
unselfish, selfless


hateful, spiteful, poisonous


agree, concur, accede


sincere, genuine, heartfelt


one who does good


belligerent, aggressive, harsh


courteous and courageous


boldness, audacity


leniency, mercy


rest, sleep


insufficiency, scarcity, paucity


calmness, tranquility


neglectful negligence,


shy, timid, bashful, withdrawn


stinging, biting, caustic, sharp


inconsistency, disagreement


trudge, to walk heavily


begin, launch


free from error, perfect


easily done or attained


unconquerable, invincible


unselfish, selfless


hateful, spiteful, poisonous


sincere, genuine, heartfelt


one who does good


courteous and courageous


belligerent, aggressive, harsh


insufficiency, scarcity, paucity


rest, sleep


superficial, not sincerely felt


boldness, audacity


leniency, mercy


shy, timid, bashful, withdrawn


neglectful negligence,


superficial, not sincerely felt


agree, concur, accede


stinging, biting, caustic, sharp


begin, launch


inconsistency, disagreement


trudge, to walk heavily


calmness, tranquility


free from error, perfect


easily done or attained


unconquerable, invincible


unselfish, selfless


hateful, spiteful, poisonous


agree, concur, accede


sincere, genuine, heartfelt


one who does good


belligerent, aggressive, harsh


courteous and courageous


boldness, audacity


leniency, mercy


rest, sleep


insufficiency, scarcity, paucity


calmness, tranquility


neglectful negligence,


shy, timid, bashful, withdrawn


stinging, biting, caustic, sharp


inconsistency, disagreement


trudge, to walk heavily


begin, launch


free from error, perfect


easily done or attained


unconquerable, invincible


unselfish, selfless


hateful, spiteful, poisonous


sincere, genuine, heartfelt


one who does good


courteous and courageous


belligerent, aggressive, harsh


insufficiency, scarcity, paucity


rest, sleep


superficial, not sincerely felt


boldness, audacity


leniency, mercy


shy, timid, bashful, withdrawn


neglectful negligence,


superficial, not sincerely felt


agree, concur, accede


stinging, biting, caustic, sharp


begin, launch


inconsistency, disagreement


trudge, to walk heavily


calmness, tranquility


free from error, perfect


easily done or attained


unconquerable, invincible

