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Unit 1Ainternational L?fåí]Dåôp]å]äL international What will be the response of the international community?See you later. L?ëáW=à]=DäÉfí]L au revoir I've got to dash � see you later!Nice to meet you. L?å~fë=í]=DãáWí=à]L enchanté Nice to meet you at last!I must go. L?~f=ã¾ëí=DÖ]rL je dois m'en aller I must go now or I'll miss the train.How are you? L?Ü~r=]=DàìWI=Ü~r=D^W=àrL ça va? Heavens, it's must be six months since we last met. How are you?This is � Lafë=fòL c'est Chris, this is my brother Phil.I'm fine, thanks. L~fã=DÑ~få=?qôÏâëL ça va bien, merci How are you feeling?' 'I'm fine, thanks.'

Unit 1Brelaxing LêfDäôâëfÏL relaxant Greta lay on the beach, relaxing in the sun.have a snack LÜôî=]=DëåôâL prend un en-cas She always has a snack at 11 am.have dinner LÜôî=DÇfå]L dîner Jake asked me if I'd like to have dinner with him.have a break LÜôî=]=DÄêÉfâL pauser You should have regular breaks when working on a computer.have a bath LÜôî=]=DÄ^WqL se baigner Helen decided to have a nice warm bath before going to bed.have breakfast LÜôî=DÄêÉâÑ]ëíL prendre le petit-déjeuner Melissa had breakfast and then went to work.have a good time LÜôî=]=?ÖrÇ=Dí~fãL s'amuser All the children had a good time at the school panto.have lunch LÜôî=Dä¾åípL déjeuner Some of the children have lunch at home.have a Maths lesson LÜôî=]=Dãôqë=?äÉë]åL avoir un cours de maths We have a Maths lesson every day.have a party LÜôî=]=Dé^WíáL organiser une fête She always has a party when it's her birthday.have a rest LÜôî=]=DêÉëíL se reposer Mum cleaned the house from top to bottom before she had a rest.have a shower LÜôî=]=Dp~r]L prendre une douche I prefer having a shower to having a bath.have a test LÜôî=]=íÉëíL passer l'examen du permis de conduire My sister is having her driving test LDÑfíå]ëL condition physique Shani goes to the gym twice a week to improve her fitness.age LÉfÇwL âge Francis is the same age as me.occupation L?flâà]DéÉfp]åL profession Please state your name, address and occupation.exercise LDÉâë]ë~fòL exercice Try to fit some regular exercise into your daily routine.

Unit 1Clogged on L?äflÖÇ=DflåL se connecter As soon as he got to the office, he logged on.burning LDĉWåfÏL brûlant I had a sensation of burning on my tongue.certainly LDë‰WíåäáL bien sûre I certainly never expected to become a writer.It doesn't matter. Lfí=?Ǿò]åí=Dãôí]L il n'importe pas It doesn't matter if you're late, I'll wait for you.lend LäÉåÇL prêter I lent my CD player to Dave and I haven't got it back yet.

Unit 1Dfactfile LDÑôâíÑ~fäL factfile The children were asked to prepare a factfile about their favourite singer or group. baseball LDÄÉfëÄlWäL base-ball During the baseball game, the pitcher threw several curveballs at the batter.both LÄ]rqL tous les deux We started the company both to make money and to provide local employment.less LäÉëL moins de Zak bought some trainers for less than £10 in the sales. spend (time) LëéÉåÇL passer I asked him how he spent his leisure time.spend money on L?ëéÉåÇ=Dã¾åá=flåL dépenser I try not to spend money on frivolous activities.close friend L?âä]rë=DÑêÉåÇL bon ami Bill and Jack are very close networking website L?ë]rp]ä=DåÉíï‰WâfÏ=?ïÉÄë~fíL site web de réseautage social Children today spend too much time on social networking websites.local LDä]râ]äL locale The villagers were protesting at the closure of their local post mall LDpfléfÏ=ãlWäL centre commercial These clothes were cheaper at the out-of-town shopping mall.

Unit 2Acompetition L?âflãé]Dífp]åL concurrence Competition for the job was intense.natural history L?åôíp]ê]ä=DÜfëí]êáL histoire naturelle When we were in London we visited the Natural History Museum.nervous LDå‰Wî]ëL nerveux(-se) She was so nervous about her exams that she couldn't last L]í=Dä^WëíL enfin It had been a long journey, but they were home at last!

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beautician LÄàìWDífp]åL esthéticien My niece is training to be a beautician.carpenter LDâ^Wé]åí]L charpentier(-ière) It was an awkward space for a wardrobe, so Mum asked a carpenter to do the work. cashier LâôDpf]L caissier(-ière) The cashier gave me the wrong LDÇÉåífëíL dentiste I'm going to the dentist this afternoon.detective LÇfDíÉâífîL detective She hired a detective to find out if her husband was having an affair.director LÇfDêÉâí]I=Ç~fJL directeur(-trice) My wife was a former director of Gartmore Pensions L?ÉåÇwfDåf]L ingénieur He trained as a civil engineer.firefighter LDÑ~f]?Ñ~fí]L sapeur-pompier Firefighters rescued the children from the burning building.hairdresser LDÜÉ]?ÇêÉë]L coiffeur(-euse) Lucy made an appointment at the hairdresser's.journalist LDÇw‰Wå]äJfëíL journaliste Richard Dimbleby was a well-known journalist and broadcaster.mechanic LãfDâôåfâL mechanicien The garage mechanic replaced the clutch in the car.pilot LDé~fä]íL pilote Jason had dreamed of being a pilot since he was a child.politician L?éflä]Dífp]åL homme / femme politique The public don't trust politicians.receptionist LêfDëÉép]åfëíL réceptionniste We checked in with the hotel receptionist, who proved to be very instructor LDëâáW=få?ëíê¾âí]L moniteur(-trice) de ski The ski instructor started us on the nursery slopes driver LDíôâëá=?Çê~fî]L chauffeur de taxi I asked the taxi driver to take me to the station. TV presenter L?íáW=DîáW=éêf?òÉåí]L présentateur(-trice) She's a popular TV presenter who is recognised for her relaxed LîÉíL vétérinaire The dog had been hit by a car, and I rushed him to the vet.serving LDë‰WîfÏL servir By the time the waitress served the meal, it was cold.

Unit 2Bspare LëéÉ]L de rechange We always leave a spare key with the LDÇfëâ~råíL réduction Members get a 15% discount.swimming stuff LDëïfãfÏ=?ëí¾ÑL affaires de bain Jenny stuffed her swimming stuff and a towel into her sports bag.belong LÄfDäflÏL où il devait Put the chair back where it belongs.battery LDÄôí]êáL pile You have to take the top off to change the batteries.belt LÄÉäíL ceinture He unbuckled his leather belt.bracelet LDÄêÉfëäfíL bracelet He bought her a gold bracelet for her birthday.earring LDf]êfÏL boucle d'oreille She was wearing a pair of beautiful diamond earrings.flip-flops LDÑäfé=ÑäfléëL tongs Sheila bought some new flip-flops for her holiday.goggles LDÖflÖ]äòL lunettes de plongée The swimmers adjusted their goggles before diving into the pool.laptop LDäôéífléL ordinateur portable My boss left his new laptop on the train!purse Lé‰WëL portemonnaie Julie opened her handbag and took out her purse.

radio LDêÉfÇá]rL radio I sat down and turned on the radio.

sunglasses LDë¾å?Öä^WëfòL lunettes de soleil I always buy wraparound sunglasses.towel LDí~r]äL serviette de bain Have you got a clean towel I could use?wallet LDïflä]íL portefeuille I've only got about £10 in my wallet.water bottle LDïlWí]=?ÄflíäL bidon We filled up our water bottles before setting out on the walk.sports bag LDëélWíë=ÄôÖL sac de sport Mary put her sports bag in the locker.blank LÄäôÏâL blanco Leave the last page blank.

Unit 2Cketchup LDâÉíp]éL ketchup He asked her to pass him the bottle of tomato ketchup.bean LÄáWåL haricot Last night I had baked beans on toast.beef LÄáWÑL b�uf On Sunday, we had roast beef and Yorkshire pudding.cake LâÉfâL gâteau Sally cut the chocolate cake into eight equal pieces.cream LâêáWãL crème For dessert, Ian had strawberries and cream.lamb LäôãL agneau Ben cooked a meal of roast lamb with mint sauce, new potatoes and peas. lettuce LDäÉí]ëL laitue I like salad but I don't like lettuce.melon LDãÉä]åL melon Grandad grows melons in his greenhouse.

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mushroom LDã¾pêìWãI=JêrãL champignon As a starter, we had garlic mushrooms.nut Lå¾íL noix We had a light lunch of salmon, with watercress, orange and a pine nut salad.olive LDfläfîL olive The partners sold 1000 kg of olives to a local olive co-operative.olive oil L?fläfî=DlfäL huile d'olive Jamie always bought 'extra virgin' olive oil.pea LéáWL pois For tea they had roast chicken with peas and carrots.

peach LéáWípL pêche I put peaches in the trifle as well as raspberries.

pear LéÉ]L poire The pears were very juicy, so I had two of them!strawberry LDëíêlWÄ]êáL fraise At Wimbledon they always serve strawberries and cream.vinegar LDîfåfÖ]L vinaigre Jed always puts vinegar on his fish and chips.yoghurt LDàflÖ]íL yaourt My brother eats a pot of natural yoghurt every day. chilli sauce L?ípfäá=DëlWëL sauce chilli For starters, we had duck spring rolls with sweet chilli sauce.fault LÑlWäíL fautive I'm really sorry � it's all my fault.

Unit 2Dfood mile LDÑìWÇ=ã~fäL food mile Mum decided to reduce her food miles by buying from local shops.grow LÖê]rL pousser Last year, Grandad grew potatoes and peas in the back garden.Kenya LDâÉåà]I=DâáWJL le Kenya We've booked a safari holiday in Kenya.Egypt LDáWÇwféíL l´Egypte Whilst in Egypt we visited the Great Pyramid of Cheops.India LDfåÇá]L l´Inde I've always wanted to see the Taj Mahal in LDíêôî]äL voyager Someday I'd like to travel abroad.thousands of LDq~rò]åÇò=]îL milles de During the banking crisis, thousands of jobs were LDí]ríäL total That's £7 and £3.50, so the total is £10.50.ship LpféL bateau The ship sank when it hit the iceberg.fuel LDÑàìW]äL carburant Our plane was running low on fuel.local LDä]râ]äL local(-e) Dad always watches the local weather report on the news.carry LDâôêáL porter Gina was carrying a small bunch of flowers.planet LDéäôåfíL planète Mercury is the smallest of all the planets.area LDÉ]êá]L région Only cheeses made in this area may be labelled 'Roquefort'.

