Page 1: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails

WebCastPeter Wayner


Magnolia + Grails = Maglev

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 2: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails

WebCastPeter Wayner


MaglevTable-driven data with GrailsTemplate-driven pages with Magnolia

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 3: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Is it possible to mix the ease of Grails with the


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Page 4: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Yes! With Maglev, a plugin

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 5: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Grails is a Java-based Web App FrameworkGrails is open sourceGrails is template-driven (GSP and JSP)Grails is extendable with plugins.


Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 6: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Magnolia is a Java-based Content Management SystemMagnolia is open sourceMagnolia is template-driven (Freemarker and JSP)Magnolia is extendable with plugins.

Magnolia is Similar

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 7: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Developed by Kimmo Björnsson and Åke Argéus, Lead Developers, Bonheur ABThey saw that the two tools that complemented each other well.They turned Magnolia into a plugin that lives in Grails.


Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 8: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Maglev bundles together all of Magnolia into a Grails plugin.It’s plugged into Grails, but Magnolia ends up driving the front.Grails handles the table-driven objects.Magnolia handles the templates

Let’s mix them together

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 9: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Rapid prototyping. Grails builds databases quickly.Data/Content integration. Magnolia knits together content well.Separation of code from presentation. (Grails handles backend, Magnolia the front.)


Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 10: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Affiliate marketing for a web site needs a table of URLs. If someone clicks on the URL, the web site gets some revenue.Lets store them in a table.Display them in a Magnolia template.


Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 11: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


class AffiliateItem {

String name // The item being advertised.

Date dateCreated // When started.

String url // Where the item can be purchased.

String shortDescription // A short description.

String longDescription // A long description.

Date startDate // When available.

Date stopDate // The last day it is available.


Grails just needs an object definition

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 12: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


class AffiliateItem {

static constraints = {

name blank:false, unique:true

url url:true,blank:false, unique:true

shortDescription maxSize:26

longDescription widget:textarea


/// ….

Grails lets you add constraints

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Page 13: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


class AffiliateItemController{

static scaffold = true


Just add a controller

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Page 14: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Grails builds CRUD (create, update, delete) routines for object tables. You start up Grails and it analyzes your object definition.Then it creates all of the code necessary to let you build up tables filled with the objects.

One button and Grails Finishes

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Page 15: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


package testgrails1

import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException

class AffiliateItemController {

static allowedMethods = [save: "POST", update: "POST", delete: "POST"]

def index() {

redirect(action: "list", params: params)


def list() {

params.max = Math.min(params.max ?'max') : 10, 100)

[affiliateItemInstanceList: AffiliateItem.list(params), affiliateItemInstanceTotal: AffiliateItem.count()]


def create() {

[affiliateItemInstance: new AffiliateItem(params)]


def save() {

def affiliateItemInstance = new AffiliateItem(params)

if (! true)) {

render(view: "create", model: [affiliateItemInstance: affiliateItemInstance])



flash.message = message(code: 'default.created.message', args: [message(code: 'affiliateItem.label', default: 'AffiliateItem'),])

redirect(action: "show", id:


def show() {

def affiliateItemInstance = AffiliateItem.get(

if (!affiliateItemInstance) {

flash.message = message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'affiliateItem.label', default: 'AffiliateItem'),])

redirect(action: "list")



[affiliateItemInstance: affiliateItemInstance]


def edit() {

def affiliateItemInstance = AffiliateItem.get(

if (!affiliateItemInstance) {

flash.message = message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'affiliateItem.label', default: 'AffiliateItem'),])

redirect(action: "list")



[affiliateItemInstance: affiliateItemInstance]


def update() {

def affiliateItemInstance = AffiliateItem.get(

if (!affiliateItemInstance) {

flash.message = message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'affiliateItem.label', default: 'AffiliateItem'),])

redirect(action: "list")



if (params.version) {

def version = params.version.toLong()

if (affiliateItemInstance.version > version) {

affiliateItemInstance.errors.rejectValue("version", "default.optimistic.locking.failure",

[message(code: 'affiliateItem.label', default: 'AffiliateItem')] as Object[],

"Another user has updated this AffiliateItem while you were editing")

render(view: "edit", model: [affiliateItemInstance: affiliateItemInstance])



} = params

if (! true)) {

render(view: "edit", model: [affiliateItemInstance: affiliateItemInstance])



flash.message = message(code: 'default.updated.message', args: [message(code: 'affiliateItem.label', default: 'AffiliateItem'),])

redirect(action: "show", id:


def delete() {

def affiliateItemInstance = AffiliateItem.get(

if (!affiliateItemInstance) {

flash.message = message(code: 'default.not.found.message', args: [message(code: 'affiliateItem.label', default: 'AffiliateItem'),])

redirect(action: "list")



try {

affiliateItemInstance.delete(flush: true)

flash.message = message(code: 'default.deleted.message', args: [message(code: 'affiliateItem.label', default: 'AffiliateItem'),])

redirect(action: "list")


catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) {

flash.message = message(code: 'default.not.deleted.message', args: [message(code: 'affiliateItem.label', default: 'AffiliateItem'),])

redirect(action: "show", id:




Just some of the code built by Grails for free

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

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What the user sees

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Page 17: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Magnolia just needs a controller that can search the tables for what it wants.A template can format what is found.

