Page 1: UNRAVELLING THE UNKNOWN - Amazon S3€¦ · signature: thin hair, only the faintest trace of eyebrows and “baby eyelashes,” as Sophie refers to them. Her skin is thin and mottled,

ANNUAL REPORT × 2013-2014


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Unravelling the unknown means… always striving to do more and better × 08The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation × 09CHU Sainte-Justine is × 10Finding more and better ways to meet the needs of patients and families × 1 1Healing more better, thanks to the commitment of en entire community × 12Sing for Sainte-Justine with Céline Dion contest × 14The younger generation in action × 16Our annual fundraisers × 18Uniting for today and tomorrow × 19A year of exceptional commitment × 20 Statement of operations × 21Thank you to our donors × 22









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This multitalented teen has been living with the effects of a rare disorder ever since she was born. Although her condition doesn’t have a name, it has a very distinctive signature: thin hair, only the faintest trace of eyebrows and “baby eyelashes,” as Sophie refers to them. Her skin is thin and mottled, and she’s prone to regular bouts of eczema. Her hands and feet often turn purple, especially when it’s cold. The accompanying pain is searing. Sophie’s gums and nose bleed frequently, sometimes for 40 minutes or longer. She gets debilitating migraines that can keep her flat on her back for days on end, with only Tylenol for relief. Anything stronger would interfere with her complex drug regimen, which she needs to keep her pressure, blood, heart and kidney function under control. “Something always hurts, but I usually don’t let it get to me. I’m in a good mood most of the time, even when I’m in pain.”

There are only a handful of people in the entire world who share these symptoms. At age 10, Sophie wrote and presented a letter to her classmates in an attempt to explain her disease and answer their questions once and for all. Probably because the greatest source of pain for her in all of this has actually been the lack of answers. Why don’t


you have eyebrows? I don’t know. Where are your eyelashes? I don’t know. Why are your hands blue? I don’t know. Why didn’t you finish the race? I’m too tired. Why are you too tired? I don’t know.

In the letter, she refers to the disease as the “Unknown.” Ironically, however, the Unknown never goes unnoticed. It makes its presence known quite emphatically. It speaks. It screams. It’s sneaky. It’s pushy. It’s a puzzle – even to itself. It’s a nuisance. It makes other people uncomfortable. It’s mean – and sometimes it’s just plain cruel.

Sophie’s letter is an ode to the art of respecting differences. There’s not a single complaint in there – just an honest attempt to shed light on her symptoms. She wants acceptance, nothing more. It’s almost like she’ll put up with all the rest of it if she can only have that. Most of all, she yearns “for people to look at me like I’m a normal person.” The underlying message is: “Because I’m in pain. I’ve been fighting since the day I was born, backed by the people I love, who never grumble, not for a minute, about an illness that doesn’t even have the guts to tell us its name. I’ve been fighting all this time for a normal life.” You have to admit, that’s really not a lot to ask.

Sophie radiates a beauty that is entirely her own. Atop her fragile body is a mind that would put a Zen master to shame. She has a refined, almost feline, strength about her. She is bright, funny and extremely articulate. She is an inspiration. You can’t help but admire her. If anyone can tame the Unknown, she can.


“She was 18 months old at the time. She fell into a coma after an episode that doctors are unable to explain to this day. The incident sparked years of subsequent tests and research. She’s had other episodes since then, each one different, each one unique… but still no answers…

“Challenges are part of our everyday life. Every time we head to ‘Camp Sainte-Justine,’ we don’t know if it’ll be for three days or three weeks. Somehow we make do. We just have to get through it, whatever it takes.”

Sophie and her family are extremely close and tend to see the good in the worst situations. They philosophize about her disease. They take it in stride. They turn struggles to be endured into challenges to be overcome. They get a kick out of teasing one another. Their laughter is genuine and warm. Clearly, happiness is no stranger to this family.

Sophie is surrounded, and grounded, by the people who love her. The four of them – Sophie, Philippe, Cristina and Nicolas – are the Undaunted. They are determined to win the battle against the Unknown.

Together, they are a bastion of courage.


“If she has an episode, you have to call us first, then 9-1-1. We have to give specific instructions to the first responders BEFORE they do anything.”

Her parents explain the telltale symptoms: partial paralysis, slurred speech, loss of vision, unresponsiveness, an inability to communicate, acute pain and excessive bleeding. Are these actually caused by the migraines (in which case, her only relief is Tylenol) or is there yet “another danger” lurking that requires emergency treatment with a drug that might not suit her, i.e., put her out of commission for a few months or even prove fatal?

Some people refuse to follow these instructions, even after they received a detailed explanation. Dealing with the doubts, fears and misconceptions of school staff, and sometimes other doctors or nurses, is one of the obstacles the Undaunted must face on a daily basis.

Sophie is extremely demanding on herself, even though everything she does takes three times the effort. “As parents, it’s tough. Sometimes we have to tell her to slow down, and sometimes we have to tell her to stop altogether.”


“I see my sister as being completely normal, even though she is a little different in some ways. That doesn’t change anything. I know exactly how she feels. I’ve been bullied since I was in kindergarten. Some kids will say just about anything. One kid even told everyone she turns into a bat. Come onnnnnn! That really gets me mad. It doesn’t matter what makes you different – we’re all the same inside.” Nico is 10.

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Sophie’s disease affects her small and large blood vessels. Imagine a busy road system, complete with expressways, streets, stops and traffic lights. Everything in the system is in synch. Motorists and pedestrians obey the rules of the road. It all runs smoothly. In Sophie’s case, the underlying architecture is flawed. And this faulty circulation explains why her fingers, toes and palms are dark red, bordering on blue.

Before a course of treatment could be determined, however, she needed a diagnosis. Dr. Gregor Andelfinger, Pediatric Cardiologist and Assistant Research Professor, looked high and low. But the problem with rare diseases is that every patient is, by definition, unique. There are no other cases to refer to and emulate.

Molecular genetics was the next step in the search for Sophie’s Unknown. They sequenced her entire genome, with a focus on her cardiovascular system. Her genetic book was read from cover to cover – hers, her parents’ and her brother’s – in an attempt to detect even the slightest difference between them.

“Say you were writing out a copy of Harry Potter by hand. You couldn’t help but make at least a few small mistakes. Most of the time, small genetic mistakes don’t amount to much. But with Sophie, something slipped between the pages and changed the whole story.”


By the time this article was written, a full decade of research had already come and gone. Three billion little letters from her genetic book had been pored over and scrutinized. And then, one day, three of them finally jumped out. That was the Eureka moment – a true medical breakthrough. The sly culprit had been unmasked. Its name: HLT. Hypotrichosis (scarcity of scalp hair and eyebrows) – Lymphedema (lymphatic obstruction) – Telangiectasia (dilated vessels near the surface of the skin). To put it in simple terms, Sophie’s blood vessels don’t seem to know what job they’re supposed to be doing.

It turns out a genetic mutation at conception is to blame. Sophie was unlucky. But at least now she knows the answer, and all thanks to a new technology. Her future is wide open.

It’s a game-changing discovery. “Yes… it’s a major breakthrough. But we have to be humble about it. We’ll start by getting a better idea of what’s involved. In the world of research, lots of “re” words are tossed around: redo, review, reassess, etc. It takes dedicated people who are driven to analyze complex questions.

I believe in my heart that the future of our children, our families and our society as a whole is contingent on research. Our priorities have to be in the right place. It’s very rewarding to know that we can actually make a difference in people’s lives.”

“I have the best job in the world.”

A BRIGHTER TOMORROW“I never thought they’d end up finding my Unknown. It’s like I had been crushed down by a heavy weight all my life.

I’m not as scared as I used to be.

I can push that fear away just over my head now. And keep it up there. When I let it go, it’ll stay there.

With every new answer, it’ll keep drifting higher and higher… until I eventually can’t feel it anymore.”

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The challenge we set for ourselves a little over a year ago is an ambitious one. Never in the history of the Foundation had we allowed ourselves to dream this big, on behalf of the mothers-to-be and children of Sainte-Justine. Today, thanks to you, we know we did the right thing!

In recent months, the sweeping wave of generosity from the community, of which each of you is an integral part, has left us speechless.

The boundless energy of our young supporters, for one, has been awe-inspiring. When the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Quebec Chapter picked the 1km Youth Challenge of Private Schools for Sainte-Justine for its Jury’s Favourite Award, it was a wonderful testament to the spirit of giving back that is alive and thriving in the next generation. In the next five years, they have pledged to raise no less than $5 million for the Foundation.

This spirit is also burning bright within the Young Leaders Circle. These up-and-coming business professionals raised the bar even higher this year, by embracing the ambitious fundraising target of $8 million for neonatal care by the end of the campaign. What an honour it is to watch you in action!

And what can we say about the youngest representatives of our campaign cabinet, whose commitment is as impressive as it is galvanizing. With nearly $2 million confirmed in the first year alone – twice as much as their initial goal – they are fundamentally redefining philanthropy among the 30-to-45-year-old population in Quebec.

This is an ongoing challenge that every team in the campaign cabinet and every member of our Board of Directors has taken on wholeheartedly. And we are extremely grateful that they have!

Similarly, we applaud the exceptional level of engagement shown by many prominent families and companies from across the province. In so doing, they have

become the standard-bearers for the philanthropy community and shown to what extent they share Sainte-Justine’s core vision of building a better, brighter and healthier future for the children of Quebec.

Obviously, we could not have enjoyed the success we did this year without the tremendous generosity of individuals throughout the province. People of every age and background banded together in a massive show of support that resonated loud and clear. The incredible response to the Sing for Sainte-Justine with Céline Dion contest is just one example of this. More than 15,000 donors from Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick and 174 choirs joined in harmony to do their part for Sainte-Justine. Thank you all for believing in us.

No matter who you are or where you’re from, your words, your actions and your passion move us, motivate us and give us hope. They are the encouragement we need to move forward with several large-scale projects that will address priority needs at Sainte-Justine and raise its profile on the provincial, national and international stage.

With you by our side, we can unravel the unknown – for Sophie and her family, and for all the other children at Sainte-Justine whose health, and very future, depend on the breakthroughs made today and tomorrow.

They remind us that there is still so much to accomplish. Their cri de cœur is crystal clear. Fortunately, because of you and the experts at Sainte-Justine who are our best ambassadors, we can see a better tomorrow on the horizon for everyone.

Thank you for being there – without you, none of this would be remotely fathomable. You impel us to keep forging ahead, on behalf of for our mothers-to-be and our children. And we hope that we ignite the same spark in you.

Your loyalty and your kindness mean the world to us. CHU0908



ANIÈLE LECOQPresident and Executive Director CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

HON. MICHAEL M. FORTIER, PCChair of the Board of Directors

CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation


We are committed to safeguarding the privacy and honouring the intentions of our donors as well as meeting the ongoing needs and priorities of CHU Sainte-Justine.

We are dedicated to protecting our donors’ interests and ensuring a maximum of transparency in order to maintain their trust and work with them, year after year, to build a healthier Quebec.


To engage the community and support CHU Sainte-Justine in its pursuit of excellence and its commitment to providing the children and mothers of today and tomorrow with one of the highest levels of healthcare in the world.


Love of children, family, generosity, excellence, leadership, ethics.

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The leading mother-child centre in Canada and one of the four largest pediatric hospitals in North America

More than 5,600 employees, including 528 physicians, dentists and pharmacists; more than 1,500 registered nurses and LPNs; 1,578 healthcare professionals; and 292 lab technicians

Canada’s second largest pediatric research centre, with more than 200 researchers on staff

More than 3,600 students and interns

316 volunteers

A WHO-accredited Health Promoting Hospital, complete with a Department of Health Promotion, since 2007

19,325 hospital admissions during the year

66,176 visits to the emergency room

213,864 visits to outpatient clinics

More than 3,800 births, nearly 60% of which are high-risk pregnancies

484 beds, including those at the Marie-Enfant Rehabilitation Centre











5 children out of 10 are referred to Sainte-Justine when they require specialized care;

48.5% comes from Montreal;

26.5% comes from Laval/Montérégie;

18.1% comes from Laurentides/Lanaudière;

6.9% comes from other regions, provinces and countries.

CHU Sainte-Justine was founded more than 100 years ago out of Justine Lacoste-Beaubien’s desire to provide the children of Quebec with the best possible healthcare.CHUThe past year saw teams from CHU Sainte-Justine contribute to the Foundation’s

efforts by taking part in a serious contemplation exercise, a massive mobilization of resources and a transformation of our vision and our practices, the goal of which was to find more and better ways to meet the needs of our patients and their families and fulfill our mission with increased effectiveness.

We began by rethinking the care and services we provide and adopting a stronger patient focus. We then restructured our resources so that the same response team can address all of a patient’s needs. An example of this continuum of care can be found in the new Centre for Assisted Reproduction, which utilizes a comprehensive, integrated approach that covers conception, pregnancy and childbirth. The centre has been recognized by the Quebec government as the designated provincial facility for a personalized approach to preimplantation diagnosis.

This approach is also reflected in the new outpatient facility, which will eventually house all outpatient clinics and day centres and offer highly specialized services in a collaborative environment to children and their families, both on site and remotely via telemedicine.

In order to make the state-of-the-art expertise at Sainte-Justine even more accessible to healthcare professionals across Quebec, we have stepped up our network-oriented efforts and established a remote consultation service for pediatric emergencies. This is the first program of its kind in Quebec and aims to provide long-distance access to pediatric specialists via a teleconsultation system. ER doctors and staff outside of Montreal can use it to receive real-time support from our experts, who can guide them in caring for and stabilizing patients prior to transfer.

In an effort to be faster and more effective in addressing the needs of patients, we actively sought out fresh new ideas through our very first – and very successful – Hacking Health event, which brought together healthcare professionals, patients, families, programmers, designers and investors. Participants pooled their respective skills in an attempt to come up with original apps with the power to improve healthcare delivery and public services.

Simulation-based training, the development of a new rehabilitation technology facility and the creation of digital communication tools for parents of young children are other innovative areas where teaching, rehabilitation and health promotion teams have endeavoured to meet and exceed expectations.

We have striven to accelerate the pace of discovery and streamline the bench-to-bedside process, especially in the fields of cancer, mental health and cardiovascular care. Recent advances include individualized pre-transplant chemotherapy for children with rare autoimmune disorders and which has dramatically increased survival rates. Moreover, the use of meditation to alleviate mental distress among children and teens living with cancer and the discovery of a gene that may hold the secret to diabetes prevention are among other advances. There is also the launch of the first Integrated Clinical Genomic Centre in Pediatrics that will address the diagnostic challenges associated with genetic diseases, promote early prevention and develop targeted treatments based on young patients’ individual genetic profiles.

All of these steps forward will enable Sainte-Justine to be even more responsive to the needs of patients and their families and even more successful in fulfilling its mission and enhancing its reputation for excellence.

None of this would have been possible without the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation and its extraordinary support for our mother-child university hospital centre, of which the far-reaching Healing More Better campaign plays an instrumental part.

We are tremendously grateful to the Foundation’s donors and to its dedicated team for their invaluable support.

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FABRICE BRUNETChief Executive Officer

CHU Sainte-Justine

GENEVIÈVE FORTIERChair of the Board of Directors CHU Sainte-Justine

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Last year, the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation made a heartfelt appeal to people across Quebec

to support the biggest fundraising initiative in its history. Businesses, families and individuals

alike have since responded in droves to the Healing More Better campaign. Thanks to their

support – your support – Sainte-Justine can already begin to build a healthier tomorrow for our

children, through a number of priority initiatives that are slated to be rolled out in the near

future. Thanks to each and every one of you!



The Foundation is fortunate to have among its ranks a group as dedicated as the Young Leaders Circle. Between now and 2018, they have pledged to raise another $8 million to support neonatology at Sainte-Justine by helping to fund the Centre of Excellence in Neonatal Intensive Care.

Sainte-Justine is Quebec’s foremost authority on high-risk pregnancies and perinatal medicine and is an internationally recognized leader in neonatal care. Its unique position and critical mass of patients make it the ideal backdrop for fostering innovation.