Unit 3Alosing LDäìWòfÏL perdre She had lost so much weight that none of her clothes fitted her.sporty LDëélWíáL sportif(-ve) She wore a sporty jacket and skirt.He's really good at football. LÜáò=?êf]äá=ÖrÇ=]í=DÑríÄlWäL Il est bon en football What's your brother's favourite sport?' 'I'm not sure, but he's really good at football.'individual L?fåÇ]DîfÇwì]äL individuel(-le) Each individual leaf on the tree is different.mind (v) Lã~fåÇL ne pas déranger I don't mind the heat � in fact, I quite like it.mostly LDã]rëíäáL principalement Green teas are mostly from China or Japan.mad LãôÇL être fou/folle Are you still mad about that girl you met last summer?especially LfDëéÉp]äáL surtout I never liked long walks, especially in winter.make sure L?ãÉfâ=DplWL s'assurer Before setting off, he made sure there was enough petrol in the car.boxing LDÄflâëfÏL boxe We watched the boxing on TV.karting LDâ^WífÏL go-karting My brother always looks at the karting news on the LDê¾ÖÄáL rugby My son dislocated his knee when playing LDÄ^WëâfíÄlWäL basket-ball Nearly every high school in the United States fields a basketball team in varsity skating LD~fë=?ëâÉfífÏL patinage My daughter lives in Bradford and goes ice skating every week.swimming LDëïfãfÏL natation Swimming is great LÖfläÑL jouer au golf He plays golf on Sundays.court LâlWíL tribunal A crowd of reporters had gathered outside the court.pool LéìWäL piscine They have a nice pool in their back garden.rink LêfÏâL patinoire Jane skated effortlessly round the ice rink.course LâlWëL parcours The cross-country course is over 12 miles through fields and over small hills.

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pitch LéfípL terrain A key feature of the new Wembley football pitch is its partly retractable roof.track LíêôâL sentier The road leading to the farm was little more than a dirt track.ring LêfÏL bague Her diamond engagement ring glittered in the sun.standing around L?ëíôåÇfÏ=]Dê~råÇL étant debout There were a number of people standing around doing nothing.Me too. L?ãáW=DíìWL Moi aussi! Can I have an ice-cream, please?' asked Bill. 'Me too!' said JennyHa ha! L?Ü^W=DÜ^WL Ah ah! Ha ha! What have we here?centre forward L?ëÉåí]=DÑlWï]ÇL pointe The centre forward scored the winning goal.score (v) LëâlWL marquer Great cheers went up when he scored in the final minute of the game.Great pass! L?ÖêÉfí=Dé^WëL Bonne passe! Great pass! I think we might score here!penfriend LDéÉåÑêÉåÇL correspondant There are now websites for penfriends.

Unit 3Bleg LäÉÖL jambe The girl fell and cut her leg.foot LÑríL pied My foot hurts.ear Lf]L oreille She tucked her hair behind her ears.face LÑÉfëL visage She had a beautiful face.arm L^WãL bras Dave has a broken arm.neck LåÉâL cou Jean wore a string of pearls around her neck.back LÄôâL dos The cat arched its back and hissed.knee LåáWL genou Lucy had a bandage round her knee.toe Lí]rL doigt de pied He stubbed his toe on a rock.eye L~fL oeil He's got brown eyes and a cheerful smile.wrist LêfëíL poignet She had a gold watch on her wrist.nose Lå]ròL nez He's got a really big nose.ankle LDôÏâ]äL cheville Janet slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle.head LÜÉÇL tête He kissed the top of her head.elbow LDÉäÄ]rL coude There's more elbow room in the restaurant since they extended it.mouth Lã~rqL bouche He lifted his glass to his mouth.hand LÜôåÇL main Go and wash your LÜÉ]L cheveux She put on her lipstick and brushed her hair.chest LípÉëíL poitrine Her heart was pounding in her chest.shoulder LDp]räÇ]L épaule She tapped the driver on the shoulder.teeth LíáWqL dents She cleans her teeth twice a day.thumb Lq¾ãL pouce The baby lay fast asleep, sucking his thumb.finger LDÑfÏÖ]L doigt The woman had a ring on her finger, so I assumed she was married.waist LïÉfëíL taille The skirt was too big around the waist.Japanese L?Çwôé]DåáWòL japonais(-e) Dad bought a Japanese car because he thinks they are more reliable.martial art L?ã^Wp]ä=D^WíL art martial Dan is a martial arts expert.beginner LÄfDÖfå]L débutant(-e) He had never done it before, and was an absolute beginner.advanced L]ÇDî^WåëíL avancé(-e) On my school report it stated that I was an advanced student � whatever that means!self-defence L?ëÉäÑ=ÇfDÑÉåëL autodéfense He shot the burglar in self-defence.dojo LDÇ]rÇw]rL dojo We go to the dojo every week to learn karate.escape LfDëâÉféL évader He broke down the locked door and escaped.bend LÄÉåÇL plier She bent over the cot to pick up the baby.step LëíÉéL pas He stepped back to let me through.lift LäfÑíL soulever Sophie lifted the phone before the second control Lfå=â]åDíê]räL contrôler It was obvious that the manager wasn't in control of his staff.hurt L܉WíL a mal à The little boy fell and hurt his knee.instruction LfåDëíê¾âp]åL mode d'emploi Install the machine according to the manufacturer's instructions.

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suit LëìWíI=ëàìWíL costume He wore a grey lightweight suit for his interview.rule LêìWäL règle The rules of the game are quite simple.

Unit 3Ctheme park LDqáWã=é^WâL parc à thème We took the children to a theme park at the weekend.ride (n) Lê~fÇL tour He dared me to go for a ride on the rollercoaster.scary LDëâÉ]êáL effrayant(-e) For one scary moment I though he was going to attack me!Hold on tight! L?Ü]räÇ=flå=Dí~fíL Tenez-vous bien! Hold on tight! We're about to start moving.sick LëfâL malade His mother's very sick in hospital.starving LDëí^WîfÏL affamé(-e) I hadn't eaten all day and was absolutely starving!fancy LDÑôåëáL as-tu envie de Fancy a quick drink, Emma?Big Wheel L?ÄfÖ=DïáWäL Grande Roue At the fairground, Craig and Fred went on the Big Wheel.later LDäÉfí]L plus tard I'm going out for a bit � I'll see you later.You're joking! LàlW=DÇw]râfÏL Tu rigoles? I'm going to marry Sarah.' 'You're joking!'bench LÄÉåípL banc We sat on a park bench and talked.invite LfåDî~fíL inviter Who should we invite to the party?pass (v) Lé^WëL être reçu(-e) If I pass these exams I can go to university.feel like LDÑáWä=ä~fâL se sentir comme When he pointed out my mistake, I felt like an idiot!

Unit 3Dtrue (adj) LíêìWL vrai(-e) It's not true that I'm going to marry him.luck Lä¾âL chance You're not having much luck today, are you?basket LDÄ^WëâfíL panier They scored three baskets in the last seconds of the game, and won the match.rubbish LDê¾ÄfpL nul(-le) I felt like asking for my money back, as the play was absolute rubbish!even LDáWî]åL même Most companies have suffered a drop in their profits, even very large the way LÄ~f=a]=DïÉfL d'ailleurs By the way, I met your cousin Ronnie yesterday.over LD]rî]L terminé(-e) By the time the TV programme was over, she had fallen (v) Lëã~fäL sourir Susan smiled at him and waved.beach volleyball L?ÄáWíp=DîfläáÄlWäL beach volley The children were playing beach volleyball and enjoying the sunshine.suddenly LDë¾ÇåäáL soudain I suddenly realised that there was someone following me.break (v) LÄêÉfâL rompre I had to break a date with him because my mother was taken into hospital.arrangement L]DêÉfåÇwã]åíL préparatifs I've agreed to help with arrangements for the party.tell the truth L?íÉä=a]=DíêìWqL dire la vérité My parents brought us up to tell the truth.score (v) LëâlWL marquer Great cheers went up when he scored in the final minute of the game.suggest Lë]DÇwÉëíL suggérer They keep suggesting ways to keep my weight down.decide LÇfDë~fÇL décider Has anything been decided yet?invitation L?fåîfDíÉfp]åL invitation Shortly afterwards, Dawson received an invitation to speak at a scientific conference.explain LfâDëéäÉfåL expliquer Our lawyer carefully explained the procedure.

Unit 4Abalcony LDÄôäâ]åáL balcon Has your flat got a balcony?basement LDÄÉfëã]åíL cave The basement was cold and damp.ceiling LDëáWäfÏL plafond The house had rooms with high ceilings.

chimney LDípfãåáL cheminée We can't light a fire because the chimney hasn't been swept.fence LÑÉåëL barrière During the night, the wind had blown down the garden LDÖ^WÇåL jardin He's outside in the garden.gate LÖÉfíL porte We went through the gate into the orchard.landing LDäôåÇfÏL atterrissage The spaceship made a successful landing on the LäflÑíL grenier Our neighbours have just had a loft conversion done.roof LêìWÑL toit They finally found the cat up on the roof.stairs LëíÉ]òL escalier She rushed down the stairs to answer the door.

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steps LëíÉéëL marches I was out of breath when I got to the top of the LDëí¾ÇáL bureau The professor was in his study reading a book.swap LëïfléL échange He agreed it was a fair swap.visit LDîfòfíL visite On Sunday, we had a visit from Grandma.relative LDêÉä]ífîL parent(-e) My uncle Jack is my favourite relative.disappointing L?Çfë]DélfåífÏL décevant(-e) After the release of disappointing profit figures, the company's share price fell.overall L?]rî]êDlWäL total(-e) Williams came fifth overall.comfortable LDâ¾ãÑí]Ä]äI=Dâ¾ãÑ]íJL comfortable The bed wasn't particularly comfortable.distance LDÇfëí]åëL distance I could see you in the distance walking along the cliff path.comfort LDâ¾ãÑ]íL comfort All our sports shoes are designed for comfort and performance.

Unit 4Brucksack LDê¾âëôâL sac à dos Jill bought a trekking rucksack with outside pockets.boot LÄìWíL botte My hiking boots are beginning to rub and hurt my feet.suitcase LDëìWíâÉfëI=DëàìWíJL valise The airline has lost my suitcase.plastic LDéäôëífâL plastique The baby was eating with a plastic spoon.coin LâlfåL coin Let's toss a coin to see who goes LÑìWÇL nourriture The restaurant serves good food at affordable LDщWåfíp]L meubles I helped him choose the furniture for his house.luggage LDä¾ÖfÇwL bagage They searched his luggage for illegal LDã¾åáL argent Don't spend all your money on the first day of your holiday!music LDãàìWòfâL musique I often listen to music when I'm in the car.time Lí~fãL temps Einstein changed the way we think about space and time.homework LDÜ]rãï‰WâL devoirs Fiona was lying on the floor doing her homework.rubbish LDê¾ÄfpL déchets We put the plastic bags in a special rubbish bin.traffic LDíêôÑfâL circulation The traffic noise kept me LëéÉfëL espace There's space for a table and two least L]í=DäáWëíL du moins We had at least £70 between us.actually LDôâípì]äáI=Jíp]äáL en fait I've known Barbara for years. Since we were babies, actually.