What Magnolia Does

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Page 18: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


import info.magnolia.module.blossom.annotation.Template

@Template(id = "grailsModule:pages/demoTemplate", title = "Demo


class MainTemplateController {

def index() {

[count:AffiliateItem.count(), items:AffiliateItem.list()]




Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 19: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


There are some static methods for looking through the tables of AffiliateItems.

import info.magnolia.module.blossom.annotation.Template

@Template(id = "grailsModule:pages/demoTemplate", title = "Demo


class MainTemplateController {

def index() {

[count:AffiliateItem.count(), items:AffiliateItem.list()]




Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 20: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


The index method calls the static search methods and bundles the results into a data structure for the template. You can add extra search logic and filtering here.

import info.magnolia.module.blossom.annotation.Template

@Template(id = "grailsModule:pages/demoTemplate", title = "Demo


class MainTemplateController {

def index() {

[count:AffiliateItem.count(), items:AffiliateItem.list()]




Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 21: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


The Template annotation connects the controller with the templates.

import info.magnolia.module.blossom.annotation.Template

@Template(id = "grailsModule:pages/demoTemplate", title = "Demo


class MainTemplateController {

def index() {

[count:AffiliateItem.count(), items:AffiliateItem.list()]




Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 22: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


<div class="body">

There are <i> <%= count %></i> AffiliateItems


<g:each in="${items}" var="x">

<li><a href=”${x.url}”>${}</a> --

<i>${x.longDescription}</i></li> </g:each>




Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 23: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


The count is just a number collected from the AffiliateItem.count() static routine in the Controller.

<div class="body">

There are <i> <%= count %></i> AffiliateItems


<g:each in="${items}" var="x">

<li><a href=”${x.url}”>${}</a> --

<i>${x.longDescription}</i></li> </g:each>




Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 24: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Grails loops through the list of objects created by the AffiliateItem.list() method in the Controller.

<div class="body">

There are <i> <%= count %></i> AffiliateItems


<g:each in="${items}" var="x">

<li><a href=”${x.url}”>${}</a> --

<i>${x.longDescription}</i></li> </g:each>




Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 25: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Index.gsp becomes a template for MagnoliaMagnolia glues it together into the web site like all of the other templates and blocksThe Grails blocks sit next to the others.

Magnolia Takes Over

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 26: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


More complicated templates.More logic in the Controllers.Magnolia glues them all together in a nice layout.

What Next?

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Page 27: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails



Maglev quickstart


Maglev downloads

Maglev JIRA site. http://




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28 Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

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29 Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Section title with abstract

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30 Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Section titlewith image

Page 31: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Lay the foundation for future successImprove usabilitySimplify customizationLower the entry barrierDon’t change what worksProvide a migration path

List of points without subtopics

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 32: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails



• Exposed by View (HasEditors)

• Populate View with data

• Retrieve values entered by user


• Injects values into editors

• Updates underlying model (node, bean)

• Validates data

Used in various editable views

• DialogView, TreeView, ParagraphEditView…

Title and bullets

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Page 33: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Enterprise Edition

• Best choice for mission critical websites

• Supported by the vendor

• Advanced enterprise features

• Visible source via Magnolia Network Agreement

• Cost effective

• Double the Speed

Community Edition

• Basic content management functionality

• Supported by the community

• Free for unlimited use

• Open source

• Cost effective

• Double the Speed

Title and bullets – 2 columns

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Page 34: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


POJOs (Definitions)

• Dialogs, trees, actions

• Vaadin independentContributed in various ways

• Configuration

• Annotations

• ProgrammaticallyUI Builder builds the Vaadin components

Title, bullets & picture

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Page 35: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails


Title and picture horizontal

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

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36 Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.

Series 1, 2, 3, 4Each step one slide

1 2 3 4

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Where does great content come from?

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It takes about ten seconds to explain how to create


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Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.



Configuration UIWizards

Developer mode

AdminCentralPage editing

ClipboardSaved lists




Page 40: Unlock Enterprise Databases to Create New Online Services with Magnolia and Grails

DD.MM.YYYY at Venue/[email protected]

First Last, RoleMagnolia International Ltd.


Final slide

Version 1.1 Magnolia is a registered trademark owned by Magnolia International Ltd.