Establishing a centre of this nature will help step up the pace of clinical and laboratory research, implement new, personalized treatment approaches and provide a continuum of care for each child, covering the gamut from prematurity to adulthood. These advances will make it possible to deliver faster and more accurate evaluations concerning the impacts of treatments on newborn development and devise alternatives that are less invasive and truly effective over the long term.

By taking action here at the very cradle of life, the Young Leaders Circle will be helping to build a better, brighter and healthier future for every child. Thank you!


“We are determined to raise the bar in terms of philanthropic contributions. We are proud to be associated with the medical excellence that Sainte-Justine is known and admired for and that gives Quebec families access to one of the best standards of care in the world.”

François RivardChair | Young Leaders Circle

“By investing in the next generation of healthcare professionals at Sainte-Justine, the Desjardins Group is helping to advance the frontiers of science for the benefit of generations to come.”

Monique F. LerouxPresident and Chief Executive Officer | Desjardins Group



Recruiting the best talent and giving them everything they need to grow and flourish is a key priority for a university hospital of Sainte-Justine’s calibre.

This year, the Foundation was fortunate to receive the generous support of the Desjardins Group, who pledged $2.5 million for the Medical Leadership Training Fund to offer fellowships to top post-residency clinical pediatricians. We are extremely grateful to the Desjardins Group for this forward-looking investment.

In addition, TD Bank Group has chosen to foster excellence in nursing at Sainte-Justine with a $500,000 contribution to provide one-of-a-kind professional development to empower nurses to fulfill their roles.

As a provincial and international leader in the field of pediatrics and obstetrics, teaching and professional development are central to Sainte-Justine’s mission. Every year, the hospital welcomes 3,500 students. In fact, most of the pediatricians active in Quebec today received their training at Sainte-Justine.

By supporting opportunities for clinical pediatricians, nurses and other healthcare professionals, the Next Generation Fund is ensuring that the children of today and tomorrow have access to the highest-quality healthcare. This in turn will contribute to achieving the Fund’s long-term vision of a healthier future for the community as a whole.

“At TD, we care about building a better future for every child at Sainte-Justine. By supporting research and professional development opportunities for nurses, we will continue to help thousands of children ‘heal more better.’”

Christine MarchildonSenior Vice-President, Branch Banking Chair, Quebec Market | TD Bank Group

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In an effort to drive the cure rate for leukemia all the way up to 100%, generate better outcomes for all types of cancer and put an end to the lingering side effects of treatment that afflict 70% of cancer survivors, the Fondation Néz pour vivre, the Fondation des Gouverneurs de l’Espoir, Leucan, the Larry and Cookie Rossy Family Foundation, Industrial Alliance and CIBC have generously joined forces.

This major support is the impetus behind the Centre of Excellence in Novel Cancer Therapies, to which each of our precious donors is contributing in a unique way.

The Fondation Néz pour vivre and the Fondation des Gouverneurs de l’Espoir have committed $3 million to help set up the first clinic dedicated to providing young cancer survivors with long-term follow-up care and to invest in research for new highly targeted cancer therapies.

Leucan is keeping up its proud tradition of giving to the Foundation with a $3-million contribution in support of clinical research in pediatric oncology.

CIBC’s $1-million donation will be a strong source of support for research into alternative therapies for young cancer patients.

The Larry and Cookie Rossy Family Foundation, together with Industrial Alliance, have earmarked $1 million and $500,000 respectively to improve psycho-social support services available to families living with cancer and to implement personalized and more effective assistance programs.

By focusing research efforts in such a concentrated fashion, physicians and researchers can develop more effective treatments adapted to the needs of each child, thereby increasing their chances of living a cancer-free life and reducing the incidence of treatment-associated adverse effects.

Thank you to our donors for making this dream a reality and enabling Sainte-Justine to remain at the forefront of pediatric oncology in North America.

“CIBC is proud to be associated with the excellence that is Sainte-Justine’s hallmark and to do our part to launch a research project that will be the source of tremendous hope for children across Quebec.”

Jean RaymondVice-Chairman and Managing Director | CIBC World Markets Inc.

“The children of today are the adults of tomorrow. Winning the battle against cancer is often only the first step in a long process. It is extremely important for us to ensure that their future is as healthy as possible. We have to keep up our efforts and stay by their side, even after they are cancer-free.”

Francine Laplante Founder | Fondation Néz pour vivre / Fondation des Gouverneurs de l’Espoir

“Leucan has been a faithful partner of Sainte-Justine’s pediatric oncology clinical research team for many years now. We are proud to lend our support to hundreds of their young patients to help them get better and get back to the business of being a kid.”

Sandro Di CoriExecutive Director | Leucan

“The goal of our gift to Sainte-Justine is to ensure that children who are facing cancer receive the highest quality care available and to provide them and their families with the physical and emotional support needed to ultimately enjoy long healthy lives.”

Larry and Cookie RossyLarry and Cookie Rossy Family Foundation

“Industrial Alliance wishes to give children living with cancer and their families the help to overcome the ordeal and live a positive and healthy life as possible.”

Jacques Parent Senior Vice-President, Group Insurance | Industrial Alliance


This year, National Bank has confirmed its status as a key partner of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation, with a $2.5-million pledge in support of the Research Chair in Cardiovascular Genetics.

Congenital heart defects remain one of the leading causes of death from non-infectious diseases among children, although the origins are still largely unknown. And, even today, too many children who are successfully treated for this condition are forced to endure adverse consequences for the rest of their lives.

As a global leader in cardiovascular genetics, Sainte-Justine is convinced that a better understanding of the genetic causes of cardiac malformation will help usher in new breakthroughs in this field. It is therefore crucial to start plotting a course to navigate these as-yet uncharted research waters.

By expanding our research efforts, we will also be delivering an increasingly better quality of care, cementing Sainte-Justine’s leadership in the field of cardiovascular genetics and improving prevention and health outcomes for each and every one of our children. And all this is made possible by National Bank. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!

“For National Bank, the health of our future generations is something we care deeply about. Our support will be used to improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment for children with cardiovascular conditions.”

Louis VachonPresident and Chief Executive Officer | National Bank



“We are very proud to make this significant contribution. We are confident this innovative program will help the fight agains the epidemic of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease among young people.”

Isabelle HudonPresident | Sun Life Financial, Quebec

“By contributing to the deployment of the CIRCUIT program within the centre of excellence, IGA and the Sobey Foundation will be taking action in the heart of the community and educating families about the importance of eating right for better health.”

Marc PoulinPresident and Chief Executive Officer | Sobeys Inc


Heart disease currently afflicts more than 30% of children in Quebec. This proportion has shot up in the past three decades, with overweight and obesity statistics almost tripling. This generation of children is the first whose life expectancy is shorter than their parents’.

Realizing the urgency of reversing this trend, Sun Life Financial and Sobeys have chosen to contribute to a new Centre of Excellence in Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, with a $1-million and $500,000 gift, respectively.

The drive to establish this centre of excellence emerged as a natural extension of the highly successful CIRCUIT program, introduced in 2010 by Sainte-Justine clinicians and researchers looking to provide children at risk of heart disease with tools to get them to move more in their everyday life.

This centre of excellence will expand the range of services available to this high-risk population. It will provide experts with opportunities to broaden their knowledge and let healthcare professionals across Quebec tap into this expertise, so that all families in the province can benefit within the next few years.

Thank you to Sun Life Financial and Sobeys who, together, have done their part to promote health and wellness in Quebec.

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Thank you to Claudine and Stephen Bronfman for their remarkable $1 million donation and their commitment to giving children with motor and language impairments the chance at a better future.

Their support, which will soon be echoed by other prominent philanthropists, will help get Sainte-Justine’s rehabilitation technology facility project off the ground. It will bring research, teaching and clinical professionals together under the same roof and as such, empower Sainte-Justine’ capacity to find solutions and help patients recover from or cope with disability.

In this world-class facility, experts will pool their knowledge in mechanical engineering, kinanthropology, orthopedics, physiotherapy, ergonomics, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology, language development, audiology, pediatrics, genetics and neuroscience so that more children can have access to advanced treatments, develop their independence and reintegrate into the community faster and more effectively.

Our thanks to Claudine and Stephen Bronfman!

“We are proud to know that our donation will help Sainte-Justine continue to be a leader in rehabilitation medicine. More research, more adapted treatments, more state-of-the-art technology for children with a disability – this is our commitment.”

Claudine and Stephen Bronfman



In November, Opération Enfant Soleil made a game-changing contribution to the Healing More Better campaign. A long-term partner of the Foundation, Opération Enfant Soleil was proud to announce an exceptional $10-million gift to Sainte-Justine to establish an integrated mother-child centre for outpatient care and services. This is the largest single donation made to the campaign to date.

The aim of the project is to create a large-scale outpatient centre and a hub for state-of-the-art treatment and expertise related to complex cases. It will eventually house all of Sainte-Justine’s outpatient clinics and day centres, offering highly specialized services on site at the centre and remotely via telemedicine.

This initiative will improve the overall quality of healthcare provided and facilitate access to high-calibre information and expertise in the pediatric and obstetric fields. Among the anticipated outcomes are an overall decrease in the length and number of hospital stays, a higher number of interventions per visit for the patient, increased family participation in establishing a patient care plan, better family support and high rates of user satisfaction.

Opération Enfant Soleil has been a cherished partner of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation since 1988 and has contributed more than $50 million to bring numerous large-scale, cutting-edge initiatives to the fore and advance pediatric medicine at Sainte-Justine.

Thank you to Opération Enfant Soleil from everyone at Sainte-Justine and the Foundation!

“Opération Enfant Soleil is dedicated to making sure children get access to the best standard of care and improving the quality of life of young patients admitted to the hospital. We are very proud to make this happen by contributing to the integrated mother-child centre for outpatient care and services.”

Ginette CharestChief Executive Officer | Opération Enfant Soleil

“We are extremely proud to be shaping the philanthropic leaders of tomorrow and to see first-hand the achievements made by these caring young people, who believe in their power to change things for the better.”

Pierre CarleSteering Committee Chair 1km Youth Challenge of Private Schools for Sainte-Justine


A huge thank you goes out to all participating private schools in Greater Montreal! Through their outstanding commitment to the 1km Youth Challenge of Private Schools for Sainte-Justine, they have pledged $5 million in the coming five years to support the development of a new Centre of Excellence in Trauma Care.

As the province’s main centre for trauma medicine, Sainte-Justine is responsible for managing the most critical cases. Every year, the ER sees 10,000 young trauma patients come through its doors, nearly 600 of whom are subsequently admitted to the hospital.

The Centre of Excellence in Trauma Care will help develop more personalized courses of treatment adapted to the needs of each child. In addition to delivering state-of-the-art care, the Centre’s experts will save more lives and reduce the risk of long-term effects, using innovative decision-making tools and cutting-edge equipment, both on site at Sainte-Justine and via telemedicine.

The Foundation gratefully acknowledges the compassion, vitality and vigour of the 1km Youth Challenge participants!


Émilie, 6 years old

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565,000 visitors to

650,000+views of the contest videos



Palm + Havas



RBC Royal Bank

Citoyen Optimum/Cossette

ANNUAL REPORT × 13-14 14


A wave of love and hope swept over the community in March, April and May, when 174 choirs and nearly 5,000 singers from across Quebec, Ontario and New Brunswick made their voices heard as part of the Sing for Sainte-Justine with Céline Dion contest.

Schools, families, vocal ensembles, businesses and friends of all ages showed their support for the cause and competed for the chance to sing with Céline Dion at a private event to be held in July 2014.

Each and every one of the uploaded videos was tremendously moving and resonated deeply with the public. Viewers were then encouraged to vote for their favourite interpretation of a Céline Dion’s song, with each ballot cast representing a $5 donation to the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation. In the final tally, the initiative raised a whopping $827,065.


Your talent, your caring and your commitment came together to make this campaign a resounding success. Your exceptional contributions will go to supporting research and healthcare excellence at Sainte-Justine and to building a better, brighter and healthier future for all children. On their behalf, we wish to thank everyone who took part.


The Externat Mont-Jésus-Marie from Montreal elementary school choir earned top honours with more than 18,000 votes. The 66-member ensemble sang on behalf of Léa, the daughter of one of the staff members who is currently in remission from leukemia. Their performance won over people’s hearts and pocketbooks, bringing in over $90,000 – more than any other participating group.

As for the “Judges’ Favourite” award, it was presented to Les Petits Chanteurs de Laval. Head judge Gregory Charles, Claude “Mégo” Lemay and Natalie Choquette were unequivocal in their praise of the group’s vocal performance and stage presence.

The top 25 choirs in terms of votes each received a $1,000 prize, courtesy of evenko.

The choir of Externat Mont-Jésus-Marie from Montreal, one of the two top-ranking choirs of the contest.


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YOUNG LEADERS CIRCLE Securing a Healthy Future for Every NewbornSince 1999, our Young Leaders Circle has organized five major annual fundraisers to support Sainte-Justine’s key initiatives. In collaboration with some 200 partners, this group of more than 150 young professionals has raised in excess of $6 million for the Foundation through events such as Lighting the Way, the Winter Triathlon, the Mont-Royal Ball, the Mont-Royal Gala and the Urban Duathlon.

This incredible support has helped fund many of Sainte-Justine’s priority needs and, more recently, develop its excellence in neonatal services, for which the Young Leaders Circle has pledged to raise no less than $8 million.

Given the extraordinary results that have once again been achieved this year – a grand total of $1.5 million – they are sure to reach their ambitious objective. Thank you to all the members of our Young Leaders Circle, on behalf of the mothers-to-be and children of Sainte-Justine.


THE NEXT GENERATION OF PHILANTHROPISTS OF THE HEALING MORE BETTER CAMPAIGN CABINET Unparalleled DedicationThe next generation of business professionals is completely redefining philanthropy in Quebec.

We see constant proof of this in the work done by the younger members of the Foundation’s campaign cabinet, namely Chris Arsenault, Thane Calder, Charles Émond, Charles Guay, Pierre Larochelle, Annie Lemieux, Michel Nadeau and David Savard, Michelle Setlakwe, along with France-Élaine Duranceau and François-Charles Sirois, chairs of this dynamic group.

They had set themselves the initial target of raising $1 million for the Healing More Better campaign by encouraging their peers to make personal donations of $10,000 or more over a five-year period. The challenge was a sizeable one.

But merely one year later, they have handily met that goal twice over! To date, they have brought in nearly $2 million, through their outstanding determination and personal involvement. This bodes very well for the future of the campaign.

“Sainte-Justine is a great organization and one of the world’s top leaders in mother-child care. Our mission is to support them and keep them at the forefront. I am very proud of how our team of young professionals has rallied to the cause!”François-Charles SiroisCo-Chair, The Next Generation of Philanthropists of the Healing More Better campaign cabinet



1KM YOUTH CHALLENGE OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS FOR SAINTE-JUSTINEKids For Kids Since 2008, private school students from across the Montreal area have been taking to the streets every year to walk or run one, two, three or more kilometres to benefit the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation. Over time, more than 50 schools and 51,000 students have joined forces, dedicating their energy and enthusiasm to this cause.

This remarkable chain of hope has so far raised $2.9 million for Sainte-Justine and received support from over 350,000 people across the province. And that’s only the beginning! The reaction has been extremely positive, with the initiative picking up this year’s Jury’s Favourite Award from the Association of Fundraising Professionals – Quebec Chapter.

Congratulations, one and all, for your innovative, inspiring and very touching efforts, which are sure to make a difference now and in the future!

Antoine Gaston-Plante, born on November 30th, 2013

France-Élaine Duranceau François-Charles Sirois

Their youthful spirit is what unites them. They are driven by the

same energy, the same momentum: their commitment to children

in need. Beyond the millions of dollars they have already raised to

invest in research, patient care and state-of-the-art equipment,

it is their passion, their conviction and their determination to

make a difference that guide and inspire us. These young

philanthropists are on a roll, and they’re showing no signs of

slowing down anytime soon!