Unit 4Cshow around L?p]r=]Dê~råÇL faire visiter The estate agent showed us around the house.arena L]DêáWå]L arène The town hall is the arena for tonight's debate.dome LÇ]rãL dôme The Millennium Dome is the biggest dome in the world.tower LDí~r]L tour At the top of the cliff was a crumbling tower.wide Lï~fÇL large Debbie's house was on a wide, tree-lined road.holds LÜ]räÇòL contient The jug held exactly one litre of liquid.square metre L?ëâïÉ]=DãáWí]L mètre carré The dining room floor measured eight square metres.Give us a break! L?Öfî=]ò=]=DÄêÉfâL Mais quand-même! You want me to pay £1100 for that thing? Give us a break!Sorry, I haven't got a clue! LDëflêá=~f=?Üôî]åí=Öflí=]=DâäìWL Excusez-moi, mais je n'ai aucune idée Where's Rosamund Street?' 'Sorry, I haven't got a clue!'It sounds great! Lfí=?ë~råÇò=DÖêÉfíL Ca sonne bien! My parents' new house has a fantastic view of the sea.' 'It sounds great!'Really? That's interesting! LDêf]äá=?aôíë=Dfåíê]ëífÏL C'est vrai? Intéressant! My brother was a pilot in the Second World War.' 'Really? That's interesting.'sightseeing LDë~fí?ëáWfÏL sightseeing Part of the holiday included a sightseeing tour of the city.hundred LDܾåÇê]ÇL cent The tree was probably a hundred years old.thousand LDq~rò]åÇL mille From here to the south of France is a journey of almost a thousand milesmillion LDãfäà]åL million Each of the books sold more than a million copies.billion LDÄfäà]åL milliard The final cost could be as much as one billion dollars.deep LÇáWéL profond The castle is on an island surrounded by a deep lake.weighs LïÉfòL pèse Sandi is on a diet, and weighs herself every week.Eiffel Tower L?~fÑ]ä=Dí~r]L la Tour Eiffel When we went to Paris our hotel was near the Eiffel Tower.

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base LÄÉfëL base There is a door at the base of the tower.the River Thames La]=?êfî]=DíÉãòL la fleuve Thames The River Thames is the longest river in England.the Grand Canyon La]=?ÖêôåÇ=Dâôåà]åL le Grand Canyon They planned a trip to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.the Golden Gate bridge La]=?Ö]räÇ]å=ÖÉfí=DÄêfÇwL Le Golden Gate Bridge We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge into Marin County.San Francisco L?ëôå=Ñê]åDëfëâ]rL San Francisco We hired a car in San Francisco and drove down to Los Angeles.

Unit 4Dlandmark LDäôåÇã^WâL repère One of Belfast's most famous landmarks, the Grosvenor Hall, has been demolished.the Tower of London La]=?í~r]ê=]î=Dä¾åÇ]åL La Tour de Londres The Tower of London is one of Britain's most popular travel destinations.Big Ben L?ÄfÖ=DÄÉåL Le Big Ben As I walked past the Houses of Parliament I heard Big Ben chiming three o'clock.teenage LDíáWåÉfÇwL adolescent Millie has two teenage sons and a 10-year-old girl. top (adj) LífléL dernier We have a flat on the top floor of the building.century LDëÉåíp]êáL siècle The church was built in the 13th century.go round LÖ]r=Dê~råÇL suffire Is there enough food to go round?the London Eye La]=?ä¾åÇ]å=D~fL le London Eye The London Eye is one of London's most popular visitor attractions.view LîàìWL vue I climb mountains just because I like the view from the (n) LífléL sommêt The tops of the mountains were still covered with snow.huge LÜàìWÇwL gigantesque A huge dog came bounding towards me.

wheel LïáWäL roue The car slid sideways, its rear wheels spinning.capsule LDâôéëàìWäL capsule The doctor told me to take two capsules after meals.tourist attraction LDír]êfëí=]?íêôâp]åL atraction touristique Ayers Rocks is a popular tourist attraction in Australia.visitor LDîfòfí]L visiteur(-euse) Times Square attracts more than 30 million visitors annually.

stadium LDëíÉfÇá]ãL stade Beijing's Olympic athletics stadium is called the Bird's Nest.arch L^WípL arche The rainbow formed an arch in the sky.roof LêìWÑL toit They finally found the cat up on the roof.pitch LéfípL sommet The roofs here have steep pitches so that the snow will slide off easily.national LDåôp]å]äL nationale Criticising the French is a bit of a national hobby in Britain.however LÜ~rDÉî]L pourtant This is a cheap and simple process. However, there are dangers.giant LDÇw~f]åíL géant Lexi works for a giant electronics company in the US.screen LëâêáWåL écran Lynn and Pete prefer watching films on a cinema screen.under cover L?¾åÇ]=Dâ¾î]L à l'abri We stood under cover in the bus shelter while the shower passed.dimension LÇ~fDãÉåp]åI=ÇfJL dimension Most people feel very strongly about the moral dimension of global climate change.department store LÇfDé^Wíã]åí=ëílWL grand magasin I bought some perfume from that department store.steel LëíáWäL acier The bridge was made of steel.disc LÇfëâL disque The full moon looked like a silver disc.attracts L]DíêôâíëL attirer They never agree on anything � but they do say opposites attract.

Unit 5ARome Lê]rãL Rome When in Rome, do as the Romans do!Florence LDÑäflê]åëL Florence One of the most popular tourist attractions in Florence is Michelangelo's David. Milan LãfDäôåL Milan Helen and Freya went on a shopping holiday to racket LDíÉåfë=?êôâfíL raquette de tennis One of the strings on his tennis racket had broken.You're crazy. LàlW=DâêÉfòáL Tu es fou! You're crazy. This plan will never work!Cool! LâìWäL Chouette! A weekend in Paris? Cool!I'm back. L~fã=DÄôâL Je suis de retour! Is there anybody home? I'm back.Of course not! L]î=DâlWë=åflíL Mais non! Did I believe him? Of course not!Dunno. (I don't know.) LDǾå]rL Aucune idée! Where's your brother?' 'Dunno.'

Unit 5Burban LD‰WÄ]åL urbain There is a lot of unemployment in urban areas.myth LãfqL mythe Women are aware that male superiority is a myth, and deal with this in various ways.

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false LÑlWäëL faux Please decide whether the following statements are true or false.interview (n) LDfåí]îàìWL entretien He has an interview next Thursday for a job on the Los Angeles Times.businessman LDÄfòå]ëã]åL homme d'affaires The businessman lost his temper and stormed out of the meeting.all over L?lWä=D]rî]L tout My car is dirty all over.paw LélWL patte The cat had a thorn in its paw.called out L?âlWäÇ=D~ríL m'appellait He called out to me as I passed by.behave LÄfDÜÉfîL se comporter She behaved in a very responsible LÇfëDâ¾î]L découvrir The man's body was discovered in a field.drop LÇêfléL laisser tomber He dropped his briefcase onto a chair.follow LDÑflä]rL suivre Are those men following us?happen LDÜôé]åL arriver It happened to me on the way home from the office.hurry LDܾêáL se hâter If we hurry, we'll get there in time.jump LÇw¾ãéL sauter How high can you jump?like Lä~fâL aimer I like your jacket.pick LéfâL sélectionner Students have to pick three courses from a list of 15.reply LêfDéä~fL réponse I asked Clive where he was going, but he didn't reply.stop LëífléL arrêter He stopped suddenly when he saw Ruth.taste LíÉfëíL goût Mmm! This tastes good!turn Lí‰WåL tourner Ricky turned and walked away.want LïflåíL vouloir I really want a drink.blind LÄä~fåÇL aveugle He attends a school for blind children.Chicago LpfDâ^WÖ]rL Chicago Chicago is one of my favourite cities.pilot LDé~fä]íL pilote Although the plane was damaged, the pilot managed to land it dog LDÖ~fÇ=ÇflÖL chien d'aveugle The guide dog led the blind man across the road.get off LÖÉí=DflÑL commencer We'll try and get off straight after lunch.

Unit 5Coccasion L]DâÉfw]åL occasion I've seen Jana with them on several occasions.on the way Lflå=a]=DïÉfL en route pour I always buy a newspaper on the way to work.calculator LDâôäâà]äÉfí]L calculatrice de poche The children needed calculators to work out the sums.make sandwiches, a cake, lunch L?ãÉfâ=DëôåïfÇwfòI=]=DâÉfâI=Dä¾åípL préparer des sandwichs, un gateau, le petit-déjeuner I made some sandwiches and had a piece of cake for the washing-up, homework L?ÇìW=a]=ïflpfÏ=D¾éI=DÜ]rãï‰WâL faire la vaisselle, les devoirs He had to do the washing-up before he could start his homework.lose a ticket, some money L?äìWò=]=DífâfíI=ë]ã=Dã¾åáL perdre un ticket, un peu d'argent I lost my train ticket, and the inspector asked me for some more money.miss the bus, the train L?ãfë=a]=DľëI=a]=DíêÉfåL manquer le bus, le train Because I missed the bus, I also missed the train!tell a story, a lie, the truth L?íÉä=]=DëílWêáI=]=Dä~fI=a]=DíêìWqL raconter une histoire, la vérité She told the policeman her story, but he didn't know whether it was a lie or the truth.have a party, a shower, dinner LÜôî=]=Dé^WíáI=]=Dp~r]I=DÇfå]L organiser une fête, prendre une douche, dïner She went to a party in the afternoon, so didn't have time for a shower before dinner.

Unit 5Dgold rush LDÖ]räÇ=ê¾pL ruée vers l'or Prospectors found some gold nuggets, and this started a gold rush.state LëíÉfíL état Sacramento is the capital of the state of California.population L?éfléà]DäÉfp]åL population India has a population of more than 1 billion.see/saw LëáWI=ëlWL voir/voyait I could see her quite clearly from the bedroom window.shiny LDp~fåáL brillant You could see your face in his shiny black Lp]rL montrer/montraient The children proudly showed me their presents.hear/heard LÜf]I=܉WÇL écouter/écoutait Fortunately, someone heard her cries for LëílWL magasin At Christmas the stores stay open late.sell/sold LëÉäI=ë]räÇL=LëÉäI=ë]räÇL vendre/vendait Layla sold her house for less than she expected.tool LíìWäL outil I don't have the right tools to start fiddling around with the engine.look for LDärâ=Ñ]L chercher I'm looking for Steve � have you seen him?fill(ed) LÑfäI=ÑfäÇL remplir/remplissait He poured her a drink, then filled his own glass.

