Update from the Head Teacher - Warden Hill Primary School

Friday 19 July 2019 • Newsletter 7 Phone: 01242 523827 • E-mail: [email protected]

Annual Infant Concert

Our annual infant concert once again took place with an array of talent on display. Thank you to all our children who took part.

24 Challenge Gloucestershire Finals

In the Gloucestershire County final of the 24 Challenge Competition Warden Hill teams came 2nd and 7th – well done to all 8 children who took part.

Page 6: Update from the Head Teacher - Warden Hill Primary School

Friday 19 July 2019 • Newsletter 7 Phone: 01242 523827 • E-mail: [email protected]

WHPS Swimming Cup

The swimming cup was presented to Bonnie Beauchamp for not only being in the silver medal relay team for two years running but for also getting an individual bronze.

Here are some photos of our first ever Inter House Tug of War. Congratulations to CHURN who were the overall winners.

Page 7: Update from the Head Teacher - Warden Hill Primary School

Friday 19 July 2019 • Newsletter 7 Phone: 01242 523827 • E-mail: [email protected]

PTA Summer Fete and Circus 2019 Thank you for all your support – we raised an amazing


Please join our Warden Hill Primary School PTA Facebook page to see future meetings & events; we urgently require more volunteers and members!

Page 8: Update from the Head Teacher - Warden Hill Primary School

Friday 19 July 2019 • Newsletter 7 Phone: 01242 523827 • E-mail: [email protected]

Pupil success

Leo Hancock (4H) has achieved swim stage 9.

Matilda was in a street dance competition at the weekend and danced with her group against lots of other dance schools.

Both Indi and Lotus entered the Up Hatherley summer gardens competition and were awarded highly commended (4th) each for their planted flower pot entries.

School starts on Tuesday 3rd September – have a lovely summer.