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OGILVY EN FÊTE An evening of fun, fashion and for a good cause!

November 20 marked the fourth annual Ogilvy en fête event, with 2,500 guests on hand to enjoy gourmet delights, fabulous entertainment and special pricing on merchandise at one of Montreal’s most-loved fashion-forward shopping destinations. The glam-filled evening, co-chaired by Mélanie Dunn, Charles Guay and Alain Miquelon, raised more than $260,000 for the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation. A number of celebrities from the sports and entertainment world, including Étienne Boulay, Jean-Philippe Dion, Sophie Cadieux, Olivier Jean, Anik Bissonnette and Joey Scarpellino, did a turn on the runway for a hotly anticipated fashion show hosted by Émilie Bibeau. Every floor of La Maison Ogilvy featured an array of taste bud–tantalizing treats from Buonanotte, M:brgr, Golf Saint-Raphaël, Ferreira Café, David’s Tea, Nespresso, Belvedere Vodka and Ciroc Vodka. Thank you to each and everyone who took part!


MONTH OF HUGSWhen generosity appears in pink

Sainte-Justine’s eighth annual Month of Hugs, presented by Rythme FM and Jean Coutu, took place in February 2014. Thousands of people from right across Quebec took advantage of the opportunity to join in a wave of support for Sainte-Justine. Our special “hug fairies” Mitsou Gélinas, Marie-Soleil Michon, Julie Bélanger and Josée Boudreault were delighted to announce that 25,000 tubes of “Rose Câlins” Lip Perfector, available through 319 Jean Coutu stores throughout the province, sold out in a matter of days and raised a highly huggable $350,000 for the Foundation. Thank you for showing our children and their families you care!


In 2013–2014, more than 50,000 donors responded to the Foundation’s direct mail appeals with total gifts in excess of $3 million – a record thus far and one that speaks volumes about the wonderful generosity of supporters from every part of the province.

This illustrates a simple truth: no matter how big or how small our individual contributions, when we all pull together as one, we can make an enormous difference in the lives of the children and families of Sainte-Justine. Thank you, everyone!

ACADEMIC FUNDS Embracing change

Investing in the future by supporting the next generation of talented doctors – that in a nutshell is the philosophy shared by over 300 doctors at Sainte-Justine. Since 1998, they have been supporting the development and maintenance of academic funds for fellowships in their respective fields. This is the only initiative of its kind in Canada that, every year, continues to draw in new supporters and has led to the awarding of more than 400 fellowships to date.

Singled out for recognition this year was the Guy Geoffroy Academic Fund for Neurology, the 25th fund to be included on this list, which already boasts a number of impressive contributions. In 2013–2014, physicians’ donations passed the $11-million mark – irrefutable evidence of the success of the academic funds program.

Recognizing that change starts with them, these individuals have joined forces to ensure a healthy today and tomorrow for our children and further strengthen Sainte-Justine’s international reputation as a leading university hospital. To all of you, thank you for believing so steadfastly in what we do!

LEGACY GIFTS Sharing the Gift of Life

A legacy gift is a meaningful, lasting and living reminder of hope. Many donors choose to make a testamentary bequest to the Foundation as a token of their profound trust and their faithful belief in Sainte-Justine’s accomplishments.

This year, at the Foundation’s special “Héritages” event, Pierre and Lucie Boivin announced their decision to include the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation in their planned will. This touching act of generosity is an inspiration for the entire Sainte-Justine community.

Like life, scientific progress is a wheel that keeps on turning. And although each individual life must eventually come to an end, Sainte-Justine will always be there to treat, to heal and to push the boundaries – and to keep our deepest convictions and our fondest dreams alive.

Thank you to all those who are helping Sainte-Justine transform children’s health and giving hope to families for generations to come. We cherish your optimistic outlook and your confidence in the future.

Mrs Lucie Boivin and Mr Pierre Boivin

CACHOU INVITATIONAL GOLF TOURNAMENTA hole in one for the children of Sainte-Justine

On May 27, 2013, the 26th annual Cachou Invitational Golf Tournament welcomed golf enthusiasts from the Greater Montreal business community to bask in a glorious day on the links at the prestigious Club Laval-sur-le-Lac. The event, hosted by honorary chair François J. Coutu, President and CEO of The Jean Coutu Group, generated the very impressive total of $1 million for the mothers-to-be and children of Sainte-Justine. This is the Foundation’s longest-running fundraiser. And Unilever marked the occasion with a $25,000 contribution toward the distribution of 5,000 plush animals from Clément to bring comfort to young patients admitted to Sainte-Justine. The generosity of all those involved is deeply appreciated!


There was magic in the air in December at the final lighting-up ceremony of Sainte-Justine’s sixth annual Christmas Tree Campaign. The 50-foot-high evergreen put up this past year shimmered with some 65,000 lights. Presented by Rythme FM and La Fondation Bon départ de Canadian Tire du Québec, the initiative once again touched the hearts of people around the province. Donors responded in droves to the appeal with a message of hope and encouragement for sick children and their families at this otherwise festive time of year. The proceeds from this annual event go to help Sainte-Justine’s social services meet the most pressing needs of hundreds of families in difficult circumstances as well as various programs designed to humanize the hospital experience and promote overall health and wellness. It’s a privilege to be able to count on your continued support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

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* Financial statements audited by Deloitte s.e.n.c.r.l. are available on the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation’s website.** Funds combining resources assigned by the Board of Directors to specific projects underway as determined in partnership with CHU Sainte-Justine.

2014 2013

General FundDevelopment


Project Funds** Endowment Fund Total Total


Donations and contributions 22,6 14 ,1 9 4 1,01 6 ,0 1 3 - 1,34 1,289 24,97 1,496 23,805,044

Investment income 3,845,085 619 ,7 3 1 3,704 652,1 7 4 5,1 20,694 3,525,948

Service activities 2,380,5 7 1 - - - 2,380,5 7 1 1,774,699

28 ,839,850 1,635 ,744 3,704 1,993,463 32,472,7 6 1 29,105,6 9 1

FUNDRAISING EXPENSES 2,234,960 - - 2,234,960 2,01 5,009

Total net revenues 26,604,890 1,635 ,744 3,704 1,993,463 30,237,8 0 1 27,090,682

OPERATING EXPENSES 4 ,89 1 ,334 - - - 4,8 91,334 4,573,51 6

Excess of income over expenses before the undernoted 21,7 13 ,556 1,635 ,744 3,704 1,993,463 25,346,467 22,51 7,1 6 6

Contributions to CHU Sainte-Justine 9,804 ,679 47,335 2,088,395 2,1 6 4 ,6 5 1 14,1 05,060 21,1 8 1 ,372

EXCESS (SHORTFALL) OF INCOME OVER EXPENSES 1 1 ,908 ,877 1 ,588,409 ( 2,084,69 1 ) ( 1 7 1 ,188 ) 1 1,24 1,407 1,335,794

Fund Balances, beginning of the year 1,4 1 2,576 4 1 ,372,435 10,1 59,452 27,507,1 6 1 80,451,624 79,1 1 5,830

Transfers ( 9,228,247 ) - 9,228,247 - - -

Fund Balances, end of year 4,093,206 42,960,844 1 7,303,008 27,335,973 9 1,693,0 3 1 80 ,451,624



MORE ADVANCED RESEARCHFunding and start-up programs to help our researchers step up the pace of discovery.Groundbreaking research projects to find new treatments.Research chairs to recruit the best scientific minds for our kids.

MORE TOP-QUALITY PATIENT CAREInitiatives to humanize healthcare and provide more effective support for children and their families. State-of-the-art equipment and personalized treatment to promote better health outcomes.Health and wellness promotion programs to prevent illness.

MORE TEACHING AND HIGH-LEVEL TRAININGFellowships to train the pediatricians of tomorrow.Professional development programs to provide nurses with training opportunities.Funding to ensure healthcare professionals stay at the top of their game.


20 %


30 %

Patient care 50 %


43 %

Donations from the general public

41 %

Major gifts 16 %

Legacy giving and academic funds


The Foundation was proud to wrap up the 2013–2014 fiscal year with more than $33 million in gross income – a first in our history. This success is attributable to the hard work and exceptional generosity of the entire community.

In collaboration with Foundation team members, the Healing More Better campaign cabinet focused on securing major gifts. As a result of their efforts, they met their goals in terms of both commitments and revenues.

The year was equally remarkable with respect to donations made by the general public, with record-breaking amounts raised by the Young Leaders Circle and direct mailing campaigns. Together, the revenues generated by community-organized fundraising activities, ongoing contributions from our major partners and the incredible public support we receive during our events totalled $14.2 million. We will be sure to put this to good use as we strive to keep finding better ways to heal more children.

Note than $4.1 million in bequests and academic funds were capitalized to ensure long-term stability. The returns on these funds will be used to support excellence in healthcare, research and teaching for many years to come.

Thanks to the tight rein we keep on spending and the excellent performance of our investments, the excess of income over expenses came to $25.3 million this year. As a result, our expense-to-revenue ratio continues to remain lower than that of other leading Canadian foundations.

In the final tally, $14.1 million will be contributed to CHU Sainte-Justine, an unprecedented figure for which we have our donors to thank. Furthermore, the $9.2 million that has been capitalized will make it possible to move forward with promising multidisciplinary projects in the near future.









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Gaz MétroDr Pierre HardyJean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.Metro Inc.Pratt & Whitney CanadaMichelle Setlakwe and The Honourable

Michael M Fortier, PCThe Cole Foundation2 anonymous

$100,000 +A. Lassonde Inc.Agropur Cooperative and Ultima Foods Inc.Luc Bachand and Nicole ColasLaurentian Bank of CanadaCAE Inc.DePuy Synthes Spine, a unit of

Johnson & Johnson Medical Products, a division of Johnson & Johnson Inc.

Daniel Lamarre FoundationDeloitteValero Energy Foundation of CanadaFondation Roasters FoundationFrançois Seigneur FamilyLouise and André Charron FamilyThe ALDO Group Inc.Shahira and Magdi KhalilKids’ Health Links FoundationMargaret & Wallace McCain Family FoundationSylvie Miron and Denis GirouardMission Sourires d’Afrique 2013J. Armand Bombardier FoundationJoan and Luc PaiementParmalat CanadaPepsiCo Foods CanadaPfizer Canada Inc.Dr. Benoit Poitras and Brigitte BournivalPomerleauHélène Sabourin and Robert BlainSSQ Financial GroupThe Foundation2 anonymus

$50,000 +À Pro-Peau FoundationCanadian-Lebanese Chamber

of Commerce & IndustryCanam Group Inc.Classique Jean-Pierre Boissonneault CN Employees’ and Pensioners’ Community FundCostco Canada Inc.Sabrina and Camillo D’Alesio FoundationMichelle and Jean-François de GrandpréDollarama LPMathieu DuguayEli Lilly Canada Inc.Ferreira CaféFondation Famille LemaireFondation Norman FortierFonds Espoir Joanna ComtoisLucie and André Chagnon FoundationFrancyne FurtadoÉric GirardHabitation Solano Inc.Kraft Canada Inc.Kurling for KidsEric R. La Flèche and Michèle PlourdeLawson FoundationMarché Adonis - Groupe Adonis Inc.Mihag HoldingMichel Nadeau and Marie-Josée CoutuQuébecorRBC FoundationSainte-Justine au coeur du monde Scotiabank 21KMSimple Plan FoundationFrançois-Charles Sirois and

Marie-Christine LemeriseLisa and Mark SmithSpécialistes en Combustion S.D (1976) Ltée.Stikeman Elliott S.E.N.C.R.L., s.r.l.Teva Canada LimitedThe Gustav Levinschi FoundationThe Jean C. Monty FamilyTremblant’s 24h of cyclingUnwined for a Great Cause6 anonymous

$25,000 +Abbott Laboratories, LimitedAda TrakAE HEC - Humanitarian weekAudiAéroports de MontréalAstellas Pharma Canada, Inc.Dr. Keith BarringtonBeaudier Inc.Diane and Paul-Émile BeaulneBMO Financial GroupBoa-Franc Inc.Claire Bombardier Beaudoin

and Laurent BeaudoinBombardier Inc.J.R. André BombardierBravo Rentals Inc.Buonanotte GroupCatsima Inc.John ChabotCIBC Children’s FoundationCoast to Coast Against Cancer FoundationCogeco Inc.Stéphanie Couture and Nicolas ChevalierDr. Sonia Dal-Pozzo-NizardDankooz Tournament

Dino Dello SbarbaFrance-Élaine Duranceau and Luc BernierERP Guru Inc.Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers Fondation Charles GuindonFondation YUNiKFonds de charité des employés et retraités

de la Communauté Urbaine de MontréalFonds Gabrielle RoyFonds Maëlle AdenotG1TourCharles Guay and Isabelle PagéDr. Karen HarringtonHexavest Inc.Hôpital Trousseau Dr DubernHydro-QuébecPaul JeanbartJLK Sanfilippo FoundationJoe’s Prop House Inc.Georges KaramKatrine Paradis - Lemonade Stand La Capitale Financial GroupLa Fondation du Grand défi Pierre LavoieDr. Anne-Marie LabergeDr. Jacques LacroixAnnie LemieuxDr. Emmanuelle LemyreMA FoundationMaple Leaf Foods Inc.McCarthy Tétrault FoundationFrançois MercilleMERCK Canada Inc.Dr. Jacques L. MichaudMidtown le sporting club sanctuaireDr. Grant A. MitchellDr. Ibrahim MohamedMontreal GourmetDr. Ahmed MoussaNestlé Nutrition InstituteNovartis Pharma Canada Inc.Marie-Josée Pépin and Guy LeclairQuebec Association of OrthodontistsRestaurants Pacini Inc.Piscines Tropicana LteeRio Tinto AlcanRitz-Carlton MontrealFrançois Rivard and Isabelle PépinSANDOZ Canada Inc.Shoppers Drug Mart/Pharmaprix Life FoundationJ. Sonic Services Inc.Dr. Jean-François SoucyStandard Life Financial Inc.The Côté Sharp Family FoundationDr. Baruch Joseph ToledanoTrans-West GroupPascal Tremblay and Anik ChamberlandTVA Productions II Inc.Unilever CanadaDr. Guy Van VlietDr. Annie VeilleuxYves Perron, Source Evolution inc.9 anonymous

$10,000 +AIM Holdings LPAimia Inc.Dr. Nathalie Alos ALSTOM Canada Inc.Evelyn and Gregor AndelfingerDr. Pierre Arcand Chris Arsenault

Marcel ArseneauDr. Michael Antony Arsenault Dr. Ann Aspirot Astral Media Inc.BDO Canada s.r.l./S.E.N.C.R.L. France-Margaret BélangerFred and Marie Chantal BeaucheminDr. Mona Beaunoyer Louise Beauregard and Richard Payette, CA, CFABégin FamilyBéKé-BoboMarie-Lyse Bergeron and Éric LamarreBGL Brokerage LtdDr. Jean-Luc Bigras Biron Health Group Inc.Bitumar Inc.Marie-Claude BoisvertRéal BouclinAnn Bouthillier and Daniel LalondeDr. Christine Boutin Dr. Myriam Brassard Éric BujoldDr. Catherine Brunei-Giutton Canada Running SeriesDr. Lionel Carmant and Dr. Lucie MorinAnnie CaronDr. Benoît Carrière Louise Cérat and Gilles LabbéDr. Sylvain Chemtob Richard ChenClaridge Inc.Clinique de plastie Dr Tardif et Chollet S.E.N.C.Véronique Cloutier and Louis MorissetteLes Clubs Optimistes du district Centre du QuébecCNConstruction GAB Inc.Maurice CoreauStéphane Côté and Sophie GosselinClaude CôtéCourchesne Larose LtdCrédit Agricole CIBDre Chantal CrochetièreCROJACK Capital Inc.Dr. Nagib Dahdah Dr. Antonio D’Angelo Dr. Johnny Deladoey and Elisabeth Fort Dr. Valérie Désilets Devmont (R3) Inc.Dr. Paola Diadori Nektar DiamantopoulosVéronique G. DorvalVanessa Dumoulin and Éric GosselinStéphanie Dumoulin and Pierre-Olivier PerrasMélanie Dunn et Pierre LamotheNathalie Elkouby and James KarisEMD Serono Canada Inc.Dr. Guillaume Emeriaud Émilie Larivée - Tournoi de volleyball