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gold dust LDÖ]räÇ=ǾëíL denrée rare The miner had gold dust all over his trousers. run/ran Lê¾åI=êôåL courir/courait He ran to catch the bus.through LqêìWL à travers de The dog ran through the field and disappeared over the hill.shout(ed) Lp~ríI=Dp~rífÇL crier/criait There's no need to shout! I can hear you!gold digger LDÖ]räÇ=?ÇfÖ]L chercheur d'or During the gold rush everyone left their jobs to become gold diggers.empty LDÉãéíáL vide His glass was empty.close(d) Lâä]ròI=âä]ròÇL fermer Would you mind if I closed the window?Governor LDÖ¾î]å]L gouverneur As Governor, he focused on developing the state's resources.send/sent LëÉåÇI=ëÉåíL envoyer/envoyait He sent his mother some flowers on Mother's Day.President LDéêÉòfÇ]åíL président He's running for President of the United States.begin/began LÄfDÖfåI=ÄfDÖôåL commencer/commençait When did he begin to act this way?find/found LÑ~fåÇI=Ñ~råÇL trouver / trouvait Carl found a £10 note in the street.become/became LÄfDâ¾ãI=ÄfDâÉfãL devenir/devenait Why did you become so bad-tempered?millionaire L?ãfäà]DåÉ]L millionaire After he moved to America, he became a millionaire.

Unit 6Atraffic lights LDíêôÑfâ=ä~fíëL feux de signalisation Our car came to a stop at the traffic LDäfã]rL limousine The celebrity climbed into the stretch limo.give a lift L?Öfî=]=DäfÑíL déposer qn A kind truck driver gave the hitchhiker a lift.cheeky LDípáWâáL insolent(-e) You did that on purpose, you cheeky little devil!April fool L?Éféê]ä=DÑìWäL poisson d'avril The story in the paper wasn't true, it was just an April Fool's joke.You're winding me up! LàlW=?ï~fåÇfÏ=ãáW=D¾éL Tu parles! I've won the lottery? You're winding me up!just for a laugh L?Çw¾ëí=Ñ]ê=]=Dä^WÑL juste pour faire rire I went along with the hoax just for a laugh.I wish! L?~f=DïfpL je voudrais bien Someone's left me a fortune? I wish!cycle LDë~fâ]äL faire du vélo Do you cycle to work?dark LÇ^WâL obscure The church was dark and quiet.staring LDëíÉ]êfÏL fixer Lisa couldn't stop staring at him.

Unit 6Bcrime Lâê~fãL crime We moved here ten years ago because there was very little crime.mind (n) Lã~fåÇL esprit It is impossible to understand the complex nature of the human mind.alike L]Dä~fâL le/la même The twins were dressed exactly alike.kidnap LDâfÇåôéL enlever Police appealed for witnesses after a woman was kidnapped at gunpoint and assaulted.broke into L?Äê]râ=Dfåí]L cambriolaient The burglars broke into the house.while Lï~fäL pendant I saw her while I was out shopping. kidnapper LDâfÇåôé]L ravisseur(-euse) The hunt for the kidnapper intensified.locked LäflâíL fermé(-e) I'd locked the door and lost my keys!finally LDÑ~få]äJáL finalement After several delays we finally set off at six o'clock.railway station LDêÉfäïÉf=?ëíÉfp]åL gare I'll meet you outside the main railway station.when LïÉåL quand I fell when I was coming down the stairs.entrance LDÉåíê]åëL entrée The main entrance to the school was locked.ticket office LDífâfí=?flÑfëL billetterie There was a long queue outside the ticket office.step (n) LëíÉéL marche I helped her up the steps.platform LDéäôíÑlWãL quai The Edinburgh train will depart from platform six.still LëífäL encore I still haven't finished painting the spare room.arrested L]DêÉëífÇL arrêté(-e) He was arrested for breaking and entering.ring (v) LêfÏL sonner I rang the doorbell but no one LDãflåëí]L monstre The remains of a prehistoric sea monster have been found on a remote Arctic island.comes alive L?â¾ãò=]Dä~fîL s'anime That actor only really comes alive when performing in front of a live audience.fall asleep L?ÑlWä=]DëäáWéL endormir She fell asleep in front of the television.

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owner LD]rå]L propriétaire I met the owner of the local hotel.down LÇ~råL à la base de The house is halfway down the hill.up L¾éL plus loin dans The ice-cream van was parked up the street.past Lé^WëíL et It's ten past nine.along L]DäflÏL dans We were driving along Follyfoot Road.into LDfåí]I=DfåírL à Come into the office.out of LD~rí=]îL de He escaped by jumping out of the window.through LqêìWL par She smiled at him as he walked through the door.across L]DâêflëL à travers They waltzed across the dance floor.over LD]rî]L au-dessus de A lamp hung over the table.corridor LDâflêfÇlWL corridor We had to wait outside in the corridor until our names were called.burglar LDĉWÖä]L cambrioleur(-euse) The police caught the burglar red-handed.

Unit 6Canimated film L?ôåfãÉfífÇ=DÑfäãL animé 101 Dalmatians' is an animated film.comedy LDâflã]ÇáL comédie Donna wanted a career in stand-up comedy.action film LDôâp]å=ÑfäãL film de l'action My husband loves the James Bond action films.musical LDãàìWòfâ]äL comédie musicale Webber had three musicals playing in London at one time.western LDïÉëí]åL western Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid' is my favourite western.horror film LDÜflê]=ÑfäãL film d'épouvante Mum doesn't like horror films.fantasy film LDÑôåí]ëá=ÑfäãL fantaisie My children love the 'Harry Potter' fantasy films. science fiction film L?ë~f]åë=DÑfâp]å=ÑfäãL film de science-fiction Blade Runner has been voted the most popular science fiction film.crime film LDâê~fã=ÑfäãL crimi There was a crime film on at the local cinema.romance Lê]rDãôåëI=Dê]rãôåëL idylle Hemingway's romance with his nurse inspired him to write 'A Farewell to Arms'.thriller LDqêfä]L thriller She was reading a thriller, and couldn't put the book down.spy film LDëé~f=ÑfäãL film d'espionnage The James Bond spy films have been voted some of the most popular in their genre.sold out L?ë]räÇ=D~ríL épuisé(-e) All the tickets for the Cup Final were sold out.instead LfåDëíÉÇL au lieu de You probably picked up my keys instead of yours.astronaut LDôëíê]ålWíL astronaute The astronaut stepped down onto the Moon.Mars Lã^WòL Mars Pictures sent back by the spacecraft showed some enormous volcanoes on Mars.else LÉäëL autre chose There's something else I'd like to talk about as on LÄá=DflåL être sur She's always dreamed on being on TV.pyramid LDéfê]ãfÇL pyramide We're on completely different levels of the management pyramidEgyptian LfDÇwfép]åL égyptien(-ne) The wall was covered with Egyptian hieroglyphics.performance Lé]DÑlWã]åëL réprésentation Stern's performance of the Bruch concerto was magnificent.type Lí~féL genre I've already seen a few movies of this type.pirate LDé~f]ê]íL pirate Computer game pirates cost the industry twenty million pounds a year.pearl Lé‰WäL perle He bought her a lustrous pearl necklace.Jamaica LÇw]DãÉfâ]L la Jamaïque Bob Marley, the king of reggae, was born in Jamaica.treasure LDíêÉw]L trésor The Book of Kells is Trinity College's greatest treasure.fight LÑ~fíL bagarrer He tried desperately to fight off his attackers.multiscreen LDã¾äíáëâêáWåL multiscreen The new multiscreen cinema opens next LDÄrâfÏL réserver Sam was booking a flight to Australia via Malaysia.

Unit 6Dcatch the bus L?âôíp=a]=DľëL prendre le bus Simon ran to catch the bus.loads of LDä]rÇò=]îL tas There are loads of people online who are not what they pretend to be.including LfåDâäìWÇfÏL inclut I can't understand why he's not including Fabregas in the (n) Lëã~fäL sourire 'Oh, I'm fine,' Anna replied with a smile.crawl(ed) LâêlWäI=âêlWäÇL marcher/marchait à quatre pattes The baby crawled across the floor.

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piece of paper L?éáWë=]î=DéÉfé]L pièce de papier She scrawled her name on a piece of paper.turn (n) Lí‰WåL tour Whose turn is it to set the table?disappear(ed) L?Çfë]Déf]I=?Çfë]Déf]ÇL disparaître/disparu The sun had disappeared behind a cloud.arranged L]DêÉfåÇwÇL avait organisé Jenny arranged to meet Tim for away L?ê¾å=]DïÉfL s'enfuir Toby ran away from home at the age of 14.

Unit 7Anoisy LDålfòáL bruyant The kids have been really noisy today.get away LÖÉí=]DïÉfL partir The meeting dragged on, and I didn't get away until seven.noise LålfòL bruit What's that noise?rules LêìWäòL règles In class today, we had to write down the school rules.ranch Lê^WåípL ranch For our holiday last year we went to America and stayed on a ranch.hiking LDÜ~fâfÏL randonnée We're going to do some hiking this summer.imagine LfDãôÇwfåL imaginer Imagine that you have just won a million LëÉfÑL en sécurité Don't go near the edge � it isn't safe.crowded LDâê~rÇfÇL bondé(-e) There were so many people in the crowded room, I couldn't see gallery LD^Wí=?Öôä]êáL galérie They followed the guide round the art gallery.hotel LÜ]rDíÉäL hôtel We'll be staying at the Hotel LDÜflëéfíäL hôpital The man collapsed in the street and was rushed to hospital.library LDä~fÄê]êáL librairie Nick went to the library to renew his LDã^WâfíL marché I usually buy all my vegetables at the LãàìWDòá]ãL musée The school arranged a trip to the Natural History Museum.petrol station LDéÉíê]ä=?ëíÉfp]åL station-service Our local petrol station had run out of fuel.police station Lé]DäáWë=?ëíÉfp]åL gendarmerie The local police station has been closed centre LDpfléfÏ=?ëÉåí]L centre commercial The shopping centre was extremely LDqf]í]L théâtre We went to the theatre to see 'Mamma Mia'.travel agents LDíêôî]ä=?ÉfÇw]åíëL agents de voyage She picked up some holiday brochures from the local travel agents.tourist information centre L?ír]êfëí=fåÑ]DãÉfp]å=?ëÉåí]L office de tourisme The tourist information centre found us some reasonably-priced hall L?í~rå=DÜlWäL hötel de ville The concert was held in the town hall.zoo LòìWL zoo We took the children to Regents Park Lëã^WíL intelligent The smart kids get good grades and go off to college.