- Joue pour la cause de Sainte-JustineCharles ÉmondChristian B. Fabi and Genevieve CayouetteDr. Catherine Ann Farrell Fednav LimitedFilles de la sagesse du CanadaFondation Ariane Riou & Réal PlourdeFondation de Bienfaisance T.A. St-GermainFondation Espoir de RêvesFondation Jacques et Michel AugerFondation Paul A. FournierFondation St-Germain KavanaghDr. Anne Fournier

Dr. Jean-Claude Fouron, O.C., O.Q. Fraser Milner Casgrain LLPFraternité Nationale des Charpentiers

-Menuisiers - Section 9Dr. Patrick Froehlich Franco GadouryDr. Nathalie Gaucher Dr. Chantal Giguère François GrattonG.D.N.P. Consulting Services Inc.Martin GauthierMarie-France GeoffroyGo Cube.ComBeryl GoldmanGroupe BMTC (Brault & Martineau Inc.)Groupe IBI - DAAGroupement TDC Tecsult Decasult CimaHamfit Enr.Heenan BlaikieHoffman-La Roche LimitedHôpitaux pédiatriques CHU LenvalSidney M. HornDr. Céline Huot Ikaria Canada Inc.Imagination DaycaresAndré Imbeau International Cup - Kids playing for KidsInternational Hyperbarics Assoc. Inc.Ivanoé Cambridge inc. - Place Ville MarieJAM Industries LtdDr. Annie Janvier Jeremy Rutman and FamilyDr. Philippe Jouvet Dr. Barbara Joy Cummins McManus Dr. Jean-Sébastien Joyal Dr. Fatima Kakkar Kart-O-ManiaClaire and Carroll L’ItalienLa PresseLabatt Brewing Company LimitedDr. Marie Laberge-Malo Jean-Hugues LafleurDr. Michel Lallier Céline and Jacques LamarreDr. Valérie Lamarre Dr. Anie Lapointe Dr. Annie Lapointe and Dominique Bélanger Pierre Larochelle and Stéphanie DaigneaultDr. Guylaine Larose Martin LavigneDr. Marc H. Lebel Robert LeblancDonald Lecavalier and Isabelle ProvostDr. Francine Lefebvre Alain LemaySuzanne LemieuxJean-Bruno Lessard and Lyn BriseboisDr. Catherine Litalien Dr. Gregory Lodygensky Longbow Advantage Inc.Dr. Anne Lortie Dr. Nathalie Lucas Dr. Cheri Lynn Deal Françoise E. LyonMagenta Studio Photo Inc.Dr. Philippe Major Ann MacDonaldManulife FinancialMcKesson CanadaMaxime MénardDanielle Mercier and Robert Richer

Meubles Busch (1980) Inc.Nicolas MiletteDr. Joaquim Mirò Moishe’s Inc.François Montigny and Stéphanie ParentLouis Morisset and Annie BrunelleMurex North America Inc.Richard Nadeau and Josée BanvilleNorton Rose FulbrightNotable.caDr. Anne Monique Nuyt Dr. Alain Ouimet Dr. Philippe Ovetchkine Marie-Yvonne PaintPALM + HAVASDr. Antoine Payot Pembroke Management LimitedMarc PepinDr. Géraldine Pettersen Pharmacie Armand Desmarais

and Benoît Desmarais, Pharmaciens, Inc.Les pharmaciens de la pharmacie

Otis & DeslauriersPharmaprix 24H and its

Côte-des-Neiges customersNathalie Pilon and Alain NéemehPiscines Tropicana ltéeRon PostumaDr. François Proulx Provencher Roy + Associés ArchitectesDr. Marie-Claude Quintal Dr. Marie-Josée Raboisson RBC Dominion Securities Inc.RDS - Le Réseau des SportsRE Childrens Project Inc.Roger RenaudRéseau SélectionRessorts Maska Inc.Daniel RobichaudKaterine Rocheleau and Guy Côté, CFAMarguerite B. RollandRONA Inc.Dr. Elsa Rossignol Catherine Rowe and John Di GironimoAndré Roy and France CaronYves RoyRYCOM Inc.Dr. Marisol Sanchez Sanofi-aventis Canada Inc.Scotia McLeod Inc./Groupe LarenteYury ShmuylovichSNC-LavalinSolidarity Fund QFLSonartRichard SpeerDr. Dickens St-Vil Stelpro Design Inc.Gérard J. and Rachel TaillonDr. Bruce Tapiero TelesystemTELUS Cares Team The Alan & Roula Rossy Family FoundationThe Amiel FoundationThe Intact FoundationThe Stephen Kaplan Family FoundationThe Tenaquip FoundationThe Trottier Family FoundationThe Vartan and Lise Toroussian FoundationThe YUL real estate developmentTournament Noa Joly-MessierTransForce Inc.

Tuberous Sclerosis CanadaDr. Marisa Tucci Dr. Evelyne D. Trottier Dr. Nicolaas H. van Doesburg Patrick VarinVision 7 InternationalWalter Surface Technologies InternationalWilson Family Fund21 anonymous

$5,000 +3M Canada CompanyAbove SecurityAir France Dr. Anthony Abela ACappella Investissement Inc.Adviser Compliance Associates, LLCAjma Holdings Inc.Dr. Claire Allard DansereauAlimentation Couche-Tard inc.Aliston Capital CorporationAllard, Allard & AssociésAngélique Nadeau’s family and friendsApotex Inc.Audet Williams Inc.Baylis Medical Company Inc.Bell CanadaBerlie-Falco Technologies Inc.Sophie Baillargeon and Paul CharronJoanne BissonnetteMonique BédardDiane Benoît and Steve Foley, CFADr. Anne-Claude Bernard-Bonnin Robert BergeronDr. Henrique Bittencourt Éric BlouinSharlene BoguszEric BoykoDr. Maria Buithieu Bio-K Plus International Inc.Blairmore FoundationBloomberg CanadaBorden Ladner Gervais LLPBouthillette ParizeauAnne and Dr Fabrice BrunetRoger Chapleau and Diane GagnéCanadian Italian Community Foundation

of Quebec Inc.Canderel Management Inc.Dr. Marie-Andrée Cantin Cargill LimitedCelsius Inc.Centre du ressort T.R. Inc.Champlain Financial Corporation (Canada) Inc.Dr. Caroline Chartrand Dr. Isabelle Chevalier CIMA + s.e.n.c.Club d’Amis Sport Culture Québec

Italie - Bowl-o-ThonClub de Courchevel TarentaiseClub de hockey CanadienClub Optimiste BelleriveClub optimiste du Vieux-LongueuilCollège des Médecins du QuébecCollège LavalComité Technique de Camionnage du Québec (CTCQ)Consortium M.R. Canada LtéeConstruction T. G. Beco LimitéeCorbec CorporationCormark Securities Inc.Corporation du Fort Saint-Jean - CMRSJ

$5 MILLION +Opération Enfant SoleilYoung Leaders Circle 1km Youth Challenge of Private

Schools for Sainte-Justine

$2 MILLION +CGIDesjardins GroupFondation Néz pour vivre and Fondation

des Gouverneurs de l’espoir LeucanNational Bank Power Corporation of Canada1 anonymous

$1 MILLION +CIBC BankSuzan Moreau and Jean-Guy DesjardinsLarry and Cookie Rossy Family FoundationSatoko Shibata Ingram and Richard Ingram Sun Life FinancialThe Claudine and Stephen Bronfman

Family Foundation

$500,000 +TD Bank Financial GroupFoundation of Stars - The magic of researchIndustrial Alliance Insurance

and Financial ServicesIGA and The Sobey Foundation

$200,000 +AonBayer Inc.Lucie and Pierre Boivin, O.C.Anne-Marie and Jacques BougieClarins Canada CSL Behring Canada Inc. DomtarMarie-Josée Dupuis Pinsonnault

and Maurice Pinsonnault

The CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation would like to thank all individual donors, every group, corporation and foundation that, since the beginning of the Healing More Better campaign, have contributed to this forward-looking and far-reaching project. Thanks to you, we can forge ahead to heal more children better.


Page 15: UNRAVELLING THE UNKNOWN - Amazon S3€¦ · signature: thin hair, only the faintest trace of eyebrows and “baby eyelashes,” as Sophie refers to them. Her skin is thin and mottled,


Corus QuébecCrites & Riddell BasicsD. English inc.Marie Deschamps and Paul GobeilPhilippe DecaryDr. Guy D’Anjou Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPDéfi Pierre Lavoie - Nicolas Gauthier and CHU

Sainte-Justine’s Research CenterDr. Lydia Di LiddoDr. Francine Ducharme John C. Dunn and Anne-Marie LabergeMarc DutilJean-François DubéLes Éditions NoxLes Escomptes Andrée Lachapelle Inc.Eurofret Canada Inc.Expression OrchidFasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPDiane FontaineFidelity Investments CanadaFondation Carrousel du Fonds de Notre CoeurFonds de la division ORL et Chirurgie cervico facialeFrabels Inc.Pierre FilionFrançois FortinDr. Jean-Yves Frappier Pascale GeoffroyMichael GrondinHélène Germain DeCorwinJean-Luc Gravel and Brigitte BretonJulie GagnéGaraga Inc.Dr. Marie Gauthier Dr Marc A. GirardGirafund FoundationDr. Jean-Bernard Girodias Dr. Panagiotis Glavas Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. Dr. Serge Gouin Dr. Hubert Grégoire Dr. Guy Grimard Groupe ADFGroupe AeroplanGroupe d’importation de vins Trialto ltéeGroupe Pierre Belvédère inc.Groupe SM Tardif Inc. et ses filiales SM

Construction, Pagui et Tardif MétalGroupe SMR Inc.Gryphon InternationalGuay inc.Dr. Charles Hilaire RivardHuguette Bombardier and Jean-Louis FontaineHVAC Inc.Imagerie DB Inc.Init Innovations en Transport Canada Est Inc.Institute of Psychological ResearchIPSO FACTO Real EstateItcanJ.M. Clément LtéeJacques René Jeanbart Dr. Olivier Jamoulle Jardins Val-MontJean Mourad FamilyJudith & CharlesMarc KnueppKilajian Bros. Holding Inc.Kirkland Old Timers Hockey LeagueKPMGBenoit LemieuxDavid Le Houx

Élise LaperrièreMiguel LacasseLa TuilerieDr. Hubert Labelle Lallemand Inc.Dr. Albert Larbrisseau Iris Le SieurAnièle LecoqDr. Arielle Lévy Fotios LigrisLindt & Sprüngli (Canada) Inc.Dr. Johanne Liu Logicaisse LtéeLSR GroupLuigi Liberatore FoundationDr. Thuy Mai LuuLuxtec - LumenpulseMagil Construction CorporatoinDr. Valérie Marchand Markham RaeMB Collision Inc.Dr. Judith Meloche Mental Illness FoundationMichal Inc.Miller Thomson LLPMohammed Kanwal Family FoundationDominic MonacoJean-François Marcoux and Natacha ZéniéJulie Monty-Demers and Jean-Nicolas GermainGilles MercilleAndré MoisanMontréal ExchangeDr. Alain Moreau and Nathalie TremblayNespressoRazek Nabih Srour and Danièle TambéAlex Vahe Nahabedian and Carla ChirinianDr. Bich Hong NguyenDr. Uyen-Phuong Nguyen Ocean Group Inc.Odette and Joey Basmaji FoundationDr. Patricia Olivier Omni Partners LlpOmnium Guillaume LatendresseOsler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPOuvroir St-SauveurDr. Stefan Parent Pasquin St-Jean et Associés Inc.Pathonic FoundationPeak MediaPetra Group Ltd.Pharmacie clinique A. Lachapelle enr.Pharmascience Inc.Dr. Nelson Piché Nicolas Patard and Karine FaucherClaude PasquinChristine Panet-Raymond and Scott JacksonCécile PerraultGérald PelletierLa Pizzeria EtcPricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) LLP, CanadaLes Produits Sany Inc.Pur Vodka inc.R. Marcil & Frères Inc.Raymond James Ltd.Repentigny Municipality - employee donationsRNC Media Inc.Dr. Philippe Robaey Enzo RedaJean RabyRodrigue Lussier FamilyRONA Brossard, Saint-Bruno and Beloeil

RONA FoundationDr. Michel Roy Nabih SrourMichel St-JeanMichael and Marcia SamuelsonSanexen Environmental Services Inc.Scotia CapitalDr. Rachel Scott Selma SrourServices en transport S.T.C.H. inc.SiemensSilver Golub & Teitell, LLPSoeurs de Saint-Paul-de-ChartresSouris MiniDr. Constantin Stanciu Antoine and Marie-Odile TambeAlexandre Taillefer and Debbie ZakaibTakeda Canada Inc.TD SecuritiesTELUSThe Becket Players FoundationThe Irving Ludmer Family FoundationTowers WatsonDr. Jean Turgeon UAP Inc.André VigerMarco VilleneuveDr. Michel Vanasse Les variétés Lachapelle inc.Dr. Mélanie Vincent Anny VincentWhite Star CapitalWhitestar Investment Advisor LimitedYellow Dog Investments Inc.Yves Légaré Inc.ZONE 327 anonymous

$2,500 +A & A Demolition Inc.AccelLAB Inc.Dr. Stacey Ageranioti-BélangerAir CanadaGabriel AlbertAlflor Immobilier Inc.Aliments Krispy Kernels Inc.

- Croustilles YumYum Enr.Dr. Fernando AlvarezAmicale des Corses et des Amis

des Corses au CanadaL’Aréna des Canadiens Inc.Association de la Neurofibromatose du QuébecAT&TAttraction ImagesDr. François Audibert Artificial Mind and Movement Inc.Autorité des Marchés FinanciersJean-François BabinBackTrack ReportsAnna BaggioDr. Benoit Bailey Dr. François Beaudoin François BélangerDr. Céline Belhumeur Monique BergeronBerli-Dev Inc.Lucie BertrandDr. Denis Bérubé André BineauBisson ExpertBlake, Cassels & Graydon LLP

BMO Capital MarketsPierre BolducBOSSerge BoucherDr. Jacques Bourque Muguette BrissonJ. BrownBroccolini Construction Inc.Burberry - OgilvyC.S. de la Seigneurie-des-mille-îlesDr. Philippe Campeau Canarm Children’s Relief FoundationCaprion Proteome Inc.Dr. Ana-Maria Carceller Carquest Canada LtéeGhislaine Castagner Carrière and Jacques CarrièreCentre de Services FinanciersCentre Éducatif l’Alpha à l’Oméga Inc.CentriaCHA SportsJoseph ChalhoubDr. Josette Champagne Daniel CharbonneauCharitel Inc.CHU Sainte-JustineClinique Médicale d’Esthétique du Saguenay

Lac-St-Jean inc.Club de Golf VaudreuilPaul CmikiewiczJeffrey ColeComité sportif senior de Sainte-Émélie-de-l’ÉnergieCommission scolaire du Val-des-CerfsCompétition Taekwondo de la MontérégieAndrée ComtoisMarc-André CormierDr. Geneviève Côté Gérard Coulombe C.RJean-François CrevierDr. Elias Dahdouh Eric D’AnjouYves Dansereau and Nathalie BélangerDr. Michèle David David’s TeaDe Grandpré Chait LLP - LawyersDr. Hélène Decaluwe DecasultVincent (Nicolas) DelisleDr. Marie-Ange Delrue Demax ConstructionDr. Julie Déry Francine Descarries and Robert BélangerDr. Colette Deslandres Sylvie DesrochersDevencore Ltd.Distribution iToyzDr. Marie-Joëlle Doré-Bergeron Dr. Eric Drouin Dr. Johanne Dubé Dr. Josée Dubois and Dr. Gilles SoulezDr. Elise Dubuc Etienne DubucJean DumasDunkin Donuts (Canada) LtdDr. Louise Duperron Yvan DupontDr. Michel Duval École Hélène-BoulléÉcole Notre-Dame-de-l’AssomptionÉcole secondaire Le Delta, Matagami

- Comité «S’allier pour la cause»

ENERGIA PRODUCTIONS INC.Les Entreprises Roland Lajoie Inc.Epsylon Concept Inc.Esarbee Investments Canada LtdFederation of Plastics and Alliances CompositesFerme Boulais 1979 inc.Ferme et Érablière Yoland BilodeauFerrari Maserati QuébecPierre FiliatraultSeville Pictures Inc.Sean FinnFondation Chantale DumasFondation de l’Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de MontréalFondation Denise et Robert GibelleauFondation J.-Rodolphe-La Haye Inc.Fondation Yvon BoulangerFonds de la Famille Pierrette et Bernard Coupal

at the Strategic Charitable Giving FoundationFonds hommage Félix CoutuGeneviève Fortier and François DemersJean Simon FortinRichard FortinDavid FrancescucciDr. Diane Francoeur Garnison ValcartierDenis GasconDr. Suzy Gascon Dr. Pierre Gaudreault Johanne and Dr. Robert J. GauthierDr. France Gauvin GCIC Ltd - Goodman and

Company Investment CounselGE Capital CanadaGedesco Inc.Genzyme Canada Inc.Dr. Louis Geoffroy Gerpro Construction Inc.Gestion d’Actifs BurgundyGestion Juste pour rire inc.Gestion Privée TDAldo GiampaoloViolaine GomarStéphanie Goulet-DuguayÉlise GravelLe Groupe Capital HillGroupe Conseil Roche LtéeGroupe Dayan Inc.Le Groupe Montoni - Division Construction Inc.Groupe Park AvenueGroupe PauzéGroupe Santé SednaGroupe SCV Inc.Le Groupe Verdier Inc.Laurette Guay RobillardLiana Guizzetti and Louis GendronDr. Elie Haddad Anne-Marie and John Hart“Heavenly Taste Biscotti” Cookie Company Inc.Dr. Mélanie Henderson Olivier HerouxChristian Héroux and Chantal RhéaultDr. Catherine Hervouet-Zeiber Hôpitel Inc.HRT Industries inc.Dr. Lynda Hudon Louis HudonM. HuotDr. Marie-Hélène Iglesias Integro Canada Ltd.Intrafina Ltd.

Investissement immobiliers Kevlar inc.IT Unlock Inc.ITG Canada Corp.Dr. Sheila V. Jacob James A. Woods & Associes. Inc.Dr. Prévost Jantchou MbakopIsabelle JodoinPierre-André Jodoin and Marielle DionJohnson & Johnson Inc. - employee donations Sara Joli-CoeurJolicoeur Savard Assurance (2004) Inc.Greg JonesRosemarie KilajianDr. Jean-Martin Laberge Simon LabrosseIsabelle Lachance and Benoit LegrosBenoit LaferriereSimon LafrenièrePierre LajoieClaude LalondeThérèse Lamarche Durivage and Claude DurivageGilles LapalmeGuillaume LaperrièreDr. Jean-Guy Lapierre Johanne LaplanteLapointe Rosenstein Marchand Melançon s.e.n.c.r.l

AvocatsDanny LavyLCL-Products Technology Inc.Legault Joly Thiffault, LLPDr. Sylvie Le May Dr. Line Leduc Anne-Marie LemieuxSuzanne LéonardDr. Nathalie Leroux Claude LessardHélène Levac HofferLéveillé TransportLiquidnetLocations Michel Trudel Inc.Mario LongpréLundbeck Canada Inc.Florian Lussierm:brgrMackenzie Financial Corporation Inc.Jean MarchandJoé MarconeDr. Jacques-Édouard Marcotte Francis MaroisChristiane MartinOlivier MartineauDr. Claire Mattimoe Guillaume MauriceDr. Catherine C. McCuaig Dr. Martha L. McKinney Medisys Health Group Inc.Marie-José MénardMercer (Canada) LimitedDr. Aicha Merouani Merrill LynchMichèle Bergevin Inc.Carman MillerMyriam Feiter-Murphy, Marie-Claude Vachon and

Sabrina MétayerDavid MillerRob MillerCarl N. Moisan, Jr.Josée Moquin and François JoubertCharles NadeauDr. The Thanh Diem Nguyen

Dr. Mélanie Noël Normandin BeaudryNorton Rose Fulbright Octapharma Canada Inc.Ogilvy – AccessoireOgilvy - BeautyOgilvy – FourruresOgilvy – JewelryOgilvy – MaroquinerieAndrew O’halloranOlier Grisé & cie LtéeOrage Vêtements SportsJustin Paquet and Line DallaireSreeranjini ParavastuLa Pâtisserie de Gascogne inc.PerfomaxPétroles Crevier Inc.Pierre L. Boulos Enterprises Inc.Pro Math Entreprises Dr. Véronique Phan Benoît PoirierMichel PoissonLe Pont de la Paix INCDr. Julie Powell PrévelProfusion Realty Inc.André Prud’hommeMario QuattrocioccheRacine & Chamberland Inc.Dina RaphaëlManon RatelleMartin RaymondPaul RaymondLes Réalisations Conceptum International Inc.Red Bull Canada LTDRestaurant LeméacReuben AbramowskyDr. Georges-Étienne Rivard RLDS – RLevac Design ServicesMarc RobergeDr. Pierre Robitaille Steeve RobitailleSébastien RouthierMarie-Isabelle RoySaine MarketingSaint-Hilaire Inc.José SaldiviaDr. Issam Saliba SamconPatrick SancheSoshi SankatDr. Andrée Sansregret Denis SavignacSextans InternetLyne Sheridan and Gilles BrouillardPierre ShoiryHubert SibreSid Lee Inc.Simplex Equipment RentalSolotech Quebec Inc.Éric SpringuelStratégiqueMathieu St-OursDr. Camille Sylvestre Sylvestre Marketing Inc.Dr. Danielle Taddeo Dr. Catherine Taillefer Daniel TanguayLucie TanguayTc Transcontinental

Gracia TchaglassianDr. Pierre Teira Telus CorporationDr. Robert L. Thivierge Michele VartianMaxime VerretteVia Rail CanadaFrédéric VigerGilles VigneaultDr. Marie-Soleil Wagner Dr. Sandrine Wavrant Dr. Rochelle Winikoff Thomas WolderThe Cadillac Fairview Corporation LimitedThe CSL GroupUGroupMedia Inc.Uranium InteractiveWSP Global23 anonymous

$1,000 +1832 Asset Management L.P.Noureddine AbadaAlain Abou AtmeAcces Habitation G.T.Jean-René AdamAeriens Royal Air MarocAFPEC Inc.AGF Management Ltd.Agri Marketing Corp.AJS GroupeAlbourne America LLCAlcor Roofing Supplies Inc.Henri AlexandreCaroline Allard, B. COM, CFALes Aliments Kim Phat Inc.Les Aliments Unique FoodsAllergan Inc.Allprime Properties Inc.Alumilex / Fraydun Foundation Inc.AMEC Environment & InfrastructureAmira Enterprises Inc.Ampak Inc.AquaOvoMichelle Archambault and Benoît DurandArsenalDominique ArsenaultAshron Freight Services Inc.Association des concessionnaires Chrysler

de MontréalAssociation des Coureurs de Drag en Moto (ACDM)Association Familles Termitani du QuébecAssociation Québécoise de l’Industrie de la PeintureA.T.M. Insta-Cash Automatic Tellers Inc.Atrium Innovations Inc.Autobus RMAvenue Capital Markets CPCV Inc.George J. Ayd, Jr.Samira AzzouzBar St-Patrick Inc.Jean BaramJoël BaretteNoor BarrereRoger BartManon BeaudetFrançois BeaudoinBeaudry FamilyBeauregard GroupNoël BédardGalal Behna


Page 16: UNRAVELLING THE UNKNOWN - Amazon S3€¦ · signature: thin hair, only the faintest trace of eyebrows and “baby eyelashes,” as Sophie refers to them. Her skin is thin and mottled,


André BélangerDiane BélangerLouis P. BélangerDocteure Marie-Claude Belisle Inc.Marc BéliveauJames Edward BellBelvedere VodkaTracey BeltonDr. Leila Ben AmorDenise BénardDr. Geneviève BenoitNathalie BenoitSébastien BenoitBentall Kennedy (Canada)Caroline BergeronDenis BergeronGinette BergeronJean BergeronMichel BergeronMicheline BergeronPierre BergeronMarie-Josée BernardYves BernierBertrand Lavoie MD Inc.Carole BérubéMarie-Thérèse BérubéMartin BérubéGilles N. BesnerMaurice BessetteBétail Paul Claessens Inc.Tatiyana BettinelliMarc BilodeauEric BissellJean-Claude BissonValérie BissonNathalie Bissonnette and Eric RondeauDr. Marie-Yanouk BlainRodger BlairMarc-André BlanchardKarine BlanchetBrandon BlantNadia BlouinPaule BlouinBMW LavalTheodore BochenekBoehmer BoxDr. Bernard BoileauBoiron Canada Inc.Évelyn BoisseauLa Boite à MusiqueLa Boîte VidéoDre Johanne Boivin Simon BolducCharles BombardierDr. Patricia BortoluzziJacques BouchardPauline BouchardDr. Marc BoucherMadeleine BoucherMichel BoucherMichelle et Raymond BoucherSuzanne BoucherDenis BoulaisMarc BouletRichard BourbeauPaul BournivalDorothée Anne Bouron Dal SoglioAriane BourquePauline Marie BousquetVicki Boutin and Véronique Laurin

Jacques BoyerRichard Bradeen and Barbara OslerBrandes Investment PartnersBrigil PlatineBrantly Contracting Inc.Nathalie BrazeauBridgewater Associates, LPSylvain Brillon Dit LaPierreBrigitte M. Ouellette - Avocate/NotaireBrink’s Canada LimitedMichèle and Patrice BriseboisBristol-Myers Squibb Canada Inc.Raymond BrodeurBrookfield Financial Corp.Isabelle BrosseauMarc G. BruneauAlain BrunetBungalow Création & GestionJean-François BureauBurnbrae Farms Ltd.Ca va de soi - Tricots inc.Tommy CacioppoCada Inc.Café Vasco da GamaCaisse d’économie des Employés de S.T.C.U.M.Caisse Desjardins du Grand-CoteauCamionair inc.Annie CamirandIsabelle CamiréSebastien Campet-MaudouitHal CanaanCanadian Tire Saint-Jérôme - Magasin Poulin Inc.Canaropa (1954) Inc.Candussi Inc.Dre. Louise Caouette LabergeAurèle CardinalGilbert CardinalYves CarignanDr. Anne-Sophie CarretCarrosserie Idéale IncCarlton Cards LimitedCartier Structure D’Acier LtéeCartiseCasgrain & Compagnie LimitéeClaude S. CastonguayRene CayouetteDr. Sonia CellotCentre de culture et d’art de l’esprit paonCentre de recherche et d’enseignement

d’échoendoscopieCentre Dentaire AzerCentre PHICentre Spirite Justice Amour et CharitéCercle des filles d’Isabelle # 715Étienne ChabotLorelle ChaissonRoger Chalut and Diane DesmaraisPierre ChamberlandThérèse ChampagneChandonMaude CharbonneauAndrée Robert and Jacques ChartrandManon ChartrandChenelière Éducation - division de TranscontinentalChidaca International Inc.Julie ChoquetteChristy Whitman International Inc.Chubb Insurance Company of CanadaErik ChvojkaCIM Conseil en immobilisation & management inc.

Claude Meunier Productions Inc.Les Clefs d’Or de MontréalDr. Marie-José ClermontClients Iga Patry Vaudreuil-DorionClinique Médicale Le Plein CielMarius CloutierJosseline Cloutier BergeronMélissa CloutierClub de golf Saint-RaphaëlClub Piscine CPPQ inc.Club Ricreativo Marcelin Wilson Age D’orCM Labs Simulations Inc.Sandra CohenMadeleine ColaçoCollège FrançaisDr. Linda ColombiniPeter ComitoCommission Scolaire des SamaresCommission scolaire Marie-VictorinCommunauté de Reine-des-BoisConsortium SDK/NCKLouise Constantineau M.D. Inc.Construction C A L Ceriko Asselin Lombardi IncConstruction D.C.M. Inc.Construction M. StratisHugo CorbeilJean CorbeilConrad CormierStéphane CormierGuy CôtéEmile and Adele CoureyCourteau FamilyCrescendo Systems CorporationCretans’ Association of MontrealCromwell Management Inc.CROP Inc.François CroteauCucina FarinaCustom House Global Fund ServicesCyngad Fashions Inc.Dr. Louise CyrenneD.O.D. Transport Inc.Philippe D’AmoursDaniel Borsuk Clinic Inc.Gerald, Maria and Georginia DaoussisMarc-Antoine DaoustRobert Daoust and SonsJames De FussiHélène De GrandPréRoberto T. De Minico, Avocat Inc.Fernande de MontignyIsabelle De PalmaDeans Knight Capital ManagementChiara Lucas DejmekLes Délices LafrenaiePierre DelisleFrance Delorme and Dr. Roger Paul DelormeDr. Anne-Marie DemersÉlaine DemersDenise Turcot S. A.Dentons Canada LLPDes perles pour MaëlleGeneviève DeschampsFabien DeshaiesDesign Louis George inc.Desjardins Ménard & Associés LtéeJeannine DesjardinsAlain DeslauriersCarl DeslongchampsAlain Desrochers

Dr. Anne DesrochesJean-Pierre DesrosiersDr. Luigi Di Battista Inc.Frank and Lina Di FrusciaTed Di GiorgioDiamond 2 Scalzo Brothers Inc.Dillon EustaceDr. Marcel DionJean DionneDr. Martha H. DirksDiscount Car and Truck Rentals, CanadaDIVCO Limitée / Entrepreneur GénéralDoran & Minehane Limerick OfficeFrank D’Orsa and Cathy Martorana D’OrsaGuy D’OrsonnensMichel DorvalDorval Oldtimers Hockey LeagueDostie-Bettez FamilyAriane DouyonDuProprioSolange DubéJean DuboisAndré DufresneFrançoise DumitrescuFrançoise DumontIsabel DupontLise DupontDr. Paul DuranceauFrançois V. DussaultDuval Mercedes-BenzFrieda DymÉcole Bois-Joli Sacré-CoeurÉcole des Mille-FleursÉcole Secondaire Thérèse-MartinÉcoles primaires de Saint-CalixteLes écuries R.L. Bélanger Inc.Edgecombe Property Management Inc.Edward Assh FoundationEisai LimitedElasto Proxy Inc.Eldee FoundationMichel EliasLes Emballages Winpak Heat Seal Inc.EMLU Precision Inc.Dr. Mutsuko Emond-NakamuraÉnergie CardioEnfants avant toutEntreprises Roger Raymond Inc.Entretien Gracia GauthierEnvers Design Inc.Enzyme Communication MarketingLes Équipements Domar Inc.Ernst & YoungEXFO Inc.Expedition for the love of childrenF. Furst Enterprises LtdSylvain FarandJohn Michael FaratroMichaël FaucherFaucher IndustriesCatherine Fauteux and Frédéric RuelFélix Homme inc.Ferme de la Presqu’Ile Enr.Ferme L. et H. Lamoureux IncFGL Sports Ltd.Carol Fiedler and Claude ThérienJean-Michel C. FiliatraultFilles d’Isabelle de GaspéPerry P. FishmanLisette Fleury