Unit 7BEurostar LDàr]ê]rëí^WL Eurostar We travelled to Paris by Eurostar.terminal LDí‰Wãfå]äL terminal During the strike, the airport's passenger terminal was in chaos.Hong Kong L?ÜflÏ=DâflÏL Hong Kong We then flew from Bangkok to Hong Kong.Scotland LDëâflíä]åÇL l'Écosse We drove up the west coast of Scotland and stayed in Gairloch.treating LDíêáWífÏL offrant We decided to treat ourselves to a long weekend in Bruges.lovely LDä¾îäáL sympatique Patricia was a lovely person and was liked by everyone.jealous LDÇwÉä]ëL jaloux(-se) Why are you so jealous of his success?It's my treat! Lfíë=?ã~f=DíêáWíL C'est moi qui paie! No, you can't pay for the meal. It's my treat!I can't wait L~f=?â^Wåí=DïÉfíL Je ne peux pas attendre I can't wait to grow up!Come off it! Lâ¾ã=DflÑ=fíL Quand-même! Come off it! Why don't you just tell me the truth?Remind me. LêfDã~fåÇ=ãáL Rappelle-moi Remind me. How much do I owe you?a bit old for you L]=?Äfí=D]räÇ=Ñ]=?àìWL un peu trop agé Don't you think he's a bit old for you?relation LêfDäÉfp]åL lien All Vicky's relations came to her wedding.van LîôåL camionette The driver of the van crashed into a LDâôê]îôåL caravane He keeps his caravan in storage over the winter.ship LpféL bateau The crew piped the royal guest aboard the ship.helicopter LDÜÉäfâfléí]L hélicoptère We took a helicopter ride over New York.

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ferry LDÑÉêáL ferry They took the ferry from Dover to Calais.moped LDã]réÉÇL cyclomoteur To ride a moped you must have the necessary training.minibus LDãfåáľëL minibus They took the children to a panto in the school minibus.

Unit 7Cdessert LÇfDò‰WíL déssèrt What are we having for dessert?pasta LDéôëí]L pâtes I eat a lot of pasta.side order LDë~fÇ=?lWÇ]L accompagnement Jack asked for a side order of onion LDãÉåàìWL menu Could we have the menu, please?roast Lê]rëíL rôti(-e) This roast chicken smells delicious. fillet LDÑfäfíL filet My fillet of sole still had some bones in it.steak LëíÉfâL steak We had steak and chips for dinner.steak tartare L?ëíÉfâ=í^WDí^WL steak tartare I've never had steak tartare � I don't like the idea of eating raw meat.kebab LâfDÄôÄL kébab The barbecued kebabs were delicious.curry LDâ¾êáL curry Dad likes a spicy curry like Chicken Tikka Massala.soup LëìWéL soupe For starters, we had home-made tomato soup.grilled LÖêfäÇL grillé(-e) Ellie had grilled sausages and tomatoes for lunch.sardine L?ë^WDÇáWåL sardine The commuters were packed like sardines on the evening train.garlic LDÖ^WäfâL ail Add a crushed clove of garlic.prawn LéêlWåL crévette Buy some frozen prawns and I'll make paella tomorrow.baked LÄÉfâíL haricots blancs à la sauce tomate Pete wanted baked beans on toast for tea.salmon LDëôã]åL saumon Sadie had poached salmon, carrots and sweetcorn.spaghetti bolognese Lëé]?ÖÉíá=Äflä]DåÉfòL spaghettis bolognaise Spaghetti bolognese is one of my son's favourite meals.lasagne Lä]Dëôåà]L lasagne Pam ordered a vegetarian lasagne.ravioli L?êôîáD]räáL ravioli He bought a ravioli mould which made it easy to form ravioli parcels. mashed LãôpíL purée The mashed potatoes were lovely and creamy. I asked for more!chips LípféëL pommes frites Tom ordered fish, chips and mushy peas.rice Lê~fëL riz His mum taught me how to make rice pudding. green salad L?ÖêáWå=Dëôä]ÇL salade verte The tossed green salad of mixed green leaves, avocado, peas and mint, was delicious. fruit salad L?ÑêìWí=Dëôä]ÇL salade aux fruits He made fruit salad for pie L?ôé]ä=Dé~fL tarte de pommes Grandad loves Gran's home-made apple pie and custard. cheesecake LDípáWòâÉfâL cheesecake I had a slice of cheesecake after lunch.mineral water LDãfå]ê]ä=?ïlWí]L eau minérale Ann only every drinks mineral water.fruit juice LDÑêìWí=ÇwìWëL jus de fruit The only fruit juice I drink is Purple Grape Juice.decaffeinated LÇáWDâôÑfåÉfífÇL décaféiné(-e) Since I started drinking decaffeinated coffee and tea my headaches have stopped!red meat L?êÉÇ=DãáWíL viande de boeuf Harriet's a vegetarian, and never eats red meat.main course L?ãÉfå=DâlWëL plat principal What are you going to have for your main course?raw LêlWL cru(-e) The zoo keeper threw raw meat to the lions.order LDlWÇ]L ordre Anne ordered another glass of wine.bill LÄfäL addition The bill for the meal came to £64.50.

Unit 7Drainforest LDêÉfå?Ñflê]ëíL forêt pluviale We drove through Daintree rainforest to Cape Tribulation.wild Lï~fäÇL sauvage They watched the wild animals drinking from the pool.Thai Lí~fL thaïlandais(-e) Last night we went to a Thai restaurant.Mexican LDãÉâëfâ]åL mexicain(-e) My brother came back from holiday wearing a Mexican sombrero.fried LÑê~fÇL frit(-e) Myron won't eat fried food, it has to be grilled.greasy spoon /"gri:si 'spu:n/ boui-boui We went to a greasy spoon and had a cup of tea and a sandwich.diner LDÇ~få]L petit restaurant We got served quickly as there weren't many people in the diner.typical LDíféfâ]äL typique It was a typical summer's day � hot and sunny.

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variety Lî]Dê~f]íáL variété The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.counter LDâ~råí]L comptoir He wondered if the girl behind the counter recognised him.regularly LDêÉÖàrä]äáL régulièrement We meet regularly, once a month.burger bar LDĉWÖ]=Ä^WL fast-food There was a long queue at the burger bar.theme LqáWãL thème The bar is having a theme night where everyone has to turn up in sixties clothes.tip LíféL pourboire You don't have to leave a tip � service is already included in the bill.spicy LDëé~fëáL épicé(-e) Jack prefers spicy sauces on his meals.

Unit 8Aloose LäìWëL mal fixé(-e) The money was hidden under a loose floorboard in the hallway.belt LÄÉäíL ceinture He unbuckled his leather belt and took off his trousers.glove LÖä¾îL gant It was cold, so she wore her gloves.pocket LDéflâfíL poche Luke came in with his hands in his pockets.scarf Lëâ^WÑL éscharpe Tom got me a lovely warm scarf for LòféL fermeture éclair / zip The zip on my skirt had broken.baggy LDÄôÖáL ample His trousers were so baggy I thought they were going to fall off.casual LDâôwì]äL décontracté(-e) It's not a formal party, so you can just wear something casual.sleeveless LDëäáWîä]ëL sans manches I prefer sleeveless shirts, even in winter.

smart Lëã^WíL élégant(-e) You're looking very smart � are you going anywhere nice?tight Lí~fíL moulant These trousers are too tight � I must be putting on weight.checked LípÉâíL quadré(-e) Do you want to get a striped shirt or a checked one?flowery LDÑä~r]êáL à fleurs As it was summer, all the girls wore flowery cotton dresses.patterned LDéôí]åÇL à motifs I want a patterned carpet that won't show anything that gets spilled on it.plain LéäÉfåL clair(-e) It was plain that Giles was not going to agree.spotted LDëéflífÇL à pois I got this red and white spotted blouse for the party � what do you think?striped Lëíê~féíL à rayures The team all wore blue and white striped shirts.bright LÄê~fíL vif(-ve) Her eyes were hurting from the bright lights.suit (v) LëìWíI=ëàìWíL convenir à Whatever your reason for borrowing, we have the loan that suits your needs.They don't look right. LaÉf=?Ç]råí=Därâ=ê~fíL ils/elles ne vont pas ensemble I don't like these curtains. They don't look right with this furniture.I'm not sure about L~fã=?åflí=DplWê=]Ä~ríL je n'en suis pas sûr I'm not sure about whether to go or not.No way! L?å]r=DïÉfL Pas du tout! I'm not going outside in these temperatures! No way!It's more my style. Lfíë=?ãlW=ã~f=Dëí~fäL ça c'est plus mon style I prefer this coat � it's more my style than the other one.

Unit 8Bannoying L]DålfJfÏL fâcheux(-euse) She has an annoying habit of interrupting all my sentences before I've finished.bad-tempered L?ÄôÇ=DíÉãé]ÇL avoir mauvais caractère Why are you so bad-tempered today?big headed L?ÄfÖ=DÜÉÇfÇL crâneur(-euse) All the compliments he received made him big-headed and smug.bossy LDÄflëáL autoritaire She hated being in the same room as her loud, bossy sister.clever LDâäÉî]L intelligent(-e) Gates is a clever man who has made a fabulous amount of money.cute LâàìWíL adorable Ben was a very cute little puppy when he was young.easy-going L?áWòá=DÖ]rfÏL facile Her easy-going nature made her popular.friendly LDÑêÉåÇäáL gentil(-le) The assistant gave me a friendly smile and wished me a pleasant evening.funny LDѾåáL amusant(-e) Do you remember any funny stories about work?generous LDÇwÉå]ê]ëL généreux(-se) She's always very generous to the kids.hard-working L?Ü^WÇ=Dï‰WâfÏL laboureux(-se) Teresa was a hard-working teacher who liked all the children in her class.helpful LDÜÉäéÑ]äL utile Thank you for your advice; it's been very helpful.honest LDflå]ëíL honête He was a hard-working, honest man.kind Lâ~fåÇL gentil(-le) They've been very kind to me.lazy LDäÉfòáL paresseux(-se) I remember Fred as the laziest boy in the class.loyal LDälf]äL loyal(-e) The army has remained loyal to the government.

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mean LãáWåL avare That was a mean thing to do.polite Lé]Dä~fíL poli(-e) She's always very polite and charming.quiet LDâï~f]íL silencieux(-se) We'll have to be quiet so as not to wake the baby.rude LêìWÇL impoli(-e) He made a rude remark and stuck out his tongue at me.shy Lp~fL timide He was a quiet, shy man.tidy LDí~fÇáL bien rangé(-e) A tidy desk is the sign of someone with too little work to do.unfriendly L¾åDÑêÉåÇäáL froid(-e) The old man looked annoyed and unfriendly.untidy L¾åDí~fÇáL en désordre An untidy desk is the sign of an untidy mind.ill LfäL malade Bridget can't come � she's ill.choose LípìWòL choisir Where would you choose to live if you could go anywhere?upset (v) L?¾éDëÉíL faire de la peine à He upset her by criticising her cooking.lecturer LDäÉâíp]ê]L professeur She's a brilliant lecturer, and her seminars are always well-attended.mess LãÉëL désordre The dogs have chewed everything to bits! What a mess!stranger LDëíêÉfåÇw]L étranger Children must not talk to strangers.offer LDflÑ]L offrir Can I offer you something to drink?