Flex-Pression LtéeFrancine Barrette ManagementLa Fondation Charitable RichterFondation Patrick-GendronFonds des médecins de périnatalité du CHPBFonds DynamiqueFonds Yvon Roy à la Fondation du Grand MontréalC. Jean FontaineSébastien ForandSerge ForestEnrico ForliniFormation Qualitemps inc.David FortierJean Fortier and Maryse UlrichPhilippe FortierAlain FortinÉric FortinMarc FortinMarie-Claude FortinFrançois FournierAngela FracchiollaVincent FrenetteFruits de mer LagoonSalvatore FurinoAntonietta Fusco-ManciniG.I.T. Portes et Fenêtres LtéeLouise Fortier-GaboriaultJean-Sébastien GagnéDr. François GagnonJacques R. GagnonJocelyne GagnonLa Galerie Danoise inc.Joseph GalliGanado AdvocatesGeorges GantcheffGarderie du Centre Éducatif SalaberryGarderie les amours de Mia et Tia Inc.Dr. Patricia Garel and Dr. Laurent GarelAntonino GattoAndré GaumondAlexandre GauthierGracia GauthierKevin GauvinGca Créateurs Immobiliers Inc.Claude GendronDenis GeoffroyGestion Immeuble Place Bonaventure Inc.Gestion Louis-François MarcotteGestion Pca 2003 Inc.Gestion Shandrek Inc.Gestions Réjean Savard LtéeGiant Factories Inc.Suzanne GiarrussoChris and Helen GillespieGillespie-Munro Inc.Gilles R. GirouardLe glacier Bilboquet Inc.Christiane Godon DesiletsStéphane GosselinGabrielle Goselin and Joe IaconoGowling Lafleur Henderson LLPPhilippe GoyetteLe Grand MarnierSandra GrantNicole GravelSari and Isidore GreenbaumLuc GrégoireMartin GrenierJean GroleauGroupe C. Laganière

Groupe DCB Inc.Groupe de Radiodiffusion Astral Inc.Oberoi Financial Group Inc.Groupe Gestion Privée ScotiaGroupe Lafrance Inc.Groupe Lessard Inc.Groupe MMO Inc.Groupe Robert Inc.Groupe Sherpa Inc.Groupe SteilmannGrant GuèvremontGrues MartelGuerlain (Canada) LtéeLine GuèvremontPierre GuilbaultAlexandre GuilbeaultÉtienne GuindonLouis GuindonAntranik GulumianViken GulumianMarie Gulnar Kamel HabraHachette CanadaDr.Ugur HalacEric HamamMichel HamelinDominic HardyMichel HardyDr. Afshin HatamiCatherine HébertJosiane HébertMichel HébertHEC Delegation - Jeux du commerce 2014Hedgeserv CorporationHeenan BlaikieJean-Claude HérouxHill+knowlton StratégiesRussell HiscockVincent P. HogueHoliday Group Inc.John HoolahanGilles HorrobinHR Stratégies Inc.HRS GlobalAnne-Marie Hubert and Jerry AddlemanBenoit HudonHugo Boss Canada Inc.Dr. Tuoc Huynh, D.M.D.Hydroserre Inc.Hype EnergyJames IlventoImalog Inc.Imola CeramiqueImportations Manon Boutin Inc.Ingenia Technologies inc.Innergex Énergie renouvelable Inc.Intégration Nouveaux MédiasIron Mountain Canada CorporationSydney John IsaacsIT Unlock Inc.Marie-Hélène JacquesLeslie JacquetJalbec Inc.Marie-Claude JalbertJanor Imports Inc.Jarislowsky, Fraser LimitedEmmie JermanoJet FilmsCatherine JomphePierre Jones and Sylvie CaronJones Apparel Group Canada

Journault-Jourplex Inc.Juliette & ChocolatBenoit JutrasK+S Windsor Salt Ltd.Khalil KanaanGeorges KaramKasdali GroupKick4kidsKLM Royal Dutch Airlines CanadaSandra & Leo Kolber FoundationElisabeth Kounde TognideClaire and Peter KruytKuper AcademyDr. Sophie LabergeSophie LabergeSusan LabrecqueDr. Pierre Lacaille-BelangerChristian LachanceJulie LachanceDr. Yvon LacroixLouise LaflammePierre LaflammeMartin LafleurLaika Agati’s FundLalcom Inc.Yvon R. Lamarre, CARené LambertClaude LamoureuxSylvain LandryOmer Langlais, Jr.Hugues LangloisJean-Sébastien LangloisL’Anneau d’Or et d’ArgentMarie-Claude LapalmeGeneviève LaperrièreRichard LaperrièreDr. Chantale LapierreRobert LaplanteAnnie LapointeAlex LapriseStéphanie Larivière-Girard and Frédéric GirardClaude LarocheJacques LaroseDr. Marie-Pier LarrivéeSylvie Larue and Daniel FortinJocelyn LaurinDidier LavalléeRobert LavalléeMario LavauteDr. Caroline LaverdièreLuc LaverdièreMichel LavigneLDC Logistics Development CorporationDr. Françoise Le DeistLeacross FoundationGeneviève LeblancBertrand LeboeufGeorges LeclercDr. Jean-Marie LeclercPaul LefebvreRichard LefebvreSandra LefrèreJean-François LegaultManon LegrisDr. Michel LemayRéjean LemayGuillaume Lemay-ThiviergeFrançois LemieuxJosiane Lemire and Chantal ThériaultLemur Groupe Inc.

Jacques LépineNormand F. LépineDr. Suzanne LépineRobert LerichePierre LesageLetko, Brosseau & Associates Inc.Donald LétourneauLevasco LtéePierre-Elliott LevasseurSimon LévesqueLevée de fonds GatineauLibrex Group Inc.Les Lignes Rive-Sud Inc.Isabelle LigotVincent LoiselleMohamed LokbaniLOL ToysLolëRichard LordSol A. LorenzoLost HeroesLouis Vuitton North AmericaSimon Lussier, B. Comm., MBAHung LyKheng LyFrank LymanMark MacalusoMacdonald Stewart FoundationMacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier Inc.Maisons Pépin inc.La MajeureDaniel MalandruccoloPaul MaloufMantra Pharma Inc.Dr. François MarandaLuc MarcilMARCIL Centre de rénovationRémi MarcouxDr. Jean-Jacques MarierLinda and Guy MarierPierre MaroisRoberto MarroccoMarsh Canada LimitedLina MarsilloSilvana MarsilloCarole MartelLuc MartinMichel MartinRené MassicotteMassy Forget Langlois relations publiques Dr. Sylvain Mathews and Dr. Luce SanterreLuc MauriceMawer Investment Management Ltd.MaxMaraMaryse MayerLaura B. McCloskeyFrank McCormickMcGill Real EstateDouglas Norman McRaeMD Roy Inc.Lise MelattiJocelyn Métras, CPA, CGAMichael Kors (Canada) Inc.Alain MichaudEric MichaudHelen MichnowiecMiddlefield GroupMini-marathon de l’École Alternative

des CheminotsCristiana Miron


Page 17: UNRAVELLING THE UNKNOWN - Amazon S3€¦ · signature: thin hair, only the faintest trace of eyebrows and “baby eyelashes,” as Sophie refers to them. Her skin is thin and mottled,


Mixte MagazineMontessori School of MontrealMontreal Gateway Terminals PartnershipMontship Inc.Francine Moquin and Laurent BisaillonDr. Marie-Paule MorinJacques MorissetteFlorence MorissonMorneau ShepellRalf MuellerLe MuscadinDr. Nicole NadeauDr. Pierre-Olivier NadeauNakisaSylvie NanniIrene NattelNei InvestmentsNeonatal-Perinatal Osce Education FundNeural Bucket Solutions Inc.NFOE et Associés, architectesDr. Thanh H. NgoNguyen Phi RestaurantPierre NolletGilbert and Johanne NormandMaxime NormandeauMélissa Normandin-RobergeNorthbridge Financiale CorporationAicha NourMariem NouweirNovipro Inc.Œuvres caritatives des Filles de Jésus

(Trois-Rivières)Oeuvres sociales des Soeurs de Sainte-MarcellineSimon OlivierSimon-Pierre OlivierONCAP Management Partners LPOptimal Payments LtdOrckestraRoman OryschukOtéra CapitalMarco OttoniOutil de Coupe Drillmex Inc.Claude OuelletteP.O.P.A. MedicalAndré PagéRaffaele PagnottaDr. Sylvain PalardyVincenzo PalumboAlfredo PannunzioIsabelle Papillon and Michael J. CantGabriel PaquetteGuy J. PaquetteLynn ParadisMartin ParentDr. Yves PastorePaul PathyPatterson Dental MontréalClaude PayetteJean-Philippe PedneaudRéal PedneaultPelican International Inc.Louise Pelland CollinStéfanie PelletierPerformance D.O. & Formation Inc.Madeleine Persson CohenDominique PerrasMarie-France PerrasJulie Perreault PhotographeDr. Sébastien PerreaultPharma ECA Services Inc.Caroline Phisel

Jean H. PicardMarc PichéAndré PichettePictet Asset Management Inc.Roberto PietrovitoYves J. PigeonJohanne PillenièreJean PiloteSerge Piotte and Jeannette LaflammePlace Versailles Inc.Michel Plessis-BélairPlomberie L & P LavalléeBertrand PoirierMarcel PoirierPiero PomponioPortobello S/AEric and Carolina PoteetPoulet MondialPR Maintenance Inc.Pratique Médicale Raymond Leduc et Colette

Deslandres Inc.Premium Point InvestmentsLa Presse Télé III LtéePro Hockey Life Sporting Goods Inc.Progéfranc LtéePROMADominique ProulxLouis Prud’hommePublic Sector Pension Investment BoardMatt PugsleyPurdue PharmaMaria RafaelRashid FamilyMichèle-Ann RainvilleAlain RangerDr. Andrée Rasquin WeberRoger RaymondRaymond Chabot Grant ThorntonRaymond James Canada FoundationMario RecineRecubec Inc.Gilles RegazzoniDorothy ReitmanLorraine RémillardLucie RémillardRemorquage A.S.Pierre-Edouard RémyDr. Christian RenaudGeneviève RenaudMadeleine RenaudCharles RicardRib’N Reef SteakhouseJosée RifonOlivier RinguetDenis Robert CloutierLaurette RobillardDenis RobitailleDr. Nancy RobitailleDaniel RochonMaryse RochonStéphane RochonRomspen Investment CorporationRose Brand Inc.Rothenberg & Rothenberg Annuities Ltd.Dr. Guy A. RouleauDr. Louise RousseauHenri-Paul RousseauJean Rousseau and Denise GendronNormand Rousseau, JrLouise Rousselle TrottierLouis-Francois Roy

Royal Canadian Legion Morin Heights Branch 171Gisèle Royal Roy et FamilleS.T. Maçonnerie Inc.SafEngServices & Technologies LtdLes Sables Thouin Inc.Dr. Martin St-AndréDr. Claire Saint-CyrMarie Saint-JacquesMaude Saint-JeanSainte-Julie Municipality - employee donationsDr G. Emmanuel SalibSylvie SalibaMagdi SamiMario SamsonDr. Yvan SamsonMichelle Samson-DoelSam’s OpenSandalwood Management CanadaSanimaxSanivacDr. Julio Saumet-ChilitoDr. Diane SauriolJennifer SavageYves SavardSam Scalia and Diana FerraraAndré SchefferSchluter-Systems Canada Inc.SLFScotiabank HawkesburyPierre SeccarecciaClaude SéguinPascal SelamSelectcom TelecomLes Sélections François FréchetteHugo SerliServices de cartes DesjardinsServices Medicaux Selim Rashed Editions Sante

InternationaleServices Toitures Hogue Inc.Raymond C. SetlakweNora SettonJohn ShannonSidley Austin LLPSilicon Valley Community FoundationAngela SimardDr. Hugues SimardJulien SimardMichel Simard and Josée CorbeilSimoneau Capital Inc.Patrick SkorockiSKOTIDAKISTommaso SocciarelliSociete Generale in CanadaSodexo Quenec LtdSofina Foods Inc.SofitelSolutechnics Canada Inc.SonavSorin Media Inc.Lyne SoulignySportmarine.caElissar Srouji and Marc-Antoine TabetStewartzDr. Chantal StheneurDr. Irena StikarovskaSt-Casimir Plywood Inc.Patrick St-GermainFernand St-OngeSt-Paul Home and School AssociationStrathallen Capital Corp.STS Maintenance

Studio Oral Céramiques Inc.Sunchef Foods Inc.Katia SurprenantSylubel Entreprises Inc.Syncreon Canada inc.- dons d’employésSyndicat des Cols Bleus de la Ville de Laval inc.Swurl Yogourt GlacéEric SzöghyCatherine TailleuxJean-François TalbotDenise TamrazTony TanelTC TranscontinentalTaline TchaglassianTechnoMed Solutions Inc.Dr. Geneviève TellierDr Yves TellierLes Terrasses VersaillesTerrex Real Estate ServicesDino TesolinPierre TessierSébastien Tessier and Sonia VerreaultSandra TestaThe Atkinson Charitable FoundationThe Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company of

CanadaThe Garda Security GroupThe Garantee Company of North AmericaThe Great West Life Insurance CompanyThe Grunt ClubThe Honorable Michel Delorme, S.C.J.The Honorable Yves Poirier, S.C.J.The Montreal Children’s Hospital FoundationThe Montreal Museum of Fine ArtsThe Morris & Rosalind Goodman Family FoundationThe Phyllis Lambert FoundationThéâtre Jambe de BoisMarc ThériaultThermolec LtdRaymond TherrienLouise ThibaultEmilie ThibodeauTierry Rutishauser - Lave-O-thon PerfomaxSylvain TouchetteKarine TrakTransCore Link LogisticsTransport Alexcalibur inc.Transport Petit 1997 Inc.Transport Sylvester & ForgetAntoine TremblayDanielle TremblayIsabelle TremblayJacqueline TremblayMartin TremblayTréviTriovest Realty AdvisorsMélanie TrottierSylvie TruchonMaxime TrumanPanagiotis TsakirisTyron GroupVFG GroupUltranix (Industrie) Ltd.Université de MontréalUolo’s PoultryMaxime VadeboncoeurDr. Majorie VadnaisClaudette VaillancourtValleyfield Metal / Division Auto Rebuts ValleyfieldJ. Sebastian van BerkomMariette Varvarikos

Gaëlle VekemansVézina assurances inc.Françoise B. VienKristine Villalta and Franco De BonisJean-Guy VillemureDr. Claude VilleneuveDr. Edith VilleneuveGuy VilleneuveLaurence VincentDr. Thuy-Tien VoGuillaume Voyer-RoyVWR InternationalJeffrey WagmanRobert P. WaresRobert WeinsteinSteven WilliamsPaul R. WysockiXavier and Manon for the bowling tournamentXerox Canada Ltd.Y & G Icône ConceptYanick Laporte Courtier ImmobilierDr. Sami YoussefZakuta Family FoundationDr. Marianna ZarrelliRobert ZaurriniZONE 3Dr. Maria H. ZnojkiewiczJane Zurub Halaby61 anonymous

1KM YOUTH CHALLENGE OF PRIVATE SCHOOLS FOR SAINTE-JUSTINE A huge thank you to the students from the 43 private schools that took part in the 1km Youth Challenge of Private Schools for Sainte-Justine!

Académie des Sacrés-CoeursAcadémie François-LabelleAcadémie LaurentienneAcadémie Louis-PasteurCollège BeauboisCollège BoisbriandCollège Charles-LemoyneCollège d’AnjouCollège de MontréalCollège Durocher Saint-LambertCollège Esther-BlondinCollège FrançaisCollège Jacques-PrévertCollège Jean de la MennaisCollège Jean-de-BrébeufCollège Jean-EudesCollège Jeanne-NormandinCollège LetendreCollège Mont-RoyalCollège Mont-Saint-LouisCollège Notre-DameCollège Notre-Dame-de-LourdesCollège Regina AssumptaCollège Reine-MarieCollège Saint-HilaireCollège Saint-MauriceCollège Saint-PaulCollège Saint-SacrementCollège Sainte-Anne de LachineCollège Sainte-MarcellineCollège StanislasÉcole Apostolique de ChicoutimiÉcole Augustin RoscelliÉcole Charles-Perrault (Laval)École Primaire Les Trois SaisonsÉcole Marie-Anne

École Saint-Joseph (1985) Inc.École Sainte-AnneExternat Mont-Jésus-MarieExternat Sacré-CoeurPensionnat du Saint-Nom-de-MariePensionnat Notre-Dame-des-AngesVilla Sainte-Marcelline


Soins intensifs pédiatriquesFonds académique André Lamarre,

service de PneumologieFonds académique Benoit Morin,

Service d’OrthopédieFonds académique de CardiologieFonds académique d’EndocrinologieFonds académique des Maladies infectieusesFonds académique du département

de Gynécologie-ObstétriqueFonds académique du département

de Microbiologie et ImmunologieFonds académique du département de PsychiatrieFonds académique du service de Chirurgie

générale pédiatriqueFonds académique du service de DermatologieFonds académique du service de GastroFonds académique du service de médecine

physique et de réadaptationFonds académique du service de NéonatalogieFonds académique du service de NeurochirurgieFonds académique du service

d’Hématologie-OncologieFonds académique du service

d’Oto-Rhino-LaryngologieFonds académique en Dentisterie pédiatriqueFonds académique en Imagerie médicaleFonds académique en UrgentologieFonds académique Guy GeoffroyFonds académique Irma-Le Vasseur,

département de PédiatrieFonds académique Louis Dallaire

pour le développement de la génétiqueFonds pour l’amélioration de la Santé de la mère

et de l’enfant en HaïtiFonds Thierry Bonnin, service

de Pédiatrie générale


Honorary Co-PresidentFrançois J. Coutu Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.Organizing CommitteePresidentAndré Roy Stikeman Elliott LLPMembersLuc Bachand BMO Capital MarketsPierre Boivin, O.C. Claridge Inc.Hélène Bisson Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.Nicolas Chevalier, CFA, MBA Pembroke Management LtdCarlos Ferreira Ferreira CaféSteve Foley, CFA RBC Capital Markets

The Honourable Michael M Fortier, PC RBC Capital MarketsAnnie Lemieux LSR GroupLouis-Philippe Michaud L.J.M. Marketing Inc.Richard NadeauMaurice Pinsonnault Holding Angelcare inc.Anne-Marie Hart*Anièle Lecoq*Mélanie Gauthier**Representatives of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation


ChairFrançois RivardExecutive CommitteeAlexis ArchambaultAndréane Beaumier*Nicolas BélangerIngrid Button*Guy-Renaud Kirouac*Amélie L’HeureuxStéphanie Larivière-GirardIsabelle MoïseNicolas PatardZoé Pépin-AllerSébastien RouthierSophie RoyCatherine SharpPhilippe St-Cyr AdamAngela Vahaviolos* Representative of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

2013 URBAN DUATHLON The Urban Duathlon engages the business community in a funny and friendly challenge where teams of three – one runner and two « Bixcyclists » - are pitted against each other to compete in support for Sainte-Justine. A huge thank you to all the sporty professionals of this 3 nd edition!

Co-ChairsFrançois RivardNicolas PatardOrganizing CommitteeAndréane Beaumier*Sophie Bernard-LapointeSylvain ChaputRobert DemersJulie DesjardinsVincent FitzbayAlain FortinCharles GagnéMathieu GoyetteFrançois GuyÉlise HoferÉric JulienBenoit LavigneDavid Le HouxLaurence LefebvrePascale LesageDavid ProulxCatherine Rabret-Laporte** Representative of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

SpokepersonAlexandre Bilodeau

LIGHTING THE WAY 2013Thank you to all the 450 participants of the 7 th Lighting the Way event that took place at the OSM as a musical brunch with a number of family-oriented performances and activities.

Co-ChairsStéphanie Larivière-GirardIsabelle MoïseOrganizing CommitteeKristell BauneGeneviève BeaucheminAndréane Beaumier*Denise BernachezIsabelle CamiréMélanie CaronClaudia CicigoiSophie DanisStéphanie DayAmélie L’HeureuxNadine LajoieVirginie LongpréIsabelle PaquetCatherine Rabret-Laporte*Dina RaphaëlMartine RobillardAngela Vahaviolos* Representative of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

SpokepersonsEmmanuel BilodeauÉdith Cochrane

2014 WINTER TRIATHLON Congratulations and wholehearted thanks to the 300 participants from the business, sports and entertainment communities that took part in the 8 th edition of this friendly competition involving a series of skating, running and cross-country skiing challenges.

Co-ChairsAlexis ArchambaultCatherine SharpCommittee membersCaroline AllardAndréane Beaumier*Ludovic CardinalMarie-Hélène Choquette ZaurriniMaxime-R. ClerkPhilippe FortierMarie-Claude JalbertFelix JasminAnik Le MarquandGuillaume MauriceAnne Valérie MénardFrancis ParéCatherine Rabret-Laporte*Carl Robillard* Representative of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

AmbassadorsNathalie LabelleAnnie LemieuxKatia MarquierJulie RoyEvelyn TrempeSpokepersonsJennifer HeilÉric Lucas


Page 18: UNRAVELLING THE UNKNOWN - Amazon S3€¦ · signature: thin hair, only the faintest trace of eyebrows and “baby eyelashes,” as Sophie refers to them. Her skin is thin and mottled,


2014 MOUNT-ROYAL GALA – 4ND EDITIONA big thank you to some 400 senior executives and professionals who got together for the 4 nd Mont-Royal Gala to share a good meal in a glamorous setting in support of CHU Sainte-Justine.

Co-ChairsNicolas BélangerSébastien RouthierCommittee MembersAndréane Beaumier*Philippe R. BertrandNicholas CerminaroGuy CôtéPhilippe DécaryChristian DesjardinsJean-Michel FiliatraultDavid FrancescucciPatrice GroleauMarie-France LajoieGuillaume LandryÉric Martineau-FortinMaxime MénardJean-Sébastien MontyÉdouard MorinCatherine Rabret-Laporte**Representatives of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

SpokepersonAnouk Meunier

2014 MOUNT-ROYAL BALL – 13TH EDITIONThis fundraiser evening has become a tradition for many young professionals from the local business community. For this 13 th edition of the Ball, some 1400 philanthropists took part to celebrate for the love of the children at CHU Sainte-Justine. Our heartfelt thanks to everybody!

Co-ChairsSophie RoyPhilippe St-Cyr-AdamCommittee MembersAndréane Beaumier*Sophie Bernard-LapointeCharles Bombardier MarcotteGabriel Bouchard-PhillipsNicholas CerminaroVictor CharleboisMarie-Ève DesrochersÉmilie DextrazeMaude GouletMarie-Claude HamelÉric LabergePierre-Luc LaparéJérôme Leblanc-DucharmeCatherine Rabret-Laporte*Élise SauvéNicolas SchulmanLaïla Tremblay*Representatives of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

SpokepersonAnouk Meunier


PRESENTING PARTNERSBloombergClub MedNational BankQuébecor

PRINCIPAL PARTNERSBCBGMAXAZRIABFL CanadaLa Cité de MirabelDelmarDeloitteDesjardins Securities Inc.DomtarFasken MartineauFidelity Investments CanadaGowling Lafleur Henderson LLPKeurig Canada Inc.Lasik MDLolëMcCarthy Tétrault LLPMerrill DataSiteMTY GroupNorton Rose FulbrightPétroles Crevier inc.Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton (LLP)SamconYves Légaré inc.

MAJOR PARTNERSAon HewittAstralBristol-Myers Squibb Canada IncCentriaCirque du SoleilClinique médicale l’ActuelCoca Cola Bottling LtdDentons Canada LLPDesjardins TrustDuProprioFednav LimitedGildan Activewear Inc.KLM Royal Dutch Airlines CanadaKPMGLaveryLuciani AutomobilesLudia Inc.Mercer (Canada) LimitedMERCK Canada Inc.Morneau ShepellOsler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPPeak MédiaPorter Airlines Inc.Power Corporation of CanadaLa Presse+PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) LLP, CanadaPrimeau VéloRestaurant L’AssommoirRestaurant MilosRichterRouge CondominiumsRR Kelly Services Ménagers Roy ltéeRobin Simard

Sleeman Unibroue Inc.SAQ - Société des alcools du QuébecStikeman Elliott S.E.N.C.R.I., s.r.lStingray DigitalSurmesurSwissotel ChicagoTC TranscontinentalWhite Star CapitalWSP GlobalZeste Incentive


Honorary Co-ChairsMélanie DunnCharles GuayAlain MiquelonHonorary PatronsPierre AudetFrance Margaret BélangerDaniel BellemareElisabeth BusséMarie-Hélène ChartrayChristina Carvalho et Frédéric Chanay-SavoyenPascale ChasséIsabèle ChevalierChristine DesaulniersDaniel DesjardinsGrace Di MeoGeneviève FortierFrançois GirouxAndré GrattonAnne-Marie B. Hart*Patrick KhouzamAnie LapointeKatya LavioletteAnièle Lecoq* Julie-Martine LorangerNatalie LordAnn MacDonaldValérie MarchandTony MetiMarie-Claude MironRichard NadeauAnn-Monique NuytLeslie QuintonPierre-Olivier PerrasLeslie QuintonSylvie RacineMarc RochefortClaude RouleauMichelle SetlakweAndré ShareckHubert SibreMartha A. StephensonLouis-Michel TremblayStefan TremblayPenny Westman* Representatives of the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

Presenting PartnerLa Maison Ogilvy


Official BroadcasterRythme FM, Cogeco Diffusion Inc. StationPresenting PartnerFondation Bon départ de Canadian Tire du QuébecMedia Partners98,5

Major PartnerEditions De Villers inc.Ivanhoé Cambridge INC.- Place Ville-MarieRBC Royale BankSupplier PartnerBL Christmas Trees


Official BroadcasterRythme FM, Cogeco Diffusion Inc. StationPresenting PartnerJean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.Principal PartnerClarins CanadaMedia PartnerQuebecor


TRIBUTE GIFTSWe would like to convey our sincere appreciation to all those who have paid tribute to loved ones by making a donation to the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation.

In honour ofJeanne-Valérie AdrienElizabeth ArsenaultFlorence ArsenaultEdward Baptista PadulaJerome Bastide De GraveJoséphine BeaudryZoé BernardAntoine BinetteGiuseppe BorsellinoAmélie BouchardNessa BurrowsRoger Chalut and Diane DesmaraisJustine ChandonnetEli ChoquetteMarcel ChoquetteChris CleaveTania ColomboGérard CyrMarcellin CyrHélène De GrandPréMichelle and Jean-François de GrandpréRachelle DemostheneAlexa DobrzanskiPascale DuchaineRuth et SergeÉmilie FortierDominique GagnéBrandon GallantLily-Ann GallantOlivia GianniniPhilippe GirardVicki GrevattCassanda HébertNicole Henriquez SteelGabriele IannuzziSella KutluRosalie L’ArrivéeHenri LavigneVictor LavigneÉdouard LegaultJulie LetendreGabriel LevertKloé LoiselleEnfants Mackinnon Beaulieu

Emmanuel MavridakisSamuel MelansonGemma Melino CohenGuillaume Alexandre MoreauRené MoreauRosabelle MorissetteSonia MoussouniLiana NoëllaGabriel PanzeraMahéva ParentMarie-Josée PinsonneaultÉmile PoupartJeanne Prud’hommeG.-M. RemillardSerena RizkallahEdward RobitailleJustin Rocco ImperioliJulie RocheleauGabriel RochonKevin RochonKatherine RossClaude RoyJeremy Rutman and FamilySherlaine Saint-PierreMichael and Marcia SamuelsonMichelle SetlakweHélinise SimbertGabriel-Anthony TabetJennifer Teasdale RaymondJames and Lea TeolisPierre TessierGwen WesleyDr. Jean Wilkins2 Anonymous

In MemoriamJosette AdesJoelle AgustinZakariya AlbadryStella AllaireCharles Arnaud DénomméeMarielle AubinMélodie Audrey and Roger ChiassonAnge AudyRobert AugerValérie Bacon MongrainMichèle Banville PaquinNorman BarbarushDr. Magda Barsoum-HomsyManuel BastosIta Bayard JacquesRoland BeauchampÈve Beaulieu-DussaultLise BeaupréTrace BeauvaisSimon BéginMathis BélandSolange BéliveauBruno BenatarLaurette BenoîtKarine BergeronMaude-Frédérique BergeronMichèle BergeronMichelle BergeronMarcel BernardZoé Bernard SaloisRachel BernardinCharles-Oscar BernierThomas BerthelotHélène BertrandLiam BilodeauGilbert Blaizel

Philippe BlancheGertrude Bleau-PelletierAlicia Boisvert BoudreauL. BololniniJean-Baptiste BouchardMaëva BouchardAlycia BoucherShane BoucherAnatole BouffardMaélie BourgeoisLucienne Boutin CroteauPierre BresseFrance Brisson GagnéRéjane Brosseau WekarchuckRolland BrousseauAndré BrunetPierre CabanaVittorio CamerotaNinon CarmantBernard CarnoisJacques CarrièreMaurice CastonguayMarcel ChabotAldara Chamberland BarebeauManon ChampagneRobert CharlecinNoam Patrick Chevalier PapillonClaudia ChiassonMadeleine ChoquetteGabrielle CloutierJacques CoderreMonique Comeau DésiletsGisèle Côté RobichaudEmma CournoyerYvette CourtemancheFélix CoutuRollande CoutuRené CrochetièreJean-Sébastien DaigleLucette DaigneaultMarie-France DaigneaultRafael DakakChristina DaoustJacques DaoustRoger DaoustCéline DauphinJean-François DavidRobert De GagnéMadeleine De RomeStan DecaenCharles DeschampsBrandon DesgroseilliersRyan DesgroseilliersMarie-Ève DesjardinsMaxime DesparoisG. H. DesrosiersSuzanne Desy BoutinGiuseppina Di PietroJacques DionClaire DionneHenriette Dionne BoileauThérèse DoyleGuy DrouinHuguette DubéThérèse Dubé NicholasRolande Dubuc MénardDr. Maurice DufresneMarc G. DufresnePhilippe DufresneAndré DulacÉmilien Dumais

Victoria DupontFernand DurandFrançoise DurandDuval-Brown B.Cécile Fafard DauphinRita Fafard GendronGuillaume Fafard SindonRaymond FaucherSimone FilemonMichel FischerÉliane FisetSébastien FréchetteÉric FriaudDiane Garant RacineL. GarelJuliette GarneauJean-Philippe GauvreauPauline Gélinas MarchandRita GendronNona GentileDanielle GirardÉloane GirardPhilippe GirardFlorence GodinJustine GodmerMély-Ann Gougeon LareaultStéphanie GouskosJessie GoyetteGuy GrattonAndrée GuindonMartin HehnJean-Claude HenriClaude HervieuxAnastasia HomsyAmélie HudonDavid Huygues LacourLucille IsabelleBébé IsmaëlCamille JeanAnne-Sophie JoassinFélix JobinMonique Jolivet PagéAbigaële Joly BarbeauGertrude Joly FrancoeurNoa Joly-MessierZacary André Joseph LesieurLouise JuteauJasmine KhouryEvan LabelleSuzanne LabelleJuliette Labonté-GauthierDonat LabrecqueWilfrid LacasseJeannette Lacasse DaigleClaude LachanceDavid H. LacourAndrée LacoursièreFrédérick LaflammeCécile Lafleur DufresneFlore LafondRaymond LaframboiseJacques LamarreJean-Marc LandrevilleRonald LangloisEmma LaplanteDelphine LarocqueNathan et William LarrivéeSuzanne LavoieLyse LeblancMaurice LeblancLaurane Leblanc Pilon