Unit 8Cattractive L]DíêôâífîL attractive He made the mistake of thinking she was pleasant just because she was an attractive young woman.handsome LDÜôåë]ãL beau/belle Watkins was an extremely handsome young man in his youth.pretty LDéêfíáL joli(-e) He introduced me to his daughter, a pretty little girl with long hair.ordinary-looking LDlWÇ]å]êá=?ärâfÏL simple For a man with such wealth, he was quite ordinary-looking.ugly LD¾ÖäáL laid(-e) Who would you say is the ugliest person you've ever seen?fat LÑôíL gros(-se) Are you suggesting I'm too fat?slim LëäfãL mince A slim young woman walked across the room and spoke to me.thin LqfåL maigre Jackie wore a thin gold chain round her ankle.medium-build L?ãáWÇá]ã=DÄfäÇL de taille moyenne The woman described her attacker as a man of medium build, short, with long hair and glasses.well-built L?ïÉä=DÄfäíL bien bâti(-e) John was a well-built man in his forties.large Lä^WÇwL grand(-e) Los Angeles is the second largest city in the US.sitcom (situation comedy) LDëfíâflãL sitcom She starred in several successful 1980s sitcoms.main LãÉfåL pricipal(-e) The main reason for living in Spain is the weather.character LDâôêfâí]L cartactère He has a cheerful but quiet LDÑôp]åL mode There's a new fashion for so-called 'discovery methods' of learning.colleague LDâfläáWÖL collègue A colleague of mine from the bank resigned yesterday.actress LDôâíê]ëL actrice When you've been an actress for 30 years you know how to hold an audience.plays LéäÉfòL pièces de théâtre I haven't been to see many plays in the last few years.ordinary LDlWÇ]å]êáL normal(-e) It's just an ordinary camera, nothing LâÉ]L être attaché(-e) à The only thing he seems to care about is money.thick LqfâL épais(-se) The entrance to the castle was guarded by a thick oak door.braces LDÄêÉfëfòL appareil Her appearance was not improved by the obvious braces on her teeth.similar LDëfã]ä]L similaire We have similar tastes in LÄfäÇL carrure The policeman described her as a woman of slim Lëí~fäL style It's an attempt to use Japanese management style in a European business.

Unit 8Dpsychologist Lë~fDâflä]ÇwfëíL psychologue He works as a clinical psychologist with the Home Office.relationship LêfDäÉfp]åpféL relations I have quite a good relationship with my first L]í=DщWëíL au début At first I didn't like her, but I've grown fond of her over the LDípôê]íáL charité Several charities sent aid to the flood victims.scientist LDë~f]åífëíL scientifique Scientists have built a huge machine to study the effects of the Big Bang.single LDëfÏÖ]äL célibataire She's 35 and still single, and her mum wants her to get married soon.

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last (v) Lä^WëíL durer The hot weather lasted for the whole month of man LDÑôã]äá=?ãôåL il aime la vie de famille Bob was a good family man who loved spending time with his children.sense of humour L?ëÉåë=]î=DÜàìWã]L sens de l'humour He doesn't have a very well-developed sense of humour.together Lí]DÖÉa]L ensemble We've very much enjoyed working (adj) LÑfíL en forme You must be very fit if you do so much running.ambitious LôãDÄfp]ëL ambitieux(-se) Alfred was intensely ambitious, obsessed with the idea of becoming rich.opposite LDflé]òfíL face à Louise lives in a small cottage opposite the post office.attract(ed) L]DíêôâíL attirer/attirait What attracted you to the idea of working here?successful Lë]âDëÉëÑ]äL réussi(-e) The operation was successful, and he'll make a full recovery.get on well L?ÖÉí=flå=DïÉäL s'entendre Their two dogs get on really well together.leisure LDäÉw]L loisirs Most people now enjoy shorter working hours and more leisure time.

Unit 9Asurfing LDë‰WÑfÏL faire de la planche à voile When we were in Hawaii we went surfing every day.mountain-biking LDã~råí]å=?Ä~fâfÏL faire du VTT Joanna often goes mountain-biking in her free time.whale-watching LDïÉfä=?ïflípfÏL regarder les baleines Julie and her husband went on a whale-watching trip in Alaska.sunbathing LDë¾åÄÉfafÏL bains de soleil We find sunbathing very boring � we'd rather walk around a city and see the LDÜlWë=?ê~fÇfÏL équitation They go horse-riding on the Downs when the weather is fine.canoeing Lâ]DåìWfÏL canoë I found canoeing quite a difficult skill to master.rock-climbing LDêflâ=?âä~fãfÏL faire de l'escalade de roche He practises on the rock-climbing wall three nights a week after work.aloha L]Dä]rÜ^WL aloha Aloha, and welcome to the island of Maui.Hawaii LÜ]Dï^WJáWL Hawaii One of my favourite memories is of our holiday in Hawaii.experience LfâDëéf]êá]åëL expérience You've got a lot of experience of lecturing.Pacific Ocean Lé]?ëfÑfâ=D]rp]åL l'océan Pacifique The Hawaiian islands are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.volcano LîfläDâÉfå]rL volcan Pompeii was destroyed when a volcano erupted in 79AD.dolphin LDÇfläÑfåL dauphin The hotel has a pool where you can swim with dolphins.whale LïÉfäL baleine Whales can often be seen off the coast of Alaska.surfer LDë‰WÑ]L surfeur(-se) A surfer was recently photographed riding the same wave as a great white shark.desert LDÇÉò]íL désert The Sahara Desert is one of the largest in the world.seaside LDëáWë~fÇL côte The popular seaside resort of Brighton was once a favourite of the royal wishes L?ÄÉëí=DïfpfòL meilleurs voeux Best wishes on your retirement from all your friends and colleagues.squid LëâïfÇL calmar One of the most popular local dishes is made using squid.

Unit 9Bcamping LDâôãéfÏL faire du camping Camping is a popular and inexpensive way of taking a holiday.put up L?érí=D¾éL construire They're putting up several new office blocks in the centre of town.pole Lé]räL mât Competitors at the Highland Games try to throw a long piece of wood like a telephone pole.missing LDãfëfÏL manquer How long ago did you start missing things around the house?already LlWäDêÉÇáL déjà The design of the new house is similar to those that have already been built.nightmare LDå~fíãÉ]L cauchemar Years after the accident I still have nightmares about it.horrible LDÜflê]Ä]äL horrible The weather has been really horrible all week.spider LDëé~fÇ]L araignée Lynne hates spiders, and she's really afraid of them.I owe you one. L~f=D]r=àr=?ï¾åL Je te dois Thanks for doing that � I owe you one!Calm down. L?â^Wã=DÇ~råL Du calme! Take a deep breath and calm down, then you can tell me all about it.have a look LÜôî=]=DärâL inspecter Let me see your arm � I'll have a look at your injury.What's up now? L?ïflíë=¾é=Då~rL Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé? What's up now?' 'Charlie's been hitting me!'I've no idea. L~fî=?å]r=~fDÇf]L Aucune idée I've no idea where I've left my wallet.dry (v) LÇê~fL sècher Mrs Brown hung the washing on the line to dry.lottery LDäflí]êáL loterie Did you get a lottery ticket today?surprise Lë]Déê~fòL surprise What a surprise to find you here!

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odd LflÇL bizarre It was an odd thing to say.That's incredible. L?aôíë=fåDâêÉÇ]Ä]äL incroyable That's incredible! You really didn't know you had a brother all these years?That's a pity. L?aôíë=]=DéfíáL C'est dommage The last bus has gone, has it? Oh, that's a pity.That's a shame. L?aôíë=]=DpÉfãL Quel dommage You lost all your money and had to walk home? That's a shame!

Unit 9Cbased LÄÉfëíL basé(-e) The film is based on Scott's real-life experiences.real Lêf]äL réel(-le) There is a real danger that the disease might spread.chance Líp^WåëL possibillité There's always the chance that something will go wrong.audience LDlWÇá]åëL public The audience began clapping and cheering.performer Lé]DÑlWã]L artiste Circus performers these days usually have to do without the help of animals.

Unit 9Dintelligence LfåDíÉäfÇw]åëL intelligence To be good at the game you need a reasonable level of intelligence.leader LDäáWÇ]L leader Police officers met the leaders of the local black community.challenge LDípôä]åÇwL défi The company is ready to meet the challenges of the next few years.find your way L?Ñ~fåÇ=à]=DïÉfL trouver son chemin Once you get lost in the mist it's impossible to find your way.course LâlWëL parcours Steve wandered off the fell-running course and got lost halfway down the a team L]ò=]=DíáWãL comme une équipe We've been more successful since we started playing as a team.compass LDâ¾ãé]ëL boussole Orienteers use a map and compass to help them reach marked points on a route.back LÄôâL retour The climbers gave up the attempt to reach the summit, and went back to base camp.lose/lost LäìWòI=äflëíL perdre/perdu I've lost my keys and I can't get the door open.lift LäfÑíL enlever Sophie lifted the phone before the second ring.hurt L܉WíL faire mal Sorry, did I hurt your foot when I stood on it?keep/kept LâáWéI=âÉéíL tenir/tenaient The authorities kept his passport so that he couldn't leave the country.against the rules L]?ÖÉåëí=a]=DêìWäòI=]?ÖÉfåëíL contre les règles Making personal telephone calls at work is against the rules.confident LDâflåÑfÇ]åíL confident We are confident next year's profits will be higher.decision LÇfDëfw]åL décision Do you ever wonder if you made the right decision?

Unit 10Apublished LDé¾ÄäfpíL publiait Paolini published his first book himself, not through a publisher.hypersonic L?Ü~fé]DëflåfâL hypersonique Hypersonic speed means speeds of more than five times the speed of sound.altitude LDôäífíàìWÇL altitude We're flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet.environment LfåDî~fê]åã]åíL l'environnement Some of these chemicals are very damaging to the environment.engine LDÉåÇwfåL moteur The car's engine won't start.produce Léê]DÇàìWëL produire New drugs are producing remarkable results in the treatment of cancer.gas LÖôëL gaz Large amounts of carbon dioxide gas are emitted from volcanoes.cause LâlWòL causer Heavy traffic is causing delays on the freeway.pollution Lé]DäìWp]åL pollution California's tough anti-pollution laws restrict industrial emissions.planner LDéäôå]L planologue City planners are looking for ways to ease traffic.robot LDê]rÄflíL robot The Japanese pioneered the idea of cars built by robots.housework LDÜ~rëï‰WâL ménage I spent all morning doing the housework.moon LãìWåL lune The Americans landed on the moon in 1969.

Unit 10Battachment L]Díôípã]åíL fichier Be wary of email attachments from people you've never heard of.broadband LDÄêlWÇÄôåÇL transmission à haut débit Broadband communications have made a huge difference to transfer speeds across the LDáWãÉfäL e-mail If you can't contact someone by email, just call them on the phone.file LÑ~fäL dossier I can't open this file because I don't have the right software.Internet (net) LDfåí]åÉíI=åÉíL Internet You can find all kinds of information on the Internet.keyboard LDâáWÄlWÇL clavier I keep an old computer keyboard to plug into my laptop.laptop LDäôéífléL ordinateur portable My new laptop can run Mac OS and Windows at the same time.

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mouse Lã~rëL souris I can't stand using these Apple Mac one-button mice!memory stick LDãÉã]êá=?ëífâL carte de mémoire With a memory stick, you can carry your files with you on your keyring.PC (desktop computer) L?éáW=DëáWL ordinateur People can use their PCs to do their banking from home.printer LDéêfåí]L imprimante How much does a good laser printer cost these days?scanner LDëâôå]L scanner Roger scanned all his old photos and put them onto his computer.screen LëâêáWåL écran I recently bought a computer with an 18-inch colour LDëflÑíïÉ]L logiciel She loaded the new software onto her computer.virus LDî~f]ê]ëL virus Parts of Africa have many children infected with the Aids LDïÉÄë~fíL site Web That website has been very poorly constructed � I can't find anything.attach L]DíôípL joindre Attach a recent photograph to your application form.burn LĉWåL brûler Burn the files onto a CD and send them to me in the post.connect (to) Lâ]DåÉâíL joindre (à) The railway link would connect Felixstowe with Fishguard.crash LâêôpL a grippé My computer crashed when I tried to use too many programs at once.delete LÇfDäáWíL supprimer His name was deleted from the L?Ç~råDä]rÇL télécharger How good are games that can be downloaded free from the Internet?open LD]ré]åL ouvrir Jack opened the window.print LéêfåíL imprimer I need to make a few changes before I print the document.receive LêfDëáWîL recevoir All the children will receive a small LëÉfîL sauver Emergency aid could save millions who are threatened with (for) Lë‰WípL chercher It was too dark to search further.send LëÉåÇL envoyer Lyn sent some pictures from the Lë‰WÑL surfer Fergal loved to surf the huge waves along the Australian coast.

Unit 10Cstained LëíÉfåÇL taché(-e) His shirt was badly stained where he had spilt ink on the front.scratched LëâêôípíL éraflé(-e) The surface of this table is all scratched.flat LÑäôíL à plat My computer's battery was flat, so I had to plug it in to the mains.dirty LDljWíáL sale There's a stack of dirty dishes in the sink.broken LDÄê]râ]åL cassé The CD player's broken again.cracked LâêôâíL s'était fêlu(-e) The mirror was cracked and dirty.torn LílWåL déchiré(-e) By the time the rugby match was over, his shirt was torn in several places.missing LDãfëfÏL manquant We found the missing piece of the jigsaw under the chair.ecard LDáWâ^WÇL e-card We sent Bob an animated ecard for his birthday.skill LëâfäL compétence Reading and writing are two different skills.matter LDãôí]L affaire There are more important matters we need to discuss.send away L?ëÉåÇ=]DïÉfL se faire envoyer I've sent away for a pair of sheepskin gloves.fortnight LDÑlWíå~fíL quinze jours We usually take a fortnight's holiday in France in the summer.charge Líp^WÇwL charger Can I use your charger to charge my phone?repair |(v) LêfDéÉ]L réparer Dave always repairs his own car � he never goes to the garage.

Unit 10Dlinking LDäfÏâfÏL reliant The undersea telephone cable was a huge advance in linking the USA and the UK.because of LÄfDâflò=]îL à cause de I disliked him because of the way he'd treated my sister.even if LDáWî]å=fÑL même Even if I could help you, I wouldn't.include LfåDâäìWÇL inclusif Does the price include postage?project LDéêflÇwÉâíL projet The project aims to provide an analysis of children's emotions.Brazilian LÄê]Dòfäá]åL brézilien Sarah has a German father and a Brazilian mother.stay in touch L?ëíÉf=få=Dí¾ípL rester en contact I hope you'll stay in touch after you go to Australia.latest LDäÉfí]ëíL dernier(-ière) Get all the latest gossip � buy Heat magazine!supporter Lë]DélWí]L partison Cheney was one of Bush's staunchest supporters.

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instant messaging L?fåëí]åí=DãÉëfÇwfÏL messagerie instantanée I've never been able to master the use of instant messaging services.foreign LDÑflê]åL étranger(-ère) Foreign students bring a lot of income to the university.private LDéê~fî]íL privé(-e) Morris has a private jet.

Unit 11ABuckingham Palace L?ľâfÏ]ã=Déôä]ëL Buckingham Palace The Queen lives at Buckingham Palace when she is in London.queue LâàìWL queue There was a long queue at the bus stop this morning.queen LâïáWåL reine Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt, fell in love with Mark Antony the Roman general.tour guide LDír]=Ö~fÇL guide Our tour guide was very knowledgeable about the places we visited.tour Lír]L tour The company offers a 10-day tour of China for only £2000.cost a bomb L?âflëí=]=DÄflãL a coûté une fortune Our holiday in Florida last year cost a bomb!With a bit of luck Lïfa=]=?Äfí=]î=Dä¾âL avec un peu de fortune With a bit of luck we'll get a bus straight away.I hate to say this L~f=?ÜÉfí=í]=DëÉf=afëL je suis désolé(-e) I hate to say this, but I actually agree with him.I can't wait L~f=?â^Wåí=DïÉfíL j'attende que...(+subj) I can't wait to finish work on Friday � we're going on holiday next week!cold Lâ]räÇL rhume I've got a bad cold.cough LâflÑL toux Stuart gave an embarrassed cough.headache LDÜÉÇÉfâL mal de tête I had a really bad headache, and couldn't go to work.sore throat L?ëlW=Dqê]ríL mal à la gorge I've had a sore throat all day, and I think I'm getting a cold.temperature LDíÉãéê]íp]L température The temperature of the water was just right for swimming.earache LDf]êÉfâL mal d'oreille(s) I've got terrible earache and a sore throat.stomachache LDëí¾ã]âJÉfâL mal d'estomac She had a stomachache last night after eating all that ice-cream.toothache LDíìWqJÉfâL mal de dents I've got really bad toothache.flu LÑäìWL grippe Steven's still in bed with flu.pain LéÉfåL douleur The pain in her jaw had come back.painkiller LDéÉfå?âfä]L antidouleur Mitchell died after taking an overdose of painkillers.Poor you! L?élW=DàìWL Pauvre toi! What a terrible experience you've had! Poor you!sympathise LDëfãé]q~fòL sympatiser I sympathise with your situation, as I've had the same experience myself.

Unit 11Bcarer LDâÉ]ê]L aide à domicile We employed a carer to look after Mum when she couldn't look after herself any (v) LêfDélWíL rapporter This is Gavin Williams, reporting from the United Nations in New York.award L]DïlWÇL prix He won the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching.looks after Lärâë=D^WÑí]L s'occupe de Mum looks after the children once a week so that we can have a night out.newspaper round LDåàìWëéÉfé]=?ê~råÇL portent des journaux à domicile We employ three schoolboys who do a newspaper round before they go to school.complains Lâ]ãDéäÉfåòL se plaindre She's been ill for a long time, but she very rarely complains.anyway LDÉåáïÉfL quoi qu'il en soit Catherine wasn't sure the book was the right one, but she bought it the cleaning L?ÇìW=a]=DâäáWåfÏL nettoyer We only ever do the cleaning when we know we've got visitors the cooking L?ÇìW=a]=DârâfÏL faire la cuisine Who does the cooking in your house?do the ironing L?ÇìW=aá=D~f]åfÏL repasser It's a long time since I last did the the shopping L?ÇìW=a]=DpfléfÏL faire des courses Jim does the shopping on a Sunday afternoon at Tesco' the washing L?ÇìW=a]=DïflpfÏL laver I usually do the washing at the weekend when I've run out of clean the washing-up L?ÇìW=a]=?ïflpfÏ=D¾éL faire la vaisselle Jack's very good � he does the washing-up every night after the vacuuming L?ÇìW=a]=DîôâàrãfÏL passer l'aspirateur When was the last time you offered to do the vacuuming?empty the dishwasher L?Éãéíá=a]=DÇfp?ïflp]L vider la lave-vaisselle Marie hates emptying the dishwasher almost as much as she hates filling it!lay the table L?äÉf=a]=DíÉfÄ]äL mettre la table Would you lay the table for dinner, please, Nell?make breakfast/lunch/dinner LãÉfâ=DÄêÉâÑ]ëíI=Dä¾åípI=DÇfå]L préparer le petit-déjeuner/déjeuner/dïner You get the kids out of bed and I'll make the breakfast.make the bed L?ãÉfâ=a]=DÄÉÇL faire le lit He hadn't made the bed, and the place looked untidy and dirty.take the rubbish out L?íÉfâ=a]=Dê¾Äfp=~ríL porter les déchets dehors I forgot to take the rubbish out last night.tidy your room L?í~fÇá=à]=DêìWãL range ta chambre Tidy your room before you go out � it looks like a pigsty!wash the car L?ïflp=a]=Dâ^WL laver la voiture Be careful when you wash the car, and don't scratch the paint.

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head teacher L?ÜÉÇ=DíáWíp]L directeur(-trice) Graham ended his career as head teacher at a primary school in Nottingham.household LDÜ~rëÜ]räÇL ménage A growing number of households have at least one computer.

Unit 11Ctricky LDíêfâáL difficile I can get you tickets for the show, but it'll be tricky.situation L?ëfípìDÉfp]åL situation I explained the situation and told them that their jobs would be safe.neighbour LDåÉfÄ]L voisin(-e) One of the neighbours complained about the noise from the party.babysit LDÄÉfÄáëfíL garder Chris is going to babysit while her son goes out for the evening.handle LDÜôåÇäL poignée Then he turned the handle and went in.switched off L?ëïfípí=DflÑL éteignait Ken, close the door and switch off the light, will you?fire brigade LDÑ~f]=Äêf?ÖÉfÇL sapeurs-pompiers Appliances from three local fire brigades attended the fire at the factory.passport LDé^WëélWíL passeport She was born in New York and has an American passport.airport LDÉ]élWíL aéroport The plane landed at Heathrow Airport.airline LDÉ]ä~fåL compagnie aérienne Travolta is a fully-qualified airline pilot.cancelled LDâôåë]äÇL annullé(-e) The next train to London has been cancelled.octopus LDflâí]é]ëL poulpe The octopus sent out a cloud of dark ink and shot away into the distance.pleased LéäáWòÇL heureux Your dad will be so pleased that you've come to see him!