Marcel LechasseurHenry Lefebvre-BonnelÉdouard LefrançoisCarole LemirePaul LemireEmma F. Lesage EvansJoëlle LescopGhislaine LessardIrma LeVasseurBaby Sean Joseph LockhartRebecca LoganPauline Longpré BrownJayden Luck OuelletLaurent LussierYves MadelinNeïla MaillouxLucien MalletteDr. Claude MarquetteLouka MassiDaniel McCroryMadeleine McGuireJean MelocheGhislaine MemeriGuy MénardMicheline MénardClaire C. MercierAnnette MichaudJanik MichaudMarie MignautSuzie MilletteRéal MonetteSarah-Jeanne MorinRichère Morin GagnonYolande Morin ThibaultNicolas Philippe MunnJosette MurphyBaldev S. NagiClaire Nault LorrainRaphael NepveuLiselotte NesviginskyLinda OuelletteDr. Alain OuimetJean PaquetteCamille Paquette-DuongJacques ParadisRené-Claude ParisSolange Paultre-BéliveauIsabelle PéladeauStéfy-Rose PelchatPierre PelletierCatherine PellicanoMarguerite PepeDominique PépinJulien PerreaultIvy Persons LapalmeGhislaine G. PicardAntonietta Piccolo VolpatoAlexianne PichéGervaise PoirierFernande Poirier MichelLouise PrimeauAntoine ProulxAlexandre RacineMichel RicoLouise RobertRose-Aimée RobichaudFrédérique RochonGemma RousselDonat RoussinBernard Roy Marie-Ève Roy


Page 19: UNRAVELLING THE UNKNOWN - Amazon S3€¦ · signature: thin hair, only the faintest trace of eyebrows and “baby eyelashes,” as Sophie refers to them. Her skin is thin and mottled,



William Roy-BoisvertFleurette Roy-ChabotSohanne SalhiStéphane SamsonAndré SansregretDenis SavignacDelphine Savoie BélangerDenyse Sebestyen LavalléeAgathe SéguinJean Roch SimonLilia Sirois MelocheÉdouard SkalakJeanne-d’Arc SohierLisa SokClara SteinSylvio St-GelaisIsabelle St-JeanAdryelle St-LaurentRollande St-Pierre GagnonThérèse SurprenantElliot SylvainElisabeth Taylor BrunetJuliette TeasdaleJean TéolisClaire TerrouxYvette Tétreault BuronOlivier ThébergeGabriel ThomasNicholas Isaiah Thorne-BélanceRéjeanne TouchetteSergio TramontinBob TremblaySara TremblayClaire Trudeau JasminLaurent TrudeauThérèse TrudelMarielle Turgeon PérignyMireille Turp VallerandPaul Valotaire TremblayLucie Vézina HuotPaul VigneaultPaul VilleneuveCamerota VittorioXavier George Ward RennieAndré WatierBernard WendlingRoselyne WhittomRuth WynneZackJuliana Zapata GuerreroJohn Zatylny2 AnonymousThis list includes, to the best of our knowledge, all those who were honoured through donations between April 1, 2013, and March 31, 2014

LEGACY FUNDSLegacy funds are capitalized funds that help ensure that CHU Sainte-Justine will be able to carry on its mission in the years to come. Thank you for investing in our children’s future!

Fonds Maëlle AdenotFonds Nussia & André AisenstadtFonds de recherche Cécile BissonnetteFonds Boizard en rechercheFonds Brigitte Bournival et Benoit PoitrasFonds Pierrette et Simone ChampouxFonds Espoir Joanna ComtoisFonds Irène Filiatrault en médecine

de l’adolescenceFonds Claudette HachezFonds Michel Kabrita

Fonds Shérine KhalilFonds Jacques LacroixFonds Fernande and Claude-Lise RicherFonds François Armand MathieuFonds Max Marcus SchwartzFonds Yvon Roy à la Fondation du Grand MontréalGirafundThe Barbara Godwin Jones Memorial FundThe Hilda Ruth Wynne Endowment FundThis list includes, to the best of our knowledge, all the legacy funds as of March 31, 2014.

TESTAMENTARY DONATIONSWe wish to express our deepest gratitude and to recognize the posthumous donations we received over the past year.

George Downing Estate Drilling LimitedThe Estate of Laurette BesnerThe Estate of Suzanne BonneauThe Estate of Monique ChagnonThe Estate of Jeannette DagenaisThe Estate of Jeannette DavidThe Estate of Suzanne DumasThe Estate of H. B. FinestoneThe Estate of Charlotte FournierThe Estate of Lucienne GagnonThe Estate of Dominique GirardThe Estate of Thérèse GrégoireThe Estate of Claire GuilbaultThe Estate of Gladys HattonThe Estate of Donald JalbertThe Estate of Daniel LagueuxThe Estate of Rolande Laurendeau FossThe Estate of Hélène LeclairThe Estate of Marie-Jeanne LemieuxThe Estate of Philippe MartineauThe Estate of Marguerite MoquinThe Estate of Anita Morissette EnsellThe Estate of Madeleine PommierThe Estate of René ProvostThe Estate of Marguerite Prudence DallaireThe Estate of Claude-Lise RicherThe Estate of Carmen RiendeauThe Estate of Marguerite St-PierreThe Estate of Raymond TrudelleThe Estate of Robert ValiquetteThe Estate of Rita Verville Parent1 Anonymous

COMMITMENTS FOR THE FUTUREWe wish to recognize and thank those who have included the CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation in their will or life insurance policy. Their trust is an abiding testament to their compassion and desire to see CHU Sainte-Justine’s mission fulfilled in the future.

Normand and Lise AlepinsGhislaine AnnibaliniSophie BaillargeonJean-Paul BeauchesneRita BeauregardFrancine BédardSimon BédardLise BélandRachel BellemareClaudette BenoitJocelyne BérardJacqueline B. and Claude BergeronAnnie BérubéMarlène Bérubé

Claire Boivin and Camille DugréLucie and Pierre Boivin, O.C.Marlène Bouchard and Robert ClearyChantal BoucherRenée BourgeoisÉdith BouthilletteSuzanne BoutinJeannine BoyerLaurette B. BoyerYvon BoyerJosée BrunetLouise BrunetDenise and Jean-Maurice BurelleGhislaine Castagner Carrière and Jacques CarrièreLouise Champoux-Paillé Rachel ChapdelaineGilbert ChoquetteDenyse Chouinard RavaryI. ContantFleurette Corbeil DuchesneJean-Marie CossonClaude CôtéHélène CôtéLéa Coutu JeansonneAllen CoutureRaymond DaultRaymonde DenaultGinette DesautelsJean-Yves DesharnaisPierre Desroches, A.V.C.Suzanne Douville, CPA, CACarol DroletCarole DubéMartine DubéDr. Jacques Charles DucharmeGuy DuchesneLiliane DupuyFrance-Élaine Duranceau and Luc BernierJeannette Duranleau and André BlanchardDiane FabiLise FarleyPascal ForgetJean-Guy FoucreaultGérard GagnéAstrid GagnonRené GallantRéjane Garceau Sylvie GaumondDr. Marie GauthierMarc GauthierMariette GélinasMarie-France GeoffroyDaniel GigotLouis Girard and Lucie DolbecNormand GodinChristian HouleMichel HouleShahira and Magdi KhalilGuy-Renaud KirouacDenise La SalleGilles LachanceDr. Jacques LacroixHenri LafranceJacques LagacéDaniel LambertOmer Langlais, Jr.Gabriel LapointeMireille and Louis L. LarivièreMonick LauzonLise LeblancDiane LeFrançois

Suzanne LéonardDr. Suzanne LépineHuguette LevacFernande Lévesque-BoisclairSylvie Lizotte and Martin FecteauDanièle MacKinnonColette and Vincent MailhotGilles MarcouxMonique MartelHélène Mercier and Dr. Anton Roeger IIIFrancine MeunierMarianne MontandonBernard MoreauDr. Uyen-Phuong NguyenClaire Luce and Claude NormandRobert NouryJ.A. O’Neil CôtéIrène and Léo PaquetYvette PilonSylvie PlanteChantal PrévostSylvie PrinceDiane ProvostSimone RacetteDanielle RicherRobert RicherBarbara RineyFrançois RochonSylvie RossMichèle RousseauMélitta Rudolph and Roger RochEdwidge SanterreCarole SergerieLucie TanguayÉlyse TétreaultGilles TouchetteLydjie Tremblay39 AnonymousThis list includes all those who notified us of a planned gift by March 31, 2014.

TESTAMENTARY TRUSTS AND OTHER FUTURE GIFTSWe wish to express our deepest gratitude and to recognize those who have created a posthumous trust or made provisions for a future gift in their will over the past years.

The Estate of Adrien Coulombe The Estate of Anne de GaëlThe Estate of Jean Charles Lafond The Estate of Marie Ange RheaultThe Estate of André TrudeauThe Estate of Elvina Valiquette Pesant

BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2013–2014Chairman of the BoardThe Honourable Michael M Fortier, PC* Vice-Chairman RBC Capital Markets

Vice-Chair Nicolas Chevalier, CFA, MBA* Partner, Portfolio Manager and Chief Risk Officer Pembroke Management Limited

Vice-Chair Ann MacDonald* Vice-President – Business Development and Sales–Canada Communications and Public Affairs – North Canada Bombardier Transportation

Secretary and Legal AdvisorFrance Margaret Bélanger* Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer Club de Hockey Canadien and evenko

Treasurer Robert Blain, FCPA, FCA* Senior Vice President & Chief financial officer Cirque du Soleil

Representative, The Next Generation of PhilanthropistsFrance-Élaine Duranceau*

Members Helen AntoniouLuc Bachand Vice-Chairman and Head BMO Capital Markets, Québec

Past President of the BoardPierre Boivin, O.C. President and Chief Executive Officer Claridge Inc.Ann Bouthillier President and Chief Executive Officer PALM + HAVASDr. Fabrice Brunet Chief Executive and Board Secretary CHU Sainte-JustineDr. Chantal Crochetière President of Councel, Physician, Dentist, Pharmacist CHU Sainte-JustineMélanie Dunn President, Cossette Inc., Quebec Chair of the Board, Vision7, QuebecCarlos Ferreira President Ferreira CaféGeneviève Fortier, M.A., CRHA Chair of the Board CHU Sainte-JustineÉric Girard Senior Vice-President, Corporate Treasury National Bank of CanadaDr. Marc A. Girard Director of Medical and Academic Affairs CHU Sainte-JustineCharles Guay President & CEO Standard Life Canada

Pierre Larochelle Vice-President, Investments Power Corporation of CanadaAnnie Lemieux Vice-President – Development and Partnerships LSR GroupMaxime Ménard Senior Partner Jarislowsky Fraser LimitedDr. Alain Moreau Director, Research Center CHU Sainte-JustineRichard Nadeau Chief Financial Officer Réseau Sélection inc.François Rivard President & CEO Innocap Investment ManagementMe André Roy Managing Partner Stikeman Elliott LLPJoey Saputo President Montréal Impact F.C. and Saputo StadiumFrançois-Charles Sirois President and Chief Executive Officer Telesystem* Executive Committee Members

CABINET CAMPAGNE PLUS MIEUX GUÉRIRHonourary lifetime patronsCéline Dion and René Angélil

Honourary chairs Jean Coutu, O.Q. Chairman of the Board The Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc.Paul Desmarais, Jr. Chairman of the Board and Co-Chief Executive Officer Power Corporation of Canada

Co-chairsPierre Boivin President and Chief Executive Officer Claridge Inc.Jacynthe Côté Chief Executive Officer Rio Tinto AlcanSerge Godin Founder and Executive Chairman of the Board CGI Group Inc.

MEMBERSChris Arsenault Managing Partner iNovia CapitalAldo Bensadoun Executive Chairman Aldo GroupRaymond BoucherJacques Bougie Corporate DirectorAnn Bouthillier President and Chief Executive Officer PALM+HAVASCharles Brindamour Chief Executive Officer Intact Financial Corporation Sophie Brochu President and Chief Executive Officer Gaz Métro

Dr. Fabrice Brunet Chief Executive Officer CHU Sainte-JustineThane Calder President CloudRakerIsabelle Courville Chairman of the Board Laurentian BankSuzan Moreau and Jean-Guy Desjardins Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer Fiera Capital CorporationFrance-Élaine DuranceauCharles Emond Managing Director & Quebec Office Head Global Investment Banking Scotia Capital Inc.Geneviève Fortier Chairman of the Board CHU Sainte-JustineThe Honourable Michael M Fortier, PC Vice-Chairman of the Board RBC Capital Markets Chairman of the Board CHU Sainte-Justine FoundationL. Daniel Gauvin Senior Vice-President and General Manager Caisse centrale Desjardins and Capital Desjardins Inc.Charles Guay President and Chief Executive Officer Standard LifeIsabelle Hudon President Sun Life Financial, QuébecDaniel Labrecque President and Chief Executive Officer DNA CapitalEric R. La Flèche President and Chief Executive Officer Metro Inc.Pierre Larochelle Vice-President, Investments Power Corporation of CanadaAnièle Lecoq President and Chief Executive Director CHU Sainte-Justine FoundationAnnie Lemieux Vice-President business Development and partnerships LSR GroupBrian M. Levitt Co-Chair Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPL. Jacques Ménard, o.c., o.q. Chairman BMO Nesbitt Burns and President, Québec BMO Financial GroupGeoffrey E. Molson Owner, President and CEO Club de hockey Canadien Inc. and evenkoMichel Nadeau President, CEO & Founder Tactio Health Group inc.Joan Sawaya-Paiement and Luc Paiement Executive Vice-President, Wealth Management and Co-President and Co-Chief Executive Officer National Bank Financial

Isabelle Perras Vice-President and General Manager Citoyen OptimumJean Raymond Vice-Chairman and Managing Director Head of Wholesale Banking Quebec CIBC World Markets Inc.Richard J. Renaud Chairman of the Board & CEO TNG CorporationCatherine Rowe Executive Vice-President, Development Major Campaigns, CHU Sainte-Justine FoundationDavid Savard Managing Director RothschildFrançois-Xavier Seigneur President Les Services de promotion et de publicité EFFIX Inc.Michelle SetlakweFrançois-Charles Sirois President and CEO Telesystem LtdLisa and Mark L. Smith President Pandion Investments LtdRobert Tessier Chairman of the Board Caisse de dépôt et de placement du QuébecLouis Vachon President and Chief Executive Officer National Bank

CHU SAINTE-JUSTINE FOUNDATION MANAGEMENT TEAMAnièle Lecoq President and Chief Executive OfficerSophie Baillargeon Director, Major GiftsDiane Bergeron Vice-President of Development Operations and Chief Operating OfficerIngrid Button Vice-President, General Public Donations, Annual Campaigns & SponsorshipsMadeleine Colaço Director, Web and Direct MarketingSuzanne Douville, CPA, CA Director, Finances, Human Ressources and AdministrationMonica Lodygensky Director, Communications and Public RelationsDanielle Richer Director, Planned GivingCatherine Rowe Executive Vice-President, Development Major Campaigns



Page 20: UNRAVELLING THE UNKNOWN - Amazon S3€¦ · signature: thin hair, only the faintest trace of eyebrows and “baby eyelashes,” as Sophie refers to them. Her skin is thin and mottled,










Concept and Written ContentAnn France Desmeules Hatem+D (narrative content)

Monica Lodygensky Director, Communications and Public Relations CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

Marie-Pierre Gervais Advisor, Communications and Writing CHU Sainte-Justine Foundation

Shonda Secord Translator

Art Direction – Graphic DesignHatem+D

Photography – feature storiesTania Lemieux

Portraits of Foundation and CHU Sainte-Justine RepresentativesDominic Bérubé

PrintingDeshamps Impression Inc.

ISBN 978-2-923311-32-6

Legal Deposit - Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec 2014

Legal Deposit - Library and Archives Canada 2014

Printed in Quebec

Également disponible en français

Printed on 10% past consumer recycled paper. FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) and SFI® (Sustainable Forestry Initiative®)



Page 21: UNRAVELLING THE UNKNOWN - Amazon S3€¦ · signature: thin hair, only the faintest trace of eyebrows and “baby eyelashes,” as Sophie refers to them. Her skin is thin and mottled,




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