Unit 11Dfirst aid L?щWëí=DÉfÇL premiers secours Being given first aid at the scene of the accident probably saved his life.treat (v) LíêáWíL traiter The doctor treated my infection with antibiotics.sprain(ed) LëéêÉfåI=ëéêÉfåÇL s'être foulé(-e) His ankle's not broken, it's only sprained.burn (n) LĉWåL brûlure His body was covered in bruises and cigarette burns.nosebleed LDå]ròÄäáWÇL saignement de nez Sally suddenly got a nosebleed for no apparent reason.faint(ed) LÑÉfåíI=DÑÉfåífÇL s'évanouir/s'est évanoui(-e) Several fans fainted in the blazing heat.check out L?ípÉâ=D~ríL s'informer de I made a phone call to check out his address.squeeze LëâïáWòL pincer She smiled as he squeezed her pack LD~fë=éôâL vessie de glace Put an ice pack on your face to make the swelling go down.wrap LêôéL emballage The present was beautifully wrapped in gold paper.paper towel L?éÉfé]=Dí~r]äL serviette en papier I prefer using paper towels to drying my hands in an electric dryer.bleeding LDÄäáWÇfÏL saignement Use pressure to control the bleeding.remove LêfDãìWîL enlever Remove the old wallpaper and fill any holes in the walls.dirt LljWíL saleté You should have seen the dirt on that car!lift (v) LäfÑíL enlever Sophie lifted the phone before the second ring.antiseptic L?ôåífDëÉéífâL antiseptique Germolene is an antiseptic cream that can prevent infection.cut Lâ¾íL coupure I got a cut on my finger from the sharp edge of the sheet of paper.plaster LDéä^Wëí]L plâtre Your leg will need to be put in plaster for a few weeks.bandage LDÄôåÇfÇwL bandage The doctor put a bandage round her injured leg.ground LÖê~råÇL terre The leaves were slowly fluttering to the ground.frozen LDÑê]rò]åL congelé(-e) You can use fresh or frozen fish for this recipe.swelling LDëïÉäfÏL gonflement Harry's got a painful swelling on his neck.loose/loosen LäìWëI=DäìWë]åL détacher David loosened his tie when the room started to get hot.throw/threw Lqê]rI=qêìWL jeter/jetait Who threw this old bicycle into the canal?running water L?ê¾åfÏ=DïlWí]L eau courante I could hear the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.cover (v) LDâ¾î]L couvrir Cover the pot and cook the casserole for an hour.stupid LDëíàìWéfÇL stupide It's one of the most stupid mistakes you could have made!result LêfDò¾äíL résultat Accidents are the inevitable result of driving too fast.

Unit 12arecycle L?êáWDë~fâ]äL recycler We take all our bottles to be recycled.petrol LDéÉíê]äL essence Unleaded petrol is now quite a bit cheaper than diesel.

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throw away L?qê]r=]DïÉfL jeter Don't throw that box away, I'll use it to keep my magazines in.bin LÄfåL poubelle Throw it in the bin, it's rotten.bag LÄôÖL sac The man in the shop put the eggs into a paper bag and handed them to me.bottle LDÄflíäL bouteille She put the note into an empty bottle and threw it into the LÄflâëL boîte The documents will be stored in a strong cardboard box.can (tin) LâôåL boîte The little boys were kicking a Coke can around, as they didn't have a football.carton LDâ^WíåL carton I bought a carton of fruit juice for breakfast.jar LÇw^WL bocal Dad keep his screws in jam jars in the garage.packet LDéôâfíL paquet Can I have a packet of envelopes and some first-class stamps, please?cardboard LDâ^WÇÄlWÇL carton We covered the hole with a sheet of LÖä^WëL verre The winners were presented with a glass bowl to commemorate their achievement.metal LDãÉíäL métal The garden gate is made of metal.paper LDéÉfé]L papier Write it down on a piece of paper.plastic LDéäôëífâL plastique Some children's toys made of plastic have been recalled because they are dangerous.cornflakes LDâlWåÑäÉfâëL cornflakes Do you prefer cornflakes or a cooked breakfast?turn off L?í‰Wå=DflÑL éteindre Don't forget to turn the lights off when you leave.electricity Lf?äÉâDíêfë]íáI=?ÉäfâJL électricité The farm was very isolated, but it had electricity.separate LDëÉé]ê]íL plusieurs Use separate knives for raw and cooked L?êáW=DàìWòL recycler We can re-use all these carrier bags instead of just throwing them away.rather LDê^Wa]L plutôt I was rather surprised to see him with his ex-wife.healthily LDÜÉäq]äáL sainement John is healthily sceptical about the company's claims to be protecting the LDâ¾ãé]åáL entreprise Which company do you work for?

Unit 12Bfrightened LDÑê~fíåÇL effrayé(-e) Don't be frightened. We're not going to hurt danger Lfå=DÇÉfåÇw]L en péril If you don't lose weight you're in danger of becoming very ill.cruel LDâêìW]äL cruel(-le) His death was a cruel blow at such a young age.fact LÑôâíL fait Newspapers have a duty to provide readers with the facts.intelligent LfåDíÉäfÇw]åíL intelligent(-e) Sheila has a group of highly intelligent students this term.rarely LDêÉ]äáL rarement She very rarely complains.attack L]DíôâL attaque She was attacked while walking home late at night.human LDÜàìWã]åL être The centaur is an imaginary creature that was part horse and part human.taste (n) LíÉfëíL goût This medicine has a slightly bitter taste.kill(ed) LâfäL assassiner Why did she kill her husband?fin LÑfåL nageoire Have you ever tasted shark's fin soup?in fact Lfå=DÑôâíL en fait I thought he was lying, but in fact he was telling the truth.action LDôâp]åL action The government must take action now to stop the rise in violent crime.protect Léê]DíÉâíL protéger Are we doing enough to protect the environment?ant LôåíL fourmi There are red ants crawling all over the garden wall.cheetah LDípáWí]L guépard The cheetah is the fastest of the big cats, and can run at up to 120 kph.chimpanzee L?ípfãéôåDòáWI=Jé]åJL chimpanzé Chimpanzees live in large social groups consisting of several families.crocodile LDâêflâ]Ç~fäL crocodile Crocodiles lie with their mouths wide open to cool down in the heat.elephant LDÉä]Ñ]åíL éléphant The sight of a charging elephant is LÑä~fL mouche There were flies buzzing all around us.giraffe LÇwfDê^WÑL girafe The giraffe has to spread its front feet wide apart when it bends down to drink.gorilla LÖ]Dêfä]L gorille One of Attenborough's most famous films was made with gorillas in the wild.hippo (hippopotamus) LDÜfé]rL hippopotame The name hippo comes from two ancient words meaning 'river horse'.leopard LDäÉé]ÇL léopard The leopard is a large member of the cat family, with dark spots on its coat.lion LDä~f]åL lion The firm has captured the lion's share of the UK market.

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monkey LDã¾ÏâáL singe The capuchin monkey has fur that resembles the cloaks of Capuchin monks.mosquito Lã]DëâáWí]rL moustique I always get covered in mosquito bites when we go to tropical countries.rhino (rhinoceros) LDê~få]rI=ê~fDåflë]ê]ëL rhinocéros Almost all species of rhino are endangered.snake LëåÉfâL serpent A snake slithered across our path.shark Lp^WâL requin Are there any man-eating sharks in these waters?tiger LDí~fÖ]L tigre Joe drew a very realistic picture of a tiger after our trip to the zoo.wasp LïflëéL guêpe Linda was stung by a wasp, and had to pull the sting out very carefully.zebra LDòáWÄê]I=DòÉJL zèbre A zebra looks like a small black-and-white striped horse.chimp LípfãéL chimpanzé My brother showed me a photo of a chimp and said it looked like me!eventually LfDîÉåípì]äáI=Jíp]äáL finalement He eventually escaped and made his way back to LëâfåL peau She had thick black hair and smooth dark skin.poisonous LDélfò]å]ëL vénéneux(-se) Some mushrooms are extremely Léê]DíÉâp]åL protection The global drive towards protection of the environment is gathering speed.society Lë]Dë~f]íáL société I belong to a society that promotes the practice of organic gardening.

Unit 12Ccourse LâlWëL circuit The new Formula One course in Singapore is lit by floodlights for night driving.awesome LDlWë]ãL effarant(-e) The President has taken on an awesome responsibility by starting this war.honestly LDflå]ëíäáL honnêtement I honestly don't know how old my parents are.have a go LÜôî=]=DÖ]rL essayer OK, I'll have a go, but I'll warn you, I'm not very good!up for it LD¾é=Ñ]ê=fíL être prêt(-e) We're going to drive to Cheshire tomorrow. Are you up for it?It looks awesome! Lfí=?ärâë=DlWë]ãL Fabuleux! Is that your new care? It looks awesome!Don't be such a wimp! L?Ç]råí=Äá=ë¾íp=]=DïfãéL Ne fait pas le froussard! I'm scared!' 'Oh, don't be such a wimp!'Take care! L?íÉfâ=DâÉ]L Fait attention! I'll see you tomorrow.' 'OK, take care!'

Unit 12Dpassion LDéôp]åL passion His eyes were burning with passion.close (adj) Lâä]rëL proche If you need to buy bread or milk, the closest shop is about a mile (n) Lê¾åL course All the soldiers have to do a five-mile run every morning.raise LêÉfòL lever des fonds He's running the marathon to raise money for cancer research.worldwide L?ï‰WäÇDï~fÇL mondial(-e) We have a worldwide network of LѾåÇL fond The house fell into disrepair until a restoration fund was set LDÑôp]åL mode The fashion industry is finally beginning to employ more models who aren't skinny.shock(ed) LpflâL choc/choqué(-e) The hatred in her voice shocked him.nature LDåÉfíp]L nature We grew up in the countryside, surrounded by the beauties of nature.protect Léê]DíÉâíL protéger She protected her little brother when the big boys tried to frighten him.endangered LfåDÇÉfåÇw]ÇL en voie de disparition These lizards are classed as an endangered species.scout Lëâ~ríL découvreur(-se) de talent Jack works as a scout for a modelling agency, looking for new faces.(model) agency LDãflÇä=?ÉfÇw]åëáL agence (de mannequins) Several internationally-known models work for that agency.modelling (adj) LDãflÇäJfÏL de mannequin Jane has an important modelling assignment this afternoon.fur LщWL pelage Many people won't wear fur coats because they don't want animals to be killed.modelling (n) LDãflÇäJfÏL comme mannequin Have you ever considered a career in modelling?rabbit LDêôÄfíL lapin Lynne keep rabbits as pets in her back Lë]DélWíL soutenir The bill was supported by a large majority in the Senate.snakeskin LDëåÉfâ?ëâfåL peau de serpent My brother's very proud of his expensive snakeskin shoes.

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